[Q] proximity sensor issue - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone know if there is a fix for the proximity sensor issue (screen goes black during calls when using the LINE app .
I have the Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 Model
Thanks in advance


[Q] Proximity sensor

How proximity sensor should work in X10?
Apparently mine doesn't work.
While I talk screen is not blank and I wondering how to enable or adjust proximity sensor to disable touch screen during conversation.
Any ideas?
edit: never mind, i found solution forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=736654

[Q] Unresponsive proximity sensor

Sometimes my proximity sensor goes unresponsive during calls.
Please help me resolve it
What' s your firmware?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App

Proximity sensor - in call

Proximity sensor not turning screen off while in call.
Tested it with an app and it seems to work. Anyone else having this problem?
Solution to this anyone?!

Galaxy A3 2016 proximity sensor

Hi, I have Galaxy A3 2016, I don't want to use power button for unlocking screen. so I'm using Gravity Screen app for unlocking screen. it uses proximity sensor. i want to learn that it will be problem always on proximity or it is not a problem.
no problem... keep using it or another market app like Auto Screen On

A40 proximity sensor problem

I have two a40 and i have problems with the proximity sensors
Whene i am calling the screen doesn't switch off.
I have installed the last update.
Could you help me?
