Thanks Guys! - Epic 4G General

Just wanted to thank all the developers in this section. I have installed the last ROM on my Epic. YOur hard work made this phone last longer than most. I pick up my Note 3 today. Hope to see some of you over there.


[Q] (ATTN:Devs RE: Hulu) not sure where to post

First and foremost I Praise be to the Devs on this site, you are gods to the android community
Second: I looked around the forum and I swear I didn't see a post about this so I apologize if it's a repost.
I was sitting in my house tonight and had a friend come over that I decided to root his evo for him and use the current Mikfroyo. So I get done with the root and rom and start going through things to make sure it was stable. long story short, I opened the Hulu app and it stated that it wasn't supported (ArGH!). I tried the same on my Evo that I rooted two weeks ago and it didn't work either (Loving the Rom BTW thank you for making it, donating when I get the cash)... anyway are any devs aware of this (I tried different versions as well and got the same)
Posted this here just to be safe, if this needs to be else where I hope someone will move it.
Thank you Devs for all that you do and I'm learning to create my own rom on here hopefully one day it will be good enough to post side by side with you guys

Thanks Guys

Well its been a nice long run, but my HD2 is no more, Ive got myself a Samsung Galaxy SII,
Just wanna say thank you to everyone on this section of the forum for all you help over the past 18 months its been a great ride.
Have fun all and keep possibly the greatest device ever alive.
Thanks again.
you'll be back


Hi there!
This thread was opened just to give a huge THANKS to all the devs that are keeping our "old" sgs as a top notch phone even today, about 18 months since its release. I must say that due to all your work with roms, kernels, themes, mods, tweaks etc. Im getting happier and happier every day to be an sgs owner. Im spending alot of time reading and flashing but I just can´t imagine all the time you guys spend on developing!
So to all the people like me, remember to thank and give credits to your developers. Without them, our phone wouldn´t be what it is today
So once again, @ALL DEVS, THANK YOU!
I'd like to give my thanks to the devs, too! Amazing job!
We shall use this thread to give you all thanks instead of cluttering up the development forum with unnecessary posts!

Everyone please take a moment to read.

Hi everyone,
I have just got myself a galaxy nexus so i just wanted to take a moment to so a huge thank you to EVERYONE here at XDA in the galaxy s forums.
You guys have made these last 2 years so much better than they would have been otherwise.
Thank you to all the Devs for their hard work and for keeping this 2 year old phone competing with the best.
Thanks to all the helpful users here as well. Its a great community here for the sgs and i think its unrivaled by any other device.
Anyways thanks again to everyone who helped me and for all the roms i have flashed over the years ( which is a hell of a lot ).
Bye guys and thank you.
not much point in answering this anyway, but...
wrong thread!

Thank-you Devs

Hello everyone, just wanted my first topic as a new xda member to be a positive one. I've been following xda for a number of years now, my first phone was a Samsung Galaxy. I bricked that phone and since then I've been following this amazing forum and have learned almost everything there is to know about making my phone exactly the way I want it to be. After many phones I'm now running the note 5 rom from arter on my Galaxy s 6. I've always stayed off the forum but I now have the knowledge to be able to contribute. I would first like to thank all the amazing devs for they long hours, dedication, hard work and putting up with the hundreds and thousands of unnecessary questions. Without you guys none of this would be possible.
Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk

