[Q] Is it possible to speed up animation ? - Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking

HI there
I very like the WP8 os but i have one question.
Is it possible to speed up animation ? or maybe switch it off ? regstry tweak somewere ?
example 1
from the home screeen open up any software you like and then push the arrow key (left key)
you will see that the screen is going back to the home screen and it takes a while to finish
it takes some time to put all the "icons" back to its original state.
example 2
goto to settings and push the windows (middle) key ...again it takes a while before all the icons
are in original state.
is this process "tweak-able" so maybe less seconds to build the screen up ?
i hope you guys understand what i mean ?!?
many thanks in advance

megasounds said:
HI there
I very like the WP8 os but i have one question.
Is it possible to speed up animation ? or maybe switch it off ? regstry tweak somewere ?
example 1
from the home screeen open up any software you like and then push the arrow key (left key)
you will see that the screen is going back to the home screen and it takes a while to finish
it takes some time to put all the "icons" back to its original state.
example 2
goto to settings and push the windows (middle) key ...again it takes a while before all the icons
are in original state.
is this process "tweak-able" so maybe less seconds to build the screen up ?
i hope you guys understand what i mean ?!?
many thanks in advance
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It was Possible in Windows Mobile 6.5 (my prev phone) to disable all animations or maybe turn them on.
we were able to that via a registry key.
but now in wp8 because of no Interop Unlock and no access to registry I couldn't find that but it's *maybe* possible to disable it at least.


How to stop screen on when new sms arrives?

Hi every one.
So i set "button lock" and also disable mainly all notifications but every time a new sms arrives,the screen goes on.I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
I been checking every thing i could check but i can´t find the answer about this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Third party software Pocket Zen Phone or phoneAlarm.
Ok i´ll check it and see what i can do.
Cheers mate.
User22 said:
I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
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There are many occasions the Magician turns on its screen. Rather than trying to find and disable all these, I copied TPDisable.exe and TPEnable.exe from the original Extended ROM into my Program Files folder, and then assigned them to a hardware key (using Hotbutton, so that I can use the same key for both).
As the name implies, TPDisable disables the touchscreen (not the display!), and TPEnable re-enables it. So, before I put my Magician into my pocket, I now disable the touchscreen (one press of a button). That still leaves the keys active, true, but I found that normally the touchscreen is much more likely to be the culprit when strange things happen on your Magician while it's in the pocket, and turned itself on.
@ tadzio
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe
or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you
Thanks a lot for your replies.
What happens if you hold down power button for 2 seconds to switch off backlight? Does the light still illuminate on receipt of sms?
@ cruisin-thru
I can´t see the point of your question,mainly because the thing i am looking for is to "switch off" my Qtek like a normal mobile phone,i mince buttons locks and screen off when a new sms or incoming call arrives and when you push power button for example,then screen go on and also release the lock of the buttons.
Any one can say that then i can use deltalock.I did it but the battery live is going down very quick.
Screenlock is not working properly also,i will say that Deltalock is 95% a lot better than Screenlock.
And finally,why microsoft is developing this OS without fully screen off selectable option???. Who knows!!!
User22 said:
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you Daniel.
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Both programs are in the Extended ROM. Most users have made this visible (though not writable) by performing a Hard Reset, and immediately after completing the initial screen adjustment and mini-tutorial and before the device starts installing programs, a Soft Reset.
If you do not want to do a Hard Reset, search this site's FTP server for Magician Extended ROM downloads. There were a few there last time I looked.
Well,after config hotbutton to TPDisable and TPEnable i can´t enable the screen and hardware buttons.
TPDisable is disablind the screen but also all the hardware buttons ( with and without button lock at settins),even the power button.
I use same hardware button for TPDisable and TPEnable ,is that correct or i am doing silly things?
If I arrive an sms the screen is switching on and after a few seconds switching off again if I don't press any key or tap the screen!
It's a changeable registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Power /
WakeupPowerOff =12 (the default is 180)
DisableGwesPowerOff=0 (the default is 1)
If you switch on the Jam (power button) need to press some other key too, because it switches off after 12 seconds!!!
by Avers
Well that is another solution but i insist that there should be an easiest way to keep the screen fully off when a new sms or what ever arrives,including hardware buttons off ofcourse.
Any suggestion more?, perhaps at the end and betwen all of us ,we can find the solution.
I think the best solution is third party software like PHONEALARM,
it's easiest way to get main tweaks of Pocket Windows.
get it there
Well my friends,pocketzenphone is not doing what i am looking for.
Next step is to try phonealarm,but probably will work the same way as pocketzenphone,leting the screen to go on every time a new sms arrives.
Sorry for my languaje but F... microsoft and F... devil gates.
As you can read on this post ,phonealarm IS NOT doing it.
phonealarm has option named "Don't activate backlight on alarm"
ALARM there means any event, that needs notification.
now i am understanding, that it is some differ that you need.
also i advice you make some registry tweaks to make a very short backlite time when sms arrives.:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\WakeupPowerOff = 10
this timeout in seconds. is used when our device self power on, when SMS arrives or we push the POWER button and do nothing anymore
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\DisableGwesPowerOff = 0
this key is enables this power control system (necessarily change it, or first key will not work)
after the editing registry you need to reboot PDA.
sorry for poor english, i translate text from russian.
if you want to use online translator i can give you original URL
Thank you for your reply i will try like you and others point out and also will keep looking for that utopic soft.
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
bnycastro said:
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
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If you read one of my post ,you will see that i allready said that Deltalock is working but it is KILLING the battery live very fast and when i say VERY FAST it mince that you will get almost 6hours against the normal live (more than 15hours).
Cheers mate.
I think if you keep your ppc on all the time you will get this battery life. Anyway I think deltaLock is for keeping your PPC on and having screen and button lock, not having it in suspend mode and not allowing the screen to power up. Sorry about that, seem to have misunderstood your post.
Don´t worry mate, at the end we are all together trying to find a solution to this microsoft silly programing, any comment and any new idea is wellcome.

Need help - How to call Today Screen

ICan someone help me. I want to create a shortcut link or call a command to display Today Screen ( Not the Today screen config !!!). It would be nice to assign this short cut to a button in the Iphone screen. many thanks in advance.
Not sure I understand - I ahve the today screen mapped to a button using the Buttons options (all standard - no tweaking necessary just select it)
crazyC said:
Not sure I understand - I ahve the today screen mapped to a button using the Buttons options (all standard - no tweaking necessary just select it)
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What I try to achieve is using the Iphone program as a default for my today screen. And one of the icons in Iphone screen - I can assign a link program/exe to a command to call Today screen ( with SPB diary, Mobile shell, etc...) - so when I exit the today screen - then it would goes back to the Iphone screen again. BTW, In Iphone screen - the Today button ( left button) does not work.
I think MagicButton has what your'e looking for
I am also interested in a solution but I don't understand how magicbutton can help.
What is the name of the application/dll/... that comprises the today screen ? Does anybody know?

Quick OEM Locking solution.

Alright guys:
Myself as plenty of you fellas are probably still seeking for a quick, light and fast solution for locking your Jewels.
Believe me I have tried every locking app that has been uploaded and they all worked great and thanks to all members that made them........
I finally came to the conclusion that the best way to lock the Jewel is with the famous Hold Down End Key. But holding down the damm end key for 3 seconds every time is not really nice.
Even though I believe it has some major positive points compared to other locking apps such as:
-Very lite, comes OEM in Windows.
-It is the real all round lock, NO hard key can remove it.
-You save space and mem by not using a third party app.
Easy Solution:
-Add a shortcut to your start menu or your programs list. No need to hold down the end key.
-Or add it to a soft key on home screen.
I provide the .exe attached, I extracted this from my device so I dont know if it works on all devices. But we all have the same .exe file in the Windows directory.
Hope this helps some one.
PS: I was looking for that terrible grey background image that apears when you want to unlock the device to change it for something cooler, any ideas? Thanks.
The skin for the endkey is in windows folder.
Copy entire windows folder to your PC, and looks for the images related to endkey. Sorry but i cant remember the names right now
And maybe ull find some more images to skin more programs like the dialer, etc...
Driskol said:
The skin for the endkey is in windows folder.
Copy entire windows folder to your PC, and looks for the images related to endkey. Sorry but i cant remember the names right now
And maybe ull find some more images to skin more programs like the dialer, etc...
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Yes, im aware, all the image files are in windows.
But I dont have time to search (dammm job)
Thanks anyways.
Yes good idea to use the standard WM lock. It would be considered a really good locking solution if it wasn't for the stupid, bloated HTC dialer with its big answer and reject buttons. The standard WM dialer works better with the standard lock because the incoming call notification is much more difficult to accidentally press.
Even better, if you use the standard WM (bubble popup) volume control then you can still use the volume up and down buttons with the device locked.
You can also assign Endkey.exe to the left softkey, that way you can use the same softkey to lock and unlock the device.
is there any way to change the holding the key time to something shorter than 3 seconds?
hamish909 said:
is there any way to change the holding the key time to something shorter than 3 seconds?
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Not that i know of.

How to lock also the Hardwarebuttons with the Default Sliderlock

How to lock also the Hardwarebuttons with the Default Sliderlock.
I don't want to use a other Sreenlock Program.
I just like to lock the Buttons also when the Screen is loecked.
any Solutions?
Are the buttons active at all? During screen lock, I guess only the endcall button is active, waking up your phone.
alex fung ,
you are wrong.
All hard ware buttons except vol buttons can walk the phone/ turn on the screen.
ah you are right. They wake up the screen, but the touch panel is still locked. Try TouchLockPro.
any simple solution please, touch lock pro is soo confusing...
and is there is some solution to lock phone on backlight off, i mean dim is activated not locking when the screen goes off
tnx in advance
Hope this helps
To lock the hardware buttons with the phone in lock mode try modifing the registry.( it is simple but do this at you own risk)
Install a free registry explorer like PHM RegitEdit im sure you will find here it on this site (regedit.Mrln_ARM.cab ) Donate if you like
When installed open and navigate to: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER",Then "ControlPanel",Then highlight "Keybd".
Change "DefaultKeyLock" value data to "1"
Aslo if you feel brave: HKEY_CURRENT_USER-ControlPanel-Backlight.
Change "AutoDeviceLockEnable" value data to "1"
This should activate the lock screen when the screen dims.
Good Luck
NB: You will need to soft reset for the settings to work!
[/QUOTE] Aslo if you feel brave: HKEY_CURRENT_USER-ControlPanel-Backlight.
Change "AutoDeviceLockEnable" value data to "1"
This should activate the lock screen when the screen dims.
Good Luck
NB: You will need to soft reset for the settings to work![/QUOTE]
...that part is not mworking on my HTC LEO withh updated offical ROM WWE.
I changed the registry , restarted and still the screen dims but noit locking ..after siome seconds screen goes off. my idea was to have screen locked on dim and stays like this for about 30-40 secs and then to go off.
any suggestion pls.
tnx in advance
is all i need.
It works like i would like to have it.
Thank you.
Touch lock pro is a realy nice program and i appreciate his work, but to me it has to many features.
I've been after this answer for a little while now, and was pleased to find this thread. But... when I looked at my registry settings they were already as you suggest, but all of the buttons along the bottom of the phone still wake it up. Is there another step that I don't know about? (I have tried soft-reset).
I'm running SPB Mobile Shell - perhaps that's getting in the way?
I'll keep looking for a solution and post here is I find anything.
Anyone else have any more ideas?
Thats a shame it wont work for you,It may be spb mobile shell, Rom related or an old locking program you had installed.
Shot in the dark but have you tried changing the values back, soft reseting and then changing them forward again and soft reseting?
registry not working on my HTC LEO too..
dang.. registry doesn't work on my Leo too..
any other way to solve this??
Try soft reseting.
only open your registry editor and make changes then ,wait for 2-3 minutes ( wont matter if your device goes off )
(If off wake device up)Then soft reset again.
otherwise use a different reg editor or flash another rom.
N.B or just use this, it is small and cool:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505032
any recommended reg editor??
I never have a problem with PHM but resco is good.
Remember you will need to wait some time before windows stores the new settings properly. Soft reseting straight away probabley wont work.

[Q] Two Start Menu Icon

hi all. after installing turkish language cab, my start menu lock icon seems like start button icon. it happens only wm6.5.x roms. doesnt happen wm6.5 roms.
is there any way to change it via registy or something else?
here is the screen shot:
no. thats the way 6.5.x is. if you want start button up, install 6.5... the performance is basically the same(not a fact, i just think so)...
actually it wasnt that i asked. i just get back to wm6.5. thanks anyway.

