Dead or stuck pixels? - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

Looks lie in have a stuck pixel in the middle
Hard to see. Anyone else?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

Nope. Just you.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

Prozac69 said:
Nope. Just you.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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Doubt that. Thanks though.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

Also got one in the top left of the screen (aftewr having the phone for only 2 weeks!). Will be taking it in for exchange or repair shortly. It's so small the service center might have trouble seeing it but I know it is there and I find it very annoying! This is not a cheap phone and I expect it to be perfect as I plan to be using it for the next year or 2.

JannisLouw said:
Also got one in the top left of the screen (aftewr having the phone for only 2 weeks!). Will be taking it in for exchange or repair shortly. It's so small the service center might have trouble seeing it but I know it is there and I find it very annoying! This is not a cheap phone and I expect it to be perfect as I plan to be using it for the next year or 2.
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Agree completely, Ive owned like 10 phones this year and this is my first dead pixel. Bad luck.

I have also one stuck white pixel visible only on grey background on close inspection.

ankydu said:
I have also one stuck white pixel visible only on grey background on close inspection.
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Same for me

me too
found some companions ...
i also have one which is visible only on close view (actually very close view) and that to on only grey background... :sad:

echandan7 said:
found some companions ...
i also have one which is visible only on close view (actually very close view) and that to on only grey background... :sad:
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wow...sad to see another one...which version is yours?
Mine was a Polish

echandan7 said:
found some companions ...
i also have one which is visible only on close view (actually very close view) and that to on only grey background... :sad:
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Is it in the bottom half or top half?
Sent from my GT-I5801 using XDA App

Had one dead pixel as well. Just beleow the clock in the status bar(top right). It was visible only on dark-ish backgrounds. Have given the phone for replacement, hope the new one i get will have a perfect screen :\

Mine has two dead spots , one in the middle one around second row of keyboard.but I guessI am keeping my own as I barely feel them,I don't know even next would be perfect but anyways still this is the best gadget I ever owned.
Btw mine is Polish too.

None here, my screen doesn't seem to have any issues that are hardware related


Stuck/dead pixel!

My brand new pad has a pixel that won't show green...running one of the apps that says it fixes that... If it doesn't work, i'm going to see if I can get a replacement.
Just a warning to everyone. Be on the lookout.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
I've got a dead pixel as well. Near the top left. Doesn't really bother me that much, so I don't really care. Surely one teeny little pixel doesn't warrant you returning it ...?
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Jarm3r said:
I've got a dead pixel as well. Near the top left. Doesn't really bother me that much, so I don't really care. Surely one teeny little pixel doesn't warrant you returning it ...?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app
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I used to think that. But if its been like, 3 Weeks and there's already one dead pixel... What does that say for the possibilities?
Just called Asus - he tried to get me to do a wipe.
Are you kidding me? wipe all my data? Asus - get rid of the spiel, its junk. Get ppl who know whats up on the phones ugh
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
My first pad had a dead pixel. I found it the second day and returned it as soon as I could. It was kind of in the middle of the screen, and I could see it every time I viewed a white web page. Needless to say, it bothered the heck out of me and had to be returned.
i went through 4 tabs until i got one that was fine display wise. first one had a cluster of discolored pixels, like someone pressed their thumb hard on the screen and damaged the area. the other two each had a couple grains of what looked like sand under the glass. All of these were around the same area on the tab, mid-lower left area of the screen.
Mines mid high right...
I'm worried about an attempted unlocking... I tried to unlock my tab before they fixed the c4okt issues, and im wondering if it might've sent them a file about that... Also wondering if unlocking will void it for a screen issue.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
Dead and stuck pixels are far from unique to Asus. There is a difference by the way, a stuck pixel is one that is, well stuck displaying one color, these can sometimes be fixed by programs like you are running and/or gently massaging the area with a pencil eraser or something similar, dead pixels don't display any color and are rarely able to be fixed.
californiarailroader said:
Dead and stuck pixels are far from unique to Asus. There is a difference by the way, a stuck pixel is one that is, well stuck displaying one color, these can sometimes be fixed by programs like you are running and/or gently massaging the area with a pencil eraser or something similar, dead pixels don't display any color and are rarely able to be fixed.
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However, mine is stuck playing not green. every other color works
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
As Kermit the Frog used to say It ain't easy being green
Lol... Honestly that made my morning
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
My dead pixel I guess just happens to be in a place where I rarely notice it. I tried one of those dead pixel detect and fix apps but it didn't fix anything.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Jarm3r said:
My dead pixel I guess just happens to be in a place where I rarely notice it. I tried one of those dead pixel detect and fix apps but it didn't fix anything.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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There is one other thing you can try, VERY gently massage the dead pixel with a something like a pencil eraser, that will sometimes get it working.
californiarailroader said:
There is one other thing you can try, VERY gently massage the dead pixel with a something like a pencil eraser, that will sometimes get it working.
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Don't see how this helps since its covered by a sheet of glass?
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new ion? said:
Don't see how this helps since its covered by a sheet of glass?
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californiarailroader said:
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That's fine and all... but there's a much thicker layer of glass over a capacitive screen than there is over a resistive touch screen... or just a LCD monitor.
Unless I'm missing something here, this advice does not apply anymore.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
new ion? said:
That's fine and all... but there's a much thicker layer of glass over a capacitive screen than there is over a resistive touch screen... or just a LCD monitor.
Unless I'm missing something here, this advice does not apply anymore.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
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The screen will still flex. I am not sure whether it would work or not on these devices, I just put that out there hoping it might help.
californiarailroader said:
The screen will still flex. I am not sure whether it would work or not on these devices, I just put that out there hoping it might help.
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Well thank you. I will give it a go.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
Don't feel too bad. I just made the mistake of looking at an all black screen on my Acer a510.
NINE stuck pixels!
One little cluster made a shape exactly like the big dipper. Very artistic, with pretty multicolored stuck-pixel stars.
Needless to say I wasn't thrilled. So much for quality control. Sounds like Asus at least isn't this bad.

dark blotch on screen

I just got mine today it is a great phone but then I noticed when I'm on a white screen I see a dark blotch or blur in the center of the screen..i call it a fish eye about the size of a pencil eraser.
Has anyone else seen this ? I'm returning it as soon as my replacement comes hope this isn't a common issue with the nexus and don't want to go through 10 returns before I get a good one.
ericman77 said:
I just got mine today it is a great phone but then I noticed when I'm on a white screen I see a dark blotch or blur in the center of the screen..i call it a fish eye about the size of a pencil eraser.
Has anyone else seen this ? I'm returning it as soon as my replacement comes hope this isn't a common issue with the nexus and don't want to go through 10 returns before I get a good one.
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FatalityBoyZahy said:
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Don't know if you'll be able to see it from this screen shot.
When you look at it close it looks just like a dimple in the screen behind the glass.
ericman77 said:
When you look at it close it looks just like a dimple in the screen behind the glass.
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You probably have warped glass from the installation of the panel to the digitizer. One of mine had a bright yellow glue ring about 60-70% down the screen in the middle. Try angling the screen in different lights and see if you notice any wavering... Like a very faint ding on a car. I think whatever machine presses the screens down does it too hard.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
You need to post a real pic. Screenshots won't show a physical defect.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Do you have a camera available?
americasteam said:
You need to post a real pic. Screenshots won't show a physical defect.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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subxero123 said:
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Lol yeah I will take a better pic when I get out of work. And its definitely under the glass.
Okay hope this helps. Taken with my no jellybean getten t mobile HTC one s.
Oops didn't let it finish uploading, here they are. Its in the search bar.
ericman77 said:
Oops didn't let it finish uploading, here they are.
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Is it what I see in the search bar area? I'd send that back for sure.. Haven't heard of anyone else having that problem either
VoiD_Dweller said:
Is it what I see in the search bar area? I'd send that back for sure.. Haven't heard of anyone else having that problem either
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Yes its terrible. I have a new one on the way. Hope its good.

White pixel.

I posted last night that there is this really small white dot on my screen. It only visible on light colors like white . But its not visible if the color is really dark. Like on you tube where the search option is it not visible but when i go to Facebook i can see right next to my notification but its small. Anyways is there a way for it to go away? This phone is only like a day old :/ & it was bigger last night but it got smaller because i played a video that repeated blue red and green fast because i heard it make stuck pixel go back to normal.
Also is it a dead pixel or stuck?
Return the phone if you can't live with it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I think, you should return it too, this kind if issue will make you mad, you will always see it
Tapalked with a Nexus⁴
Gokh said:
I think, you should return it too, this kind if issue will make you mad, you will always see it
Tapalked with a Nexus⁴
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I was hoping to fix it :/ i guess ill fill out the rma stuff.
Where is it? I couldn't see it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
^ same here :s
BDW, OP can u please post the picture of your white case on N4? Or u can PM me the link if u upload elsewhere.
I'd RMA it, pretty sure they'll replace it free of charge. Although it's just a pixel, stuck and/or dead pixels annoy the crap out of me because once you notice them, you can't stop looking at them every damn time!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Depends on Google/LG's interpretation - Samsung don't except anything under 5 pixels as faulty
wngmv said:
Where is it? I couldn't see it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Its really small i sent a picture to the rep that i was speaking too he said its small but we will still replace it . But im worried that when they inspect it they wont see it & they will charge me :/. It only like 2 days old now.
Also i told the rep that i been have some random reboots.
filthykid said:
^ same here :s
BDW, OP can u please post the picture of your white case on N4? Or u can PM me the link if u upload elsewhere.
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There i can send you link to buy it if you want.
teddytales66 said:
There i can send you link to buy it if you want.
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Thank u so very much for posting these pics. I was thinking of ordering a white case since a week but was very skeptical of how will it look on my N4. Ordering one now. Will give u 3 Thanks in return. Gave one today.:good:
Done hitting that Thanks button thrice.
happened to me too
did you get your phone replaced original poster. because I have the same problem.
RMA that sucker,I had the same thing and I could not stop looking at it I had to RMA it
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
richarddwyer10 said:
RMA that sucker,I had the same thing and I could not stop looking at it I had to RMA it
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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I just saw a white pixel on the middle of the screen but I can only appreciate it at dark, when screen is black and brightness set to maximum (which I never have on dark environment). Was that an issue for you? I really have to look for it for a while in any other case. Pixels are sooo small. Don't even bother to rma. No other issue with the phone.
I'm thinking it's just a pixel stuck in a grey colour because it so difficult to see.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
exactly the same problem, around the same place !
tonight or tomorrox I'm gonna command a new one, I already called google.
what happened to you OP ?
jaggyjags said:
I just saw a white pixel on the middle of the screen but I can only appreciate it at dark, when screen is black and brightness set to maximum (which I never have on dark environment). Was that an issue for you? I really have to look for it for a while in any other case. Pixels are sooo small. Don't even bother to rma. No other issue with the phone.
I'm thinking it's just a pixel stuck in a grey colour because it so difficult to see.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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I had three white spots only visible on a light background, it was not visible at all with a dark background
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I better leave this thread before I start to notice something wrong with my screen
Please disregard typos.... Sent from my NeXuS 4
My Nexus 4 has exactly the same problem, at the same place.
OP, I think i got your phone, look at the picture.
I'm now trying to fix it with movies, if it wont gets better, i'll send it back tomorrow.
teddytales66 said:
There i can send you link to buy it if you want.
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I have the same issue but luckily it's right at the top under the notification bar so only see it very occasionally when I turn to landscape in Gmail or something.

[Q] Display brightness issue

I'm currently on my second N3 (the first one had vertical lines in photos) and looks like this one has a bad display. When using Tapatalk with the dark theme, the bottom left corner/edge of the display is brighter than the rest. When testing with Screen Adjuster, the difference is very noticeable. The issue can be seen even with just Thumb Keyboard with WP7 theme.
Has anyone else noticed this kind of problem?
Return it and buy from another store. Seems like these guys are selling you lemons.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The two phones are from different stores, I'm still waiting for a replacement for the first one.
Mine upper side screen seems brighter than below screen.. but this condition only happen when i use xda app set to dark theme..i thought the xda app the one that problem..not the phone...
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
Check it with the stock messaging app, it should have a uniform brightness. Mine is glowing on the left edge and especially on the bottom left corner.
jusutus said:
Check it with the stock messaging app, it should have a uniform brightness. Mine is glowing on the left edge and especially on the bottom left corner.
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Done problem on messaging app...:thumbup:
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
I returned the second one as well and am now waiting for a replacement, again.
jusutus said:
I returned the second one as well and am now waiting for a replacement, again.
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What state city you in
I live in Finland.
Good luck .. do tell us if the new one is better than the previous two.
Got the third one and it appears to be OK.
Can anyone see the problem??
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
jusutus said:
I'm currently on my second N3 (the first one had vertical lines in photos)
Has anyone else noticed this kind of problem?
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Should this happen again, The vertical lines are solved by clearing cache/data in the camera app
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Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
The problem can not be seen in a screenshot. And the camera lines disappeared after a hard reset but came back soon after.
Closed the external lighting of the room
jusutus said:
Check it with the stock messaging app, it should have a uniform brightness. Mine is glowing on the left edge and especially on the bottom left corner.
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Closed the external lighting of the room
You may notice that the black screen when you open the settings. Not symmetric Colors.
There is a difference in the backlight. Increase in the left of the screen.
AMOLED has no backlight! the issue is due to the production process (basically: the more of the center of the wafer your particular screen has been cut out, the more uniform it will be)!
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Change from Adapt Display to Dynamic. Best thing to do to resolve the problem.
nicholaschum said:
Change from Adapt Display to Dynamic. Best thing to do to resolve the problem.
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Dynamic? Hideous more like, my eyes can't stand any of Sammys over saturated pre presets, Movie is closest to normality I can find personally.
JCM800 said:
Dynamic? Hideous more like, my eyes can't stand any of Sammys over saturated pre presets, Movie is closest to normality I can find personally.
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If you want to get rid of display brightness issues, just switch to Dynamic, as the 'blacks' in Settings would be even blacker, to the point where it doesn't really light up as it uses the OLED technique of showing true black.

Horizontal lines on display

Hi bros, my phone is just 3 days old and it has a little problem in display.. if I set screen brightness lower and background image white or grey then there appears two horizontal straight lines in the display which used to get vanished on higher brightness.. so can you guys tell me if this is a really big issue or not because I have 30 days replacememt policy..
Sent from my GT-I9500
If it bothers you, then you should get a replacement. I would get the replacement, could get worse with time
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk
You should definitely get it replaced.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
coolkoushik07 said:
Hi bros, my phone is just 3 days old and it has a little problem in display.. if I set screen brightness lower and background image white or grey then there appears two horizontal straight lines in the display which used to get vanished on higher brightness.. so can you guys tell me if this is a really big issue or not because I have 30 days replacememt policy..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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I'd be straight on the phone to get the replacement it'll only get worse not recify itself
Well I am also thinking to get it replaced and while searching over net I just came to know that it is normal in amoled display and there is no guarantee if the next one wont be worse than this one.. also I saw flipkart review (I bought from there) some people complained that after replacement also they got same error.. so just wanna be confirmed..
Sent from my GT-I9500
coolkoushik07 said:
Well I am also thinking to get it replaced and while searching over net I just came to know that it is normal in amoled display and there is no guarantee if the next one wont be worse than this one.. also I saw flipkart review (I bought from there) some people complained that after replacement also they got same error.. so just wanna be confirmed..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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Get it replaced again and again till the problem is not solved.
My device has no such problem so it is not a problem that all devices have.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
coolkoushik07 said:
Well I am also thinking to get it replaced and while searching over net I just came to know that it is normal in amoled display and there is no guarantee if the next one wont be worse than this one.. also I saw flipkart review (I bought from there) some people complained that after replacement also they got same error.. so just wanna be confirmed..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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It is a hardware problem about horizontal lines on display. I don't thing that will happen again as you get a new replacement.
LotoTutu said:
It is a hardware problem about horizontal lines on display. I don't thing that will happen again as you get a new replacement.
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After getting it replaced now there are some vertical lines also as well as some horizontal lines.. so the previous one was better.. and after searching over net I found it as normal.. almost everyone has this in their device.. to get these lines visible u have to select a grey background and u have to check the display at dark room and with low brightness (25% or less).. I guess all have this issue more or less.. by the way I have asked for replacement once more.. lets see what I will get next.. but it is pretty sure that samsung should not invest on amoled technology if they cant produce error free display..
Sent from my GT-I9500
coolkoushik07 said:
After getting it replaced now there are some vertical lines also as well as some horizontal lines.. so the previous one was better.. and after searching over net I found it as normal.. almost everyone has this in their device.. to get these lines visible u have to select a grey background and u have to check the display at dark room and with low brightness (25% or less).. I guess all have this issue more or less.. by the way I have asked for replacement once more.. lets see what I will get next.. but it is pretty sure that samsung should not invest on amoled technology if they cant produce error free display..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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Can you please take a screenshot or picture of your problem?
I have two s4 and none of them has any such problem.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
maxsam4 said:
Can you please take a screenshot or picture of your problem?
I have two s4 and none of them has any such problem.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I got the same problem... in my case its almost not visible, but once you see it you keep seeing it... I've took multiple screenshots but its not on the screenshot...
Its like not all the pixels are getting darkernd...
sorry for the bad english.
maxsam4 said:
Can you please take a screenshot or picture of your problem?
I have two s4 and none of them has any such problem.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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In a dark rum open ur mobile.. set the brightness below 25% and make the background grey and look carefully if there is any lines or band.. many users are facing this problem in amoled displays.. and i dont understand why samsung focused on such an expensive display which has this type of draw backs..
Sent from my GT-I9500
coolkoushik07 said:
In a dark rum open ur mobile.. set the brightness below 25% and make the background grey and look carefully if there is any lines or band.. many users are facing this problem in amoled displays.. and i dont understand why samsung focused on such an expensive display which has this type of draw backs..
Sent from my GT-I9500
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just tried it at many different brightness levels and background colours but I can see no such lines.
Remember such bands can be caused by scratch guards of poor quality.
maxsam4 said:
just tried it at many different brightness levels and background colours but I can see no such lines.
Remember such bands can be caused by scratch guards of poor quality.
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There are no scratch guard on the display.. I dont use any cover or screen protector in my phone... and if u cant see any such lines then u r lucky.. I am waiting for my 3rd replacement.. next time I will ask for refund if I see more lines on display..
Sent from my GT-I9500
I got again same issues on my new replaced phone.. I m gonna use it for now and if it really makes any problem I will go to service centre as I got 1 year warranty too. What do u guys say? The seller is also ready to give me full refund but there is no guarantee if I wont get defective phn next time.. so for now I want to keep it with me.. what do u guys say??
Sent from my GT-I9500
Dude it's totally normal and unfortunately something you have to live with. You will NOT find an S4 with a perfect display.
I went through 7 of them, and every single one had horizontal banding in the grey, some had that and green or pink tints as well.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium HD app
Obagleyfreer said:
Dude it's totally normal and unfortunately something you have to live with. You will NOT find an S4 with a perfect display.
I went through 7 of them, and every single one had horizontal banding in the grey, some had that and green or pink tints as well.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium HD app
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Thanks for ur answer.. I was fool to ask them replacement.. the 1st phone was much better and now I regret for what I have done.. by the way I have 1 year warranty and I have rooted my phone using saferoot so I can play with my s4 with peace.. if the condition turns bad I have always an another option to go to svc cntr...
Sent from my GT-I9500
If it bothers u alot, get a refund.
I don't think u can get a s4 with a perfect screen, I have seen numerous S4s all of them suffer from this.
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noufel said:
If it bothers u alot, get a refund.
I don't think u can get a s4 with a perfect screen, I have seen numerous S4s all of them suffer from this.
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Well but will this issue make any problem in future? I am not worried about this issue for now but I am worried if in future it creates any problem.. I have prepared to trip the knox counter within next 2 or 3 months so I will lose warranty.. thats the reason why m I worried..
Sent from my GT-I9500
coolkoushik07 said:
In a dark rum open ur mobile.. set the brightness below 25% and make the background grey and look carefully if there is any lines or band..
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Done. Nothing like that observed on I9505 and on remaining I9300 (2x)

