[Q] Google Edition Contacts application: a missing feature - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to add (with a mod or an app from the play store) to the contacts application in the AOSP stock the little icons aside the name of each contact (like in the Samsung stock rom - image in attachment)
I find this feature very useful to know instantly what kind of information I have for each person in my contacts. Is there a way to add this touchwiz-like function to the contacts in the GE rom?
Thanks for your suggestions and help.


Quick contact? Broken contact pics

Is it possible to enable quick contact on the droidx, it's a featured i'd really like to have but it doesn't look possible because the dialer and all the contact programs seem to have motorolla's hands in it.
to see what i'm referring:
Also something I noticed is that contacts being paired with facebook seems to break the user images for just about every program except for the moto ones.
I use google voice a lot and it be nice to see all my contacts pictures with my text messages, a lot of people complained about this issue but i don't think it's google's fault because i just loaded up the launcher pro plus and it's scrollable contact list also has the same issue with pictures.
The only fix I can find is just to sign out of facebook and twitter in the account settings. But it would be nice to get that feature of seeing their latest updates while i'm browsing contacts, and i love seeing their newest status when they call.
So is there a way to install the quick contact feature?
and is there a work around for the contact pictures or am I just going to have to make a choice.
Thanks for the help guys, this is my first android device and Im loving it!
This really bothers me. I can't select my default picture or name like I used to be able to. This is something Motorola, and Android itself REALLY need to incorporate into the system. And I agree, quick contact should be standard in every iteration of Android.

Android Calendar without google ?

is it possible to use the android calendar without a google account?
Can we mod it to use it without google? I mean mod source code and compile it new?
Could some one do it?
Can i install a google account on defy without internet?
Big thanks for help!
I think you can, but I haven't tried having removed the stock Calendar app already. BTW, there are some alternative calendar programs that don't use the built-in database, such as Fliq.
You can always change the codes yourself, but from the way you raised the question I don't think you know how to do (and nor do I), and I doubt if anyone is interested in doing this. Of course, if you're willing to pay a reasonable bounty then it's another question...
Finally, an Internet connection is needed for setting up a Google account.
Maybe if you tell us what you actually want to do, then we can give some more useful suggestions.
Hi, thanks for answer.
I only know jorte, how has got his own database.
All other software usere the google account.
Id like to have a google free sync android, which i must not show every time, if it has synced with google server.
Please, can you tell me which devices have got a own calendar which not use the google calendar?
The google calendar looks realy nice.
Why no one want a google free and without sync calender?
Btw i cant mod the code.
Iam not a coder, only admin.
Can i activate the calendar without a google account?
so that i can use a second software how uses the calendera database?
Big thanks
You can activate a Google account without syncing your Calendar, Contacts and such with Google. They can be disabled in Settings.
If you want to go a bit further, just remove the respective *Sync.apk from /system/app (search for posts on how to remove system apps) provided that you've rooted your device.
This is all?
But is the system app *sync.apk only for google sync?
Or can i even sync with mypohone explorer any more?
I had the same problem and i found out that Jorte ( found on android market ) did do the thrick for me. It is pretty standalone. Notice that of you want notifications ( sounds etc ) in Jorte that you need to configure that in the original agenda of defy.
Hope this is your solution, regardings Rick
It IS possible
I have CM7 installed, at first without GoogleApps. Then it is not possible to use the native calendar program. But, if flash gapps, bot NOT login or create a new account, the calendar app works fine, though.
Hi, how have you installed CM7 on Defy?
I found out another trick on my SE LWW. After installing CM9.1 with GApps i replaced the Calendar.apk with native SemcCalendar.apf from official Firmware, but FC. After replacing google's Calendar.apk back i was able to use in normally.
Please ask all questions in the Q&A section. Thread moved there.

Google Contact Sync

Is the Cyanogenmod 7.0.0 contact app the AOSP contact app or has it been modified at all? I notice it doesn't support entering birthday or relationship fields which I recall seeing before but I don't recall if it's specific to an OEM dialer or maybe 2.2 AOSP.
Are there any Android apps that provide full compatibility with the Google Contacts manager (eg. support for custom fields, not just custom labels)?

[Q] Google Directory contacts are missing

Hi all,
In my workplace we use gmail for work. There's a directory of all employees' emails and phones. With Nexus 4 all these contacts are available through People app.
With the G2 on the other hand, I see none of these contacts. Not in Contacts app, nor in the dialer search. Only in gmail, when adding contacts in To field, but that doesn't help, because I want the phone numbers.
Is there any way around it?
PS. I tried severals ROMS. The issue persist in all LG stock roms, JB and KK, and in all custom ones that are based on stock. In AOSP I do see the contacts, as with Nexus (dahh)
same problem here!
can anyone help?

V35 at&t contacts app

Hi guys, here is V35 with At&T firmware, the search in contacts app is not smart. I try some contacts apps but only simplier contacts give what I want (search words in any order) but it is a bit laggy. I try google contacts app in other android phones and search function is so good (example contact "John K. Old school", and when I search "john old", it shows the contact) , but search google contacts app in V35 give no results.
I think something to do with the at&t rom?
hey mate,
Do you happen to be on android 10? i was wondering if you could do a full backup of your phone partitions..

