[GUIDE] Longer Battery Life (or How You're Being Robbed!) - Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) General

This is a guide I put together to help you guys identify all the battery draining features and settings that exist on your Note 2014 that rob you of that precious time with your tablets. Many of these features are enabled out of the box by Samsung and this causes people to not get the most out of their batteries. It can be confusing, because many of these settings don't have any explanations and others are just hidden from plain sight. This guide exists to enable you to get the most out of your investment and maintain a long life for your device.
Under the Connections Tab:
Wi-Fi: All you see here is the Wifi connections you have and that the tablet can see. However, hidden under this is an advanced section. Press the Menu button (On the bezel to the left of your home button), then tap "Advanced"
Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep: Make sure this is set to "Always". If this is changed then every time you wake the screen up it will go through the very slow process of connecting to your access point. It's been shown to save a lot of battery to keep this on "Always", not to mention it makes all your internet related activities quicker because you don't have to wait for it to connect. This should be set to "Always" out of the box.
Always allow scanning: Uncheck this. If left checked, then apps and location services will constantly scan and use nearby access points to determine your location. This is done even when your Wifi is off.
Bluetooth: Keep Bluetooth off, unless you're using it. It only takes a quick slide and tap to turn it on from the notification bar, when it's needed. Remember to turn it off when you're done using it.
Location Services:
Access to my location: Turn it off. If and when location services are needed by an app, such as Maps, you will be prompted to turn it on and conveniently taken to the correct settings page to enable this feature. A simple press of the back button will return you to your app, without disturbing anything. It can also be quickly engaged and disengaged in the notification bar. Aside from the fact that advertisers (Yes, Google is an ad company) use this information to track your every move, it's a major drain on battery all for the purpose of selling your location habits to advertisers.
My places: This can be be used to set a place for your "Home" or "Office" so apps and widgets such as your helpful weather app can use this information to show you relevant information, without having to access your GPS. This can also been done through the apps themselves, so check the settings of that individual app if you're not getting the desired effect.
Nearby Devices: Keep this feature off until you want to connect to another device to transfer files or share other content.
Screen Mirroring: Turn screen mirroring off. Screen mirroring is helpful when you want to use your tablet as a second screen, but during the 99% of the time that you're not using it, it's constantly scanning for a device to mirror. (Strangely, this feature once turned off, will turn back on when you leave this portion of the settings. This is possibly a glitch on Samsung's part that may need to be fixed)
Under the Device Tab:
Vibration Intensity: The "Vibration Intensity" is used to control the strength of the vibration for haptic feedback or for rarer instances when vibration is needed. Play with this and put it on the lowest setting that you find satisfactory.
Haptic Feedback & Key-tap Vibration: Haptic Feedback & Key-tap Vibration is the small vibration you sense when you touch certain parts of the screen. Most of the time it's used when touching each key on the keyboard as you type. Turning haptic feedback off will increase the longevity of your battery, but it's a satisfying feature to have and won't cause too much drain on your battery. Of course, that all depends on how much you type. If you use your tablet like a type writer, consider turning this feature off.
Under the Controls Tab:
Turn off pen detection: Check this. This feature exists to accept the use of a secondary stylus. It leaves the WACOM digitizer active and ready to accept inputs from another pen, while your original one is docked. If you have no intention of using a secondary stylus, then make sure this is turned off.
Motions: Used to control the contents of the screen through the gyroscopic sensors of your device. Tilt or pan the device to browse through a series of images or zoom in. Considered to be a gimmicky feature by many, it's also a major drain on battery life. Turn it off and use your tablet with your fingers like the rest of the population.
Palm Motion: Wave your hand in front of the screen and you can do a screen capture or mute/pause the video. Or you can just move your waving hand a few inches closer to the screen and just pause/mute by touching the device! This feature is achieved by activating a sensor on the front of your device that constantly watches for your actions and it's a major drain on battery life. Turn it off!
Smart Screen:
Smart stay: This feature will keep the screen on as long as you're staring at it. Great way to avoid tapping the screen every minute so it doesn't lock itself. But the cost at which it accomplishes this is considerable and doesn't always work right. I recommend you turn it off
Smart Rotation: Uses the mega draining sensor to watch the orientation of your face and adjusts the rotation of the screen. Like the other features it doesn't do it's job all that well at the expense of a lot of battery. Turn it off
Smart Pause: Similar to "Smart stay" but instead it watches your entire head to make sure you're facing the screen. Turn away and it pauses the video you're looking at. Battery drain galore. Off.
Smart Scroll: Watches the tilt of your head to predict when it should scroll up or down. Give me a break. Turn it off.
Under the General Tab:
Accounts: This is a doozy. Your device, if you don't change anything, will constantly, throughout the day, sync your information to the "Cloud." Even when your screen is off and you're not using it, 24/7. Aside from the privacy implications, because anything in the cloud ceases to belong to you under the law. This bleeds your battery on a whole different level because it's always working, at least once an hour, even when your not using your tablet. It's important to note though, that it also enables a considerable amount of convenience, so I will go through each bit of information it syncs and describe it to you so you can pick and choose what's important to you. Just uncheck whatever you don't need.
Google: You may have more than just Google under this section of the settings, but the one thing everyone has is a Google account under here. So tap on "Google" under "My accounts", then tap on your Gmail address, under "Accounts" and let's begin....
Sync App Data: The information you input into your various apps, the changes in each app's settings, or the progress you make can be backed up to Google's servers so when you switch devices and put that app on the another device you will be able to continue from where you left off.
Sync Calender: If you use Google Calender for appointments, reminders, scheduling or just organizing your life then you're going to want everything to stay up to date across all your devices and PC. Add an appointment to your calender while on your way to work, then make sure it appears on your PC and tablet as well. If you don't use Google Calender, then you do not need this.
Sync Contact: Turn this off. You're not on a phone. You're on a tablet. Unnecessary to say the least. However, if you were on a phone this would sync your contacts list and the changes you make to it so when the time comes to upgrade your Nexus 5 to the Nexus 6 your contacts will happily jump ship with you.
Sync Gmail: Uploads and downloads changes to your Gmail account. If you receive an email, it will alert you on your device and that email will be available to view in your Gmail app. If you compose an email on your tablet and save it as a draft it, will appear on your Gmail account when you login on your computer. In other words, it makes sure the things that happen and the changes you make in your Gmail account and Gmail app are synchronized.
Sync Google Photos: Backs up your Google photos to the cloud so you can have them on all your android devices, even future ones. Also, so you can view and have these photos on any device that has access to Google, like a PC.
Sync Play Books: Syncs information such as highlights, annotations, bookmarks and progress from your e-books so you can have those changes across all your devices. Stopped reading Catcher in the Rye on your phone? Just pick up where you left off on your tablet. (This won't effect purchases. Google will be fully aware of what books you have bought and they will be available on all your devices that use this same Google account. This goes for Play Magazines, Play Movies & TV, and Play Music)
Sync Google Play Magazines: Same as the sync for Play Books, except you can continue viewing Miss January's "assets" from another device without interruption.
Sync Google Play Movies & TV: Saves your progress in films and TV shows so you can continue on another device from the exact same spot.
Sync Google Play Music: Favorites & playlists created on your device will be viewable on other devices tied to your Google account.
Sync People details: Kinda confusing isn't it? Especially with Sync Contacts already an option. "People details" is a new sync service related to Google Play Games. It will be used to carry your username across all your games from a centralized location. So you can go and compare high scores and get achievements all from this service. Think of Google Play Games like PSN, Xbox Live or Game Center for your android devices, "Sync People details" will sync your progress, high scores, and achievements so they stay up to date everywhere else.
Sync Picasa Web albums: Picasa is used to organize, edit and share images. This will synchronize the changes you make to your Picasa images.
(I personally only have one of these checked and that's Gmail sync. Everything else is turned off.)
Practicing Good Recharging Habits
In this short section, I want to share with you good recharging habits to extend the life of your batteries. A common technology most portable modern electronics share is Li-Ion batteries. Li-Ion batteries replaced the older Ni-Cad batteries and did away with a lot of the annoying disadvantages of that older technology, but it's not free of it's own annoyances.
Charge Cycles: Your battery, like everything on this planet, has a life span. For batteries it's measured in charge cycles, or how many times you can fully charge a battery before it can no longer hold a charge. Except, it doesn't just go from holding a full charge one day to being incapable of charging the next, it slowly degrades. The chart below shows you what you can roughly expect:
300 to 500 full charges before your battery can only hold 75% of it's original capacity
1,200 to 1,500 full charges before your battery is down to 50% of it's original capacity
2,000 to 2,500 full charges before your battery is down to 25% of it's original capacity
3,750 to 4,700 full charges before your battery can only hold 10% of it's original capacity.
If your battery lasted 10 hours when you first purchased your device, then 1,200 full charges later it will only be able to last 5. Now, it's important to note that the longevity of you battery depends on more than just charge cycles, heat also plays a role in degrading it. The cooler you battery stays the longer it'll live. Also, I want to clarify that if you were to charge your device from 50% to full, then that doesn't count as a full charge, but only half of one. In other words, if you charge it 10% every single time you plug in your device, then it will take 3,000 - 5,000 of your incremental charges before you're down to 75% of it's original capacity.
Leaving it Plugged In: You have two common ways of hurting the life span of your battery, aside from heat and charge cycles. One of which is to leave it on the charger once it has already hit the 100% mark. Li-Ion batteries don't do well with this. I can understand how difficult it is to remember to unplug your device once it's full, especially if you charge it at night, but leaving it on there isn't good. Take it off whenever you're able to!
Complete Discharge The second most common way of damaging your Li-Ion battery is to let it drain down to 0. Certain safety guards are in place to never allow the battery to actually be fully discharged, even though your tablet won't turn on and it read 0 before it turned off, because if it were to actually be completely discharged then your battery would never be of use to you again. Safety guards in place or not, DON'T let your battery level get too low before plugging it in. This will lower the life span, so make it a habit to charge your device before it gets lower than 30% or so.
The Exception There is, however, an exception to the No Discharge Rule. It is recommended, most famously by Apple, to allow your battery to fully discharge once a month. The reason behind this confusing bit of advice is that your battery has a smart sensor in it that relays the level of charge to your device. By allowing it to discharge completely once a month, it calibrates that sensor to ensure you're getting an accurate reading in your notification bar. I personally think once a month is too often and suspect that this advice may have an ulterior motive behind it, after all replacing batteries outside of warranty is big business for these companies, so I only let it do a full discharge once every 2 or 3 months.
There you have it. Your Note 2014 guide to longer periods of enjoyment and shorter periods of charging. I hope you guys get a lot out of your device.
Feel free to share your experiences and expertise regarding everything I've written about in here. I'm all ears and look forward to shaping, editing and clarifying this guide to better serve us.

The description of the S-Pen detection is wrong, this has nothing to do with forgetting the S-Pen, the detdction cares shere the S-Pen is in its slot or not. If it is in his slot and the detection is rnabled, the digitizer is disabled thus saving battery. The detection needs to be switched off and thus digitizer always on if a second pen is used while the original is in its slot.
Erstellt mit meinem Note 10.1 2014 LTE

akxak said:
The description of the S-Pen detection is wrong, this has nothing to do with forgetting the S-Pen, the detdction cares shere the S-Pen is in its slot or not. If it is in his slot and the detection is rnabled, the digitizer is disabled thus saving battery. The detection needs to be switched off and thus digitizer always on if a second pen is used while the original is in its slot.
Erstellt mit meinem Note 10.1 2014 LTE
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I just looked into this again and you're absolutely correct. I fixed that portion. I had it confused with the "Pen Keeper" feature from the Note 2 and 3. Thanks akxak.

Thanks for this! Already noticed a significant difference. Should easily last two days with regular mixed use.

Thanks a lot mate. Good tips.
I didn't know it was bad to leave the charger attached once the battery is charged. I assumed the battery electronics would ensure the battery didn't get overcharged.
I leave my laptop plugged most of the time.... Is this bad too then?

Great tips and tweaks. Thanks for the time care and knowledge sharing for us fellow owners. I used most of these.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk

jack880 said:
Thanks a lot mate. Good tips.
I didn't know it was bad to leave the charger attached once the battery is charged. I assumed the battery electronics would ensure the battery didn't get overcharged.
I leave my laptop plugged most of the time.... Is this bad too then?
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Yeah they dont overcharge but a battery needs to disharge. I still do leave my laptop on charge all the time and tbh in the last 6 years i have had to replace my battery twice considering I use it a lot atleast 6hours a day i dont think its that bad. At a mere £30 battery replacements from ebay am happy to keep my laptop on charge all the time....however with a tablet i will deffo be careful.

Geordie Affy said:
Yeah they dont overcharge but a battery needs to disharge. I still do leave my laptop on charge all the time and tbh in the last 6 years i have had to replace my battery twice considering I use it a lot atleast 6hours a day i dont think its that bad. At a mere £30 battery replacements from ebay am happy to keep my laptop on charge all the time....however with a tablet i will deffo be careful.
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My laptop has a sealed battery unfortunately. Could probably get it replaced though once the warranty has expired anyway...
Thing is if I keep discharging and charging it all day, a) it'll use up the limited number of charge cycles and b) chances are when I need to take it away somewhere the battery won't be fully charged... It's a samsung and it does have the option to never charge the battery above 80% to prolong its life - maybe I should switch that on...
Wonder why the tablets don't have that option?

jack880 said:
My laptop has a sealed battery unfortunately. Could probably get it replaced though once the warranty has expired anyway...
Thing is if I keep discharging and charging it all day, a) it'll use up the limited number of charge cycles and b) chances are when I need to take it away somewhere the battery won't be fully charged... It's a samsung and it does have the option to never charge the battery above 80% to prolong its life - maybe I should switch that on...
Wonder why the tablets don't have that option?
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Yeah that is unfortunate, these days people use laptops like desktops so battery should never be sealed.
Although surely if the tablet had a 80% charge limit and the plug was left in surely that wouldnt be good for it either. To be honest I think theres soo much factors when it comes to battery life that sometimes I think its too much hardwork haha.

How does the S-pen alarm thing work? I didn't know there was a setting for that. I tested it with leaving the pen in my room and walking out with the note but there was no notification at all.
I have that s-pen detection setting unchecked and it seems like it doesn't even work.

You guys are all welcome. It was my pleasure.
Also, start posting pictures of your battery life and let's compare, see if we can't come up with more minor tweaks. Here's mine from my first rundown with those exact setting applied from my OP. I used it heavily for internet browsing that day.
C2Q said:
How does the S-pen alarm thing work? I didn't know there was a setting for that. I tested it with leaving the pen in my room and walking out with the note but there was no notification at all.
I have that s-pen detection setting unchecked and it seems like it doesn't even work.
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To be honest, I didn't see this feature on the Note 2014. I know my Note II has it and I know the Note III has it. I could be wrong as I'm not near my tablet, so someone else can confirm whether or not this feature is missing. The feature is called Pen Keeper on my Note II.

vdc530 said:
You guys are all welcome. It was my pleasure.
Also, start posting pictures of your battery life and let's compare, see if we can't come up with more minor tweaks. Here's mine from my first rundown with those exact setting applied from my OP. I used it heavily for internet browsing that day.
To be honest, I didn't see this feature on the Note 2014. I know my Note II has it and I know the Note III has it. I could be wrong as I'm not near my tablet, so someone else can confirm whether or not this feature is missing. The feature is called Pen Keeper on my Note II.
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And screen on?
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BooBoo_el_Locco said:
And screen on?
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
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Unfortunately, like an idiot, it didn't occur to me take that shot. But, it felt no different than my 4th generation iPad. I'm very happy with this tablet's battery life. Aside from my note 2, this probably has the strongest battery life of any android device I've ever used. Probably twice as strong as the nexus 10.

Yeah, the max i got was 6h screen on
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

BooBoo_el_Locco said:
Yeah, the max i got was 6h screen on
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
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The maximum you got with these settings was 6 hours? Maximum? I don't know if your exaggerating with your use of the word maximum or have a defective unit? Some people on here and on Android central have these quick draining, slow charging defective units. That screen shot was from my first day with the device I did nothing but use it all day.

Here's my display on time from today from 100% down to 20%.
I'm telling you dude, there's something wrong with yours.

i've been getting about the same (9hrs+) without some of the things mentioned in OP but i keep my screen under 20% for the majority. i've seen some posts where they say to set it at 40 to make it useable, but damn 40% is just too bright for me in normal lighting!

Maybe i need to do a factory reset =/
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------
You get that screen on if you play alot plants vs zombies?
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

Yeah I dunno, I thought the battery life was pretty good even without these tweaks. I was playing Trials for an hour or so the other day and it only drained like 3-4%. I've gone about 36 hours without charging it so far and its at around 45% - this is with moderate use and a lot of standby time. I will charge it when it dips below 30% as suggested in the post.

C2Q said:
Yeah I dunno, I thought the battery life was pretty good even without these tweaks. I was playing Trials for an hour or so the other day and it only drained like 3-4%. I've gone about 36 hours without charging it so far and its at around 45% - this is with moderate use and a lot of standby time. I will charge it when it dips below 30% as suggested in the post.
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Can you post some screnshots from your usage?
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk


Lousy Battery Life on Incredible

Please forgive me if this is a duplicate thread, I searched and only found folks complaining of other things with battery, not the length of life. Feel free to move this if it belongs in another forum.
I was one of the early recipients so I've been using the Incredible for a week already. Here are my findings on battery life and opening to further suggestions to stretch this out some more.
I am using the standard battery that came with the phone. I have a wall charger at my desk at work and a car charger in my car, all in addition to the charger on my night-stand. Fortunately these carried over from my Omnia2 since they are Micro USB. However, I have to use these constantly.
I have been using a smartphone for quite a few years and this one is by far the best yet... however, it also bleeds the battery dry like any other smartphone. I am also a power user, Exchange connection for work calendar and mail, Gmail, internet use and Facebook app. I also use the camera a lot, which yields impressive photos for a phone.
Average day for me; if I unplug the charger at about 7:00am as I leave for work and do not plug it into anything for power, the battery bar turns orange at about 2:30-3:00PM. I use Advanced Task Manager to kill things I don't use and have removed apps I had installed but use minimally which start up on their own (Skype, Photoshop Mobile... etc.). I also keep an eye on the running services to ensure the minimum is running at any given time.
Before I used Advanced Task Manager I was getting to about noon before the battery bar turned orange.
With occasional use of wall and car charger I can get through a full day before I get to red and the "plug into power" warning message. This past weekend I bled it to the point that it turned off on it's own, which was about 10:00PM
I typically have 2+ bars of 3G in my area, at home I have a signal extender so I have full strength signal, if that is off I have 1 bar of 1x.
Anyone have additional tips or tricks on how to milk even more battery life out of my Incredible phone? I expected lackluster battery performance but would love to get through a day without having to keep a charger on me.
Try this - seems to be best trick with little or no effect on usability:
Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks (2nd one down)-
Uncheck 'Enable always-on mobile data'. Does not affect my push Exchange, and dramatically helps battery life.
Credit is due to one of the users at androidforums.com.
That battery life sounds about right. Keep in mind that having all of that stuff syncing in the background is going to kill your battery life. Also, ATK could be hurting your battery life in general. You clearly have something that it's helping with, but if you're just killing every background process your phone will use more power reinitializing those programs than it would have just keeping them in RAM. In general, if something's not using any CPU time, it's better to leave it running.
My old phone was the touch pro 2. the battery equipped with it has a 1500 mah. The battery is slightly thicker but cover easily closes still and i can now enjoy my phone almost lasting the entire day p
also my friend works a tmobile and supposedly the HD2 also uses the same battery but with a higher rating. They throw them out after awhile and he said he will get me a few of them for free cant wait )
I had a similar issue...
I was having a similar issue where my Incredible wouldn't make it through the day without charging, and I found that Google Maps was eating the lion's share of my battery. I tried using Advanced Task Killer to stop it, but it didn't show up in the list of tasks, but if I checked my battery usage, it was always the task using the most energy (not just by a little...it would typically be responsible for 70-95%). I had turned the Locator feature on within Maps just to see how it worked, but even with it disabled the task would still be running. The only way I was able to rid myself of the process was to reboot Android. My battery life has improved drastically since then.
I'm not saying this will solve your issue, but it's something to look at.
Check this thread on androidforums:
I think the problem is battery Uptime vs Awake time. If they are the same then the battery drains like crazy.
I ended up turning phone off completely, charging, then killing the Calendar process (but I have read killing any process will do) after boot with Astro File Manager.
I am currently at 19 hours 42 minutes Uptime, with 7 hours 12 minutes Awake time (Phone was awake all night apparently and I ended up killing my last processes: Mint, Firewallet, Fianancisto as well as Calendar which showed up in the list again).
And I have GPS, location, syncing on and set to 4 hours for most everything (except for Gmail Contacts and Calendar which I turned off).
Anyway, hope this helps someone.
EDIT: Oh, and I have 60% battery (6 green bars). I'm not using any battery apps or any task manager apps apart from Astro File Manager to kill processes.
carlbettag said:
Try this - seems to be best trick with little or no effect on usability:
Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks (2nd one down)-
Uncheck 'Enable always-on mobile data'. Does not affect my push Exchange, and dramatically helps battery life.
Credit is due to one of the users at androidforums.com.
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So far this has done the most good. You are right it doesn't really delay my Exchange much. I notice a few seconds more of a delay when I am at my desk but I will never have something so critical that a few seconds will matter.
carlbettag said:
Try this - seems to be best trick with little or no effect on usability:
Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks (2nd one down)-
Uncheck 'Enable always-on mobile data'. Does not affect my push Exchange, and dramatically helps battery life.
Credit is due to one of the users at androidforums.com.
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would this effect google voice?
I am also curious to know what all is effected by disabling that setting...
i disabled it and my google voice works fine, my weather widgets work fine, my dictionary.com widget works fine all updating themselves.... i'm not sure what it changed
damnhao said:
would this effect google voice?
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My Facebook app only refreshes when I open it or manually, Skype IM shows me offline most of the time. Otherwise, just longer battery life.
For what it's worth, I disabled all of the htc widgets and sense (installed helix launcher 2) and I can get through pretty much an entire day on a single charge. Took phone off the charger around 7am and it's just now red at about 10pm.
I thought you couldnt disable sense on this phone.
theoneownz said:
My old phone was the touch pro 2. the battery equipped with it has a 1500 mah. The battery is slightly thicker but cover easily closes still and i can now enjoy my phone almost lasting the entire day p
also my friend works a tmobile and supposedly the HD2 also uses the same battery but with a higher rating. They throw them out after awhile and he said he will get me a few of them for free cant wait )
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Might I say- THIS IS BRILLIANT! Yes, the TP2 bat fits just fine and gives a bit more time on the life of the Incredible... good find!
My Imagio 1500 mAh and 1750 mAh batts also work fine in the Incredible .
Calibob2001 said:
Might I say- THIS IS BRILLIANT! Yes, the TP2 bat fits just fine and gives a bit more time on the life of the Incredible... good find!
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Np man I knew it would help someone :0p I knew i wasnt the only one to swap over lol
We got two Incredibles on Wednesday. The Boss Lady's went through the "select language, etc" drill described in the user's guide on first startup after charging. Mine went straight to the Home screen without any setup options. So I did a hard reset and was walked through the setup.
We left them both on chargers during the night.
Yesterday, after two hours off the charger and doing NOTHING, mine had used up more than a third of the battery.
Boss Lady's was still pegged.
After four hours, still doing bupkiss, mine started begging for the charger. I put it on a car charger. Also fired up Advanced Task Manager (the only app I installed on it), and killed off every app in its list. Some of them, like HTC Checkin and People, just would not die or would restart immediately.
Since we were travelling, Boss Lady spent the trip setting up contacts, texting, checking the weather, and hitting the interwebs.
After a six-hour drive, Boss Lady using hers and mine on the charger, her battery was still nearly topped off. Mine would start begging for the charger five minutes after being disconnected.
Last night about eleven PM, Boss Lady's bettery was still at about 75%. Mine still begging for the charger. Put mine on the charger overnight. (Hers charged for about 30 min this morning). Two hours after taking mine off the charger, and again doing nothing, battery was half gone.
Oh, and during all this, the battery was VERY warm while charging and would immediately warm up considerably when the screen was on.
I checked the battery timers on both phones. Boss Lady's up timer was somthing like 12 hours, awake timer showed less than 7 min.
My timers both showed the same time and were updating in tandem.
I called support, described the Incredible Shrinking Battery. A new Incredible is on its way to my house.
Boss Lady's is still "bone stock" (no special settings) and her battery is chuggin right along...
th3drow said:
I thought you couldnt disable sense on this phone.
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Im running GDE because helix2 kept force closing on me but same result. My battery now only runs down if I'm actively using the phone. With sense running it was burning through the battery. Huge improvement.
I was also able to replicate every sense widget but one and that being the contacts widget.
The way to do it is just set helix or GDE or whatever as your default and then restart the phone. As long as you don't manually launch sense after that it will stay turned off.
The reason people think you can't disable sense is that they didn't include some aspects of vanilla android. The messaging program and browser and a few other things aren't there and the artwork for others like the notification bar. You won't have access to the HTC widgets but you will still be able to use the HTC apps.
Anyway long story short. My battery life is MUCH improved with sense disabled.
carlbettag said:
Try this - seems to be best trick with little or no effect on usability:
Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks (2nd one down)-
Uncheck 'Enable always-on mobile data'. Does not affect my push Exchange, and dramatically helps battery life.
Credit is due to one of the users at androidforums.com.
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THIS SOLUTION WORKS FANTASTICALLY! I am still at 90% when I used to be 35% by this point in the day. Thank you so much.
Try this - seems to be best trick with little or no effect on usability:
Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks (2nd one down)-
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I don't think this is 100% accurate. When you disable this setting, you disable data services after your phone goes to sleep (turning off the display). It does not happen right away, but after I put my phone to sleep and wait a few minutes Gmail and ActiveSync don't push notifications to the phone. If the phone comes out of sleep for some reason (text message, phone call, etc).. Then the notifications works again, because it reconnects to the data network. I have also used K9's push feature, which also stops working after the phone is sleeping for a few minutes.
Also, when you turn off the always-on mobile connection setting the data symbols (3G/1X) go away in sleep. If you wake your phone, you can actually see the data symbols are gone but eventually return.

Epic 4G Battery Life Tips / Mods / Recommendations

Just reviewed several posts and looks like there's not a lot of clarification on extending battery life on the Epic 4G.
Based on what i've read here, its possible to extend battery life with the following ?
GB update (sprint released rom or modded roms)?
Screen Dims, Auto syncing disabling, etc?
PRL update (not searching for towers)?
Data disablement?
I hope the GB and mod updates are the real answer.
The fact that anyone suggests to disable your data as a way to save the battery is mind boggling to me. Why would I have a smart phone if I had to disable data to save the battery (aside from maybe being on a plane or something where you HAVE to disable it anyway).
Look for randomking's thread in the Q/A section in epic development... the link is also in his signature, but he gives great advice on how to save battery properly.
Sent from my Samsung-SPH-D700 using XDA App
I feel like I've tried everything but at this point I've resigned myself to poor battery life.
I have two Exchange accounts, gmail plus I use Yahoo and Live as well as a personal email account. Not to mention weather updates. I've got a 1amp charger in my car. A desktop cradle with a 1amp charger at my desk and another 1amp charger in a cradle on the table next to my favorite chair at home. At night I use the .5amp Samsung charger in a third cradle.
Basically, when I'm not using it its charging.
When I get up I automatically tap my belt case to make sure I don't walk off without it. I need it 31 and I need to know I get all email immediately and that I can be on a call for a couple of hours if I need to be.
But yeah, I wish I could just charge overnight and be able to depend on 24+ hours of battery life.
Milkman00 said:
The fact that anyone suggests to disable your data as a way to save the battery is mind boggling to me. Why would I have a smart phone if I had to disable data to save the battery (aside from maybe being on a plane or something where you HAVE to disable it anyway).
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This is how I feel as well. I don't understand why you would want to have this phone if you are going to turn off all of its features. I don't undervolt. I am overclocked to 1400 and I have GPS on most of the time. I also use Bluetooth fairly regularly. I did spend $2 to get "Bloat Freezer" app to freeze the apps that run even when I am not using them. I also have a second battery. I can't obsess over the battery. I want performance and stability which I have. When changing ROMs, charge to full and wipe battery stats in recovery as well.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
JohnCorleone said:
This is how I feel as well. I don't understand why you would want to have this phone if you are going to turn off all of its features. I don't undervolt. I am overclocked to 1400 and I have GPS on most of the time. I also use Bluetooth fairly regularly. I did spend $2 to get "Bloat Freezer" app to freeze the apps that run even when I am not using them. I also have a second battery. I can't obsess over the battery. I want performance and stability which I have. When changing ROMs, charge to full and wipe battery stats in recovery as well.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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I'm looking to get another battery.
Right now I always have wifi on downloading stuff like 24/7 brightness all the way down(come on its not like you need it up anyway). I'm always overclocked to 1.2, and not undervolted and I don't use dark backgrounds, and have everything set to sync every 4-6 hours. I charge maybe twice a day never completely until night time.
Sent from my SPH-D700
If you live in a poor service area of town like I do, typically avg 3 bars all day, and often less...you are doomed.
I've tried all the tips, but the constant tower polling rakes my bettery over the coals. This is why I've adopted the multiple battery approach (with an external charger of course).
MeetFace said:
If you live in a poor service area of town like I do, typically avg 3 bars all day, and often less...you are doomed.
I've tried all the tips, but the constant tower polling rakes my bettery over the coals. This is why I've adopted the multiple battery approach (with an external charger of course).
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^^^ This. If not for rooting and Roam Control I'd have to almost not use my phone at work, and even then even Verizon's signal is low/spotty though to a much smaller degree in the building than Sprint's.
I do a number of things that are convenient for me.
I turn auto-syncing off. I don't need it always searching for updates in my life. I can spend the 3 seconds when I open the app.
I only put it on wi-fi/gps/4g when I need them. Sure, they can be on, but they use battery and it also takes seconds to turn them on.
I use auto-brightness. It works for me.
I do a lot of stuff:
- Leave GPS/wifi/4g/bluetooth turned off until I need to use them.
- Set screen brightness to the minimum, in both the OS and the browser.
- Use Titanium Backup's 'freeze' to disable bits of the OS I don't need, like 'DRM content'.
- Set up non-push email addresses to be forwarded to push email addresses (like gmail) automatically so that the phone itself does very little polling.
Doing all this, I can leave data on and easily have it last the day, every day, or turn data off and use it for a podcast player with BT headphones for a full eight hours.
Green power helps A LOT btw... its better than juice defender ultimate.
Sent from my Samsung-SPH-D700 using XDA App
Bloat Freezer allows you to freeze apps like Titanium Pro although it seems like most people use Titanium
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Freezing DRM saves a good portion for me. I also use Startup Cleaner to stop apps from automatically opening (not freezing) as soon as I startup my phone (swype, messaging, internet, etc). I'm not getting fantastic battery savings, but I've seen a difference doing this.
What is DRM?
It sounds like it would use some juice, but dunno that freezing may be most efficient for apps.
Dataswitch app by TomatoX. Its a widget that turns off 3G. I keep a Wifi on/off toggle on my homescreen as well. I connect often enough to get all my emails pushed through and what not so it doesn't feel like I'm crippling myself in the name of a little battery life. I went eight hours today and got home with 83% worth of battery. I prefer widgets over longpressing the power button personally.
These are a collection of the best suggestions I can make.
And no, turning data off is not one of them. Although disabling sync is.
DRM is a service for digitally verifying online store bought or rented audio/video. Itunes is a great example as the most annoying implementation of this concept. The problem is, that on our phones it runs constantly trying to verify files, whether you have any or not. If you don't think you need it, freeze it. Removing it completely has lead to problems. If you don't want to buy an app to do it, the terminal emulator commands are included in this thread.
PS: Currently I have not found one person that can top the best EC05 roms in battery life with a GB rom.
ok so i tried a couple of recommendations and i have some positive feedback!
I got green power and startup cleaner. After changing startup cleaner and using it to disable quite a few apps as well as drm and other non essentials it helped with my memory and apps running in the background.
I also tweaked green power settings to leave on the 3g and turned off the wifi on / off option (so i could do it instead of green power) and lt do its thing.
Excellent battery life. I left it on used it for a bit then let it sit and check a couple of emails, got a few pushed emails via gmail and did a few web searches.
i'm at 80% since 1pm. that's unbelievable yet that's the way it should be!
these apps / tweaks have helped. i do need push email and use push calendar from hotmail exchange.
i really wish the phone could do this on its own but i'll settle for this alternative using 2 apps at this time.
i hope gingerbread helps us all without the need for apps but i would probably still use them because of the substantial battery life gains.
Randomking is right.
All our efforts are minimal compared to what gb does....at least in cooked form
Rk..what custom rom do you recommed?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
swear0730 said:
I feel like I've tried everything but at this point I've resigned myself to poor battery life.
I have two Exchange accounts, gmail plus I use Yahoo and Live as well as a personal email account. Not to mention weather updates. I've got a 1amp charger in my car. A desktop cradle with a 1amp charger at my desk and another 1amp charger in a cradle on the table next to my favorite chair at home. At night I use the .5amp Samsung charger in a third cradle.
Basically, when I'm not using it its charging.
When I get up I automatically tap my belt case to make sure I don't walk off without it. I need it 31 and I need to know I get all email immediately and that I can be on a call for a couple of hours if I need to be.
But yeah, I wish I could just charge overnight and be able to depend on 24+ hours of battery life.
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I think that's everybodys dream, to be ale to run this bad boy for 24 hrs straight. Unfrtunately were a long ways from that. Especialy from the way it sounds like you run your phone your going to becharging multiple times per day..that's just part of being a power user with a smartphone.
I gota agree though, fo the life of me i don't know why people disable data, or cripple thir phones ability just to eek out another hr of battery, this is a huge phone, with a big power hungry (beautiful) screen, you knew this when you picked it out. It can do pretty much any function that a laptop can. Use it like it was meant to be used, and dont fret so much over the battery.
From cellblock D
Great News!
Battery life is now up considerably without the use of 3rd party apps.
I may consider using green power to get more extended battery life...but here's how i did it.
1. Update to EF02 Gingerbread OS (on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of ease of upgrade...its a 2....1 being the most simple). It was as easy as download the app and let it upgrade your phone.
I'll post the video link here it was VERY Elementary folks.
2. Battery life in Gingerbread is great! Appears to have a better memory manager and much more smooth transition between screens, apps, etc.
Randomking was correct about battery life and adding all the apps we had to for Froyo just to get mediocre batter life.

NEED HELP: New To Note/Android.

Before getting the Note, I've been an iphone user ever since the first one came out. I switched especially because of the nice large screen which is handy for the type of work I do.
Some questions though:
1- Battery Life: I was pretty handy on the Iphone in getting everything I didn't need (some notifications, location services on certain apps) turned off to safe battery...while keeping only the ones I wanted. I haven't figured out how exactly to do this on the Note. My battery life is poor...at least compared to what I was getting on the iphone. I typically start my day at 8:30AM, and yesterday by 6PM the battery was already at around 10% (where I can't take pictures....)
2- Must I have GMAIL app and MAIL app? For some reason the GMAIL app's emails update much quicker than the main app I use MAIL. So when a new mail notification comes in I have to manually refresh the MAIL app for it to catch up with the GMAIL app. Otherwise I would have to wait a couple of minutes of the mail to show on MAIL app.
3- On Mail App I have two email accounts. Why is it that my welcome page is the page showing my accounts rather than my "ALL MAIL" page which is where I left it originally?
Thanks for sorry for the NOOB questions.
Ad 2):
Depending on what other email account you have there colud be an specific app for that provider that also supports push email (eg. Yahoo). Or you colud configure Google Mail to poll for mails from your other accounts.
1.) try to close auto sync, bluetooth, gps and use wifi everytime its available because 3G drain much more battery. and lower the brightness on ur screen to ur lowest, that can save a lot of battery (just open them when u need to use it)
or Root your Note and use custom rom. There are many roms that help you with battery.
hope that helps.
lemsanc said:
Before getting the Note, I've been an iphone user ever since the first one came out. I switched especially because of the nice large screen which is handy for the type of work I do.
Some questions though:
1- Battery Life: I was pretty handy on the Iphone in getting everything I didn't need (some notifications, location services on certain apps) turned off to safe battery...while keeping only the ones I wanted. I haven't figured out how exactly to do this on the Note. My battery life is poor...at least compared to what I was getting on the iphone. I typically start my day at 8:30AM, and yesterday by 6PM the battery was already at around 10% (where I can't take pictures....)
2- Must I have GMAIL app and MAIL app? For some reason the GMAIL app's emails update much quicker than the main app I use MAIL. So when a new mail notification comes in I have to manually refresh the MAIL app for it to catch up with the GMAIL app. Otherwise I would have to wait a couple of minutes of the mail to show on MAIL app.
3- On Mail App I have two email accounts. Why is it that my welcome page is the page showing my accounts rather than my "ALL MAIL" page which is where I left it originally?
Thanks for sorry for the NOOB questions.
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Battery - 10% in a day??! How much were you using the phone?
Allow the phone to fully charge and discharge for a full cycles. The screen is a big consumer of power - don;t use auto-brightness and keep the screen down to the best workable level for you. Also, the more apps you have using push syncing, the worse your battery will be.
Depending on what you're using the phone for, you should easily get a full day's reasonable use out of it.
I agree with the point shaoran_ojo made about wifi - but also turn wifi off when you're not using it.
Finally, it's absolutely right that many of the custom ROMs will give you better battery life
You can check the battery usage over time, if you go to Settings menu and then About phone -> Battery usage. You will see there what eats most power (most likely, Display).
Touch the chart in the upper part of this page to expand it - see if you can relate biggest drops of battery charge to some particular activities. For example, playing Crayon Physics drains the battery extremely fast.
Do you happen to be in areas with poor cell coverage? I've had phones drain like there's no tommorow in poor coverage areas, especially when GPS is turned on since most phones are equiped with assisted GPS chips that use cell-tower triangulation in order to get a faster fix on your position.
You could root your phone and switch to custom kernels or roms for better battery life as well as performance. A few ways in which you could then save battery are by undervolting or underclocking the processor or using an app like titanium backup pro to freeze battery draining apps. Wifi is also a big battery drainer. You can set the wifi sleep policy to screen off to curb its usage or keep it off entirely when you dony need it. Gps and bluetooth can be kept off and the screen brightness can be lowered. Im sure you wont be disappointed with the note's battery life after you tweak it right.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
lemsanc said:
1- Battery Life: I was pretty handy on the Iphone in getting everything I didn't need (some notifications, location services on certain apps) turned off to safe battery...while keeping only the ones I wanted. I haven't figured out how exactly to do this on the Note. My battery life is poor...at least compared to what I was getting on the iphone. I typically start my day at 8:30AM, and yesterday by 6PM the battery was already at around 10% (where I can't take pictures....)
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First of all decrease the screen brightness if possible. I have my brightness set to minimum and I have Screen Filter (free in the market) installed and set to 50%. This setup works for me when I am indoors and when I am outside I just disable Screen Filter. Hopefully it will work for you too, maybe with a little tweaking of the exact percentage.
Then take notice if your phone is unusually hot when you haven't used it in the last 5 minutes. This may indicate there is an app keeping your device from sleeping. Check the battery usage (Settings -> About Phone -> Battery Usage). Tap the graph and look for unusual drops and periods when the screen is not on but the device is awake.
If you notice something, BetterBatteryStats (paid in the market) might help reveal the source of the problem. Cpu Spy (free in the market) will show you how much time has the device spent in each CPU frequency.
If you are comfortable with it just root your device and install a custom kernel. I can't begin to explain how much this can increase the battery life.
Hope this helps and is not too hard to understand despite my bad english.

Usage query

Hi All,
Just wondered if anybody is seeing really poor battery life on their S4?
Granted, this is the first charge and I know Android devices tend to need a couple to settle in but my battery seems to be draining like God knows what.
I came from a HTC One which was pretty poor - but the S4 battery just seems to be pouring battery juice out. I'm using the I9505 on EE in the UK. I've been on wifi the entire time, though with a very low signal.
Don't know what Samsung Link is but that seems to be having a particular impact. I wonder if I have a fault? I assume Google Services is Gmail etc - although I thought that would show up as Google Sync or something.
I do have most of the gimmicky features disabled - other than the one where I can wave my hand over the lockscreen to see what notifications I have. Power saving mode is enabled and screen is on auto with the maximum set to a fairly low level.
Would be grateful for your thoughts.
First thing is you have a truly awful network signal.
Its probably fine. I let my phones die 3 times when I get them , sometimes they sit at 1% for 2 hours or more, so that will give the phone a better estimation of its battery usage and such.
Thanks folks.
Yes, the signal is bad but the drain was the same at home where I had a full signal and wifi connected.
Do you know how to disable Samsung Link or this Google Services thing?
Had mine run GLBenchmark when I was laying down in bed. Found it still on around 7 hours later, the screen still on (after I realized I fell asleep), and was around 10%.
Again, that's with the screen on all 7 hours.
philliplavelle said:
Hi All,
Just wondered if anybody is seeing really poor battery life on their S4?
Granted, this is the first charge and I know Android devices tend to need a couple to settle in but my battery seems to be draining like God knows what.
I came from a HTC One which was pretty poor - but the S4 battery just seems to be pouring battery juice out. I'm using the I9505 on EE in the UK. I've been on wifi the entire time, though with a very low signal.
Don't know what Samsung Link is but that seems to be having a particular impact. I wonder if I have a fault? I assume Google Services is Gmail etc - although I thought that would show up as Google Sync or something.
I do have most of the gimmicky features disabled - other than the one where I can wave my hand over the lockscreen to see what notifications I have. Power saving mode is enabled and screen is on auto with the maximum set to a fairly low level.
Would be grateful for your thoughts.
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You may just have a defective unit. Just exchange it for a new one
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
I have an excellent network & wifi signal. I've noticed the terrible battery, but I'm pretty sure mine is from constant use & such. Under these circumstances, I think my Droid X's battery lasted longer than this :/
philliplavelle said:
Hi All,
Just wondered if anybody is seeing really poor battery life on their S4?
Granted, this is the first charge and I know Android devices tend to need a couple to settle in but my battery seems to be draining like God knows what.
I came from a HTC One which was pretty poor - but the S4 battery just seems to be pouring battery juice out. I'm using the I9505 on EE in the UK. I've been on wifi the entire time, though with a very low signal.
Don't know what Samsung Link is but that seems to be having a particular impact. I wonder if I have a fault? I assume Google Services is Gmail etc - although I thought that would show up as Google Sync or something.
I do have most of the gimmicky features disabled - other than the one where I can wave my hand over the lockscreen to see what notifications I have. Power saving mode is enabled and screen is on auto with the maximum set to a fairly low level.
Would be grateful for your thoughts.
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From screenshots you can clearly see that Goggle Services and Samsung Link are eating your battery...
Keep AutoSync and Google Now - OFF
My phone have great battery life, lost 12% within 4hrs, 1hr screen ON, brightness up to 50%, WiFi ON all the time, average reception...
Google Services used only 2% and is on the bottom of the list, NO sign of Samsung Link on my stats so you must have some apps running in background...
djembey said:
From screenshots you can clearly see that Goggle Services and Samsung Link are eating your battery...
Keep AutoSync and Google Now - OFF
My phone have great battery life, lost 12% within 4hrs, 1hr screen ON, brightness up to 50%, WiFi ON all the time, average reception...
Google Services used only 2% and is on the bottom of the list, NO sign of Samsung Link on my stats so you must have some apps running in background...
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Forgive me for being stupid, but turning auto sync off stops my Gmail getting push and also the calendar syncing, doesn't it? There no way around that?
Google Now was already off. I only sync Google Mail, Calendar, Chrome and nothing else. All the others are left unticked.
I can't figure a way of turning that Samsung Link thing off - there is no option in the settings.
Any other ideas?

[Q] Unrooted Note 3 - Battery Drain, Most Tips didn't work.

Hi Guys,
Firstly, I know there are several threads with different tips and suggestions but most of them didn't work for me.
Recently (since more than a week) , I have noticed strange drain in battery and getting hot pretty quickly. It has kitkat and I didn't get time to use it properly in the beginning. After reading different threads and forums here's what I did:
- Let it drain completely, shut off, took out battery for a couple of hrs and then charged without switching on. x2
- Rebooted after charging
- Uninstalled some apps I thought might be problematic
- Factory Reset (such a pain!)
- When attached to Kies, it prompted for Firmware update N9005XXUENC2 followed by another factory reset and hard reset.
- Cleared cache by going into recovery mode.
- Rebooting after charging
But seems like none of it made much difference, my routine use
- couple of hours on wifi
- no heavy games, only temple run, subway surf etc.
- no streaming
- no lengthy calls, not a lot of messaging
- 1, 2 hrs of music
- Syncing off, gps off, blue tooth off, Wifi mostly off, power saving on, brightness on auto, no 3g/4g data, almost no photos and video capturing, sensors, motions off except smart stay
I don't want to root the phone because of my busy schedule, with some difficulty I was able install WLD on it which resets after Rebooting. Point is, I am not a heavy user and this being a "beast" isn't quite unleashing the beasty-battery-life. I do get more than a day but that is when it's in deep sleep for 20hrs or more. I took some screenshots after reseting, updating firmware. It's past 3 battery cycles now, I will attach the latest one's to not clutter it up. I like this phone, but this battery is just not good enough. So, please helpful answers that don't require rooting.
Thank you for reading and Good day!
Is the battery drain consistant or does it happen at certain times (at home, at work, etc.)? If you are in an area where the signal changes frequently that will drain the battery because the radio is using power to maintain a connection. With wifi scanning for google services even when turned off setting make sure it is off if you dont need it. How do you charge the phone? If possible always use the charger that came with the phone, charging from a usb port from a computer is not as strong and can affect the memory of the battery and do not wait till almost dead to charge. It works best to recharge when between 35% and 45%. Look at your background services and see if anything out of the ordinary is running. And it could be possible the battery is defective and you might want to have it tested. I use my Note3 lightly and get 24 to 25 hours over two to three days (turning off at bedtime). This may not help any but this is what I have learned from others with similar situations. Good luck!
MPDnnrd said:
Is the battery drain consistant or does it happen at certain times (at home, at work, etc.)? If you are in an area where the signal changes frequently that will drain the battery because the radio is using power to maintain a connection. With wifi scanning for google services even when turned off setting make sure it is off if you dont need it. How do you charge the phone? If possible always use the charger that came with the phone, charging from a usb port from a computer is not as strong and can affect the memory of the battery and do not wait till almost dead to charge. It works best to recharge when between 35% and 45%. Look at your background services and see if anything out of the ordinary is running. And it could be possible the battery is defective and you might want to have it tested. I use my Note3 lightly and get 24 to 25 hours over two to three days (turning off at bedtime). This may not help any but this is what I have learned from others with similar situations. Good luck!
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Hey MPDnnrd,
Thank you for your response.
It is sort of consistent, did you see the screen is just at 18% and the Android system at 30%? I think this is where the core problem lies - just don't know what and how to fix it.
- Signal Strength: Pretty good, hasn't been a problem
- I normally keep the wifi-scanning off and Now I turned off the location services to see the impact but then I think what's the point of premium device if you have to switch off everything.
- I prefer to use the factory-charger over usb-charging and I read it on several threads to let it completely die and then recharge, guess that didn't help.
- Background services - I don't think so, I kill all the apps as soon as I stop using them, use Greenify to hibernate other, switched off all auto-updates and notifications. Even on Playstore, I switched off the auto-updates and notifications.
- Defective Battery: Now this one, I haven't tested yet not sure how to - the phone's just 2 months old so shouldn't it be good enough?
I know they are not very helpful, but still thank you very much. :good:
uqureshi said:
Hey MPDnnrd,
Thank you for your response.
It is sort of consistent, did you see the screen is just at 18% and the Android system at 30%? I think this is where the core problem lies - just don't know what and how to fix it.
- Signal Strength: Pretty good, hasn't been a problem
- I normally keep the wifi-scanning off and Now I turned off the location services to see the impact but then I think what's the point of premium device if you have to switch off everything.
- I prefer to use the factory-charger over usb-charging and I read it on several threads to let it completely die and then recharge, guess that didn't help.
- Background services - I don't think so, I kill all the apps as soon as I stop using them, use Greenify to hibernate other, switched off all auto-updates and notifications. Even on Playstore, I switched off the auto-updates and notifications.
- Defective Battery: Now this one, I haven't tested yet not sure how to - the phone's just 2 months old so shouldn't it be good enough?
I know they are not very helpful, but still thank you very much. :good:
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I'm sorry to have to say this but I think you got a pretty normal battery drain by looking on your screens. You played almost one hour subway surf(which drains the battery pretty quick) and I guess the other hours where internet (also known to drain battery) or calls/messages. On a not rooted device with stock kernel that seems like normal battery usage to me!!!
However if you like to check these maybe u get a couple of percentages(not that much though I guess):
-Power saving mode in notification drawer makes your cpu clock go down (not sure u got it on not rooted device sry)
-check turn of pen detection in s pen settings
-put the brightness on auto or put it down manually
-if you can change the theme color in apps do so(make it black)
-check the svoice settings so it doesn't listen to your voice
-if you don't care how your phone looks buy a zerolemon battery(I think it makes your phone too big but that's preference)
-don't use a bright background keep it dark colors and no live wallpaper as well
Maybe that helps a little.
I don't see any drain either. Almost 6 hours screen on during 24 hours is excellent, additional 1.5 hour awake time for other services. Excellent battery life.
Settings - General - Applications - disable unnecessary apps
In Google Settings, opt-out interest-based ads and disable location access.
Thank you for your reponses guys - thing is it actually had much better battery life. What I don't understand is the fact that Screen % used to be on top and android os and system was below it but now it has been on top.
I have tweaked quite a few things already that 4aces suggested and the S-voice thing seems new, I'll look at it. Today it didn't even last a full day whereas I know people who even after heavy usage get easily more than a day - mine one, I don't use it this much. The Zerolemon thing is beast but then the phone is a freakin block lol so heavy and big, good travel etc. where you can't charge your phone and has a rugged case.
But there's a change that I saw today, Android System is now below the screen so I am not sure what made it do that but may the next time I charge it gets better and so on. I'll keep you guys posted after charging it today, I'll monitor what I do.
Blondasisko - I wouldn't really call it excellent, but it's sort of getting better than it was in the first 2 cycles. But how do I reduce additional awake time for other services? Moreover, you might've noticed I got till 1% to get this much time like really stretched it to get there.
Someguyfromhell - Already done, locations were off starting today.
Can anyone else comment on their daily routine of usage and the battery drainage ratio?
If I get 12 hours and 4hrs screen time I'm happy. I don't even play any games. Have a lot of accounts syncing lot of Internet and a bit on the calls, gps. I get on average 14 -16 hours
I have brightness on high. If you put it on auto it makes a big difference.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
alom5 said:
If I get 12 hours and 4hrs screen time I'm happy. I don't even play any games. Have a lot of accounts syncing lot of Internet and a bit on the calls, gps. I get on average 14 -16 hours
I have brightness on high. If you put it on auto it makes a big difference.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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I guess I should feel lucky, I have ZERO syncing, auto brightness, no live wallpapers or gimmicky stuff on, no gps, hardly 10mins or so on phone calls and prolly 30-60mins on messaging a day.
@all others - and the Android System is back on top - what could be the possible reasons for it?
I think its because of such minimal use that the system goes on top. The system still had to operate so when you have hardly used the phone then the system will go on top. Though with that usage you've stated you should get nearer 2 days really
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
alom5 said:
I think its because of such minimal use that the system goes on top. The system still had to operate so when you have hardly used the phone then the system will go on top. Though with that usage you've stated you should get nearer 2 days really
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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You're right probably, this is what I'd like to know as to what is running in the background that drains more battery? Exactly, at-least 1.5 days is what I should get with this usage. May be I should buy a new battery and see how it works.

