[Q] i9505 'NO SIM' error - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey Everybody,
First off I'll start with what phones/firmware etc etc I have so that I don't need to be constantly writing it in the post.
My phone: i9505 W/ custom firmware, custom kernal etc (basically the custom phone of all phones...I'm a flashaholic...) 100% unlocked BTW
My bosses phone: i9500 W/ Omega v10? It's the latest Omage but I'm not too sure as I don't hang around the i9500 forums.. His is also 100% unlocked.
The other day I did some researching and looked into the 'Boost Mobile with Telstra SIM'....Glitch? I guess you could call it that?
Well anyway, I finally went ahead and did it.
I went up to Telstra and picked up 3 blank SIM's, one for myself, one for my boss, and one for spare.
I ported my number to one of the blank SIM's and, when I went to turn my phone on it came up with 'NO SIM'. I found this quite strange so I took a nandroid and re-flashed my rom.
Same thing... 'NO SIM'. I tried a whole heap of different combos (kernals, modems, firmwares) but finally had enough, so I went and put the SIM in my bosses phone...Long and behold it worked first time.
This confused me a lot considering it appeared as if my phone couldn't even recognize the SIM.
So, I got back on live chat with Boost and activated the spare blank Telstra SIM, and ported my number to that.
3 hours later, I got 3G signal on my phone...I waited for about 10 minutes before getting all excited, and it stayed! It looked as if it had worked!
My cheers were a bit pre-mature however...About an hour after that I got the 'NO SIM' error again.
I went through the same steps, and was up till late trying to figure it out but I ended up having enough and just going to sleep.
In the morning I got into work and the boss said just try re-flashing stock firmware through ODIN. I had tried this last night so I'm not too sure why this would work, but anyway I tried, and I got signal!
After my pre-mature excitement yesterday I wasn't too sure this would stay working..But throughout the day I received calls, texts and browsed the web and it didn't let me down!
I then started driving home...The minute that I got home, I received the dreaded 'NO SIM' error again.
I went through the same steps as before (flashing modems, firmware custom roms etc etc etc) and it still didn't work.
So anyway, I got onto Boost chat and, three hours later they came to the conclusion of sending me a blank SIM...A Telstra blank SIM...
This SIM is now in the mail and should be here mid next week. But if it's anything like my previous two blank SIMS then it won't work.
So..I'd just like to know, has anyone here got any ideas that could help me? The only way out of this that I can see is buying an Optus $2 sim, porting my number to Optus, then buying a Boost $2 SIM and porting my number back..But this will be a little tedious and they may have issues considering the ammount of blank SIMS I have been through.
I'm willing to try any ideas that you guys throw at me, and any input would be muchly appreciated
Cheers guys/girls,
PS, I have looked at this thread but it appears that they didn't find a fix other then sending it away: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2197422


Updated post: Can't get my phone to work at all

I've got two main problems with my galaxy s.
1) Today at around 1pm I had to force close something (I don't even remember what it was. I had just woken up the phone and went to check my mail, so I assume Launcher pro or something). It kept prompting me to force close, so I just took out the battery and reboot it. The phone can no longer get passed the initial screen (before the S). I've tried to reset to factory defaults, and it still doesn't work. I assume I can re-flash (not home yet) - but I'm wondering what would cause this type of behavior. FYI - I've been running 2.2 JPH with Rombie's mod)
2) I get really bad reception. I constantly will have my phone go from no service to 3-4 bars while sitting in the same spot. I also have a problem in busy areas where I'll lose my connection completely (whereas other people with different phones seem to have no problem right beside me). Is there anything that could be causing these issues?
Side note: When I originally upgraded to 2.2 JPH I had efs issues for a while, and it took me a while to get it up and running. It's working now (phone and data) - I'm just worried there's some residual effects of a mildly corrupted efs or something.
Things have gotten worse and I really need some suggestions.
I've tried flashing about 5 different firmwares and I can't get the thing going.
The closest I've come is with the stock jh2 firmware. It boots and it goes to a black screen after the S logo. I know this has been brought up but I have not had success with solutions I've found in other threads. I've tried it with pit512 513 and 803. I've tried it with repartition checked and unchecked.
When I try a 2.2 rom (such as the latest jpk) and upon resetting in the recovery mode, I receive an SDCARD failed to mount error (although one time I also received a failed to load DBDATA error). It also won't let me format the sdcard in this screen as obviously it can't mount it.
The closest I've come to getting the sdcard working is on the jh2 firmware i can "load update.zip" from my firmware, and it seems to actually load - unfortunately that update.zip is completely useless (as it's just an unlocker update i believe) - and I can't change the update.zip as I can't access the sdcard.
Please help if you can!
I had the same problem. My phone was working fine and then it just turned off and froze. I resetted it a few times and it would go to the S logo and then the screen would go blank and the buttons would light up. Resetting it a few more times made it work once but then when i started it again the phone would go back to the same problem.
I tried a ton of rom on it and some worked (but my internal sd card wouldn't mount). The problem got progressively worse by it's self and my phone wouldn't even start now. I recently send it back to Bell to get it repaired and hopefully they don't ping me saying it was my fault for ****ing around, which I doubt they will find out at this point since the damn thing doesn't even turn on.
I researched this a fair bit (2 full nights) and found out that it had something to do with me flashing Jp3 and that set my internal sd card as read only somehow. It's a bug and if you google it a lot of people have had this problem but none had a working solution and everyone of them had to send it back for repair.
Edit: I am also Canadian with a bell phone.
If I end up sending it back to bell, will flashing back to something like JH2 help cover my tracks?
Any idea how long it takes? I can't really go without a phone for more than a couple days =/
fuffalo said:
If I end up sending it back to bell, will flashing back to something like JH2 help cover my tracks?
Any idea how long it takes? I can't really go without a phone for more than a couple days =/
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Honestly, it is a very frustrating process. They quote you a 2 - 6 week window and do not give you any hard time table and to top that off they don't have any loaner phones that are smart phones. The loaners cost $25 and $250 down.
I had to go out and find one from a friend and even then they wouldn't let me use a CDMA phone since i had a HSPA+ data plan and it some how ****s with their system. The only way you can use a phone on their network is using a HSPA+ phone if you need data. Luckily a friend had a HTC magic that was unlocked so I am using that now.
You can try to load up the default rom that ships with it and then send it in for repair.
Is the default rom JH2?
I believe it is this one I9000UGJH2
Alright so I can adb in to my phone when it's in recovery mode.
Does this help at all? Can i try anything from here?

Not Registered on Network?

I have an unlocked and rooted Samsung Galaxy phone.
Everything was working fine for a year.
Randomly, I lost connection today, and it says that it is not registered on the Network anymore. I tried taking the battery out and re starting the phone and taking out the Sim card, but no luck.
Any suggestions? If I were to install a new rom or the old one, do you think that would fix it?
I was thinking maybe its a problem with Fido, which is my provider, over a unpaid bill or something. I am not sure. Everything was working fine until like 9pm tonight, and then I lost connection.
Or do you think I have to use Odin to put it back to the original factory rom?
If I put it back to the original factory rom, would it become locked again?
This phone was very complicated to unlock, as when I tried the normal method to unlock it, it just gave me zeros.
I bought my phone originally off ebay about 8 months ago.
Everything worked fine pretty much up until tonight.
Do you think this means my phone is black listed? And I will have to change IMEI?
I am going to call my service provider here, but is unlocked, its a T-Mobile phone, but I am using Fido as a provider.
I got a vibrant t959 but some one updated it on i9000 rome by odin and unlocked as i9000. it unlocked but signal up and down always. now i updated it again on t959 original rom and rooted it, recovery and download mode came back again now its normal. but still signal problem. when check status typing *#7465625# it show all locks off position, but still have signal problem. pls any body help me if can.
I was just wondering if I reset everything back to stock/original, will I have to unlock the phone again?
Or will it stay unlocked?
Check your APN settings first try googling your carriers proper APN and make sure its set properly. If thats not it, try reflashing your rom make a backup first.. I'm not sure about having to reunlock your phone you'll have to search XDA. That is a curious problem. Hopefully its not a stolen phone if so they may have blocked the IMEI number the only way to tell is to call the carrier if your paying your bill hey should be willing to answer your question. I recommend buying phones from someone you know and not online.
The phone actually worked today.
I am living in a basement, and I guess one of the towers went down or the reception is just gone bad.
When I went outside 30 minutes later I was getting full signal and everything worked.
Then I went back in the basement, it went back to searching for signal and provider.
Very strange, as I always use to receive signal in the past.
This same thing happened to me last night. I bought my phone a year ago outright. I downloaded sgs unlock app and unlocked the phone. It has worked fine until last night. I have tried entering the unlock code again and it says network unlock sim unsuccessful. I went to the att store and got a new sim thinking maybe the sim card quit working and this did not help. Seems like this has happened to a few people last night. Can anyone help?

Flashed to Stock Rom, but now have "No Service"

Hello, First time poster, and quite frankly a noob at a lot of this. Here's my issue, i have a at&t Samsung Galaxy S4 that i recieved from a family member that was stuck in a serious boot loop. Only way i could get it to come back was to flash the stock firmware, which worked excellent....now my issue, it seems like about 98% of the time i have the "No Service" icon up top. I got the phone locked through at&t but have since unlocked it to use on Straight talk, as thats what i was originally advised to do by an at&t member (turns out I didnt even need to do this in the first place as ST is just using the at&t towers as a reseller). Unlocked phone, still no service. I had ST previously in a Galaxy S2 in my current location and service was superb, so i know its not a carrier issue. Is it possible that when i flashed stock rom, that i missed something? I checked around and it seems like my modem is updated to the latest setting. When i switched it to ST after about 30 minutes the signal popped up and it seems like as soon as it showed up, it was gone again. Since that point i've been able to make 1 call (I activated ST about 4 days ago) and that call was today, with only 1 bar of reception. Shortly after that call the signal dropped completely again. I am at a complete loss as to why it refuses to get any reception. I was thinking maybe the modem needs to be updated, but the wifi works perfect, and the reception seems to show up (just as 1 little bar) rarely. Anyone have any ideas?
Also, as a little side note, i have done a hard reset a few times and to no avail at fixing the issue. I assume since at certain times i do get the little "1 bar" connection that its not a hardware issue but a software issue thats withholding the phone from reaching potential reception. Any help would work wonders as i've paid the $60 for the BYOP Straight talk.
Which firmware did you flash as the latest firmware is 5.01 and there is no stock rom from att for this version.
Reynolds_____ said:
Hello, First time poster, and quite frankly a noob at a lot of this. Here's my issue, i have a at&t Samsung Galaxy S4 that i recieved from a family member that was stuck in a serious boot loop. Only way i could get it to come back was to flash the stock firmware, which worked excellent....now my issue, it seems like about 98% of the time i have the "No Service" icon up top. I got the phone locked through at&t but have since unlocked it to use on Straight talk, as thats what i was originally advised to do by an at&t member (turns out I didnt even need to do this in the first place as ST is just using the at&t towers as a reseller). Unlocked phone, still no service. I had ST previously in a Galaxy S2 in my current location and service was superb, so i know its not a carrier issue. Is it possible that when i flashed stock rom, that i missed something? I checked around and it seems like my modem is updated to the latest setting. When i switched it to ST after about 30 minutes the signal popped up and it seems like as soon as it showed up, it was gone again. Since that point i've been able to make 1 call (I activated ST about 4 days ago) and that call was today, with only 1 bar of reception. Shortly after that call the signal dropped completely again. I am at a complete loss as to why it refuses to get any reception. I was thinking maybe the modem needs to be updated, but the wifi works perfect, and the reception seems to show up (just as 1 little bar) rarely. Anyone have any ideas?
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If your wifi is working perfect, then modem is not your problem. I have never used Straighttalk but you mentioned that ST is using the AT&T towers so there might be a problem in your simcard registration. Call the ST customer service, tell them your problem and ask them to reprogram your simcard with your phone IMEI. See that would solve your problem.

Weirdest Issue regarding SIM card i've ever experienced, help please!

Hey xda techies and guru's, i need some major desperate help here...
This is going to be a long read, but its for the sake of understanding and what exactly is happening, I hope you read on and hopefully have an idea as to what's going on.
So i've been a Rogers customer for the past 7 years, i've been using the Galaxy S3 for 4 of those years using the same SIM card. Just recently, I decided to upgrade and purchased a Galaxy S5. I put my new sim card in the S5 and everything was working flawlessly for about 2 months and then one morning I was sending some texts out, and didn't receive any all day so i checked my texts and realized they did not send. I then tried to make a call and got a message stating "not registered on network". So being the troubleshooting/techy guy i think i am, i go to google and start trying every solution out there. I got so desperate at wanting to fix this issue i had eventually factory reset, and even stock rom flashed the phone...but nothing i tried or did seemed to fix this issue. I put my sim card back in my S3 and it seemed to work just fine, so I figured nothing was wrong with the sim card, it had to be the S5...so here i am out of solutions to try, i randomly grab my brothers sim card from his phone and put it in my S5, and to my surprise it worked! so i thought that maybe the sim card was actually at fault. so i go to my nearest rogers store and get a new sim card, low and behold it's fixed!!!
...a week later, my phone decides to repeat the same ordeal. "not registered on network", so i go back to rogers and get a new sim card again, seems like it fixed the issue once again. and then a week later, same thing happens yet again. at this point...my phone has a temporary fix, but is way to unreliable as i have no idea when this starts happening and can miss very important phone calls or texts. So now this happens again the other night, and i put the sim into my S3 for a couple hours, make some calls and then for the heck of it decide to try it in my S5 again, and it worked! but it worked for maybe 16 hours until repeating the same thing. so i pop it back into my S3 make some test calls, and put it back into my S5 and now it's working again...for how long, i have no idea...fact is it's unreliable and i hate always having to check my phone in paranoia that this may happen again.
what do you guys think is the problem here? Rogers is willing to help me get it serviced for free. but i feel like they won't find the issue with the time they are given with it...
desperate need of help/advice. thanks!

6P stopped receiving network service with AT&T

I've tried everything to get my phone to get network working again. I've re-flashed old and newer images, got a new sim, messed with the APN settings and I just can't get it to work since yesterday.
When it started, my phone was sitting on charge. It was working just fine before I had put it down for 30 minutes. Upon checking for any messages I saw it wasn't getting any service so I restarted the device and was greeted with the 7.1.2 july update installer. Waited for it to finish and once fully back onto the home screen for a few minutes service still never came back. Turned it off and on a few times and turned airplane mode on and off few times still never came back. Turned it off for the night till today when I started playing with it more, factory reset, flashed 6.0, 7.1.2 june, 7.1.2 july, O beta 3 and none of it was getting the network to work.
Went and got a new sim, guy at the store also tried a floor sim and none of them were working but both my old and new sim do work just fine in a backup phone. The 6P reads there is a sim in and it knows its AT&T, but it won't pick up signal at all.
Any help with this? There really isn't much on this topic, but I do see a sim card no installed issue which my phone knows there is a sim card in it.
that happened to a nexus 6p i bought from a guy off craigslist. at first it worked with tmobile and metro pcs then after a few weeks it stopped working but i had switched to cricket anyway and it worked on cricket but not on tmobile or metro, so then i checked imei and it was black listed,.... being that it was a BYOD it wasnt bound to any network so i was like why would it be blacklisted... didnt make sense but i stayed with cricket and to this day it works..
i42o said:
that happened to a nexus 6p i bought from a guy off craigslist. at first it worked with tmobile and metro pcs then after a few weeks it stopped working but i had switched to cricket anyway and it worked on cricket but not on tmobile or metro, so then i checked imei and it was black listed,.... being that it was a BYOD it wasnt bound to any network so i was like why would it be blacklisted... didnt make sense but i stayed with cricket and to this day it works..
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I just checked to see if it was blacklisted and its good. Google & Huawei won't service it due to it being out of warranty so rn its pretty much a dead phone for me. Is there is any tests I can run to see if the network radios are working or even turned on?
I had this exact same problem a few months ago with my other 6P. Thankfully it was right before my warranty ran out so i was able to get a replacement, but as far as I know, there isn't much you can do with it network wise.
@MadBullBunny could it maybe be the antenna inside? If you've tried other carrier Sims and flashed different radios what else I wonder. Since it's not working maybe worth a peak if your comfortable opening her up.
Exodusche said:
@MadBullBunny could it maybe be the antenna inside? If you've tried other carrier Sims and flashed different radios what else I wonder. Since it's not working maybe worth a peak if your comfortable opening her up.
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I really didn't want to go that far and I rather just dump it on craigslist for $250 if its just an issue with at&t. is there some sort of test to see if the antennas are working?
have you try resetting your network settings? this has happen to me right after a update and resetting the network settings fixed it for me. i'm on project fi.
boxcar8028 said:
have you try resetting your network settings? this has happen to me right after a update and resetting the network settings fixed it for me. i'm on project fi.
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Dude... Not trying to be rude, but really?
Anyway I've been waiting for a response back from google. Huawei pretty much told me tough luck since I didn't have warranty left on it. Told google that I was pretty much shoved out by them and argued that a phone not even 2 years old can't get serviced by a multi billion dollar company is pretty embarrassing. Supposedly its being routed up but I was told that a couple days ago when it was going to take 24-48 hours to get back. Right now I'm trying last ditch effort to drain the battery completely and stick it in some rice to possibly suck any possible moisture out that maybe my butt sweat caused. If this doesn't work I'm going to go to other service's stores and ask to try their sims in the phone out.
Fun tip: My phone is been running in boot mode for almost an hour after it turning off from android os for battery being dead. I've been doing random stuff in boot mode trying to make it die completely and it doesn't want too.
So being back and fourth with google for almost a week I was pretty much told tough luck buddy. It fathoms me that a company who created the android OS doesn't even have a service center or require its manufacturers to provide a service center for phones that aren't even more than 2 years old.
My nexus 6p is posted on craigslist and I've bought myself a s8+. so word of warning to you all who buy any google product or from them, just don't. If you have any issues you'll just get a run around. I've had to tell my issue to google at least 20 times and they still didn't care and kept trying to push me to hauwei when neither of them wanted to help.

