Facebook sync?! - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a nexus 4 running kit Kat. It's completely stock. I'm trying to get mainly my Facebook photos to sync into my android gallery without having to manually sync with apps like "my album". It wouldn't hurt to be able to sync contracts and events too.
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I'm so shocked nobody has a straight up simple app for this.
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I don't think you can with vanilla android, without an app
Try that for contacts, idk about pics though
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I don't mind using an app, but I'm more worried about syncing my pictures than my contacts.
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I'm not sure that this is as simple as you think it is. Facebook doesn't have the same integration as Google obviously. I have not heard of a way to sync your Facebook albums with your phone.

Contact pics are easy. I have never heard of pulling albums though.
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Dang. My s3 did it automatically.
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I've been using Sync Me since I first got my Nexus 4 and it seems to work well

Scoobyracing03 said:
I've been using Sync Me since I first got my Nexus 4 and it seems to work well
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That's only for contacts. You a Subaru guy??
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Nickdroid86 said:
That's only for contacts. You a Subaru guy??
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yeah it is for contacts, it allows you to pick if the person it finds is correct or not on initial setup. Which is nice in case their name on facebook isn't exactly the same as you have it on your phone. Yes I'm a Subaru guy.

Oh ok. I'm more looking for a way to sync my face book photos to my phone. Subaru for life!!
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Nickdroid86 said:
Oh ok. I'm more looking for a way to sync my face book photos to my phone. Subaru for life!!
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The skinned versions of android can do this (touchwiz, sense, blur, etc) but im pretty sure you can't with vanilla android
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Well is there something more chocolatey or whatever do that I can do this??
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Nickdroid86 said:
Oh ok. I'm more looking for a way to sync my face book photos to my phone. Subaru for life!!
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yeah it syncs photos to your contacts. I guess I should of clarified that.

No worries. Dang though.
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Plenty of apps to manually download albums, but none to sync.
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Bwump. Maybe a Samsung gallery port?
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SMS app options

Can anyone recommend a SMS text option app or service that might be on the 7 already I'm missing. Tired of doing the tiny brain thing switching back and forth with the phone. Thanks!
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? Tablet Talk?
I use Google voice and I have it on the phone too so everything syncs nicely
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Using tablet talk here. Great app.
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Fantastic suggestion I love tablet talk!
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S beam problem with gs3

Me and a coworker tried sending photos back n forth and I was able to send him a photo but when he tried to send me one my phone just went to the market place and said it couldn't find anything. Both our devices have NFC and s beam on. It makes a noise and vibrates when we pit them back to back bit I just can't receive anything. Anyone know? Thanks
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Wrong section... Nexus 4 doesn't have s beam afaik.
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Why does it have the option to turn it on and off?
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feelinfroggy23 said:
Why does it have the option to turn it on and off?
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Sorry bro, S-Beam is a Samsung only application.
It's called Android Beam on this device.
I believe it's due to the different gallery apps used.
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I went through this same thing with my friend's Note 2. I had to put my N4 a bit higher on the back of the Note, so that the lower half of my N4 was touching the upper half of his phone. Worked beautifully once we did that. When we first tried we couldn't get it to send anything, it would just vibrate and nothing would happen.
Give that a try, hope it helps.
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S-Beam is only a touchwiz feature like Wi-Fi direct. Its different from NFC. It won't work on stock android, only NFC
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Why is the option there though?
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feelinfroggy23 said:
Why is the option there though?
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It's a different feature, S-Beam is Samsung only and Android Beam is stock android only. So you can not connect the devices to each other - that's like trying to plug MicroUSB to a USB port. Might do the same, but don't mix.
Than you!!!
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I turned of s-beam on my S3 and was able to send files to my N4.........I did not try the other way.
I have both received from and sent a file to different GS3's. One had S-beam on, the other did not. I assumed it auto-detected.
My n4 works both way with my coworkers note2.
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The S3 has S-Beam AND Android beam. S-Beam being on or off has nothing to Dow tub Android Beam.
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feelinfroggy23 said:
Why is the option there though?
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there isn't a feature called S-beam on nexus 4.
Jamal Ahmed said:
S-Beam is only a touchwiz feature like Wi-Fi direct. Its different from NFC. It won't work on stock android, only NFC
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Wifi-direct is not Samsung only. It is available on Nexus 4 and there are a lot apps using it to transfer files between different branded phones.
It is even available on laptops.
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Sync Music with Nexus 4 like iTunes?

I don't know if this is possible but,
can I Sync Music with Nexus 4 like one can do with their iPhone and iTunes?
I would prefer it to be wireless sync
Play music from the app store, and download Google music manger on PC or use play music chrome browser app. It is goggles cloud based music service
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Oh I bought Wifi Explorer Pro instead. More convienent. And only a buck
Double twist also syncs with iTunes. The free version needs to be plugged into your computer, but the paid version can sync over Wi-Fi.
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imtiax said:
I don't know if this is possible but,
can I Sync Music with Nexus 4 like one can do with their iPhone and iTunes?
I would prefer it to be wireless sync
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Winamp can do wireless sync. You need Winamp both on desktop and phone.
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gotzaDroid said:
Double twist also syncs with iTunes. The free version needs to be plugged into your computer, but the paid version can sync over Wi-Fi.
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But does it work with nexus? I know AirSync for DoubleTwist works great, because I am using it... On the other hand USB probably doesnt work with nexus phones, does it?
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Ph4nt0m_ said:
But does it work with nexus? I know AirSync for DoubleTwist works great, because I am using it... On the other hand USB probably doesnt work with nexus phones, does it?
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I have a Mac and it works with that, but I can't say with a PC.
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Don't infect pure android with icrap stuff.
I like Google play music especially when I realized there was an equalizer . Works great.
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media server.. look ok?

I run slacker radio all the time... I know this makes media server run but should it look like this?
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nixie2121 said:
I run slacker radio all the time... I know this makes media server run but should it look like this?
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What should it look like?
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no clue.. did not think it should use the same or sometimes more battery than slacker?
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your slacker radio is 23%, so your mediaserver is completely ok. usually, mediaserver will use more than the actual music app.
thanks.. just wanted to be sure that there was no issue.
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[REQUEST] FB Messenger floating head style notifications for SMS

Specifically something that emulates the ability to 'open' a head and reply without entering the app.
I've had Floating Notifications for a little bit on my phone and it's just not what I'm looking for. I also used to use SMS Popup years ago which was quite good but I'd rather something less obtrusive that lets me chose when to see the popup rather than it just appearing and interrupting whatever I'm doing.
Is there anything out there like this? I'm sure I head of something when they first added it to FB Messenger but I can't seem to find anything.
EDIT: I've just installed SMS Extension but I'm not sure it's what I'm looking for.
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raymond4 said:
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This. Also there is a free version if you want to try it out first.
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Get a ROM with holo. You can do it with every notification.
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zakkyzombie said:
Get a ROM with holo. You can do it with every notification.
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I think you mean halo.
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roilosh11 said:
I think you mean halo.
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LOL yes. My bad.
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