S beam problem with gs3 - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Me and a coworker tried sending photos back n forth and I was able to send him a photo but when he tried to send me one my phone just went to the market place and said it couldn't find anything. Both our devices have NFC and s beam on. It makes a noise and vibrates when we pit them back to back bit I just can't receive anything. Anyone know? Thanks
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Wrong section... Nexus 4 doesn't have s beam afaik.
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Why does it have the option to turn it on and off?
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feelinfroggy23 said:
Why does it have the option to turn it on and off?
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Sorry bro, S-Beam is a Samsung only application.

It's called Android Beam on this device.

I believe it's due to the different gallery apps used.
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I went through this same thing with my friend's Note 2. I had to put my N4 a bit higher on the back of the Note, so that the lower half of my N4 was touching the upper half of his phone. Worked beautifully once we did that. When we first tried we couldn't get it to send anything, it would just vibrate and nothing would happen.
Give that a try, hope it helps.
Sent from my Nexus 4

S-Beam is only a touchwiz feature like Wi-Fi direct. Its different from NFC. It won't work on stock android, only NFC
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Why is the option there though?
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feelinfroggy23 said:
Why is the option there though?
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It's a different feature, S-Beam is Samsung only and Android Beam is stock android only. So you can not connect the devices to each other - that's like trying to plug MicroUSB to a USB port. Might do the same, but don't mix.

Than you!!!
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I turned of s-beam on my S3 and was able to send files to my N4.........I did not try the other way.

I have both received from and sent a file to different GS3's. One had S-beam on, the other did not. I assumed it auto-detected.

My n4 works both way with my coworkers note2.
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The S3 has S-Beam AND Android beam. S-Beam being on or off has nothing to Dow tub Android Beam.
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feelinfroggy23 said:
Why is the option there though?
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there isn't a feature called S-beam on nexus 4.
Jamal Ahmed said:
S-Beam is only a touchwiz feature like Wi-Fi direct. Its different from NFC. It won't work on stock android, only NFC
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Wifi-direct is not Samsung only. It is available on Nexus 4 and there are a lot apps using it to transfer files between different branded phones.
It is even available on laptops.
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SMS app options

Can anyone recommend a SMS text option app or service that might be on the 7 already I'm missing. Tired of doing the tiny brain thing switching back and forth with the phone. Thanks!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
? Tablet Talk?
I use Google voice and I have it on the phone too so everything syncs nicely
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Using tablet talk here. Great app.
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Fantastic suggestion I love tablet talk!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Anyone get Time Warner Cable app to work with Nexus 7?

I'm looking to get the TWC app to work on the Nexus 7, even if I have to root?
I tried to search but Tapatalk is not great for searching with advanced options.
Rob has sent this from his Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Nope but would love to see it working.
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2 thread's?
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+1, would definitely buy some one a six pack to get this working...
Anything ever happen with this?
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I have the bright house app Woking. I believe its the same app, just rebranded. Backed up the apk from my HTC sensation and installed on my nexus with no issues.
Sent from my Nexus 7
Yes I did. Dead simple.
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Can you enable handwriting search on nexus?

Just wondering
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challa3223 said:
Just wondering
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Yeah. I use it now. Can't on Google Now (it's different than the browser or Chrome), but on Chrome it works great.
If you enable it, its enabled on every device. I enabled it from my PC and it worked on my gnex and nexus 7. Didn't like it though.
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[Q]Android Beam / NFC

is it possible to transfer files using android beam/NFC from Nexus 4 to Galaxy S3 or the other way around?
I can't seem to be able to do it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
sorry for bumping this thread I just really want to know..
Yes its possible but the nexus 4 only uses Bluetooth versus the s3 which uses WiFi direct. But it works only slower because its Bluetooth.
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---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 AM ----------
Make sure NFC is enabled on both devices
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straightnochase said:
Yes its possible but the nexus 4 only uses Bluetooth versus the s3 which uses WiFi direct. But it works only slower because its Bluetooth.
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---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 AM ----------
Make sure NFC is enabled on both devices
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both NFC on both device is turned on. but it's not working.
do I have to turn on Bluetooth since nexus 4 as you said only uses Bluetooth.
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try temporarily disabling s-beam and the s3 MUST be on jellybean (i've done it with the sprint s3 jellybean leak)
ooohhaaahh said:
try temporarily disabling s-beam and the s3 MUST be on jellybean (i've done it with the sprint s3 jellybean leak)
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should the Bluetooth on both devices open?
my friend is running on the official jelly bean 4.1.2. I'm on 4.2.1
edit: tried it with Bluetooth on. its still not working.
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Bluetooth does not have to be on at all. What happens when u put the phones back to back??
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I am having same issue with nexus 4 to galaxy note 2. Can't use wifi direct with these two. They connect but won't send data. Blue tooth next. Only can get pics to send through bump. No music:
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You have to enable both NFC and android beam on the S3
Have you tried doing that already? Also, bluetooth doesn't have to be activated. It should turn on by itself.
Btw, the Nexus 4 NFC seems to be near the top of the phone, instead of in the middle.
Coonberry the WiFi direct on the nexus 4 for is a bust. It doesn't work at all. Well not for me or my friends who also have a nexus 4
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Nexus 4 appearing as Samsung galaxy s2 [play store]

So i was confused when play store didn't showed me some of high end games like wild blood, six guns etc. And then went through browser and saws that it was listed as Samsung Galaxy S2. Then i also checked build.prop it was perfectly fine but now how the duck do I fix this?
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Need help guys plz reply...
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I would contact Google support it might just be a server error on their side if your build.prop isnt modified it should show up as a Nexus 4
Nexus 4 CyanogenMod 10.1.0RC5
echo104 said:
So i was confused when play store didn't showed me some of high end games like wild blood, six guns etc. And then went through browser and saws that it was listed as Samsung Galaxy S2. Then i also checked build.prop it was perfectly fine but now how the duck do I fix this?
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Which rom are you using?
Overdose1986 said:
Which rom are you using?
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That is what's bothering me, I haven't flashed any room. My nexus 4 is on stock cause I just bought it.
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Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app
Bump!! Again
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echo104 said:
Bump!! Again
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A user already suggested that you should call Google support to fix the issue.
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ryaniskira said:
I would contact Google support it might just be a server error on their side if your build.prop isnt modified it should show up as a Nexus 4
Nexus 4 CyanogenMod 10.1.0RC5
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scream4cheese said:
A user already suggested that you should call Google support to fix the issue.
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Thank you, guys for trying to help. And @scream, i did posted at their Android Product Forum,, and no one replied.
But It's now fixed, I created another Google account which actually worked. :good:
Thanks again.
Mine shows up as "Google Nexus 4:"
This app is compatible with all of your devices.
Google Galaxy Nexus
Google Nexus 4
Motorola Atrix 4G
When you log into the Play Store on a desktop using your old account and you select the settings gear, what does it say in the Settings tab?
stevemw said:
Mine shows up as "Google Nexus 4:"
This app is compatible with all of your devices.
Google Galaxy Nexus
Google Nexus 4
Motorola Atrix 4G
When you log into the Play Store on a desktop using your old account and you select the settings gear, what does it say in the Settings tab?
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You mean at the home of Google Play store? The one at the top right corner?
BTW, is 9mm or Gameloft Live compatible with your Device? (Nexus 4)

