[Q] Sprint G2- wi-fi crawling- 3mbps MAX - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello. First, great forum- I can feel the love, as well as the collective genius at work here. It's refreshing to find a forum where people actually know their sh*t on a real, technologically advanced level. It's relieving as well, considering the headache that my new G2 is causing... as follows:
This is a Sprint device and I am still within the time frame to return if a resolution is not found.
1.) While wi-fi remains connected (doesn't drop), it is terribly slow, averaging .8 - 3 mbps. Whereas, other Samsung android devices are averaging 15-20 mbps. Internet is cable, and I have reset the modem without experiencing any performance increase. (technicolor TC8305C, bgn)
2.) 4g is no better, averaging a mind boggling .5 mbps. (Don't even get me started on 3g- .1-.3 mbps)
3.) If 4g is even able to connect, which is rare... it disappears and and is nowhere to be found, or be (re) enabled.
Attempted (unsuccessful resolutions):
1.) Performed Sprint recommended troubleshooting techniques:
a.) updated profile
b.) soft reset(s)
c.) hard resets- multiple
2.) contacted customer care: received "refreshers," and was walked through numerous settings and performed various resets.
Recommended CC resolution: return device for exchange.
3.) Sprint store attempted to identify problem, and in the process found that their demo, along with employee handsets (G2) as well as new unboxed versions had the same problem. They offered to switch to an S4 or Nexus5 for free, or wait a couple days to see if the LG rep could offer a fix.
(further) Resolution: pending
Here's the deal- I think we can all agree that this phone is kick ass. Therefore, I would rather not switch, as I enjoy the experience it provides, as well as the satisfaction of getting to really bond with a device when troubleshooting them. Though, this phone seems to be pretty 'buggy,' and while I don't mind tinkering with computing devices (been seeing the blue screen since win '95), I'm not sure I want to be dealing with the potential hassle with a device we all rely on day in and day out to be our life blood... plus, just because I don't see/haven't experienced the other issues others have, doesn't mean they won't potentially manifest down the road. :/ Maybe the Nexus 5 is the better choice... but it seems like cost cutting has taken place in a couple areas- battery (2300), and the camera. Almost like the G2 is the flagship and the other is mildly scaled down in certain aspects even though the end result is compelling for both.
Please know that I am scouring middle earth low and wide for resolutions, and have not composed this post without first looking and becoming familiar with other peoples similiar experiences. I will continue to fact find, and I apologize for not reading all related threads before posting, but time is of the nigh, as I am still within a time frame to return in case the problem is inherent to this specific device (a lemon). Plus, I don't quite understand everything you're talking about, as I've never had/chosen to dig that deep into the obscure settings and techniques I've seen listed (and also because I JUST got it) Hence, the user name- g2 n00b.
So thank you in advance for your time in helping with this. It is both greatly appreciated, and not without gratitude on my part. Also, I hope I displayed proper educate by formating this post in a manner which is easy to sort through. K. let the trouble shooting begin.
also, to the mods- sorry if this is thread/issue has already been covered elsewhere. I also posted this issue on another board and nobody had heard of this problem, so I am fairly confident that i may be justified in having poted this. However, feel free to delete/lock/merge/ if I just didn't see it.. but please provide the link so I can further fact find, because I'm stumped. Thanks.

I just did a speedtest on mine (Also on Sprint) using Wifi.
Same speeds I get on my PC.
It's an oddball suggestion but did you disable the Sprint connection optimizer?

Optimizer enabled. Though, I have tried disabling it and running diagnostics to no effect- doesn't matter what I do, it still won't exceed 3mbps, unless I am lucky enough to receive 4g in certain areas.. then it's a 'blazing' 3.5mbps, but usually .8. I have msl code and have adjusted band priorities and still no difference there, including ##72786 to reset default connections to make sure nothing was adversely affected after investigating the issue.
I'm really bummed. I love this phone. I feel like everything I felt I was missing in the S3/S4 are present here. Love the interface, form factor and all of the settings. Maybe I should take Sprint up on there offer to get an S4 a Nexus 5, but I REALLY don't want to go back to caveman battery hog status on the S4 and have to purchase a backup. I imagine the N5 is more efficient in this area, but it still has a 2300 battery vs 3000 in the G2. Needless to say, I'm frustrated and confused.. but often times, such is life.
Any thoughts on the N5, or suggestions to further trouble shoot are greatly appreciated and welcome?

I have disable the connection optimizer and have done this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=47423537&postcount=1
The only other idea I have is hit up a coffee shop and due a speed test on their wifi.
The sprint stores by me have crappy wifi speed hence the coffee shop.

I seem to have mostly resolved the issue. I switched channels and encryption protocol. Apparently, my g2 didn't appreciate AES very much. Has anyone else seen performance differences with their device when comparing AES to TKIP? If so, are they drastic? I would think AES would be fine with the g2, considering how advanced it is. I consider it to be somewhat unfortunate if I am forced to select TKIP just so I can get a decent connection. That is, unless of course there are settings I can alter in the ##data# screen that can make better use of this encryption. Is there anything I can do now that I have narrowed down the culprit?

G2 n00b said:
I seem to have mostly resolved the issue. I switched channels and encryption protocol. Apparently, my g2 didn't appreciate AES very much. Has anyone else seen performance differences with their device when comparing AES to TKIP? If so, are they drastic? I would think AES would be fine with the g2, considering how advanced it is. I consider it to be somewhat unfortunate if I am forced to select TKIP just so I can get a decent connection. That is, unless of course there are settings I can alter in the ##data# screen that can make better use of this encryption. Is there anything I can do now that I have narrowed down the culprit?
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What wireless router are you using? I use a D-Link at home and my G2 kept connecting and disconnecting repeatedly. I was able to fix the problem by updating the router's firmware to the latest version. We've never had any problems with other wifi devices on our router, so it seems the G2 has some unique peculiarities WRT wifi.

I'm running AES with no issues, but noticed following.
LG (Sprint) connects first with a slow 72mbps and switches after a while to a faster speed of 433mbps
I have an Asus Router RT-AC66R, if I play around on the router with Frequencies or the wireless mode, LG would go down to a slow speed.
Don't have Optimizer enabled.
I suspect your problem is a router problem and not the phone.


Networking Gurus, is this possible??

Ok, on my way back from Blockbuster I was taxing the ole cognitive faculties and, being the cheap b*stard I am, thought of a possible way of gaining free internet access on the move. Here is my idea.
Using a Orange UK Pay as You Go sim in a GSM data card hooked up to my main PC at home with full access to High Speed internet. I set up a RAS server, add this number to my Magic Numbers and dial in for remote access and iNet connection. Of course if this is possible compression could be used before IP packets are routed to the mobile device improving, what I assume to be, a lousy bandwidth.
Further questions related to this:
What is the available bandwidth of a GSM data call?
Do Orange allow data calls on non-contract numbers, and are Orange able to detect that a line is being used for data rather than voice? And, if yes to the latter, can a data call masquerade as a voice?
Are there any good compression clients for Windows Mobile?
Being stuck with GPRS/EDGE on my VOX the data plans are diabolical, now I have a eee pc I'm kinda getting these two devices to dance together as best they can for the ultimate mobile experience, and if this theory is plausible and with performance comparable to GPRS, then I think im on to something worth while for my self and others.
Any response is appreciated
not sure if it's possible
but data gsm is only 9600
Unfortunately I don't have any concrete answers for you, but I'm thinking about picking up an EEE PC as well, and this is an absolutely FANTASTIC idea. I'm extremely interested in how this project fares for you. When it comes to phone networks, I'm still a noob, but I've been administering a satellite network for a few years, and based on the networking experience i've gotten in that short time, what you propose seems entirely possible. The biggest issue that I think you're going to run into is getting the compression to work properly. I'm worried that it will impede the processing performance of the phone. I think you may have better luck finding a packetshaper for the EEE rather than your WM device.
On a side note, what distro of Linux do those run? i've been looking around, and havn't been able to find out if it's Ubuntu, RedHat, anything. Everything I find just says 'Linux'. Also, have you been able to easily pair your phone to the EEE? I'm running Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on my desktop and I can't get anything out of the USB connection. (I know this is off-topic of your original post, and i apologize, but please PM me if you, or anyone else, have any suggestions. [i've searched forums for some suggestions, havn't worked out] Thanks.)
Good Luck!
Ok thanks all for the response, im going to post info etc. as and when I find it.
Here is general GSM info that confirms and elaberates on Rudegar's post
in brief, using compression 'up to 36000 bps' can be acheived, which is sufficient for Image free web-surfing courtesy of Opera and telnet. Moreover, the article referenced is fairly old and I imagine DUN compression algorythms have come on leaps and bounds, especially since the broadband revolution. I think you're right in suggesting that decompression may tax my Vox, I will use the VOX as modem either over USB or BT. Next I will research compression, keep you all posted.
As for the EEE, well I am totally in love with mine. The stock Eee comes with Xandros a flavour of Linux that I found to be quite bitter. I am currently using XPTablet Edition. I have tried Ubuntu, gOS, eeexubuntu and couldn't deal with the inability to upscale the resolution so I went Windows. Now I can scale 900x600 without any glitches. I have modified my 4g with a touchscreen, 2 gigs of RAM in the post, all I need now is a way of fitting an Xscale PPC sisterboard and the HTC Shift can suck my.......
My only advice is DON'T GET a eee pc 2G, as you will only regret it.... I did!
Oh... I think you'd have to recompile your kernel to get some kind of activesync replacment. I've seen the answer somewhere on my travels--probably www.Eeeuser.com or www.ubuntu.com--If i find it again ill let you know.
Whilst browsing for a cheap GSM modem I came across the Three Pay 3G modem reduced to £69 from Ebuyer. Of course I bought one on the spot--perhaps I'm not such a cheap b*stard after all. For this reason this little project is now less of a necessity. I will be using a VPN of some kind but I doubt that it will be of much relevance to this post. If I do stumble on anything of interest I will post. As the modem has 2G capabilities I will test a few dialin setups.

[Q] *Is anyone having problems w/ 4G and flash sites?*

Peace All,
Has anyone been having problems w/ their 4G service wherein it hangs (on loading) a site that is heavily ladened w/ FLASH (not to be confused w/ the current Gtalk and market issues)? I've tried the plug-in selections of "ON DEMAND" and even "ALWAYS" and it seems that it takes my 4G almost 3 -4 minutes (if it even loads) just to download the site fully---my 3G is actually faster . I've ran speed tests and when i'm on 4G i"m pulling 4.63 mbps down and about 1.00 mbps up---I've even checked to see if my RSA keys were intact and they were. The people (customer service) seem oblivious to this problem. Is there a fix for this?
thanks in advance for anyone's insight to this problem
I don't know, I'll check mine tomorrow when I'm in a 4g area.
Problem with customer service is, they don't have a clue with anything network related. All they do is check to see how many problems similar to what a person reports as a problem and then make a note of it.
No problems with flash on 4g.
FYI - I am running AVO v9 and Flash Fix 10 so I can watch Hulu, and it worked great.
Well i guess I'm the only one---this has happened on every ROM I've tried (Ava9 and Myn's Rsl2)---I've called Sprint and I've ran various tests to check my 4G and my RSA keys are in tact and my MAC address is cool---I also have the latest radio, prl, pri and wimax versions---I'm going back to stock---theming and custom ROM's are too much of a hassle and not worth it (most people on here appear to be sooo OBSESSED about battery life that they turn off every function of the phone so that they can brag that they havent charged in 8 days ). I use my phone to the fullest and like running 4G--since im in a 4G saturated area---all day
Thanks anyway,
use flash on demand, that speeds up all your site loadings, make the browser more stable, and removes ads, unless you like ads, .
For me flash site works perfect on 4G...
only issues i have on 4g are pc related, whether im tethered or using hotspot, if the 4g dips just a little the flash video stops loading, when i get to that part the players just hang at what ever the buffer says which is usually 45% to 51% and i have to refresh and jump to the place it stopped, the overall 4g connection is very stable, i have no clue whats going on
btw would you happen to be using dolphin browser hd?? there have been a lot of comments about browser slowdown with froyo and the site has a few suggestions to help speed it up
I've actually got the exact same problem as the OP. I recently did some modifications to the wimax settings so 4g would connect faster and stay connected longer and wonder if that may have something to do with it. Otherwise I do not know what might have changed.

[Q] Need help, wifi issues on S4 I337, OC3, 5.0.1, not rooted.

I have tried reading on these forums for a little while, and am overwhelmed with the vast amount of content. I apologize in advance if this has already been addressed.
I purchased my first Android device and am having some serious Wifi issues. I am able to connect to both of my wireless routers, however there seems to be something blocking the data from streaming to my phone regularly. I have factory reset my phone twice now and am about to just sell it off to get a different one, which is a bummer because I really like it!
The wifi worked perfectly fine for the first couple of weeks and then suddenly stopped being reliable. Is there anything I can do, like root the device (would love to remove the ridiculous amount of bloatware) or change some settings? I have used almost 1gb on my mobile network in less than 48 hours, which is more than I used the entire month before because I simply cannot conduct any online business via wifi.
Please, when replying, keep in mind I am a noob. You may have to explain it to me with crayons...
Hitron Technologies CGN Modem+Wifi - Provided through Mediacom
4th Gen Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n v7.6.4 - used to extend my wireless network
My PC is running Windows 7

[Wifi Issues] Not what you may expect

Hi all, just picked up a Tab S5E today - love the screen, built quality etc. What I don't love is the Wi-Fi performance. I'm left very confused.
I installed Android 10 right out the box and did a clean reset - after which my link speed in Wi-Fi settings shows 86 mbps throughput. For reference, my other phones (Oneplus 5 - 3 years old and Oneplus 8 Pro both show 866mbps receive and transmit speed).
When right next to the router I get a max of about 150mbps, with an average of 80mbps on Speed Tests - This is the case whether holding the tablet or not. When about 5 metres away through a wall this goes down to 45-55 Average, in comparison both phones show around 280-330 average.
When right next to the router with my other phones I get my networks full download which is 550mbps.
I understood before purchasing that if holding the tablet in the bottom left corner when in horizontal position (camera on the left) you are likely to lose signal - potentially mitigated with using a case. However, by wrapping my hands round the left antenna, on average - the speed increases to around 150-170 - odd...
When attempting to put pressure on the antennas from both ends and firmly wrapping my hands around the tablet, I do not see any network connectivity issues relating to dropouts and the WiFi bars remain on 5.
Honestly not got a clue what's happening here, either who have decently fast connections don't big this up online, or this is just a weird hardware fault with my unit.
Pretty disappointed. If anyone has any advice / screenshots of their speed results higher than this - I would greatly appreciate this, in which case I will definitely pursue a replacement device. I can't accept that in 2020 a device cannot achieve full 5.8ghz WiFi speeds when directly next to the router.
There is nothing wrong with your device. The maximum WiFi speed on the Galaxy Tab S5e is around 160 to 180 Mbit/s. I didn't expect this either when I bought this model and it is also a major bummer for me.
The device supports 802.11ac, but unfortunately Samsung only put a single antenna into it which limits it to a single MIMO stream (on a 80 MHz channel that gives you theoretical 433 Mbit/s throughput, which of course no device will ever reach). I would expect something around 220 Mbit/s with this configuration, but somehow the maximum speed I get with this device is only around 160 to 180 Mbit/s. It is not only the speed that is bad, it is also the signal strength that is exceptionally bad compared to all my other devices.
Your phones and other devices probably have two antennas and support 802.11ac with 2x2 MIMO which gives you theoretical throughput of 866 Mbit/s and around 500 Mbit/s in practice.
Thank you for your reply. I just received a replacement unit and tested before updating to the Android 10 update. There was indeed something wrong with that previous device as the link speed shows 433mbps and I consistently got 280-295mbps download.
However, I just updated it to Android 10 - now it's completely gone again. Link speed 87mbps and downloads of 20-70mbps. This is most definitely a software issue which I'll be contacting Samsung about.
Matthius said:
Thank you for your reply. I just received a replacement unit and tested before updating to the Android 10 update. There was indeed something wrong with that previous device as the link speed shows 433mbps and I consistently got 280-295mbps download.
However, I just updated it to Android 10 - now it's completely gone again. Link speed 87mbps and downloads of 20-70mbps. This is most definitely a software issue which I'll be contacting Samsung about.
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I also got a WiFi issue when upgrading to Android 10. My tablet was working perfectly before the update but now will not auto connect. I agree this must be a software issue.
I have just upgraded my tablet to Android 10 and the Wi-Fi speed maxes out at 60 Mbit/s. I'm thinking about selling my device again, this is unusable.
rndm42 said:
I have just upgraded my tablet to Android 10 and the Wi-Fi speed maxes out at 60 Mbit/s. I'm thinking about selling my device again, this is unusable.
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All I can suggest is to create a bug report in Samsung members app. I did so over 10 days ago now and am awaiting a response. The more people that do so the better - a fix needs to be rolled out for this. Something's quite wrong with how the WiFi module is working after this update, probably driver related.
Has anybody tried wiping the cache partition in Recovery Mode? If that doesn't help back up your device and perform a Hard Factory Reset. That normally fixes any software issues.
iceepyon said:
Has anybody tried wiping the cache partition in Recovery Mode? If that doesn't help back up your device and perform a Hard Factory Reset. That normally fixes any software issues.
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With both the tab s5e's I've had I had reset them both twice, and cleared cache in recovery.
This is definitely an issue brought about with the update considering Android 9 was absolutely fine network wise.
Matthius said:
With both the tab s5e's I've had I had reset them both twice, and cleared cache in recovery.
This is definitely an issue brought about with the update considering Android 9 was absolutely fine network wise.
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In that case you may have purchased a unit from a bad batch.
iceepyon said:
In that case you may have purchased a unit from a bad batch.
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I disagree, this is definitely a new problem that was introduced with the recent Android 10 upgrade. Samsung made the Wi-Fi signal "more stable" by limiting the modulation type to QPSK (MCS-2) instead of 256-QAM (MCS-9) which effectively caps it to 87,8 Mbit/s on a 80 MHz channel. Instead of 180 Mbit/s with Android 9 (which was pretty bad), users are now getting around 50 Mbit/s (which is incredibly bad).
Auto WIFI Reconnection problem
rfb813 said:
I also got a WiFi issue when upgrading to Android 10. My tablet was working perfectly before the update but now will not auto connect. I agree this must be a software issue.
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My S5e won't auto-reconnect following the recent upgrade to Android 10. Also stutters and freezes for a while after restarting in various apps and settings. System software issues presumably.
rndm42 said:
I disagree, this is definitely a new problem that was introduced with the recent Android 10 upgrade. Samsung made the Wi-Fi signal "more stable" by limiting the modulation type to QPSK (MCS-2) instead of 256-QAM (MCS-9) which effectively caps it to 87,8 Mbit/s on a 80 MHz channel. Instead of 180 Mbit/s with Android 9 (which was pretty bad), users are now getting around 50 Mbit/s (which is incredibly bad).
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Thanks for doing the research to find this out. This definitely explains exactly what I'm seeing.
Very disappointing as I was achieving fine speeds 290mbps or slightly higher prior to the update. Now WiFi on the whole is pretty poor in comparison.
Why was this done intentionally - it really makes no sense. Surely this must get reverted.
I just got an update this morning aimed at WiFi improvements
TheIntruder said:
I just got an update this morning aimed at WiFi improvements
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I can confirm this update has fixed all issues for me. Normal 433 link speed when next to the router and the same WiFi download speed as on Android 9.
Since updating to Android 10, I started having issues with mesh wifi (I'm using Google Wifi). Same position and setup that used to work perfectly with Android 9, now the table starts disconnecting from Wifi and I have to reboot to reconnect. Anyone else has this issue?
I'm contemplating buying an S5e tablet (in Australia). Does the reduced speed of WiFi impact on any practical applications ? My internet cable subscription is for 50mbps. It used to be 100mbps, but I dowgraded on purpose, seeing no benefit for the cost. Even at 50mbps (practically 46) we have moments like today when both myself and my son are working remotely to different employers, while my wife us watching a video. I realise there could be apps which require more bandwidth, so I'm just curious what those might be.
ludoo said:
Since updating to Android 10, I started having issues with mesh wifi (I'm using Google Wifi). Same position and setup that used to work perfectly with Android 9, now the table starts disconnecting from Wifi and I have to reboot to reconnect. Anyone else has this issue?
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That is exactly my problem as well. Google WiFi and random disconnects from the tablet that sometimes get fixed by disconnecting/reconnecting but majority of the time a restart is the way to solve it.
No other device in the household gets disconnected from the network (neither was the tablet before upgrading) so it is definitely the update to blame.
Having similar issues following the update. I tend to turn the tablet off when I'm not using it, and thus far I have yet to successfully connect to WiFi on startup. I have to manually toggle WiFi to get it back on.
Same wifi issue here after updating to Android 10. Is there a way to manually update using file some were receiving in late July?
I am really bothered by this GROSS limitation too! It makes issues with the driver even worse.
Maybe our answer can be found on this page or something or nothing ?

Does Android 11 OB2 fix WiFi Issues, 2nd SIM, and can you root it and use GPay...?

Title pretty much covers it.....I have had it with the WiFi issues on the OP8 Pro and was going to go back to the OP7 Pro.
....but people are saying that they are all fixed in Android 11 beta on the OnePlus forums...is this true? And what about Dual SIM which I also need on occasion?
If I move to A11 OB2, can I root and get GPay working?
Is it stable enough to be a daily driver?
Many thanks in advance...
MetroWestMA said:
Title pretty much covers it.....I have had it with the WiFi issues on the OP8 Pro and was going to go back to the OP7 Pro.
....but people are saying that they are all fixed in Android 11 beta on the OnePlus forums...is this true? And what about Dual SIM which I also need on occasion?
If I move to A11 OB2, can I root and get GPay working?
Is it stable enough to be a daily driver?
Many thanks in advance...
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You can root OB2 device, and the OB2 seems usable and also stable enough for daily usage.
I recently acquired a oneplus 8 pro purchased directly from oneplus.com. I have model IN2025. It is the 12gig ram 256 gig storage version. I also have a samsung active watch 2 which I again have had no problems with my oneplus 7 pro. When I initially acquired it, I tried using it with the android 10 non beta firmware. I had multitude of issues up to and including:
1. high difficulty (to not at all) connecting to either my 2.4ghz wifi network OR my 5ghz network. It would state connecting however stall at obtaining IP address. No other devices have issues connecting to either networks including my older oneplus 7 pro.
2. if it would finally connect, while it may state that the 5ghz is connected at 300mbps or the 2.4ghz connected at 144mbps, with random speed tests I would not experience anywheres near those speeds (my ISP dishes out 200mbps). at most I would get 30mbps on my downstream....again if it even worked.
3. both the 2.4ghz and 5ghz networks would often disconnect and never reconnect if and when they did successfully reconnect
I installed the open beta 1 and then did OTA to open beta 2. This has helped quite a bit HOWEVER I've experienced the following issues:
1. while I have no longer received the locking up on obtaining ip address, even if it states I'm connected to my wifi (either the 2.4 or 5ghz) the network is still extremely slow
2. sometimes the device while connected to either wifi network will appear to not send any information aka stall which potentially makes using google messages over wifi unreliable as well aka text msgs show up late etc
In both pre and after beta installation 5g has been significantly slower than 4g cellular data(though I can't say much to that as more than likely the 4g in my area has towers closer near by). Also while on 4g or 5g cellular connections I have though not as frequently experienced data stalls.
Things that have helped resolve some of my issues:
1. this I believe is the largest potential bandage: make sure use device mac address NOT RANDOM is selected. After having done that my connecting to the internet appears to be better (even if it still stalls out)
2. while I've not tried it alot as I use bluetooth alot (with the watch I have and my car and wireless headsets)I've read that turning off bluetooth can help both wifi and cellular data issues
I am currently in the process with oneplus of returning the 8 pro for a new 8 pro as I have not owned/had the phone for greater than 15 days. If that does not resolve the issue, I too may go back to a oneplus 7 pro...or perhaps the 'dark side' and go the samsung route.
Just sharing my experience so far!
Excessiveidling said:
Just sharing my experience so far!
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This is exactly the type of info I was looking for. So it sounds like it is better, but still bizzare WiFi issues that no other phone on the market has. My situation is...
I have to leave bluetooth on because of watch and hearing aids
I need to rely on WiFI calling on occasion and need it to be 100% reliable.
I need working WiFi at home because I use my phone for some applications that connect via my home network, so having WiFi work "most but not all" of the time is a deal breaker.
So at this point I think I am going to switch back.
I've been a loyal OP fan for quite a while (4 phones now), this has been really disappointing. I even bought a new router because someone said WPA3 would help...but it didn't.
While I can not say anything to the validity of the following statement...I have heard in other forums that the samsung devices with the same qualcomm chipset had wifi/cellular issues (especially with 5g).....that was only ONE forum post however unlike the multitudes of forum posts I've seen regarding the oneplus.
If I were to guess, only based upon my limited modding experiences with previous android phones, an updated modem/chipset software COULD resolve these issues...further more a different/modified kernel as well. Doing that would probably void any warranty though and for spending 800+ on a phone, you shouldn't have to modify in order for it to work just as well if not better than an older phone.
I'll let ya know how the exchange goes. I'm willing to give them another shot 1. because of my excellent experience with the 7 pro and 2. because I've seen so many posts, reviews, etc stating the oneplus 8 pro is THE PHONE to have overall.
I read the same thing re - chipset, and agree that is a possibility. The other is a horrible RF design for the BT / WiFi antenna because they crammed in the wireless charging.
But I don't see any of this getting fixed anytime soon. I wonder if the OP8 (non pro) has similar issues -- I didn't check.
Let me know how your new phone works out - an RF HW update or a new batch of chips could change things.

