Sync Music with Nexus 4 like iTunes? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I don't know if this is possible but,
can I Sync Music with Nexus 4 like one can do with their iPhone and iTunes?
I would prefer it to be wireless sync

Play music from the app store, and download Google music manger on PC or use play music chrome browser app. It is goggles cloud based music service
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Oh I bought Wifi Explorer Pro instead. More convienent. And only a buck

Double twist also syncs with iTunes. The free version needs to be plugged into your computer, but the paid version can sync over Wi-Fi.
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imtiax said:
I don't know if this is possible but,
can I Sync Music with Nexus 4 like one can do with their iPhone and iTunes?
I would prefer it to be wireless sync
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Winamp can do wireless sync. You need Winamp both on desktop and phone.
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gotzaDroid said:
Double twist also syncs with iTunes. The free version needs to be plugged into your computer, but the paid version can sync over Wi-Fi.
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But does it work with nexus? I know AirSync for DoubleTwist works great, because I am using it... On the other hand USB probably doesnt work with nexus phones, does it?
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Ph4nt0m_ said:
But does it work with nexus? I know AirSync for DoubleTwist works great, because I am using it... On the other hand USB probably doesnt work with nexus phones, does it?
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I have a Mac and it works with that, but I can't say with a PC.
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Don't infect pure android with icrap stuff.

I like Google play music especially when I realized there was an equalizer . Works great.
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Book from computer to Google Books?

I have some epubs and mobis on my computer that I really want to get in the Google books app. I love the way it displays text on the screen. Any help?
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You can't upload your own books to Google books, that's why I use kindle
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I recommend fbreader (there are other options).
Kindle ui while reading the book is just worse than gbooks in my opinion. It doesn't use all of the screen, and the font is worse
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Wonder what would happen if you loaded them into Google drive, ,maybe the application picker would come up if it detects the epub format. Just a shot in the dark
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Use aldiko. Its free and reads most format. Works good for me.
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oraclegustavo said:
Use aldiko. Its free and reads most format. Works good for me.
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I have, but my complaint is that it is not as pleasing to the eyes as google play books

What program to Sync songs

What program do you guys to put music into ur device? I used to use double twist for my inspire 4g but not anymore since doubletwist is not compatible with it.
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I am using google music, which is pretty awesome and 100% free
iSyncr from the Play store. I've used it for a while and it works great (Mac and iTunes).
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Google Now can't play music?!

I've had this problem for quite a long time and never been able to play music via voice commands in Google Now. I would say 'play "song title or artist" '. But I would just search what I said on Google.
I have a nexus 4.... Cm10.2 nightly. Canada.
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I think you have to say...... listen to (track name)
Not sure though I don't use Google now.
Nope. Still just googled what I said
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michaelsp9 said:
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I have always had this problem with Google now. Would be nice if it worked and if it was part of the offline voice dictation. You could try Utter, very functional and customizable voice control. Don't really think a bump was necessary...
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"play _____ by _____" that works for me or "play (band) song same"
Didn't work for ms
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Cream$ickleHJ said:
"play _____ by _____" that works for me or "play (band) song same"
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Then it must be the rom
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Didn't work for me either. How could it be the ROM? Isn't Google Now part of Gapps?
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Cream$ickleHJ said:
Then it must be the rom
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I don't believe it even worked when I was on stock ROM. I'm thinking its because I'm in Canada? Maybe these features have only rolled out to the US? Correct me if I'm wrong
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Ya i tried both listening and playing commands.
Whats worse is i get my music from online sources since i listen to djs . So the fields of name and song arent correctly filled. Why there is no simple program that can separate or fill the data in automatically is beyond me. Seems pretty easy. Thats the artist and thats the song title
wish i can just say a command and it will play a random song, and then i can give commands to go to next song vocally or something. Was looking into MotoX so i can go handsfree but seems google play needs more updates

media server.. look ok?

I run slacker radio all the time... I know this makes media server run but should it look like this?
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nixie2121 said:
I run slacker radio all the time... I know this makes media server run but should it look like this?
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What should it look like?
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no clue.. did not think it should use the same or sometimes more battery than slacker?
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your slacker radio is 23%, so your mediaserver is completely ok. usually, mediaserver will use more than the actual music app.
thanks.. just wanted to be sure that there was no issue.
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Facebook sync?!

I have a nexus 4 running kit Kat. It's completely stock. I'm trying to get mainly my Facebook photos to sync into my android gallery without having to manually sync with apps like "my album". It wouldn't hurt to be able to sync contracts and events too.
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I'm so shocked nobody has a straight up simple app for this.
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I don't think you can with vanilla android, without an app
Try that for contacts, idk about pics though
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I don't mind using an app, but I'm more worried about syncing my pictures than my contacts.
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I'm not sure that this is as simple as you think it is. Facebook doesn't have the same integration as Google obviously. I have not heard of a way to sync your Facebook albums with your phone.
Contact pics are easy. I have never heard of pulling albums though.
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Dang. My s3 did it automatically.
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I've been using Sync Me since I first got my Nexus 4 and it seems to work well
Scoobyracing03 said:
I've been using Sync Me since I first got my Nexus 4 and it seems to work well
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That's only for contacts. You a Subaru guy??
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Nickdroid86 said:
That's only for contacts. You a Subaru guy??
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yeah it is for contacts, it allows you to pick if the person it finds is correct or not on initial setup. Which is nice in case their name on facebook isn't exactly the same as you have it on your phone. Yes I'm a Subaru guy.
Oh ok. I'm more looking for a way to sync my face book photos to my phone. Subaru for life!!
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Nickdroid86 said:
Oh ok. I'm more looking for a way to sync my face book photos to my phone. Subaru for life!!
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The skinned versions of android can do this (touchwiz, sense, blur, etc) but im pretty sure you can't with vanilla android
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Well is there something more chocolatey or whatever do that I can do this??
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Nickdroid86 said:
Oh ok. I'm more looking for a way to sync my face book photos to my phone. Subaru for life!!
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yeah it syncs photos to your contacts. I guess I should of clarified that.
No worries. Dang though.
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Plenty of apps to manually download albums, but none to sync.
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Bwump. Maybe a Samsung gallery port?
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