Horizontal lines on display - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi bros, my phone is just 3 days old and it has a little problem in display.. if I set screen brightness lower and background image white or grey then there appears two horizontal straight lines in the display which used to get vanished on higher brightness.. so can you guys tell me if this is a really big issue or not because I have 30 days replacememt policy..
Sent from my GT-I9500

If it bothers you, then you should get a replacement. I would get the replacement, could get worse with time
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You should definitely get it replaced.
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coolkoushik07 said:
Hi bros, my phone is just 3 days old and it has a little problem in display.. if I set screen brightness lower and background image white or grey then there appears two horizontal straight lines in the display which used to get vanished on higher brightness.. so can you guys tell me if this is a really big issue or not because I have 30 days replacememt policy..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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I'd be straight on the phone to get the replacement it'll only get worse not recify itself

Well I am also thinking to get it replaced and while searching over net I just came to know that it is normal in amoled display and there is no guarantee if the next one wont be worse than this one.. also I saw flipkart review (I bought from there) some people complained that after replacement also they got same error.. so just wanna be confirmed..
Sent from my GT-I9500

coolkoushik07 said:
Well I am also thinking to get it replaced and while searching over net I just came to know that it is normal in amoled display and there is no guarantee if the next one wont be worse than this one.. also I saw flipkart review (I bought from there) some people complained that after replacement also they got same error.. so just wanna be confirmed..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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Get it replaced again and again till the problem is not solved.
My device has no such problem so it is not a problem that all devices have.
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coolkoushik07 said:
Well I am also thinking to get it replaced and while searching over net I just came to know that it is normal in amoled display and there is no guarantee if the next one wont be worse than this one.. also I saw flipkart review (I bought from there) some people complained that after replacement also they got same error.. so just wanna be confirmed..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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It is a hardware problem about horizontal lines on display. I don't thing that will happen again as you get a new replacement.

LotoTutu said:
It is a hardware problem about horizontal lines on display. I don't thing that will happen again as you get a new replacement.
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After getting it replaced now there are some vertical lines also as well as some horizontal lines.. so the previous one was better.. and after searching over net I found it as normal.. almost everyone has this in their device.. to get these lines visible u have to select a grey background and u have to check the display at dark room and with low brightness (25% or less).. I guess all have this issue more or less.. by the way I have asked for replacement once more.. lets see what I will get next.. but it is pretty sure that samsung should not invest on amoled technology if they cant produce error free display..
Sent from my GT-I9500

coolkoushik07 said:
After getting it replaced now there are some vertical lines also as well as some horizontal lines.. so the previous one was better.. and after searching over net I found it as normal.. almost everyone has this in their device.. to get these lines visible u have to select a grey background and u have to check the display at dark room and with low brightness (25% or less).. I guess all have this issue more or less.. by the way I have asked for replacement once more.. lets see what I will get next.. but it is pretty sure that samsung should not invest on amoled technology if they cant produce error free display..
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Can you please take a screenshot or picture of your problem?
I have two s4 and none of them has any such problem.
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maxsam4 said:
Can you please take a screenshot or picture of your problem?
I have two s4 and none of them has any such problem.
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I got the same problem... in my case its almost not visible, but once you see it you keep seeing it... I've took multiple screenshots but its not on the screenshot...
Its like not all the pixels are getting darkernd...
sorry for the bad english.

maxsam4 said:
Can you please take a screenshot or picture of your problem?
I have two s4 and none of them has any such problem.
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In a dark rum open ur mobile.. set the brightness below 25% and make the background grey and look carefully if there is any lines or band.. many users are facing this problem in amoled displays.. and i dont understand why samsung focused on such an expensive display which has this type of draw backs..
Sent from my GT-I9500

coolkoushik07 said:
In a dark rum open ur mobile.. set the brightness below 25% and make the background grey and look carefully if there is any lines or band.. many users are facing this problem in amoled displays.. and i dont understand why samsung focused on such an expensive display which has this type of draw backs..
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just tried it at many different brightness levels and background colours but I can see no such lines.
Remember such bands can be caused by scratch guards of poor quality.

maxsam4 said:
just tried it at many different brightness levels and background colours but I can see no such lines.
Remember such bands can be caused by scratch guards of poor quality.
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There are no scratch guard on the display.. I dont use any cover or screen protector in my phone... and if u cant see any such lines then u r lucky.. I am waiting for my 3rd replacement.. next time I will ask for refund if I see more lines on display..
Sent from my GT-I9500

I got again same issues on my new replaced phone.. I m gonna use it for now and if it really makes any problem I will go to service centre as I got 1 year warranty too. What do u guys say? The seller is also ready to give me full refund but there is no guarantee if I wont get defective phn next time.. so for now I want to keep it with me.. what do u guys say??
Sent from my GT-I9500

Dude it's totally normal and unfortunately something you have to live with. You will NOT find an S4 with a perfect display.
I went through 7 of them, and every single one had horizontal banding in the grey, some had that and green or pink tints as well.
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Obagleyfreer said:
Dude it's totally normal and unfortunately something you have to live with. You will NOT find an S4 with a perfect display.
I went through 7 of them, and every single one had horizontal banding in the grey, some had that and green or pink tints as well.
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Thanks for ur answer.. I was fool to ask them replacement.. the 1st phone was much better and now I regret for what I have done.. by the way I have 1 year warranty and I have rooted my phone using saferoot so I can play with my s4 with peace.. if the condition turns bad I have always an another option to go to svc cntr...
Sent from my GT-I9500

If it bothers u alot, get a refund.
I don't think u can get a s4 with a perfect screen, I have seen numerous S4s all of them suffer from this.
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noufel said:
If it bothers u alot, get a refund.
I don't think u can get a s4 with a perfect screen, I have seen numerous S4s all of them suffer from this.
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Well but will this issue make any problem in future? I am not worried about this issue for now but I am worried if in future it creates any problem.. I have prepared to trip the knox counter within next 2 or 3 months so I will lose warranty.. thats the reason why m I worried..
Sent from my GT-I9500

coolkoushik07 said:
In a dark rum open ur mobile.. set the brightness below 25% and make the background grey and look carefully if there is any lines or band..
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Done. Nothing like that observed on I9505 and on remaining I9300 (2x)


Dead or stuck pixels?

Looks lie in have a stuck pixel in the middle
Hard to see. Anyone else?
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Nope. Just you.
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Prozac69 said:
Nope. Just you.
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Doubt that. Thanks though.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Also got one in the top left of the screen (aftewr having the phone for only 2 weeks!). Will be taking it in for exchange or repair shortly. It's so small the service center might have trouble seeing it but I know it is there and I find it very annoying! This is not a cheap phone and I expect it to be perfect as I plan to be using it for the next year or 2.
JannisLouw said:
Also got one in the top left of the screen (aftewr having the phone for only 2 weeks!). Will be taking it in for exchange or repair shortly. It's so small the service center might have trouble seeing it but I know it is there and I find it very annoying! This is not a cheap phone and I expect it to be perfect as I plan to be using it for the next year or 2.
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Agree completely, Ive owned like 10 phones this year and this is my first dead pixel. Bad luck.
I have also one stuck white pixel visible only on grey background on close inspection.
ankydu said:
I have also one stuck white pixel visible only on grey background on close inspection.
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Same for me
me too
found some companions ...
i also have one which is visible only on close view (actually very close view) and that to on only grey background... :sad:
echandan7 said:
found some companions ...
i also have one which is visible only on close view (actually very close view) and that to on only grey background... :sad:
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wow...sad to see another one...which version is yours?
Mine was a Polish
echandan7 said:
found some companions ...
i also have one which is visible only on close view (actually very close view) and that to on only grey background... :sad:
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Is it in the bottom half or top half?
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Had one dead pixel as well. Just beleow the clock in the status bar(top right). It was visible only on dark-ish backgrounds. Have given the phone for replacement, hope the new one i get will have a perfect screen :\
Mine has two dead spots , one in the middle one around second row of keyboard.but I guessI am keeping my own as I barely feel them,I don't know even next would be perfect but anyways still this is the best gadget I ever owned.
Btw mine is Polish too.
None here, my screen doesn't seem to have any issues that are hardware related

White pixel.

I posted last night that there is this really small white dot on my screen. It only visible on light colors like white . But its not visible if the color is really dark. Like on you tube where the search option is it not visible but when i go to Facebook i can see right next to my notification but its small. Anyways is there a way for it to go away? This phone is only like a day old :/ & it was bigger last night but it got smaller because i played a video that repeated blue red and green fast because i heard it make stuck pixel go back to normal.
Also is it a dead pixel or stuck?
Return the phone if you can't live with it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I think, you should return it too, this kind if issue will make you mad, you will always see it
Tapalked with a Nexus⁴
Gokh said:
I think, you should return it too, this kind if issue will make you mad, you will always see it
Tapalked with a Nexus⁴
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I was hoping to fix it :/ i guess ill fill out the rma stuff.
Where is it? I couldn't see it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
^ same here :s
BDW, OP can u please post the picture of your white case on N4? Or u can PM me the link if u upload elsewhere.
I'd RMA it, pretty sure they'll replace it free of charge. Although it's just a pixel, stuck and/or dead pixels annoy the crap out of me because once you notice them, you can't stop looking at them every damn time!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Depends on Google/LG's interpretation - Samsung don't except anything under 5 pixels as faulty
wngmv said:
Where is it? I couldn't see it.
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Its really small i sent a picture to the rep that i was speaking too he said its small but we will still replace it . But im worried that when they inspect it they wont see it & they will charge me :/. It only like 2 days old now.
Also i told the rep that i been have some random reboots.
filthykid said:
^ same here :s
BDW, OP can u please post the picture of your white case on N4? Or u can PM me the link if u upload elsewhere.
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There i can send you link to buy it if you want.
teddytales66 said:
There i can send you link to buy it if you want.
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Thank u so very much for posting these pics. I was thinking of ordering a white case since a week but was very skeptical of how will it look on my N4. Ordering one now. Will give u 3 Thanks in return. Gave one today.:good:
Done hitting that Thanks button thrice.
happened to me too
did you get your phone replaced original poster. because I have the same problem.
RMA that sucker,I had the same thing and I could not stop looking at it I had to RMA it
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richarddwyer10 said:
RMA that sucker,I had the same thing and I could not stop looking at it I had to RMA it
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I just saw a white pixel on the middle of the screen but I can only appreciate it at dark, when screen is black and brightness set to maximum (which I never have on dark environment). Was that an issue for you? I really have to look for it for a while in any other case. Pixels are sooo small. Don't even bother to rma. No other issue with the phone.
I'm thinking it's just a pixel stuck in a grey colour because it so difficult to see.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
exactly the same problem, around the same place !
tonight or tomorrox I'm gonna command a new one, I already called google.
what happened to you OP ?
jaggyjags said:
I just saw a white pixel on the middle of the screen but I can only appreciate it at dark, when screen is black and brightness set to maximum (which I never have on dark environment). Was that an issue for you? I really have to look for it for a while in any other case. Pixels are sooo small. Don't even bother to rma. No other issue with the phone.
I'm thinking it's just a pixel stuck in a grey colour because it so difficult to see.
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I had three white spots only visible on a light background, it was not visible at all with a dark background
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I better leave this thread before I start to notice something wrong with my screen
Please disregard typos.... Sent from my NeXuS 4
My Nexus 4 has exactly the same problem, at the same place.
OP, I think i got your phone, look at the picture.
I'm now trying to fix it with movies, if it wont gets better, i'll send it back tomorrow.
teddytales66 said:
There i can send you link to buy it if you want.
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I have the same issue but luckily it's right at the top under the notification bar so only see it very occasionally when I turn to landscape in Gmail or something.

[Q] quick feedback needed on pink tint on screen

need some fast feedback on this. Last night I noted that the top left part of the screen is less bright on 0 brightness In my bed room, with careful monitoring it looks like I have pink gradient on the top part of the screen at zero brightness. Do any of you guys have this pink tint issue on top of the screen? This can be noted only in dark room with zero brightness, also with zero brightness the whole screen looks a bit pinkish but it totally vanishes once the screen brightness is increased from 0.
This issue is totally unrelated to smearing or red pixel issue afaik.
I need some opinion regarding this guys.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
At 0 brightness my screen also displays a pink tint on white.
When brightness is raised the tint gets lesser
That's nice to hear, I have a chance to replace my device today, hence I'm making sure that I'm not doing something wrong. @Obagleyfreer
What about the pink on the top part of the screen? Can you reproduce it?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
I also noticed a red tint on my black. Is this software related?
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bala_gamer said:
That's nice to hear, I have a chance to replace my device today, hence I'm making sure that I'm not doing something wrong. @Obagleyfreer
What about the pink on the top part of the screen? Can you reproduce it?
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My device shows pink at the top left and also slightly all across the bottom.
This is only on very low brightness in a very dark room. Normal usage it's not noticeable
It will be good to know if your replacement device has it also. This is actually my second Galaxy S4. I returned my first after 2 days as there were 2 lighter stripes running horizontally across the screen on grey and white at lowest brightness!
My advice to you is to take the phone into a dark cupboard in the shop and double check everything! lol
The trouble with AMOLED, as I'm sure you're aware, is that you can replace a screen with 1 problem and get another problem on the new one.
Which is why I settled with my slight pink tint at low brightness screen lol
Good luck!
I also get very slight pink tint on black in dark room, but it looks pure black I am normal light. Should we be replacing or not?
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They acknowledged the pink tint issue, will be getting a replacement, let's hope the new one will be ok. Fingers crossed
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
bala_gamer said:
They acknowledged the pink tint issue, will be getting a replacement, let's hope the new one will be ok. Fingers crossed
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Thanks for info do we go direct to Samsung or retailer? They could be sending one out with exact same issue
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I think this current batch is afffected by pink tint guysbits a waste of replacing....
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razer1224 said:
I think this current batch is afffected by pink tint guysbits a waste of replacing....
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if they admit further down the line it is a problem are Samsung good with their customers and offer and straight replacement? if it can be fixed with software i dont mind as much concerned it could be hardware though
razer1224 said:
I think this current batch is afffected by pink tint guysbits a waste of replacing....
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda premium
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There is no pink tint at zwro brighntess in demo unit in service center.
topcat07 said:
if they admit further down the line it is a problem are Samsung good with their customers and offer and straight replacement? if it can be fixed with software i dont mind as much concerned it could be hardware though
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Its poor calibration or whatever .glad they giving replacement
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Do they also acknowledge the smearing issue? Several people have reported no improvement with firmware updates
When you get your free replacement handset can you lwt us know if it still has screen smearing?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium HD app
Obagleyfreer said:
When you get your free replacement handset can you lwt us know if it still has screen smearing?
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just got my device replace.... well what to say....... now i have red pixel issue . Will try flashing new firmware today if i dont see any improvemnt , ill ask for another replacemnt.
bala_gamer said:
just got my device replace.... well what to say....... now i have red pixel issue . Will try flashing new firmware today if i dont see any improvemnt , ill ask for another replacemnt.
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I think I'll rather have the red pixel issue than the smearing effect. I'm going to contact my reseller again, and ask for another swap...
worrum said:
I think I'll rather have the red pixel issue than the smearing effect. I'm going to contact my reseller again, and ask for another swap...
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but with screen adjuster the smearing in almost fixed, as of no way to fix red pixels issue unless an sw update is issued.
some people with smearing issue got red pixel issue after a firmware update right?
btw the purpose of replacement is served.. the pink tint issue is now no more
Will be interesting to know if you get screen smearing after updating. Keep s in the loop dude!
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium HD app
Me 2 i have a pink tint on my screen at lowest brightness
GadgetCheck said:
Me 2 i have a pink tint on my screen at lowest brightness
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wow u got s4?? cool, any plans for development?
bala_gamer said:
wow u got s4?? cool, any plans for development?
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Hey Bala,
Yes i will develop provide my replacement device that's on the way has no pink tint issue
Its funny we shell 40k for a device and then we send it for replacement and have to wate another 7days, since i bought from ebay now i have shell our money to ship the device back also
I am giving samsung one more chance if the replace ment has the same issue i am going to buy a HTC One!
Also bala can u tell me which batch ur S4 is from, i got a Veitnam built s4 manufacturing date was may 2013

S4 amoled screen also mura effect?

My phone is 1 month old..
And now I m noticing that there is blue shade on 3-4% part of the screen at bottom in 3-5% opacity...only in 0% brightness.. it wont shows in more than 20% brightness-100...
Its very slightly difference..
I shown my device to my near service centre.. they said there is nothing and its normal..
Screen not looks like that its defected piece.. bcuz its not high opacity shade..
Its hardly feels that its 3-4% opacity or(96% transparent..)
Its not much noticable. If we look closer then still not much noticable.. its very very slightly tint..
I was happy with s4 but now I m worried because I spend hard earned cash 40k on my device.. and I dont want hear that my device is faulty.. :'(
I used s3 and note 2.. and s4 has this too.. not much improvement from s3 and s4 displays..
so, is that normal??
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Mandeep148 said:
My phone is 1 month old..
And now I m noticing that there is blue shade on 3-4% part of the screen at bottom in 3-5% opacity...only in 0% brightness.. it wont shows in more than 20% brightness-100...
Its very slightly difference..
I shown my device to my near service centre.. they said there is nothing and its normal..
Screen not looks like that its defected piece.. bcuz its not high opacity shade..
Its hardly feels that its 3-4% opacity or(96% transparent..)
Its not much noticable. If we look closer then still not much noticable.. its very very slightly tint..
I was happy with s4 but now I m worried because I spend hard earned cash 40k on my device.. and I dont want hear that my device is faulty.. :'(
I used s3 and note 2.. and s4 has this too.. not much improvement from s3 and s4 displays..
so, is that normal??
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Not happening to my phone
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Mandeep148 said:
My phone is 1 month old..
And now I m noticing that there is blue shade on 3-4% part of the screen at bottom in 3-5% opacity...only in 0% brightness.. it wont shows in more than 20% brightness-100...
Its very slightly difference..
I shown my device to my near service centre.. they said there is nothing and its normal..
Screen not looks like that its defected piece.. bcuz its not high opacity shade..
Its hardly feels that its 3-4% opacity or(96% transparent..)
Its not much noticable. If we look closer then still not much noticable.. its very very slightly tint..
I was happy with s4 but now I m worried because I spend hard earned cash 40k on my device.. and I dont want hear that my device is faulty.. :'(
I used s3 and note 2.. and s4 has this too.. not much improvement from s3 and s4 displays..
so, is that normal??
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It's a known issue on amoled displays, especially on greys. Search for miura on Google for more info
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
pardoned said:
It's a known issue on amoled displays, especially on greys. Search for miura on Google for more info
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u mean faulty?
Us that is colour burnin?
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My s4 has the same issue. A pink tint on the botton. This is my 4° device and no one had a perfect screen. Samsung quality control really is a crap.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
saype said:
My s4 has the same issue. A pink tint on the botton. This is my 4° device and no one had a perfect screen. Samsung quality control really is a crap.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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So.. its normal?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
yes its normal to happen in amoleds. I have 2 devices with this same tint issue. Just ignore it and enjoy your device unless its really visible in daily usage.
send it back for repairs or replacement?
CP-93 said:
send it back for repairs or replacement?
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I dont know.. if its normal then I think why need to give for repair...
Its not annoy me.. its very very less tint.. I think it wont noticed much after changing viewing angle. .. I was just worried about that's why was questioning that its normal?
Waiting for more replies keeps that it's normal. It will make happy..
Seems like silly right?
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The issue that your device have appear very discret. I got a unit that the screen was terrible. Whites was yellowish and when the device was inclined a very visible green tint appears on whites. The problem is you replace your s4 and to get a baddest. Sorry my bad English.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
saype said:
The issue that your device have appear very discret. I got a unit that the screen was terrible. Whites was yellowish and when the device was inclined a very visible green tint appears on whites. The problem is you replace your s4 and to get a baddest. Sorry my bad English.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Yes.. thats why I worried..
Btw I shown my device to service guys they said its normal.. they said "where is tint" I think they dont want to notice..
But as I said.. its not noticable.. I have tint at bottom 3% part of screen which is very less.. new person after holding my device, he cant detect that tint..
I have not tint in all screen like u said yellow or bluish on side..
Mine is not noticable but it has tint below which pretty much less opacity for eg. 2-3% out of 100..
Just wana know ia it normal..? Is it in all amoled screens? Is that tint, we should count it as defect?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
I think is normal. My current device have a pink tint on the botton. To be thinking or searching to see this issues is not good for us. We need to forget it and enjoy our devices! Best Regards!
And sorry my bad English again.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
saype said:
I think is normal. My current device have a pink tint on the botton. To be thinking or searching to see this issues is not good for us. We need to forget it and enjoy our devices! Best Regards!
And sorry my bad English again.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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If it doesn't hinder your usage of your phone, then just enjoy the screen for the excellent colours etcetera. I'd say a lot of these phones will have a similar issue (or non issue depending on what way you look at it.)
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
pardoned said:
If it doesn't hinder your usage of your phone, then just enjoy the screen for the excellent colours etcetera. I'd say a lot of these phones will have a similar issue (or non issue depending on what way you look at it.)
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
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:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Lines throughout the display

Hi all, as you can see in the photo my note 3 suffer from this strange lines especially noticeable on the grey and white colors. Can any anyone test his screen and tell if have this problem too? you can do it by downloading "Screen Test" app. Also i'd like to know if this is a software or hardware related problem.
a friend of mine have a similar problem! maybe is a difect of every phone... please test and let me know
Had this issue with 2 Galaxy S4 which I finally gave up on - they are defective. You can only see it in low light under grey background. Go back and throw the phone at them. Trouble is the technician will never see it in store under those lights.
No, but that app is so ridiculously low-res that I can see the individual pixels.
Do they also show up if you open up Sketchbook? (Gives you a white sheet.)
Yep, the infamous AMOLED verticle lines going down the screen. I am glad my note 3 doesnt have this, really irritated me on the S4.
I do have the pink hue..but no vertical line like that..
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
So should I take the phone to service centre or not?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
naimmkassim said:
I do have the pink hue..but no vertical line like that..
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
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If i were you..i would take it n check with others unit in the shop..just to confirm if the issue is same or not..in my case for pink hue..all others unit in my area or shop that i go were effected by it..so no meaning of change it..
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
dnt wry ..its common..i check 9 phones all had same issue..but i have no issue in this phone ..u r lucky if u get 1 gud phone among ten
effry said:
Hi all, as you can see in the photo my note 3 suffer from this strange lines especially noticeable on the grey and white colors. Can any anyone test his screen and tell if have this problem too? you can do it by downloading "Screen Test" app. Also i'd like to know if this is a software or hardware related problem.
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Read this , page 2 by TML1504 was a good description
Limeybastard said:
Read this , page 2 by TML1504 was a good description
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thx, i even posted a own thread about this, and did a lot of posts about it during the time i had
my recent devices...
see here for my thread:
thanks you all i think that iìll try sending it in assistence center
there is any hope that it will be accepted with knox 0x1? i read that in europe it doesn't voidthe warranty ( i live in italy)

