[Q] build number - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

May be a silly question but I was going to root my s4 until I noticed that the build number is JDQ39.I9505 XXUAMDI
All the searches I have done have show root directions for JDQ39.I9505 XXUAMDM
Am I safe to root using S/W for JDQ39.I9505 XXUAMDM

Hi, I have exactly same problem. Any guide available anywhere about unlocking XXUAMDI? I spend an hour googling with no luck.

pszober said:
Hi, I have exactly same problem. Any guide available anywhere about unlocking XXUAMDI? I spend an hour googling with no luck.
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You guys can just root with CF-Auto Root from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2219803. Easy as cake. Read the OP well though.


[Q] 4.4.2 root?

Has anyone found a method to root the 4.4.2 kitkat OTA yet? If so a link would be great! Thanks in advance!
DJ0224 said:
Has anyone found a method to root the 4.4.2 kitkat OTA yet? If so a link would be great! Thanks in advance!
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I also am desperate for someone much better at this than I to find a method. I hate the OTA! If we can't root, has anyone figured out how to remove the odin write protection so we can revert to the leak?
I'm stuck at this point waiting for a root method too. Does anyone know if Kingo will eventually add kitkat ? Have they been slowly upgrading the tool so far?
quick search on this forum and:
4.4.2 Root thread
4.4.2 root thread
4.4.2 root thread
i didnt take the time to post the other 25 threads started about 4.4.2 OTA root but i just searched with the word "root" so ....
fletch33 said:
quick search on this forum and:
4.4.2 Root thread
4.4.2 root thread
4.4.2 root thread
i didnt take the time to post the other 25 threads started about 4.4.2 OTA root but i just searched with the word "root" so ....
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every one of those were saying no root method yet. So thanks for the help..
Chances are it will be a long while before we get any sort of root. I willingly took NC4 and have no regrets. Maybe one day we will get an unlock.
fletch33 said:
quick search on this forum and:
4.4.2 Root thread
4.4.2 root thread
4.4.2 root thread
i didnt take the time to post the other 25 threads started about 4.4.2 OTA root but i just searched with the word "root" so ....
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Sooooo...why doesn't someone sticky one so there won't be another 25 generated?
bodhisattvah said:
Sooooo...why doesn't someone sticky one so there won't be another 25 generated?
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Fair question but i don't recall seeing many stickies on things you can't do
Also something like this requires little more than a Google search really
fletch33 said:
Fair question but i don't recall seeing many stickies on things you can't do
Also something like this requires little more than a Google search really
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Perhaps, but maybe it will bring more awareness to it. I also installed the update without doing research to see if it could be rooted after, and now am sorely disappointed I cannot load cyanogenmod on it.
I've been searching all over and it still doesn't look like there's a solution for it. Hopefully somebody more experienced comes along, reads this, and figures out a solution for the rest of us mere mortals
Refer to the sticky that says do not OTA update.
intellitek said:
Perhaps, but maybe it will bring more awareness to it. I also installed the update without doing research to see if it could be rooted after, and now am sorely disappointed I cannot load cyanogenmod on it.
I've been searching all over and it still doesn't look like there's a solution for it. Hopefully somebody more experienced comes along, reads this, and figures out a solution for the rest of us mere mortals
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with a BOUNTY of $18,500 for root it will certainly be no secret when/if its accomplished.
droidstyle said:
Refer to the sticky that says do not OTA update.
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Refer to my utter lack of time travel capabilities, else I'd have flashed NC2 in the first place and not be in this pickle. (EDIT--should read "reading" capabilities, not "travel"!)
fletch33 said:
Fair question but i don't recall seeing many stickies on things you can't do
Also something like this requires little more than a Google search really
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bodhisattvah said:
Refer to my utter lack of time travel capabilities, else I'd have flashed NC2 in the first place and not be in this pickle.
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[Q] HELP! Root for Sprint Galaxy Tab 4 T237

Hello All,
I'm digging around threads and cannot find a sure fire root method for my Sprint Galaxy Tab 4 7" (T237). If someone could point me towards a definitive good method of rooting my device I'd appreciate it. I've rooted almost all of my phones with Odin and never had an issue but can't seem to find anything. I sort of need a sure fire way to root because I did not add insurance on my device and I used to work for Sprint so getting a phone replaced wasn't an issue. I just want to cover all my bases that the data/LTE will remain working after root. Thanks in advance!!
slim011 said:
Hello All,
I'm digging around threads and cannot find a sure fire root method for my Sprint Galaxy Tab 4 7" (T237). If someone could point me towards a definitive good method of rooting my device I'd appreciate it. I've rooted almost all of my phones with Odin and never had an issue but can't seem to find anything. I sort of need a sure fire way to root because I did not add insurance on my device and I used to work for Sprint so getting a phone replaced wasn't an issue. I just want to cover all my bases that the data/LTE will remain working after root. Thanks in advance!!
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Hello, I believe this is how to root your tablet
thisisapoorusernamechoice said:
Hello, I believe this is how to root your tablet
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THANKS! I'll look into it
slim011 said:
THANKS! I'll look into it
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Did you have any luck rooting your device? I would try it but it is my sisters device and I don't want to brick it! Thanks in advance
Element1758 said:
Did you have any luck rooting your device? I would try it but it is my sisters device and I don't want to brick it! Thanks in advance
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This only safe thing I can suggest is kingroot http://www.kingroot.net/down (click first download) you can search on YouTube on how to use kingroot so yeah. If that doesn't work, then your going to have do it another way

SMN900V Root question

Any ideas on how to root build number ending with NJ6. and IF NOT what are the best apps to get to give features similar to rooted phones.
thedirkalater said:
Any ideas on how to root build number ending with NJ6. and IF NOT what are the best apps to get to give features similar to rooted phones.
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You're new here. I'll be gentle. Have you at least searched for you answer? There a numerous threads about root. As of right now, there is no root for the VZW Note 3 device if you are on any firmware aside from 4.4.2.
Tee Jay

CF Auto Root Guide for SM-G928V ?

Hi All,
I'm having trouble finding a guide for my exact version of my 6 Edge Plus. My Baseband version is G928VVRU2BPD4. I have found this (http://forum.xda-developers.com/s6-edge-plus/general/guide-6-0-1-g928fxxs2bpd2-t3371526) but I'm not sure if it will work for me?
If someone could point me in the correct direction, or let me know if the guide that I linked to above will work for me - I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have the same phone and did not see my exact model on CF Auto-Root.
Anyone have any information regarding a easy root for this phone? SM-G928V
Jayman931 said:
I have the same phone and did not see my exact model on CF Auto-Root.
Anyone have any information regarding a easy root for this phone? SM-G928V
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Most Verizon devices can't be rooted....
Old thread, I know, but I'm desperate. Is it still the case that this Verizon model can't be rooted? No way around it? I need to root my phone in order to do a deep scan for deleted files.
lavatea said:
Old thread, I know, but I'm desperate. Is it still the case that this Verizon model can't be rooted? No way around it? I need to root my phone in order to do a deep scan for deleted files.
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I'm also looking for a root all over the internet, Why is this model not being looked into anymore? i know the phones 2 years old, but cmon. I assume it cant be rooted because of the bootloader being locked tighter then fort knox itself. Verizon devices are notorious for having extra security.
Finally Root
Hey man, i finally got root for SM-G928V, this soluction is the app Wondershare MobileGo (PC), he have a built-in root application.
SheepBR said:
Hey man, i finally got root for SM-G928V, this soluction is the app Wondershare MobileGo (PC), he have a built-in root application.
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Wait what? please elaborate, The program you speak of costs money and i doubt your claims. If a root is possible it would of been posted here already.
+1 - does this Wondershare Mobile Go really works for G928V?
king_korba said:
+1 - does this Wondershare Mobile Go really works for G928V?
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Nope. I downloaded it, does nothing. Cant even detect my phone. Its a waste of time. The bootloader cannot be unlocked on this model because of Verizon and no one is working on a root method because the device is already too old. Im going to sell it and upgrade to a S7 edge. Right now you can get a used S7 edge on ebay for under $250. Just avoid the verizon models.

Found a CF Auto Root link for the SM-J727T... Has no one noticed this?

As stated in the title, I found a link for the SM-J727T cf auto root file.
Has anyone tried using this? Is this confirmed to not work? I just got the J727T today, and I was looking around for a root method. Could this be it?
Doesn't work
Both my J3s and J7 Fail Secure (cache) or (recovery)
EthoDream said:
As stated in the title, I found a link for the SM-J727T cf auto root file.
Has anyone tried using this? Is this confirmed to not work? I just got the J727T today, and I was looking around for a root method. Could this be it?
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Apparetly our bootloader is locked so until someone finds away around it, we're F*CKED
EthoDream said:
As stated in the title, I found a link for the SM-J727T cf auto root file.
Has anyone tried using this? Is this confirmed to not work? I just got the J727T today, and I was looking around for a root method. Could this be it?
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I started a Telegram Group for the reat of the 2017 J7s. pass the word if you know anyone
Looks like instructions were posted only 6 days ago (Sept. 26) to a website called recovery-mode. I can't post a link but if you google "root sm-j727t" it is on the 1st page.
Is this new or is it the same method being talked about earlier in this thread?
Also, I don't see OEM unlock in my developer options. Only install from unknown sources. Am I missing something?
Thanks, hope we figure this out.
There's no oem unlock option, I don't think we'll have anything unless we get that or they find some crazy workaround.
Try FRP unlock method using ADB command.
good topic .
dandelionsland said:
good topic .
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What worked?
Versatil2010 said:
What worked?
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root access executed by this method
dandelionsland said:
root access executed by this method
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What are the steps taken? I see an frp removal method nothing that mentions root though
Versatil2010 said:
What are the steps taken? I see an frp removal method nothing that mentions root though
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no pro
better contact to starter
I'm confused, how is the cf auto root working if we don't have an oem unlock toggle.
Versatil2010 said:
I'm confused, how is the cf auto root working if we don't have an oem unlock toggle.
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answer the man!
The cf auto root available is based on an early build with a first gen bootloader. J727T1UVU1AQG1
Does anyone have this version on their phone still?
If yes, can you confirm if the oem unlock option exists in developer options?
If oem unlock option exists, then bootloader downgrade is needed which most likely requires factory / engineer firmware which isn't publicly available.
Anyone interested in joining me to purchase an Octoplus Samsung device unlocking box?
Since no real feasable unlocking solutions have been offered, just wondering if there are any people really dedicated solving the unlocking issue?
mastercoin said:
Since no real feasable unlocking solutions have been offered, just wondering if there are any people really dedicated solving the unlocking issue?
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I am, and I did it.
I attained root, here is my guide.
