AOSP-Support: Will it be buggy due to LG? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi prospective LG G2 owners,
Many LG customers and I had very bad experience with the LG Optimus 2X concern to updates and driver support. Since I am a big fan of AOSP, I would be very interested to know how it looks this time or will look like.
The LG G2 has a highly modified Android and I like the holo design.
The question is, if cyanogenmod supports the device, will it get less problems due to the snapdragon 800 and qualcomm driver support? What about the camera and its image stabilizer?
I know it's a speculative question, so please no **** storm

LG releases some sources: not sure how much these affect building AOSP though. Plus I have to believe Qualcomm is better at releasing drivers than Nvidia.

wargreymon89 said:
LG releases some sources: not sure how much these affect building AOSP though. Plus I have to believe Qualcomm is better at releasing drivers than Nvidia.
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Good to see the AT&T version source code already up!

Considering that Nexus 5 will most probably be created based on G2, there should be less problems.
Just like how optimus g got stable releases of cm10.1 due to its hardware similarity with nexus 4, but still have some minor bugs.
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hikarugo said:
Considering that Nexus 5 will most probably be created based on G2, there should be less problems.
Just like how optimus g got stable releases of cm10.1 due to its hardware similarity with nexus 4, but still have some minor bugs.
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The official CM release for OG is not based on the N4 kernel. But you have a point that N4 helped getting stuff rolling (bootloader unlock first of all)


Optimus UI ported to Nexus 4?

Is this possible? I was thinking since the Optimus G is based on the same hardware, a ported rom might be possible. Any thoughts?
The question is: why? If you wanted that you could've just got an Optimus G
spitefulcheerio said:
The question is: why? If you wanted that you could've just got an Optimus G
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Not everyone has $600 to spend on a smart phone. If you can't answer the question, please don't respond. I'm simply asking just out of curiosity.
dsmboost said:
Is this possible? I was thinking since the Optimus G is based on the same hardware, a ported rom might be possible. Any thoughts?
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Nexus 4 is the same hardware with some variants of Optimus G, so it would be possible.
But software wise, LG Optimus G is still in 4.0.4, and people over there are actually porting Nexus 4 CM to Optimus G.
Porting LG Optimus G stock to Nexus 4 would mean having to settle with 4.0.4, not quite ideal. Making LG UI to work with 4.2.1 would be a major pain.
So... I think possible, but not likely that some devs will work on that (nor it should be done, people are more happy with AOSP/AOKP)
spitefulcheerio said:
The question is: why? If you wanted that you could've just got an Optimus G
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Optimus G is a lot more expensive. And having choices is good for every one. I do agree that AOSP is better, but I also believe in personal liberty.
Of course its possible, but I all depends on the dev if they want to try that project they will and they will share it. Most devs for nexus devices base there ROMs off aosp/stock android so don't expect it right away
Edit:safariking was working on this sort of thing you can contact him if you have a question If you look at the comments he said he will make an lg ui.
I simply asked "why" because even if its possible, without a good reason no dev will work on it!
Nexus 4 is the same hardware with some variants of Optimus G, so it would be possible.
But software wise, LG Optimus G is still in 4.0.4, and people over there are actually porting Nexus 4 CM to Optimus G.
Porting LG Optimus G stock to Nexus 4 would mean having to settle with 4.0.4, not quite ideal. Making LG UI to work with 4.2.1 would be a major pain.
So... I think possible, but not likely that some devs will work on that (nor it should be done, people are more happy with AOSP/AOKP)
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Well, I meant after LG released at least a 4.1 update. I wouldn't want to be stuck on ICS either.
spitefulcheerio said:
I simply asked "why" because even if its possible, without a good reason no dev will work on it!
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The Optimus UI has some nice features that AOSP doesn't have. And it would just be a nice alternative to the 10+ AOSP/AOKP roms that will eventually be available.
dsmboost said:
Well, I meant after LG released at least a 4.1 update. I wouldn't want to be stuck on ICS either.
The Optimus UI has some nice features that AOSP doesn't have. And it would just be a nice alternative to the 10+ AOSP/AOKP roms that will eventually be available.
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In France we cannot buy a Nexus 4 for the moment...
But when i will buy my Nexus 4 i will port LG Rom on our Nexus 4 (but only Jelly Bean, not ICS)

AOSP ROMs for G2

I'm trying to decide between the G2 and Note 3. Obviously both have their plus and minus points but what will sway it for me is the dev action with vanilla ROMs.
I know it's early days for the G2, and N3 isn't even out yet, but I'd like opinions on whether G2 is gonna get much love in this respect? Did the LG Optimus G Pro get much? Also any other factors preventing this, such as locked bootloaders, etc. I will be looking at getting the UK version.
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A super alpha (more proof of concept) cm10.1 just went up today.
Wow great news to hear there is a CM build for this already, even if it is a really buggy early alpha right now. It will get better.
I think that if the Nexus 5 is in fact what we have been seeing the past few days in the FCC papers then the G2 will also get some great AOSP love since the hardware itself is near identical, the physical form factor is what is changed.
setspeed said:
I'm trying to decide between the G2 and Note 3. Obviously both have their plus and minus points but what will sway it for me is the dev action with vanilla ROMs.
I know it's early days for the G2, and N3 isn't even out yet, but I'd like opinions on whether G2 is gonna get much love in this respect? Did the LG Optimus G Pro get much? Also any other factors preventing this, such as locked bootloaders, etc. I will be looking at getting the UK version.
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I don't have enough posts to post in that thread, but I'm on board with this effort. I'll gladly help with getting a fully function CM port running; doing so will also effectively complete the groundwork for a true Nexus-like vanilla AOSP build.
I'm a professional developer who works with desktop C++ and embedded linux, hacked on and rolled my own kernel drivers, etc. My plan is to make this my weekend project and hammer out ABI/proprietary binary issues to get a build of either CM or AOSP fully functional. Odds are good that the release of the N5 will make this process substantially easier as it will share a very similar hardware platform and include binaries linked against the latest kernels for KitKat.
I am excite.
I had been running Carbon ROM on my GNex and loved the AOSPness of it, but have to admit, I kinda enjoy some of the LG stuff. Would love LG + AOSP rom including things like tap-tap and the camera (although I miss Photosphere)
friguy3 said:
I had been running Carbon ROM on my GNex and loved the AOSPness of it, but have to admit, I kinda enjoy some of the LG stuff. Would love LG + AOSP rom including things like tap-tap and the camera (although I miss Photosphere)
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Man, I would love some AOSP ROMs for this phone. I agree that the knock-knock on/off is a nice feature, but I need vanilla Android. This LG skin is just too much for me!
Bring on the AOSP guys!
romeyjdogg said:
Man, I would love some AOSP ROMs for this phone. I agree that the knock-knock on/off is a nice feature, but I need vanilla Android. This LG skin is just too much for me!
Bring on the AOSP guys!
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You just have to wait patiently. Barely 2 weeks ago CM10.2 went up for the G Pro finally, and since then, you simply have to look in the Original Devleopment forum to see what has happened. Literally, a dozen AOSP 4.2 and 4.3 ROMs popped up, all perfectly functional.
Just wait and contribute all you can and we'll all see AOSP soon.
I'm really looking into the g2 being my next device. However..... If it can't have a fully functional PACman ROM ported over, I'm out then.
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I will have to learn to progam now lol
randyspants said:
A super alpha (more proof of concept) cm10.1 just went up today.
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Where? I would download it just to play around lol.

Nexus 5 ROM on G2?

Does anybody know if it is possible to flash Nexus 5 ROMs on the G2? I am considering them both but the G2 32 GB costs the same as Nexus 5 16 GB in Norway.
Mkvarner said:
Does anybody know if it is possible to flash Nexus 5 ROMs on the G2? I am considering them both but the G2 32 GB costs the same as Nexus 5 16 GB in Norway.
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Yestou canflash, just make backup 1st
(= BeanStalk LGG2 =)
moonjak said:
Yestou canflash, just make backup 1st
(= BeanStalk LGG2 =)
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You can't just flash another device's ROM, it is specific to your model.
That being said, expect to see a stock KitKat ROM for the G2 fairly soon.
Strange that the Nexus is so expensive there, the G2 is a clearly superior phone from a hardware perspective, so I'd get the G2 for sure.
monkeyhatchet said:
You can't just flash another device's ROM, it is specific to your model.
That being said, expect to see a stock KitKat ROM for the G2 fairly soon.
Strange that the Nexus is so expensive there, the G2 is a clearly superior phone from a hardware perspective, so I'd get the G2 for sure.
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In sweden it will launch at 699$.
Happy, i choose the g2 a few weeks ago
moonjak said:
Yestou canflash, just make backup 1st
(= BeanStalk LGG2 =)
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the day will come this is possible,same rom on different hardwares. However not yet so dont advice stuff you dont know about...
Sent from my LG-D802
monkeyhatchet said:
You can't just flash another device's ROM, it is specific to your model.
That being said, expect to see a stock KitKat ROM for the G2 fairly soon.
Strange that the Nexus is so expensive there, the G2 is a clearly superior phone from a hardware perspective, so I'd get the G2 for sure.
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The reason I asked is because of this thread, would something like this be possible on the G2?
I think I'll go with the G2 because of the larger battery and the fact that I won't feel robbed because I'm buying an overpriced Nexus 5. But I also want the Nexus 5 because it's an Nexus...
Mkvarner said:
The reason I asked is because of this thread, would something like this be possible on the G2?
I think I'll go with the G2 because of the larger battery and the fact that I won't feel robbed because I'm buying an overpriced Nexus 5. But I also want the Nexus 5 because it's an Nexus...
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Its simple, the G2 is highly likely to get kitkat roms very soon. So no debate in my opinion unless you lrefer the design of the nexus.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
He is asking this because he likes hardware of G2 and UI of nexus, so even when G2 will get Kit Kat, it will still be skinned and nothing different.
The ideal thing is for LG to release optional Google edition Nexus Rom for G2
Second ideal thing is, someone port Nexus Kit Kat for G2.
But this time, i don't find any reason to root, or change rom around of my G2, if things Ok with my phone, i know by saying that i don't belong to here, but, changing ROM was fine for me when i had Xperia x10 Mini and i had to install Android Jelly bean on it. Why not? for look and feel? i prefer dark menu over white menu or settings for G2.
Nexus 5 Launcher is good for it, but is it better than Nova? when Nova can mimic Nexus 5 launcher by increasing icon size to 120%.
barondebxl said:
Its simple, the G2 is highly likely to get kitkat roms very soon. So no debate in my opinion unless you lrefer the design of the nexus.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
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Just curious...why do you think this? I'm not saying the opposite, just I'm not aware of any evidence supporting what you say.
I also came from a GNex recently and I'm a bit let down by the slow/minimal development for this device. Even now, there are only a handful of 4.3 roms available, and these are mostly unofficial ports. Thankfully my beloved SlimBean is one of them and it works great on my d801.
However my only experience with a smartphone was the GNex and I guess it spoiled me re: dev activity. Do we simply need to wait for more 4.3 and 4.4 roms to come? When will the official releases arrive, like AOKP that has been rumored for quite a while now?
I was hoping that since the G2 was essentially a Nexus 5 that there would be portability between ROMs. I guess it's still early in the game and we should see what unfolds over the coming weeks.
jackbane said:
Just curious...why do you think this? I'm not saying the opposite, just I'm not aware of any evidence supporting what you say.
I also came from a GNex recently and I'm a bit let down by the slow/minimal development for this device. Even now, there are only a handful of 4.3 roms available, and these are mostly unofficial ports. Thankfully my beloved SlimBean is one of them and it works great on my d801.
However my only experience with a smartphone was the GNex and I guess it spoiled me re: dev activity. Do we simply need to wait for more 4.3 and 4.4 roms to come? When will the official releases arrive, like AOKP that has been rumored for quite a while now?
I was hoping that since the G2 was essentially a Nexus 5 that there would be portability between ROMs. I guess it's still early in the game and we should see what unfolds over the coming weeks.
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Highly likely because its the same manufacturer and both phone share pretty much the same identical hardware.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Nexus 5 firmware on lg g2 verizon?
barondebxl said:
Highly likely because its the same manufacturer and both phone share pretty much the same identical hardware.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Has anyone tried this or accomplished this? I am really interested in seeing if it works.
I don't think it would be possible nexus 5 has an unlockable boot loader unless your wanting to go with Verizon the nexus 5 is the device to buy because of it coming with stock android and not having to void your warranty to get stock android
Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
That sux. :/ thanks for the reply. I guess back to CyanogenMod.
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app

will G2 get custom 4.4 based roms?

right now I'm still torn between G2 and Nexus 5, while G2 clearly has a rather superior hardware I've been spoiled with the look from pure 4.4 experience also unfortunately the Nexus isn't available yet on my country.
but from what I've seen there is no 4.4 based rom for G2 too, the question is, will it happen? specifically though I really want the kitkat version of Paranoid Android, will it come to G2? or is it actually more sure will come faster to Nexus 5?
It will eventually. But no manufacturers will gets it as fast nexus devices. If on time updates and rom is your main concern then your choice is limited.
-LG G2
I'm torn about this too, interested in the G2's battery life but only if I can get AOSP very smoothly and with no fuss. I wonder how stable CM11 nightlies will be for the first few months.
xdp said:
I'm torn about this too, interested in the G2's battery life but only if I can get AOSP very smoothly and with no fuss. I wonder how stable CM11 nightlies will be for the first few months.
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yeah, gsmarena battery test on nexus 5 kill my enthusiasm with it, however if it still a looong way for G2 to get 4.4 based rom then I'll just get nexus.
I know that everyone says that Nexus devices get updates the soonest, and while that's completely true and valid, to me it doesn't feel that way. I usually wait for CM or AOKP to put out stable builds before I upgrade, and by then they've built for every device and my neighbor's cat. Heck, it's been two weeks since 4.4 came out, and so far the Nexus 5 and the Nexus 7 officially have it, while in the mod community, CM11 is already out for other devices in a useable form. So, certainly official support for Nexus devices is quickest, but practically all the devices in the mod community get updates pretty quick.
That being said, the Nexus 4 has no official 4.4, but we on LG G2 are going to get CM11 very soon.
is this phone really get the support for at least 2 years from LG or they will just leave G2 behind with only one/ two update provided like what they did on their flagship phone in the past like LG Optimus 2x
I'm pretty sure we'll get a working PA 4.0 (KitKat 4.4) pretty soon. Houston already has his version of PA 3.99 up and running for us and he was just made a member of the PA Team the other day. It's just a matter of time, guys, be patient. . Houston kicks ass, too!
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Jank4AU said:
I'm pretty sure we'll get a working PA 4.0 (KitKat 4.4) pretty soon. Houston already has his version of PA 3.99 up and running for us and he was just made a member of the PA Team the other day. It's just a matter of time, guys, be patient. . Houston kicks ass, too!
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
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so do you think it's better to buy G2 than Nexus 5?
Problem for Canadians is there's almost no support at all for D803s. Huge drawback of so many variants of G2.
stickmage said:
Problem for Canadians is there's almost no support at all for D803s. Huge drawback of so many variants of G2.
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It's so true. I'm disheartened by the lack of availability for the d803, however don't posses the skills to do something about it. I've started down the long road of trying to learn for myself so I'm not just one of those people that sit idly by and complain... but like I said it's a long road and it feels like I'll probably own a G4 by the time if figure out how to bring ROMs over to the G2 lol
I was obsessing over getting the nexus 5 for as long as it was leaked it was coming out. Once it was confirmed it wasn't coming to Verizon I thought I would settle for the G2. Let me tell you that now I have had it for 2 weeks and tried every ROM out there so far. I can happily say I didn't settle at all. Great phone. Came from gnex. Roms are coming out. Not at nexus speed but they are out there. Waiting for pa 4.0 but I am rocking a ROM from the droid Razer forum not xda called vallidus by GZ ROMs. Lots of functions. Everything you could want. Build is 4.3.1 base. Absolutely stable.
Sent from my LG-VS980 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
nap007 said:
so do you think it's better to buy G2 than Nexus 5?
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Seeing how they are so similar again, like N4 and LGOG were, I would buy the G2 for its added battery size alone. Also, Houston has the Canadian version and is currently hard at work on PA 4.0. Just be patient. :beer::thumbup:
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
Jank4AU said:
Seeing how they are so similar again, like N4 and LGOG were, I would buy the G2 for its added battery size alone. Also, Houston has the Canadian version and is currently hard at work on PA 4.0. Just be patient. :beer::thumbup:
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
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will it work on the international version of G2?
Hosers, eh?
Well, my take is that the Nexus is so similar to the G2 that we can't help but get lots of dev support (ie, so many of us who didn't want to wait for the Nexus and/or changed our minds at the last minute the same way a Chevy dealer puts a Corvette in the showroom to sell you a Malibu). We might not see as much as the G4 or the One, but Chrysler still sells a ton of cars even though they are not Ford or GM. I came from a Skyrocket which was just different enough from the S2 not to use the same roms, but close enough that it still has (unofficial) CM/PA/AOKP/PacMan support plus half a dozen hobbyist roms two years out.
Will we get "Official LG" Android 4.5 six minutes after the Nexus? No. Will I be stripping the factory rom and bloat off my phone the instant I get home from vacay (and off this stupid mac) and NEVER looking back? Absolutely.
And to the 803 guys and gals, I make no claims to be an expert by any means, but from the little reading I have done so far, the main difference between the models seems to be in the bootloader not the rom, so if that's the case you're bound to have someone up there willing to compile CM or whathaveyou for the 803... it just might not be "official."
nap007 said:
so do you think it's better to buy G2 than Nexus 5?
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I'd say yes so you can have the best of both worlds. Not just a phone with only AOSP based roms.
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
Honestly I bought the g2 with the intention of throwing vanilla on there the moment I got it. I wound up digging the stock ROM more than AOSP. Some awesome features and optimisation and 4.4 next month!
Sent from my LG-D801 using xda app-developers app
ChattyMatty said:
I came from a Skyrocket which was just different enough from the S2 not to use the same roms, but close enough that it still has (unofficial) CM/PA/AOKP/PacMan support plus half a dozen hobbyist roms two years out.
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*off topic* CM and PAC are both official for the rocket, so is Carbon and Slim Bean. That community is awesome and I still find myself visiting it daily. Team chopsticks already have a pretty stable alpha 2 version of cm11 up for the ol' 727 and, you're right, there are a ton of hobbyists in that community that have brought just about every rom you could want.
I'm just worried about getting myself into a situation where AOSP ROMs aren't working out or have problems. What's the main diff between T-Mobile (D801), AT&T (D800), and international (D802)? Does international work on US LTE? Does the Loki patch and CM 10.2 absolutely work on the T-Mobile version?
People.. Quit worrying it will happen
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
lg g2 has better hardware, to quote someone changes, hardware if forever

about to buy the G2 D802 a question about CM support

Hi im going to buy the G2 D802 very soon and coming from a nexus 4 I really love the AOSP feel
my question is if there are major problems with CM support for this device as it using the almost the same hardware as the nexus 5
GalaxyGusta said:
Hi im going to buy the G2 D802 very soon and coming from a nexus 4 I really love the AOSP feel
my question is if there are major problems with CM support for this device as it using the almost the same hardware as the nexus 5
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CM11 works - but is buggy. Why don't you look through the obvious place - the CM thread in Original Development?
The G2 has been abandoned by the maintainer, it seems.
