[UTIL] .Net Finger Friendly Controls - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi to all. I am a .Net developer fighting every day with the ugliness of the .Net controls. I've tried many things and realized the .Net GDI is just a very slow graphic library so i tested a little bit of other libraries. And i realized that for example GapiDraw or WMGL are much faster (I've only tested .Net wrapped graphic libraries maybe unmanaged like qt are lot more faster but we are talking about managed code).
So after a long time of thinking i come up to idea make my own .Net library which will override the default OnPaint and OnPaintBackground methods on the Form object and do my own painting with GapiDraw or WMGL. So that means that i need to completely create new UserControl class, Button class, Panel class, Calendar Chooser class and so on and on.... Not to mention that the whole thing will be finger friendly optimized and also support alpha transparency.
So i want to hear your thoughts on this, and i will be glad if someone want to join me on this project.
The goal is to provide an library to the .Net community which will make the development of the new apps more faster, and with much better graphical interface, and better communication between the user and the app(Finger Friendly).

Main idea: The main idea is to have a panel control that will be full screen controll without any interface every other control can be inserted in the main panel control, the main panel control will make the child control automatically full width and the child control it self will control the height. This will make the main panel control something like stack panel.
We can also implement an horizontal stack control which will devide one row of the main panel to more sections so you can insert many subcontrols horizontally. There will be also implemented an panel controller which will control main panels stacking so if you go from one main panel to another main panel it will remember the previous one so when you hit back button for example it will take you to the previous main panel or the first main panel that the program was started in. There will be also option to switch from one to another main panel trough effect, like slide, swipe, fold,flip .... There are going to be support for TOP,LEFT,BOTTOM,RIGHT docked tabs or menus call them how you want which will support kinetics and finger scrolling if they have more items then the viewable area.
There will be NO drop-down box for example since the drop-down box cant be finger friendly. So one of the idea is to change the drop-down interface with a button that will open a new main panel (modal) with stacked options as buttons so when you'll hit on an option it will bring you back to the previous panel (close the modal)
There is also idea to make nice message boxes.
Also there will be possibilities for others to create new controls by extending the projects control class. And also ability to intercept the rendering of the whole main panel and directly draw with the graphic library class if developers plan to make games or need to draw something on the main panel.
so basically what i want is someone to help to rewrite the Windows.Forms together with me and support me if he thinks this is a good idea.
I also have some sketches like images of the ui, and some code which i tested on my phone, Will be uploading it very soon.

Sounds Good, but some thoughts...
This sounds like a good idea. I'm developing my own set of tools/controls to ease application development. (Speed of development, not speed of draw.)
My first concern is the idea of vertical/horizontal "flow control". Many interfaces can quickly become very complicated and heavily nested when controls can't be placed explicitly by position.
My second thought is that the best apps tend to be highly graphics intensive (layers of graphics that don't align neatly and use many types of graphical element types.) This coupled with the variety of phone/device formats/resolutions, leads me to think that any good interface needs an abstraction layer. I am using my own layout manager (driven by resolution specific xml) in one app that controls final element placement. (Similar to .cpr files for Titanium.)

I'm interested (tho only watching for now). I hope this comes to something - a set of usefull controls that can make WM really shine.
Some random thoughts (to provoke discussion)...
Simple OpenGL / DirectX capable forms & controls - with super smooth scrolling & simple design time is my personal holy grail!
Make use the new physics and gesture librarys in WM6.5?
Utelise (as best as possible) the smooth scrolling built into WM6.5
WPF compatable XML based layout would also be good! Design in blend - use in WM (re-use when WPF for WM finally arrives!!!)
Good luck and best wished, Steve.

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is the concept that i was talking about (it's not much invented is just cut and paste from iphone and a bunch of other interfaces that i have seen like resco forms and etc etc...) so if you see it carefully and analize it, altrough it looks limited, it allows to create and accomplish whatever you want.
also i was thinking of multi threading, so the app will let you work on it wile some parts of the gui are constructed in background processes, customizable gui themes, maybe even sound schemes. And also control image caching so if a parent control asks a child control to redraw the child control has to decide if something inside is changed, if it's not changed, then send back the previous rendered image to the parent control to be merged with it's image and send back to the root control (main control) for sending to the device buffer. So this will prevent a lot of uneeded rendering, but the control must be very smart to know on what property change what to redraw in it's image. maybe it doesnt need to redraw anything or just part of the image so it will be use the prvious rendered image and change just part of it.
Also needs to be discussed and tested if the root control will send graphics object to every child forum and the child form will paint itself on that graphics, or if the root control will ask the child control to send back image and then the root control blit that image to it's self generated image...
Anyway i now know that i am not the only one suffering from "NRAD" (Non Rapid Application Development) for windows mobile.

absolutely a great idea, i am also tired to find finger friendly control on .Net CF 3.5.
I think you can add this:
1. Finger Friendly Scroll List
2. TouchFlo Style Toolbar can be used on both Horizontal and Vertical
3. Checkbox and Radio Box
4. Design Time support in Visual Studio
Ideally, support databinding. do we need to think about landscape support (may be the 2nd phrase) ?

hkultraman said:
absolutely a great idea, i am also tired to find finger friendly control on .Net CF 3.5.
I think you can add this:
1. Finger Friendly Scroll List
2. TouchFlo Style Toolbar can be used on both Horizontal and Vertical
3. Checkbox and Radio Box
4. Design Time support in Visual Studio
Ideally, support databinding. do we need to think about landscape support (may be the 2nd phrase) ?
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Portrait landscape all are going to be made in the core of the library so i think they can be ahived in the 1st phase. Together with themes, and resolutions.
I accept all your proposals except the one with the design time in visual studio since this is going to be completelly not connected with windows forms, this is planned as a total rewrite of win forms and thus i dont know if it is possible to make it work in the designer.

This is such a good idea.
But like some others, i would definitely recommend enabling some sort of design time capabilities. Else you would have something really nice for the end user, but some not-so-good-time for developers...
Having both the user (with user-/fingerfriendly controls) and the software developer (with visual studio designer supported controls) provided with a good graphic API would make an all-time best seller (even more if the API remains free software ) !

Ok i admit design time support is a very big thing but we have to do a little research on that field since i am not very familiar with visual studio capatibilities and as i said it would completely override the .net windows forms because we are going to use 3rd party graphic library. So we have to think how can we incorporate all that and all desires into one project.

Quite true.
From what I know, adding designer support will be a small project on its own But it's worth it.
Good luck.

Do you know Fluid?
Fluid - Windows Mobile 6.x Touch Controls
Windows Mobile Fluid Touch Controls Library
Fluid is a .NET 2.0 control library for Windows Mobile 6.0/6.1 with touch controls.
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Here's the link: http://fluid.codeplex.com/
Seems to be quiet the same what you want to do.
(Funnily enough I've had the same idea this morning and began to crawl the web...)
The screenshots are from a sample appication which uses Fluid.

markusmuster said:
Do you know Fluid?
Here's the link: http://fluid.codeplex.com/
Seems to be quiet the same what you want to do.
(Funnily enough I've had the same idea this morning and began to crawl the web...)
The screenshots are from a sample appication which uses Fluid.
(Screenshots removed)
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great find!

Too bad the sample is not a full screen app... it would have been prettier... but people would have doubted it was a windows mobile app

I would gladly join you, since I'm experiencing the same frustration about the UI in Windows Mobile, but I suggest taking a look at other libraries first.
I'll do some research on my own (already did some time ago) and get back with some feedback.


iPhone Slider (.NET CF) - Now V1.0 Stable!!

The main improvements in the iPhone Slider over A_C's slide2unlock are that it's compatible with any devices that can run the .net framework, So it can be QVGA or VGA, 2003SE, WM6, And it's even compatible with running on desktop windows versions. All this by running the same executable. (edit: running on windows desktop produces errors now due to using some pocket pc libraries)
It also uses the proper iPhone fonts, and it should be less ram usage. (Tested under WM6 using memmaid it only used 1.87mb ram. some users are reporting strange memory issues which is being fixed though)
Screenshots: (Running on Pocket PC Emulator)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
if you're one of the people that find A_C's slide2unlock is incompatible with your ppc or eating up your ram, you can donate through paypal to motivate me to finish this: [email protected].
- This is the main program: Slider.zip.
Try using this first. Just extract it to your device or SD card and run.
Note: To use the proper iPhone fonts, copy the included iPhone.ttf to your windows fonts directory (may also require soft-reset).
- If the 'slide to unlock' animation or arrow button don't scale properly on your VGA screen, extract Slider_VGAPATCH.zip to the folder of the original version.
- If you want to change the wallpaper, use this: Slider_Config.zip.
You can only run this on WM5-6 and on VGA devices at the moment.
Put it in a different directory to your main slider app directory. Put the wallpaper you want in GFX\Res\wallpaper.bmp. Then let run the app and let it exit by itself.
It will create a directory called 'GFXOUT' that contains the necessary graphics to use with your main slider app.
Then simply copy the contents of the generated 'GFXOUT' folder to your main app's 'GFX' folder (or delete it and rename GFXOUT to GFX and put it in there).
Note: If you aren't using the VGAPATCH version you will need to resize the slideanis.bmp to half the size using an image editor.
- Due to the larger VGA icons and a different filename, my slider app isn't compatible with the original iPhone launcher anymore.
So here's a modified version of the launcher: launcher.zip that uses different icons.
It's also modified to show 'AT&T' instead of 'Unknown' if you don't have phone capabilities.
-Update @ 4th September:
made images load externally. the app executable is only 18kb now.
added a function to make it fullscreen, but it's commented out atm as it leaves the screen mucked up when you close the app (until you soft-reset).
but as it is, adding the window state to maximized already makes it in fullscreen everything i've tested except for on the device emulator.
added vga quality background that will stretch to the resolution of the screen.
-Update @ 5th September:
added clock and date display.
added signal strength status and carrier name functions.
added lock icon.
added power status function (temporarily uses a built-in value and does not actually grab the power status at the moment though).
-Update @ 6th September:
added some 'fake' transparency effects. this would actually mean less resources are used. but i hope to find out how to do real transparency later on.
-Update @ 7th September:
added fake transparency to the slider bar and to the animated 'slide to unlock' images.
added real transparency for all the labels. the only thing left to make transparent now is the arrow button.
added dpi scaling method and VGA sized images. so it now fully supports VGA. if you are using a QVGA device, it will scale down to your screen size.
the clock will remove the leading zero from the time if it starts with it.
positioned labels more accurately.
-Update @ 8th September:
added function to animate the 'slide to unlock' image on the ppc the same way as with A_C's app
added proper battery status function.
added transparency on the arrow image.. but it's only a solid color so it's still not very good.
added iPhone fonts! if you want the app to use the same fonts as on the iPhone, copy iPhone.ttf to your windows fonts directory and soft-reset. if you don't do this it will simply revert to tahoma fonts.
-Update @ 9th September:
added a new way for drawing the fonts transparently. it will ensure compatibility across all screen sizes, and can draw the font positions exactly the same as on the iPhone (font sizes will need to be changed though).
the fonts are now always centered properly.
added an error check on the battery api. so it's now compatible running on desktop pc's again. it might also fix some ppc's.
-Update @ 10th September:
made fonts relatively positioned and accurate to the iPhone.
made fonts sized accurately to the iPhone.
changed font color of the date to the greener color it is on the iPhone.
fixed the huge performance hit and screen flashing when updating the images with fonts ontop of them. now all images that get refreshed will only do it if it's needed.
fixed a bit of code i left out in the previous vga fixes (binary and source). sorry about that, the vga fix will work now.
-Update @ 11th September:
changed speed of the slideback function to be more accurate to the iPhone.
-Update @ 12th September:
made arrow button image transparent, BUT.. once you move it it won't update the transparency.. so only when it's in the start position will it be transparent. it's still an improvement though.
modified the launcher app to use 'slider.exe' instead of 'slide.exe' so you can just use it with my slider app straight away. also fixed a problem with it still showing one battery image too big.
-Update @ 13th September:
finally got the arrow button image to stay fully transparent!!
it will now automatically open in fullscreen.
changed wallpaper and other images as the wallpaper was cropped a bit different to the iPhone.
changed slider app to use one toplock.bmp instead of a lock.bmp and top.bmp.
made a 'Config Creator' to generate the images for different backgrounds.
hosting the files on my server now as there are more than the maximum limit allowed in a thread.
improved fluency and speed of the 'slide to unlock' animation by a huge deal.
removed the blurryness of all the images.
due to using the 'config creator', the images are now VGA quality and not scaled up from QVGA.
changed carrier name font to arial. the rest will still use the iphone fonts though.
cleaned up arrow button image and moved it to the proper position.
-Update @ 15th September:
thanks to LlamaV3, the following bugs have been fixed:
exiting doesn't leave the titlebar from making it fullscreen.
glitchy graphics on the arrow button have been fixed.
carrier name no longer has a box symbol next to it.
because of this, i'm proud to announce the app as V1.0 stable! thanks LlamaV3 for getting us there!
-Update @ 23rd September:
Added LlamaV3's code to dispose of the images before exit, memory might be saved.
Thanks to Reichi, I've updated all projects to use png images instead of bitmaps.
- add option for WM5/WM6 users to use proper alpha-blending transparency instead, so it's easier to modify the images like the wallpaper while not effecting everything else. (already have this working in another test project too)
- add wifi, bluetooth etc. status functions and icons.
- add better image buffering and/or option to use gapi/dx mobile to make moving the arrow image smoother.
- make config creator compatible with running in QVGA.
- add 'slide to answer'.. maybe..
- add registry/ini configuration. (will only add this once all the functions are complete though)
Thumbs up from my side!
I'm really curious what we'll get to see.
I'd really like to test when you are at beta stage. Hopefully it will become a bit smoother and consume reasonably less ram.
I don't get it... why would we need an slide 2 unlock if the device stays locked when we press once the power button?
Its just to add another step to do just to turn your device on!
more info pics???
Yeah I second that, pics woud be nice thanks.
dferreira said:
I don't get it... why would we need an slide 2 unlock if the device stays locked when we press once the power button?
Its just to add another step to do just to turn your device on!
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Very true haha. The damn iphone craze is addicting though.
slide2unlock has worked fine for me, but if this will hog up less memory then i will definitely give it a try.
what programming language did u use. c .net or no. could you let me know . thank you
I think he used Visual Basic .NET ;-)
Nice Code
nEuDy said:
I think he used Visual Basic .NET ;-)
Nice Code
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superflysocal said:
slide2unlock has worked fine for me, but if this will hog up less memory then i will definitely give it a try.
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it only uses 18kb ram for the executable.
the other slide2unlock uses the PPL interpreter and requires use of gapi etc.
so if i get time to actually do the rest of the GUI, this would be better to use cos it's better performance (and would be compatible with all screen sizes and OS's due to using .NET framework).
but as it is now, it's just proof of concept for the slider.
btw people asking for screenshots,
theres no point atm really.
the point was to show how the slider works, and compatibility/performance. the graphics/UI has hardly been started on yet.
dferreira said:
I don't get it... why would we need an slide 2 unlock if the device stays locked when we press once the power button?
Its just to add another step to do just to turn your device on!
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Obviously just haven't understood the advantage of a devicelock application yet. How is your device reacting after a call has come in you didn't take or you received a message that is shown on the display or a reminder popped up for your next appointment and you carry your device in your pocket?
Yes, the display stays on sensitive for every input to come until your preset timer shuts it off again after, say, 2 minutes.
A devicelock application is there to prevent e.g. calling someone by accident or triggering programs without knowing while you carry your device in your pocket. As long as it stays quiet and all buttons are out of function except for your powerbutton then it's fine without such an application - then you just have to be careful not to press it by accident. On every other occasion described above you just (ok, maybe not you, but many other people around ) need a devicelock.
And: why I'm not using the default devicelock by Windows Mobile? Because it's not auto-locking my device when going to standby as Slide2Unlock can and it is not as good looking as the smooth slider...
chrismrulz said:
even with all the images embedded in the executable as it is now, it's 68kb.
when it loads all the files externally it will probably only use about 20kb ram for the executable.
the other slide2unlock uses the PPL interpreter and requires use of gapi etc.
so if i get time to actually do the rest of the GUI, this would be better to use cos it's better performance (and would be compatible with all screen sizes and OS's due to using .NET framework).
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That's quite a difference to 5,5 MB of RAM consumption of Slide2Unlock!
Great, I'm really appreciating your work! Please don't stop your development.
Just a quick question:
How are you planning the transparency? I don't think you can do it with vb.net, can you?
cYa ~Neo
Mistellisch said:
That's quite a difference to 5,5 MB of RAM consumption of Slide2Unlock!
Great, I'm really appreciating your work! Please don't stop your development.
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Except it's a bit naive to count ram this way
As it's .NET it require the .NET runtime, if he adds feature like SMS counter, etc... it will add some libraries to that.
Graphics are in memory also, so for instance, one image (the background) 240*320*16bit will takes around 160Kb.
Anyway, I wish you good luck for your project.
Mistellisch said:
Obviously just haven't understood the advantage of a devicelock application yet. How is your device reacting after a call has come in you didn't take or you received a message that is shown on the display or a reminder popped up for your next appointment and you carry your device in your pocket?
Yes, the display stays on sensitive for every input to come until your preset timer shuts it off again after, say, 2 minutes.
A devicelock application is there to prevent e.g. calling someone by accident or triggering programs without knowing while you carry your device in your pocket. As long as it stays quiet and all buttons are out of function except for your powerbutton then it's fine without such an application - then you just have to be careful not to press it by accident. On every other occasion described above you just (ok, maybe not you, but many other people around ) need a devicelock.
And: why I'm not using the default devicelock by Windows Mobile? Because it's not auto-locking my device when going to standby as Slide2Unlock can and it is not as good looking as the smooth slider...
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I usually answer my calls, so I never had noticed this issue...
dferreira said:
I usually answer my calls, so I never had noticed this issue...
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So you see: you never ever stop learning...
I'm looking forward to future releases
Welcome to the hell of SLIDE
Just out of curiosity, how long the program takes to start? And when comparing to PPL, which one is easier to code?
Good luck & hope you enjoy the trip.
A_C said:
Welcome to the hell of SLIDE
Just out of curiosity, how long the program takes to start? And when comparing to PPL, which one is easier to code?
Good luck & hope you enjoy the trip.
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Slide2Unlock is slower to load but in Slider there isn't signal bar, battery and so on...
PPL and VB.net are both quiet easy to code...
cYa ~Neo
tene said:
Except it's a bit naive to count ram this way
As it's .NET it require the .NET runtime, if he adds feature like SMS counter, etc... it will add some libraries to that.
Graphics are in memory also, so for instance, one image (the background) 240*320*16bit will takes around 160Kb.
Anyway, I wish you good luck for your project.
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I've just updated it to load the images externally.
So it's 18kb for the app now.
btw those images are jpeg's and gifs. so it can actually be at vga quality for that size you mentioned (160kb).
.NET is a more optimized framework than just a runtime. and shouldn't use up anywhere near as much ram.
try comparing ram usage with a benchmarking tool before and while using both apps, if you want to get actual proof though.
NeoPheus said:
Just a quick question:
How are you planning the transparency? I don't think you can do it with vb.net, can you?
cYa ~Neo
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i'm fairly certain this would be easy to do and that there are apps with transparency using .net cf.
i know for a fact that it's dead easy to do for just plain vb.NET (not the compact framework version).
if all fails i can just use gapi which would definitely have it. just trying to stay away from using that so it can still work on older devices aswell.
A_C said:
Welcome to the hell of SLIDE
Just out of curiosity, how long the program takes to start? And when comparing to PPL, which one is easier to code?
Good luck & hope you enjoy the trip.
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lol thanks,
the program starts a bit under 1 second on my iPAQ.
i'd have to say C#.net would have to be a hell of alot easier when coding from scratch than a lower-level one like PPL.
but it would be alot easier if the current slide2unlock on PPL was able to work on WM6/VGA rather than just me starting from scratch.
if i ever get it to the stage slide2unlock is at, this would be alot easier to add stuff to for sure.
would you be interested working with me on this C#.net one?
i just need someone to setup the graphics stuff properly. it would need to be relative positioning to the screen size, so it can work in VGA.
i can easily do the coding parts like grabbing the time and registry keys for the phone stuff and update them,
and work on making it fullscreen,
and add an ini file to configure it, and add the ability to make it use gapi with sprites.
it's just getting the graphics setup relative to the different screen sizes that is my priority now.
it's slowing me down cos i'm just thinking about how to do it, and not actually spending time coding anything.
would really appreciate some help.

[2007-10-25] FTouchFlo v.1.4.1 HOTFIX

[2008-02-03] FTouchSL released. New thread here.
FTouchFlo ver. 1.4.1 HOTFIX​
Sorry, forgot to exclude debug feature from "Excluded programs". Now it should work.
Thank you!
FTouchFlo ver. 1.4 HOTFIX​
First of all, many thanks to all donators!
Unfortunately I don't have much time, so new feature introduced not so fast...
Changes in 1.4:
1. Fixed a few bugs causing not stable behavior (freezing, white-screen or so.).
2. Fixed LeftRightAppCmdLine parameter parsing.
3. Fixed "Excluded programs" list.
4. Display orientation now checked for each point. Hope issues with "incorrect calibration" in landscape mode on some devices will be solved.
5. Whole application optimization.
6. Added scrolling in "Agenda One" windows. Changed scrollable window searching algorithm.
7. Added possibility to turn off scrolling function. New parameter "DisableScroll" with possible values: 0 - scrolling enabled and 1 - scrolling disabled. For example, to disable scrolling in all windows put DisableScroll:1 to the configuration file.
Thank you!
FTouchFlo ver. 1.3 HOTFIX​
No new features or so. Just stability. A few more checks added, suspicious parts of code rewrited and so on.
FTouchFlo ver. 1.2 HOTFIX​
1. Fixed bug with memory allocation which for 99.99999% was a reason for devices freezing. To avoid possible huge problems (even hardreset might be required sometimes!) with your devices I would recommend uninstall FTouchFlo 1.0 and 1.1 if you have them installed.
2. To avoid changing '/' to '\' in gestures parameters you have to put parameter value in brackets:
[will be changed]: UpDownAppCmdLine:/Program files/123.exe
[will not be changed]:UpDownAppCmdLine:"/cmd_line_parameter"
Thank you!
FTouchFlo ver. 1.1 HOTFIX​
1. Devices freezing (I really hope!)
2. Slash - Backslash problem in configuration file. You can put there anything you want and FTouchFlo will change all / to \.
3. Excluded programs: sometimes currently active application wasn't recognized and excluded.
4. User activity notification added. Before that when you're just scrolling, windows didn't know about your activities.
FTouchFlo ver. 1.0​
FTouchFlo is the program which gives you possibility to control with your Windows Mobile PDA without using stylus but with your finger!
It allows scrolling contents of windows in most of applications (Outlook, File explorer, MS Word, Notes, Contacts etc.) where vertical or horizontal scroll bars are! Along with scrolling feature FTouchFlo provides launching functionality. You will be able to start up to 4 your favorite applications just sliding your finger on the touch screen in one of four directions.
1. Scrolling and standard windows behavior: To scroll contents of a window with vertical or horizontal scroll bar you have to touch your screen and immediately start scrolling by moving your finger. You have just a few milliseconds (Delay) between the moment you’ve touched the screen and started scrolling. If you’ll not start scrolling immediately, your PDA will be working as usual (standard windows behavior function): you’ll be able to select text or use tap-n-hold function to invoke context menu.
2. Zones: There are 2 zones of touch screen controlled by FTouchFlo:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Zone “1” is always used for scrolling or “standard windows behavior” functions. Zone 2 might be also used for launching up to 4 your favorite applications.
Note: Scrolling and “Standard windows behavior” functions are also available in the Zone 2.
3. Launching: To launch one of four predefined applications you can use four different gestures: Down->Up, Up->Down, Left->Right, Right->Left.
Note: You should always start gestures for launching applications from the Zone 2!
Note: You should start moving your finger almost immediately (GestureWaitingDelay) after you’ve touched the screen!
• Down-Up gesture should be started from the bottom of the screen and you should move your finger to the 1/3 of screen in the direction to the top of screen:
• Up->Down gesture should be started from the top of screen and you should move your finger to the 1/3 of screen in the direction to the bottom of screen;
• Left->Right gesture should be started from the left of screen and you should move your finger to the 1/3 of screen in the direction to the right of screen;
• Right->Left gesture should be started from the right of screen and you should move your finger to the 1/3 of screen in the direction to the left of screen.
4. Excluded applications. This feature allows you to restrict FTouchFlo control gestures when some application is running. It is useful in case if the application natively supports scrolling with finger function or gestures.
5. Disabled when SIP is active. FTouchFlo will be automatically disabled when you have SIP (Software Input Panel) active, so you can use Block Recognizer, Letter Recognizer and other SIPs without taking into account that FTouchFlo is running.
1. Transcriber is not supported.
2. Scrolling doesn’t works in MSExcel, Resco Photo Viewer and some other applications with unusual approach how to use scrollbars. 
3. Windows internal calibration application will not be working while FTouchFlo is running.
Licensing, using, copyrights etc.
1. You can use FTouchFlo for non-commercial purposes free of charge.
2. You can include FTouchFlo in your ROMs with notice about FTouchFLo copyright.
3. You can distribute FTouchFlo together with your application with notice about FTouchFlo copyright.
4. All rights to FTouchFlo belong to FTouchFlo developers.
5. You can use FTouchFlo on your own risk.
6. FTouchFlo developers are not responsible for any problems caused by using FTouchFlo.
If the touch screen is not responding, it might be caused by FTouchFlo. Just softreset the device.
Special thanks
Special thanks to all donators, administration and members of www.xda-developers.com!
We hope you’ll be happy with FTouchFlo and if so, please, donate, so developers will be able to continue working and introduce new cool features!
Feel free to contact FTouchFlo developers by e-mail: ftouchflodev(@)seznam.cz or post at http://forum.xda-developers.com – the greatest xDA owners forum!
For complete description see Readme.txt or FTouchFlo.docx files from the package!
Sincerely yours.
Fantastic, I hope it works with me
Is this could be installed in RAMdisk?
The_hesham said:
Fantastic, I hope it works with me
Is this could be installed in RAMdisk?
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Hi! I didn't try but I think, yes. Thank you!
Awesome stuff eFrost.
Really digging your program.
Hats off to you and your sources!
thanks a lot efrost, i will try later and make a report..
Looks really good!
So now you can decide whether the whole screen should be used for scrolling or part 1 for scrolling and part 2 for launching programs?
A good idea to get rid of the shifting between modes
A couple of suggestions (to do after bugs have been sorted):
1) Maybe it could be possible to decide which areas of part 2 (the launch part of the screen) you would like to use? For instance, if you only want up->down to close programs and down->up to launch a program cube, you could decide not to use the left and right part of part 2 of the screen, which perhaps would make it easier to scroll sideways?
This could perhaps be done in an easy way: If no program is linked to right->left or left->right, it will just scroll instead of trying to launch a program? (Maybe it is already done this way?)
2) Make different approaches if you are on the home screen or somewhere else. Right now I really can't see the point for me personally, but maybe someone else could?
3) Kinetic scrolling and easy slow scrolling of course
I think that's all I can think of right now. Keep up the great work efrost!
Edit: Just got one more idea
4) Maybe if the borders of the part of the screen could be set manually (like the GestureWaitingDelay). In this way people with flush screens (like HTC Touch) could set it to a smaller amount, since it's easier to swipe from the border of the screen on such devices. Just an idea
MTM said:
So now you can decide whether the whole screen should be used for scrolling or part 1 for scrolling and part 2 for launching programs?
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No. There are always 2 zones but both can be used for scrolling and just Zone2 for launching.
MTM said:
Maybe it could be possible to decide which areas of part 2 (the launch part of the screen) you would like to use? For instance, if you only want up->down to close programs and down->up to launch a program cube, you could decide not to use the left and right part of part 2 of the screen, which perhaps would make it easier to scroll sideways?
This could perhaps be done in an easy way: If no program is linked to right->left or left->right, it will just scroll instead of trying to launch a program? (Maybe it is already done this way?)
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It is done exactly this way + if you'll not be in time with gesture or gesture won't be recognized, scrolling function will be executed.
Thank you!
efrost said:
It is done exactly this way + if you'll not be in time with gesture or gesture won't be recognized, scrolling function will be executed.
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Okay, very nice
Then there's really just the kinetic and slow scrolling part left. And maybe the possibility of manually adjusting the borders?
That would really be the icing on the cake
When I made the down up movement in zone 2, a flash lite message appears.
Unable to open URL: /Program Files/SCLPF/Cube Launcher 0-09.swf.
Does anybody knows how to solve it?
maxlawbr said:
When I made the down up movement in zone 2, a flash lite message appears.
Unable to open URL: /Program Files/SCLPF/Cube Launcher 0-09.swf.
Does anybody knows how to solve it?
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Hi! You should have this file or you can configure different application to be started with Down->Up gesture. Check "Configuration" section in the first post.
Thank you!
Hi thank a lot for this amazing app today i installed Ftouchflo 04 b and loved that already just now i installed v1 and i am totally amazed
only one thing i cannot invoke the normal cube , if it is also possible with your app please tell me what to do.
maybe it is something to do with the (normal touchflo) what was embedded in my rom?
how can i get rid of that?
Why there is a differens with slash / in the line :UpDownApp:\ and line: DownUpApp:/
; FTouchFlo configuration file
DownUpAppCmdLine:/Program Files/SCLPF/Cube Launcher 0-09.swf
RightLeftApp:/Storage Card/Program files/Total Commander/cecmd.exe
ArrO said:
Hi thank a lot for this amazing app today i installed Ftouchflo 04 b and loved that already just now i installed v1 and i am totally amazed
only one thing i cannot invoke the normal cube , if it is also possible with your app please tell me what to do.
maybe it is something to do with the (normal touchflo) what was embedded in my rom?
how can i get rid of that?
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Hmm.. Good question. Do you know some exe or lnk file which starts "normal" cube? If yes, you should assign it to one of gestures. If you don't know, I hope somebody will help with it. I didn't have in my hands a PDA with real TouchFlo and I don't have any idea how to launch cube.
Thank you!
leszcz2 said:
Why there is a differens with slash / in the line :UpDownApp:\ and line: DownUpApp:/
; FTouchFlo configuration file
DownUpAppCmdLine:/Program Files/SCLPF/Cube Launcher 0-09.swf
RightLeftApp:/Storage Card/Program files/Total Commander/cecmd.exe
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It's just doesn't matter. Windows accepts both slashes. Don't worry!
A VERY GREAT PROGRAM!!!!!! Tnx for your work!
Can you add a scrolling inertia?
e.gammieri said:
Can you add a scrolling inertie?
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Hi! I will. It is "most wanted" feature. If this release will be stable enough, I'll implement kinetic scrolling.
Thank you!
I have installed v1.0 into the device itself and when I run the FTouch, my device froze...I have to do soft reset after that. And then i uninstalled and reinstalled the problem remains...please any idea ?
observer365 said:
I have installed v1.0 into the device itself and when I run the FTouch, my device froze...I have to do soft reset after that. And then i uninstalled and reinstalled the problem remains...please any idea ?
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Hi! Have you tried one of FTouchFlo Alphas? Are they work on your device?
BTW, which device you have?
Thank you!
Oh my! Two 1.0 versions in 1 day, this must be x-mas! Installed it and worked without a hitch, I love the 2 zone implementation, I tried it with Slither's new cube and it's almost TOO good. I just don't know what to say. Thank you, amazing. truly.

[UPDATE][10/10/2008] TouchLaunch 0.0.3! so beautiful ( NET2&NET3.5 ) with some skins

[UPDATE][10/10/2008] TouchLaunch 0.0.3! so beautiful ( NET2&NET3.5 ) with some skins
0.0.4 version: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=437773
TouchLaunch is simple application launcher, which scans start menu shortcuts, and list them alphabetically. Kind of similar to scoll launcher
but this has new quick alphabetic scroll function. This is very early alpha and my first program release.
-finger scrolling
-quick alphabet shortcuts
-you can choose whether it closes after program launch or not
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
+Skin changer
+Better skinning support
+You can use bitmaps as list item highlight
+6 premade skins
+closeAfterLaunch feature
+you can use your today's screen background as this program's background
+ability to choose whether minimize or terminate on exit
+automatic closing ( either minimize or exit on closing )
+it's minimizes correctly, so you can leave it on running background
+should work on all different language roms!
Known "bugs":
-skin change takes about 5 sec... so don't panic
-if closeAfterLaunch feature is on and you switch to other application,
TouchLaunch will close in 2 seconds.
-if you try to launch phone ( or calendar ), it will launch softaware and after that it will crash...
-using bitmaps multiples memory usage, but you can avoid that using simpler skins
-menu is ugly
.NET CF 2.0
wm6 ( might work with wm5 ), i have only tested on emulator and on my elf
qvga or vga
Download and install the cab file
or download the zip file, extract it to any folder on your ppc and run the exe file.
Making new skins you can look example from premade skins in the skin folder at installation folder, two of them ( white.xml and original.xml ) are commented. Adding new just copy your skin xml file in the skins folder.
-better skin support
-adding some animations
-icons ( maybe someone could give me a hint )
-bug fixes
-landscape support
-performance tweaking
-optimizing memory usage
Feel free comment, and give me more ideas!
If like it, you can always donate to keep me motivated
Thanks to gingercat and dosfan for exellent work on KListControl!
Thanks to skinmakers!
Other's skins included in package:
Manila 2D Blue ( by shadowmike )
Diamond ( by Azimuth21 )
DiamondVGA ( by Mr Gee )
nice work can we change background skin
awh damn. just when i had made my mortbuttons program launcher skin.
thanks buddy.
i bet its MUCH easier than my way...
munnna73 said:
nice work can we change background skin
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Yes, you can change all the colors and also change placements of different elements by modifying skin.xml file. It doesn't support using background bitmaps, but i'm planning to make that for nex release.
Every object has these attributes, which you can modify:
the colors are 9 digit RGB values ( example. BGCOLOR is 105105105, so it has 105 red, 105 green, 105 blue ). Make sure you always use three numbers, even if value is under 100, for example 5 -> 005.
i cant wait till we can have background images. and select images like scroll launcher(by l5v3y)
kidnamedAlbert said:
i cant wait till we can have background images. and select images like scroll launcher(by l5v3y)
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Actually you can use select image, because it use the same KlistControl code base. Just copy png bitmap to execution folder and name it as select.png. The dimensions must match the dimensions configured in the skin.xml. So, by default it's 228x40.
Looks nice
Few pointers if I may it starts kind of slow it takes about 4 seconds to open it on my kaiser. And the search engine is kind of not finger friendly it,s hard to select a letter with your thumb. I think that bigger letters would do the trick for example you could place half of the alphabet on the left side of the screen and the rest on the right side or introduce the search engine similar to the one present in IContacts.
Great job
-Arturo- said:
Looks nice
Few pointers...
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Thanks for responses and ideas!
The slow start time is mostly compact framework's fault, one idea is to let it run on background or switch to WIN32 api... but i did look up Icontact's source and felt it was not my kind of cookie But there's some tweaking that could be done. About the scroll touch, i find it quite good on my touch.
It helps to not really trying to hit right alphabet but instead follow what the on screen indexshower shows, and if it's wrong letter just slide your finger up or down. have to say that i'm not big fan of the idea dividing the alphabets but the Icontact alphabet's style could be an idea...
Btw. out of concept, but does anyone know any free coctail databases? Because i have done earlier a program that displays coctail recipes, but the database i use is something that i can't publish. firstly because i don't have authors permission and secondly because it's in Finnish It would perfect if database would be in XML format.
Just added a cab installer.
If the memory footprint is low and by saying low I mean less than 500kb then it's a good idea. WIN32 api??? Well that's double dutch to me
Well I think I've got too big thumbs While holding the phone in one hand I'm not able to access the alphabet with my thumb. I've tried pressing the alphabet area and then slide it up or down to choose a letter but I end up scrolling the list with applications up or down. So maybe widening the alphabet touch area would do the trick. Also I think that moving the indexshower to the upper or even upper right part of the screen would prevent it from being covered by a thumb while picking a letter.
I don't know any cocktail databases at least not free ones
Would it be possible to map it to the "all programs" soft key in TF3D?
Looks nice, thanks for the good work.
Installed and tried it. A pgm which works great. Very handy as I do not have every programs set for my iFonz icons. I couple of suggestions:
1) To group pgm names by alphabet, something like iContact. When the scroll reaches a particular alphabet, the alphabet will appear in the middle, more like you're selecting from the left alphabet option.
2) A handy A to Z table like iContact rather than the alphabets tiny-ly arranged on the left.
I can live with the color but if there's skin to select, it will be prefect.
Thank you for such brilliant pgm.
why netcf
New Version 0.0.2!
It's more skinnable, you can change also font. And I made 6 example skins. I would love see few good custom skins in this thread, which i could add to next release.
uniqueboy said:
Would it be possible to map it to the "all programs" soft key in TF3D?
Looks nice, thanks for the good work.
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I have no idea never tried TF3D. Maybe someone else could answer?
avellant said:
It's more skinnable, you can change also font. And I made 6 example skins. I would love see few good custom skins in this thread, which i could add to next release.
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Any chance it could use the today wallpaper for background?
stutzedward said:
Installed and tried it. A pgm which works great. Very handy as I do not have every programs set for my iFonz icons. I couple of suggestions:
1) To group pgm names by alphabet, something like iContact. When the scroll reaches a particular alphabet, the alphabet will appear in the middle, more like you're selecting from the left alphabet option.
2) A handy A to Z table like iContact rather than the alphabets tiny-ly arranged on the left.
I can live with the color but if there's skin to select, it will be prefect.
Thank you for such brilliant pgm.
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Thank you!
1) That's possible and a good idea.
2) I'm going with tiny alphabets for now, but that would be nice option to add later versions, though i have to make whole new control for that.
The new version has the old color scheme and new white one, i would like i have some darker on like on scroll launcher also.. maybe some talented skinning artist in this forum could provide me that I'm not so talented with skin creating.
uniqueboy said:
Any chance it could use the today wallpaper for background?
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oh, it would be nice....
btw, great app!
uniqueboy said:
Any chance it could use the today wallpaper for background?
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That's really great idea Anyone know, how to get path for todaywallpaper? I added background bitmap function to alphabet bar, but haven't yet tested it. I have also modifying the list control to support bg bitmaps... I think it would be in next version.
Hi avellant
great work, thx for that
asking if you can add
1- app font changer size
2- ability to add or not programs icon

Remote Touch Delta 2.0: Quickest remote control + File Transfer app.

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
For all the latest news & details check out
The quickest remote control application to control your computer using your Windows Mobile phone. Really easy to use, powerful and free. Designed with touch screen in mind.
Send and Receive files from your PC and mobile while using Remote Touch. It works in a way that you can Send, Receive and control your PC all at the same time (i.e really fast) !!
There are Click Mode, Overview Mode, Scroll Mode and D-pad for easy navigation.
How does it work ? See it in action.
You Tube Video: Remote Touch Delta Feature Walk-through
You Tube Video: Using Remote Touch Keyboard Maker to create your own keyboard.
A step by step guide to installing remote touch here:
Installing Remote Touch
# Delta v2.0
* On Screen Display (OSD).
* Internet Browser Osd.
* Configurable Keyboard (Create your own Remote Keyboard !).
* Click Mode Osd.
* Scroll Mode Osd.
* Overview Mode Osd.
* Notification Bar.
* Improved Zoom Quality.
* Keyboard Preview.
* HW Keyboard Support (Updated 11.05.09).
Gamma v1.3 Updates:
+ Proper WM5 Support.
+ Change profiles/quality settings on-the-fly.
+ Faster Landscape / Portrait Rotation.
+ Better Minimize Functionality.
+ No longer Always-on-top.
+ Installs for all Users.
Gamma v1.2 Updates:
+ Landscape + Portrait Orientation support.
+ Minimize Remote Touch. (Only works on some mobiles atm.)
+ Massive Remote Touch Keyboard Upgrade.
+ Scroll Mode Architecture Overhaul.
+ Dual Monitor Support.
+ Improved UI.
+ Various Bug Fixes (Full Screen etc).
+ Removed Feature: HW Keyboard Support.
(Commercial Version also available now.)
Gamma v1.1 Updates:
+ Color scroll mode.
+ Multiple Server Profiles.
+ Start up loading screen.
+ View layers (like Windows Sidebar in vista).
+ Bug Fixes
Gamma v1.0 Updates:
+ File & Clipboard transfer between mobile & PC.
+ Schedule transfer from your PC.
+ D-pad navigation.
+ Hardware keyboard support.
+ Bug Fixes.
Beta2 Updates:
+ Fixed memory usage. Works well now on high resolution phones like HTC Diamond, Touch HD.
+ Use either IP Address (e.g. or DNS Name (e.g johnsmith.no-ip.biz) in the Remote Touch on your Windows mobile.
+ Improved keyboard functionality.
+ Windows Mobile Pocket PC
+ Windows Computer to control.
+ Wifi or internet connection.
Remote Touch is free, but if you like the software and use it, why not donate something ?
my feeback:
when i run the program for the first time it's not full screen for the top and i need to press (Home) button so the program goes to the background and call itself again to work properly
anyway i liked it and i think with some more developing it'll be fantastic!
keep up the good work!
I have to say man. I'm very impressed. You've managed to do what LogMeIn has been doing commerically. I love that it's free. I for one love the functionality, it is not that attractive in my opinion, but the functionality matters more. I'll be keeping this app.
P.S I like your music choice
Cool! I did something similar with Omnipresence a while ago (check my signature), but got bored with it, as I do with many of my other projects. I actually mean to open source that code as a reference to other developers. Cool stuff nonetheless!
What sort of compression algorithms are you using? Are you just sending raw frame buffers, or sending PNGs in sequence? Are you sending the entire screen, or just the portion being viewed?
Remote Touch is my first app for my first WiMo phone.
I made it as I couldn't find anything free that was
fast (fast = quick start up, quick to control). I use it mainly
to control my PC attached to my plasma when watching movies or
listening to music. Also for transferring music across from
my PC without having to connect my HTC Touch every time (so annoying !).
It's a work in progress ... will fix them over time.
I use an algorithm similar to deflate - my own though.
Can definitely improve on it ...
great application indeed...
yeah i was looking for something like this! thanks a lot!
*Add to subscription*
definitely a nice app! keep up the good work m8!
download link from the website is blocked on my ISP. could you upload it to rapidshare?
Have no menu. pressing home button kills the app, and can't run it again hope SR will help
Kainous said:
download link from the website is blocked on my ISP. could you upload it to rapidshare?
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I've used mediafire for sharing as well. (I'm not a fan of rapidshare).
Can you go back to my website and try again ?
koven said:
Have no menu. pressing home button kills the app, and can't run it again hope SR will help
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Can you email me details of your phone ? ([email protected])
I have a feeling the reason you couldn't run it again (or seemed like it) was the old instance was still possibly running on your phone and the new instance was trying to connect but the server was still connected to the old instance.
killed the instance and no go either.
made a SR and now working but without the menu - home button helps
Color me impressed!
I've used LogMeIn, RemoteDesktop, etc. to control a desktop from my mobile device and they work, but this just seems a bit faster all around than the others (which I know was the point *grin*).
I tested it connected directly to my PC which of course was fast, but it's very usable over a 3G internet connection as well.
There are certainly bugs to be worked out and refinements to be made, but I'll be following the development closely. Luckily the bug where you get no menu bar isn't a show stopper for me as I have a "home" hardware button that for some reason always fixes the missing menu bar. I'll send in some feature requests to the email address listed.
Thanks for your work on this!
Nice but doesnt work in landscape on my Samsung Omnia and in portrait the image looks a bit squeezed.
Yeah it doesn't work right in landscape mode which is honestly the best way to see more of the screen IMO.
The looking squeezed problem seems to be related to the fact that you aren't able to select what you view using any sort of set aspect ratio so if you select a long rectangle then it squeezes that region to fit your mobile screen. I suppose that could be useful at times, but I feel we need an option to select a rectangle that already matches the aspect ratio of our mobile screen so what we view may be zoomed, but never has to be distorted (squeezed or stretched.)
another problem. I can connect using cable but when I try wifi with 192..... or www. (dyndns) the best I can get is black screen (it connects but I can't see the desktop). I've setup my router to leave proper port open but no go. any ideas?
Aspect Ratio.
AlienHairball said:
Yeah it doesn't work right in landscape mode which is honestly the best way to see more of the screen IMO.
The looking squeezed problem seems to be related to the fact that you aren't able to select what you view using any sort of set aspect ratio so if you select a long rectangle then it squeezes that region to fit your mobile screen. I suppose that could be useful at times, but I feel we need an option to select a rectangle that already matches the aspect ratio of our mobile screen so what we view may be zoomed, but never has to be distorted (squeezed or stretched.)
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Actually, Remote touch tries to remember the aspect ratio across sessions, which was something I really wanted, so if I zoomed in on something and reconnected, I'd be looking at the same thing and the same zoom level.
To fix the problem your talking about, goto Menu > Reset and it will bring the aspect ratio back to 1:1 with your screen (so useful when you go to landscape mode).
koven said:
another problem. I can connect using cable but when I try wifi with 192..... or www. (dyndns) the best I can get is black screen (it connects but I can't see the desktop). I've setup my router to leave proper port open but no go. any ideas?
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I'm thinking the problem is related to something another person had similar issues with:
Let me know how it goes ...

Great Apps - a personal review

i know there is a perfectly good topic here for recommended apps, but I wanted to make a list with screenshots and include apps that you buy as well as freeware
1) SPB Mobileshell with MobileSense
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The interface of SPB Mobile Shell along with the beauty of Mobilesense really makes my phone an impressive and elegant sight. With these two packages, the ease of use bests the iphone and rivals android (we're not even going to mention Titanium).
2) SMS-Chat
The best chatting problem I’ve found - it makes it really easy to follow your txts as an actual conversation. The only downside is it takes a few seconds to start up - but the design and ease of use makes up for that many times over.
3) Comic Reader Mobi
I wasn't sold on Comic Reader. I used the 0.8 release, but it wasn't until I actually tried v2 on my phone that I realized how well the software worked to read comics. Possibly the best program on any platform - once you customize it to best suit your reading habits you won't understand how you coped without it. The only downsides are that it doesn't support gif images and the interface is a bit confusing to start with. I love the zip support and lens feature.
4) Mobipocket
Beating ubook, Reader and anything else I’ve found on the iplatform hands down, mobipocket is the best way I’ve found to read books. The library sucks, so use your file explorer to navigate your collection, but in terms of ease of use, rendering quality, selection of fonts and features you can't go past Mobipocket. It's free software and reads html, mobi, pdb or txt format.
You can get free ebooks here here or here (click CD Listing). If you know how to use mIRC, then check out this page for step by step instructions on finding awesome free ebook channels.
Better then any free or paid alternatives I've found for video playback - TCMP is THE Media Player Classic of phones. Easy to use, easy options to change, skin support, easy controls and codec support you can't go past it.
6)S2P - Slide 2 Play
Slide to play is a really awesome music app which integrates with S2U so you can control your music while your phone is locked. I really love the "exit on headphone disconnect" and "start on headphone connect" options.
7) Resco File Explorer
A great improvement on the included file explorer, this one lets you move and copy files, uncompress and compress with ease. As well as that, the interface is much better for thumb control.
8) S2U2 - Slide to Unlock
This is easily the most essential little app I've ever installed. Previously my phone was always calling people in my pocket and doing random stuff. Now, I never need to worry about that again! The lock controls provided by Windows mobile are inconsistent, unreliable and woefully inadequate.
UPDATE 7/07/10
9) SenseTasks
I never used the tasks app in Wimo, too tiny to use with my finger, too annoying to use with a stylus - I have always been wanting a finger orientated task app which will let me tap stuff completed and quickly and easily keep track of what I have to do. This app does it all.
10) Actionscreen
A quick pop up menu from holding down the power button which gives you access to handy toggles and shortcuts. Saves you exiting or minimizing a program to use something.
Pocket GBA
Plays gameboy advance and original roms. Worked perfectly on the Mogul (just the right amount of hardware buttons) but on the touch pro2 there aren't enough buttons to play. Working on finding an alternative method.
Project Android - Eclair
A working port of android on your phone. There is a tiny bit of slow down compared to WiMo, but it's definately enough to get a taste of the OS and let you form an impresson of Android. I'm not too sure if you'd want to run this permenently, but almost everything is working including wifi and the phone function, so it's a great representation. You can even download and install apps from the marketplace.
Great to have on your phone, just incase you ever need a stopwatch or countdown timer
Rhodium Keyboard Controller
Essential for any Touch Pro2, this app lets your remap most of the limited butons avaliable on the TP2 as well as assigning multible actions for double, triple and long presses!
S2U2 - Slide to Unlock
+Works really well, have never ever had any problems
-can lock a bit too frequently
-when security locked have to slide to unlock and then enter your pin
-doesn't show your today screen
+looks amazing (i haven't used it)
+lots of different skins, can show today screen
- slide to unlock + enter pin if pin enabled
- paid app
+Shows today screen
+secure to unclock, no seperate number pad, based just on combination
-a little bit buggy, doesn't always lock, sometimes unresponsive for a split second.
UPDATE 8/07/10
-doesn't work for anyone outside america
+great page rendering and controls
-very slow
-youtube is broken on my copy
-not as full featured as 9
+youtube works
+full featured
+youtubr works
-no minimize
-can't zoom all the way out
Stuff I'd tried and it hasn't worked for me:
TaskFascade (wouldn't start from action button, crashed a few times, won't pop to the main windows when I click on the shortcut)
the 5th should be TCPMP (╯3╰)
all apps you recommend are really nice!
thanks for the correction! Have updated.
Thanks for the review, I really enjoyed reading it!
bump. Have added in a few more apps.
This is a great thread, and very informative. Thanks for taking the time to do this so us newbs can see the good stuff that's out there for our TP2 phones!
good list of apps!
I've spent the last 2 days downloading tons of different apps, on my next days off I will try and write up more of my favorites with screenshots.
Resco Keyboard v5 + Skin
Resco Explorer Skin
Vostradamus's widgets
JWMD Icon changer thingy
Anastasia's Icons
Pocket Shopping vs MiCarrito
Virtual dPad
GPS Speedo
SPB Insight
Shake to Save vs Whip2Snap
new TCMP skin
RPG Friend
XDA Market
1 more suggestion:
hAndy PowerButton
Disables the power button when the keyboard is open so you dont turn off the screen in the middle of sending txts/emails.
that sounds awesome, im always doing that too

