[Q] Apps Like Apps2SD compatible with ICS? - Acer Iconia A500

Im currently on ICS Taboonay 3.0.
I tried App2SD and Link2SD. It does not work.
Are these app not compatible with ICS?
If you know an app and which rom, please let me know. I'm starting to think maybe its not compatible to tablet at all.

Does this one work?:

movetosd does not work for me

The only apps that I have found that actually work for me are gl to sd and link2sd. Both require root, however link2sd is a total pain getting setup. It wasn't worth it to me and I can get by with gl to sd just fine.

GL to SD..it appears this was meant for Gameloft Data/games to SD. It did let me transfer a few apps/data like kindle and amazon to SD..could just be data and not the complete install. I'm not sure if this works like the rest of those apps, but Its the only app that works for me so far on ICS.
link2sd always fail and gives me error of "INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE". This is bogus of course, since I do have space.

Well... All these Apps are somewhat of a hack, so don't expect them to work unless the developer specifically says otherwise... What on earth are you doing to your Tab anyway to fill 16GB storage with apps?! I only use 1.2 GB for Apps (and I have a lot of them) + 4GB for my chroot Linux... Not even close to filling up the available space.

I own the 8gb version. Its not that difficult to fill after you flash a rom. This would be a convenient solution if its doable that's all.

Do a NAND backup before trying anything like this!
Well, if you're really desperate (and have root and busybox) you can always do the "link to SD" trick yourself: Just move the relevant files in /data/app and /data/data to your SD card, then symlink them back (ln -s /path/to/moved/file/or/folder /original/path) from a Terminal. This should even work with system apps, they're under /system/app... You should be very careful with this, anyway, because if you move the wrong ones you'll render the ROM non-bootable (Recovery should still work, though, so, again, KEEP A BACKUP!).

samlot said:
link2sd always fail and gives me error of "INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE". This is bogus of course, since I do have space.
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Did you make that funny logical disc or whatever it was? I remember having to create some sort of partition on the external sd and set it up in a very specific way. It was a pain but once I got right it that error went away. I stopped using it for some reason, not sure what it was exactly, but I think it made a few things unstable. Might have been something I moved and not the app at all...

did u fix it
hi i have same issue on p6800 with ICS . did u solve it ?

Nothing to lose if you try
samlot said:
GL to SD..it appears this was meant for Gameloft Data/games to SD. It did let me transfer a few apps/data like kindle and amazon to SD..could just be data and not the complete install. I'm not sure if this works like the rest of those apps, but Its the only app that works for me so far on ICS.
link2sd always fail and gives me error of "INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE". This is bogus of course, since I do have space.
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Try to go to app manager and move it to sd (if u haven't move it) and reinstalling the app then create link... it works for me and make sure there are no notification that says "Internal Memory almost full" Hope it helps


Being a newb SUCKS!

Ok so.. I finally after months flashed my second rom
HAd some trouble, I have to admit..
I had trouble and I did some wiping and messing with my SD chip and that was the only way I could functionally get a flash..
I just spent a day and a half setting my phone up to my liking and its become apparent apps2sd isn't working and my SD card only has one 1.5 partition out of 2 gb.
Sorry if there are posts with directions of how to work from this point to keep everything while enabling apps2sd and transfering
I dont know where to start searching.
Thanks guys.
"The noob"
get a app called dconfig, it has an option to move your apps so they're on the card.
other than that im not sure what youre asking.
it might be simpler just to flash your phone, format your card and start from scratch.
Cloned2 said:
Ok so.. I finally after months flashed my second rom
HAd some trouble, I have to admit..
I had trouble and I did some wiping and messing with my SD chip and that was the only way I could functionally get a flash..
I just spent a day and a half setting my phone up to my liking and its become apparent apps2sd isn't working and my SD card only has one 1.5 partition out of 2 gb.
Sorry if there are posts with directions of how to work from this point to keep everything while enabling apps2sd and transfering
I dont know where to start searching.
Thanks guys.
"The noob"
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do some searching on here, goggle & ppcgeeks for how to root, flash a recovery image, partition your sd card and flash a rom. just make sure the guide you are using and the rom you use is for a cdma based hero.
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=90380 heres good guide to get you started.
I'm rooted I might just need to flash the Rom with the SD card.formatted correctly... I'm going to try to re find where the apps are stored and save them... id love to just be able to correct my SD config and set up apps2sd and move em over so I can keep my home screen set up as well as the info supplied in my apps and todo lists..
Thanks for the info ... on the road right now (passenger.seat )
Maybe I'm not a newb, I'm just stupid... I rooted using ubuntu karmic and I had apps2sd working before I moved to damage control
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
hmm.. Damage control rom comes with Dconfig and it has apps2sd enabled and move apps to sd checked.
Ok heres the thing..
I had a Modaco rom before and with apps2sd enabled and the SD formatted properly.
Plugging my phone into a computer would open up 2 drives... One 1 designated to be 1.5 gb and another .5 gb
How ever now I only see one.. the 1.5 gb
My memory is running low as if everything i've installed is in the phone.
searching through the phone i can't seem to find where these apps are being saved...
Are they on the elusive .5 gb partition I can't seem to see??
i think not... I just rebooted and my available space is 63.74mb
It's all becoming a no brainer that i should reflash the rom with the correct specifications to the SD chip...
But what I want to know, is there a way around this. ( I don't see any options, but I'd love to reformat my SD correctly and get apps2sd working on my own, moving all my apps over there while keeping any stored data intact...) <--- is this possible??
[maybe i should learn how to communicate clearly LOL]
For the moment, Ill back up my SD contents and hunt down how to partition correctly.. then I'll see if I can't find the folders where it is storing downloaded apps... then I'll disable then enable the apps2sd setting in dconfig and download an app... if all goes well i'll start pushing my apps over and do the whol "fix apk uid" in the recovery menu...
Hell maybe ill even decide to get a newer recovery besides 1.2.3 while im at it hahah.. any suggestions would be appreciated
# cd /data/app
# pwd
# cd /data/app-private
# pwd
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So... Why is my memory so low???
I'm about to take my SD chip out and see if I cannot access the contents of these folders without it in...
Sorry guys... somethings just up[or rather DOWN] with my memory and my SD card reads differently...
Cloned2 said:
Being a newb SUCKS!
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There's only one way to stop being a n00b: Learn.
You're doing fine. My suggestion is to not take it all on at once. Focus on one problem, fix it, learn from it and move on to the next one. You'll be a pro in no time.
I would guess that you need to repartition the SD card when moving from one ROM to the next, but I've never really played with apps2sd. See? You know more about it than I do!
download app: quick systems info
to see if your a2sd is working and how much is being used.
use the dconfig to make sure you have dalvik cached moved to sd... reboot the phone.
i am guessing at this....
you say you had a2sd working before with Madaco and could see 2 drives... that sounds wrong to me. if a2sd was working, then you should not see the 2nd drive. you are only able to see the main larger drive and that is it.. the others are used by android and not available to us.
now that you can not see the 2nd drive. sounds like a2sd is working. the app i suggested should confirm for you.
I did get everything working and my memory remains the same when I install applications.... perhaps I could see the second drive because I'm running Linux and/or the way I formatted the sd or the extension...
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
I think what you are describing is your SD-EXT partition (the a2sd partition you made). If you have a 2GB card and partitioned your card to be .5GB EXT, then it will appear your SD is 1.5GB. You get what I'm saying?
I used to be able to see 2 partitions as well. I think it was only with 1.5 ROMs.
If you want to mount both partitions then all you need to do is reboot into recovery and select the USB mount. Then both partitions will show up.
But you really don't need to mess with that second partition. Go to the market and download Titanium Backup. That will backup all your apps and settings. Restoring is a little annoying to do since you have to click for every app but if you buy the donate version then you don't have to do that.
centran said:
I used to be able to see 2 partitions as well. I think it was only with 1.5 ROMs.
If you want to mount both partitions then all you need to do is reboot into recovery and select the USB mount. Then both partitions will show up.
But you really don't need to mess with that second partition. Go to the market and download Titanium Backup. That will backup all your apps and settings. Restoring is a little annoying to do since you have to click for every app but if you buy the donate version then you don't have to do that.
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I perfer Backup For Root Users... does the same thing but is free and is one-click one-shot deal.

Running out of space

As the title suggests on my N1 i keep running out of memory space. I use APP2SD but not all of the apps can get transfered. So what can i do to fix this problem? Some apps like Shazam i need,K-9,handcent, Flextp, but apps like Quickoffice and books i dont need but those wont delete.Any advice?
Install Titanium Backup.
Use to to either uninstall the apps you dont want (including ones built into ROM if youre rooted) AND/OR us it to force apps to the SD card.
KidTech said:
but apps like Quickoffice and books i dont need but those wont delete.
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Since they're in /system/app, you cannot delete them without rooting. And even if you can delete them, it won't help you to solve your problem. If you want many application without having space problem, you need to root, install custom rom, use Apps2SD(it will install applications to SD card Ext partition) or Data2Ext.
I'm in the same boat as well. I am consistently hovering around 21-22 mb free. With all the recent updates, it eats up all my memory.
Freaking flash is still 12 mb, google maps is 9.7 mb, music 7.7 etc. Half the google apps I don't even use such as books 4.3 mb and goggles 3.8 mb.
I have to uninstall a few programs every once in a while so I can update another...uggh I guess Google didn't see this coming when they made the n1!
I'm with you. It's annoying as crap.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Try to see if you can find move2SD Enabler (not sure if it's on the market). It forces your apps to be able to move to SD card. It requires you to be rooted so I'm not sure if that's up your alley or not
Really rooting is your only solution. With root you can have hundreds of MB free, or even cyanogen ROM lets you move all apps giving me 120 MB free with my 89 apps installed.
RogerPodacter said:
Really rooting is your only solution. With root you can have hundreds of MB free, or even cyanogen ROM lets you move all apps giving me 120 MB free with my 89 apps installed.
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Are you using dalvik to sd too? Im using dtapps2sd and i get between 18--23mb of free space on any given day. My sd card is too slow for dalvik to sd, and anything below 20mb and i stop getting things like email notifications.
If you are rooted... and if you have a decent SD Card (I just use the one that came with mine). I would suggest putting something on it that supports Darktremor. I swear by it for sure... after setting up an sd-ext... installing Darktremor and then running cachesd... I have tons of programs on my phone and I constantly put more on and have not had any issues since. Before, I would run out of memory even with dta2sd. I started removing stuff I didn't use often then decided to finally try out cache2sd and... now... no more problems. It seems like it might be a bit slower on the startup than before (though I never tested to see if it actually is or by how much) but after that it seems to run smooth as silk for me with tons of room to spare. My sd-ext is only 512 MB but you can modify it as you like with the proper partitioning utilities.
Though... this suggestion comes with the advice that you might want to know a bit about what it is I am suggesting before you actually do it. Read into it before you try anything.
Others have lightly touched on it, but most of the google apps are installed directly to the /system partition which is separate from where your downloaded apps are installed. Really, the only way to get additional space is by rooting your phone. The easiest thing to do would be to get Titanium Backup and merge all the updates for system apps back into the ROM. Whenever a system app gets updated, the updated program chews up your available space unless you merge it back into the ROM.
There are also additional options like apps2sdext, but they get a little more advanced as it requires partitioning the sdcard.
liam.lah said:
Are you using dalvik to sd too? Im using dtapps2sd and i get between 18--23mb of free space on any given day. My sd card is too slow for dalvik to sd, and anything below 20mb and i stop getting things like email notifications.
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honestly i am lazy, so the only thing i did was use the stock cyanogen allow any app move to sd setting. and it really made a difference. i guess if i wanted to install games that are 200 mb then this wouldnt help. but this method gave like 110mb free so i was happy enough with that.
i never researched the cache2sd or darktremor's method.
also in the past i did use root explorer to move some things from system/ to data/ etc to maximize as much as possible.
There is actually a method that can force enable "Move to SD" button for all apps. Check this link for more info
However, please be reminded that this implementation is actually based on the Google's app2sd.
So if you move apps with Widgets to SD, they will fail to launch the next time you reboot your phone
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
bassmadrigal said:
Really, the only way to get additional space is by rooting your phone. The easiest thing to do would be to get Titanium Backup and merge all the updates for system apps back into the ROM. Whenever a system app gets updated, the updated program chews up your available space unless you merge it back into the ROM.
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Finally! This works, thanks for the tip. It was soooo obvious, but I had never used Ti for this. Tap&hold and choose "Integrate update into ROM".
I just did that to Facebook, Twitter and Google Maps & got over 25 megs new space immediately.
liam.lah said:
Are you using dalvik to sd too? Im using dtapps2sd and i get between 18--23mb of free space on any given day. My sd card is too slow for dalvik to sd, and anything below 20mb and i stop getting things like email notifications.
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Any card besides pure crap is fast enough for Dalvik2SD.
And this thread is absolutely pointless. This was discussed like 100000 times. There's ONE real solution - and it's A2SD, Apps2EXT, Data2EXT, and another zillion of names for the same thing - rooting, repartitioning SD card, and moving the apps and Dalvik-cache to the EXT partition. All the other solutions are temporary, and while giving some more air to breathe, don't really solve anything for anyone that downloads enough apps.
FAQ, question 9.
Jack, I'm looking into tweaking my partition table to make use of the/cache that hardly gets used in CM.
Do you know much about it?
My biggest problem is getting solid information on the N1 partitions, since I've stumbled across conflicting info...
Any help/guidance would be appreciated!
I guess the most guidance is in the Unrevoked site, the guys who achieved S-OFF on Desire. They have a bootloader that can change the partition sizes, and there's a post on Desire forum with the explanations of booting kernel while switching the partition sizes by passing boot parameters to the kernel.
The problem with Nexus is that unlike Desire, the bootloader will still see the original partitions. So if you change the recovery and the kernel to run with different values, overriding default partitioning (which you can do - it's explained for Desire, I remember reading a thread with explanations there), the bootloader won't play the game. Boot and Recovery will have to remain in place, otherwise the phone won't boot. And if anything goes wrong and the recovery won't boot one day - you'll need to repartition the ROM from the bootloader again and install stock to get going. Lots of work.
What you can do, and what might be better/easier to do, is just to link part of your ROM there - install system apps to /cache, for example, or such. Just remember not to wipe it then
Thanks for the heads up, Jack!
Still got a lot of reading to do on this one...
I have around 168 apps and with 'round 32mbs available ...FYI I am using CyanogenMod
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I have over 200 apps with 42+ mb free... I still wanna play with my partitions... xD
Jack_R1 said:
Any card besides pure crap is fast enough for Dalvik2SD.
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I did use dalvik 2sd for a while, I believe I'm using a 16gb kingston class2. While the phone was still certainly usable, there was a noticeable decrease in performance.

[Q] how using sdcard as internal memory ?

i'm newbie.. i have a phone Htc..rooted..rom cm7.. and when i need more space in memory i use app2sd.. very simple..
So.. i've buy a iconia 500 16gb.. and with same idea i take a sdcard 32gb ..
I root.. i've thor 14.2 installed on my device and i try to use app2sd because i've try a lot of new apk lol... but .. not possible .. i don't have the option "move to sd" .. and app2sd say to me "sdcard" emulated...
What does it means ? there is a solution to use external sdcard like memory card ?
thanks a lot and sorry for my poor english
Simple answer. No.
There is an app called Link2sd in the market that will let you transfer apps to your sd card. It isn't an easy setup, but I managed to make it work. I've been using it for over a month and so far, even updating my games seems to go smoothly. Get a class 4 card at the very least or it isn't even worth the effort.
Also there is an app made to move Gameloft games to the sd card called "gl to sd". I can also confirm that this method works on the Iconia.
I haven't looked for any other solutions because these work so well for me. Note that I am using the mostly Stock 3.2 Rom that ezterry put together for us. And the stock kernel. I've no idea whether or not these will work with other configurations.
I may look around again since it's been a while, maybe something new has been released...
ecirbaf said:
i'm newbie.. i have a phone Htc..rooted..rom cm7.. and when i need more space in memory i use app2sd.. very simple..
So.. i've buy a iconia 500 16gb.. and with same idea i take a sdcard 32gb ..
I root.. i've thor 14.2 installed on my device and i try to use app2sd because i've try a lot of new apk lol... but .. not possible .. i don't have the option "move to sd" .. and app2sd say to me "sdcard" emulated...
What does it means ? there is a solution to use external sdcard like memory card ?
thanks a lot and sorry for my poor english
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Probably cause the path to ex SD card is different on the 14.2.
I think it's because in honeycomb they call the internal storage /mnt/sdcard /mnt/external_SD is the actual sd card, and I have yet to find a way to put that to use for app data.
JdgM3NT4L said:
There is an app called Link2sd in the market that will let you transfer apps to your sd card. It isn't an easy setup, but I managed to make it work. I've been using it for over a month and so far, even updating my games seems to go smoothly. Get a class 4 card at the very least or it isn't even worth the effort.
Also there is an app made to move Gameloft games to the sd card called "gl to sd". I can also confirm that this method works on the Iconia.
I haven't looked for any other solutions because these work so well for me. Note that I am using the mostly Stock 3.2 Rom that ezterry put together for us. And the stock kernel. I've no idea whether or not these will work with other configurations.
I may look around again since it's been a while, maybe something new has been released...
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Can you go over how to setup link2sd to move install apps to sdcard?
Sent from my NexusHD2 using Tapatalk
I would also like to know how to set this up. link2sd requires 2 partitions on the SD card. is this true for the a500 or can we say one partition is the internal memory and the other partition is the sd card?
JdgM3NT4L said:
There is an app called Link2sd in the market that will let you transfer apps to your sd card. It isn't an easy setup, but I managed to make it work. I've been using it for over a month and so far, even updating my games seems to go smoothly. Get a class 4 card at the very least or it isn't even worth the effort.
Also there is an app made to move Gameloft games to the sd card called "gl to sd". I can also confirm that this method works on the Iconia.
I haven't looked for any other solutions because these work so well for me. Note that I am using the mostly Stock 3.2 Rom that ezterry put together for us. And the stock kernel. I've no idea whether or not these will work with other configurations.
I may look around again since it's been a while, maybe something new has been released...
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Ive been using GL TO SD app for a few days now and can confirm that it really works. the apps that requires lots of memory space would be games, so I'm pretty happy to be able to just put the game files on the ext sd. but i would love to know how you set up link2sd to make it work for other apps or maybe you can point us to the right direction. Thanks in advance for your help

Tips: Increasing internal memory capacity by 50%, managing effectively

Requirements: You're play is rooted and ext2 partition is available on youre sd card.
1. Install Link2sd v2.0.2 from market.
The updated version allows you to convert system application to user apps. Thus, pre-install games can now be move to be user apps.
2. convert pre-install apps to be user apps, and create link to the application.
you will notice somehow an increase in the available internal memory.
I hope, I help somehow..
I apologize if others can't follow my information above. I included here the more detailed instructions for using link2sd, please see link :-D
cedie1001 said:
Requirements: You're play is rooted and ext2 partition is available on youre sd card.
1. Install Link2sd v2.0.2 from market.
The updated version allows you to convert system application to user apps. Thus, pre-install games can now be move to be user apps.
2. convert pre-install apps to be user apps, and create link to the application.
you will notice somehow an increase in the available internal memory.
I hope, I help somehow..
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Root Explorer can do the same thing too. I used it to get rid of the God awful games preinstalled on my phone
Sent from my sexy, sultry, suave Xperia Play sporting this season's Ice Cream Sony swimwear
How would I know if the ext2 partition is available on my SD card?
neverwinter said:
How would I know if the ext2 partition is available on my SD card?
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Use root explorer and there should be a folder sd-ext check in there
Sent from my R800a using XDA App
I never worry about space on mine. If you are rooted, you can use DroidSail Super App2SD. Its free and it works perfectly. I have transferred every single game to SD and they all work perfectly (every game that came on the phone, every game I have ever downloaded). I am consistently at about 250MB free.
zektor said:
I never worry about space on mine. If you are rooted, you can use DroidSail Super App2SD. Its free and it works perfectly. I have transferred every single game to SD and they all work perfectly (every game that came on the phone, every game I have ever downloaded). I am consistently at about 250MB free.
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Thanks for telling me about that, there is no hassle with partitioning sd card now
Cool, i´ll try it. More internal memory!
I like it because if something did not work (I have not encountered a game or app that has not when moved) the option exists to move it BACK. It is very similar to an app I used to use on the Tapwave Zodiac back in the Palm days. One of the main reasons to have root on the Play is this app!
cedie1001 said:
Requirements: You're play is rooted and ext2 partition is available on youre sd card.
1. Install Link2sd v2.0.2 from market.
The updated version allows you to convert system application to user apps. Thus, pre-install games can now be move to be user apps.
2. convert pre-install apps to be user apps, and create link to the application.
you will notice somehow an increase in the available internal memory.
I hope, I help somehow..
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thank you for your update
but personally , i allways remove preinstalled apk by system-app-remover
does it can change the system apk to user apk , then move/link to SD ??
anybody tried that ?
mehdi.moha said:
thank you for your update
but personally , i allways remove preinstalled apk by system-app-remover
does it can change the system apk to user apk , then move/link to SD ??
anybody tried that ?
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i already done that.
system apk to user apk, and vice versa.
then link to SD
to those who want to partition their sd card to ext2 partition, simply download mini tool partition on youre pc, create partition (not more 1gb), it should be primary type and ext2.
i hope it helps
You can actually go up to ext4 without problem on this phone. Oh, and if you don't want to download a program to partition your sd card, and are confident in your adb abilities, look here.
OK...I think I just bricked my XPlay? When I tried to convert the Android Framework (I think that's what it's called) from system app to user app, my phone suddenly restarted, and is constantly restarting without getting into the UI at all... any idea what has happened here and how it can be fixed?
neverwinter said:
OK...I think I just bricked my XPlay? When I tried to convert the Android Framework (I think that's what it's called) from system app to user app, my phone suddenly restarted, and is constantly restarting without getting into the UI at all... any idea what has happened here and how it can be fixed?
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The Android framework is like system32 for windows. Basically, don't mess with it. You're not bricked. Use FlashTool to reflash the .ftf file for your phone version.
Sent from my R800x using XDA
Thanks for letting me know. Will I loose all my info such as SMS, contacts, etc.? And where can I find info on how to reflash and get the correct .ftf for the phone?
Here is the FlashTool thread, and pretty much just search the Development subforum to find the thread that specifically deals with your phone model, whether it's x, i, at, or whatever else there is.
Flashing that .ftf will put you back to stock, so hope that you had your contacts backed up with your Google account. And SMS will be gone, as well as everything else that was personal.
Thanks a lot...it's unfortunate if I can't get my info back...
Sounds like you're not allowed to move that one.
Sent from my R800x using XDA
Thanks for the info...I got my phone working again... the firmware I flashed is much better than the previous that was installed. Everything runs faster, and PSX games run smoother and faster...

Moving apps to SD in Marshmallow

So I finally made the leap from Lollipop to Marshmallow. Everything has been going fine for the most part, but I've hit a huge snag: moving apps to SD.
I use Titanium Backup to keep a full backup of my phone on the external SD card. I depend on this backup for two purposes:
1) it makes updating the ROM (like this time) a lot easier. I do a factory reset, get the base Android going, re-install Titanium Backup from the Play Store, point it to my backups on the external SD card, and then I'm good to restore (either full app+data if that's safe, or I first re-install the app from the Play Store then just restore the app's data using TB).
2) It saves my butt in the event of a phone hardware failure, which has happen several times over my many years as an Android user. I just buy a replacement phone, move the SD card over, and restore my apps/data in a similar manner as in #1.
I have a Galaxy S5 with 16GB of internal storage, which is certainly not enough so I depend on my 64GB external SD card greatly. Between keeping all my large media on the external SD, as well as moving what large apps to SD as I can, this has been fine. I use Bliss ROM.
So make the jump from Android 5 -> 6, and finally get to the point where I need to move some of the apps I've restored to SD... but can't find the option. I do some research, and now am in a panic. From what I can tell, you can only move apps to SD if you use the SD as adopted/internal storage, which means it gets re-formatted, encrypted, and can only be used with that phone. This eliminates the possibility of #1 & #2 above. To continue performing #1 & #2, I need to use the SD as "portable storage" (the way it is now), which apparently leaves no way to move apps to SD.
I am in a pickle now, and feel stuck. I'm hoping I'm missing another option. Help?
sremick said:
So I finally made the leap from Lollipop to Marshmallow. Everything has been going fine for the most part, but I've hit a huge snag: moving apps to SD.
I use Titanium Backup to keep a full backup of my phone on the external SD card. I depend on this backup for two purposes:
1) it makes updating the ROM (like this time) a lot easier. I do a factory reset, get the base Android going, re-install Titanium Backup from the Play Store, point it to my backups on the external SD card, and then I'm good to restore (either full app+data if that's safe, or I first re-install the app from the Play Store then just restore the app's data using TB).
2) It saves my butt in the event of a phone hardware failure, which has happen several times over my many years as an Android user. I just buy a replacement phone, move the SD card over, and restore my apps/data in a similar manner as in #1.
I have a Galaxy S5 with 16GB of internal storage, which is certainly not enough so I depend on my 64GB external SD card greatly. Between keeping all my large media on the external SD, as well as moving what large apps to SD as I can, this has been fine. I use Bliss ROM.
So make the jump from Android 5 -> 6, and finally get to the point where I need to move some of the apps I've restored to SD... but can't find the option. I do some research, and now am in a panic. From what I can tell, you can only move apps to SD if you use the SD as adopted/internal storage, which means it gets re-formatted, encrypted, and can only be used with that phone. This eliminates the possibility of #1 & #2 above. To continue performing #1 & #2, I need to use the SD as "portable storage" (the way it is now), which apparently leaves no way to move apps to SD.
I am in a pickle now, and feel stuck. I'm hoping I'm missing another option. Help?
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From what I've read there is a method for app2sd to work with mm. I never had success with it though, and downgraded to ll.
ldeveraux said:
From what I've read there is a method for app2sd to work with mm. I never had success with it though, and downgraded to ll.
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A method other than formatting the card as internal/adopted storage? Did the method involve setting up multiple partitions?
While I could set up a FAT32 partition just for TB, then adopt the rest, my backups aren't the only thing I've needed to access after popping out the SD card. For example, just being able to load media that way is quick and sometimes a life-saver. I've also used that as a way to get zip files on that I could then flash via recovery. I'm also not clear if you can "mount" adopted storage as USB while in recovery so it's visible to the computer as a USB mass-storage device while the phone is connected via USB cable (as you have been able to do normally up to this point).
sremick said:
A method other than formatting the card as internal/adopted storage? Did the method involve setting up multiple partitions?
While I could set up a FAT32 partition just for TB, then adopt the rest, my backups aren't the only thing I've needed to access after popping out the SD card. For example, just being able to load media that way is quick and sometimes a life-saver. I've also used that as a way to get zip files on that I could then flash via recovery. I'm also not clear if you can "mount" adopted storage as USB while in recovery so it's visible to the computer as a USB mass-storage device while the phone is connected via USB cable (as you have been able to do normally up to this point).
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I'm not the app developer, I have no clue how/if it works. It didn't for me, but did for many others. Go to that thread and read up!
ldeveraux said:
I'm not the app developer, I have no clue how/if it works. It didn't for me, but did for many others. Go to that thread and read up!
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Which app/thread are you referring to? Or are you talking about Bliss ROM itself? I didn't post in that thread, as this issue seems generically Marshmallow-related, and not specific to Bliss.
sremick said:
Which app/thread are you referring to? Or are you talking about Bliss ROM itself? I didn't post in that thread, as this issue seems generically Marshmallow-related, and not specific to Bliss.
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It's a marshmallow problem, not Rom specific. In xda's app section there are threads for both link2sd (not working) and app2sd (works for some). Check those, I think that's where I saw the info.
Ok it wasn't easy but I think I've gotten my head wrapped around Apps2SD and have it working. I tried the free version, backed up my 64GB external SD, partitioned it with a 16GB f2fs partition (for moving/linking apps) and the remainder exfat (for using the way I've traditionally used it). Restored everything back to the exfat partition and fixed where BeyondPod and Titanium Backup were pointing to. Did a few test links and it seemed to be working although fumbling my way through was confusing at first as I didn't find a clear "how to". Ended up buying the Pro version of Apps2SD once I felt good that this was a workable solution.
I still get an error on boot about my SD being corrupt but I just need to search on that, I'm sure there's a simple fix somewhere.
sremick said:
Ok it wasn't easy but I think I've gotten my head wrapped around Apps2SD and have it working. I tried the free version, backed up my 64GB external SD, partitioned it with a 16GB f2fs partition (for moving/linking apps) and the remainder exfat (for using the way I've traditionally used it). Restored everything back to the exfat partition and fixed where BeyondPod and Titanium Backup were pointing to. Did a few test links and it seemed to be working although fumbling my way through was confusing at first as I didn't find a clear "how to". Ended up buying the Pro version of Apps2SD once I felt good that this was a workable solution.
I still get an error on boot about my SD being corrupt but I just need to search on that, I'm sure there's a simple fix somewhere.
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I think the consensus was to use NotifyClean (Xposed module) to eliminate that message at boot. :good: Everything still working for you otherwise? I was thinking of upgrading now, and think this might work too:
sremick said:
Ok it wasn't easy but I think I've gotten my head wrapped around Apps2SD and have it working. I tried the free version, backed up my 64GB external SD, partitioned it with a 16GB f2fs partition (for moving/linking apps) and the remainder exfat (for using the way I've traditionally used it). Restored everything back to the exfat partition and fixed where BeyondPod and Titanium Backup were pointing to. Did a few test links and it seemed to be working although fumbling my way through was confusing at first as I didn't find a clear "how to". Ended up buying the Pro version of Apps2SD once I felt good that this was a workable solution.
I still get an error on boot about my SD being corrupt but I just need to search on that, I'm sure there's a simple fix somewhere.
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Is f2fs and exfat supported by stock MM in Apps2SD? Got it formatted with fat32 and ext4.
ldeveraux said:
I think the consensus was to use NotifyClean (Xposed module) to eliminate that message at boot
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Ugh. I do not want to have to use Xposed.
Everything still working for you otherwise?
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Well it was working just great... then I rebooted. Apparently some trouble getting the 2nd partition (fsfs, where the apps are being moved to) to mount at boot. Trying to sort it out in this thread:
andacro said:
Is f2fs and exfat supported by stock MM in Apps2SD?
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No idea, I never run stock.

