Will Official G2 Lollipop update have 4k camera? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just wondering if anyone know if the LG G2 official lollipop update have 4k video camera?
I don't see why not (other than interfering with LG G3 and higher-end phone sales). All the G2 4k mods that are well over a year old now have performed solidly, and evidently more reliable than other phones that officially had 4k functionality.
The updates apparently have been rolling out in other countries...........anyknow know?

poog said:
Just wondering if anyone know if the LG G2 official lollipop update have 4k video camera?
I don't see why not (other than interfering with LG G3 and higher-end phone sales). All the G2 4k mods that are well over a year old now have performed solidly, and evidently more reliable than other phones that officially had 4k functionality.
The updates apparently have been rolling out in other countries...........anyknow know?
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Nah it won't. In that aspect, LG is not better than any other major supplier.
Heck, they even removed wireless storage in the official Korean ROM without adding new features.

As i know, korean g2 users who update to lollipop doesn't have 4k option. But probably it will be a mod like Xcam for 5.0

korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong

mckenji said:
korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong
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The G2 is very capable of 4k (UHD) There have been great mods out for more than a year. via Xdabbeb, Cloudy roms are wonderful. etc. Example the Cloudy G3 roms for G2 all have solid working 4k camera apps built-in.

mckenji said:
korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong
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g3 has the same chip as g2. only additionally has lazer focus. so anything can g3 do, g2 should do too camera wise.

I don`t understand why all G2 users crying about 4K video. All you have 4K TVs at home....? In my opinion it is completely inusable! Even on big TV human eye is incapapble to make difference between 4K and FullHD from distance more than 1-2 metres... FPS are those who make the difference in video quality and I`m very happy that we have FullHD on 60fps...

4k resolution looks better on a fullhd screen than a fullhd video. Think it's called scaling or something I think, could be wrong though
Try watching this video for example:

zefircho said:
I don`t understand why all G2 users crying about 4K video. All you have 4K TVs at home....? In my opinion it is completely inusable! Even on big TV human eye is incapapble to make difference between 4K and FullHD from distance more than 1-2 metres... FPS are those who make the difference in video quality and I`m very happy that we have FullHD on 60fps...
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We are quite capable of discerning the difference, even without displaying it on a native 4k monitor, that being said, this is XDA my friend If we can, we will!
To the OP: I wouldn't count on LG to support it officially, but I have my hopes up that XDABBEB can/will cook it up.
I dont know much about the technical details or ramifications of how lollipop handles camera drivers and stuff, but I figure the probability of being able to do it are pretty high since the hardware does it.

mckenji said:
korean g2 did not get 4K camera. So we can easily say that we wont have 4K. The thing is 4K is about hardware.And i guess our camera sensors are not capable of 4K. I don`t know i might be wrong
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Actually there is people who claims with video samples as a proof that the LG G2 4k is better than most of the phones that provides this feature

TheSonic said:
Actually there is people who claims with video samples as a proof that the LG G2 4k is better than most of the phones that provides this feature
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Of course it is better when it is fully modded. xdabbeb did lots of work on the g2 camera. you can thank him for awesome camera.



[Q] snapdragon's 120fps - doesn't look 720P to me :(

hello there
i was wondering on this issue.
the snapdragon 800 supposedly can do real 720P slo-mo at 120fps. right?
well, i checked many YT videos of the NOTE 3 alongside the A7's similar slo-mo (apple's 5S),
and it DOES NOT LOOK 720P at all. it looks pixelated, or better say, UPSCALED 480p.
while the A7 produce a video that's really usable, and really looks like genuine 720P.
why is that? from the specs i read on the SD800 it clearly says it HAS that capability.
this is a feature i just gotta have in my next phone and i want an Android phone with proper screen size.
any thoughts on the matter?
Hmm I think you got it completely wrong..
orbitech said:
Hmm I think you got it completely wrong..
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yea i saw it, thanks.
whether of not this is true, i could see with my own eyes from the many YT 720P videos that it's vastly superior to any other rivals with this option.
mainly the Note 3.
so they say the 5S is not genuine 720p? so it means the Note 3 is even less than 480p? i need FACTS.
and my eyes tell me the 5S looks like 720P. and the NOTE 3 looks like an upscaled 480p
please look in YT and tell me i'm wrong?
the 5S videos are usable to me. the NOTE 3 aren't.
so, why is that?
I don't have any reason to not believe you but.
To me it looks like genuine 720p. GSM arena a respectable site says it's genuine, while the 5s is not, so..
It seems to me maybe you have individual issues with it. Did you try flashing the APK camera again or another rom maybe this will solve your issue?
Worst case scenario is that you have a faulty camera and you need to give it for a repair?
orbitech said:
I don't have any reason to not believe you but.
To me it looks like genuine 720p. GSM arena a respectable site says it's genuine, while the 5s is not, so..
It seems to me maybe you have individual issues with it. Did you try flashing the APK camera again or another rom maybe this will solve your issue?
Worst case scenario is that you have a faulty camera and you need to give it for a repair?
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you misunderstood me.
i don't own a Note 3. i am looking for an Android device that can do a decent 720p slo-mo,
and from all the latest snapdragon's out there, the Note is the only one that claims to do a real 720p slo-mo.
i looked at many comparisons videos on youtube, downloaded them and studied them.
conclusion: the 5S is doing at least a x2 better job, whether it's fake or not.
if you could upload a sample of a 120fps slo-mo from your Note 3 and let me study it, i might be proven wrong.
but from MANY samples on YT, my eyes tell me a different story. please check for yourself and tell me.
(i'm not allowed to paste links yet, sorry)
btw - the gsm arena themselves say that they took a 720p video (NOT slo-mo) from the Note 3 and compared it to the 5S slo-mo, so obviously they didn't compare it right imo.
Ok I will be Cpt Obvious but... Do not trust YT. Or the internet samples from the vast majority of YT channels. I only read respectable sites and not the biased stories of every guy that posts or reposts the same videos with unproven or unscientific or biased methods.
Beyond all that, logic says a smartphone that can shoot 4K video @30fps and [email protected] certainly can do 720p @120fps. Especially with a processor like the S800.
If I have some time to upload a video I will do it for you, but I can't make any promises.
rozroz said:
btw - the gsm arena themselves say that they took a 720p video (NOT slo-mo) from the Note 3 and compared it to the 5S slo-mo, so obviously they didn't compare it right imo.
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Read the article again carefully. They did that since iPhone 5s does not support regular 720p video . Also the method is more than legit if you follow their logic. I am sorry to say that again but I would take the GSM Arena's findings any day over a YT's channel.
orbitech said:
Ok I will be Cpt Obvious but... Do not trust YT. Or the internet samples from the vast majority of YT channels. I only read respectable sites and not the biased stories of every guy that posts or reposts the same videos with unproven or unscientific or biased methods.
Beyond all that, logic says a smartphone that can shoot 4K video @30fps and [email protected] certainly can do 720p @120fps. Especially with a processor like the S800.
If I have some time to upload a video I will do it for you, but I can't make any promises.
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i completely agree with you on that.
that's why i asked you for a genuine sample
really hope you could make the effort (or anyone else here for that matter )
rozroz said:
i completely agree with you on that.
that's why i asked you for a genuine sample
really hope you could make the effort (or anyone else here for that matter )
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I will try I promise.Currently at work and way too much rain here today. It would be better to capture with better conditions for better results.
orbitech said:
I will try I promise.Currently at work and way too much rain here today. It would be better to capture with better conditions for better results.
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many thanks!
This is going to sound like a stupid question, but how do you set the frame rate? I can set the resolution to 720p but I see no options for framerate.
neoKushan said:
This is going to sound like a stupid question, but how do you set the frame rate? I can set the resolution to 720p but I see no options for framerate.
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from what i remember you can only record a "slow motion" option.. no? ( i don't won a Note 3, sorry).
I'm not seeing anything like that anywhere though.
EDIT: Never mind, found it!
neoKushan said:
This is going to sound like a stupid question, but how do you set the frame rate? I can set the resolution to 720p but I see no options for framerate.
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Once you choose the video resolution you open the "gear" menu and select the recording mode from a videocam icon that is there. There is no 30/60/120, just normal,fast,slow/smooth/limit for MMS options,depending on the video resolution you choose.
Thanks, I managed to find the options. There are actually some other options as well, you can set 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 (default).
I've made two quick recordings of me picking up a pen and dropping it, one in slow-mo (1/8) and one at regular 720p. There's a definite difference in quality, I think.
Rather than upping them to youtube, here are the files straight from the device for a better comparison:
Regular: http://www.multiupload.nl/PFSU1W0H5R
Slow-mo: http://www.multiupload.nl/ZZF0SB3IFG
orbitech said:
I don't have any reason to not believe you but.
To me it looks like genuine 720p. GSM arena a respectable site says it's genuine, while the 5s is not, so..
It seems to me maybe you have individual issues with it. Did you try flashing the APK camera again or another rom maybe this will solve your issue?
Worst case scenario is that you have a faulty camera and you need to give it for a repair?
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He's not kidding. I think many people can't tell. It does indeed look pixelated and i'm here in Singapore. I showed my friend and she can't tell, i wish everyone in the world can't tell so we can all just live a big lie but it's pretty obvious there if u compare it with another 720p at 30fps
I'm just surprise that there isn't too many mentioned about it. :laugh: Sad to say, cos of this issue, i haven't been doing any 120fps video cos of the bad quality, a feature i was really excited over nothing. I wish Samsung would fix it though, if they even think it's a problem to begin with.
dehaani said:
The slow-mo record is quite disappointing. :S
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I know! I haven't once use it to take a video that i can upload but i'm thankful for the 60fps FHD. That one works really well
There are three modes for slow-mo.
If you select slow-mo 1/2 videos are recorded at true 720p - 120fps (quality is same as with regular 720p)
If you select 1/4 or 1/8 slo-mo (slower movements) videos are recorded at 240/480 fps and resolution is definitely lower (probably 480p upscaled) and you could clearly see difference in quality as well as pixelation.
Try recording at 1/2!
admir83x said:
There are three modes for slow-mo.
If you select slow-mo 1/2 videos are recorded at true 720p - 120fps (quality is same as with regular 720p)
If you select 1/4 or 1/8 slo-mo (slower movements) videos are recorded at 240/480 fps and resolution is definitely lower (probably 480p upscaled) and you could clearly see difference in quality as well as pixelation.
Try recording at 1/2!
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Tried. Quality looks better but i'm pretty sure that's not 120fps? Cos it's almost the same speed as a normal 30fps. Regardless, i think it's really poor. I hate to say this but iPhone 5S one looks way better even though it's not true 720p. And it can actually vary the speed, which is really nice.
Weird thing is the FHD 60fps look so much better that perhaps they should go for 120fps at FHD
I have the same problem.I would like to record 720p at 1/8.Isn't there any third party app that can help us or does it have something to do with hardware limitations?
neoKushan said:
Thanks, I managed to find the options. There are actually some other options as well, you can set 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 (default).
I've made two quick recordings of me picking up a pen and dropping it, one in slow-mo (1/8) and one at regular 720p. There's a definite difference in quality, I think.
Rather than upping them to youtube, here are the files straight from the device for a better comparison:
Regular: http://www.multiupload.nl/PFSU1W0H5R
Slow-mo: http://www.multiupload.nl/ZZF0SB3IFG
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many thanks!
watched the slo-mo.
yea, definitely not 720p for 120fps.
5S wins heavily.

[Q] 2160p or 1440p video recording?

Hello, I'm new on this subforum because I'm a Motorola Defy (this one was locked with 640x480 recording, our developer Quarx unlocked it to 840x640 and even 720p) owner, but I'm planning to buy a LG G2 (D-802 probably) next year
I was wondering if this phone, that can record 1080p at 60 FPS (just like Note 3) couldn't record 2160p? or even 1440p? If yes, that would be another reason to buy LG G2
I think LG actually said themselves that they were working on it. Don't know where I read that though.
Sent from my LG G2
Aleebaan said:
I think LG actually said themselves that they were working on it. Don't know where I read that though.
Sent from my LG G2
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"[...] We asked LG about 4K recording (which the Snapdragon 800 CPU supports) and were told that it could be possible with a future firmware upgrade like Android 4.4 KitKat. With so few 4K sets in living rooms though, not to mention the storage space issues such large files will cause, LG doesn't feel that lack of 4K recording at launch is a pressing issue. [...]"
Source: http://www.stuff.tv/android/lg-g2/review
Hope they do that, too bad there isn't any release date confirmed yet
I would be a bigger fan of 1440p than 4K, honestly. I want to have my videos on my phone, and i only have 16 GB of space. And yeah, It's good to know they know this is something we want.
Sent from my LG G2


Looks like the G4's OIS is too aggressive and the videos taken look shaky.
Is this something future G4 owners will have to live with or can this be fixed by a software update, or perhaps a third party camera app?
@4:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4MtfKfBW9E
Sharpshooterrr said:
Looks like the G4's OIS is too aggressive and the videos taken look shaky.
Is this something future G4 owners will have to live with or can this be fixed by a software update, or perhaps a third party camera app?
@4:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4MtfKfBW9E
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I think LG depends too much on the OIS. OIS should work with DIS, not be an either-or situation.
The OIS in the G4 has more travel than the S6, which means it wants to stabilize the picture when the camera is moving during video and then snaps back more when it hits the end of the travel. The net result is, paradoxically, shakier video when the camera is moving around. This issue with video and OIS was pointed out in the Anandtech review of the S6, and was considered the probable reason that the iPhone 6+ disables OIS for video and uses only EIS.
I haven't tried it, but I've read that using EIS in conjunction with OIS on the S6 causes the video the pitch all over the place. Since OIS can't be disabled, it was recommended to disable EIS.
Technically, the OIS in the G4 is OIS 2.0 as they added another axis.
Yeah, that does not look good.
Yes, a software update can chill out the censors activities. The hardware is not just independently acting on it's own.
Umm....Those videos were taken at 1080p....not UHD setting. Not sure how that affects OIS.
All I can say is that my G3 takes very steady video on UHD...nothing as shaky or warping like as that video showed for the G4. I can't imagine LG screwing up so badly with the G4. I really want the G4 because of its better contrast screen(once thing I always found annoying is that the G3 always looked a bit grey/washed out compared to OLED screens). I will be looking to get the G4 full price, not on contract....so really hope this OIS thing gets sorted out.
Quite frankly, the OIS issue isn't really a big deal unless you really like taking video while walking around. For typical video shooting, OIS helps way more than it hurts.
Keep in mind these are early G4's with a non final firmware.
On the other hand if you send reviewers a G4 better have the OIS fixed.
Let's hope it will be not that bad.
The conclusions are too early.
The person who posted an another video of speed test said that this is not a review unit, It is a consumer unit which all consumers will use in comments when someone asked
Ha love the idea of quoting one early review and then stating it is fact and gospel. Ridiculous.
I am buying it. No matter what is OIS doing. It's better with it then without. I can't understand why we even talking about something that is hitting the shelves at the end of the month [ here in Europe ].
I use my G3 for video very heavily. (got over 2tb of videos from it and its only been almost a year since I got it.) None of my vids are that janky as in those review videos.
Just have to wait until the G4 is out for a while...see what happens.
speedingcheetah said:
I use my G3 for video very heavily. (got over 2tb of videos from it and its only been almost a year since I got it.) None of my vids are that janky as in those review videos.
Just have to wait until the G4 is out for a while...see what happens.
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Yes I've had the g4 since last Tuesday - got it from a work mate in South Korea - and my videos look fine.
Silly LG ! why don't LG just use common sense? if they give unstable, unreliable and unfinished phone or software version phone to people for try they will publish and talk about all it deficiency, problem and other bad things, most of people publish video, opinion and review based on this initial hardware and software, so instead of promotion LG is actually damage his image and product and ruin the successful flagship launch by doing it, also LG need to understand that when they give phone to thousands of people to try give them a best looking phone instead of just giving plastic version to every tester or reviewer, do you thing any tester or reviewer can impress their friends or family by showed this unimpressive plastic version???
One thing I will say, I just did a video testing myself with my G4. The video was a little shaky then what I thought was recorded but what did annoy me was in auto mode the focusing was just horrible.
This camera software is definitely not finished
Sent from my SM-G920T using XDA Free mobile app
Hanson68 said:
The OIS in the G4 has more travel than the S6, which means it wants to stabilize the picture when the camera is moving during video and then snaps back more when it hits the end of the travel. The net result is, paradoxically, shakier video when the camera is moving around. This issue with video and OIS was pointed out in the Anandtech review of the S6, and was considered the probable reason that the iPhone 6+ disables OIS for video and uses only EIS.
I haven't tried it, but I've read that using EIS in conjunction with OIS on the S6 causes the video the pitch all over the place. Since OIS can't be disabled, it was recommended to disable EIS.
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Usually OIS can be disabled through build.prop
upload this file found here system/lib/hw/camera.msm8xxx.so
i will find what needs to be added to build.prop to disable ois
Maybe we should disable OIS and try to figure out a way to have DIS.
And on this review they say it has better stabilisation?
Lbs has a faulty device?
defcomg said:
Usually OIS can be disabled through build.prop
upload this file found here system/lib/hw/camera.msm8xxx.so
i will find what needs to be added to build.prop to disable ois
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Would there be any way to disable OIS on a G3? Sorry to go a bit off topic with my question but this thread is the only one I could find anywhere on the web mentioning the possibility if disabling OIS on an LG phone.
I use my phone as a dash cam when driving my car on race tracks. OIS give a wavey distortion due to the various G forces encountered.
Defcomg, will a solution for the G4 work on a G3?
Upload camera.MSM8974.so from g3 I will find the build.prop property needed to disable ois
Sent from my NX503A using XDA Free mobile app
Here are the OIS Control params they can be added to an opensource camera app such as a better camera/opencamera/freedcam
this is from a g2 pro lib but it was the same in g3 lib not sure if it applies to g4
Thanks defcomg for a quick reply. I don't see any access to system/lib/hw/camera. I'm going to bet my phone needs to be rooted. I can give that a go but it may take a while for me to learn how. Sorry I'm a low level user. And Verizon is pounding me to update to Lollipop which I have been hesitant to do. (I read lots of complaints about battery degradation and wi-fi issues.) I should probably go ahead and do that in case doing it later unroots the phone.

Why the Moto G4 Plus can't record at 1080p60?

Maybe some of you have seen the same question here in xda or in other forums, but I've researched deeper about the image sensor and it also supports 1080p60 video recording and even more! Actual recording is not even 30 fps, is 25 fps!
As you can see in the image
Why another thread?
PS: The recording is at 30FPS in a normal country like US.
First off, there are 3 threads about this on XDA already.
Secondly, unless you want to rewrite the drivers and modify the kernel for the G4+, then don't ***** and whine about not having a feature 98% of people don't use. Besides, the G4+ sensor, while decent, lacks any sort of stabilization (OIS/EIS), and 30fps is generally sufficient regardless.
Moreover, a bit of heating while using the camera on the phone is well known, don't know what will happen if one day by chance 60fps is enabled somehow
tywinlannister7 said:
Moreover, a bit of heating while using the camera on the phone is well known, don't know what will happen if one day by chance 60fps is enabled somehow
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People then will cry why the device is getting so hot while recording 1080p60 and wants to fix this ASAP.

8K video recording option

I don't understand why the rest of SD865 phones have 8K video recording while OP8Pro doesn't have. I am sure sensor supports it but they didn't enable in camera app. Is there a way to enable it or any 3rd party app that I can use? If not then any news if its coming in Android 11?
Still 8K not good Video in smartphone
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You can try "open camera" in the Video options you can select an 8k resolution and record a file with this resolution but I don't know if it will look better than 4k
Do you have an 8k TV to watch it on?
What is the point?
I don't even use 4k, even my TV is 1080p
Pc 2560x1080 ultra wide.
Sure there's a difference but you'll never be able to see it.
The camera does 4K because it's a 4K camera, that's that.
There is no way you can make a 4K shoot in 8K.
You could upscale a 4K video but that's it
lowrider_05 said:
You can try "open camera" in the Video options you can select an 8k resolution and record a file with this resolution but I don't know if it will look better than 4k
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Just fyi, 8k resolution is not showing up in Open camera because the phone simply don't support it.
I'd rather have 4K recording on selfie camera tbh.
Yep, 4K is good enough to go for me...
dladz said:
Do you have an 8k TV to watch it on?
What is the point?
I don't even use 4k, even my TV is 1080p
Pc 2560x1080 ultra wide.
Sure there's a difference but you'll never be able to see it.
The camera does 4K because it's a 4K camera, that's that.
There is no way you can make a 4K shoot in 8K.
You could upscale a 4K video but that's it
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You do realize that 8K is around 33MP? The Main sensor has 48MP. The Chipsets and the Sensor should easily be able to handle it. It's just one of those weird decisions oneplus made, like disabling the near Infrared camera. Absolutely stupid.
CuriosiTea said:
You do realize that 8K is around 33MP? The Main sensor has 48MP. The Chipsets and the Sensor should easily be able to handle it. It's just one of those weird decisions oneplus made, like disabling the near Infrared camera. Absolutely stupid.
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Not sure it's as simple as that buddy. A case of flicking a switch, yes one of them cameras is 48MP.
Plus like I said unless you've got a ridiculous TV there is no point in 8K. The screen on the 8 pro isn't even 8K.
So not stupid at all.
The photochrom camera I can use just fine, sure it's via the engineer menu or an app but it's working.
Bottom line with the camera set is that they are what they are. A thread here won't change that.
dladz said:
Not sure it's as simple as that buddy. A case of flicking a switch, yes one of them cameras is 48MP.
Plus like I said unless you've got a ridiculous TV there is no point in 8K. The screen on the 8 pro isn't even 8K.
So not stupid at all.
The photochrom camera I can use just fine, sure it's via the engineer menu or an app but it's working.
Bottom line with the camera set is that they are what they are. A thread here won't change that.
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Yeah, i use the photochrome camera the same way. It works but it's not very elegant.
The ISP and the SOC are both capable of recording at 8K. Im not talking about wether it's a good idea to record at 8K, but why oneplus won't let us.
Yea, a thread on XDA probably won't change anything but it provides a platform to discuss that topic. That's what a forum is for.
Also, technically 2 cameras are 48MP, the normal and the ultrawide. The main camera uses the Sony IMX 689 and the ultrawide uses the IMX 586. The ISP is a Spectra 480 which is capable of recording at 8K 30FPS.
So yeah, the phone can do it but OnePlus decided not to implement it.
CuriosiTea said:
Yeah, i use the photochrome camera the same way. It works but it's not very elegant.
The ISP and the SOC are both capable of recording at 8K. Im not talking about wether it's a good idea to record at 8K, but why oneplus won't let us.
Yea, a thread on XDA probably won't change anything but it provides a platform to discuss that topic. That's what a forum is for.
Also, technically 2 cameras are 48MP, the normal and the ultrawide. The main camera uses the Sony IMX 689 and the ultrawide uses the IMX 586. The ISP is a Spectra 480 which is capable of recording at 8K 30FPS.
So yeah, the phone can do it but OnePlus decided not to implement it.
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2x 48mp? Really?
I dunno about 8k I don't even record in 4k pal lol.
I've no use for it really do 8k is overkill. Can't wait for the day it's mainstream but I think we're a way off yet.
There must have been reasoning for them not implementing it.
