[Q] Display turn on with delay - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
had issue after kitkat update, my display always turns on with delay 2 - 3 seconds when someone call.
Someone has the solutions for this.
It´s really annoying.
Thanks a lot

Same here! Very annoying even when the screen turns on eventually it is always on min. brightness and then slowly brightens up
Tried Hard reset - no go!

yonef said:
Same here! Very annoying even when the screen turns on eventually it is always on min. brightness and then slowly brightens up
Tried Hard reset - no go!
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The brightness thing is what really annoys me. When you turn the screen on, it's always at minimum and you have to wait a second before it brightens up!

admp said:
The brightness thing is what really annoys me. When you turn the screen on, it's always at minimum and you have to wait a second before it brightens up!
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I think that is the stock ROM bug. I am on 20a version, can someone confirm this with stock ROM newer version? Did LG fixed this?

Have a similar problem with my SGS3 and drives me crazy.
Does this also happen when using double tap and the hardware power button too?

Sensamic said:
Have a similar problem with my SGS3 and drives me crazy.
Does this also happen when using double tap and the hardware power button too?
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No, it happens only when receiving call . And I did some research it turns out that this is common isue for KK


Cannot turn to standby (screen off)

Hello all,
I have a problem with SGS1 (T-Mobile brand) of my colleague. It cannot turn into standby (screen off). After trying to go to standby it promtly turns display on. This is happening if I try to turn off screen by lock button or time delay pass. Can anybody help me with this please (without hard-reset)?
EDIT: No lock-screen apps etc. has been installed.
If you let the display timeout happen does the screen turn off properly then?
What ROM?
are609 said:
If you let the display timeout happen does the screen turn off properly then?
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bkf1 said:
This is happening if I try to turn off screen by lock button or time delay pass.
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are609 said:
What ROM?
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Official 2.3.3.
Now it is solved. It seems it was some sort of SW bug related to dryed battery which was very low when this starts happening. So after some minutes on charger is everything OK.

[Q] Lock screen lag

Hello xda, I updated to latest lollipop BOC3, when I press lock button, screen lags at locking, It is not a big problem but it drives me crazy. and although when I press home/lock to wake up phone captivate buttons flicker and then screen turnes on (buttons are always turned off) I think this is hardware problem because searched at forum and no threats... anyone has that problem ? sm-n910 c 5.0.1
alexowen said:
Hello xda, I updated to latest lollipop BOC3, when I press lock button, screen lags at locking, It is not a big problem but it drives me crazy. and although when I press home/lock to wake up phone captivate buttons flicker and then screen turnes on (buttons are always turned off) I think this is hardware problem because searched at forum and no threats... anyone has that problem ? sm-n910 c 5.0.1
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Maybe your buttons are always off because you have it disabled in settings...Go to Settings/Display and wallpaper/Touch key light duration and set it to whatever time you like...
Ashatar said:
Maybe your buttons are always off because you have it disabled in settings...Go to Settings/Display and wallpaper/Touch key light duration and set it to whatever time you like...
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yes I have disabled lights because I dont like it, it irritates me when i oress button first flickers captivate buttons and then screen turnes on, although that lock screen lag -_-
alexowen said:
yes I have disabled lights because I dont like it, it irritates me when i oress button first flickers captivate buttons and then screen turnes on, although that lock screen lag -_-
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Well then I don't see a problem here...unless your capacitive buttons turn on even though you set them to "Always off" ? The lock screen lag is there, but it isn't that noticeable to me.Sometimes it is, but rarely...
Our you referring to the faint flicker of the captivate buttons even with the setting off,I turned mine off but can see a faint flicker when waking phone up.
I take it no one else has this issue?
@alexowen @Raver27 @Ashatar I have same problem guys, captivate button flickers even when it is turned off when I wake my phone and second problem on LP is lockscreen lag which irritates me, when I lock screen first brightness goes down and then screen turnes off, this is hardware problem not software
I like the capacitive button lights, like it so much i set the time for: 6seconds before dimming. Tho i can understand if it flickers on n off instead of just an on, i would want it off too. The lag on the lockscreen must be like 2-3 seconds? i dont have ir on mine. It's like 1 seconds, which is nothing.

Screen keeps turning off and on + sets brightness to 100

Hey guys,
i have a serious problem, which happens really often lately. like 10 times a day. The screen just turns off sometimes. The touch-functionality is still working. I can feel the fingersensor "unlock" the Zuk Z1, but the screen just stays off. Then i try to press all the buttons and sometimes the screen turns on again. But sometimes it just turns on after some seconds even though I didn't touch it at all.
First I thought that this is a hardware issue, maybe a loose contact. But recently a new problem showed up. The screen brightness just goes up to 100%. I turned off auto-brightness and move the slider. Nothing happens. Restarting always fixes it. But mostly after 1-60 seconds it goes back to normal.
Any ideas what might be the problem? Or what I could try?
I haven't rooted the phone and its the newest CyOS version.
Cheers, Oliver
Perhaps you are using the flipcover with magnetic auto switch off when you close the case?
OlivBlum said:
Hey guys,
i have a serious problem, which happens really often lately. like 10 times a day. The screen just turns off sometimes. The touch-functionality is still working. I can feel the fingersensor "unlock" the Zuk Z1, but the screen just stays off. Then i try to press all the buttons and sometimes the screen turns on again. But sometimes it just turns on after some seconds even though I didn't touch it at all.
First I thought that this is a hardware issue, maybe a loose contact. But recently a new problem showed up. The screen brightness just goes up to 100%. I turned off auto-brightness and move the slider. Nothing happens. Restarting always fixes it. But mostly after 1-60 seconds it goes back to normal.
Any ideas what might be the problem? Or what I could try?
I haven't rooted the phone and its the newest CyOS version.
Cheers, Oliver
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Thanks for the reply,
I havent thought of that before but it is not the cause of the problem.
1. I have a leather case
2. When I take the phone out of the case the displays stays dark
I just did a factory reset today in the morning and the problem already showed up again. So! annoying!!!! Will send back the device I guess
i have lenovo zuk z1 . actually i am getting a problem in this phone . after locking the phone at every seconds light turn on and get turn off on the display. i saw so much on the setting but i didnt get any setting .
The same problem is being arrising with me..please someone help. what should i do..

How do I disable do not disturb?

Phone in my pocket, volume down gets bumped into. The next 3 hours I won't get any notifications. This is incredibly annoying and frustrating.
How in the world can I disable volume down activating do not disturb while the screen is off?
First, the power button has to be bumped first, then the volume down button (various times). Too much bumping.
get a case
joooe said:
First, the power button has to be bumped first, then the volume down button (various times). Too much bumping.
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The power button does not need to be bumped.
While the phone is sleeping (screen off + short wait), press volume down either once or twice and it will go into do not disturb mode. I can also put on full volume while it's sleeping as well.
Tried what you said. Doesn't happpen to me. Using stock rom.
joooe said:
Tried what you said. Doesn't happpen to me. Using stock rom.
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Is mine defective?
I just let it sit for 10 minutes, pressed volume down twice and its on dnd. No power button touched.
cmg5461 said:
Is mine defective?
I just let it sit for 10 minutes, pressed volume down twice and its on dnd. No power button touched.
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I restarted the phone and the issue hasn't come back yet. If/when it does I'll post again. Seems to be a weird bug
cmg5461 said:
I restarted the phone and the issue hasn't come back yet. If/when it does I'll post again. Seems to be a weird bug
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Issue has just came back. Restarting the phone makes it go away. Seems like we have found a solution! I'll keep a log of how often this happens here.
cmg5461 said:
Issue has just came back. Restarting the phone makes it go away. Seems like we have found a solution! I'll keep a log of how often this happens here.
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Which rom are you using? Is Double tap to Wake enabled? Are you using an app to lock the screen? Maybe that app is not locking the screen initially but displaying a black image for a short time before turning the display off.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
SlimSnoopOS said:
Which rom are you using? Is Double tap to Wake enabled? Are you using an app to lock the screen? Maybe that app is not locking the screen initially but displaying a black image for a short time before turning the display off.
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
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Stock rom.
Ambient display is disabled.
No App. It did this stock out of the box
RMA would be a better option.
Problem has come back! a week delay this time
I would love an option to disable it on the phone entirely I never use it anyway and it occasionally gets turned on by mistake and I end up missing calls.
Found this in another forum - change DND priority settings to allow calls and messages from anyone. Should fix it!

display won't stay off

I have a s7 att with all latest firmware and updates. When I'm in a call using bluetooth and I press the power button to turn the display off so I can slide it into my pocket. The display goes black then wakes again after about 3 seconds. Tried a factory reset, reboots and general troubleshooting. Even smart stay and proximity sensor. Even changed my case in case something was triggering it...
Any assistance?
crapymonkey said:
I have a s7 att with all latest firmware and updates. When I'm in a call using bluetooth and I press the power button to turn the display off so I can slide it into my pocket. The display goes black then wakes again after about 3 seconds. Tried a factory reset, reboots and general troubleshooting. Even smart stay and proximity sensor. Even changed my case in case something was triggering it...
Any assistance?
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The only work around I have found is to hit the home button, or leave the call app in any way, then lock the screen.
This is SUPER annoying!!!
elijahblake said:
The only work around I have found is to hit the home button, or leave the call app in any way, then lock the screen.
This is SUPER annoying!!!
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I know, I'm one to talk on my bluetooth to someone for hours while my phones in my pocket. But lately I have to be careful because I hang up or mute ect... my phone from bumping my pocket.
crapymonkey said:
I know, I'm one to talk on my bluetooth to someone for hours while my phones in my pocket. But lately I have to be careful because I hang up or mute ect... my phone from bumping my pocket.
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One other thing that has helped was to turn on Keep Screen Turned Off under Settings>Display...
This bug still sucks and needs to be fixed though
I do that, i can litterly press the power button and screen will go black. Then a few seconds later its back on.
elijahblake said:
One other thing that has helped was to turn on Keep Screen Turned Off under Settings>Display...
This bug still sucks and needs to be fixed though
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