Can somebody help with this? I never install more than 15 apps and all of them are not battery drainers (no facebook, etc).
I never use GPS, brightness at minimum, background data disabled.
Tried different ROMS & Kernels - still the same. Even at 760mhz max. I get nasty battery drain - 1% on 2-3 minutes just reading a book. This is so not normal. Device is 5 months old, so battery should be proper. Here I attach some stats. I see Google Services Framework wakes up alot.
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Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
What CPU Governor and Tegra 3 CPU Quiet Governor are you using? Even if you have set the max frequency to 760MHz, your battery would still quickly if the cores are unable to turn off and/or unable to scale the frequency correctly.
Username invalid said:
What CPU Governor and Tegra 3 CPU Quiet Governor are you using? Even if you have set the max frequency to 760MHz, your battery would still quickly if the cores are unable to turn off and/or unable to scale the frequency correctly.
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Currently touchdemand, but its same drain on ondemand, interactive and conservative. No idea about cpu quiet, using m-kernel with stock now.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Jack Barrett said:
Currently touchdemand, but its same drain on ondemand, interactive and conservative. No idea about cpu quiet, using m-kernel with stock now.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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CPU Governor determines the frequency of the core while the Quiet Governor determines on when the cores turn on/off.
Username invalid said:
CPU Governor determines the frequency of the core while the Quiet Governor determines on when the cores turn on/off.
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My current kernel doesn't show this, but I believe it was balanced when I was running Faux kernel. It was the same.
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guys i love creed's v3.5 do u guys xperiencd high ram usage in creed v3.5?
its always 160+ in my RAM.. isnt this gonna drain my battery?
what is underclock? and how to do it?
try to freeze some bloatwares and use task killer or manually closed the apps
Underclock=Underclocking, also known as downclocking, is the practice of modifying a synchronous circuit's timing settings to run at a lower clock rate than it was specified to operate at. It may be said to be the computer equivalent of driving a car below the speed limit. Usually, underclocking is used to reduce a computer's power consumption and heat emission, sometimes also to increase the system's stability and compatibility. Underclocking may be implemented by the factory, but many computers and components are end user underclockable.
its like our SGY has 832mhz processor
when underclock to 624mhz max and 312 min it saves more battery
how to do it?? use NO fRills or SET CPU app
your kernel must have governors like smartass and schedulers
and Hit thanks if i help
djvithin said:
View attachment 1242832
guys i love creed's v3.5 do u guys xperiencd high ram usage in creed v3.5?
its always 160+ in my RAM.. isnt this gonna drain my battery?
what is underclock? and how to do it?
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its due to apps working in the background even if you did not use them,
make sure to identify which apps are using more ram in the background,
use google its your bestfriend
Go to settings> applications> running applications
Check which apps are using ur ram and are u really dont wanna use them
and freeze them
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
In my rom, jellyblast, there are several i/o and governors.. I'd know what's better for phone performance (I know can decrease battery duration)
blackcats (now I'm using this)
bcm21553 (stock, I think)
conservative (stock)
performance (stock)
noop (stock)
sio (I'm using this)
Are my settings correct for performances?
There is a whole thread on xda which tells you what each one does
There is also a huge section on Wikipedia that does the same
I suggest you go take a look
Raffhell said:
In my rom, jellyblast, there are several i/o and governors.. I'd know what's better for phone performance (I know can decrease battery duration)
blackcats (now I'm using this)
bcm21553 (stock, I think)
conservative (stock)
performance (stock)
noop (stock)
sio (I'm using this)
Are my settings correct for performances?
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At home playing games
Performance - deadline (drains battery but very fast
An usual day (work or college etc)
Bcm21553- sio (both good performance and battery life, opening and switching b/w apps made faster by sio)
Away and want to conserve battery
Conservative -noop
Hit thanks if I helped
marcussmith2626 said:
There is a whole thread on xda which tells you what each one does
There is also a huge section on Wikipedia that does the same
I suggest you go take a look
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Phone Slow? go ------>HERE<------
Ubuntu phone OS announced
what do u think share your thoughts --->HERE<---
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I use ussr9 and for me performance +cfq is fast.. No lag.. N I clock my phone to 1.2!XD
marcussmith2626 said:
There is a whole thread on xda which tells you what each one does
There is also a huge section on Wikipedia that does the same
I suggest you go take a look
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I didn't find anything about -cats, however I'm testing severals settings.
I'll try ondemand and cfq just now. Thank you for replies, you can also close topic
My phone: Nexus 4 16GB
ROM: Stock 4.2.2
Kernel: franco kernel M2
One of my CPU core is always running at 100% usage!
And the entire phone is very very hot even if I switch the screen off !
This is what I've seen:
In System Monitor Lite:
I closed all apps, but CPU core 2(CPU1) is still keep running at 100%
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But I cannot see any active app in System Monitor Lite.
In OS Monitor, it shows that it's cause by System(PPID:0).
If I reboot my phone now, I can let my CPU back to normal.
But it will happen again in the future! (This is the third time.)
So I want to figure out what happened!
Can anyone help?
Thanks so much!
I would do a factory reset
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Did you try clearing data in Franco's app?
Sent from my iPad 4
My phone now doesn't wake up even if I pressed the power button a hundred times...:crying:...
So I pressed 3-hardware-keys to do a hard reboot.
It may be normal for a couple days...
Zainiak said:
I would do a factory reset
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Yes, it will work definitely. But I'll never know what happened, and it might happen again in the future.
mitchdickson said:
Did you try clearing data in Franco's app?
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I didn't. But I've just done clearing. Is it matter?
Thanks you guys anyway~
what governor are you using? and what are your governor settings?
simms22 said:
what governor are you using? and what are your governor settings?
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All in franco's M2 default. (Interactive)
scottnet said:
All in franco's M2 default. (Interactive)
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just for giggles, switch the governor to ondemand, deadline scheduler.. is that cpu still at 100%?
simms22 said:
just for giggles, switch the governor to ondemand, deadline scheduler.. is that cpu still at 100%?
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I can't try [email protected]@...because it had a CPU goes normal now...
But I think it would not solve the problem, there's still something(System) running in the background.
Tune the governor only affect the CPU frequency and how fast it process the dumb program.
My hypothesis.
I make some research, try many things in this days to make device faster. I was try everything. Change minfree values and other kernel values.
And I got idea. On kernel for L7(i don't know about L5) default freq for GPU is set to 380mhz (stock value is 245)
I have question for developers @ALEX.IMER @skyinfo @-CALIBAN666- @Plamb1r @Asce1062 and others, I cant remember all right now. As CPU,GPU is a processor too. When we set it to maximum freq battery drains faster, and device have lags on heavy operations. The latest avaible freq is not good. Same as on CPU. Because Comes fatigue processor and then runs slower. True??
I edit egl.cfg and enable full GPU rendering (i have thread in general section) and downclock it to 245 and there is good results
Before this on 30 min of heavy usage device spend ~11-13% of battery
Now I have only ~7% of battery drain.
All of this what I said is different from user to user I only ask.
Tried your eglpatch but I got status 0 when flashing.
vaikz said:
Tried your eglpatch but I got status 0 when flashing.
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Hmm, try to put manualy, permission ia 0644 r-w-r-r
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After underclocking GPU see difference. I use my phone like before, and there is much more battery.
L5 GPU has only 1 frequency : 133MHz... Wonder how Imer OC it...
skyinfo said:
L5 GPU has only 1 frequency : 133MHz... Wonder how Imer OC it...
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Idk, but difference between L5 and L7 GPU is that L5 have Adreno 200 (AMD Z430) on 133Mhz and L7 have Adreno 200 'enhanced' which work from 200 to 245MHz.
You know about kernels, use both, extract it and see difference.
Last night I was just messing around and looking at some things trying to figure out the issues with choppy scrolling on our phones since the update and was checking out CPU usage and noticed something interesting...
I saw that two of the CPU cores were being reported as "sleeping" with no activity registered on them...even after running a benchmark there was no activity shown...
A reboot "fixed" the issue and all 4 cores were reporting activity...but then after going to bed, and waking up this morning it is back to the same...I attached a couple of screenshots to show what I'm seeing. You can see in the second picture the "history" clearly shows where the two cores went to sleep...
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Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Isn't the 820 a big/little quad core? You'll only have 2 active at one time.
fr4nk1yn said:
Isn't the 820 a big/little quad core? You'll only have 2 active at one time.
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You can clearly see here...that after rebooting the phone...all 4 cores will register as active for a time...
Or here
Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
I was wrong. The SD820 is not big/little it's asymmetrical.
With that said I'm running Geekbench in splitscreen and the highspeed cores are not showing as active.
Going to reboot and try again. If the score is significantly higher.
fr4nk1yn said:
I was wrong. The SD820 is not big/little it's asymmetrical.
With that said I'm running Geekbench in splitscreen and the highspeed cores are not showing as active.
Going to reboot and try again. If the score is significantly higher.
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My AnTuTu scores don't seem to be significantly lower when the cores are "sleeping" maybe 1000 points give or take (on total scores of 150,000+ so not significant) but it's still odd for all of these apps to be having such a hard time accurately reporting the activity on such a popular chipset ya know?
Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
I have noticed the same phenomenon on Xperia XZ (Snapdragon 820 also) after Nougat update. Have not done any benchmarking though.
Whats the path to get to the screenshots you posted???? Or is it an app????
You can also see the utilization is much less. Maybe it's automatic that they wake or sleep based on demand?
I've noticed this too. Have opened up games and many other apps but cant seem to get those 2 cores "awake".
Here's an interesting app I stumbled across:
With the last update its definitely not turning off any cores. All 4 are staying active and scaling at all times.