[tutorial]how to make nandroid backups without rebooting to recovery - RAZR i General

A few days ago I came across this thread which made me think and try. At the beginning I couldn't flash the zips necessary for making backups without rebooting to recovery .
What you will need:
1.Bootloader unlocked and a rooted phone . If you don't have any of them please read here and here
3.A root explorer of your choice
4.A terminal emulator app
5.The 2 files from the zip attached
Open your root explorer extract and copy the 2 files attached to /system/bin and set permissions 755( that's rwxr-xr-x).
Reboot your phone.
Open Terminal app and type su to obtain root followed by onandroid.
Sit back and relax while the script backs up your rom.
All thanks go to ameer1234567890 who gave us the Online Nandroid . I only found the thread and also found the method to copy the files to Razr I.
When i'll have some time i'll try to make a flashable zip for the lazy ones

As promised here are the zips for flashing from recovery with update binary working with the Razr I. I have only tested with CWM, but they should work with TWRP as well.
I suppose everyone knows what to do, but just in case someone new tries it:
-copy the 2 zips to you internal storage or external sdcard
-reboot to recovery
-select install zip from sdcard(now choose the location of your files)
-select zip

nandroid,etc, assistance
free2live said:
As promised here are the zips for flashing from recovery with update binary working with the Razr I. I have only tested with CWM, but they should work with TWRP as well.
I suppose everyone knows what to do, but just in case someone new tries it:
-copy the 2 zips to you internal storage or external sdcard
-reboot to recovery
-select install zip from sdcard(now choose the location of your files)
-select zip
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Is this the best way to do a " nandroid " - I have been part of this site for quite some time , read numerous sites, but i have a very bad memory problem and that's why i have many text documents setup to the point i am confused. Right now I have an AT&T S4 which has a bad IMEI, so I want to use it as a test phone, but it has been updated to 4.3 -which from what I understand I would need to downgrade back to 4.1.2 order to unlock the phone via the dial pad. I was able to accomplish that one time when I first got a Samsung S4 and did it via the dial pad before the OTA came out for 4.3.
I also own a S3, also AT&T, so i can learn how to to root and unlock and use CWR or TWRP and than learn ROMS. I know I need to make a backup before I do anything, and also constantly reading the " Noob " general forums for both phones. I also am familiar with Samsung Kies, which does a backup but I don't think it's the same as this nandroid i have been reading about.
Thank you or taking out the time and reading my post. I will check back to see if anyone had some time to give me some direction or an answer to my problem with " nandroid" or if someone even could touch up on any subjects I have mentioned. Please don't think I haven't spent hrs of time on YouTube, Google, Howard forums and especially here on XDA.


[09 JAN][KERNEL][DEV] Clockwork Recovery kernel installer script

What this is: This is simply an easy script to update your kernel via Clockwork Recovery, no ADB commands or mounting within Android involved.
To flash:
Download one of the kernels below.
Copy to the root of your SD card.
Boot into Clockwork Recovery.
Select install update from SD card.
Navigate to the ZIP file you copied.
Flash and reboot!
To create a ZIP like this:
Extract the template zip file. (attached)
Navigate to the boot folder and put your zImage in there. (optionally you can also place an initrd.gz)
Navigate to the system/lib/modules and place all your .ko files in there.
Archive the file again to a zip file and redistribute.
Example kernels:
[02 JAN][KERNEL][RMNET][SMARTASS][G-Sensor Fix] prj's kernel v0.3
Probably won't work on builds that have squashfs'ed /system as it won't be able to install modules.
The kernels above do not replace your initrd.gz. Only your zImage and .ko files in /system/lib/modules.
It if first time I'm trying to use Clockwork Recovery to update.
After choosing .zip it asks for pre-installation backup and wipe.
I'm choosing only backup.
It says"push ok in order to reboot and continue installation".
I'm doing that, it reboots to recovery and what?
No changes.
Please, help if somebody knows
Your using the wrong topic to ask for this question.
However, in order to avoid useless clutter, the solution is:
- Launch Clockwork
- Select the other install menu ("Install zip from sdcard" instead of "apply update")
>This won't ask for a backup, but will just flash the kernel.
>You can also flash applications this way, but they HAVE to be BUILD for Clockwork
Honestly, this is easy as 123, and such request always come from people who never search.
Sorry about the rant, but i didn't invent the plane myself, and however i'm still astonished about all the prowess i can do just by looking for myself.
Try and do the same.
Thank you.
RedWave31 said:
Your using the wrong topic to ask for this question.
However, in order to avoid useless clutter, the solution is:
- Launch Clockwork
- Select the other install menu ("Install zip from sdcard" instead of "apply update")
>This won't ask for a backup, but will just flash the kernel.
>You can also flash applications this way, but they HAVE to be BUILD for Clockwork
Honestly, this is easy as 123, and such request always come from people who never search.
Sorry about the rant, but i didn't invent the plane myself, and however i'm still astonished about all the prowess i can do just by looking for myself.
Try and do the same.
Thank you.
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Ok. thank you any way.
And be aware, I'm quite intelligent not to ask every time, I don't know something.
I know how the search button works
But see, forum is quite far from live communication.
Thus, people could name same things with different words.
Even your description differs sufficiently from the initial instructions:
Author wrote "boot to clockwork recovery" and this means for me boot
into clockwork recovery mode from rom manager for manual rom management.
That's why people asking here for help. And this thread is proper for asking my questions till I understand which exact topic should I ask.
Well, just to clarify I mean boot into Clockwork by holding down power and choosing Boot to SD in MAGLDR.
shadiku said:
Well, just to clarify I mean boot into Clockwork by holding down power and choosing Boot to SD in MAGLDR.
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Yes, thank you! there is a thread about proper use of clockwork with nand roms already in section.
It seems, I'm not alone

Flashing - Noob needs help

I read a lot over the last months and am now willing to flash the overcome rom.
- Euro Galaxy Tab (german, unbranded)
- Rooted (with z4root)
- Do not want to lose current configuration (backup?)
- As I still use RFS file system, I need to convert first. Besides that, I need a CWM to flash overcome and a SD-Card for the auto-backup.
1. - Flash Modaco Kernel Full to convert file system and to get CWM (with Odin, activate repartition and select Kernel)
3. - Reboot in recovery (CWM) - backup and conversion will be done
2. - Wipe Data (in CWM)
3. - Install instructions from overcome:
BACKUP first! (The install script WILL wipe your data partition, but NOT your SD cards)
Copy ROM to SD Card.
Reboot into CWM
Choose Install zip from SD Card
Choose zip from SD Card
Install and reboot!
If you're system was not already ext4, on reboot enter recovery mode and the automatic conversion of your file system will happen
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Is this the way to go? As I nowhere could find some really detailled instructions to flash this, I hope this is all right.
if u follow these instructions everything will work fine! good job on looking this up. i dont mind people asking questions but only after they TRIED finding the answers themselves. i have hope in people again.
You are definately on the right track, but for completeness sake, I have thrown together a tutorial for exactly what you are after. Check it out over here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=973402
I hope it is useful to you.

HTC Desire 820 Root Easily

HTC Desire 820 can be easily rooted with few simple steps.
I am not responsible for your warranty loss or device not functioning properly.
1] Unlock Bootloader if you don't know how to do it visit this page
2] Download TWRP Recovery from here
3] Download Super Su from Here and transfer it to your device
4] Reboot to Fastbboot mode using Volume Down and Power Key
5] Connect Phone to PC
6] Extract files from Recovery.zip in one location and simply click on flash-recovery.bat
7] After Step 6 is finished Using volume keys navigate and select recovery option and go to recovery
8] After rebooting in recovery select Install zip > and selecting supersu.zip transferred in first step to obtain root access.
9] Reboot
If you would like to send me a bear my Paypal donation link
will system changed after reboot ?
will system changed after reboot ?
I rooted my HTC Desire 820U mobile successfully
I rooted my mobile easily just following the steps posted in the below page they are perfect :good: and also i followed yours too.
Now i am waiting for Custom ROM in English and android lollipop 5.0 update.I attached some of my mobile screenshot after rooting.
guys i wiped system data, and its saying no OS installed
Penish said:
I rooted my mobile easily just following the steps posted in the below page they are perfect :good: and also i followed yours too.
Now i am waiting for Custom ROM in English and android lollipop 5.0 update.I attached some of my mobile screenshot after rooting.
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please anyone send me OS backup or guide me to install Stock ROM back :crying:
To install a custom ROM(OS) on your HTC DESIRE 820
Lenin Reddy said:
please anyone send me OS backup or guide me to install Stock ROM back :crying:
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To install a custom ROM on your HTC DESIRE 820, here’s a brief tutorial guide:
Step 1. You will need to first download the custom ROM you want to install. These ROMs come in a “zip” file format (so DO NOT UNZIP them) and usually 1 large file around 200MB to 1GB. Some ROMs may require you to install multiple files.
You can download these zip files straight to your phone or use your computer to download (as downloading on your computer may be more stable/effective/faster) then copy over to your phone’s storage.
Step 1. Once ROM zip files are downloaded/copied to your phone, get into TWRP RECOVERY MODE BY PRESSING volume down+power button together for about 3 seconds to enter bootloader menu.Choose “RECOVERY” using Volume Down key then hit Power button to enter TWRP recovery.
Before installing a ROM, you will want to do a “data wipe/factory reset” by hitting the “Wipe” button. This will erase all your settings, apps, and app data (but not personal photos/videos on your storage). I highly recommend using Titanium Backup app to backup your apps, SMS Backup & Restore app to backup your SMS text messages, and use an online service such as GMail or Facebook to backup your contacts. Most online service providers like GMail or Facebook offer built-in ability to auto backup/restore your contacts.
*Optional – You can try installing a custom ROM without wipe, but this is considered risky and dangerous as sometimes the ROM may not boot. You can make a backup ROM if you are going to try this route so you can restore easily. Also, this can keep your settings, apps, and app data without restoring them.
Step 2. Once wipe is done (or you have decided not to wipe but have backup ROM), simply use the “Install” option in main menu and find the ROM zip file you need to install. If there’s multiple files, simple install them one by one until you are done.
Step 3. Once done installing custom ROM, reboot and cross your fingers your phone will boot. If your phone boots within 5-10 minutes you should be good to go. If not, you can try re-installing ROM, especially if you did not wipe, try re-installing after wiping.
To copy ROM file into SD card:
Boot TWRP, then select “Mount”, then select only “Data” and connect your HTC DESIRE 820 to your computer with usb debugging enabled.
Then download fastboot.zip and unzip, you probably will find a new directory called fastboot under your Downloads directory.
Copy the ROM you want to install to the fastboot folder.
Open a command prompt then type:
cd Downloads\fastboot
adb push ROM.zip /sdcard/.
Replace ROM.zip with the ROM filename you copied earlier to fastboot folder.
This will copy your ROM to the internal storage so once it’s done, just use TWRP to install ROM.
To backup the ROM after installing:
Backing up a ROM will backup everything on your phone including your settings, apps, app data, kernel, and the whole ROM. It will not backup your personal photos or videos stored in your internal storage but it will backup everything else.
This can be handy later down the road your HTC DESIRE 820 malfunctions. For example, if your phone stops booting for some reason (due to bad custom ROMs or apps), you can easily restore your phone to a previous state by restoring your ROM.
If you “still” haven’t made a backup ROM, I highly suggest you to follow this tutorial to make a backup ROM.
Step 1. Make sure “Fast boot” is checked OFF under Settings->Power.
Step 2. Power off your HTC DESIRE 820. Then hold down Volume Down and Power buttons together for about 3 seconds to enter bootloader menu.
Step 3. Choose “RECOVERY” using Volume Down key then hit Power button to enter TWRP recovery.
Step 4. Once inside TWRP recovery, you can easily choose “Backup” or “Restore” to backup or restore ROM, it’s that simple.
Step 5. If you are backing up ROM, make sure “Boot”, “Data”, and “System” are checked and swipe to start backup. Backup process should take about 5-10 minutes or longer depending on how many apps you’ve installed on your phone.
Backups are usually large between 1-5GB depending on how many apps you’ve installed. They are stored in your internal storage under TWRP/BACKUP directory. You can easily save space by moving these files to your computer and move them back to the same location when you need to restore your phone.
Step 6. When restoring ROM, you will find your backups organized by folders. You can name your folders while backing up otherwise they will be stored with the timestamp of the time you backed them up.
Download ROM file from HTC deire 820 android development forum they given your orginal ROM for installing.
About warranty
I want to know that if if i root my phone then i ll loose my phone warranty. . . .
because we work on softwere not in hardware. . .
so i jast want to knw so canyou plz tell me?????
jainam0932 said:
I want to know that if if i root my phone then i ll loose my phone warranty. . . .
because we work on softwere not in hardware. . .
so i jast want to knw so canyou plz tell me?????
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It just the general rule of all companies to void warranty if the user root its device and same goes for HTC also, atleast in my country (India).
Do you have any rom for desire 820u dual sim?
Penish said:
To install a custom ROM on your HTC DESIRE 820, here’s a brief tutorial guide:
Step 1. You will need to first download the custom ROM you want to install. These ROMs come in a “zip” file format (so DO NOT UNZIP them) and usually 1 large file around 200MB to 1GB. Some ROMs may require you to install multiple files.
You can download these zip files straight to your phone or use your computer to download (as downloading on your computer may be more stable/effective/faster) then copy over to your phone’s storage.
Step 1. Once ROM zip files are downloaded/copied to your phone, get into TWRP RECOVERY MODE BY PRESSING volume down+power button together for about 3 seconds to enter bootloader menu.Choose “RECOVERY” using Volume Down key then hit Power button to enter TWRP recovery.
Before installing a ROM, you will want to do a “data wipe/factory reset” by hitting the “Wipe” button. This will erase all your settings, apps, and app data (but not personal photos/videos on your storage). I highly recommend using Titanium Backup app to backup your apps, SMS Backup & Restore app to backup your SMS text messages, and use an online service such as GMail or Facebook to backup your contacts. Most online service providers like GMail or Facebook offer built-in ability to auto backup/restore your contacts.
*Optional – You can try installing a custom ROM without wipe, but this is considered risky and dangerous as sometimes the ROM may not boot. You can make a backup ROM if you are going to try this route so you can restore easily. Also, this can keep your settings, apps, and app data without restoring them.
Step 2. Once wipe is done (or you have decided not to wipe but have backup ROM), simply use the “Install” option in main menu and find the ROM zip file you need to install. If there’s multiple files, simple install them one by one until you are done.
Step 3. Once done installing custom ROM, reboot and cross your fingers your phone will boot. If your phone boots within 5-10 minutes you should be good to go. If not, you can try re-installing ROM, especially if you did not wipe, try re-installing after wiping.
To copy ROM file into SD card:
Boot TWRP, then select “Mount”, then select only “Data” and connect your HTC DESIRE 820 to your computer with usb debugging enabled.
Then download fastboot.zip and unzip, you probably will find a new directory called fastboot under your Downloads directory.
Copy the ROM you want to install to the fastboot folder.
Open a command prompt then type:
cd Downloads\fastboot
adb push ROM.zip /sdcard/.
Replace ROM.zip with the ROM filename you copied earlier to fastboot folder.
This will copy your ROM to the internal storage so once it’s done, just use TWRP to install ROM.
To backup the ROM after installing:
Backing up a ROM will backup everything on your phone including your settings, apps, app data, kernel, and the whole ROM. It will not backup your personal photos or videos stored in your internal storage but it will backup everything else.
This can be handy later down the road your HTC DESIRE 820 malfunctions. For example, if your phone stops booting for some reason (due to bad custom ROMs or apps), you can easily restore your phone to a previous state by restoring your ROM.
If you “still” haven’t made a backup ROM, I highly suggest you to follow this tutorial to make a backup ROM.
Step 1. Make sure “Fast boot” is checked OFF under Settings->Power.
Step 2. Power off your HTC DESIRE 820. Then hold down Volume Down and Power buttons together for about 3 seconds to enter bootloader menu.
Step 3. Choose “RECOVERY” using Volume Down key then hit Power button to enter TWRP recovery.
Step 4. Once inside TWRP recovery, you can easily choose “Backup” or “Restore” to backup or restore ROM, it’s that simple.
Step 5. If you are backing up ROM, make sure “Boot”, “Data”, and “System” are checked and swipe to start backup. Backup process should take about 5-10 minutes or longer depending on how many apps you’ve installed on your phone.
Backups are usually large between 1-5GB depending on how many apps you’ve installed. They are stored in your internal storage under TWRP/BACKUP directory. You can easily save space by moving these files to your computer and move them back to the same location when you need to restore your phone.
Step 6. When restoring ROM, you will find your backups organized by folders. You can name your folders while backing up otherwise they will be stored with the timestamp of the time you backed them up.
Download ROM file from HTC deire 820 android development forum they given your orginal ROM for installing.
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Do you have any rom for desire 820u dual sim?
why my htc toolkit not found my phone? drivers are installed and i find my phone on windows 8 but toolkit not found it...thamks a lot
Desire 820s
Anyone managed to root the 820S? i cant seem to find the fastboot option in the settings or in recovery mode..
I dont find any custom ROM's available for the device currently its too early and we dont have any Dev trying to improve the STOCK ROM also... Not sure how your tutorial will help
Thanks for your Root Easily Tutorial i have successfully routed my phone
custom rom
I found a rom while searching in google however not able to acess it.anybody wanna try.here is the link
I actually rooted booloper unlocked but cannot enter into the recovery anymore. Gives error
How to UN-Root the Device ??
hapticc said:
HTC Desire 820 can be easily rooted with few simple steps.
I am not responsible for your warranty loss or device not functioning properly.
1] Unlock Bootloader if you don't know how to do it visit this page
2] Download TWRP Recovery from here
3] Download Super Su from Here and transfer it to your device
4] Reboot to Fastbboot mode using Volume Down and Power Key
5] Connect Phone to PC
6] Extract files from Recovery.zip in one location and simply click on flash-recovery.bat
7] After Step 6 is finished Using volume keys navigate and select recovery option and go to recovery
8] After rebooting in recovery select Install zip > and selecting supersu.zip transferred in first step to obtain root access.
9] Reboot
If you would like to send me a bear my Paypal donation link
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Unable to download twrp recovery.zip please help me..
Be carefull of links which state there is 5.0 available for our device
drsobhan -
Please refrain from using or downloading ROM or any other files from other websites. The website you listed did not look genuine.
- HTC should provide us the with an update and source code will be available
- Cynaogen or other third party would provide us with an update
- XDA senior developers can provide link
One CM launches the rom there could be other providers like MIUI etc... but till the time please refrain from such websites
Refer to the following side for all builds supported by CM
Nauju said:
Unable to download twrp recovery.zip please help me..
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Wish I could but I am outstation in remote area with 2G connectivity... will upload somewhere else after returning in 3-4 days
Guys, do you have original stock recovery? Can someone post a dump of their stock recovery so I can flash it into my phone with TWRP? Cant update with OTA due to TWRP constantly booting after making an attempt to update my firmware.
---------- Post added at 06:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 PM ----------
A simple stock rom would also help
can anyone give me following files from stock!!
just pull them from stock.
adb pull system/build.prop
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system dump
adb pull system/lib
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adb pull system/vendor
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i know this is off topic but i need it.
thank you
BTW some vietnamees guys make custom rom for this device
looks valid link of mediafire
htc 820q root
I'm following this instruction and could not root my device,
My HTC 820q is unlock but when I want read SuperU.zip from Sd card at fastboot>recovery my mobile goes to restart and procedures been uncompleted.
Please help me, is this instruction only for HTC 820?
How we can root HTC 820q?

ZTE Blade L2 Kitkat Firmware

Android Kitkat based ROM for the ZTE Blade L2
ROM Features:
Apex Launcher
Micro SD switched with Phone Storage
build.prop Tweaks for the following :
Video and Photo Quality
Internet Connection Speed/Quality
Network Performance
Download Link:
Removed - Recompiling Rom, My sincerest apologies to DeviRSilva.
I used an earlier version of his kernel for the build - http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/kernel-devir-blade-l216-11-2014-t2945103
MD5 : a719cb770585f24c891fe47da9e56245
Note - Updated hosts file for ad blocking (Use xposed module "hosts Enabler" to prevent adverts)
Once Rom is installed and you restart phone from recovery
It may give the following warning "Root access possibly lost. Fix? THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE"
Select "Yes - Fix root (/system/xbin/su)"
Credits to BSDgeek_Jake for the hosts file (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1916098)
Custom Recovery
Please have a read through the information in this link : http://www.howtogeek.com/193055/what-is-a-custom-recovery-on-android-and-why-would-i-want-one/
Flashing a custom recovery on the L2 is a simple process.
Things Required for this process:
Rooted Phone - (Please see the post on Rooting)
Mobile Uncle Tools APK
Recovery Image
First you have to allow the phone to install apps that dont come from Google Play Store.To do so,follow the guide :
1.Settings Menu
3.Enable(tick) Unknown sources
4.Untick Verify apps
You can always reset these back to how you found them when you are done.
Download Mobile Uncle Tools
Mega Link: http://goo.gl/IkyVDo
MediaFire Link : http://goo.gl/c5q6Jh
Copy APK file to your SD card,use your file manager to install it.
Run Mobile uncle tools,allow root permissions when menu pops up.
You can close the app for now.Next thing we need is the actual recovery file itself.I've attached the recovery i find works best
Carliv Touch Recovery v2.2 - MTK CWM-based v
Download Recovery.img file
Mega Link: http://goo.gl/1f8OwX
MediaFire Link :http://goo.gl/U1D2Zu
MD5 :9f770b95df8e1beabd7417fc112190bc
Once the file has downloaded,copy to the root of your SD Card.
Open Mobile Uncle Tools and Select "Recovery Update".
Be sure to Select the downloaded recovery image,not anything else.
Select the file and proceed with installation.Mobile uncle tools will then prompt you to reboot into recovery if the update was successful.Select Yes and the phone will reboot into the new recovery menu
Credits to :
eddy.rugal - Base Rom
Carliv - For Recovery
njava - For Mobileuncle MTK Tool
Resize Apps Partition
WARNING! This can BRICK your phone if done incorrectly.
Please make a backup of all your important stuff.
Make a backup in the recovery.Make 100% sure the backup completes without any errors
Reboot into recovery mode (Hold the Up button and press power button to turn device on)
1.Select Backup and Restore
2.Select Backup and Confirm(Proceed)
Once the backup is complete,the backup is located in "clockworkmod" folder on SD Card
You have to factory reset device,so be prepared to reinstall apps/games (You are going to lose data)
If you are fine with all of the above,The following mod increases the App Partition size from 1GB to 2GB.It rewrites the Internal Storage to 513MB(Used for videos/pictures,which is fine since we use our Micro SD cards for that)
If you are happy with all of the above,you can proceed with the next step :
Firstly,Download all files required and copy to SD Card
2 GB for apps_Jellybean_4.zip (232.63 KB)
Mega Link - http://goo.gl/ao3NFO
Media Fire Link - http://goo.gl/3j9RWm
MTK_Nvram_Tool.zip (2.9MB)
Mega Link - http://goo.gl/Z2Chpx
Media Fire Link - http://goo.gl/sjah8X
Once on SD Card,reboot into recovery mode (Hold the Up button and press power button to turn device on)
1.Select "Install Zip"
2.Select "Choose zip Sdcard"
3.Choose "MTK_Nvram_Tool.zip"
4.Select "Yes - Install MTK_Nvram_Tool.zip"
5.Click Next
6.Select "I Agree with this Terms and Conditions" and click Next
7.Click Next again
9.Choose 'Nvram Backup"
Once its done it should say "Backup Completed"
Under that it should say "Nvram Backup Successfully Completed"
It give the location for that backup,always keep that file (Copy to the PC Later)
10.Click OK
11.Click Exit
12.Click Yes
Now you are back at the install update from zip file screen.
13.Select "Install Zip"
14.Select "Choose zip Sdcard"
15.Choose "2 GB for apps_Jellybean_4.zip"
16.Select "Yes - Install 2 GB for apps_Jellybean_4.zip"
17.Go back to main menu
18.Choose Wipe menu
19.Choose Wipe Data (Factory Reset) -THIS WILL ERASE YOUR DATA
20.Wipe Cache
21.Wipe Dalvik Cache
22.Go back to main menu and reboot phone
The phone should reboot.If you get a message saying you have to format phone storage,click yes to format.
Go to Settings,Storage and See Total space is now 1.97GB
If the phone wont boot,power down,then hold up key and turn on to get into recovery mode.
1.Select Backup and Restore
2.Select Restore and Confirm(Proceed)
Restore the backup you made earlier.
This should let the system load when you reboot again,even if it asks you to format the phone again.
Copy NVRAM Backup to PC for safe keeping.
If you want to return to original/stock
Follow the same procedure as above but use the following file instead of the 2GB File
Stock Partition_Jellybean_4.zip (232.63KB)
Mega Link - http://goo.gl/pMn0ea
Media Fire - http://goo.gl/KJfRF7
Credits to :
AnoopKumar - MTK Nvram Tool
Andalitez said:
Hi Guys
Just an update.I downloaded the update from the website again,used winRAR and replaced the modem file in the system.
Everything works great now
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Hey man can u yplease hook me up with the modem file im kida stuck with unkown baseband too
BlaqueDroid said:
Hey man can u yplease hook me up with the modem file im kida stuck with unkown baseband too
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Hey man.
Sent you a PM.Currently working on a rom,will only be able to upload it for you in afew hours
ztedevices.com/search.html?keyword=blade l2 look on there for the firmware for your device , push via adb sideloading and you should be set
noob problem...
guys, can you please help me...I also have the same problem when I flashed the kitkat rom...my blade l2 now can't read my simcard...what should I do?...
No Sim Detected
eochi18jhae said:
guys, can you please help me...I also have the same problem when I flashed the kitkat rom...my blade l2 now can't read my simcard...what should I do?...
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Okay,you have to download the firmware version for your country,and have custom recovery installed on the phone.
So if you in UK,download the rom for your phone from UK provider.(doesnt matter if its JB or KK)
Once you have the rom,Use winRAR to do the following:
1.open the rom from your country in winrar so you can see the contents.
2.Open system folder (dont extract,just navigate into the folders in winrar)
3.Open "etc" folder
4.Open Firmware folder
5.Select "modem_1_wg_n.img" and extract it(i just drag and drop on desktop)
6.Open the Kitkat firmware you've downloaded using winRAR
7.Open System folder
8.Open "etc" folder
9.Open Firmware folder
10. Copy the "modem_1_wg_n.img" into that location(drag and drop from desktop)
11.winRAR asks if you want to :Add/Replace file/s? Select Yes or OK to allow it to
12.copy entire firmware to phone and reflash it on the phone from the SD card
I dont know if you can just replace the modem file after having loaded the firmware.I didnt try or test it.it may or may not work.
I am working on Custom Firmware for this phone though.
latest achievement was i managed to get the phone to see the SD card as phone storage thanks to various xda guides.this will be built in
FIrmware should be ready in a few days after testing.if anybody is interested in trying it out,let me know
problem solved...
Thank you sir...problem solved...it's really hard to be a noob...have to understand a lot of things now....I'm willing to try your firmware on my phone...upload it when done...keep up the good work...sorry for my english...
Post has been updated
I need to talk to you.... Go read my PM
installation is always aborted.. PLEASE HELP
The thread is so useful... Keep up the good work, I don't have patience to try the new ROM!
Is there any chance for kernel supporting overclocking and undervoltage, also with more Gvernor and I/O Sheduler options?
Also Would be gorgeous if there's tap screen to wake option, this would need custom kernel too...
I'm now using DeviRSilva's kernel, which is doing great! Man, don't be afraid to relese it and continue tweaks
Still I'm a noob and maybe half of theese wishes are impossible, but would be so cool if they're possible to develop!
PD: I saw a site promoting Lollipop ROM for our L2 is that real?
PD2: Sorry for my awful English and probably stupid requests and questions...
I have probelm, phone do not show sim card, on official site there is no serbia rom please how to fix it?
Andalitez said:
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It fails to flash the ROM with the updated radio file. Just stops at Can't open... file.zip '(bad)'. Installation aborted.
How to fix?
Hi how do i unroot the zte blade l2?
And how to I remove costum recovery and reinstall stock recovery and stock rom?
Thanks just asking in case of sending it back for repairing.
Just noticed that the download link has been remoded.
Can someone provide a link for this rom?
Does this ROM have Greek language installed ???
no links are working
I need a copy of carliv recovery and backup of stock recovery as u think although my mobile mainly working I think the recovery is corrupt and has screwed my sound thanks in advance as I am taking a giant leap and biting bullet to try this recovery hope it can flash the legit kit kat if ever released by zte or virgin UK thanks
Andalitez said:
Android Kitkat based ROM for the ZTE Blade L2
ROM Features:
Apex Launcher
Micro SD switched with Phone Storage
build.prop Tweaks for the following :
Video and Photo Quality
Internet Connection Speed/Quality
Network Performance
Download Link:
Removed - Recompiling Rom, My sincerest apologies to DeviRSilva.
I used an earlier version of his kernel for the build - http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/kernel-devir-blade-l216-11-2014-t2945103
MD5 : a719cb770585f24c891fe47da9e56245
Note - Updated hosts file for ad blocking (Use xposed module "hosts Enabler" to prevent adverts)
Once Rom is installed and you restart phone from recovery
It may give the following warning "Root access possibly lost. Fix? THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE"
Select "Yes - Fix root (/system/xbin/su)"
Credits to BSDgeek_Jake for the hosts file (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1916098)
Custom Recovery
Please have a read through the information in this link : http://www.howtogeek.com/193055/what-is-a-custom-recovery-on-android-and-why-would-i-want-one/
Flashing a custom recovery on the L2 is a simple process.
Things Required for this process:
Rooted Phone - (Please see the post on Rooting)
Mobile Uncle Tools APK
Recovery Image
First you have to allow the phone to install apps that dont come from Google Play Store.To do so,follow the guide :
1.Settings Menu
3.Enable(tick) Unknown sources
4.Untick Verify apps
You can always reset these back to how you found them when you are done.
Download Mobile Uncle Tools
Mega Link: http://goo.gl/IkyVDo
MediaFire Link : http://goo.gl/c5q6Jh
Copy APK file to your SD card,use your file manager to install it.
Run Mobile uncle tools,allow root permissions when menu pops up.
You can close the app for now.Next thing we need is the actual recovery file itself.I've attached the recovery i find works best
Carliv Touch Recovery v2.2 - MTK CWM-based v
Download Recovery.img file
Mega Link: http://goo.gl/1f8OwX
MediaFire Link :http://goo.gl/U1D2Zu
MD5 :9f770b95df8e1beabd7417fc112190bc
Once the file has downloaded,copy to the root of your SD Card.
Open Mobile Uncle Tools and Select "Recovery Update".
Be sure to Select the downloaded recovery image,not anything else.
Select the file and proceed with installation.Mobile uncle tools will then prompt you to reboot into recovery if the update was successful.Select Yes and the phone will reboot into the new recovery menu
Credits to :
eddy.rugal - Base Rom
Carliv - For Recovery
njava - For Mobileuncle MTK Tool
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any news on the kitkat rom yet? super excited to try this out!
is the link for the rom gone?
i dont see it

[GUIDE] Get Xposed working on your deodexed TouchWiz based Lollipop ROM! 2015/08/17

The process of flashing a custom recovery/kernel/firmware may and will trigger your device's Knox Counter. Neither XDA nor I can be held responsible for your actions. Proceed with caution. During this process you will lose all your settings and apps. As long as you follow the instructions, your device's storage, internal and external, won't be touched​
Still not compatible with x64 systems! Not compatible with Samsung 5.1.x (sdk22) ROMs!
Hello, Ladies and Gentleman
Many people seem to have a hard time to understand how all of this here on XDA works. I constantly get PM's from users, asking how to do the most basic stuff like flashing a .zip or stock firmware via Odin. Usually, I don't even read them and just hit delete. I know it's not ok to deny people help, so I decided to show you how you can get Xposed working on your TW based stock or custom ROM since it's the most frequently asked question I get.
It's nothing you couldn't do if you'd just....
We're going to use @arter97's customized Xposed Framework as the one made by @darkera13 needs the user to manually modify and replace files which may be too complicated for some.
-A custom recovery System like TWRP or CWM (PhilZ or Stock)
-A deodexed ROM. It's the only way to go. YOU NEED A DEODEXED ROM. If your ROM is not deodexed and you flash the framework, you'll end up in a bootloop. To deodex your existing ROM carefully follow Post #2
Here are a few made by XDA Senior Member @_alexndr
Stock deodexed for SM-N9005 Galaxy Note 3 International Qualcomm.
Stock deodexed for SM-G900F Galaxy S5 International Qualcomm
-And the framework itself from here
[UNOFFICIAL] Xposed for Samsung Lollipop by arter97
-Flash a custom recovery system of your choice. This is listed under preperation on purpose since this guide is about getting Xposed on your TW Lollipop device. A guide on how to get a custom recovery system is most certainly available in your device's forum.
-Store the ROM and the Framework in an easy to find folder, which we're gonna call "folder x". It doesn't matter where you store it (ext. SD or int. SD)
The Fun Part
-Boot into your custom recovery and make a full wipe:
TWRP users: "Wipe>Advanced Wipe> Tick System, Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache> Slide to format.​CWM users: "Mounts and Storage> hit Format /System; hit Format /Data; hit Format /Cache.​
-Still in recovery system, install, or flash the files we put in folder x;
TWRP users: "Install> Navigate to folder x and choose the ROM file first> Add Zip> now choose the Xposed Framework from folder x> Slide to flash.​CWM users: "Install Zip> Choose zip from /sdcard if folder x is on internalt storage or /storage/sdcard1 if folder x is on ext. storage (SD-Card)>​choose the ROM file first> -Yes - install ROMXY.zip.​Do the same with the Xposed Framework zip file.​
-Still in recovery system, reboot device and wait for it to boot. It can take up to 20 minutes. Enjoy Xposed on your Samsung TouchWiz Lollipop ROM.
-Stuck in a bootloop? Try this and repeat the process.
XDA Senior Member @Honzze kindly pointed out to keep following in mind; You have to start JoelDroid Lollipop Batch Deodexer with Admin permissions. Otherwise this error might return "path variable" of Java "is not set".
Deodexing your existing ROM without having to flash an entire ROM
As the title says, with this awesome guide by XDA Senior Member @townsenk you don't have to reflash an entire new ROM to your device. Instead, youll just deodex those parts of your System which need to be modified in order to get Xposed working. You don't necessarily have to perform a full wipe if you do it this way. But if you encounter fc's or end up in a bootloop, you know what to do
Guide for this guide:
Regarding point 1: "...launch a DOS shell..." just means, you need to open the so called "CMD" programm in Windows. To "launch a DOS shell" or CMD from within a folder, you simply have to hold down the shift key and right click in that folder. The context menu will show an entry "open command window here". And that's it! (Windows XP users may have to search the internet for another solution)
For Galaxy S5 and Note 3 users: If ADB returns "device offline" or an empty line after "List of devices attached" make sure your using a USB 2.0 data cable on a USB 2.0 port
townsenk said:
How to DeOdex YOUR (...) Rom.
I would like to note that I appreciate all the work that developers have put forth in creating and maintaining modified Roms. there are some awesome feature rich implementations available. My intentions are not to be critical of any specific Rom or mod. Without the developers we would have nothing.
This method is very common knowledge I thought I'd just explain it in an easy to understand way.
Here is what you need.
A stock (...) ROOTED configurated phone. Debloat as needed. Set the phone up exactly how you like it with apps and such.
Make sure it's stable. (If you have issues before DeOdexing they will be there afterward!)
Here's the files you may need to make this happen
Installer template (at end of post)
1> Make sure ADB is working on your computer. USB debugging turned on. Create a folder to store your soon to be download system files and launch a DOS shell from that working folder. Working folder name should NOT contain spaces. With the phone hooked up you should be able to type adb shell and get a prompt.
2> Type these commands
adb pull /system/app app/
adb pull /system/priv-app/ priv-app/
adb pull /system/framework framework/
This will take awhile and you will be left with three folders
Create a new folder named "system" and place these three folders inside.
3> Extract and launch LBD2.4 (This is the DeOdexer and is AWESOME). Point it at your recently created "system" folder and let it do it's thing.
I'll assume this will occur without errors as I have never had any.
4> At this point you can manually apply modded apk's to the system folder but I don't really recommend it. They can be applied afterward using the seperate installer zips.
5> with 7-Zip installed open the provided Installer template. Do not Extract it. Just open it in the 7-Zip file browser using the right click context menu in windows.
Drag-Drop the contents of your system folder into the empty system folder in the 7-Zip browser It should be the three folders previously created but now they are Deodexed. Close the 7-zip file manager and select Yes if it asks you to save.
Note: The provided installer template has been modified to only wipe and replace the three system directories.
6. Copy the created installer to your sdcard and install with recovery. Wipe cache and Dalvik before rebooting.
Go have lunch. You will sit at a boot screen for about 10 minutes. Then another 20 to rebuild caches. Time varies.
7. Your system will now be Deodexed! At this point you can install your mods one at a time, I recommend this so you can test your system between installs to determine if a specific mod is creating problems.
This method has so far removed ALL of my stability issues.
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Since I no longer own this device, I'm retiring from this thread as of now. Hope I could help you.
Don't know if someone can help me as you stated that you're retired from this thread.
I did every step you do mentioned here (for self deodexing existing rom)
I did everything successfully and deodexed my files with 2.5 deodexer, putted files in the system folder to the 7zip folder and sent to my device and flashed zip, cleaned cache and dalvik and it stuck on booting for about 15 minutes. I know, it takes alot time during rebuildup of cache, but guys, it's 15 minutes! for me, if i cleanup cache and the dalvik/art cache, it just takes 1minute on boot screen to show up the image of each apps cache, but i just sat there with lots of patient for 15 minutes or a bit more and still same, stuck in same crappy booting logo.
I did restore my system files, now i'll try to retry it and send it again. Im suspicious of the zip file being corrupted during trasmitting to Device, however install was a big success so im very sure it wasnt corrupted. I'll do 2nd test and see it again if it's happening again.
If it does, i'll most likely try to figure out other ways to deodex as there is already deodexed roms out there, so they must have done is somehow.
Thanks, hope someone can help me out with this.
P.S: My adb works fine, i got usb drivers for my device, i got usb debug on, i got lots of space on phone, i got TWRP recovery which got very high compatibility when it comes to install anything from zip via recovery where almost all roms do work stable with TWRP.
omg brilliant @nitrous² ! thanks so much! its been days i keep trying to deodex with others tool...
Sachitoge said:
Don't know if someone can help me as you stated that you're retired from this thread.
I did every step you do mentioned here (for self deodexing existing rom)
I did everything successfully and deodexed my files with 2.5 deodexer, putted files in the system folder to the 7zip folder and sent to my device and flashed zip, cleaned cache and dalvik and it stuck on booting for about 15 minutes. I know, it takes alot time during rebuildup of cache, but guys, it's 15 minutes! for me, if i cleanup cache and the dalvik/art cache, it just takes 1minute on boot screen to show up the image of each apps cache, but i just sat there with lots of patient for 15 minutes or a bit more and still same, stuck in same crappy booting logo.
I did restore my system files, now i'll try to retry it and send it again. Im suspicious of the zip file being corrupted during trasmitting to Device, however install was a big success so im very sure it wasnt corrupted. I'll do 2nd test and see it again if it's happening again.
If it does, i'll most likely try to figure out other ways to deodex as there is already deodexed roms out there, so they must have done is somehow.
Thanks, hope someone can help me out with this.
P.S: My adb works fine, i got usb drivers for my device, i got usb debug on, i got lots of space on phone, i got TWRP recovery which got very high compatibility when it comes to install anything from zip via recovery where almost all roms do work stable with TWRP.
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Same happened to me.... Did you solved this problem?
Maurizio1953 said:
Same happened to me.... Did you solved this problem?
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Nope, i ended up using CM12 (at that time, right now i got cm13 update).
Well i had to deodex apps to get xposed on TouchWiz, but i failed and didn't get headache because of the Xposed modules being not really well compatible on TouchWiz, so i jumped to CM, i find it more stable, and the CM13 is insane because it saves so much battery at stand by, compared to lollipop, the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow is the biggest update in android history, that saves hell lot of battery (it can be also maybe because i don't have Xposed Framework in recent rom).
Anyway, im tired of it, and i don't need to hassle with Link2Sd because of Android Marshmallow offering to mount the SD Card, in the end, all my needs are being offered in this (for me) huge, best android update, being Marshmallow.
Try it i would say, so amazing.
Ok i would like to go to cm13 as you but i stil need the support to the gear s smartwatch so i decided to stay with touchwiz without xposed.
