G2 and email, HELP - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello All,
I sure hope someone can help. Kinda embarrassing to have to ask.
I am new to the G2, and have been a Blackberry user for the last five years, which I always justified because of my business use and needs from my device.
I was told the android system, and the G2, was a good business choice for an upgrade from a blackberry, but now I'm starting to wonder if I should have stuck with a Blackberry.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a good email app or program that will work on the G2? I just experienced the embarrassment of going to business meeting with fellow associates and some clients, where all were watching, as some of my latest email communication from my new G2 (as well as other peoples) where being presented to a large group of people on a slide show for all to see, and as far as mine go from my G2, it looked like a moron had written the emails...........My mistake for not first reviewing my email on a large monitor, but was in a pinch for time, and was trusting the G2 email app.
This is kinda embarrassing for the G2, and the android OS, to have a native email program that is reminiscent of early 1980's technology. Yeah, that's how bad it is.
Here's what I'm looking for and what's needed, (btw was basic to all blackberrys).
> > > Something that will allow the G2 user to compose an email where the user can choose from a good selection of different fonts, and choose several different sizes of fonts, at a minimum> > > Need something that will allow the G2 user to compose an email where the user can choose from a good selection of different fonts, and choose several different sizes of fonts, at a minimum. > > > So that when someone receives it on a standard office monitor, it doesn't look like it was composed by someone who knows nothing about good communication... ..... maybe a stand-alone Application made for Android? preferably something compatible with POP and/or IMAP ? but please no suggestions for some Web-Mail in any form.
Is that asking too much LG/Android, geez? .... If Blackberry was able to do it, shouldn't Android at a minimum be able to produce something equally as good for business users of their product?
Who in business wants to receive an email from the native email application that comes with the G2?...anyone.....anyone?
Please help.......can anyone provide some options that will allow a business G2 user to compose basic, decent emails, that when received by someone who is reading them on basic office desktop monitors they don't look like something that originated in the early 1980's (when programmers where just figuring out how to create scalable fonts and providing basic communication options for email).
... ... ... there must be some good business options out there for all G2 users that are in business and that care about how their email communication comes across to the receiver.
Sorry for the rant, but my brief initial search at Google Play has turned up crap.
I'm sure I am not alone on this issue.
Thank you in advance. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
kind regards,
01/10/2014 at 3:58am PST


Multiple SMS To Single Contact Sender Tool

There are a couple of good tools on here, both called Group SMS, which allow you to send a single text to multiple contacts, at the same time. The relationship here is one to many.
I am looking for someone to develop a tool to do the opposite, i.e. the ability to select a number of texts to send to a single contact. The relationship here is many to one.
Is anyone interested in taking this challenge on? The preference would be to further develop one of the group SMS tools to be able to accomplish both tasks from within the same tool rather than having to run yet another small program on the PPC. Alternatively it might be useful to develop a tool that can undertake both core functions, ie one to many and many to one.
I run a HTC Tytn, so I am looking for the application to be optimised for use on this device.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
well you can use threaded sms. it basically gives you a chat style so you can keep typing away.
Sorry Bowlopho, you have completely misunderstood what I want. I don't want to cut & paste into a threaded SMS application, which is what I think you are referring to.
What I want to do is pick up several discreet text messages, all at once, and attach them to a single contact, then send in a one time operation only. I want them to remain as discreet messages when I send them, not blurred into one giant text.
I know exactly what I am looking for. Appreciate your input.
to me sounds like a SMS Bomber with like different messages Yes?
Forgive my ignorance; SMS bomber? Sounds sinister. What does that do?
All I'm looking for is a tool that will let me send several discrete texts to one person in one overall selection process rather than to tediously have to repeat the process for each text message over and over.
The idea is a simple one and is the reverse of the tools already out here that allow one to send a single message to multiple/many contacts.
I'll add this to my Pocket SMS Manager, as it should be easy AND someone else requests it.
Good to hear from you. If you are able to blend this into your tool then that would be an excellent result. How long would this take to develop/implement?
PM me if you need more detail in terms of what I am looking for, although it should be sufficiently clear from my posts in here. Incidentally, have not had chance to keep up with developments on your tool. Have you sorted the delays and slow updates, assumed to be caused by Activesync, that I reported to you some time ago?
Let me know.
wacky.banana said:
There are a couple of good tools on here, both called Group SMS, which allow you to send a single text to multiple contacts, at the same time. The relationship here is one to many.
I am looking for someone to develop a tool to do the opposite, i.e. the ability to select a number of texts to send to a single contact. The relationship here is many to one.
Is anyone interested in taking this challenge on? The preference would be to further develop one of the group SMS tools to be able to accomplish both tasks from within the same tool rather than having to run yet another small program on the PPC. Alternatively it might be useful to develop a tool that can undertake both core functions, ie one to many and many to one.
I run a HTC Tytn, so I am looking for the application to be optimised for use on this device.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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WB -
Please elaborate more about what you want - just so that it's very clear your concept request is understood -
Having the idea scope would be helpful:
* What is the benefit of having this tool
* For what major purpose would it serve
* When you mention chaining a few selected texts together to send to one recipient, can you provide a theoretical example?
If you can provide some more detailed walk-through hypothetical scenarios, it would help me as well.
Thanks for the response. I will develop some scenarios and email them to you so you can have a clear idea of what I am looking for.

Call and text management help please

I am looking for an application that will allow me to monitor call and text usage on a daily basis for several thousand handsets. Basically i would like something each phone to send me a email through a wireless connection at the end of each day telling me how long they were on the phone and how many texts have been sent. Can any one help me????
also i am having problems connecting these phones to the proxy server, i can get it to work on windows OS 6 but not OS 6 pro.
any help would be much appreciated, if anyone can develop a custom application for me we could talk please contact me and we can talk further.
Thank you.
you can use batterystutus it comes with it
ive done a search and doesnt seem like it does monitor call usage..
But i am developing this currently, pm me if you want more info,
But its pretty difficult, and finishing time will not be soon...

[REQ] Birthday (Nameday for some countries or other anniversaries) reminder / list

I am pretty new to this forum and I bought my Diamond just 2 days ago but I looked thruogh this forum before to see what I could expect. Anyway what I miss in the device is an application that would be taking care about reminding me of certain important dates. Birthday might be one of them (I know that there's a funcionality in contact list and calendar) but you can go to some other options like first date and other kind of stuff that expecially women want us to remember One thing for the application would be to make a reminder in some way (maybe even sending e-mail or text message) and the other would be to list those events to give us some overview what we can expect i.e. in 2 days, 1 week etc. That would be application completely separated from calendar and contact list, however it could have an option to use data that are stored there. Of course one could think about some additional functionality but it's just of the top of my head. Of course I am thinking about nice TouchFlo3D GUI.
It could also give/send reminders in advance starting at some point and repeating with some interval.

request for rules-based email alerts

I know I'm not the only one that wants this...
Being an admin my box is constantly filled with stuff that I really don't want to wake me at 3am. However, when an outage or other high priority alert comes through, it would be AWESOME if I could alert on only those messages, or have a different alert for them.
Any chance that anyone is working on an app that would let the user specify an alert based on an email rule or filter? This is one I'd pay for gladly.
You want to know the really sad thing about this?
10 years ago I had a Motorola PageWriter 2000 (2way pager) that could do this right out of the box. Now here we are with the most advanced pocket computers ever seen and I can't even set a simple mail rule for a different alert.
What gives?
I'm pretty new to Android, so I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I looked into this briefly today. Unfortunately, it could be a little tricky since email is handled at the application level and Android does not provide a "new email" broadcast message for an app to listen for. This type of service would almost have to work with the email client, but since there are many different clients that a user may have installed, it gets complicated quickly.
I never said it had to be a bolt-on app. There's more than one way to skin that cat.
Assuming that the standard mail app included with the OS is also open source, take the base code for the email app, add alert rules, then replace the standard mail app with the newly upgraded one.
Another solution (and this would be uglier and perhaps not do-able) would be to insert some sort of proxy app between the email app and the outside where alert filtering could take place before the message even passes to the email client. This would allow you to use whatever client you liked. Just disable the alert on the client and let the proxy handle the alerts.
Just ideas. Surely someone can make this work.

sms redundancy

Hello all: I have an HD2 and gotta tell ya all that I simply can't fathom the amount of time and dedication that the developer of sd and nands have devoted to the cause of an improved hd2 enviroment. Thanks to all.
That being said, there are some things that if I weren't as old as I am and had some time and experience in this area, I would have changed. Those are: Sms redundancy. Yes, it's in the front screens (taskbar). that's one. It's in the inbox (ridiculous). It's in the bubbles (or without), but still in that component, and finally it's in regular sms. Please make it all one, please. You don't seem to be able to eliminate any of them.
Forget the request to download an mms. Come on, we've already paid for the service. Virtually every phone in the world has mms capabilities. It's become the world standard. so why even ask to download it and go through the trouble. Are we trying here to save some data charges or what?
Dual contacts apps within the roms is annoying, and unnecessary. Both have to be accessed separately in order to retrieve certain types of info, or add info, such as the way you want the contact filed. There's no provision for additional fields which is a real must for those in business who use the phone as a portable data device and office. If a developer actually gets the urge to do this, then have a translation of the field into an Outlook info data withing the contact instead making it disappear entirely. I can't tell you how many contacts I've lost because of that I know it's not your doing; it's MS. Also make the references to social services with the 'info' section of the contact, hidden. that's dumb. Also make the 'info' clear and immediately available on the opening screen of the contact. (I've come from two year user of the iphone within a T-mobile environment. Apple uses its cerebellum when devising contacts, calendar, alarms, reminders, notes, etc. I simply got away from it because I wanted to enter a true 3g environment and an improved camera).
I don't have the time to continue, but there are so many areas that could be improved on to give us all a really great phone experience. I know you'll say 'Android', but that is lacking in so many areas as well that I can't believe it's gotten the kind of accolades that it has. I could go on about that for an hour.
Anyway, again thnx to all who selflessly (I call it that cuz really the remuniration is minimal) have devoted the time to these roms.

