Energy ringtones and apps - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Hi all -
I would like to know if someone has the apps and ringtone that came with the Energy Room.
A long time a go I found a thread talking about it, but I can not find it anymore.
Could you help me?

Fabio Gamer said:
Hi all -
I would like to know if someone has the apps and ringtone that came with the Energy Room.
A long time a go I found a thread talking about it, but I can not find it anymore.
Could you help me?
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i'm interested in the enery-rom-apps too.

i'm interested in the enery-rom-ringtones... Hope someone upload it


hey can someone help me out?

sorry guys im noob at this.. i was wondering.. if watching youtube was possible on the wing and if so how can i get it to work( i also have aim 2.0 but i dont know how to set it so i can connect.. its telling me i have to set the internet up or something..) also i have the latest flash rom a friend installed i was wondering how to fix the bug thats in it ... when i click the end call button it makes a beeping sound...
thanks alot in advance and i appreciate it if you guys can help me out thanks

Animated wallpapers help and yes im a noob sorry!! :)

THANKS for reading my thread ive recently bought a htc touch hd and been reading this site as soon as i knew it was coming as its very informative and before any1 says it i have looked for couple of days to find info on running an animated wallpaper in tf3d but cant seem to find anything do i need a plugin or is it something im missing ive set an animated gif as the wallpaper but the picture appears but doesnt move any help would be greatly appreciated
richlee007 said:
THANKS for reading my thread ive recently bought a htc touch hd and been reading this site as soon as i knew it was coming as its very informative and before any1 says it i have looked for couple of days to find info on running an animated wallpaper in tf3d but cant seem to find anything do i need a plugin or is it something im missing ive set an animated gif as the wallpaper but the picture appears but doesnt move any help would be greatly appreciated
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I'm not sure this is actually possible. If it is I haven't heard of it and would be interested to know it if it was
Sorry bro
thx 4 replying ill just have to leave it thought it would be cool idea lol but ill take ur word 4 it as u have more experiance thanks anyway

How to change songs from headphone in htctouch ( p3452 )

thats my first post and i want to know from the members of xda to tell that how to change songs from the headphone button.......................plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......(
and which is the best rom?
Just curious, how old are you?
OK. No problem. There is actually a program around here that partially lets you do that. Its like clicking once goes to next and twice to previous. I really do not remember the name of it. Anybody else maybe?
Found it!
It might be complicated
thanks .....i will try that but is really tookung toooo compliacated....
so now anyone can tell me which is the best rom........plzzz
none of the roms will ever be best. You can just find your favourite by trying them out

[Q] Wallpaper problem

Hi people! I hope you've all had nice holidays, full of joy, love and chocolates. I've decided to keep my S4. I installed Omegav19 and everything went well.
There's just one issue. First of all, sorry if it sounds stupid, or if it is a silly, already asked question, but i can't seem to think of a way to express(sp?) my problem because english is not my first language. So I took a picture of what's wrong. Basically I want my wallpaper to be the same in all my pages, fixed wallpaper, no moves by sliding the pages.
Thanks, and once more, I'm sorry if this is a stupid question that has been asked multiple times before.
Ps: i had to attach the pic because the site won't let me post outside links, sorry for the inconvenience(sp?)
this seems like cannot be solve on touchwiz,some APPs can solve this problem
jyOoooh said:
this seems like cannot be solve on touchwiz,some APPs can solve this problem
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Can you point me in the direction of one?
fol545 said:
Can you point me in the direction of one?
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Delay in Incoming Call

Hello Guys. I have a little problem. When somebody calls me sometimes it rings 2-3 sec and after it says me who is calling. Its a little bit annoying. I think the problem is the increasing tone (Wannam Xposes). Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance!!!
iliaszou said:
Hello Guys. I have a little problem. When somebody calls me sometimes it rings 2-3 sec and after it says me who is calling. Its a little bit annoying. I think the problem is the increasing tone (Wannam Xposes). Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance!!!
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Anyone who can help me? Thanks
iliaszou said:
Anyone who can help me? Thanks
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Sorry guys for multiple posts but i dont want to make again another thread. This problem is getting on my nerves. I Have searched all the google and xda forums but i dont find an answer. Could somebody help me to fix this? Thanks
iliaszou said:
Sorry guys for multiple posts but i dont want to make again another thread. This problem is getting on my nerves. I Have searched all the google and xda forums but i dont find an answer. Could somebody help me to fix this? Thanks
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Same problem over here. So if someone knows...... thanks
iliaszou said:
Hello Guys. I have a little problem. When somebody calls me sometimes it rings 2-3 sec and after it says me who is calling. Its a little bit annoying. I think the problem is the increasing tone (Wannam Xposes). Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance!!!
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ton66 said:
Same problem over here. So if someone knows...... thanks
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May be there is some app that interfere with the incoming call and make the phone delay to show the calling number.
Try to uninstall some apps, one by one, to check.
I have an application that is called Greek Caller ID. Ithought what this was the problem. I uninstalled it but it didnt fix. On google i've found the same issues but i didnt find answer.

