[Q] Why Androidarmv6 don't support our device? - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

Broadcom libs are given why androidarmv6 don't support our device ?
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They do
From the blog
One of them is that, as an admin of androidarmv6, they leave me the honor to port BCM21553 drivers and devices configurations to androidarmv6 organisation! (Branch ics-plus).
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In other words, androidarmv6 is CyanogenMod for armv6 devices. And getting support from them (us) will improve alot (not ICS, but maybe Jelly Bean or KK). The porting to androidarmv6 repos will start after my exams are over...
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marcussmith2626 said:
They do
From the blog
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marcussmith2626 said:
They do
From the blog
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But no roms from androidarmv6
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Deopolos14 said:
But no roms from androidarmv6
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whats the point in have two seperate roms when you can just merge github sources and create one rom built from source that works which is what bieltv will be doing

marcussmith2626 said:
whats the point in have two seperate roms when you can just merge github sources and create one rom built from source that works which is what bieltv will be doing
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Sent From My Samsung Galaxy Y s5360



This rom is not working/booting yet.
Hey guys,
Me and CallMeVentus want to make an ICS AOSP ROM.
(We know there is JB now but let's start basic shall we?)
Though it may not be any different than CM9 it does have some differences , like the GNexus firmware .
Anyone else interested ?
scoffyburito (I don't care you'll be coding)
King ACE
GitHub link(empty for now but we'll upload soon)
dl link
Maclaw and the GalaxyICS team for there kernel
Also thanks for letting us use your device sources.
Google for AOSP
I'm a dev and I can help
dariolob said:
I'm a dev and I can help
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Alright then, can you build from source?
SMillerNL said:
Alright then, can you build from source?
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I should set up a linux partition but yes, I can
dariolob said:
I should set up a linux partition but yes, I can
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great because that would be required.
you should go ahead and get the files from our github when your done because i'm gonna commit them in a minute.
Thread reopened. Let's keep it clean.
Wow great idea. I am waiting for your smart artificial.
Sent from my GT-S5830
Waiting for link and pics.
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eryst said:
Waiting for link and pics.
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Mate rom doesnt boot yet so you wont be getting pics..as for links he has given the rom download link and the github link...
Oh then sorry.
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Good, hoping the performance will be better than cm9 since it is not gonna have all the applications and actions that cm9 has.
I can join as a tester
So now the rom can boot? :/
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Unagi said:
I can join as a tester
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we are gonna need some real advanced users to test this for us at first but yeah you could always test it.
Lorubik said:
So now the rom can boot? :/
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Nope, still can't. We are working on it.
Tester too,as long as it doesnt brick my ace lol
I just don't bloody understand why this damn thing won't boot.....
Where did I go wrong ?
Probably mksh ? Bad mksh binary ? But how do I fix that ?
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace.
CallMeVentus said:
I just don't bloody understand why this damn thing won't boot.....
Where did I go wrong ?
Probably mksh ? Bad mksh binary ? But how do I fix that ?
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace.
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You can send me logcat, we'll see what we can do ;-)
Macław said:
You can send me logcat, we'll see what we can do ;-)
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This is the logcat from a earlier version, though very little has changed. Kernel is still being a beech.
~I'll lift the liquor corner cause I'm raising the bar. ~
diegonnc said:
Tester too,as long as it doesnt brick my ace lol
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Can't make any promises
~I'll lift the liquor corner cause I'm raising the bar. ~
and you probably need to fix the references to the kernel and it's version
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No. Kernel have nothing to do with that error. It's probably because of incompatible libaudio.
BTW. Good luck with project...

help in porting

can anyone give me tutorial to port Tom from galaxy fit to galaxy y
What u wanna port?
creed v4
I want to port from galaxy fit
see this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1940066 I want to port from this
hell_lock said:
creed v4
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Hell lock u porting creeds v4...???
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poran123 said:
see this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1940066 I want to port from this
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U can't port it.. its paranoid based on jellybean.... so now u know why we can't port it; btw evanlocked successfully boot it on merruk 2.5 see in general section.
btw forget porting roms from creed,
he does'nt like people porting/modifying his work
deathnotice01 said:
btw forget porting roms from creed,
he does'nt like people porting/modifying his work
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Yaa u r right....he will not let anyone port.....
If u will say him to help u even, he will not help.....
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Why is he so rude?
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humaid.locastic said:
Why is he so rude?
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Its his problem.. btw he is a great Dev...
hmahadi98 said:
U can't port it.. its paranoid based on jellybean.... so now u know why we can't port it; btw evanlocked successfully boot it on merruk 2.5 see in general section.
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ok can i port other rom from galaxy fit or galaxy mini
poran123 said:
ok can i port other rom from galaxy fit or galaxy mini
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U can try to port some GB based rom..
hmahadi98 said:
U can try to port some GB based rom..
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what about miui based rom
Yea i knw that but the personality of a person depends upon his attitude and behaviour on others and not on his work!
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poran123 said:
what about miui based rom
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No we can't port miui based rom too. When broadcom will release their source then we will able to port them.
poran123 said:
what about miui based rom
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hmahadi98 said:
No we can't port miui based rom too. When broadcom will release their source then we will able to port them.
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FYI, MIUI Rom is available !
Check out my signature.
Gamer R said:
FYI, MIUI Rom is available !
Check out my signature.
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thanks i will try your rom....
humaid.locastic said:
Why is he so rude?
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When you are being praised for your work by thousands of kids in a forum ofc your ego will become bigger. But yeah i bet he gets atleast 10 PMs a day asking for help. It can be annoying.
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Mitko said:
When you are being praised for your work by thousands of kids in a forum ofc your ego will become bigger. But yeah i bet he gets atleast 10 PMs a day asking for help. It can be annoying.
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he's just a immature kid,
misunderstood by the world,
merruk is praised more,
his ego does'nt seem to be more sour as the days pass by

[DEV][PORT][4.1.2]sony's JB from J(relased dump)

Im start replacing libs and removing bootware
im starting to port jb 4.1.2 from xperia j
so eta is 2 months
All developers are invited
Tnx to:
FXP for base rom
Enwno for help
Jozinek for ftf file
Re: [Dev] Porting sony's
Sent from my mighty Xperia Arc S
uploaded http://d-h.st/NZr xperia J dump
What will you base it on?
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Одг: [DEV][PORT][4.1.2]sony's JB from J(relased dump)
XtremeSilencer said:
What will you base it on?
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On Fxp cm 10 rom
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n1kolaa said:
On Fxp cm 10 rom
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Ok so hdmi will not work..
And will the camera still be bad?
Sent from my LT18i using xda app-developers app
Одг: [DEV][PORT][4.1.2]sony's JB from J(relased dump)
XtremeSilencer said:
Ok so hdmi will not work..
And will the camera still be bad?
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Will se I will push every week what in done
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Can't u help this?? http://www.semcdebrandengine.com/index.html
n1kolaa said:
Will se I will push every week what in done
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that is the most meaning less line i have ever read in xda! [ NO OFFENSE ]
But What Do You Mean????
XtremeSilencer said:
that is the most meaning less line i have ever read in xda! [ NO OFFENSE ]
But What Do You Mean????
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this is wip rom , its still not bootalbe but i Will phush my work here
n1kolaa said:
this is wip rom , its still not bootalbe but i Will phush my work here
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ok now that explains it once again good luck
XtremeSilencer said:
ok now that explains it once again good luck
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i will move it to dev slecton when i make it bootable
what is the point porting Stock ROM JB, but based on CM10?
Would'nt it just become a stock themed CM10 rom?
Should'nt you Rebuild Official Sony JB kernel to Arc, then build rom? (I'm no Dev - So I'm not sure it would work.)
OsiBasi said:
Would'nt it just become a stock themed CM10 rom?
Should'nt you Rebuild Official Sony JB kernel to Arc, then build rom? (I'm no Dev - So I'm not sure it would work.)
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ps will se
n1kolaa said:
ps will se
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Sesme said:
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plz stop spaming this theard...
Remember to add all the new or sony specific frameworks to the ramdisk, so they are extracted and wont cause unnecessary missing mthods etc.
Secondly also direct the android.policy to the sonyuxpgeneric.apk. that will start the lockscreen service. That's a start.
n1kolaa said:
On Fxp cm 10 rom
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Sorry but why can't it be based on srock xperia j?i think it has updated kernel.i don't understand why xperia j is getting JB and xperi arc won't get it.Arc has much better spec. than J but still sony ignore Arc.Is it hard to port Xperia J JB ROM? Except for internal memory ARC has superior hardware so it may be easier to port?
Only want to clarify some questions.No offence to you and other developers.I know what you guys go through.Just want to know Why J got JB and Arc didn't.


How can I flash or port a build from at and t to the i9505.... I really want uxylon on my phone aha!
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CallumMarks77 said:
How can I flash or port a build from at and t to the i9505.... I really want uxylon on my phone aha!
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Take CM10.1 as base and then follow @rishabh.raj37's guide on porting roms
nolinuxnoparty said:
Take CM10.1 as base and then follow @rishabh.raj37's guide on porting roms
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I don't know how to code or read git hub aha
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CallumMarks77 said:
I don't know how to code or read git hub aha
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You really don't need github or coding skills for porting roms
Building from source is what needs linux + coding + device/vendor tree basics + github skills
If you wanna build from source then their are many guides
I'll be syncing Xylon Sources this week maybe
nolinuxnoparty said:
You really don't need github or coding skills for porting roms
Building from source is what needs linux + coding + device/vendor tree basics + github skills
If you wanna build from source then their are many guides
I'll be syncing Xylon Sources this week maybe
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Awh dude if you do that would be awesome could you do the uxylon though way way better I'll look into the porting rom things now you got a link for that guide?
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CallumMarks77 said:
Awh dude if you do that would be awesome could you do the uxylon though way way better I'll look into the porting rom things now you got a link for that guide?
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Their is one good one on porting roms by rishabh.raj37!
I am running low of bandwidth for this week, yes.. So maybe I will change my ISP and sync again
I am going to fill the i9505 Original Development with roms huh
Get this thread closed You got your answer
nolinuxnoparty said:
Their is one good one on porting roms by rishabh.raj37!
I am running low of bandwidth for this week, yes.. So maybe I will change my ISP and sync again
I am going to fill the i9505 Original Development with roms huh
Get this thread closed You got your answer
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ill close it once you seen this
a few people want this on the i9505, a few from there g+ page anyways

AOKP on Galaxy Y possible ?

Hey there, this morning, i was on Ace thread, looking for a CM Rom to port to our phone, then, i saw on the ace thread " 4.2.2 jb mr1 ..." i looked the thread then i saw a sweet rom AOKP based. I thinked " It should be great if we can port it to Galaxy Y " So i thinked about that all school time and, correct me if i'm wrong But aokp is like CyanogenMod i meant, i think we need first a Pure AOKP rom ( used as base ) then port the " 4.2.2 jb mr1 " rom from Ace. So there is my question : " Is there any way to build this " Pure AOKP " rom for our Galaxy Y ? " Simple questio, sorry if anyone think that's a newbie question. I've just a thing in mind
Thanks in Advance
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Our harware is BroadCOM
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
A N D Y said:
Our harware is BroadCOM
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
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So i suppose it's kindly hard to build an AOKP rom because of the libs used in AOKP are from Quadcomm that's it ? Or no... ? However, i think The Galaxy Ace have approximatly the same hardware as a Y. ( maybe a Qualcomm CPU ) ?
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For now you can use the one created by spacecaker on the sgai section.
Howdareme said:
For now you can use the one created by spacecaker on the sgai section.
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Can you provide a link ? Seriously i really wish to see some AOKP based roms on our SGY ( specially this " jb 4.2.2 mr1 " ) on Ace thread. This rom provide great UI changes settings from AOKP, apk's shortcuts on Lockscreen etc.. i never saw that on a Galaxy Y rom. If i can help to Bring AOKP on our phone, it will be awesome, unfortunally i don't really know too much on Android Developpement, but ! If someone can learn me something about Dev. Huge Thanks to him.
- Oxygeen. Apprentice.
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OxygeenHD said:
Can you provide a link ? Seriously i really wish to see some AOKP based roms on our SGY ( specially this " jb 4.2.2 mr1 " ) on Ace thread. This rom provide great UI changes settings from AOKP, apk's shortcuts on Lockscreen etc.. i never saw that on a Galaxy Y rom. If i can help to Bring AOKP on our phone, it will be awesome, unfortunally i don't really know too much on Android Developpement, but ! If someone can learn me something about Dev. Huge Thanks to him.
- Oxygeen. Apprentice.
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Currently impossible for android 4.2.2 aosp on galaxy ace and galaxy y.
Here is the link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2381316
Howdareme said:
Currently impossible for android 4.2.2 aosp on galaxy ace and galaxy y.
Here is the link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2381316
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Why did you sent me a link about AOSP Gingerbread. On Ace-I ? AOKP and AOSP are different isn't it ?
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OxygeenHD said:
Why did you sent me a link about AOSP Gingerbread. On Ace-I ? AOKP and AOSP are different isn't it ?
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Howdareme said:
OxygeenHD said:
Why did you sent me a link about AOSP Gingerbread. On Ace-I ? AOKP and AOSP are different isn't it ?
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OxygeenHD said:
Howdareme said:
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Aokp is based on aosp, just with a few more tweaks.
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Aw, i got it So if we take AOSP Gingerbread by Spacecacker as base, we can easily make a AOKP Rom by theme it and tweak it no ?
But we can't have all of the AOKP Settings right ?
Even if i know i Android Dev. We just net to add few codes and. Jar basically. The suestion is. " Do the .jar are fonctionnal on Galaxy Y ? " i don't think so isn't it ?
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OxygeenHD said:
Aw, i got it So if we take AOSP Gingerbread by Spacecacker as base, we can easily make a AOKP Rom by theme it and tweak it no ?
But we can't have all of the AOKP Settings right ?
Even if i know i Android Dev. We just net to add few codes and. Jar basically. The suestion is. " Do the .jar are fonctionnal on Galaxy Y ? " i don't think so isn't it ?
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Let me correct you both.
Basically AOSP means pure android, compiled from AOSP Google source.
AOKP ROMs are based off AOSP, but include many mods and tweaks.
Some come from all over the place, hence the name 'kang'. They are compiled originally from AOSP sources but highly modified.AOSP is pure Google android.
AOKP is a custom ROM project, like CM based on AOSP.
We need an Ics AOSP first, then AOKP shall run. It's not so easy as you think.
I don't think it's easy man, don't say that i just thinked about that few times ago when i saw cool AOKP Roms one Ace or even high-end Android phone like the S3. Then i started to think and i was right when i said AOKP Roms need first a Stable base like CM's Roms
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