Please help me, when I flashed a wrong CWMTouch in my phone and not actually compatible to my phone. My phone got stucked in different colors, when my led turns red, my screen goes red, when it turns blue, its the same as blue. and when I flashed a new firmware using KDZ Updater, all I get is a ERROR, a Warramp error. I even reinstalled the drivers and followed all the instruction in using the KDZ Updater, it still doesn't work. Please help me.
Hello friends.
I'm russian. I try to write correct and clear.
I have a really hard problem with my LG LS980 - it is bricked.
I read many instructions and threads about restoring but nothing helped me.
When I flash my phone by Lg Flash Tool it stops with error: Device midel is different.
As you can see on the first attached picture the phone's model is the same as dll's model.
When I flashing it with another dll(LGUP_8974.dll) it writes CrossDL error(the second picture I attached).
Is there any possibility to ignore model verification in LG Flash Tool?
Now my LS980 has 3 modes: Stock Recovery, Download Mode, Black screen after LGs logo when booting.
In every mode there are the same devices and drivers(the same as on the Download mode) in device manager.
When flashing by KDZ for another model(D802) it get error on 49%.
I have Riff Box but there no possibility to ressurect at this moment it doesn't supports.
Help me please!
Hi everyone, my first time on xda so please be patient.
Ive just bought a 32GB D802 from Gumtree Southampton, UK, turns out the seller bought it from Ebay and it was shipped from Hong Kong.
Was working fine but I wanted to update from 4.2.2 to 4.4.2 so I could use Chromecast screen cast with it. Was working fine with my T-mobile sim but no fota update was detected so I decided to use the LG website to update. I installed the lg driver and lg support tool. The phone was detected and update about 1.6GB was downloaded but crashed during installation. Retrying the installation got the same results.
Now the phone just boots to the LG screen and sits there with the notification light changing through different colours. I have tried some videos for pressing buttons to get it into a reset mode or download mode I just cant get anywhere.
The only things I can achieve is either a black screen with the notification light flashing red, or if I holdup on volume the blue download manager (?) flashes up and then quickly turns to a screen of text, reads like eg:
stall get_descriptor 128 6 1006 0 18
fastboot: processing commands
ep1/out fail nfo=40 pg0=f908700
I have the original box with imei, serial number etc.
I could really use a simple step by step solution but all the ones i see involve using download manager but i dont seem to able to get that going.
i did the same thing, and got the same result. i cant get anywhere
jaymax97 said:
i did the same thing, and got the same result. i cant get anywhere
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Lookup the LG flashtool. Search my posts. You'll find it
tiguy99 said:
Lookup the LG flashtool. Search my posts. You'll find it
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Hi, I cant find it in your posts, do you think it would help my situation? Thanks
@jonnyblock you can find a guide to flash back to stock and the lg flashtool in this thread's op.
ive been trying to flash a kdz using lg flash tool this afternoon but am now stuck in download mode. Every time i try to flash the kdz it gets to a random percentage complete on my phone, a message comes up on the phone saying ASSERT in beg red letters, and then the phone reboots into download mode.
this happens every time.
anyone able to help?
welly_59 said:
ive been trying to flash a kdz using lg flash tool this afternoon but am now stuck in download mode. Every time i try to flash the kdz it gets to a random percentage complete on my phone, a message comes up on the phone saying ASSERT in beg red letters, and then the phone reboots into download mode.
this happens every time.
anyone able to help?
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I had the same problem while trying to update to lollipop official unrooted using LG PC Suite. Then tried LGMobile Support Tool several times to flash the rom and everytime it was stopping in a random percentage also. After several times it managed to go to 100% but installed the kitkat version instead as i gave up with the lollipop rom, but i am gonna give it a try today (maybe a lot if tries!). Would be nice if someone can tell as what is happening and using pc suite and official rom on unrooted phone gives as this error.
Hey Guys,
Hoping someone can help me out here. I've got a friend's LG G2 and I'm trying to help him get it working. When I first got the device, it just booted to a black screen and when plugged into Ubuntu, it would show 15 or so drives that were unable to mount. I followed a guide to fix through Ubuntu and eventually got it to boot to where it would show a black screen with small white text indicating it was in fastboot mode. In fastboot mode, I followed this guide: and eventually got it to boot showing the LG Screen. I am able to get it into Download Mode and Recovery mode (but performing the hard reset doesn't work, as when the Android Man screen loads up with the progress bar underneath it stays on the screen for about 15 seconds before restarting and staying at the LG logo screen. No matter which Tot file for the D800 I flash through LG Flash Tool, it fails after about 3 seconds stating Cross DL (850) to (800). He had tried to use an G3 Rom on the device, which is what bricked it in the first place. I've noticed that the device is showing a blank IMEI in the flash tool as well. I've also tried using the DLL posted in @hyelton 's guide (LGUP_8974.dll) and it still gives me that same error.
Hoping someone here might have an idea of what I can try next to get this thing working again.
All right guys. After much painstaking searching, I've finally found a solution, thanks to THIS REDDIT THREAD. I used a hex editor to modify the first line mentioning "D800" in the TOT file that is provided along with the link to the YouTube video in my OP, changing it to "D850." I used Hex Editor Neo to do this. This should work with any LG G2 that has had incorrect firmware flashed on it when you are getting an error of CrossDL from the LG Flash Tool.
Hello everyone.
I have a D802 LG G2 16GB version.
I had on my D802 a BlissPop rom version 5.1 and it was frequently rebooting and sometimes when charging screen wont turn on and after rebooting it will say optimising apps.
I downloaded the latest Cyanogenmod rom for it and installed it from recovery.
The installation went quick and no errors, I then rebooted it.
It showed the LG logo for a second then only the back lighting was on.
I tried connecting it to the pc and it showed 12 drives all empty and with errors except one that had a folder called image.
It wasn't useful, so I tried the emergency mode and it worked - the PC detected LG and installed drivers althrough the memory is not detected.
At the device manager it detects LGE AndroindNet USB Serial Port and on the screen of the phone it says Firmware Update 0% and in small B60 ROOTED.
I will really appreciate any help regarding this, ofcourse I would like to find a way to fix it and get it back running if its possible?
Thank you!
I guess a possible solution is flashing a KDZ, but I'm not sure what KDZ I need for this. I have another identical G2 phone,how can I check using it what KDZ I need for it?(Which variant etc)
Update: Because of the problems with booting I automaticlly assumed that recovery mode is not an option but.. it works and I sucseesfully entered it. (!!)
I downloaded this rom (different from the one I installed before)
Then I wiped factory reset, dalvik cache and installed it, again installation went smooth.
After I hit reboot same problem, LG logo shows up for a second (quicker than usual, normal working LG) and then black screen with backlighting on.
I guess a possible solution is flashing a KDZ, but I'm not sure what KDZ I need for this. I have another identical G2 phone,how can I check using it what KDZ I need for it?(Which variant etc)
ofir060 said:
Update: Because of the problems with booting I automaticlly assumed that recovery mode is not an option but.. it works and I sucseesfully entered it. (!!)
I downloaded this rom (different from the one I installed before)
Then I wiped factory reset, dalvik cache and installed it, again installation went smooth.
After I hit reboot same problem, LG logo shows up for a second (quicker than usual, normal working LG) and then black screen with backlighting on.
I guess a possible solution is flashing a KDZ, but I'm not sure what KDZ I need for this. I have another identical G2 phone,how can I check using it what KDZ I need for it?(Which variant etc)
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have you tried hybrid bootstacks? install reboot recovery to recovery... flash rom and gapps ..?
if not use TOT methos.. or kdz. am not sure wich one ...
Problem fixed, the solution for me (It might be different for you if you're facing similar problem) was to download kdz and lg flash tool and reflash it to the original stock.