Drag-n-Drop not working in Android Studio Designer - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

I've just started using the Android Studio version of IntelliJ and am following a simple tutorial to create my first app. I'm at the design stage for designing the user interface for the app. It shows a graphic of the smartphone and the "Pallette" section that shows all the possible UI objects. Normally I would be able to drag-n-drop any of those objects over onto the layout form. But when I do that, nothing happens. The UI object (e.g. a Button) does NOT end up in the layout and it also does not end up in the Component Tree.
How do I get drag-n-drop to work for the layout design?

Figured it out
I figured it out. Even though the design panel is visible as well as the Palette and Component Tree I ALSO need to have app/src/main/res/layout/fragment_main.xml selected over in the Project panel in order for the actual design of the layout to be enabled.

Thanks Roger! your own reply helped me too wikiwiki !


Coming Soon: HotDesk/HotDesk Designer

** Update 3 **
There's another beta coming out soon, with lots of exciting new features.:
* The promised 'folder widget' - display the contents of a folder on your device in a virtual screen. I use this as my 'podcast folder' (inside a dock) so I can select one to listen to.
* Directly select a folder/executable on your device whilst in the designer. Obviously you have to have your device plugged in via USB for this to work.
* A QVGA example desk (previous versions only had VGA)
* Lots of bugfixes.
** Update 2 **
Still working hard to get a preview release to you guys. A lot of the current work is in making the PC-based designer as intuitive as possible - an important factor I believe - don't want any complaints about crashing, etc (I hate that the most - you put hours into something, and it explodes).
Anyway - Some of you have expressed concern that you won't be able to get to your today bar icons (the icons down the bottom of the today screen) - while HotDesk is running. The current solution to this is a context menu bound the the desktop click action - that allows you to clip the window to a certain (configurable) height, whilst simultaneously minimizing all other windows - allowing you to see the today bar behind.
This screenshot demonstrates:
I hope to have a preview release (that won't have all the features that the final release will have, but will still have lots of cool stuff) - to you by the end of next week. Features expected in the preview release:
* Desktop designer, allowing drag'n'drop drawing of all desktop widgets (of course)
* Background widget - set your background, per virtual screen, to an image of any format that PocketPC can read (png,gif,jpg,bmp)
* Picture widget - place a picture at any location on your virtual screens. Handy for non-active element theme customisation.
* Button widget - Define up/down state images, and an action for your buttons (Actions such as 'go to next/previous/specific vscreen', 'start program', 'show/hide dock window' etc)
* Today item Widget - place any today item installed on your system onto any vscreen
* Gauge widget - Text/Graphical gauges linked to system properties (battery,disk/mem free etc). Graphical gauges have customisable background images, and gauge-bar size/image/location.
* Directory widget - place an icon box of any directory on your PocketPC inside a Virtual Screen or Dock - I use this inside a dock, so I can click an icon saying 'My Podcasts' - and up pops a dock sub-window inside my HotDesk with an iconbox with an icon for each of my podcasts. Think of it as a mini-filemanager in a Dock.
More features to come in the final version - but I just want to get this out there for now so you guys can get the creative juices flowing.
More news soon.
** UPDATE **
Got some screenshots of HotDesk running on my JasJar.
A bit of explanation:
Shot 1: The main screen of the demo desktop I'm working on. Here you see 4 application launchers, 2 text gauges (time/date), and a graphical gauge (battery). The Gauge designer can be seen in the designer screenshot at the bottom of this post.
Shot 2: A 'dock' demo. Clicking the 'folder' icon triggers a 'visibility toggle' action on the dock window. The dock window is a Virtual Screen like any other - it just happens to be nested inside another Vscreen.
Shot 3: A demonstration of nesting Today Plugins inside HotDesk. This is more difficult to code than it sounds: essentially you have to reimplement all the message calls/events that the Today screen does. Surprisingly, this was one of the hardest things to code in HotDesk so far. As you can see, I haven't done background transparency for Today plugins yet, but that is coming soon.
Shot 1
Hi All,
I'm creating a new desktop design tool for WM devices. Its aim is to be both friendly to designers, and also to be powerful enough that it's a useful replacement for the today screen et al.
I won't beat around the bush: I *hate* the today screen. I won't launch into a religious argument about that here - I'm just here to show you the work I've been doing.
Announcing: HotDesk.
Hotdesk contains two components: A program that runs on your WM device, that loads '.desk' files - files which contain all the art, logic etc - of your custom designed desktop. The other component is hotdesk designer - an early screenshot of which I've attached to this post.
The designer will be familiar to anyone that has used any kind of vector graphics tool. You simply drag/drop/move - your components on the 'virtual screens' of your desktop.
HotDesk is based around the concept of 'vscreens' - a desktop contains one or more VScreens - that are tied to an orientation (landscape or portrait). Based on the current orientation of your device, the desktops you design for that orientation are displayed - and the user moves between them using buttons that are tied to the 'change vscreen' action.
I'm sure most of you have seen offerings such as 'Wisbar Advance Desktop', and others. Don't get me wrong - Chris does a great job with Wisbar/Desktop - but HotDesk aims to go far beyond products such as these - by creating a rich set of embeddable components that can be customised to your needs. On my PPC, I often find myself jumping between a thousand separate tiny little applications that perform a certain task, or display a certain device statistic - HotDesk aims to allow you to tie almost any action to a button - or connect any device statistic to a custom graphical gauge (as can be seen in the screenshot)
Current features:
Custom button launchers. Definable graphics for up/down states
Completely customisable gauges (gauge image, cursor image, data source)
Multiple virtual screens, and programmable screen change logic
Different screens for portait/landscape views
File list control - e.g. display files in a folder for easy selection (I use this as a popup from my 'podcast folder')
Embed today plugins - In my opinion, today plugins are generally memory hogs - but if you must, you must
Tab widget - have a tabbed dialog within a vscreen
This application is not yet complete, but I must admit I'm excited by what it does so far. I'll be releasing a beta soon - so watch this space. If you have any feature suggestions (e.g. something you've been aching for, not found in other desktop-type apps) - now is the time to speak up.
Oh yeah, here's the screenshot (sorry for the size):
Designer Screenshot
You app sounds like it will take customizing the today screen to a new level!
Looks very promising. Will I have the ability to turn my today screen into a dial pad?
shud support QVGA / VGA & Square Screens..that's a plus..!
and abillity to change phone dial skin if possible..
Looks COOL!
If I read that right, it'll allow you to have more than one Today screen? Like a virtual desktop?
If so, is there a way to make the inactive one truely inactive so it doesn't use much RAM? That's probably asking waaaay too much, but would be awfully cool!
Either way, I'll be (not so) patiently watching....
blazoner said:
Looks COOL!
If I read that right, it'll allow you to have more than one Today screen? Like a virtual desktop?
If so, is there a way to make the inactive one truely inactive so it doesn't use much RAM? That's probably asking waaaay too much, but would be awfully cool!
Either way, I'll be (not so) patiently watching....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Already done this - there are two 'memory modes' - light and heavy. Light mode dynamically loads each screen (including today plugins). If you don't go to the screen with the plugin, it doesn't load it.
Of course, the trade off is screen load time.
Heavy mode loads all screens at once - heavier on RAM, but faster.
b_sphinx said:
shud support QVGA / VGA & Square Screens..that's a plus..!
and abillity to change phone dial skin if possible..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As for the QVGA/VGA - each vscreen has a preconfigured size - the device-side application chooses the correct default vscreen based on the res/orientation. You specify the default starting vscreens in the designer.
so... when is the beta release??
Hope to see your product soon,
and yes do make it compatible with omap 850 processor coz its little slower than
And also if you could add minimizing windows like we have in desktop it would be great.
Hope you'll giv it for free cuz i dont have any credit card or any other card to pay. I'll love to have your application.
samy.3660 said:
Hope to see your product soon,
and yes do make it compatible with omap 850 processor coz its little slower than
And also if you could add minimizing windows like we have in desktop it would be great.
Hope you'll giv it for free cuz i dont have any credit card or any other card to pay. I'll love to have your application.
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Click to collapse
I'll come up with some arrangement for people participating in the beta - more information soon.
This app seams like "the thing", but will it be WM2003SE compatible?
I would like to be part of the beta testing when avalible. GreggSymington(@)Sbcglobal.net . Looks great so far.
I would also love the opportunity to be in your beta group.
Would it be possible to lock one or more of your Today screens separately?
Also, will there be a toggle for accessing the main (or user defined) Today screen, similar to VJTodayButton?
Both of these functions would be really convenient.
Yes i will be participating in beta ver.
Is there a testing version yet?
Hi LordChaos
Been playing around with theme development and would love the opportunity to beta test your product
rgds, GA
datruth said:
Looks very promising. Will I have the ability to turn my today screen into a dial pad?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm going to assume your answer is no.
datruth said:
I'm going to assume your answer is no.
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Click to collapse
If there's enough interest I''ll code a TAPI wrapper - thus allowing this.
Any news?
WoW, nice way of creating virtual desktops. It reminds me to the Wisbar Advanced Desktop plugin for Wisbar Advance 2 but even better since you are also developing a proper tool for PC!!!!!
Great Work
This looks fantastic. Would love to be in the beta test of this. Keep us posted.

[UPD 2009/09/10] PocketCAS 1.4.0 - BETA TESTERS NEEDED!

Hi guys,
Right now I am developing an iPhone/iPod touch version of PocketCAS in addition to PocketCAS for Windows Mobile! If you are interested in testing PocketCAS for iPhone for free, just send me a PM or contact me via the PocketCAS homepage! The final iPhone version will cost money, but I'll be giving it out to beta testers for free!
I have developed an interface to xcas, a free Computer Algebra System, for Windows Mobile.
Let's have a look at its features (text and screenshots have been taken from http://pocketcas.com, by appointment of ... myself):
Solving advanced mathematical problems made easy
PocketCAS is a free interface to the open-source Computer Algebra System giac/xcas.
xcas enables you to quickly solve complex algebraic problems, e.g. symbolic and numeric integration and derivation of non-trivial functions, solving differential equations etc. It has also a huge support for problems of linear algebra, like solving linear equation systems, multiplying and inverting matrices, finding eigenvalues (and eigenvectors, of course) and much more. If you do statistics or number theory, you will like xcas' great functionality in those areas, too!
Built-in TeX output
PocketCAS has the option to automatically use the output of xcas to generate beautiful formula images using mimeTeX. Just enter an expression and you will get the result in the same formatting you would find in a mathematical textbook!
For example, other Computer Algebra Systems would output the following result to the command integrate(sin(x)*cos(x)):
With PocketCAS, you will see the formula as a real image (image removed due to xda-dev's limitation to 4 images).
(this is VGA output, on your PDA it will look smaller and even smoother!)
Simple input method for faster solutions
PocketCAS contains a fully-customizable, easy to use mathematical keyboard for quick input of most mathematical functions. You can even assign images to displayed on a button rather than mere text!
Therefore, PocketCAS is as simple to use as a pocket calculator, but provides you with the functionality of a full-blown CAS - in your pocket, wherever you take your PDA with you!
Missing a function or a macro? Simply add it to the keyboard which is stored in a human-editable XML-file!
Simple input method for faster solutions
PocketCAS contains a fully-customizable, easy to use mathematical keyboard for quick input of most mathematical functions. You can even assign images to displayed on a button rather than mere text!
Therefore, PocketCAS is as simple to use as a pocket calculator, but provides you with the functionality of a full-blown CAS - in your pocket, wherever you take your PDA with you!
Missing a function or a macro? Simply add it to the keyboard which is stored in a human-editable XML-file!
Now, lets get to the interesting part: images!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
More screenshots at http://pocketcas.com/?Screenshots
System Requirements
PocketCAS needs the following:
About 3 Megabytes of free internal storage (installation on a storage card might be possible, but I didn't try)
At least 64 MB of RAM in total installed in your device (96 MB for Windows Mobile 2003 devices, I think)
.NET Compact Framework 2.0 or newer installed on your device (can be downloaded from Microsoft here - or here if the other package won't work)
At least Windows Mobile 5 to display images rather than text on the mathematical keyboard, Windows Mobile 2003 or later will work but won't display images
Version 1.4.0 Skin Edition - 7.7.2009
Skin support: see Screenshots section for details.
For keyboard devices: Pressing Ctrl+Enter now starts the calculation, too.
After calculating, the keyboard will only hide if necessary. The results panel will scroll so that the bottom off the selected element is the same height as the top of the Keyboard.
Improved overall speed and snappiness.
Fixed: Memory leak when switching landscape/portrait mode. This is also a lot faster now.
Fixed: clicking image buttons now triggers as often as other buttons.
Version 1.3.0 Plot Edition - 28.5.2009
Fixed: TeX output will now show c0 rather than cunderline
Added shortcuts for menu commands
Added gnuplot interface: Check Menu->Plot and try it out! I am happy if you send me some screenshots!
This is only very basic plotting functionality at the moment (similar to a techdemo), e.g. panning and zooming with the stylus is not implemented.
At the moment, this feature is only available if you install the large executable packages, or you download and install the separate gnuplot package from this website. Maybe I will create a separate gnuplot CAB later.
Reduced keyboard height on WVGA/WQVGA devices
Updated xcas binaries with the latest frozen source code release (26.5.2009).
Version 1.2.0 Symbol Edition - 26.1.2009
Performance / Memory usage:
Minor optimizations regarding keyboard buildup. (should improve keyboard buildup time and reduce memory usage)
Compiled xcas and MimeTeX using the newest versions of cegcc and the corresponding libraries, but xcas is slightly outdated. (it is version 0.8.2, but it is not the newest build of it)
Improved speed of loading big history files and general speed of the UI very much. Text calculations now take as little as 60 milliseconds and TeX calculations take just 300 milliseconds!
Fixed memory leaks when switching into landscape mode.
Bug fixes:
Deleting the last remaining history element now clears the entire history (similar to File->New) rather than doing nothing.
The restart() function to purge all variables works properly now (patched xcas source - patch has already been merged into official xcas source).
findhelp also works now.
Keyboard changes:
Replaced some texts with appropriate mathematical symbols when inputting via keyboard. (Greek letters, differentials etc.)
Improved lots of the keyboard screens. Moved many buttons to other sections, created 'Letters' section and renamed 'Helper' to 'Expr' (Expression handling). The 'Algebra' section now contaisn real algebraic functions and commands like simplify, expand, etc. have been moved to 'Expr'. Also moved xcas-specific commands (restart, purge, read, quote) to the 2nd screen.
Added a keyboard button ('2nd' section, where all xcas-specific commands are now) to read in files using xcas' read() command (with file selection dialog included).
New features:
Added a menu entry to enable/disable downscaling for TeX output in History mode.
Added a menu entry to cut text snippets, next to copy and paste.
The last session will be loaded automatically upon start.
Package system has been changed. You will have to install two CABs (one Main Package and one Executable Package) on your device now. See Download page for details.
Version 1.1.0 Performace Edition - 11.9.2008
PocketCAS now is distributed via four different CAB files, depending on your device, see Download page for more details
Lines prefixed with an @ letter will be hidden in TeX output mode. This prefix has no effect in non-TeX mode.
Lines prefixed with a // will not be processed by xcas at all. This way you can easily add comments to your scripts.
Bug fixed: 3*4 will now be shown as 3*4 rather than 34 if using TeX mode
Bug fixed: ifactor(15) will return 15 rather than 3*5 if not using TeX mode
Menu redesign (more sub-menus to increase clarity)
Added a feature to save an image of the last result (File->Save as image)
Links on the about page are working now
Replaced the UPX'ed MimeTeX executables by non-UPX'ed ones for an additional performance boost
Several other performance improvements
History function (you get a list of the last commands you entered and you can select which one to execute and edit)
A server executable which will be started upon loading PocketCAS and will stay loaded so that single calculations can be performed much faster
Some results are generated (and TeXed!) in less than a second!
The effect of commands entered before will not be discarded. Therefore previous declarations of variables will work in commands entered later, too
Get more information and download PocketCAS at PocketCAS - a free interface to the xcas Computer Algebra System for Windows Mobile!
Wow, this looks geat. Will it do derivative and and anit-derivatives?
kareem9nba said:
Wow, this looks geat. Will it do derivative and and anit-derivatives?
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Click to collapse
Yes. For examples, look at the screenshots on the website. The integration engine is really great, it can even integrate e^(x^2) from -infinity to +infinity, etc. pp.. I have never seen a better integration engine for Windows Mobile.
Wow, this is great. Wish i had it last year during my AP Calc class Keep up the great work.
Well, that's one of the purposes I wrote PocketCAS for... Finally a free CAS that can do almost everything you need in Highschool etc...
Version 1.0.1 - 12.8.2008
Changed integration function from int(...) to integrate(...) in keyboard.xml. This shows an integration symbol in TeX output.
Added images for the following functions: sqrt, approx, backspace, newline
Uploading right now...
Guys, please tell me what you think of PocketCAS! Which new features would you like? Is there something I could do better?
Thank you soooooo much I was looking for a real CAS that was freeware....this will be helpful in many ways. I will post my comments after I get a good test of it.
Hey, thanks for this, it looks good with TeX output. My quick testing though gives one problem: in TeX output mode "6 * diff(x^2)" comes out as 62x - text display rightly shows 12*x though.
Overall its nice software!
i installed this app on my wm 6.1 htc-prophet with netcf 3.5.
but when i tap on icon of app it shows eror and doesnt run.its why?
mospdude said:
Hey, thanks for this, it looks good with TeX output. My quick testing though gives one problem: in TeX output mode "6 * diff(x^2)" comes out as 62x - text display rightly shows 12*x though.
Overall its nice software!
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Click to collapse
Bug confirmed. But this bug is in xcas itself. So I have to contact the developer of xcas. Thanks for the report, I hope the developer will fix it. You may try "normal(6 * diff(x^2))" until a real fix is available.
farzin_silver said:
i installed this app on my wm 6.1 htc-prophet with netcf 3.5.
but when i tap on icon of app it shows eror and doesnt run.its why?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please tell me exact error message.
farzin_silver said:
i installed this app on my wm 6.1 htc-prophet with netcf 3.5.
but when i tap on icon of app it shows eror and doesnt run.its why?
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Click to collapse
What's the error message??
Version 1.0.2 has just been released!
Hi guys,
I have just released version 1.0.2 of PocketCAS. It features a lot of improvements to the built-in keyboard.
Here is a full list of changes:
Version 1.0.2 Greek Edition - 29.8.2008
Added images for the following functions: x^(-1), x^y, e^x, sum, product
Improved images for the following functions: sqrt, integral, pi
Some internal optimizations regarding the XML keyboard. Please tell me whether you notice changes in performance and memory consumption (good or bad)
Greek keys and keys for single-letter variables for easier variable input (located in the "helper" section)
Added more mathematical symbols to the keyboard rather than mere text. This benefits WM 2003 users especially, as they now get some icons rather than mere text buttons.
Improved options for keyboard font sizes (different font sizes for individual sections and buttons)
text size of many keyboard buttons has been improved for even better usability
Get it here: http://pocketcas.com
mospdude said:
Hey, thanks for this, it looks good with TeX output. My quick testing though gives one problem: in TeX output mode "6 * diff(x^2)" comes out as 62x - text display rightly shows 12*x though.
Overall its nice software!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This bug has been fixed in the newest version of PocketCAS, which will be released in less than a month.
Hi guys,
I have just released PocketCAS 1.1.0 "Performance Edition". It features a new command history where you can edit old commands and has extremely increased performance.
Version 1.1.0 Performace Edition - 11.9.2008
PocketCAS now is distributed via four different CAB files, depending on your device, see Download page for more details
Lines prefixed with an @ letter will be hidden in TeX output mode. This prefix has no effect in non-TeX mode.
Lines prefixed with a // will not be processed by xcas at all. This way you can easily add comments to your scripts.
Bug fixed: 3*4 will now be shown as 3*4 rather than 34 if using TeX mode
Bug fixed: ifactor(15) will return 15 rather than 3*5 if not using TeX mode
Menu redesign (more sub-menus to increase clarity)
Added a feature to save an image of the last result (File->Save as image)
Links on the about page are working now
Replaced the UPX'ed MimeTeX executables by non-UPX'ed ones for an additional performance boost
Several other performance improvements
History function (you get a list of the last commands you entered and you can select which one to execute and edit)
A server executable which will be started upon loading PocketCAS and will stay loaded so that single calculations can be performed much faster
Some results are generated (and TeXed!) in less than a second!
The effect of commands entered before will not be discarded. Therefore previous declarations of variables will work in commands entered later, too
Get it here: PocketCAS - a free Computer Algebra System for Windows Mobile
your small cab file link for qvga, links to the small one for vga. just so youre aware
aguas said:
your small cab file link for qvga, links to the small one for vga. just so youre aware
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks. I indeed wasn't aware of it.
Hi Guys,
I have released a new version of PocketCAS! It's even faster, looks even better, and has an even better keyboard! I introduced some new features, too.
Check http://pocketcas.com/?Download for the new version!
I have changed the package system of PocketCAS now. You have to install two CABs (one main package and an executable package) now!
Version 1.2.0 Symbol Edition
Performance / Memory usage:
Minor optimizations regarding keyboard buildup. (should improve keyboard buildup time and reduce memory usage)
Compiled xcas and MimeTeX using the newest versions of cegcc and the corresponding libraries, but xcas is slightly outdated. (it is version 0.8.2, but it is not the newest build of it)
Improved speed of loading big history files and general speed of the UI very much. Text calculations now take as little as 60 milliseconds and TeX calculations take just 300 milliseconds!
Fixed memory leaks when switching into landscape mode.
Bug fixes:
Deleting the last remaining history element now clears the entire history (similar to File->New) rather than doing nothing.
The restart() function to purge all variables works properly now (patched xcas source - patch has already been merged into official xcas source).
findhelp also works now.
Keyboard changes:
Replaced some texts with appropriate mathematical symbols when inputting via keyboard. (Greek letters, differentials etc.)
Improved lots of the keyboard screens. Moved many buttons to other sections, created 'Letters' section and renamed 'Helper' to 'Expr' (Expression handling). The 'Algebra' section now contaisn real algebraic functions and commands like simplify, expand, etc. have been moved to 'Expr'. Also moved xcas-specific commands (restart, purge, read, quote) to the 2nd screen.
Added a keyboard button ('2nd' section, where all xcas-specific commands are now) to read in files using xcas' read() command (with file selection dialog included).
New features:
Added a menu entry to enable/disable downscaling for TeX output in History mode.
Added a menu entry to cut text snippets, next to copy and paste.
The last session will be loaded automatically upon start.
Package system has been changed. You will have to install two CABs (one Main Package and one Executable Package) on your device now. See Download page for details.
I have a AT&T Tilt 6.1 Stock Rom NETCF 3.5
I have program and executables on Storage Card. Problem is that I cant solve any function as it gives an error "No xcas output file found." Is this a bug?
This is pretty awesome! I would use this more if I didn't have to graph as much. Any chance of making it skinnable?
Kraize said:
This is pretty awesome! I would use this more if I didn't have to graph as much. Any chance of making it skinnable?
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Click to collapse
What do u want to skin because if u go to the website it tells u how to change the buttons on it.

User interface yrgo 2.3 beta 2

Hi all,
I've something to play with for you . New yrgo 2.3 beta 2.
This version is dedicated for 320x240 devices only! The 640x480 version will be released later.
Installation notes
Since this version implements new graphical layout system, you have to uninstall the version before and delete "\Program Files\yrgo\Skins" folder. This is valid even if you are running 2.3 beta 1.
What's new
File explorer supports Create folder, Delete file/folder, Copy, Cut, Paste (using context menu).
In-build SMS Writer - works in Contact detail's page or when you press Reply in SMS details.
Complete new graphical layout system - Color Themes, Images (icons, buttons) and Wallpapers are now separated. There's no way how to change icons at this moment.
Wallpapers can be changed using File explorer and its Context menu (need to be applied on jpg images).
Repaired bugs you have noticed me on.
Please, let know what do you think about this version and report me bugs you've found.
Download link: http://www.2daysoft.com/yrgo/beta/2.3beta2/yrgo.cab Please DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE it anywhere (you can of course distribute link to this page). Thank you.
Features of yrgo 2.3 beta 1:
This list controls were completely redeveloped so they support variable height items.
Complete new graphical design (with PNG alpha support - give me feedback whether is it too slow or not).
On the fly help almost everywhere.
Today plugin gadget bug fix - yrgo should exit properly now
Desktop gestures - left, right switches the desktops
Analog clock in Clock gadget
New Calendar gadget (it shows wrong month yet)
New Connection manager Gadget
Gadgets can be re-sized - (doesn't work on all gadgets yet)
Gadgets border shown in design mode
File details when you click the (+) sign
Specific Control panels allow direct access to the specific tab (click on (+) sign)
In Contacts you can directly access all contact's phones using (+) sign
Completely new Contact details page (some functionality is missing - will be added later)
Completely new Task details page
Plenty of new settings
Dialog boxes that prevents mis-taps (can be set-up in Settings)
New Calendar page in Office menu (without Appointments support - yet )
New Help menu and all its items
Contact's hide/show keyboard bug fix
I'm sure I forget lot of new features or bug fixes .
Known bugs:
The main menu takes a looooong time to appear at the first time (I know what causes this - just didn't have time to fix).
Help wizard should not be added to the Favorites or Desktop.
Some of them I've already written above ;-).
Because new icons in yrgo are bigger, you current desktop setting may not fit.
Enjoy .
Look sweet, will try now!!
gonna try it now i will come back with feedback after some playing time with it.
wow is all i can say. Ive only used it for a couple of minutes and this is just amazing. Could use the flow feature like in icontact but this is great so far. Well done. Im excited about this app and cant wait for future updates
Thanks for the positive feedback guys .
I am patiently awaiting a VGA version to test with my Diamond. I remember using yrgo a while back when I was investigating all the WM shell options. It seemed pretty cool then, but the lack of true VGA support was disappointing.
Very nice, but will better interface with the default is WM7

Skins FAQ/request/comments for Nitrogen 0.3+

This page is intended for the questions concerning skin development and installation, skin requests and comments from the skins page.
If you designed a skin for Nitrogen 0.3+, post it on the skins page!
Click here to go to Nitrogen official thread!​
This page will contain any questions, skin requests, comments and thanks to the skins posted on the skins page. Before you ask, make sure your question isn't already answered on the FAQ. If you want to be a skin designer, download the Skin Toolbox and create your own skins!
General skin questions
:: How do I install skins?
:: :: After you downloaded your desired skin, uncompress the ZIP file and copy the SK2 file to the "skins" directory inside the application's folder on your device (e.g. "\Program Files\Nitrogen\skins"). After that, you may run the player and use the skin selector to load the skin file.
:: Are the skins from 0.3 compatible with 1.0?
:: :: Yes, they are! The new version (1.0) uses the same skin file structure as 0.3. Anyway, it's recommended to download the new skin toolbox (1.0.1) which includes the new icons that are used by 1.0.
:: Are the skins from 0.2.1 compatible with 0.3?
:: :: No, they aren't. The new skin files (SK2) allow more advanced behaviours and extensions that the old ones (SKN) didn't. So, if your favorite skin for 0.2.1 isn't available for 0.3, you can either be patient and wait for the author to upgrade, or you can get the bitmaps and upgrade it yourself.
Skin development
:: What's the difference between SKPROJ and SK2 files?
:: :: You can understand SKPROJ as the source of the skin file. These file extensions are handled by the Skin Studio (skstudio.exe), and contain uncompressed, 24-bit bitmap pictures (that's why they're large). The SK2 files contain 16-bit pictures, which passed by a Floyd-Steinberd dithering to assure quality, and are ready to be read by Nitrogen. To convert (I'd say compile, as you can consider SKPROJ the source and SK2 the binary) from SKPROJ to SK2 you use the Skin Export (skexport.exe) tool. For this, you can either click on "Export SK2 file" from the Skin Studio or execute the Skin Export directly.
:: Why can't Skin Studio load SK2 files?
:: :: That's because the SK2 file has already been sliced, compressed and dithered by the Skin Exporter. Also, the file structure of both files are different. If you want to edit a skin file, you have to acquire the SKPROJ file, either downloading on the skins page if available or asking the author.
(more questions/answers soon...)
Tutorial for Skin Toolbox (UPDATED MAR 13)
It contains important tables and data for skin designers (such as screen sizes and so on).​
How to create skins in Skin Toolbox?
How to add image on button?
What is hotspot background?
Mask is pressed button?
Give me project you default skin for example
Skin Toolbox it's the difficult program
Ankarii said:
How to create skins in Skin Toolbox?
Give me project you default skin for example
Skin Toolbox it's the difficult program
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Skin Toolbox is made of two main programs: the Skin Studio (skstudio.exe) and the Skin Exporter (skexport.exe). On the Skin Studio, you can design every aspect of your skin, placing the buttons where you want them to be and so on. This program loads and saves SKPROJ files, that are bigger than the SK2 files (which are read by Nitrogen). To convert from SKPROJ to SK2, you can use the Skin Exporter. This utility allows you to create a ZIP file containing the source skin file (SKPROJ), the compiled skin file (SK2) and a screenshot. It means that it generates a ZIP file ready to be posted here on XDA. Concerning the new way to create skins, now you simply add four images, with the size of the screen resolution. They're called backgrounds. On the normal background, you load a screen in which the buttons are unpressed and the trackbars are empty. On the hotspot background, you load a screen in which the buttons are pressed and the trackbars are full. The (toggle) state of the backgrounds are for buttons that support it (such as Shuffle, Repeat, Play/Pause, and now the Next and Previous). Anyway, I'll provide a more detailed tutorial soon, and by now you can download the attachment and explore the SKPROJ files.
Thanks, Filipe.
Cool. Very interesting. I'll try.
I'm now attempting to make a simple WVGA skin, just figuring out the basics of the skinstudio. The example you posted is very handy, maybe you should think about including it in the skinstudio zip, so people won't have to figure out everything on their own .
Great work on 0.3 by the way .
Excellent work on the new version. I've had some problems with the default VGA skin for WM6, it doesn't seem to respond to Play/Pause and some other buttons. I think it's the skin because I can get to all other functions using the options menu and play/pause using the hard keys on my Diamond. I'll have a play around with the skins editor to see if I can spot anything.
Oh yeah almost forgot, THANKS
Sorry to sound stupid here but is there an option to set the size of the canvas for VGA? I have looked all over and can't see it. The last version had the options when you click New. Are you supposed to just add things in and let it make the size out of the images you put in if you are creating from scratch?
I tried your example and simply exported it and applied on my device but it is QVGA (interestingly the play/pause works on this one but not on the default VGA). Is there a way to import the default VGA skin so I can modify it?
I guess you're probably working on a FAQ that will answer these so I'll just wait until it comes out.
EDIT: Just noticed you've fixed the play/pause and previous/next buttons now in 0.3.1 for VGA. Excellent thanks
Kevlah said:
Excellent work on the new version. I've had some problems with the default VGA skin for WM6, it doesn't seem to respond to Play/Pause and some other buttons. I think it's the skin because I can get to all other functions using the options menu and play/pause using the hard keys on my Diamond. I'll have a play around with the skins editor to see if I can spot anything.
Oh yeah almost forgot, THANKS
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As I don't have a VGA device, I couldn't entirely test the skin, so I forgot to assign the buttons for play/pause and the other buttons . The latest release (0.3.1) that came a few hours after 0.3, fixes this.
I'm sorry I missed that.
Kevlah said:
Sorry to sound stupid here but is there an option to set the size of the canvas for VGA? I have looked all over and can't see it. The last version had the options when you click New. Are you supposed to just add things in and let it make the size out of the images you put in if you are creating from scratch?
I tried your example and simply exported it and applied on my device but it is QVGA (interestingly the play/pause works on this one but not on the default VGA). Is there a way to import the default VGA skin so I can modify it?
I guess you're probably working on a FAQ that will answer these so I'll just wait until it comes out.
EDIT: Just noticed you've fixed the play/pause and previous/next buttons now in 0.3.1 for VGA. Excellent thanks
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The skin studio picks the size of the background image and sets it as the screen resolution. I'm planning to provide a table with the resolutions and the matching background size (e.g. QVGA is 240x268, VGA is 480x536 and so on, because of the space left for the softkeys and the window title).
Thanks, Filipe.
Okay so I've pretty much finished my WVGA skin, would you be able to post the project file for the default VGA skin as the QVGA project contains smaller icons (for the browser). Also I seem to be unable to return to the main window after opening the media browser, only thing I could do was restart the program. Will post it up as soon as I've got the bigger icons .
BDWN said:
Okay so I've pretty much finished my WVGA skin, would you be able to post the project file for the default VGA skin as the QVGA project contains smaller icons (for the browser). Also I seem to be unable to return to the main window after opening the media browser, only thing I could do was restart the program. Will post it up as soon as I've got the bigger icons .
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Seconded for the project file for VGA, would be really useful as I probably won't create from scratch, just move things around from Microfi's (if he doesn't mind).
BDWN said:
Okay so I've pretty much finished my WVGA skin, would you be able to post the project file for the default VGA skin as the QVGA project contains smaller icons (for the browser). Also I seem to be unable to return to the main window after opening the media browser, only thing I could do was restart the program. Will post it up as soon as I've got the bigger icons .
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Hi! You can't return to the player because your HTC X-Button is set to close the application (that's something I have to figure out...). The VGA skin project is attached below. If you wish to copy all the icons at once, use the "Export icons" and "Import icons" option on the Skin Studio.
Thanks, Filipe.
Kevlah said:
Seconded for the project file for VGA, would be really useful as I probably won't create from scratch, just move things around from Microfi's (if he doesn't mind).
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Hi! Of course I don't mind! Feel free to edit any skins. I'll encourage the skin posters to post the SKPROJ file along so that others can edit them!
By the way, I'll send the original pictures (PNG files from Fireworks), if you want more advanced edits.
Thanks, Filipe.
microfi said:
Hi! You can't return to the player because your HTC X-Button is set to close the application (that's something I have to figure out...). The VGA skin project is attached below. If you wish to copy all the icons at once, use the "Export icons" and "Import icons" option on the Skin Studio.
Thanks, Filipe.
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Is that a device specific problem then or just the htc x button setting? i don't have this problem (when i press x on media browser it goes back to player) but i have x button set to minimise not close.
Thanks for the vga proj files
Kevlah said:
Is that a device specific problem then or just the htc x button setting? i don't have this problem (when i press x on media browser it goes back to player) but i have x button set to minimise not close.
Thanks for the vga proj files
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It happens when your HTC X-Button is set to close. As yours is set to minimize, Nitrogen works properly.
microfi said:
Hi! You can't return to the player because your HTC X-Button is set to close the application (that's something I have to figure out...). The VGA skin project is attached below. If you wish to copy all the icons at once, use the "Export icons" and "Import icons" option on the Skin Studio.
Thanks, Filipe.
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Ah all right, found a way to get back to the main window, if you open Nitrogen using the start menu and then open the browser, I can get back by opening the program again (while it's still running) via the start menu. A simple solution would probably be to add a back link in one of the context menus in the browser.
The skin studio is a really great piece of software, it's relatively easy and seems very open for newer versions of Nitrogen (which will include new features of course). There's just one thing that bugs me, not a biggy tho, you can't rename items, haha, would be handy for typos, but then again, not many people will see a typo in the project file..
hi microfi
do you have 1 example in skproj WVGA please?
I wanna change my "WVGA Black Neon" to this new version ...can you help me?
emilitingo said:
hi microfi
do you have 1 example in skproj WVGA please?
I wanna change my "WVGA Black Neon" to this new version ...can you help me?
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You can download the VGA sample, and change the backgrounds dimensions to 480x696 pixels. This way, your skin will fit WVGA devices. You can take a look on the tutorial too (link on the first topic). It's quite incomplete, but it's already covering the start. If you have any further questions, just ask!
Thanks, Filipe.
please, i need a 320x320 skin... for samsung i780
Hey Filipe,
Per your request, I will post my comment here as you have asked. I want you to know that I appreciate your hard work. I am a programmer too and realize how much time a "non paying" project takes. I was NOT trying to screw up your skins posts. I had simply thought that since the post containg the skin which (at the time) I thought was defective was in the other thread, it would make the most sense to post there and give someone the chance to correct it. It would have stopped there (for me at least) if the other gentlemen would have simply posted that you had requested all comments here. I only replied back to let him know (since he only had a few posts to his name) that that kind of conduct would be considered rude and that simply posting a link to this thread (like you did) would have been a better choice of tactics.
I will restate my potential bug here for you. When switching skins from the default QVGA one that comes with .31 to one of the WQVGA ones in the other thread, I noticed that the option menu does not get lengthened correctly. To fix it, you just have to exit and bring back up nitrogen and the menu then displays correctly. Probably just need to add a refresh to the options menu. Keep up the good work.

[UTIL] .Net Finger Friendly Controls

Hi to all. I am a .Net developer fighting every day with the ugliness of the .Net controls. I've tried many things and realized the .Net GDI is just a very slow graphic library so i tested a little bit of other libraries. And i realized that for example GapiDraw or WMGL are much faster (I've only tested .Net wrapped graphic libraries maybe unmanaged like qt are lot more faster but we are talking about managed code).
So after a long time of thinking i come up to idea make my own .Net library which will override the default OnPaint and OnPaintBackground methods on the Form object and do my own painting with GapiDraw or WMGL. So that means that i need to completely create new UserControl class, Button class, Panel class, Calendar Chooser class and so on and on.... Not to mention that the whole thing will be finger friendly optimized and also support alpha transparency.
So i want to hear your thoughts on this, and i will be glad if someone want to join me on this project.
The goal is to provide an library to the .Net community which will make the development of the new apps more faster, and with much better graphical interface, and better communication between the user and the app(Finger Friendly).
Main idea: The main idea is to have a panel control that will be full screen controll without any interface every other control can be inserted in the main panel control, the main panel control will make the child control automatically full width and the child control it self will control the height. This will make the main panel control something like stack panel.
We can also implement an horizontal stack control which will devide one row of the main panel to more sections so you can insert many subcontrols horizontally. There will be also implemented an panel controller which will control main panels stacking so if you go from one main panel to another main panel it will remember the previous one so when you hit back button for example it will take you to the previous main panel or the first main panel that the program was started in. There will be also option to switch from one to another main panel trough effect, like slide, swipe, fold,flip .... There are going to be support for TOP,LEFT,BOTTOM,RIGHT docked tabs or menus call them how you want which will support kinetics and finger scrolling if they have more items then the viewable area.
There will be NO drop-down box for example since the drop-down box cant be finger friendly. So one of the idea is to change the drop-down interface with a button that will open a new main panel (modal) with stacked options as buttons so when you'll hit on an option it will bring you back to the previous panel (close the modal)
There is also idea to make nice message boxes.
Also there will be possibilities for others to create new controls by extending the projects control class. And also ability to intercept the rendering of the whole main panel and directly draw with the graphic library class if developers plan to make games or need to draw something on the main panel.
so basically what i want is someone to help to rewrite the Windows.Forms together with me and support me if he thinks this is a good idea.
I also have some sketches like images of the ui, and some code which i tested on my phone, Will be uploading it very soon.
Sounds Good, but some thoughts...
This sounds like a good idea. I'm developing my own set of tools/controls to ease application development. (Speed of development, not speed of draw.)
My first concern is the idea of vertical/horizontal "flow control". Many interfaces can quickly become very complicated and heavily nested when controls can't be placed explicitly by position.
My second thought is that the best apps tend to be highly graphics intensive (layers of graphics that don't align neatly and use many types of graphical element types.) This coupled with the variety of phone/device formats/resolutions, leads me to think that any good interface needs an abstraction layer. I am using my own layout manager (driven by resolution specific xml) in one app that controls final element placement. (Similar to .cpr files for Titanium.)
I'm interested (tho only watching for now). I hope this comes to something - a set of usefull controls that can make WM really shine.
Some random thoughts (to provoke discussion)...
Simple OpenGL / DirectX capable forms & controls - with super smooth scrolling & simple design time is my personal holy grail!
Make use the new physics and gesture librarys in WM6.5?
Utelise (as best as possible) the smooth scrolling built into WM6.5
WPF compatable XML based layout would also be good! Design in blend - use in WM (re-use when WPF for WM finally arrives!!!)
Good luck and best wished, Steve.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is the concept that i was talking about (it's not much invented is just cut and paste from iphone and a bunch of other interfaces that i have seen like resco forms and etc etc...) so if you see it carefully and analize it, altrough it looks limited, it allows to create and accomplish whatever you want.
also i was thinking of multi threading, so the app will let you work on it wile some parts of the gui are constructed in background processes, customizable gui themes, maybe even sound schemes. And also control image caching so if a parent control asks a child control to redraw the child control has to decide if something inside is changed, if it's not changed, then send back the previous rendered image to the parent control to be merged with it's image and send back to the root control (main control) for sending to the device buffer. So this will prevent a lot of uneeded rendering, but the control must be very smart to know on what property change what to redraw in it's image. maybe it doesnt need to redraw anything or just part of the image so it will be use the prvious rendered image and change just part of it.
Also needs to be discussed and tested if the root control will send graphics object to every child forum and the child form will paint itself on that graphics, or if the root control will ask the child control to send back image and then the root control blit that image to it's self generated image...
Anyway i now know that i am not the only one suffering from "NRAD" (Non Rapid Application Development) for windows mobile.
absolutely a great idea, i am also tired to find finger friendly control on .Net CF 3.5.
I think you can add this:
1. Finger Friendly Scroll List
2. TouchFlo Style Toolbar can be used on both Horizontal and Vertical
3. Checkbox and Radio Box
4. Design Time support in Visual Studio
Ideally, support databinding. do we need to think about landscape support (may be the 2nd phrase) ?
hkultraman said:
absolutely a great idea, i am also tired to find finger friendly control on .Net CF 3.5.
I think you can add this:
1. Finger Friendly Scroll List
2. TouchFlo Style Toolbar can be used on both Horizontal and Vertical
3. Checkbox and Radio Box
4. Design Time support in Visual Studio
Ideally, support databinding. do we need to think about landscape support (may be the 2nd phrase) ?
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Portrait landscape all are going to be made in the core of the library so i think they can be ahived in the 1st phase. Together with themes, and resolutions.
I accept all your proposals except the one with the design time in visual studio since this is going to be completelly not connected with windows forms, this is planned as a total rewrite of win forms and thus i dont know if it is possible to make it work in the designer.
This is such a good idea.
But like some others, i would definitely recommend enabling some sort of design time capabilities. Else you would have something really nice for the end user, but some not-so-good-time for developers...
Having both the user (with user-/fingerfriendly controls) and the software developer (with visual studio designer supported controls) provided with a good graphic API would make an all-time best seller (even more if the API remains free software ) !
Ok i admit design time support is a very big thing but we have to do a little research on that field since i am not very familiar with visual studio capatibilities and as i said it would completely override the .net windows forms because we are going to use 3rd party graphic library. So we have to think how can we incorporate all that and all desires into one project.
Quite true.
From what I know, adding designer support will be a small project on its own But it's worth it.
Good luck.
Do you know Fluid?
Fluid - Windows Mobile 6.x Touch Controls
Windows Mobile Fluid Touch Controls Library
Fluid is a .NET 2.0 control library for Windows Mobile 6.0/6.1 with touch controls.
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Here's the link: http://fluid.codeplex.com/
Seems to be quiet the same what you want to do.
(Funnily enough I've had the same idea this morning and began to crawl the web...)
The screenshots are from a sample appication which uses Fluid.
markusmuster said:
Do you know Fluid?
Here's the link: http://fluid.codeplex.com/
Seems to be quiet the same what you want to do.
(Funnily enough I've had the same idea this morning and began to crawl the web...)
The screenshots are from a sample appication which uses Fluid.
(Screenshots removed)
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great find!
Too bad the sample is not a full screen app... it would have been prettier... but people would have doubted it was a windows mobile app
I would gladly join you, since I'm experiencing the same frustration about the UI in Windows Mobile, but I suggest taking a look at other libraries first.
I'll do some research on my own (already did some time ago) and get back with some feedback.

