Bottom screen not responding well - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I have this weird issue. The very bottom of my screen does not respond well! At first I thought it was a bug with the navigation bar, tried several roms and tried PIE controls until I figured that there is something wrong. I have the navbar now set at 48 dpi and I have to press at middle of it to work, where the very bottom is dead. I activated 360 rotation so that my statusbar now is at the bottom of the screen instead of navbar and it does not respond at all! Anyone can explain ?
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Anyone please ?
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Ensifolk said:
Anyone please ?
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I think you should try a clean flash.. I never had such problem... about you
From when this problem has been started? please share more information so that we can help you..

Rohit02 said:
I think you should try a clean flash.. I never had such problem... about you
From when this problem has been started? please share more information so that we can help you..
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I have Tried like lots of different roms with clean fresh installation and the problem is still there ! I think its a hardware problem. For ezample right now if I set my navbar to 32 dpi it wont respond at all because the bottom of my screen have lost the touch sensitivity. I have droppes my phone several times, could that be it ? I cant really remember when I exactly started noticing the issue...but just few days ago...I have tried PIE and same **** :s I have to set the trigger area to max for it to respond...and yes im talking about experiments after a clean install before installing ANY third party app
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Ensifolk said:
I have Tried like lots of different roms with clean fresh installation and the problem is still there ! I think its a hardware problem. For ezample right now if I set my navbar to 32 dpi it wont respond at all because the bottom of my screen have lost the touch sensitivity. I have droppes my phone several times, could that be it ? I cant really remember when I exactly started noticing the issue...but just few days ago...I have tried PIE and same **** :s I have to set the trigger area to max for it to respond...and yes im talking about experiments after a clean install before installing ANY third party app
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okays... Now I think it surely a hardware problem,as you said you havr also dropped your phone several times.. All the best goto the service centre for the repair.. dont tell them that you have dropped your phone else they will charge you badly even if you are under warranty.. You are welcome..

Rohit02 said:
okays... Now I think it surely a hardware problem,as you said you havr also dropped your phone several times.. All the best goto the service centre for the repair.. dont tell them that you have dropped your phone else they will charge you badly even if you are under warranty.. You are welcome..
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Think Im gonna give no damn about it and of course buy the nexus 5, which I would have done either way..but im surprised how can a touchscreen lose a part of its sensitivity somewhere on the screen ?
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If you look closely at your screen at an angle with the screen off you will be able to see the digitizer matrix that is fused to the screen.
It is a series of squares.
Each of them squares has 3 horizontal lines and one vertical.
Behind the bezel there will be the circuitry that connects every horizontal and vertical line
If say for instance after one of your phone drops it has damaged one of the connectors at the side, you will lose the entire row of touch detection. Which is probably what has happened
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Ensifolk said:
Think Im gonna give no damn about it and of course buy the nexus 5, which I would have done either way..but im surprised how can a touchscreen lose a part of its sensitivity somewhere on the screen ?
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Alex240188 said:
If you look closely at your screen at an angle with the screen off you will be able to see the digitizer matrix that is fused to the screen.
It is a series of squares.
Each of them squares has 3 horizontal lines and one vertical.
Behind the bezel there will be the circuitry that connects every horizontal and vertical line
If say for instance after one of your phone drops it has damaged one of the connectors at the side, you will lose the entire row of touch detection. Which is probably what has happened
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Alex is right i had this happen to my moto defy. I'd say get it done under warrnty no matter if youre keeping or selling. Improve your resale value and protect you from having the entire digitizer die on you


Stuck/dead pixel!

My brand new pad has a pixel that won't show green...running one of the apps that says it fixes that... If it doesn't work, i'm going to see if I can get a replacement.
Just a warning to everyone. Be on the lookout.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
I've got a dead pixel as well. Near the top left. Doesn't really bother me that much, so I don't really care. Surely one teeny little pixel doesn't warrant you returning it ...?
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Jarm3r said:
I've got a dead pixel as well. Near the top left. Doesn't really bother me that much, so I don't really care. Surely one teeny little pixel doesn't warrant you returning it ...?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app
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I used to think that. But if its been like, 3 Weeks and there's already one dead pixel... What does that say for the possibilities?
Just called Asus - he tried to get me to do a wipe.
Are you kidding me? wipe all my data? Asus - get rid of the spiel, its junk. Get ppl who know whats up on the phones ugh
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
My first pad had a dead pixel. I found it the second day and returned it as soon as I could. It was kind of in the middle of the screen, and I could see it every time I viewed a white web page. Needless to say, it bothered the heck out of me and had to be returned.
i went through 4 tabs until i got one that was fine display wise. first one had a cluster of discolored pixels, like someone pressed their thumb hard on the screen and damaged the area. the other two each had a couple grains of what looked like sand under the glass. All of these were around the same area on the tab, mid-lower left area of the screen.
Mines mid high right...
I'm worried about an attempted unlocking... I tried to unlock my tab before they fixed the c4okt issues, and im wondering if it might've sent them a file about that... Also wondering if unlocking will void it for a screen issue.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
Dead and stuck pixels are far from unique to Asus. There is a difference by the way, a stuck pixel is one that is, well stuck displaying one color, these can sometimes be fixed by programs like you are running and/or gently massaging the area with a pencil eraser or something similar, dead pixels don't display any color and are rarely able to be fixed.
californiarailroader said:
Dead and stuck pixels are far from unique to Asus. There is a difference by the way, a stuck pixel is one that is, well stuck displaying one color, these can sometimes be fixed by programs like you are running and/or gently massaging the area with a pencil eraser or something similar, dead pixels don't display any color and are rarely able to be fixed.
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However, mine is stuck playing not green. every other color works
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
As Kermit the Frog used to say It ain't easy being green
Lol... Honestly that made my morning
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
My dead pixel I guess just happens to be in a place where I rarely notice it. I tried one of those dead pixel detect and fix apps but it didn't fix anything.
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Jarm3r said:
My dead pixel I guess just happens to be in a place where I rarely notice it. I tried one of those dead pixel detect and fix apps but it didn't fix anything.
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There is one other thing you can try, VERY gently massage the dead pixel with a something like a pencil eraser, that will sometimes get it working.
californiarailroader said:
There is one other thing you can try, VERY gently massage the dead pixel with a something like a pencil eraser, that will sometimes get it working.
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Don't see how this helps since its covered by a sheet of glass?
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new ion? said:
Don't see how this helps since its covered by a sheet of glass?
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californiarailroader said:
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That's fine and all... but there's a much thicker layer of glass over a capacitive screen than there is over a resistive touch screen... or just a LCD monitor.
Unless I'm missing something here, this advice does not apply anymore.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
new ion? said:
That's fine and all... but there's a much thicker layer of glass over a capacitive screen than there is over a resistive touch screen... or just a LCD monitor.
Unless I'm missing something here, this advice does not apply anymore.
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The screen will still flex. I am not sure whether it would work or not on these devices, I just put that out there hoping it might help.
californiarailroader said:
The screen will still flex. I am not sure whether it would work or not on these devices, I just put that out there hoping it might help.
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Well thank you. I will give it a go.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
Don't feel too bad. I just made the mistake of looking at an all black screen on my Acer a510.
NINE stuck pixels!
One little cluster made a shape exactly like the big dipper. Very artistic, with pretty multicolored stuck-pixel stars.
Needless to say I wasn't thrilled. So much for quality control. Sounds like Asus at least isn't this bad.

[ISSUES] Nexus 4 screen flicker

Is anyone else having the screen flicker on their nexus 4?
I've caught my screen flicker a few times when opening apps or closing them
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tdtylert said:
I've caught my screen flicker a few times when opening apps or closing them
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yep same here I dont know if its a defect or 4.2.......I tried multiple roms but still same flicker.
and the list continues...
snavid972 said:
yep same here I dont know if its a defect or 4.2.......I tried multiple roms but still same flicker.
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Hopefully its just software related
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I've never noticed my screen "flicker"; does it flash off and on again or what?
Yeah, please clarify what a flicker is... if it only happened a couple times then it probably is related to the apps or maybe a couple things going on at once.
If it is not a constant, consistent problem and had only happened a couple times then perhaps it isn't a problem at all.
sent via xda premium with nexus 7 while waiting for my back ordered Nexus 4!
Richieboy67 said:
Yeah, please clarify what a flicker is... if it only happened a couple times then it probably is related to the apps or maybe a couple things going on at once.
If it is not a constant, consistent problem and had only happened a couple times then perhaps it isn't a problem at all.
sent via xda premium with nexus 7 while waiting for my back ordered Nexus 4!
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think of a ceiling fluoresent light flickering. It does happend alot and its not app related as it happens at the home screen too.
snavid972 said:
think of a ceiling fluoresent light flickering. It does happend alot and its not app related as it happens at the home screen too.
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I've never seen my phone do that. I don't do a lot of gaming or anything real intensive though.
feedtheducks said:
and the list continues...
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thats a OS issue (fixable). Not like the other hardware issues.
please stop trying to mislead people and hype the problem. thanks
I get the flicker but it's definitely app related.
When using Google music app and going to lock screen, the " widget" sort of flickers and stretches throughout the lock screen
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My screen flickered for a good 5 minutes and even a reboot didn't fix it. I think it's hardware related because if it was software a reboot would have fixed it. Could have been a driver glitch too but I'm pretty sure a reboot would've fixed it. My flickered a lot though saw a bunch of vertical lines and discoloration. Idk if that's what you're talking about.
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MattSkeet said:
I get the flicker but it's definitely app related.
When using Google music app and going to lock screen, the " widget" sort of flickers and stretches throughout the lock screen
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I use Google Music a lot and I've never seen that. I just tried to replicate it and other than the usual CRT off animation I didn't see anything that I would construe as a flicker or flash.
If you hold your device in front of you with the screen on and look beyond it (i.e. over it's shoulder per say) you can see flicker. Works best in a dark room.
No big deal, but it's there.
I think its a big deal spend your money for a working product..these issues need to be addressed..I thought I could trust LG again but dont think I can anymore
MattSkeet said:
I get the flicker but it's definitely app related.
When using Google music app and going to lock screen, the " widget" sort of flickers and stretches throughout the lock screen
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I too have this issue periodically. I have had it happen with Google Music and with Pocket Casts.
thats a OS issue (fixable). Not like the other hardware issues.
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Is this a known OS issue, or are you just saying it might be?
ericshmerick said:
If you hold your device in front of you with the screen on and look beyond it (i.e. over it's shoulder per say) you can see flicker. Works best in a dark room.
No big deal, but it's there.
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This sounds like a refresh rate issue, which would be hardware, yes?
ericshmerick said:
If you hold your device in front of you with the screen on and look beyond it (i.e. over it's shoulder per say) you can see flicker. Works best in a dark room.
No big deal, but it's there.
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Sounds like one of those magic eye pictures. If you squint at your screen while holding it at a 45-degree angle in a dark room with brightness turned all the way down and jog in place...
I'm not sure how to replicate it based on what you said, but I still don't see any screen flicker.
snavid972 said:
Is anyone else having the screen flicker on their nexus 4?
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Mine started flickering like mad today for the first time. I rebooted, but that didn't fix it. I started up a benchmark app and the flickering stopped after the graphics benchmarks ran. I had to RMA my first Nexus 7 with screen issues too, so I'm hoping this is just a software issue
I don't have this issue at all.

[Solved] Backlight Screen Problem

I have a backlight problem with my HTC EVO Shift. The backlight has stopped working consistently. I believe it has something to do with the cable in between the slider part. When my phone is completely shut, the backlight is not working. When my phone is completely open (keyboard exposed) the backlight is not working. when my phone is in the halfway position (keyboard partly exposed) the backlight illuminates the screen and I am able to use the phone. It is very difficult to continue to use the mobile device in the halfway point. I have another mobile device on the way but I will need to see the screen in order to get the rest of my data off, or at least make a nandroid backup and go from there.
If it is not the cable then can someone point me in the right direction. If it is the cable/screen could someone tell me where to get a replacement. I am capable of doing repairs. I would rather not if it is avoidable.
thank you xda community.
Re: Backlight Screen Problem
Main flex cable could be your issue. Grab the part from eBay
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Re: Backlight Screen Problem
I have one on the way. Thank you. Funny thing. When i took it apart the cable itself looked okay. I guess there may be damage within i cannot see. I do use the keyboard ALOT.
Thanks again
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Re: Backlight Screen Problem
humbleheadbanger said:
I have one on the way. Thank you. Funny thing. When i took it apart the cable itself looked okay. I guess there may be damage within i cannot see. I do use the keyboard ALOT.
Thanks again
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It could be a tear a fold a crease anything really man. Like mine is bad and only copper showing and its useless to me and has been for a while
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Re: Backlight Screen Problem
Right now i do not have my photon q registered so i need my evo shift in the interim. I wish i could let it go, but i need it right now. I cannot even forward my calls . 2-3 more days and i should be back in business.
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Re: Backlight Screen Problem
I would like to mark this solved and add a thanks. Is it possible?
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Re: Backlight Screen Problem
humbleheadbanger said:
I would like to mark this solved and add a thanks. Is it possible?
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If you're using the xda app, just add "solved" in the subject line. You may need to scroll up to see it...
Re: Backlight Screen Problem
humbleheadbanger said:
I would like to mark this solved and add a thanks. Is it possible?
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If you edit your first post, the best way is to just add "[SOLVED]" to the beginning of your thread title
To give thanks, from the app either tap on the persons post and then hit the thanks popup, or on the computer theres a Thanks button under their name

[Q] Dark line on my screen.

One thing that annoying me on my nexus 4. You can see on the left of my screen, straight dark line from top to bottom. I haven't drop my nexus before. It appeared on dark colours especially grey colours. For your info its start to appeared when 10 minutes screen on after about 20 minutes screen off. Is it normal? Anyone here have the same problem?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium on AOSPA3+
Holy damn. I was just about to make a thread. But mine can't be screenshot. Its seen just like you said and I can flick the different home screens and it stays in the left I've flashed back to stock and still there. Been a week. It got less noticeable when used less. I'm wondering if its because I'm near a big subwoofer in my living room. I know TV used to do this like a bleed line. Have you heard any data yet??? I will send mine back. Please let me know...
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Droid2drummer said:
Holy damn. I was just about to make a thread. But mine can't be screenshot. Its seen just like you said and I can flick the different home screens and it stays in the left I've flashed back to stock and still there. Been a week. It got less noticeable when used less. I'm wondering if its because I'm near a big subwoofer in my living room. I know TV used to do this like a bleed line. Have you heard any data yet??? I will send mine back. Please let me know...
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I dont know what have caused this until now..can you attach picture here? I'm use other phone to take picture..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium on AOSPA3+
i have used lcd test to test this issue but it doesn't appear on my phone
Mine is the same
meangreenie said:
Mine is the same
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can you attach picture? for your info it start happened when I'm using franco kernel..maybe related to voltages drop? how about you?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium on AOSPA3+
same here. Just noticed having it after 4 months.. I don't think it's always been there though.. its pretty recent I guess.. don't know what happened though cause I didn't drop it or anything
bellasahbella said:
same here. Just noticed having it after 4 months.. I don't think it's always been there though.. its pretty recent I guess.. don't know what happened though cause I didn't drop it or anything
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it happened to me for a month always been there..will claim for warranty soon from LG service center in my country..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium on AOSPA3+

Need help... Navigation Buttons don't work

Earlier this morning my phones navigation was working properly... Got home to update to 4.4.3 and my Navs stopped working. I'm completely stock btw. Reverted back to 4.4.2 and still the same issue. Just reverted back to 4.3 and nothing. Don't know what else to do =\
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Crap lol posted this in general... Mods please move to Q&A
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Someone made a video and they explained they had the same issue. Does it register any kind of touch in like full screen games?
Edit:Wait are you using a n5?
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mymeatb18 said:
Someone made a video and they explained they had the same issue. Does it register any kind of touch in like full screen games?
Edit:Wait are you using a n5?
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No lol he's just replying with his Nexus 5.
mymeatb18 said:
Someone made a video and they explained they had the same issue. Does it register any kind of touch in like full screen games?
Edit:Wait are you using a n5?
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Haven't tried games but I don't think it matters since I've flashed as back as Jelly bean lol
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iGoogleNexus said:
Earlier this morning my phones navigation was working properly... Got home to update to 4.4.3 and my Navs stopped working. I'm completely stock btw. Reverted back to 4.4.2 and still the same issue. Just reverted back to 4.3 and nothing. Don't know what else to do =\
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Try this:
1. Go to Settings > About Phone > Android version 4.4.3 and tap on this several times until easter egg appears; this will hide your navigation bar
2. Then swipe from the bottom and see if the navigation bar is working
Report back!
hell-zerg said:
Try this:
1. Go to Settings > About Phone > Android version 4.4.3 and tap on this several times until easter egg appears; this will hide your navigation bar
2. Then swipe from the bottom and see if the navigation bar is working
Report back!
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Smart attempt!
But nothing... I pressed on the tiles where the Nav sits and the tiles move to my touch... But swiping from there doesn't bring the nav back... Swiping from the top does =\
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iGoogleNexus said:
Smart attempt!
But nothing... I pressed on the tiles where the Nav sits and the tiles move to my touch... But swiping from there doesn't bring the nav back... Swiping from the top does =\
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I don't know dude...
hell-zerg said:
I don't know dude...
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Let's hope someone does. But thank you man ... You've been a great help. Need more people like you in these forums... Lol some are just plain *****
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
iGoogleNexus said:
Let's hope someone does. But thank you man ... You've been a great help. Need more people like you in these forums... Lol some are just plain *****
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Sounds ridiculous but I'd try flashing 4.2.2 factory image too. You never know..
I dirty flashed 4.4.3 flashable zip file from N5 port ROM and I faced similar issue, no nav bar and no status bar like immersive mode.
I retried with wipe data/factory reset, clean cache and dalvik cache solved the issue.
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Digitizer issue, my friend. I hate to break it to you, but unless you can afford to spend on a new display unit, you will have a tough time using this phone. I have the same issue, and the best cost estimate I can get for the replacement is INR 5500 (around USD 100).
This is what happens when the digitizer and front glass are fused The whole damn unit has to be replaced even though the glass is totally intact. :FML:
kittuboy said:
Digitizer issue, my friend. I hate to break it to you, but unless you can afford to spend on a new display unit, you will have a tough time using this phone. I have the same issue, and the best cost estimate I can get for the replacement is INR 5500 (around USD 100).
This is what happens when the digitizer and front glass are fused The whole damn unit has to be replaced even though the glass is totally intact. :FML:
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Its kinda weird though because I went into the Easter egg and started playing with the tiles where the Nav sits... Worked just fine. They moved to my touch. =\
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Funny you should say that. My phone navbar seems to have started working fine too. Boy, this is strange!
(I'm serious. The navbar was totally unresponsive, and now it's working like there was never a problem)
But interesting coincidences aside: I would advise you to try flashing stock again. Not sure whether that will solve the problem, but if your digitizer is fine, there has to be a software issue. The fresh start should clear up that issue, whatever it is.
And one more thing: When you enable "Show touches" in Developer options, are you able to get touches to show up on the nav bar? If yes then reflash. If no, it is indeed a digitizer problem, and I have no idea how that Easter egg thingy is working out.
Hope this helps.
Almightiness so I figured out what caused this issue. I had bought a charger from the gas station not too long ago. The charger would make the phone Charging percentage Glitch so I tried it on my phone... Worked. After a while the home button would press itself and after I took it off it would stop. My friend was using it and he says his keyboard was pressing letters in different areas and he's never experienced it before.
I did the whole "show touches" In developers options and I can see that it can not recognize my touch. I glide my finger over the screen and stops on the top of the Navigation Strip. =\ fak
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iGoogleNexus said:
Almightiness so I figured out what caused this issue. I had bought a charger from the gas station not too long ago. The charger would make the phone Charging percentage Glitch so I tried it on my phone... Worked. After a while the home button would press itself and after I took it off it would stop. My friend was using it and he says his keyboard was pressing letters in different areas and he's never experienced it before.
I did the whole "show touches" In developers options and I can see that it can not recognize my touch. I glide my finger over the screen and stops on the top of the Navigation Strip. =\ fak
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So, did you fix it?
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