what is the best echoe rom for a galaxy S4 I9505 - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi All
I really like the Echoe roms but was wondering which Rom is the best for your battery life?

Try it out for yourself. This question is not allowed here, because there is no best.

Lennyz1988 said:
Try it out for yourself. This question is not allowed here, because there is no best.
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perhaps not the best question but in your experience or from others they might say this custom rom is good for battery life and the other aint

Acer4605 said:
perhaps not the best question but in your experience or from others they might say this custom rom is good for battery life and the other aint
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Then they don't know what they are talking about. There is no big difference between roms in battery life. There can be a difference, but that comes from how the user uses his phone and/or if it's an AOSP rom or the rom uses a different kernel with maybe some tweaks.
Every rom that claims that it has the best battery life, the fastest and the smootest is lying. They can never prove it and a good rom doesn't need those claims

1) Use the latest one unless you read something that would justify using an older echoe rom.
2) Do NOT ask for a 'best rom' on XDA, ever. This WILL be shut down.
3) What is the best? One with all TW features, the fastest, the slimmest, the longest battery, the most processing power, more gpu, less gup, more apps, less bloatware, more features? There is no such thing.
Do NOT ask for an ETA, do not ask for a best ROM. Read the XDA charter or watch the intro video (it's like 90 seconds long).
I'm not trying to have a go at you, but if you don't read the basic stuff here you perhaps should not be flashing ROMs on your phone. The best advice for rooting/installing/flashing is always read, read and read some more.

Mod Edit
"Best" ROM/kernel threads are not allowed on XDA.
Please test these things for yourself.
This is the only way you will get an unbiased opinion,and then, you can decide for yourself if it meets YOUR needs.
Thread Closed
Forum Moderator


whats is the best (cooked or uncooked) rom?

please help me to find the best rom. i tried many roms but most of the consumes battery so quickly that i have to unflash them quick.
1- Longest possible battery *Important*
2- must be stable... no bugs
3- Limited amount of softwares installed. i love to install my own favorite ones.
4- prefer rom built using leo 2.10 (for HTC E-Reader)
5- desirable WM 6.5.5
6- desirable HTC E-Reader (tab is optional. App will do)
all you experience guys please help... its really difficult for me to choose one and i have already nearly bricked my mobile so a little bit scared to keep flashing every rom...
Thanks in advance
you're gonna get a lot of people annoyed that you started a thread like this
it's a personal choice
i don't see why instead of going into the correct section and reading the first three lines of the available ROM's you started your own thread specifying what it is that you want
Before the thread gets locked, I'll tell you that you need to wait 2-3 days before passing judgment on battery life. It takes about 2-3 full charge/discharge cycles before the ROM 'calibrates.' The first use after ROM flash will almost always give you terrible battery life.
its a general question about choosing the best ROM. it has nothing to do with rom development. i think this is the best area to ask question... i thankfully appreciate that many people are spending enormous time on developing roms but i think i have right to choose the one that suits my needs...
but i think i have right to choose the one that suits my needs...
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then stop asking which rom suits everyone elses needs and go find what works best for you, best advice i can give
and although it is the best area to ask this question, it has been asked a billion times before
true but they are all dated now
mate, in the rom development section, click on a rom, and on the first post it will say what it does
for example laurentius has good battery life
artemis is windows5.5 and very stable
cleanex and leolite have been stripped to make it faster
duttys has been tweaked for speed
they all say what they do
younus_malik said:
true but they are all dated now
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Why are all the threads about what is the best rom dated????
because the mods lock them. every single one of them.
why? because there is no best rom.
every rom suits someones needs. so every rom is for someone the best rom.
read all the threads and in every single rom thread you will find people saying that that rom is the best rom.
as said before a rom is personal. read the fisrt few posts and try a few. you will find yours then.
seems like leolite is going to be my rom i am downloading and hoping that it will be stable and less hungry on the battery...
thansk for quick tips guys

Is this the real reason they forbid "best rom" threads?

Hi guys,
I've been wondering whether the real reason of forbidding "best rom" threads is because it'll make people only download certain ROM's thus some lesser known ROM's won't be downloaded and it'll make the chefs sad? Because the chance of a "best ROM" thread causing an endless debate is low. We're all grownups here
"Best rom" is quite a subjective term and leads to a thread having hundreds of opinions but nothing concrete. If anything it lets people get a crowd majority.
I use Dutty's creme de la creme because I personally like:
- feels like I get better battery life than stock or energy based on my own personal tests
- 2g/3g toggle in communications manager app automatically
- slide to unlock on the bottom of the screen instead of the top when waking the phone
- 12 icons instead of 9
- task manager in system notifications
- start menu on bottom left
Finally! someone who knows about 'best'.
Can i ask a favour? Im dbuying a new car soon, whats the best colour to go for?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT - sorry, but i have another question whilst we're on it. Whats the best music to listen to please?
Thanks again.
Well no, more because it is useless...
Best ROM threads are not forbidden, just useless.
The best ROM is the ROM that fullfills the most of your personal needs.
Since there are 6 billion people on the world with varying needs, there are at least 6 million different needs.
How to weigh?
eg for some people 1 hour extra standby is more crucial 3D video performance.
So How to grade?
Some people do not mind offering up stability if they get more batterylife or more performance.
How to grade?
Best ROM suggests absolute truth, in case of ROMS there is no absolute truth, as people differ, their needs are different and the relative importance for their needs is different:
Take two business analists (A and B) :
They need just office 2010, WIFI access, Internet and phone, and their agenda, tasks, GPS for navigation and an occasional game (teeter will do)
Performance for Navigation is very important. WiFi access is also very important.
Still one analyst will offer 1 hour of standby in order to have more fluent GPS navigation at 25 fps, while the other is more prone to longer batterylife, even if this means navigation will "stutter" at 2 fps
Suppose also there are two ROMS (X and Y) Rom x fulfilling all wishes analist A, Rom y fullfillig allwishes of analist 2.
Now tell me whichof the two ROMs is best?
Have I illustrated sufficeintly how pointless these thraeds are, or should I be even more more elaborate?
Off course it is disappointing for chefs if their ROM is not liked, but a good chef will tweak his recipe so more people will start liking his work.
Wilco, samsamuel, I'm off to bed with the biggest smile on my face!!!!!!
samsamuel said:
Finally! someone who knows about 'best'.
Can i ask a favor? Im buying a new car soon, whats the best color to go for?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT - sorry, but i have another question whilst we're on it. Whats the best music to listen to please?
Thanks again.
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Love it sam
samsamuel said:
Finally! someone who knows about 'best'.
Can i ask a favour? Im dbuying a new car soon, whats the best colour to go for?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT - sorry, but i have another question whilst we're on it. Whats the best music to listen to please?
Thanks again.
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well, that's not really fair. color and music are entirely personal preference. whereas with ROM, there's some definite factors that will help us choosing the "best" ROM: looks, battery, apps, ease of use, speed, and many many more. so if asking about best ROM is useless, so it's useless too to ask about best laptop, cell phone, etc., no? yes, it depends of what you need, but when people ask about best they just want to know the best overall-wise. and it won't hurt to share your opinion of what's best. see the reply from ap3604 up there.
dan138zig said:
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completely subjective, using looks as a 'best' decider is the same as me saying which colour is best. Some like sense, some hate it, some like the gtx theme, i think its terrible, some want chunky bright coloured icons, others want dark icons
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Some are heavy wifi users. sopme are gamers, others talk all the time on the phone. The radio you use is probably the biggest measureable factor in battery life, and we all know how arbitrary the radios are,,, great for one person, terrible for the next, so again, a totaly useless comparator
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Any rom that has the right apps for every user is gonna be so bloated as to be pointless. Theres not a user here who would use 24% of the apps in such a rom. A totaly arbitrary way of deciding on best.
ease of use
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The way i find easiest to do tasks is not gonna be teh same as the way you do things, and the way x y and z do things. Some want HTC messaging, some want MS messaging, , which is best? Well theyre both best, depending what you want.
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A fast rom wont have eye candy, it wont have loads of apps running, so it wont fulfill your desired looks and apps categories, therefore it will be a trade off, and every person will trade those differently. Some will preffer no sense at all, in exchange for fast response, others will use sense with cookies hometab and tons of background apps and still consider a rom fast. Subjective.
So you see, THIS rom is the best, but so is THIS rom, and THIS rom, and THIS rom, and THIS rom, and THIS rom.
Which is best for you, however, only you can say.
At the end of the day, there isn't THAT much difference between the majority of the hd2 roms, its mostly surface differences. You can pretty much take any rom and make it much like any other rom. The ones that get the most downloads arent necessarily the 'best', they're just the ones that get updated most often, thus fulfilling the flash adicts needs for 'new new new', released by good chefs who support the userbase.
So which one's the best?
this one is teh one i considered best before i started to cook my own, sadly the chef moved on in february. On the PLUS side he gave me the kitchen to get me started, and i applied my own tweaks directly into it, so no more restoring serttings when i hard reset, cos theyre all hard coded, so now MINE is best!
that was easy. now everyone knows that best rom is by samsamuel. how about closing the thread now??
this thread is awesome!!!!!!
that is all for now!
let's put it this way...
instead of a thread about the best rom, why not make a thread (or whatever else) with a matrix comparison list? This will allow everyone to compare one or more roms and choose the best rom for himself ;-)
thegios said:
let's put it this way...
instead of a thread about the best rom, why not make a thread (or whatever else) with a matrix comparison list? This will allow everyone to compare one or more roms and choose the best rom for himself ;-)
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there are already a few threads that started to do that, none complete. you offering to go through teh roms and benchmark them, and make note of their includes/excludes? it'd make a nice evening project.
thegios said:
let's put it this way...
instead of a thread about the best rom, why not make a thread (or whatever else) with a matrix comparison list? This will allow everyone to compare one or more roms and choose the best rom for himself ;-)
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I agree.
However, since there are so many roms, updating cery fast, keeping this matrix up to data will almost be a full-time job. That's also why every initiative has stranded. It is just to much work.
If cooks would maintain their rom in a matrix.....
But still it would only be about functionality (and perhaps known bugs). If one would include battery life and stability, testing will be a big effort, especially if one chooses to integrate battery life..... even more
dan138zig said:
so if asking about best ROM is useless, so it's useless too to ask about best laptop, cell phone, etc., no?
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Pretty much yes! I wanted to know what would be the best native android phone sgs or htc dh. Simple question, right? Apparently not. 8 Pages in with folks unable to decide which is the best.
So with devices/roms so similar it really does come down to personal opinion based on attributes sam is more able/willing to explain than i.
Dont get me wrong i trawled thru many rom threads wanting the 'best' and soon realised the question was simple. the answer? anything but!
I hate these threads, they are so ****ing redundant...
Please peoples don't open each time a new thread fore "with rom is the best"!
No it isn't forbidding, but it is useless!!
Reason way, What is Best? Best is abstract!
something good fore me isn't fore someone els.
-personal taste (how to measure this?)
-personal needs (professional/private use?)
You see?
You know it will be easy fore some user to have such list, but here you have a big tip: Experience/Traying give you knowledge.
And what stops you if the rom you install don't satisfy you? nothing you just take a other one!
People usually get way too bent out of shape over newbie threads (Im surprised no one has rudely said "SEARCH DAMNIT!" already)
Instead of asking for the best though, I would ask a more specific question like: "Based on your guys exoerience, which rom gives you the best battery life?"
Having a debate about best roms here its like having a discussion of politic and religion you just cant get the right answer or a nice answer. Same goes with people bricking their phones and asking the same question over and over people get stoned for that. LOL this forums its like the streets you gotta know how to walk them and know who to ask and what to ask its a cold cold strees I mean forum.

Most stable everyday ROM?

I don't know if this has been made before though i have seen "what is the best ROM".
Basically what i need is a nice and snappy rom for everyday use that won't kill the battery and won't kill all my ram like stock. Don't want this thread to turn into a war and be closed I just want useful answers Some roms i was looking at but haven't used are Paranoid and CyanogenMod 10
j-man246 said:
I don't know if this has been made before though i have seen "what is the best ROM".
Basically what i need is a nice and snappy rom for everyday use that won't kill the battery and won't kill all my ram like stock. Don't want this thread to turn into a war and be closed I just want useful answers Some roms i was looking at but haven't used are Paranoid and CyanogenMod 10
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just for testing, but stable version will comming soon
Aokp is one of my favourite roms. This ones pretty stable and really light on battery. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1716001
Another best Rom thread about to get locked! Read/test/form own opinion
Thread due to self destruct....3....2.....1......see ya
Sent from the asylum
Closed, Best/most/etc rom threads are unwelcome, its such a matter of opinion that you just need to try them to see what you like.

[Q] best de-bloated touchwiz rom?

hi folks, can't seem to find a better place for this than the general area - hope this is alright. i've been enjoying the CM 10.2 nightlies for some time, but find myself missing a few of my s4's touchwiz camera features, like the fast burst shooting. is there any ROM that combines these such things or am i asking for too much?
perhaps the real question should be, what is the best custom version of touchwiz that makes it feel the snappiest and most like aosp? i've come across GoldenEye, and MDOB... am I getting warmer?
It's your first post so I'd suggest you read the forum rules. "Best" threads are frowned upon. They're is no best, just what you like best. So try some. What works for me might not work for you.
Agree with jd and mod will probably close thread
That said try Goldeneye or Vision. Solid, error free, and have options thru Aroma to customize. You can also freeze bloatware still there in Titanium BackUp.
You'll have to read Rom OP to see if features you want are still there--
rugmankc said:
Agree with jd and mod will probably close thread
That said try Goldeneye or Vision. Solid, error free, and have options thru Aroma to customize. You can also freeze bloatware still there in Titanium BackUp.
You'll have to read Rom OP to see if features you want are still there--
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I mean, lets be careful with using phrases like "error free". All ROMs come with errors. With that said OP and before this thread is locked, what I swear by won't necessarily be up to your standard. Best bet, take each ROM for a spin a week at a time. I think with the quality devs here you'll find something that suits your needs. Happy flashing!!:good:
There really is no "best rom." I suggest you go look through the Development sections and look for the TW based ROM that best fits your needs.

What ROM is the best for daily use

i am a new owner of 1+1...
I see there is a lot of ROMs available.
But which is the "best" for daily use.
Give me your opinion.
Ty in advance
primo14z said:
i am a new owner of 1+1...
I see there is a lot of ROMs available.
But which is the "best" for daily use.
Give me your opinion.
Ty in advance
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Sorry but best ROM, best kernel, best tweak, etc threads are typically not allowed. Everyone uses their device differently and somethings are always more important to some people than to others. A "major" bug for someone might be lack of bluetooth connectivity, while other users don't really care. Often times this leads to pointless debates and arguments. The best thing to do is read the OPs and the last couple of pages in the ROM threads and then try out the ones that look "best" to you...it is fun!

