Use your Galaxy Note 8 WiFi to make phone calls - Galaxy Note 8.0 (Tablet) General

If you have Galaxy Note 8 WiFi version, you can actually set it up to make phone calls. In the video you can see how easy it is to make your Galaxy Note 8 WiFi version to place calls to landline or any phone numbers. It won't replace your mobile phone, but you can see that you can use your Galaxy Note 8 as a backup to making calls.

Cool!!! I would only use it as as backup, but nevertheless, cool!!!
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium

Gmate (bluetooth cell module) works too.

both Groove Ip and vonnage app work great for me to make and receive phone calls

wase4711 said:
both Groove Ip and vonnage app work great for me to make and receive phone calls
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I'm more interested in receiving calls. Will it do that? How does this differ from using Skype or google voice?

you recieve calls via your google voice phone number; thats how grooveip handles phone calls, incoming and outgoing..

wase4711 said:
you recieve calls via your google voice phone number; thats how grooveip handles phone calls, incoming and outgoing..
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Thanks. I misread the previous post.

note 8
wow great! will try soon..


Skype Mobile apk on T-Mo?

Is there any chance the Skype mobile apk file could be modified to work on T-Mo network?
Of course this thread might get the easy answers such as:
1) "No"
2) "It cant be done"
3) "It checks verizon's network?"
... but I'd be happier to hear from experts that know how it actually works/could be done.
Verizon skype apk:
No. It cant be done. It checks verizon's network.
Ok, helpful now... There's no need for Skype mobile.
Using it to call normal phone numbers uses minutes. The only free part is using it to call other Skype numbers. And you can already use Fring or Sipdroid from the Market to do this (AND do VoIP calls to normal numbers), so the Skype mobile app for Verizon is pretty much just crap.
Paul22000 said:
No. It cant be done. It checks verizon's network.
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LoL You Suck!!!
Always great to hear from ya though Paul
ap3604 said:
LoL You Suck!!!
Always great to hear from ya though Paul
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: P
Check out my second post (we posted at same time)
This might also help:
Paul22000 said:
Ok, helpful now... There's no need for Skype mobile.
Using it to call normal phone numbers uses minutes. The only free part is using it to call other Skype numbers. And you can already use Fring or Sipdroid from the Market to do this (AND do VoIP calls to normal numbers), so the Skype mobile app for Verizon is pretty much just crap.
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Yeah your right it is pretty crappy that Skype put those restrictions on it by sleeping with the enemy (Big Red).
I was just going to see if it could work on T-Mo though because then I could get my family members to use it as well and make good quality voip calls like I could on the iPhone version.
SIPdroid is dear to my heart but the quality on outbound calls is pretty unusable for me, inbound is still good though. I tell all my friends that "if you get a call from me, dont pick up and just call me back."
Fring 3g quality was serviceable before but it was laggy (I would say something and the other person would start talking and then mid sentence would hear what I said and it would mess up the conversation). It probably has had some updates though so I will try it out again.
dunno if this helps but i read somewhere today that vonage is coming to tmobile and att with calls over wifi capability.
3 has got this for a long time now (no Android client yet) but the acctual calling is routed using a gsm center, no VOIP at all. I have installed the apk for t-mobile and it almost does the same thing ( it doesn't work outside tm network)
superg81 said:
dunno if this helps but i read somewhere today that vonage is coming to tmobile and att with calls over wifi capability.
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Just checked the Market. Vonage is there.
It looks like free USA calls, but only over wifi.
[Edit]: I'm reading the app comments and I don't understand, people are saying $5 pay as you go, etc.
So maybe you have to pay $5 a month for "free" wifi calls. I don't get it. Anyone tried it yet?
Read the comments here ^.
Is it really free over wifi?
Seems like false advertising.
[Edit]: Just signed up for Vonage -- it DOES work if you sign up using your Google Voice number, hahaha!
Paul22000 said:
Just checked the Market. Vonage is there.
It looks like free USA calls, but only over wifi.
[Edit]: I'm reading the app comments and I don't understand, people are saying $5 pay as you go, etc.
So maybe you have to pay $5 a month for "free" wifi calls. I don't get it. Anyone tried it yet?
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Thanks for the info you guys! I've made 3 calls over WiFi with Vonage app and the customer service reps say I sound crystal clear
Now for the real challenge boys... Since Vonage can make free domestic calls over wifi. How do we trick the N1, like on jailbroken iPhone's, into thinking its on wifi even if its on 3g?
Edit: The wifi calling is 100% free, dont add any money even if the app asks you for it (just press the back button to get rid of the prompt)
ap3604 said:
Thanks for the info you guys! I've made 3 calls over WiFi with Vonage app and the customer service reps say I sound crystal clear
Now for the real challenge boys... Since Vonage can make free domestic calls over wifi. How do we trick the N1, like on jailbroken iPhone's, into thinking its on wifi even if its on 3g?
Edit: The wifi calling is 100% free, dont add any money even if the app asks you for it (just press the back button to get rid of the prompt)
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How do you KNOW it was making calls over wifi?
I just signed up and installed it, and no matter what I do, it always calls from my normal phone number, rather than my Google Voice number, which is what I chose during the sign up process.
Also, turning Airplane mode on and then turning Wifi on doesn't let me make any calls. It says disable airplane mode.
Is there a way to KNOW 100% whether the call is being routed over wifi or normal phone?
Paul22000 said:
How do you KNOW it was making calls over wifi?
I just signed up and installed it, and no matter what I do, it always calls from my normal phone number, rather than my Google Voice number, which is what I chose during the sign up process.
Also, turning Airplane mode on and then turning Wifi on doesn't let me make any calls. It says disable airplane mode.
Is there a way to KNOW 100% whether the call is being routed over wifi or normal phone?
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Just disable the phones radio via the INFO screen(Dial *#*#4636#*#* -> Phone Information ->)..
Paul22000 said:
Read the comments here ^.
Is it really free over wifi?
Seems like false advertising.
[Edit]: Just signed up for Vonage -- it DOES work if you sign up using your Google Voice number, hahaha!
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so does that mean I won't have to pay a monthly bill? I can just basically, use my google voice number through wifi?
ram130 said:
Just disable the phones radio via the INFO screen(Dial *#*#4636#*#* -> Phone Information ->)..
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@ap3604 or ram130, what do you have set for Google Voice settings to get vonage working on Wifi?
Use Google Voice for all calls / no calls / ask each time?
Paul22000 said:
What do you have set for Google Voice settings?
Use for all calls / no calls / ask each time?
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ask only for international calls. I have not setup vonage yet, gonna do it now and see what is possible. I'll update ya in a few.
Paul22000 said:
How do you KNOW it was making calls over wifi?
I just signed up and installed it, and no matter what I do, it always calls from my normal phone number, rather than my Google Voice number, which is what I chose during the sign up process.
Also, turning Airplane mode on and then turning Wifi on doesn't let me make any calls. It says disable airplane mode.
Is there a way to KNOW 100% whether the call is being routed over wifi or normal phone?
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On my end I can guarantee that its making the calls through WiFi because of the data only plan I am on. T-Mo has two different types of $40/mo data plans:
1) $40/mo with T-mo hotspot access but cannot make ANY calls (except 911)
2) $40/mo without T-mo hotspot access but can make calls for $.10/min
I have the first option and if I try to make a regular call it says "the service you are attempting to use has been restricted or unavailable" and hangs up. Even if I try to make a call through GVoice it says the same thing so I know I cant make any cellular calls. But I can make a call through the Vonage app with WiFi (although I do have to have on Edge/3g with the WiFi your right).
I just checked my T-Mobile account as well and I dont see any minutes used either.
Now if only we can get this thing to think its on WiFi even if only on 3g!
Paul22000 said:
@ap3604 or ram130, what do you have set for Google Voice settings to get vonage working on Wifi?
Use Google Voice for all calls / no calls / ask each time?
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I set Google Voice to "Do not use Google Voice to make any calls" to make sure it was only Vonage making the calls.
I'm tellin you guys this app works great on the free WiFi calls Just gotta hack the N1 for tricking it into thinking its on WiFi even while on 3g.
Lemme know if you guys have any trouble setting up the Vonage account to test...
ap3604 said:
I set Google Voice to "Do not use Google Voice to make any calls" to make sure it was only Vonage making the calls.
I'm tellin you guys this app works great on the free WiFi calls Just gotta hack the N1 for tricking it into thinking its on WiFi even while on 3g.
Lemme know if you guys have any trouble setting up the Vonage account to test...
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When I set GV to not call intercept, it will just call using my normal phone number. Vonage just sits there doing nothing.
A few times the Vonage dialer has popped up (if I had GV set to make ALL calls), but then Vonage crashed (Force Close).
Bleh, must be an issue with the Desire caller =\
Fring is flawless with skype dumb easy to setup for idiots like myself
I use it w/o a simcard in my g1 and keep my sim in the n1
I tried this vonage doesn't seem to work with the sim card out or in...if any one can post the correct steps to make domestic calls over wifi on the vonage app please(w/o a sim card it the only sure way to know its using wifi only)

Gtalk calling

Hi guys, i have recently started using gtalk to make calls on the pc. Of course there's no option to initiate calls naively in Android, so I was wondering if there was an app that could basically turn the n1 into a headset wiry a dial pad, so while connected via Bluetooth or WiFi, a call could be dialed on the n1 and gtalk on the pc connects the call, thus turning thephone into a glorified headset?
Any ideas?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
How about waiting for Gingerbread with Gtalk voice and video built in (hopefully)?
That would be nice, but incase that's not a feature...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I think google should just come out with their own cell phone company already. Just call it G-Talk or something. That would be way rad.
edit: o nvrmind i was confused.
adamhlj said:
I think google should just come out with their own cell phone company already. Just call it G-Talk or something. That would be way rad.
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I've been thinking the same thing since gmail calling came out: they should put out something in the vein of Peek, but with WiFi and 3G calling in addition to Google Voice SMS. A pure Google Voice/Google Talk device. It would (should) be an affordable device (like, <$50 with a data contract, maybe around $100-$200 without) with unlimited mobile data and WiFi capabilities.
junkiee said:
Hi guys, i have recently started using gtalk to make calls on the pc. Of course there's no option to initiate calls naively in Android, so I was wondering if there was an app that could basically turn the n1 into a headset wiry a dial pad, so while connected via Bluetooth or WiFi, a call could be dialed on the n1 and gtalk on the pc connects the call, thus turning thephone into a glorified headset?
Any ideas?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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I use "fring" for gtalk voip calls.
Works great!

Verizon Galaxy Tab as a Phone (partial) Workaround.

Hi Folks,
So I am not a programmer but an avid user of technology. On my tab I can:
Send and receive SMS to my permanent number, and when someone calls me, the call is forwarded to my work cell. Out bound calls go from my work phone (with or without Google Voice). Or I can use the Google Voice web interface to dial and then Google calls my work phone and the other phone.
The Tab # call forwarding is as far as I can tell not an official feature offered by VZW. In fact most of the folks I spoke to, at VZW, swore up and down that it wouldn't work.
Here is what I did:
Activated call forwarding from the regular cell on my permanent line.
Got a Tab, with its own #. Then swapped the two numbers and the call forwarding stuck.
I think there are about 4 people out there that this will be useful for but none the less all 5 of us will revel in our geekyness. (Insert mad scientist laughter here)
The advantage of all this is that I can finally get my SMS messages without carrying 2 "phones" (yes now I carry a tab and a work phone, that is bulkier package, yes, stop pointing out the obvious. This is only for a total of me and the 4 others remember? haha)
PS. Any programmers reading this, a clean Dialer app for the Tab that interfaces with the Google web dial feature would be awesome.
Hey I'm one of those four that appreciates the suggestion and idea! Ended up borrowing a friends old turd phone to port my ATT number to Verizon on. After it was activated and working I setup call forwarding to forward to my Skype number then immediately had them transfer that number to my new unactivated Galaxy Tab.
Works great have my same old cell phone number that I can text and pictures message and at the same time get calls automatically sent to my Skype so it's transparent to everyone calling me. Went ahead and set up Caller ID on Skype to appear as that same old cell phone number.
Thanks works great here as well hopefully they don't disable that down the line .
i just dont get why people would buy sprint or verizon tab? you can't do much with them, to me the GSM versions are the best.
Verizon has much better 3G coverage then both ATT and T-Mobile combined. Add to that Skype calling is $2.99 a month unlimited and works pretty great. Consider those using Skype need some strong and consistant 3G traveling.
Does this work with a Bluetooth ?
Morkai Almandragon said:
Does this work with a Bluetooth ?
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Current modded Skype app (allows 3G calling) supports media profile only meaning only sound no mic support from the bluetooth headset. It's not that bad in my opinion you just need the tab in your immediate space.
Apparently it's partially a limitation with the Skype app, there is a much newer version out that might have added full bluetooth support but I haven't seen anyone mod it for 3G calling yet (keeping eyes peeled).
Maybe not everyone wants to make carrier based calls on their Tab? I know I have no desire to do that. I have a Sprint Tab and can do exactly what I want with it. I don't need a 7" phone. I bought my EVO for that =)
Carrier based calls on my cell and voip calls on my Tab for when I am going to have long work related calls (once they fix the BT profile that is)
I'm not sure if I'm overlooking this or not, honestly surprised it hasn't been mentioned.... I'm using Sipdroid (which now supports google voice) to make and receive free calls on the tab. Incoming calls are forwarded to the tab and outgoing calls work fine. I've used it with a wired headset, haven't tried it bluetooth yet. Call quality is very clear.
WarlockLord said:
I'm not sure if I'm overlooking this or not, honestly surprised it hasn't been mentioned.... I'm using Sipdroid (which now supports google voice) to make and receive free calls on the tab. Incoming calls are forwarded to the tab and outgoing calls work fine. I've used it with a wired headset, haven't tried it bluetooth yet. Call quality is very clear.
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I'm still new to android. Do you mind explaining how you set up superior with google voice. Don't know how to use superior.
WarlockLord said:
I'm not sure if I'm overlooking this or not, honestly surprised it hasn't been mentioned.... I'm using Sipdroid (which now supports google voice) to make and receive free calls on the tab. Incoming calls are forwarded to the tab and outgoing calls work fine. I've used it with a wired headset, haven't tried it bluetooth yet. Call quality is very clear.
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I'm also using sipdroid to make free calls thru google voice but how do you configure sipdroid to receive calls thru your google voice number? Bluetooth works for me though
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk
I am now using the free CSipSimple app with a trial of Sipgate SIP service and Google Voice service.
I am giving out the GV# to my contacts so that I can change SIP or VOIP carriers without affecting the way I am contacted ever again. To do this I am forwarding calls that are made to the GV# to my Sipgate number, and in the future, any SIP or VOIP number I may end up with.
Sipgate seems pretty reasonable beyond the trial in that it costs 1.9 cents per miniute and you just load your account with credit when you need it. I am using the "Voice" GV app on my tab to handle text messaging to the same GV#, so that GV# is used for both text and voice.
Now to find a reasonable unlimited data plan.
Honestly for what Skype cost a month for unlimited calling in the US and Canada ($2.99 a month) it's a hard to beat option. I simply forward my cellphone/tab number and GV# to Skype and I have Skype caller ID setup to display my GV# when I make calls out.
Add in the latest release (1.0.1) fixes every single shortfall with the Skype app including more notifications for chat and everything else, no more signing out / time outs (8 hours strong without touching the tab still signed in and running), contact integration, etc. I'm using a modded apk for 614 that allows incoming and outgoing calls on 3G and it works without issue.
I may look into Sipdroid and Sipgate as alternatives but for the price Skype works great and has a great backbone as well (considering it's size and use).
Can you post the link for .614? ....
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk
Well I hit the dreaded bug we've been experiencing on 614 since adding the 3G hack "Already 2 ongoing calls, you must end one call before you can start another one". So it worked great and then now road block , reboot and flush and still the same thing it's like it magically can't call out from 3G (strange).
I'll report as I figure it out.
beestee said:
I am now using the free CSipSimple app with a trial of Sipgate SIP service and Google Voice service.
I am giving out the GV# to my contacts so that I can change SIP or VOIP carriers without affecting the way I am contacted ever again. To do this I am forwarding calls that are made to the GV# to my Sipgate number, and in the future, any SIP or VOIP number I may end up with.
Sipgate seems pretty reasonable beyond the trial in that it costs 1.9 cents per miniute and you just load your account with credit when you need it. I am using the "Voice" GV app on my tab to handle text messaging to the same GV#, so that GV# is used for both text and voice.
Now to find a reasonable unlimited data plan.
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Does anyone have this working over bluetooth on a Verizon SGT?
jtwebfusion said:
Does anyone have this working over bluetooth on a Verizon SGT?
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Do you mean working over a bluetooth headset?
i have tmobile, i can forward calls to my tmobile number to google voice and have it work over 3g or wifi?
i get a very bad signal only at home and cant make calls sometimes, so when someone calls my number itll just send to GV instead?
*i have unlimited data and a voice plan with tmobile*
Coolsaber57 said:
Do you mean working over a bluetooth headset?
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Sorry. Yes, over a bluetooth headset.
magnum_touchpro said:
i have tmobile, i can forward calls to my tmobile number to google voice and have it work over 3g or wifi?
i get a very bad signal only at home and cant make calls sometimes, so when someone calls my number itll just send to GV instead?
*i have unlimited data and a voice plan with tmobile*
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With Google Voice you can forward calls to multiple devices, including your cell phone, or your land line if signal strength is poor at home. Alternatively, Skype over WiFi can be very cool and very cheap - I use Skype on my tab for all outgoing calls from home as I have a poor cell signal.
GV is more than just Visual VM for Android - it is opening the door to a new generation of voice communications that will leave telephone numbers as obsolete as the old Compuserve numbers...
Sent from my SGH-I987 using XDA Premium App
woneill1701 said:
With Google Voice you can forward calls to multiple devices, including your cell phone, or your land line if signal strength is poor at home. Alternatively, Skype over WiFi can be very cool and very cheap - I use Skype on my tab for all outgoing calls from home as I have a poor cell signal.
GV is more than just Visual VM for Android - it is opening the door to a new generation of voice communications that will leave telephone numbers as obsolete as the old Compuserve numbers...
Sent from my SGH-I987 using XDA Premium App
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thanks i have it set up and will test it out when i switch over to 3g, my plan was to switch over to 3g and disable the phone but if someone calls my tmobile # it can forward to google voice and ring me while on 3g.. hopefully this works lol

Outgoing Google Voice Calls

Anyone else notice that outgoing Google Voice calls do not display properly in the call log? They all show as calls to the local Google Voice call routing service. Never had this problem with any other phone. Must be some limitation of the Touch Whiz interface. Anyone have a solution? This sucks.
It's something specific to this phone. I don't think the SII has this problem. Since the SIII is a popular phone hopefully Google sorts this out for the next update. For now I'm just saving the bridge number too since it's unique to the outgoing number.
It makes me super sad. I want to cry and shave my head.
pieces of cake said:
Anyone else notice that outgoing Google Voice calls do not display properly in the call log? They all show as calls to the local Google Voice call routing service. Never had this problem with any other phone. Must be some limitation of the Touch Whiz interface. Anyone have a solution? This sucks.
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Google Voice will properly list calls in the call log if you use the AOKP rom for the att SGS 3 by Task650 & Ktoonesz. not sure if this is a GVoice or a Samsung TW thing, but it's disappointing for me. i use my GV number all the time... hope a fix is coming soon!
I noticed as well. It doesn't really bother me because the call connects properly and shows up correctly in the call log. My droid incredible running CM7 did the same thing so I'm use to it.
sage3 said:
I noticed as well. It doesn't really bother me because the call connects properly and shows up correctly in the call log. My droid incredible running CM7 did the same thing so I'm use to it.
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so your verizon sgs 3 shows the number dialed in your call log vs. the Google Voice bridge number?
Yes. It shows the correct number in my call log. The only time I see the other number is in the voice notification as you call.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

S5e 4g can't call

I try yo call with sim bit stops sudently and don't call
Any soluciĆ³n?
Enviado desde mi SM-T725 mediante Tapatalk
I can make calls on my SGTS5e LTE model without any issues. Have you tried using another SIM card in it?
iceepyon said:
I can make calls on my SGTS5e LTE model without any issues. Have you tried using another SIM card in it?
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I have the smt727u version and it doesn't work. Can only make phone calls and messages if you have the tablet connected to a phone. They have a sim card for data only so you can connect anywhere. Pretty useless and stupid imo. I'm looking if there is a rom that supports native calling and texting from the tablet without another device
DonovanG03 said:
I have the smt727u version and it doesn't work. Can only make phone calls and messages if you have the tablet connected to a phone. They have a sim card for data only so you can connect anywhere. Pretty useless and stupid imo. I'm looking if there is a rom that supports native calling and texting from the tablet without another device
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Weather or not the SIM allows both phone and data, depends on the SIM and NOT the tablet. You can purchase data only SIMs, Phone only or Phone and data.
lewmur said:
Weather or not the SIM allows both phone and data, depends on the SIM and NOT the tablet. You can purchase data only SIMs, Phone only or Phone and data.
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I have a data/sms/phone sim. Can't make phone calls on the tablet, but I can use the sim on my other tablet and make phone calls and messages no problem
That sounds peculiar. I have the SM-T725, and it came with a data-only SIM. I put a normal SIM in it, and now use the tablet for calls through that SIM, no other devices involved.
The 727u must mean US version and therefore not allowed to us the tablet to make calls and texts on it's on. Tablets in the US are only allowed data. I am wondering if flashing a new rom or something with stock os to make it data+sms.
It is strange that US LTE tablets don't have the ability to make calls or receive SMS. When LTE tablets released in the rest of the world have the ability to make calls and receive SMS :/
iceepyon said:
It is strange that US LTE tablets don't have the ability to make calls or receive SMS. When LTE tablets released in the rest of the world have the ability to make calls and receive SMS :/
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It's a carrier restriction. There are no government regulations here that restricts tablets from making phone calls directly.
I have the 727V (Verizon) and the only way I can make phone calls using apps like Google Voice or the Verizon Messages+ app. The latter uses my phone's number.
Sent from my SM-T727V using Tapatalk
gernerttl said:
It's a carrier restriction. There are no government regulations here that restricts tablets from making phone calls directly.
I have the 727V (Verizon) and the only way I can make phone calls using apps like Google Voice or the Verizon Messages+ app. The latter uses my phone's number.
Sent from my SM-T727V using Tapatalk
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On my Verizon tablet it has its own number which must be connected to my phone number.
I can call out on the tablet and receive calls without the phone. I can also receive and send text messages also without the phone.
I also have data on the tablet.
TrofeoSC said:
On my Verizon tablet it has its own number which must be connected to my phone number.
I can call out on the tablet and receive calls without the phone. I can also receive and send text messages also without the phone.
I also have data on the tablet.
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How do you make calls? I have the Verizon 727V and although it has its own phone number, I cannot make or receive calls from it, unless I am using the Verizon Messages+ app, that is tied to my Note 10+ number, or using Google Voice or some other IP phone app. I also have data on the tablet.
Please share how you are making calls directly from your tablet.
gernerttl said:
How do you make calls? I have the Verizon 727V and although it has its own phone number, I cannot make or receive calls from it, unless I am using the Verizon Messages+ app, that is tied to my Note 10+ number, or using Google Voice or some other IP phone app. I also have data on the tablet.
Please share how you are making calls directly from your tablet.
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That is exactly how I make and receive calls on my tablet. I can leave my phone at home and still be able to make and receive calls.
TrofeoSC said:
That is exactly how I make and receive calls on my tablet. I can leave my phone at home and still be able to make and receive calls.
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So you're not using the tablet's phone number, but using the number associated with a phone.
The point of this thread is making calls with an LTE enabled tablet using the number linked to the tablet's data plan and not to another line.
Sent from my SM-T727V using Tapatalk
That is the way that it appears that Verizon set it up. I never asked them about the tablet phone number. It carries the same area code as my phone but is a totally different number.
