[Q] Storage Problems but enough space(Dolphin Browser/Titanium Backup) - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
i got a Problem with the Touchwiz 4.4 Rom. Titanum Backup can't make backups, because there is not enough spache.
And my Dolphin Browser also can't download files, every File fails. But my Stock Browser is able to downlaod files.
So i also wiped cache and Dalvik, but still the same problem. also i try to uninstall an install Titanium backup, Problem still there.
Cleaning cache from the Play Store also hase no effect.
My Sorage:
System.Rom: 2.85 GB / 916 MB Free
Intern: 9.92 GB/ 2.3 GB free
Ext SD: 63.8 GB/ 13.0 free
So there shoulde be enough storage
Someone know the Problem an can hep me?

Are you aware of the changes made to external SD card access in Kitkat firmwares?
The symptoms you describe sound like this might be the cause. If so it is perfectly 'normal' - in Google's opinion at least. They have blocked apps from writing to the external SD card unless to a very specific authorised location.
Read up online, there is loads of comment about it.
Easy solution is to root and edit a system file which restores full write capabilities. Even easier is to root and use SDFix, a free app in the Play store which does it for you.
If you can't/won't root then you're largely stuck until the app developers amend their apps to accommodate Google's restrictions.

Mr Anderson said:
Are you aware of the changes made to external SD card access in Kitkat firmwares?
The symptoms you describe sound like this might be the cause. If so it is perfectly 'normal' - in Google's opinion at least. They have blocked apps from writing to the external SD card unless to a very specific authorised location.
Read up online, there is loads of comment about it.
Easy solution is to root and edit a system file which restores full write capabilities. Even easier is to root and use SDFix, a free app in the Play store which does it for you.
If you can't/won't root then you're largely stuck until the app developers amend their apps to accommodate Google's restrictions.
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i heard from that, but es file explorer and stock browser is working well. but i will install xposed-module for that, hope i solve that.
Ok i installed that module called 'handleexternalstorge" but the problem still there

If you're using xposed then you're rooted, right?
In that case simply go to the Play Store, install "SDFix", give it root permissions and run it. It will restore full write access to your external SD card.

Mr Anderson said:
If you're using xposed then you're rooted, right?
In that case simply go to the Play Store, install "SDFix", give it root permissions and run it. It will restore full write access to your external SD card.
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i'm rooted, thanks for you answer, but i changed to carbon rom. there is all working fine. but i will reminde that for the next
time when i try touchwiz Rom.
i simply move the titanium backup internal storage and backup data, after that change folder to SD and move content also there.


[Q] Apps Like Apps2SD compatible with ICS?

Im currently on ICS Taboonay 3.0.
I tried App2SD and Link2SD. It does not work.
Are these app not compatible with ICS?
If you know an app and which rom, please let me know. I'm starting to think maybe its not compatible to tablet at all.
Does this one work?:
movetosd does not work for me
The only apps that I have found that actually work for me are gl to sd and link2sd. Both require root, however link2sd is a total pain getting setup. It wasn't worth it to me and I can get by with gl to sd just fine.
GL to SD..it appears this was meant for Gameloft Data/games to SD. It did let me transfer a few apps/data like kindle and amazon to SD..could just be data and not the complete install. I'm not sure if this works like the rest of those apps, but Its the only app that works for me so far on ICS.
link2sd always fail and gives me error of "INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE". This is bogus of course, since I do have space.
Well... All these Apps are somewhat of a hack, so don't expect them to work unless the developer specifically says otherwise... What on earth are you doing to your Tab anyway to fill 16GB storage with apps?! I only use 1.2 GB for Apps (and I have a lot of them) + 4GB for my chroot Linux... Not even close to filling up the available space.
I own the 8gb version. Its not that difficult to fill after you flash a rom. This would be a convenient solution if its doable that's all.
Do a NAND backup before trying anything like this!
Well, if you're really desperate (and have root and busybox) you can always do the "link to SD" trick yourself: Just move the relevant files in /data/app and /data/data to your SD card, then symlink them back (ln -s /path/to/moved/file/or/folder /original/path) from a Terminal. This should even work with system apps, they're under /system/app... You should be very careful with this, anyway, because if you move the wrong ones you'll render the ROM non-bootable (Recovery should still work, though, so, again, KEEP A BACKUP!).
samlot said:
link2sd always fail and gives me error of "INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE". This is bogus of course, since I do have space.
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Did you make that funny logical disc or whatever it was? I remember having to create some sort of partition on the external sd and set it up in a very specific way. It was a pain but once I got right it that error went away. I stopped using it for some reason, not sure what it was exactly, but I think it made a few things unstable. Might have been something I moved and not the app at all...
did u fix it
hi i have same issue on p6800 with ICS . did u solve it ?
Nothing to lose if you try
samlot said:
GL to SD..it appears this was meant for Gameloft Data/games to SD. It did let me transfer a few apps/data like kindle and amazon to SD..could just be data and not the complete install. I'm not sure if this works like the rest of those apps, but Its the only app that works for me so far on ICS.
link2sd always fail and gives me error of "INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE". This is bogus of course, since I do have space.
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Try to go to app manager and move it to sd (if u haven't move it) and reinstalling the app then create link... it works for me and make sure there are no notification that says "Internal Memory almost full" Hope it helps

Tips: Increasing internal memory capacity by 50%, managing effectively

Requirements: You're play is rooted and ext2 partition is available on youre sd card.
1. Install Link2sd v2.0.2 from market.
The updated version allows you to convert system application to user apps. Thus, pre-install games can now be move to be user apps.
2. convert pre-install apps to be user apps, and create link to the application.
you will notice somehow an increase in the available internal memory.
I hope, I help somehow..
I apologize if others can't follow my information above. I included here the more detailed instructions for using link2sd, please see link :-D
cedie1001 said:
Requirements: You're play is rooted and ext2 partition is available on youre sd card.
1. Install Link2sd v2.0.2 from market.
The updated version allows you to convert system application to user apps. Thus, pre-install games can now be move to be user apps.
2. convert pre-install apps to be user apps, and create link to the application.
you will notice somehow an increase in the available internal memory.
I hope, I help somehow..
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Root Explorer can do the same thing too. I used it to get rid of the God awful games preinstalled on my phone
Sent from my sexy, sultry, suave Xperia Play sporting this season's Ice Cream Sony swimwear
How would I know if the ext2 partition is available on my SD card?
neverwinter said:
How would I know if the ext2 partition is available on my SD card?
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Use root explorer and there should be a folder sd-ext check in there
Sent from my R800a using XDA App
I never worry about space on mine. If you are rooted, you can use DroidSail Super App2SD. Its free and it works perfectly. I have transferred every single game to SD and they all work perfectly (every game that came on the phone, every game I have ever downloaded). I am consistently at about 250MB free.
zektor said:
I never worry about space on mine. If you are rooted, you can use DroidSail Super App2SD. Its free and it works perfectly. I have transferred every single game to SD and they all work perfectly (every game that came on the phone, every game I have ever downloaded). I am consistently at about 250MB free.
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Thanks for telling me about that, there is no hassle with partitioning sd card now
Cool, i´ll try it. More internal memory!
I like it because if something did not work (I have not encountered a game or app that has not when moved) the option exists to move it BACK. It is very similar to an app I used to use on the Tapwave Zodiac back in the Palm days. One of the main reasons to have root on the Play is this app!
cedie1001 said:
Requirements: You're play is rooted and ext2 partition is available on youre sd card.
1. Install Link2sd v2.0.2 from market.
The updated version allows you to convert system application to user apps. Thus, pre-install games can now be move to be user apps.
2. convert pre-install apps to be user apps, and create link to the application.
you will notice somehow an increase in the available internal memory.
I hope, I help somehow..
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thank you for your update
but personally , i allways remove preinstalled apk by system-app-remover
does it can change the system apk to user apk , then move/link to SD ??
anybody tried that ?
mehdi.moha said:
thank you for your update
but personally , i allways remove preinstalled apk by system-app-remover
does it can change the system apk to user apk , then move/link to SD ??
anybody tried that ?
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i already done that.
system apk to user apk, and vice versa.
then link to SD
to those who want to partition their sd card to ext2 partition, simply download mini tool partition on youre pc, create partition (not more 1gb), it should be primary type and ext2.
i hope it helps
You can actually go up to ext4 without problem on this phone. Oh, and if you don't want to download a program to partition your sd card, and are confident in your adb abilities, look here.
OK...I think I just bricked my XPlay? When I tried to convert the Android Framework (I think that's what it's called) from system app to user app, my phone suddenly restarted, and is constantly restarting without getting into the UI at all... any idea what has happened here and how it can be fixed?
neverwinter said:
OK...I think I just bricked my XPlay? When I tried to convert the Android Framework (I think that's what it's called) from system app to user app, my phone suddenly restarted, and is constantly restarting without getting into the UI at all... any idea what has happened here and how it can be fixed?
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The Android framework is like system32 for windows. Basically, don't mess with it. You're not bricked. Use FlashTool to reflash the .ftf file for your phone version.
Sent from my R800x using XDA
Thanks for letting me know. Will I loose all my info such as SMS, contacts, etc.? And where can I find info on how to reflash and get the correct .ftf for the phone?
Here is the FlashTool thread, and pretty much just search the Development subforum to find the thread that specifically deals with your phone model, whether it's x, i, at, or whatever else there is.
Flashing that .ftf will put you back to stock, so hope that you had your contacts backed up with your Google account. And SMS will be gone, as well as everything else that was personal.
Thanks a lot...it's unfortunate if I can't get my info back...
Sounds like you're not allowed to move that one.
Sent from my R800x using XDA
Thanks for the info...I got my phone working again... the firmware I flashed is much better than the previous that was installed. Everything runs faster, and PSX games run smoother and faster...

Workaround for Ext-SD

My last phone had no internal SD, and no problems.. The G3 has an internal sd and I cannot write to External at all due to some sort of security feature -- even with root. In Xplore File Manager it has a workaround to transfer files to the Android/data folder, but I didn't realize and made a nandroid backup to Ext-SD in TWRP before trying my first rom and nothing was written and no error given, thus losing all my data (Luckily I made a stock backup and copied to PC for archive before any modding).
Is there a way to unlock this "feature" on the G3 or is my external sd basically useless? This was one of the main selling points vs the Nexus for me.. Really disappointed.
NFleck said:
My last phone had no internal SD, and no problems.. The G3 has an internal sd and I cannot write to External at all due to some sort of security feature -- even with root. In Xplore File Manager it has a workaround to transfer files to the Android/data folder, but I didn't realize and made a nandroid backup to Ext-SD in TWRP before trying my first rom and nothing was written and no error given, thus losing all my data (Luckily I made a stock backup and copied to PC for archive before any modding).
Is there a way to unlock this "feature" on the G3 or is my external sd basically useless? This was one of the main selling points vs the Nexus for me.. Really disappointed.
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Use xposed framework module kitkat sd card full access
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
That's it? Amazing, thank you for the quick response and sorry for being to lazy to search.. Was at work and just popped into my head to ask.
Edit: are you using it on your g3? Some comments say it doesn't work on 4.4 and to use foldermount instead.. I know were still on 4.2 on the 852, but if ill need to switch again id rather use the most permanent fix available.
I'm going to try this regardless, just curious what everyone uses to work around this.. Also, what xplore app do you use to utilize this fix. Not seeing an "official" xplore app.
Its funny, on the main display card in phone dealers it says memory upgradable to 128gb.. I find it humorous that your average person would not be able to easily use it without being savvy with computer/phone tweaking.. Ran into a similar issue on my roommates xperia j, forcing me to try apps like app2sd which did not work well at all either -- very frustrating to say the least. I honestly fail to see the reasoning for the complexity here as you can easily have multiple storage mediums on a computer.. This "security feature" makes no sense to me. Lol
Edit: I need to rely more on google than asking redundant questions. For future reference, googling "xposed framework installer" yielded a result for the main XDA thread for it.. *facepalm*

[Q] Lollipop & SD Card

So I updated to Lollipop via the root method in this forum. My apps are having problems accessing the SD Card. For example, in PowerAmp, I can't delete music on my sd card. Titanium backup will not create backups because it can't access the SD Card. BitTorrent Sync is another app that doesn't have access to the SD Card.
I thought that Lollipop allowed apps to have access to the Sd Card now unlike Kit Kat. I believe the App has to be written to take advantage of this in Lollipop. Is the issue that my apps don't support this? Is there some fix i can do like in kit kat? Is anyone else having this problem?
You're correct. It depends on the app. For instance, es file explorer will prompt for it and have you select the bottom level of the sd card ( I know, it's the root directory, but didn't want to use that term because it has nothing to do with the phone being rooted and wanted to avoid confusion)...anyway, after that selection you can do things as expected through that app and the sdcard. btw, I'm completely stock.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
When I upgraded to lollipop I couldn't write or delete from my sd card. Even with es file explorer. I had to go to the play store and find an app to fix it. Just search SD Fix and choose one with good ratings (I can't remember the one I used)
are you both rooted/custom Rom? for stock and me at least, I just updated to lollipop then updated the es file explorer app and that was it.
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sainthooligan said:
are you both rooted/custom Rom? for stock and me at least, I just updated to lollipop then updated the es file explorer app and that was it.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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I am rooted, no custom ROM. I just installed ES File Explorer (didn't have it installed before) and I was able to navigate to the SD Card and delete files. So I'm wondering if PowerAmp, TBU and BitTorrent Sync don't have the functionality yet? I'm going to try and un-install and re-install each one and see if that helps. When I upgraded from KK to LP, I did a data restore for apps. Not sure if that might have messed anything up.
I think you're probably OK and didn't mess anything up...best bet is to check with the app dev directly to see if they've considered or are possibly working towards that. So far, I've only encountered one app that uses that functionality from my set of many that's installed...that one is es file explorer. I'm checking with the devs of a couple others I use.
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sainthooligan said:
I think you're probably OK and didn't mess anything up...best bet is to check with the app dev directly to see if they've considered or are possibly working towards that. So far, I've only encountered one app that uses that functionality from my set of many that's installed...that one is es file explorer. I'm checking with the devs of a couple others I use.
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So I wonder if I should just use an SD Card Fix app in the meantime because I really need the ability for those 3 apps to edit files on my SD Card.
not sure, but sounds like it worked for briantacker. If it does work for you, please post what you did & which app you used so that others may profit from your success as well.
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sainthooligan said:
not sure, but sounds like it worked for briantacker. If it does work for you, please post what you did & which app you used so that others may profit from your success as well.
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Ok, so I tried un-installing and re-installing BitTorrent Sync but I was still getting a message that it did not have permission to write to the SD Card. So I installed this, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nextapp.sdfix , even though it's for Kit Kat and it worked. I've only tested it with BitTorrent Sync but I'm sure it will work with the other two apps.
nynativ said:
So I wonder if I should just use an SD Card Fix app in the meantime because I really need the ability for those 3 apps to edit files on my SD Card.
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Sd card fixer for kit kat worked for me. Titanium works fine now and i can backup to the extsdcard.
Sent from either galaxy tab 10.1 4.4.4 or Verizon Galaxy S5 on rooted 5.0
Yeah, looks like that fixed my issue with Titanium backup and Poweramp.
From what I can tell, even though I used the app you recommended, not all apps get access. The one that I found that didn't is didn't is Dolphin Browser. I was hoping to be able to save to card. Oh well. I know the fix worked because titanium backup will backup to card. I guess that I may have to email the developer.

Do i use the MM feature and use my SD card as internal memory?

Hi All
I have a Samsung i9505 and just moved to Resurrection Remix 5.6.2 ROM using marshmallow and am having issues with writing to the SD card with 3rd party apps.
I have used the ES Explorer fix and mount R/W and enabled root explorer however my 3rd party app still shows as read only. The app is doggcatcher. Whats odd I found an article to sort this problem out for Titanium backup and that worked fine. Also my camera picture and whatsapp all get saved to the SD card without issue.
In the end I have told doggcatcher to use my internal memory but that is quickly filling up.
I am tempted as the phone as 16GB internal memory, whether I should backup my files and choose the options where I can turn my 64gb external SD card as part of my internal memory as I never take out my SD card so that option might work for me but the reviews I am hearing are more negative than positive. I did try it out and went back to the traditional approach but thinking that maybe I didnt give it enough time.
I used FolderMount which was great on LL and recently purchase Link2SD to move files to the SD card but my internal memory still fills up. Currently foldermount isnt compatible with MM, link2SD is but I am having a few issues with it crashing and dont find it as easily to use as foldermount.
Any advice would be appreciated on what others have done.
I don't know about anything else, but from what I heard is:
If you format as internal, you will have to do the whole "setup your sd card" step every time you flash a rom. Which is garbage, unless you stay on the same rom for like ever.
Dirty flashing a rom might skip that setup, as you don't lose the data/settingd etc. Problem is, you can't always dirty flash. Especially when changing roms altogether. PC's might not be able to read it either even if it is in your phone.
This is just what I gathered over the time, nothing from personal experience.
Umm interesting well I normally backup my phone nightly using both TB and nandroid backup so restoring to a new ROM as long as it doesn't format the whole CSR I should be OK or does it when you install the new ROM in which case my backups are no good unless I save them to the cloud like Dropbox or google drive?
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ranjb said:
Hi All
I have a Samsung i9505 and just moved to Resurrection Remix 5.6.2 ROM using marshmallow and am having issues with writing to the SD card with 3rd party apps.
I have used the ES Explorer fix and mount R/W and enabled root explorer however my 3rd party app still shows as read only. The app is doggcatcher. Whats odd I found an article to sort this problem out for Titanium backup and that worked fine. Also my camera picture and whatsapp all get saved to the SD card without issue.
In the end I have told doggcatcher to use my internal memory but that is quickly filling up.
I am tempted as the phone as 16GB internal memory, whether I should backup my files and choose the options where I can turn my 64gb external SD card as part of my internal memory as I never take out my SD card so that option might work for me but the reviews I am hearing are more negative than positive. I did try it out and went back to the traditional approach but thinking that maybe I didnt give it enough time.
I used FolderMount which was great on LL and recently purchase Link2SD to move files to the SD card but my internal memory still fills up. Currently foldermount isnt compatible with MM, link2SD is but I am having a few issues with it crashing and dont find it as easily to use as foldermount.
Any advice would be appreciated on what others have done.
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I've the Same problem!

