Clock displayed in notification bar on lockscreen - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Was messing around with nova launcher today and changed the setting of whether the clock should be shown and where. I selected hide didn't like it and changed it back to stock. But is this correct in the lock screen? Clock hides in the notification bar.
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twowheeler said:
Was messing around with nova launcher today and changed the setting of whether the clock should be shown and where. I selected hide didn't like it and changed it back to stock. But is this correct in the lock screen? Clock hides in the notification bar.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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It should not hide.

Its hides for me. Running PA 3.68 and Apex launcher.
I think it is supposed to hide as the time is shown in the lockscreen clock widget, and having the time show up in 2 places is redundant.


How do you change ICON picture?

How do you change the app icon picture? I am rooted and running cyanogen nightly 110 with launcher pro. Yes I can change the dock icon but not the screen icon, it does not give you anything option to change to custom icon.......This question only few of you might know what I'm talking about.
Check out desktop Visualizer in the market.
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thanks man
if you are rooted and not afraid of getting you hands dirty a bit, you can try using ninjamorph to change the icon permanently. It can replace any files you would like within a given application. If you like customization i recommend trying it. Ive changed icons, different color rosie buttons, and also icons in the status bar.

Lockscreen widgets

So in the lockscreen before you draw the pattern or password, I have a digital clock. If you slide the screen to right or left you can add a widget of your choice but it only gives you a choice of like 5 widgets that are Google related. I couldn't find a way to add my own. Is there such a way? Thank you.
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konoplya said:
So in the lockscreen before you draw the pattern or password, I have a digital clock. If you slide the screen to right or left you can add a widget of your choice but it only gives you a choice of like 5 widgets that are Google related. I couldn't find a way to add my own. Is there such a way? Thank you.
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By default apps have to declare lockscreen widget to show up in lockscreen widget picker. If you want all widgets then you will need a custom ROM (or some Xposed module, I believe).

Clear navigation bar in Nova Lancher?

Hi I searched everywhere and couldnt find any answers, but I have the tmo version of the LG, I'm running Nova and see people with transparent navigation bars on the bottom. I cant seem to get it to be transparent or find a setting, I'm also on stock no rom installed. I'm rooted can any one let me know how to get the navigation bar transparent thank you!
jawang26 said:
Hi I searched everywhere and couldnt find any answers, but I have the tmo version of the LG, I'm running Nova and see people with transparent navigation bars on the bottom. I cant seem to get it to be transparent or find a setting, I'm also on stock no rom installed. I'm rooted can any one let me know how to get the navigation bar transparent thank you!
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im not using the nova launcher, but you can go to settings > display > front touch buttons, then at the bottom of that you can selet "transparent background"
nate94gt said:
im not using the nova launcher, but you can go to settings > display > front touch buttons, then at the bottom of that you can selet "transparent background"
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I did that for some reason it stays black when i use nova
Where you see transparent navbar on Nova on G2? I also using nova and navbar iz black or white
Transparent navbar does't work with 3rd party launchers.....just with stock launcher
jawang26 said:
Hi I searched everywhere and couldnt find any answers, but I have the tmo version of the LG, I'm running Nova and see people with transparent navigation bars on the bottom. I cant seem to get it to be transparent or find a setting, I'm also on stock no rom installed. I'm rooted can any one let me know how to get the navigation bar transparent thank you!
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Since you're rooted you can use autohide soft keys from the Play Store. It hides the Nav bar and you activate it by swiping up from the bottom. It takes ten minutes to get used to it. And while you're at it..You can hide the status bar on a per app base with the app settings module. You have to install the xposed framework first (and put the uninstaller on your sd, search it here on xds). You can then activate the status bar on swipe with smart status bar from the store.
Might take a while to set up this from scratch, but you end up with a screen without any buttons or bars as long as you don't call them. You asked for the transparent Navbar, I recommend the invisible one. See Screenshot to see what my nova settings, my browser (and every other app on my phone) look like, with bars hidden and bars called.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
If I use multi wallpaper to set my wallpaper in apex launcher my status bar goes transparent, that will do for me. Give it a go
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
DaveHTC200 said:
If I use multi wallpaper to set my wallpaper in apex launcher my status bar goes transparent, that will do for me. Give it a go
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
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it's that an app
revolt1 said:
it's that an app
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Its a wallpaper that comes with the G2. When you select a wallpaper, you can choose it as an option for where you want to get your wallpaper for.
I can confirm this works for me as well. Im using Action Launcher, and the status bar is transparent when i use Multi-Wallpaper.
the aicp rom for verizon phones does this. its awesome. not sure if its avail for tmo.
DaveHTC200 said:
If I use multi wallpaper to set my wallpaper in apex launcher my status bar goes transparent, that will do for me. Give it a go
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
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Did you mean "multi-photo" mode to set wallpaper? I've tried it on Apex Launcher but the navigation bar didn't become transparent [and yes I've enabled transparent bar in the display setting already]. Am I missing something here?
velvetdolphin said:
Did you mean "multi-photo" mode to set wallpaper? I've tried it on Apex Launcher but the navigation bar didn't become transparent [and yes I've enabled transparent bar in the display setting already]. Am I missing something here?
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Sorry, it was my misreading that's caused the confusion, I thought it was on about status bar...
Sorry man!
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
Soon we will have a solution
Mashinac said:
Soon we will have a solution
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you would you be able to have adjustable nav bar sizes
^ Yes, that option is already avaliable
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
Mashinac said:
^ Yes, that option is already avaliable
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
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On the same thread, see it
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
revolt1 said:
you would you be able to have adjustable nav bar sizes
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Mashinac said:
^ Yes, that option is already avaliable
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revolt1 said:
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Yes it's available in the premium version...
viking37 said:
Yes it's available in the premium version...
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i have premium and i dont see it
on mys4 i had that option

How too use another launcher

Rom is stock 4.2
I change the launcher to apex
Every thing is well
But when i open the lock screen then the main screen resize to up for showning nav bar and icons moves alittle up too and some time slowly , i dont like it , is it any way to stop it or show nav bar in lock screen too like nexus (i mean a dark band under the lock screen ) or any thing that can help for this problem
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
Nav bar should not show up in lockscreen?

Lock screen icons

I'm unrooted, on stock 4.4.2 and using Nova Prime.
I'm trying to change my lock screen shortcut icons (remove label, change theme). I'm using Lumos but it doesn't change the shortcuts. I've tried changing the theme of the stock home but that didn't apply to the lock screen either.
The pic shows what I'm currently stuck with.
Am I flogging a dead horse here or is this impossible without rooting?
kac. said:
I'm unrooted, on stock 4.4.2 and using Nova Prime.
I'm trying to change my lock screen shortcut icons (remove label, change theme). I'm using Lumos but it doesn't change the shortcuts. I've tried changing the theme of the stock home but that didn't apply to the lock screen either.
The pic shows what I'm currently stuck with.
Am I flogging a dead horse here or is this impossible without rooting?
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Nova doesn't actually handle the lockscreens, that's still stock G2. You'd have to get a lockscreen replacement app in order to have any control over the lockscreen icon placement and possibly the labels. I used to use one called WidgetLocker; however, lately I have preferred having no shortcuts on my lockscreen so I have been going without.
Cheers, I'll check it out.
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app

