User interface yrgo 2.3 beta 2 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all,
I've something to play with for you . New yrgo 2.3 beta 2.
This version is dedicated for 320x240 devices only! The 640x480 version will be released later.
Installation notes
Since this version implements new graphical layout system, you have to uninstall the version before and delete "\Program Files\yrgo\Skins" folder. This is valid even if you are running 2.3 beta 1.
What's new
File explorer supports Create folder, Delete file/folder, Copy, Cut, Paste (using context menu).
In-build SMS Writer - works in Contact detail's page or when you press Reply in SMS details.
Complete new graphical layout system - Color Themes, Images (icons, buttons) and Wallpapers are now separated. There's no way how to change icons at this moment.
Wallpapers can be changed using File explorer and its Context menu (need to be applied on jpg images).
Repaired bugs you have noticed me on.
Please, let know what do you think about this version and report me bugs you've found.
Download link: Please DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE it anywhere (you can of course distribute link to this page). Thank you.
Features of yrgo 2.3 beta 1:
This list controls were completely redeveloped so they support variable height items.
Complete new graphical design (with PNG alpha support - give me feedback whether is it too slow or not).
On the fly help almost everywhere.
Today plugin gadget bug fix - yrgo should exit properly now
Desktop gestures - left, right switches the desktops
Analog clock in Clock gadget
New Calendar gadget (it shows wrong month yet)
New Connection manager Gadget
Gadgets can be re-sized - (doesn't work on all gadgets yet)
Gadgets border shown in design mode
File details when you click the (+) sign
Specific Control panels allow direct access to the specific tab (click on (+) sign)
In Contacts you can directly access all contact's phones using (+) sign
Completely new Contact details page (some functionality is missing - will be added later)
Completely new Task details page
Plenty of new settings
Dialog boxes that prevents mis-taps (can be set-up in Settings)
New Calendar page in Office menu (without Appointments support - yet )
New Help menu and all its items
Contact's hide/show keyboard bug fix
I'm sure I forget lot of new features or bug fixes .
Known bugs:
The main menu takes a looooong time to appear at the first time (I know what causes this - just didn't have time to fix).
Help wizard should not be added to the Favorites or Desktop.
Some of them I've already written above ;-).
Because new icons in yrgo are bigger, you current desktop setting may not fit.
Enjoy .

Look sweet, will try now!!

gonna try it now i will come back with feedback after some playing time with it.

wow is all i can say. Ive only used it for a couple of minutes and this is just amazing. Could use the flow feature like in icontact but this is great so far. Well done. Im excited about this app and cant wait for future updates

Thanks for the positive feedback guys .

I am patiently awaiting a VGA version to test with my Diamond. I remember using yrgo a while back when I was investigating all the WM shell options. It seemed pretty cool then, but the lack of true VGA support was disappointing.

Very nice, but will better interface with the default is WM7


Coming Soon: HotDesk/HotDesk Designer

** Update 3 **
There's another beta coming out soon, with lots of exciting new features.:
* The promised 'folder widget' - display the contents of a folder on your device in a virtual screen. I use this as my 'podcast folder' (inside a dock) so I can select one to listen to.
* Directly select a folder/executable on your device whilst in the designer. Obviously you have to have your device plugged in via USB for this to work.
* A QVGA example desk (previous versions only had VGA)
* Lots of bugfixes.
** Update 2 **
Still working hard to get a preview release to you guys. A lot of the current work is in making the PC-based designer as intuitive as possible - an important factor I believe - don't want any complaints about crashing, etc (I hate that the most - you put hours into something, and it explodes).
Anyway - Some of you have expressed concern that you won't be able to get to your today bar icons (the icons down the bottom of the today screen) - while HotDesk is running. The current solution to this is a context menu bound the the desktop click action - that allows you to clip the window to a certain (configurable) height, whilst simultaneously minimizing all other windows - allowing you to see the today bar behind.
This screenshot demonstrates:
I hope to have a preview release (that won't have all the features that the final release will have, but will still have lots of cool stuff) - to you by the end of next week. Features expected in the preview release:
* Desktop designer, allowing drag'n'drop drawing of all desktop widgets (of course)
* Background widget - set your background, per virtual screen, to an image of any format that PocketPC can read (png,gif,jpg,bmp)
* Picture widget - place a picture at any location on your virtual screens. Handy for non-active element theme customisation.
* Button widget - Define up/down state images, and an action for your buttons (Actions such as 'go to next/previous/specific vscreen', 'start program', 'show/hide dock window' etc)
* Today item Widget - place any today item installed on your system onto any vscreen
* Gauge widget - Text/Graphical gauges linked to system properties (battery,disk/mem free etc). Graphical gauges have customisable background images, and gauge-bar size/image/location.
* Directory widget - place an icon box of any directory on your PocketPC inside a Virtual Screen or Dock - I use this inside a dock, so I can click an icon saying 'My Podcasts' - and up pops a dock sub-window inside my HotDesk with an iconbox with an icon for each of my podcasts. Think of it as a mini-filemanager in a Dock.
More features to come in the final version - but I just want to get this out there for now so you guys can get the creative juices flowing.
More news soon.
** UPDATE **
Got some screenshots of HotDesk running on my JasJar.
A bit of explanation:
Shot 1: The main screen of the demo desktop I'm working on. Here you see 4 application launchers, 2 text gauges (time/date), and a graphical gauge (battery). The Gauge designer can be seen in the designer screenshot at the bottom of this post.
Shot 2: A 'dock' demo. Clicking the 'folder' icon triggers a 'visibility toggle' action on the dock window. The dock window is a Virtual Screen like any other - it just happens to be nested inside another Vscreen.
Shot 3: A demonstration of nesting Today Plugins inside HotDesk. This is more difficult to code than it sounds: essentially you have to reimplement all the message calls/events that the Today screen does. Surprisingly, this was one of the hardest things to code in HotDesk so far. As you can see, I haven't done background transparency for Today plugins yet, but that is coming soon.
Shot 1
Hi All,
I'm creating a new desktop design tool for WM devices. Its aim is to be both friendly to designers, and also to be powerful enough that it's a useful replacement for the today screen et al.
I won't beat around the bush: I *hate* the today screen. I won't launch into a religious argument about that here - I'm just here to show you the work I've been doing.
Announcing: HotDesk.
Hotdesk contains two components: A program that runs on your WM device, that loads '.desk' files - files which contain all the art, logic etc - of your custom designed desktop. The other component is hotdesk designer - an early screenshot of which I've attached to this post.
The designer will be familiar to anyone that has used any kind of vector graphics tool. You simply drag/drop/move - your components on the 'virtual screens' of your desktop.
HotDesk is based around the concept of 'vscreens' - a desktop contains one or more VScreens - that are tied to an orientation (landscape or portrait). Based on the current orientation of your device, the desktops you design for that orientation are displayed - and the user moves between them using buttons that are tied to the 'change vscreen' action.
I'm sure most of you have seen offerings such as 'Wisbar Advance Desktop', and others. Don't get me wrong - Chris does a great job with Wisbar/Desktop - but HotDesk aims to go far beyond products such as these - by creating a rich set of embeddable components that can be customised to your needs. On my PPC, I often find myself jumping between a thousand separate tiny little applications that perform a certain task, or display a certain device statistic - HotDesk aims to allow you to tie almost any action to a button - or connect any device statistic to a custom graphical gauge (as can be seen in the screenshot)
Current features:
Custom button launchers. Definable graphics for up/down states
Completely customisable gauges (gauge image, cursor image, data source)
Multiple virtual screens, and programmable screen change logic
Different screens for portait/landscape views
File list control - e.g. display files in a folder for easy selection (I use this as a popup from my 'podcast folder')
Embed today plugins - In my opinion, today plugins are generally memory hogs - but if you must, you must
Tab widget - have a tabbed dialog within a vscreen
This application is not yet complete, but I must admit I'm excited by what it does so far. I'll be releasing a beta soon - so watch this space. If you have any feature suggestions (e.g. something you've been aching for, not found in other desktop-type apps) - now is the time to speak up.
Oh yeah, here's the screenshot (sorry for the size):
Designer Screenshot
You app sounds like it will take customizing the today screen to a new level!
Looks very promising. Will I have the ability to turn my today screen into a dial pad?
shud support QVGA / VGA & Square Screens..that's a plus..!
and abillity to change phone dial skin if possible..
Looks COOL!
If I read that right, it'll allow you to have more than one Today screen? Like a virtual desktop?
If so, is there a way to make the inactive one truely inactive so it doesn't use much RAM? That's probably asking waaaay too much, but would be awfully cool!
Either way, I'll be (not so) patiently watching....
blazoner said:
Looks COOL!
If I read that right, it'll allow you to have more than one Today screen? Like a virtual desktop?
If so, is there a way to make the inactive one truely inactive so it doesn't use much RAM? That's probably asking waaaay too much, but would be awfully cool!
Either way, I'll be (not so) patiently watching....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Already done this - there are two 'memory modes' - light and heavy. Light mode dynamically loads each screen (including today plugins). If you don't go to the screen with the plugin, it doesn't load it.
Of course, the trade off is screen load time.
Heavy mode loads all screens at once - heavier on RAM, but faster.
b_sphinx said:
shud support QVGA / VGA & Square Screens..that's a plus..!
and abillity to change phone dial skin if possible..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As for the QVGA/VGA - each vscreen has a preconfigured size - the device-side application chooses the correct default vscreen based on the res/orientation. You specify the default starting vscreens in the designer.
so... when is the beta release??
Hope to see your product soon,
and yes do make it compatible with omap 850 processor coz its little slower than
And also if you could add minimizing windows like we have in desktop it would be great.
Hope you'll giv it for free cuz i dont have any credit card or any other card to pay. I'll love to have your application.
samy.3660 said:
Hope to see your product soon,
and yes do make it compatible with omap 850 processor coz its little slower than
And also if you could add minimizing windows like we have in desktop it would be great.
Hope you'll giv it for free cuz i dont have any credit card or any other card to pay. I'll love to have your application.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'll come up with some arrangement for people participating in the beta - more information soon.
This app seams like "the thing", but will it be WM2003SE compatible?
I would like to be part of the beta testing when avalible. GreggSymington(@) . Looks great so far.
I would also love the opportunity to be in your beta group.
Would it be possible to lock one or more of your Today screens separately?
Also, will there be a toggle for accessing the main (or user defined) Today screen, similar to VJTodayButton?
Both of these functions would be really convenient.
Yes i will be participating in beta ver.
Is there a testing version yet?
Hi LordChaos
Been playing around with theme development and would love the opportunity to beta test your product
rgds, GA
datruth said:
Looks very promising. Will I have the ability to turn my today screen into a dial pad?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm going to assume your answer is no.
datruth said:
I'm going to assume your answer is no.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If there's enough interest I''ll code a TAPI wrapper - thus allowing this.
Any news?
WoW, nice way of creating virtual desktops. It reminds me to the Wisbar Advanced Desktop plugin for Wisbar Advance 2 but even better since you are also developing a proper tool for PC!!!!!
Great Work
This looks fantastic. Would love to be in the beta test of this. Keep us posted.

NEW! SSContact 1.1.3!! - (updated 30/06/07)

SSContact (ScrollingStone project name) is a application similar iContact developed by larna.
Why a similar iContact app ? The reasons are three :
- because I wanna do it by myself...
- because I want add all features that i like...
- because I'm enjoying to code and i'm having fun to see this app growing.
30/06/2006 - Released version 1.1.3!! Sorry guys I'm really busy with studies and I've also started a new project (iMedia) so I can't work much on this just in some spare time
12/06/2007 - Released version 1.1.0!!
10/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.13RC4!!
08/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.10RC3!!
02/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.4RC2!!
02/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.0RC1!!
26/05/2007 - first beta version released!!
23/05/2007 - first alpha version released!! Still a bit buggy but working.
- Just 19.90Kbyte of memory used.
- Two different Themes (one Light and one Dark)
- One Speed Icon for quick call
- Display Contact using tap on selected item or central key on dpad.
- Settings Dialog to customize the app, settings are stored in registry
- Sort Contacts by First or LastName or File As in Ascendenting/Descendenting order
- Support Landscape/Portrait
- Big Keyboard for quick search inside contacts
- Scrollwheel and DPAD support for scrolling
- Quick search using stylo with alphabetic index on the screen
SSContact and Icontact are different and both fully functional. Under some screenshots (they are bit old but give you an idea). Regards Guybrush
History and Download
- 20070630 Improved Scrolling speed.
Search on left index with single tap
Longer Selection
- 20070612 Optimized Code! Now Just 38 KByte!!
Full Screen Window without bottom menu toolbar
Keyboard Shortcut with left DPAD or softkey
Menu Shortcut with right DPAD or softkey
Left Index bigger.
- 20070610 Improvement in scrolling performance
Fixed DialPad Scrolling
Improved ABC Index search
- 20070608 Little improvement in performance
Fixed VGA Setting Dialog
Fixed VGA Keyboard
Fixed DialPad Scrolling
Fixed Indicator
Fixed some minor bugs
- 20070602 Selection disapper after 1/2 second from first tap
Fixed some minor bugs
- 20070602 Improved Scroll Procedure, now should be really smooth!!
Added Sort by File As
Changed Company Contacs show
Easy tap ;)
Hide Selection during scrolling
Two different themes (Dark and Light)
Improved code in many parts
Changed Icons
Added about dialog
Fixed some minor bugs
- 20070526 Added TouchScreen Moving Indicator
Changed Call Icon
Removed unuseful SMS Icon
Fixed Long Names
Some code optimization
Increased Font Contact
- 20070525 Fixed Windows 2003 Registry issue.
Fixed bug that open contact inverting sort.
- 20070524 Same code optimization
Added central D-Pad Key to open a contact
Fixed Double Tap
- 20070523 Direct Phone Dial
Display Contact
Speed Call
Fixed Landscape Mode
- 20070522 Registry support to store settings
Added setting for sort
- 20070521 Enable/Disable Speed Icons
Enable/Disable icons
Fixed new default settings to improve scrolling
- 20075020 Added manually settings for scrolling procedure
Added Property Sheet for category settings
- 20070519 Enable/Disable ABC Index
Added settings Dialog
changed Keyboard fonts
- 20070518 Sort Contacts Ascendenting/Descendenting
Added Button to hide Keyboard
Changed Keyboard Background
Some little improvement in scroll procedure
Fixed Selection after a quick search
- 20070517 Added Close Button in menu
Fixed Ascendenting Sort List
Added sort by first or lastname
- 20070516 Fixed a Keyboard bug after scrolling
Added Landscape/Portrait support
Added keyboard for quick search
Known issues
- keyboard have to be adjust in landscape mode (still to do!)
- settings controls have to be adjust in landscape mode (still to do!)
- I feel SSContact slow in my device, Can I do something ?
- Try to disable graphics contents, it should improve.
- where are settings stored ?
- HKLM/Software/ScrollingStone
- How to unset SSContact from right softkey ?
- After unistall softreset the device, if it doesn't work remove string from HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Today/Keys/113 than softreset the device.
- I've problems with Keyboard. It reappearing when i press Hide. Why ?
- Hide button is used to hide keyboard for a second to show contact beside keyboard, if you want close the keyboard you must touch on OK button.
- where is Keyboard ?
- Left DPAD or left Softkey
- where is setting dialog?
- Right DPAD or right Softkey
- Pictures contacts
- Pictures are heavy for scrolling procedure and they should be too much small for be really usefull.
- Filtering by catergory
- At the moment, I'm not planning to do that, I think it's nice have a long list to scroll and keyboard is quick enogh to not have this feature
If you like this software and want give me your thanks and opportunity to provide you a better quality-test software, please consider to
Only WM5 version has been tested by me, I don't have a WM2003 or WM6 device to test them but they should work. Zip files have inside a cab, it will set SSContact as default contact app in right softkey. If you don't want it install and softreset the device or just extract file exe or see faqs how to change registry to remove it
I am a newbie in the ppc app development arena and I am curious to know what developer tools/apps did you use to create your app?
FYI.. I will try you app out as well..thx
I've used C and Windows CE API.
Good luck Guybrush
Hey larna, thanks friend
SSContact first blush....
ok I gave it a spin. My Device is a Cingular 8525 (US) running WM6 (Black 3.01).
The first thoughts:
1. Formating of Contacts. the app shows lastname firstname instead of lastname, first name.
2. I am not seeing all my contacts or its not listing all the contacts in alphabetical order.
3. When I select a contact with my finger or the stylus, nothing happens.
4. It seems that the app is pulling Company info in some instances and contact name in others..very weird.
It would be cool if you could add/import pictures from the contacts
Filtering by catergory
I think you have a good basis here just continue to work at it..good luck
- application is compiled for WM5 not tested on WM6 so i can't be sure all works properly there.
- Order is guaranteed by List Control and API of Windows CE so it's not my procedure but I'll check... be sure u don't have some space before names.
- Contacts, SMS and Phone are not enabled (it's only a test application not a complete application) so they can only be scrolled but u can't select them
- Yes it display company names when company name is present.
About suggestions :
- Pictures are too much heavy and it should make very slow scroll procedure and I Think they should be too much small to be really usefull.
- I'm not planning to add a filtering by categories at the moment, next step is add a Sort by Firstname and Sort by Lastname
Anyway thanks
thnx for this cool small application
imate jasjam win2005
my notes:
1- i tried icontact before ,not working with me
2-SSCONTACT, when i tape the contact nothing happen
3- i see that the interface is good by showing the 2 icons of dialing&message beside the name but again nothing happen upon tapping any icon
4- it scrolls only with the nevagtion key of the ppc not by finger!!!
5-the keyboard is stuck and not closed upon tapping except closing X buuton of the program
your suggestions?????????
I don't know... it's strange in your device not works iContact and also my app maybe u have some program have make some conflict with them... you should scroll with fingers... keyboard shouldn't stuck ...u can close it tap on OK button... icons and contact aren't enabled it's only a test application, it's the first time I have this report.
Guybrush said:
- I'm not planning to add a filtering by categories at the moment, next step is add a Sort by Firstname and Sort by Lastname
Anyway thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think the most natural way to sort is outlook's "file as" since we already declare what we want to see as "file as"
I've already added sorting by first or last name at the moment tomorrow I'll post the new version, meanwhile if u found bugs on this report me
ahhh... love those apps... both yours and larnas
seriously - great job.
got me all thinking about developing for ppc myself - any chance that you post sources? how difficult ... how time consuming is it?
at the moment no. Some parts are more difficult than other but I'm new in ppc programming and first I've to learn to apply so it taking me much time.
It's great you opened up your own thread. I love to beta test new and developing apps. Even though my device is slower, I will still give comments on your app.
The app so far is running pretty smoothly. A bug I found is with the keyboard quick search feature. There is a person on my contact list named, let's say "Zack"...when I type Z it does not go to the name. This happens for a few other letters with the keyboard as well.
Will you implement phone numbers showing up for names under just Company?
Also, what are the letters on the left side of the screen suppose to do??
during Quick Search with Keyboard you don't see people in the bottom of list just because Keyboard cover them... but search work if u tap Ok you should see them selected , I have to think a solution for that. Company phone is already show but u have to set Business Phone for Company contacts.. Letters on left side can be touched with stylo... letter set focus in first item that start with that letter.
Guybrush said:
during Quick Search with Keyboard you don't see people in the bottom of list just because Keyboard cover them... but search work if u tap Ok you should see them selected , I have to think a solution for that. Company phone is already show but u have to set Business Phone for Company contacts.. Letters on left side can be touched with stylo... letter set focus in first item that start with that letter.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I see what your saying. But still, when im at the top of the list than type Z on the keyboard, the list still doesn't scroll down to focus on that contact.
The phone number for the company in my contacts is put in the "Company tel." spot. This app can't read the company tel?
The letters on the side of the screen are too small to have real functionality. They are too hard to tap.
Will this work on WM2003?
I have TyTN with WM6 so it's not working properly I hope you'll make it work on WM6 soon. I would like to see some feature I'm missing in both iContacts and your app could you make it neverending scrolling? I mean that when you go to the end of contacts (Z) and scroll down more it will take you to the beginning (A) and the same form beginning (A) to the end (Z)? I hope you'll understand what I mean
sorry guys I don't have a device with WM2003 and WM6 so i cannot test it on them, I can compile and run on emulator but it's not the same thing... btw I'll try only when WM5 version is complete.
@freeyayo50, search doesn't work inside items but always from first char... the control in Windows Mobile can't search into substring... that's sad but i can't do nothing, so if your friend is called Zack and you don't remenber is Lastname i suggest to change order from Last First to First Last and perform search with new order, i've attached a new version.

[UPDATED 14/03] ThrottleLauncher Alpha 0.8 (Big optimization) [24/04] 0.9 Preview Vid

I've added a video preview of the next release 0.9 Beta here:
By the way....beta testers are needed!!
Hi everybody!!!
0.8 Alpha Version Available for download on my site
Lot of optimizations have been done and much many new features!!! See details here:
This new release was possible thanks to the best testing team of the world
Hundred thanks to them!!
New Release available from
I'll post a detailed changelog with the way to configure new features latter on this thread....
Hope you like it!!
Changelog 0.7Alpha
- Today plugins inside main app.
- By contact selection.
- No photo contacts support.
- Folder files filter.
- Autounload for pages.
- Many more!!!
0.6 Version now Available at my site:
Thanks gullum for many of the config options and icons!!!
Thanks ather90 for the domain!!!
Thanks every one supporting this app even by donating, testing or just cheering!!!
New features include:
* The long awaited Today plugin (DPAD on today plugin not supported)
* Per row skining
* Improved config tool with the option of switching between themes without overwriting each other
* Solved some bugs
Hope you like it!!!
Please post feedback!!
New Release.... Hope you enjoy it!!
EDIT: I've created an sketch of a web page for the app. The last version is available here: throttle
EDIT: release 0.5.1 solves some bugs reported in this forum and add's some functionality to the config app. Also included an about box due to some sites and forums (outside xda-developers) distributing the app without giving any credit. This app is for personal use only, if you want to distribute it on a ROM or in any other site ask for my permission through private message first please.
A little tutorial for personalization is posted here
New Features
- DPAD, L-R buttons navigation. Probably a little buggy, prease report how it works on your device..
- Now config application is embedded and can preview setups... (use the wheels icon to access)
- Some Config Applcation bugs solved... EDIT: 0.5.1 Now supports clock, text and footer edition...
- Added new action for text #$update# so you can place constant text over o under other updating elements.
- Added selected icon over image (in skins uses the "selectionimage" param). By default shows a square arrond elements.
- A bunch op optimizations, clean up and "killed" bugs...
- Other more I don't remember.... :-D
Remember that have 2 more example skins... just decompress the zip on your applications skins directory to use them.... Now you can preview them by using the configurator.
Any feedback will be wellcome...
Update of the app.
New Features
- Added analog clock (by using clock tag to rows. Example included in config.xml. Will post a little tutorial latter)
- Added text posibility (By using text tag in rows. Can paint date using C# patterns (Can be used to paint digital clock...) and registry values wich can be really powerfull by using sys2reg or similar script's or apps. Currently showing missed calls, sms and mail. Examples included in config.xml but will post a little tutorial latter).
- Black theme as default.
- Now fonttype is configurable by using "fonttype,fontsize,bold" on attributes.
- Loading text on loading rows.
- Many internal optimizations.
By the way remember that minimizing the app is as simple as moving the finger from top to bottom (no matter how fast you do it).
Hope you like it. Please post feedback.
Another update of the app. This has little changes:
- Added Icon for the app
- Added shortcut to the Programs menu (Thanks to ather90)
- Stability improved.
- Solved some graphical bugs.
Hope you like it!!
Here you have another release of the app. Probably the last alpha.... . Hope you like it.... Every feedback will be wellcome!!
I recomend performing a backup of config.xml before installing if you have performed some work on it.
New Features 0.3
- Skin support (separated color info from config.xml). A zip with 2 more sample skins is attached , just decompress to the skins folder.
- Textures for the rows and background.
- Trasparent Labels.
- Contacts by category.
- Recursive directory listing.
- Some bugs solved.
- Lot's of time and memory optimization.
- First release of a config app (currently is very "dirty"...)
UPDATE: 04/01 - Cab File Updated with programs shurt cut. Thanks to ather90.
Hi everyone!!!
Another release... I hope you like it!! I've also added more screenshot's ;-).
Any feedback will be wellcome. (At least tell me if it works please !!!)
New Features 0.2
- Minimize gesture (just move your finger from the top to the bottom of the screen!!)
- Minimize animation.
- Paging concept (with page tag inside config.xml. ). A page contains N rows. 3 Pages included: Home, contacts, programs.
- Footer concept (with footer tag inside config.xml). The footer is common for all the pages.
- Some more animations added....
- Removed the background for the icons (can be added again per element by the tag attribute
- Solver some bugs:
- Memory leak in loading contact images.... I think it may have been solved, but not sure.
- Number format exception with decimal comma.
- Now searching programs folder through registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Explorer\CrossPlatformNavigationURL. Should work on any languaje... I hope...
- By pressing any buttom the application (if it's activated and not crashed of course X-D) will generate a screenshot to the root. If you detect some graphical bug and you want to share it please send me that screenshot. This option can be removed by changing config.xml
New Update with one new feature:
- Added configuration options in config.xml with:
- kinetic scrolling parameters.
- Change between maximized and normal mode (for the title bar to appear or not).
- Turn on/off appearing animation from bottom.
Remmember that by editing config.xml you can add or remove rows, icons in the rows, change back colors, titles, etc....
I recomend if you are using FTouchFlo to add this app to the exclude list.
Please, any feedback, bugreport, improving request will be wellcome.
I'm working on a today plugin with horizontal kinetic scrolling too but can't promiss anything as cause I have to rewrite almost all the code in... c++
Surur, thank for all the advices
Hello everyone!!
Here I have another version of this app. I don't know hot to UPDATE a previous thread... so I'm openning another one.... This is the original thread:
New Fetures are:
- Kinetic scrolling.
- Recent apps list (with tag <lastapps/> in config.xml)
- Running apps (<runningapps> in config.xml, can have inner <exclude name="\Windows\shell32.exe"/> to avoid some programs of appearing on the list)
- Separator with optional tittle (with tag <separator name="Running"/>)
I hope you like it!!
By downloading or using this application you agree the following:
- Use this application at your own risk.
- This thread is the only place allowed to link to the file download.. If you like the app and you want more people to have it please place a link to this thread.
- This application is for personal use only.
By the way, I promiss I will try to develop a today plugin with horizontall scrolling too ;-).
Nice, but scrolling is not very kinetic at all on my Kaiser. I also have a bug where clicking on settings always takes me to the HTC Task manager settings. I like the vertical labels - nicely implemented.
I think minimizing the app needs to be a bit easier than finding the minimize icon.
Great work and improvement in a very short time.
I've made some modifications for u Surur ;-). You can now configure kinetic scrolling parameters or make the title bar appear with the smart minimize button...
There is no config dialog already so the configuration button is linked to the task manager on purpose.... Sorry ...
Remember that you can always minimize the app by pressing the end call button.... at least on my herald it works..
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
Trying your app on my Trinity... get the following error:
at System.Single.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)
at System.Single.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style)
at DeviceApplication9.MainForm.loadConfig(XmlNode xn)
at DeviceApplication9.MainForm..ctor(String conf)
at DeviceApplication9.Program.Main(String[] args)
I am currently using a WM6 cooked ROM from here:
Any workaround to get it to launch?
installed on my mogul, and now I cant find it? lol
I get the same error on a Titan running a cooked Sprint rom.
ajk511 said:
installed on my mogul, and now I cant find it? lol
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is in Program Files.
jaxf250 said:
Trying your app on my Trinity... get the following error:
at System.Single.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)
at System.Single.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style)
at DeviceApplication9.MainForm.loadConfig(XmlNode xn)
at DeviceApplication9.MainForm..ctor(String conf)
at DeviceApplication9.Program.Main(String[] args)
I am currently using a WM6 cooked ROM from here:
Any workaround to get it to launch?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Tried it on the Gene WM5.Getting the same thing,plus it doesnt appear in the Programs folder.
Sorry about the error.... it seems that is because the locale settings (mine are set to spanish....) .... try changing in the config.xml the values with decimal coma replacing the comma with a point....
If someone could try if that solves the problem I would be very gratefull ;-). Fore everyone else here you have an updated version without the "conflictive" configuration params (also updated in original thread).
Thanks everyone for trying and sorry for the inconvenience.
HTC Artemis (with PL WM6 ROM from t-mobile (era)
about ~20mb of free ram and...
w Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr()
w System.Drawing.Bitmap._InitFromMemoryStream()
w System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor()
w Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.Contact.get_Picture()
w DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Contacto..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.Carrusel..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.MainForm..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.Program.Main()
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I now get this with the latest CAB file:
An error message is available for this exception but cannot be displayed because these messages are optional and are not currently installed on this device. Please install ‘’ for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above or ‘’ for other platforms. Restart the application to see the message.
at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path)
at System.IO.FileInfo..ctor(String fileName)
at DeviceApplication9.Util.RegHelper.ReadRegistry()
at DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.GrupoUltimasAplicationes.load(XmlNode xn)
at DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.Grupo.loadChildren(XmlNode xn, Color backcolor)
at DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.Grupo..ctor(XmlNode xn, Color backcolor)
at DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.GrupoUltimasAplicationes..ctor(XmlNode xn, Color backcolor)
at DeviceApplication9.Carrusel..ctor(Int32 Top, XmlNode xn)
at DeviceApplication9.MainForm..ctor(String conf)
at DeviceApplication9.Program.Main(String[] args)
Awesome app.
It's a little crowded, though... How about a today plugin with only ONE of the bars?
Or just one that doesn't have so many things on it. Awesome app. VERY fluent. It's just a little crowded for every day usage.
mar_cin, thank you for the report... I seems that the leak is on the contact pictures loadding... can you answer me two questions please?
- How much contacts with photo do you have on your contact list?
- Do you use larger photos for contacts than the "standar" sized ones (I mean the ones that the camera do in contact photo mode ;-))
Thanks in advance for the info.
Jaxf250... thanks for the testing ;-) and sorry for the inconvenience..... It's ovbious that I have to add some more exception catching code X-D.
Thanks everyone for trying!
APBilbo said:
- How much contacts with photo do you have on your contact list?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Do you use larger photos for contacts than the "standar" sized ones (I mean the ones that the camera do in contact photo mode ;-))
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
my photos for contatcts are about 240x320 and max. 100kb each
It would be easy if you define version no. for each update.
Done.... new release called 0.2 ;-). Thanks
ok , new error appeard
w System.IO.__Error.WinIOError()
w System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames()
w System.IO.Directory.InternalGetDirectories()
w System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()
w DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.GrupoFicherosDirectorio.load()
w DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.Grupo.loadChildren()
w DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.Grupo..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Grupos.GrupoFicherosDirectorio..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.Carrusel..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.Componentes.Page..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.MainForm..ctor()
w DeviceApplication9.Program.Main()
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same error
w System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames( )
w System.IO.Directory.InternalGetDirectories()
w System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos()
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same error for French hermes with Schaps Rom
Mar_cin, Chiekh.... Sorry for the bug...Seems same error than in previous versions.... I think this time I've solved it forever!! Please update with the new cab in the top post.
-Now searching programs folder through registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Explorer\CrossPlatformNavigatio nURL. Should work on any languaje... I hope...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

(New Release 3/31/08) Todayview

[03/31/08 Release Version Beta 1.2] - Now able to add launch program items., which gives you the ability to add any program to an item and display the programs icon. See the second thumbnail.
I have made this plug-in because the HTC Home just took up to much room on QVGA device.
Right now it’s pretty much just text based but the font size is adjustable, borders can be added and items can be moved around in the plug-in window which gives you ability to position them where you want. Also when an item is touched the corresponding program will popup.
Installation instructions
To install this plug-in: Execute the cab file and then go to setting/today/items to force the today screen to pickup this item. Also there is a sample layout which can be accessed from the main menu, load sample. To select the main menu: Tap on the top left side of the plug-in, which is the same position as the icon. This is the same for all modes.
The sample layout has some empty launch program items, they have "no exec" text in them. If you select them it will bring up a select program dialog, where you can select lunch program.
Note: I have not updated instructions document for this version, this will come soon.
Pervious users please delete the layout.dat found in the /program files/todayview/, this can cause file locking problems if you try to load old version layouts.
System requirements: PPC Windows 5.0 or higher
Change Log.
Version beta 1.2
- Added launch program item.
- Added unread live messenger messages.
- Default dir is now uses the install location.
- Landscape positioning corrected.
- Fixed a few crash bugs
- Added more plug-in height selections.
Version beta 1.1
- First public release
me... please, gimme the link.
another one
Would love to test this.
Me Too
Looks like just what I've been looking for. I would love to test this out.
cocoepiblas said:
another one
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Some appreciation.
Plus I would love to take this, I need something simple.
I would like to try it.. thx
Looks like a much-needed mash-up of LVTime and HTCPlus. I've used both of those and was totally satisfied with neither, so I'd love to take it for a spin.
I've been looking for a clock plugin like this - I have an iPaq, so no HTC Home. I also don't have a phone, but if you could create a view displaying email and tasks and date, I'd definately be glad to have it on my todayscreen
If you need any help with graphics, let me know.
Here's a sample of my:
Would be very interested in testing - can you let me jave a download link? Could be just what I'm looking for
give me pls ^_^
I'd be intereseted in testing aswell, if u still looking
looks promisng
if this can make a good replacement for the HTC home please let me try it out
I found a bug during layout editing so I am going to hold off releasing it till I corrected it. hopefully I can get it out tonight.
This looks like a very promising Today plugin.
I'm in. Send it when your ready.
count me in as soon as you have a correct version!
I'm interested, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
This looks like the plugin where I have been waiting for!!
So count me in, if you need me to test it!

User interface yrgo 2.3 beta 5

Hi guys,
I have released new yrgo 2.3 beta 5 so you can check it out on my forum here.
If you are new in yrgo - yrgo is highly customizable User Interface Shell written for Windows Mobile 5/6 Professional devices. It allows much more that any other Shell and goes more deep into the system - the memory footprint is also held low.
I highly recommend to see the presentation video (the video was recorded with older version - doesn't have as nice graphic as it is there now and it has much less functionality, but it is good to understand yrgo's concept).
So let me know what do you think .
UPDATED: There's a bug in the version I linked to my forum - it has only Czech version. Please scroll down the thread there, download a follow the instructions in the post to get the English version working. Sorry for that.
Oh yes,
the gadgets for almost all resolutions are not arranged properly - it is still the beta version and I will work on this this week.
But you can of course easily re-arrange it however you want very easily (just check the video I have mentioned above).
it is really nice and fast. on start up there was too much gadgets on screen, I would say try to make the desktop really clean aligned properly on startup. but it's a good work you're doing.
I'm not sure if this is a bug: using the file manager to explore my windows directory seems to hang the app, or maybe my windows directory is just really big. after it hanged and I terminated it manually, the app still populated my top and bottom bar, and half my screen, I had to soft reset.
plus how to change background?
thanks for your feedback. I'll check out the problem with Windows folder.
To change the background image, just find such image in the yrgo's file explorer and use Context menu and scroll down to get ability to use such image as a desktop background.
I really like your app. your design mode is very innovative, resizeable icons, etc.
*why the "hide" button? after going deep in the settings and want to go back to the home screen I had to click back button all the way back to home. it is possible to make the hide button "home" button so one click will bring me back to home? I know I can click on an empty spot and it will bring me to home, but I don't think everyone will know that.
*when not in full screen mode some of the icons/info is cut off at the bottom because the icons\layout doesn't resize accordingly.
*is it possible to add the "running applications" button as a gadget?
*also could there be some transition effect from desktop to desktop?
know I'm asking for a lot but I wouldn't be saying anything if I didn't like the app.
thanks for your feedback. It's ok, your questions are really relevant and helpful for me.
Yes, you're right. It makes more sense to have button "Home" instead of "Hide". I'll change it.
I know about the problem when switching off the full screen mode. The previous version had auto-rearraning the gadgets but it made a big mess when you switched from landscape/portrait mode so I temporarily removed it.
Yes, running appliactions can be add to the desktop easily - as any other item in yrgo - just 'tap and hold' on the Running application icon a use "Add to desktop"
Yep, some transition effect would be nice - but at this moment it is not my priority. I need to release current 2.3 as soon as possible. After that I'll start to think about new feature.
Again, thanks a lot for your feedback- it was very helpful.

