[Q] First time rooting problems - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Hey guys, new to the forums and to the Android family. First off I want to say that I have done a fair share of research before asking these questions. Granted they are *WARNING* Noob Questions!
I have a S4 (Sprint), I successfully rooted and then continued on with GooManger. I hit the menu button and the tried to "Install OpenScript Recovery", it went to the website and counted from 10-1. No download occurred. So then I went to the PlayStore to download "TWRP", I tried to use the backup and recovery function and when I tried to do a backup it would fail. I tested the root and it is active, so not sure where to go from here.
What are the next steps I must take to backup my stock ROM and continue on to loading new ROM's.
PS: I used TitaniumBackup to backup all my current apps and system data.
My goal is to be able to use different ROM's but it is my first time and do not want to ruin my phone. Any help would be awesome! Thanks for your time and sorry for the noob heavy questions!

Odin twrp or philz recovery
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A little confused....

So i am new to the phone hacking scene and have a few baisic questions.
1. How do you use/do a nandroid backup.
2. How do you instal themes like the Sense-able 3.1.
If you could just point me in the right direction it will help sooo much
MMcCoy1127 said:
So i am new to the phone hacking scene and have a few baisic questions.
1. How do you use/do a nandroid backup.
2. How do you instal themes like the Sense-able 3.1.
If you could just point me in the right direction it will help sooo much
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You'll have to install the recover img. Use Eris Master Application for rooting and installing recovery. When you're ready to go into recovery, boot up the phone while holding the Up volume key. Then select Restore/Backup and do nand backup.
2. Put Senseable on the root of your sd card. Not in any folders or anything, just put the zip directly into your sd card. Then go into recovery (up on the volume button and the power button) and click wipe data/factory and dalvik cache. Then choose flash from zip and select your rom. Then hit the down volume button to go back into the menu's and select reboot system now. If you need more help just lemme know.
ok so a few more questions....
1. What is a ROM, recovery image, and root image???
2. im guessing i gotta root my phone before i can do a nandroid backup???
that is correct
You have some reading to do...
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I used this guide to help me root my Eris about a month ago, but it is still up to date:
[Walkthrough] From stock (1.5) to rooted 2.1 (update - new link)
h t t p://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=647707
You can try this application by ECLIPS3 and Jamezelle which does the same rooting process in a few simple clicks:
[Application] Eris Master Application [R00T]
h t t p://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=661413
Let me try to answer your questions as best as I can:
1. A ROM is essentially the operating system of the phone. When you flash (install) a new ROM, it's like installing a new version of Windows or Mac OS X or Linux or what have you.
2. A Recovery Image is like a separate partition on your phone dedicated for back ups and the obvious one recovery among other things. I'm using RA 1.6.2 but there are other recovery images out there. I suggest just sticking with RA (other members might agree with me or not. I'm no expert).
3. I believe the Root Image is the update.zip file that you will see in those guides that I referred to. If this is the case, then all it is is a ROM that you will flash that gives you root access (the core folders and settings) on your phone.
Try and look for the Rooting FAQ. It's somewhere around here. Best of luck to you.
semmtexx said:
You have some reading to do...
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+over 9000
i understand there are a lot of new faces here all the time but in the same respect you should at least look over the forums before starting to ask questions. Literally all of the OPs answers are sticky'd at the very top of the the dev section.
I've said it before and Ill say it again, I lurked a long time and read a lot of information before posting any types of questions at all...call me old fashioned but I think you should at least have a bearing of the situation before you start spouting off the most basic questions about rooting or installing custom ROMs (i.e. "
1. What is a ROM, recovery image, and root image???")
that is all. best of luck with your root experience, youll never ever want to use anything stock again.

[Q] putting roms on your phone

ok newbie just rooted evo today and have no idea what i should do next,or how to load roms , or backup (though i had that one ,guess not) searched everywhere please help
I call BS on you searchin, there are threads everywhere about how and what to do,
Put porn on your phone next.
Thats what everyone does next after rooting.
Everytime you flash a custom rom do a full wipe then install the fresh rom. you can use either rom manager or quickboot then go to recovery mode. i use quickboot coz its easy give you 3 options reboot, recovery and bootloader. if you did a full root backup your nandroid first before installing a fresh rom

Just saying hey!!

Hey guys, my name is Kirk, I'm new to Android and just picked up a Galaxy Tab 10.1. So far I'm loving it, and last night I just rooted it. First question is when i get OTA updates, do I have to worry about updating or can I go ahead with the update without issues? And secondly, as far as rooting goes, what do you guys suggest I do to make my Tab even more enjoyable? Either a point to the correct forum or answers here would be much appreciated!!
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Don't update if you want to keep root. What tell someone post a rooted version, so you can flash though clockworkmod recovery.
Always read before you flash, make backups. And wipe
It helps to keep roms, kernals and mods in there own folder.
Could someone point me to the correct instructions for flashing new ROMs?
Sent from your mothers house.
Go to the development forum for the tab.
K Rich said:
Could someone point me to the correct instructions for flashing new ROMs?
Sent from your mothers house.
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It's quite simple actually.
If you have CWM (clockwork mod) installed
1. then all you have to do is go to the development section.
2. Find the rom you like
3. Download the zip
4. Load the zip into your Tab
5. reboot your tab and as it starts hold power and the volume button right next to it, then select clockwork mod
6. Go to install zip
7. Find your zipped rom file and it will install ( Sometimes you have to clear data if it bootloops though)
Sweet!! Sounds easy enough, I really appreciate the instructions. I'm loving the Tab an the whole feel of Android, coming from iOS.
Sent from your mothers house.

Lost in the myriad of rooting options

I've finally lost patience with my TF101 boot looping and being flat when I come to use it. Asus clearly aren't in a rush to fix it, and I can't find an alternative tablet that I'm happy to replace it with right now, so I've decided to give guevor's version a go.
The problem being that I've read a load of threads on rooting a TF, but still haven't come to a conclusion on which method actually works for a WW one on, if there even is one!
So any chance some one could help me out and point me in the right direction? Thanks
Use Vipermod to root. Search the forum for link.
Thanks, I'll take a look.
Just wanna check my list with you experienced guys before getting stuck in, mostly because it's been a while since I did anything like this and I can't find a thorough guide for the whole process.
1. Root with vipermod.
2. Install ROM manager from the market and use to flash CWM recovery.
3. Boot into CWM recovery and make backup.
4. Copy kernel .zip file to storage of the TF.
5. Boot into CWM recovery and select install .zip option.
6. Enjoy new kernel and hope for no more bootloop/flat battery scenarios making me angry?
Correct, except you shouldn't use apps like Rom Manager to do things that you can easily do yourself. Don't blindly flash whatever Rom Manager tells you to because sometimes it will screw up your tablet. Haven't you read all these threads about people having problems because of ROM manager?
Just use the recovery installer apk by Gnufabio. It will flash a slightly outdated CWM but it works without problems and you can update it yourself by downloading and flashing a newer CWM posted on this forum.
I can confirm viper for root, and gnufabio recovery installer.apk. I just went through the process last night. If you do not use gnufabio you will spend hours trying to get cwm on your device, and failing.(2 hours of dead androids in recovery) wish i had seen gnufabio sooner.
Edit: also theres a remixed viper out there supposed to be a 1 click root
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1534475 is the link
Also i suggest the touch cwm from
It works very well and all touch so no need to press physical buttons.
Thanks for the input guys, it's very much appreciated.
I haven't seen the threads on problems with ROM manager. I've just been searching for specific terms and TBH I find this forum generally difficult to find up to date information. It's very time consuming searching and reading lots of nothing posts. The TF info threads have a lot of links to outdated guides (or ones that lack detail as they assume you know everything already ) and a lot of the shortened terminology that's used is confusing unless you visit here. I've read as much as I can, but I wanted to be sure I had the right information before trying out something that could render my tablet useless.
Typical, fallen at the first hurdle!
"hold volume down and power for 3 seconds, let go of power only, then press volume up when prompted on screen" just results in a screen with an Android with a red triangle on his chest. More extensive searching needed I suppose.
lol nope this is my problem i told you about in earlier post
get the recoveryinstall.apk by gnufabio install it on your tf and run it. it installs a working cwm then you can do the touch cwm,kernel rom etc after that
gnufabio installer link
Oops, yeah sorry that passed me by some how! Busy day.
Thanks again!!
no problem bro thats what we are here for to help you catch those moments when your about to bash your head against the wall and say "oh hey didnt you see this..." and make you slap your forehead instead.
Finally got around to doing this. All OK so far, got it rooted and touch CWM installed but I'm a bit unsure about what caches and stuff I should wipe. Do I need to do both wipe data/factory reset AND/OR wipe cache partition in the touch CWM recovery before flashing the new kernel?
wolvers69 said:
Finally got around to doing this. All OK so far, got it rooted and touch CWM installed but I'm a bit unsure about what caches and stuff I should wipe. Do I need to do both wipe data/factory reset AND/OR wipe cache partition in the touch CWM recovery before flashing the new kernel?
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I ALWAYS do a full wipe, dalvik cache the lot when flashing a different ROM, if you're just flashing a new kernel no need for wipe data just dalvik cache
Thanks for the reply. I found some posts last night where peeps were not wiping anything so I just flashed the 16b test kernel. Seems to be all OK so far.
I have the same issue...no recovery. Ive downloaded the gnufabio recovery file from the link, however i was expecting an .apk file that could be installed from the tablet OS desktop maybe usinf File Mgr. What the link downloads is a .zip w/ some folders and asstd files. Everyone is referring to it as an apk...Im confused.
fwbflash said:
I have the same issue...no recovery. Ive downloaded the gnufabio recovery file from the link, however i was expecting an .apk file that could be installed from the tablet OS desktop maybe usinf File Mgr. What the link downloads is a .zip w/ some folders and asstd files. Everyone is referring to it as an apk...Im confused.
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It should be an apk. Did you use the link in his thread?
I have links to the apk in post 218 also including a modified version that will flash Team Rouge recovery.
Thank you very much for those links...yes, those were apks. I have been looking for those links for sometime.
flashed the RecoveryInstaller.apk, giving me a recovery system to work from, now Im restored, rooted, ROMd and OC'd...thanks for the links!!
Since rooting mine, flashing the 16b kernel and OCing to 1600mhz it's been completely stable and fast. I just hope that continues!
Thanks everyone for your kindly assistance.

[Q] -Updating, So simple a 4th grade could do it?

Hey guys so I am coming over from using a jailbroken iphone to now using a rooted nexus 4, which i found harder to do than jb an iphone (yeah ik i'm that bad)
And so here I am today I have my nexus 4 on the 4.2.2 update, no custom rom or kernel or anything, just super user access. And I really wanna start doing more such as the 4.3 update, custom roms and tweaks and such but before then I wanna make sure I got my back up down.
I rooted using the "Nexus 4 toolkit" and by choosing the one option does all option, which installed the twrp backup I believe.
Now I am super noob to android and i've already read the pinned guides for introduction to android and rooting but the rooting one was too complicated for me.
So I'm asking for easy 4th grade instruction for anyone who has the patience and time to help me accomplish these things
1. get onto 4.3
2. have backups for future use
3. be able to have a custom rom installed.
4. not end up with a new paper weight (like I did before when I first tried rooting, yes I'm that bad)
plz and thank you very much,
1. Download the Nexus 4 Toolkit which I'm assuming you already have since you rooted your phone.
2. Install a custom recovery, I recommend TWRP for ease of use and because its awesome D).
3. Download the 4.3 flashable zip from the Android Development forum and put it on your external storage.
4. Turn off your phone.
5. Hold down the power + vol down button til you get a screen which says start, and a bunch of scary looking things
6. Use the volume keys to scroll down to Recovery Mode
7. Click the power button
8. Once you're in TWRP, click Backup
9. Click start
10. It'll take a while, but once its finished, go back to the start screen of TWRP and click Install
11. Click wipe, then yes
12. Find the zip file of the 4.3 flashable you downloaded.
13. Click it
14. Wait a bit, and you have successfully installed Android 4.3!
Additional Info:
Regarding wanting to flash a custom ROM, do the same process you just did except with a custom rom zip rather than stock android.
If you ever want to restore, wipe then go to restore and select the backup you'd like to restore from
I hope this helped!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Pretty good. I do believe they already have twrp. So just power off. Or download quick reboot app. Or ROM manager to reboot recovery if you Dont want to hold power and volume down till you get to fast boot. Or boot loader. But its all easy. With twrp you'll see you swype to engage. First thing when you get into your recovery is just click backup. Follow prompts. Rename or leave as date. I name mine virgin flash. Then back out to twrp opening again. Then wipe data factory reset wipe cache and dalvick cache. Then most cases no need to wipe system unless changing base. In this case of 4.3 I would. And returning I would. So just reboot once your backed up. So you can go download all your ****.
Gooim. App fave. Play store you'll find it. Then ROM toolbox. Then titanium backup. Then Franco kernel app. Then system tuner or system panel. Then kernel tweaking apps. All are up to you and optional. If your looking for something worthy to flash I like these.
Carbon. Liquid , and jelly beer. Also miui is the "Different ui" as most others will look identical. The ones I named can have themes in the chooser downloaded. Gives android its ui overhaul. Just enjoy ...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Do NOT use toolkits. Take the time to learn how to do things manually. It will serve you so much better in the future than just pressing a button as you'll actually KNOW what's going on and how to fix any potential issues.
To everyone recommending the use of toolkits, shame on you
Thanks for the input everyone gonna go down the list and try the instructions you guys have given and come back and tell you how it goes
dynamo147 said:
Hey guys so I am coming over from using a jailbroken iphone to now using a rooted nexus 4, which i found harder to do than jb an iphone (yeah ik i'm that bad)
And so here I am today I have my nexus 4 on the 4.2.2 update, no custom rom or kernel or anything, just super user access. And I really wanna start doing more such as the 4.3 update, custom roms and tweaks and such but before then I wanna make sure I got my back up down.
I rooted using the "Nexus 4 toolkit" and by choosing the one option does all option, which installed the twrp backup I believe.
Now I am super noob to android and i've already read the pinned guides for introduction to android and rooting but the rooting one was too complicated for me.
So I'm asking for easy 4th grade instruction for anyone who has the patience and time to help me accomplish these things
1. get onto 4.3
2. have backups for future use
3. be able to have a custom rom installed.
4. not end up with a new paper weight (like I did before when I first tried rooting, yes I'm that bad)
plz and thank you very much,
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As you mentioned about nexus 4 toolkit just use it to relock the boot loader and then do a normal reboot
Now go to setting>>about phone>>system update there you will see that 4.3 update is available just do it now you should be in 4.3
Now follow this guide for rooting and stuff http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2384824
by following the guide u will be able to get root access in 4.3 and can be able to install a custom recovery

