Volume Fix? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Looking for a volume fix for my phone. Running VS98024A. Looked through forum and seen something before but can't find. Any help is appreciated

civydcex said:
Looking for a volume fix for my phone. Running VS98024A. Looked through forum and seen something before but can't find. Any help is appreciated
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Not sure what you mean by "fix"....
There are several in the Themes and Apps forum... and elsewhere.
For example http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2482750


Sliding sounds?

Anyone noe a way to get more sliding sounds or a how to guide on how to put these sounds in a titan/mogul?
nevermind found how to for it
dela4220 said:
nevermind found how to for it
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Being a forum it would be beneficial if you posted what you found. That way if anyone else is searching and stumbles upon it they will find an answer without having to create another thread.
I got the how to from here, http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-319300.html

Anyway to remove HTC volume control app?

Hi, just wondering if its possible to remove the volume app that takes over, i much prefer the default windows style of volume control..
for that matter is it possible to remove touchflo too?
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
mccune said:
Nice for other user to know how you've solved it.
The file can be found in THIS thread.
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Sorry, thought a mod would delete the thread to be honest
stead said:
found cab to remove it! was looking in the wrong section of the forum it seems
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To be honest the cab is in the wrong section of the forum. I started the thread there because from my research I had come to the conclusion that cooking a ROM was the only solution... then a cab solution appeared thanks to a kind member.
Since then I've been linking to it from my skin thread which may help explain how hundreds of people have found it.

Energy ringtones and apps

Hi all -
I would like to know if someone has the apps and ringtone that came with the Energy Room.
A long time a go I found a thread talking about it, but I can not find it anymore.
Could you help me?
Fabio Gamer said:
Hi all -
I would like to know if someone has the apps and ringtone that came with the Energy Room.
A long time a go I found a thread talking about it, but I can not find it anymore.
Could you help me?
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i'm interested in the enery-rom-apps too.
i'm interested in the enery-rom-ringtones... Hope someone upload it

[Idea] more hardwarekeys possible?

hi guys,
i just found out that our 4 hardwarekeys on our blackstone are just driver-made. that means our touchpad goes down to the keys.
this can easily be proved by using slide2unlock2: while sliding, go down to the keys and it is still possible to move the slider.
so why don't we tweak the driver for the buttons a bit to have e.g. 5 softkeys? we could move the home and back button a little bit aside.
i often missed the "startmenu"-key on my hd.
of course we don't get that printed on our device, but if you know where these buttons are, it could be very usefull.
so, what do you think? is it possible to realize?
unfortunately i'm not gifted with these programming skills, but i bet somebody around here can definitly do it!
no one interessted in this?
think of the buttons an HD2 has, i mean the same alignment! so in one row should be dial, home, windows, back, hang up buttons.
do you know which dll is the driver for the buttons?
thanks in advance!
guro said:
no one interessted in this?
think of the buttons an HD2 has, i mean the same alignment! so in one row should be dial, home, windows, back, hang up buttons.
do you know which dll is the driver for the buttons?
thanks in advance!
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I remember someone doing this before or trying to get it developed. Not sure how it was left though. Most likely in the Development and hacking forum. I suggest to try searching there and/or post your query within that forum
would you mind moving my thread over to that forum?
i didn't find any thread while searching for that topic...
guro said:
would you mind moving my thread over to that forum?
i didn't find any thread while searching for that topic...
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Problem is I cannot remember where I saw it. I would direct you there if I knew where it was. This is why I said for you to search. I'll have a quick look and see if I can find it. If I do I'll post link or combine threads
Think I found original thread, but unfortunately it went no ware with no responses. Sorry mate

Unable to Mute phone during the call

This is my first post on this forum. I have recently installed NexusHD2-ICS-4.0.3-CM9-SD V1.0. Everything is working great except one problem. I am unable to mute the phone during the call. Even though the icon shows as mute, the others can still hear my voice. Please help me in resolving this. I have searched the entire forum but no solution found.
As always keep up the great work.
Does anyone else have this problem on that rom? Did you told chef of that rom about it?
Maybe it's only oversight which requires little fix from chef.
I believe it's not the only problem. ics is still new to hd2 and therefore many things need to be fixed. but he is right, report to chef
This is a known issue, it was discussed under the NAND thread.
Search before you ask
dexterxx said:
Does anyone else have this problem on that rom? Did you told chef of that rom about it?
Maybe it's only oversight which requires little fix from chef.
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I am really new to this. Please help me on how can I report to chef about this? I am sorry again for my lack of knowledge in this regard
VDodi said:
This is a known issue, it was discussed under the NAND thread.
Search before you ask
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Thanks for your response. I have almost spent 5 hours in searching a fix. Nobody has a proper solution. If you know one, please let me know. I'd really appreciate that. Thanks again.
naseers_k said:
This is my first post on this forum. I have recently installed NexusHD2-ICS-4.0.3-CM9-SD V1.0. Everything is working great except one problem. I am unable to mute the phone during the call. Even though the icon shows as mute, the others can still hear my voice. Please help me in resolving this. I have searched the entire forum but no solution found.
As always keep up the great work.
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Experiencing the same exact issue here.
Searched and searched and could not find a viable solution.
I am wits end on this issue.
If anyone knows a solution, please post it...
Thanks guys...
Don't duplicate posts .
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
@whocares2k7 and @naseers
Not being able to mute a call is a known issue listed in the thread where the rom is available for download.
If you can't live with bugs on your phone, then I suggest you go back to your official rom from HTC.
These known issues will be fixed when the chef gets around to it...
ck16 - No, it is not listed in the thread at all <http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1441462>. Like I said I've searched and searched and cannot find an answer all over the place!
Thanks for your help!

