Permanent status 7 error - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

It is not Possible to install any rom on my SGS 4. i've used diffrent recoverys like cwm - 3&4; Philz Touch; Twrp...etc.
Every time i try to install a rom i'm getting Status 7 error and yes i did full wipe & format system & dalvik cache.
What am i doing wrong?
I've tried the P.A.C. Rom (here) and the AOKP (here) ROM
I have the I9505.


[Q] Question about MS2Ginger

I'm currently running CM10.2 by Engle_Mars but I would like to try MS2Ginger 5. ( )
I've read the thread but can't really find some concrete information as to the installation steps. Do I need to install both the rom and the kernel listed in that thread?
I have the latest kernel: SPKernelR6+UP.7z (16.05 - New Revision! <Rev6>) and the v5 Rom.
In cm10.2 Do I just reboot to recovery, install the kernel, install the rom, wipe data/cache, reboot?
norgar00 said:
I'm currently running CM10.2 by Engle_Mars but I would like to try MS2Ginger 5. ( )
I've read the thread but can't really find some concrete information as to the installation steps. Do I need to install both the rom and the kernel listed in that thread?
I have the latest kernel: SPKernelR6+UP.7z (16.05 - New Revision! <Rev6>) and the v5 Rom.
In cm10.2 Do I just reboot to recovery, install the kernel, install the rom, wipe data/cache, reboot?
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You dont need to install kernel from MSGinger thread. It is working with stock one without any problem
0. Extract rom to /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup
1. you must format data and cache to ext3 - you can do that from bootmenu
2. boot to recovery and flash this recovery:
because CM10.2 has TWRP recovery and it cant recover CWM nandroid backups
3. Boot to CWM based Recovery.
4. Restore the ROM.
5. Reboot , boot again to CWM
6. Now Wipe Data & Cache.
Thank you!

The correct procedure to install CM

I tried to update my Defy+ MB526 at a newer version of Android (Jelly Bean or more... now it's running with the factory 2.3.6 ) but I have a problem with the installation of CM.
1) I rooted my device with Framaroot "Super SU" and checked wit "Root checker" and it is ok.
2) Then I stored in the SD the CM (before the 10.2 and after the 11) and the
3) I installed the SndinitDefy_2.3.apk
4) I ran the recovery mode, wiped factory/data, wiped cache partition, wiped Dalvik cache
5) Then install zip from SD card, but the file "" and also the "" aborted the installation with "error status (0)".
I dont' know why.
Please tell me if the procedure I've done is correct. Otherwise write me the correct steps. Thank you. :good:
Ps: system version:
build n°: 4.5.1-134_dfp-231
Flash this -, then reboot and go to recovery again. Then flash CM.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Thank you Hotdog.
I tried with flash the Sndinit and after, by the custom recovery, I've flashed the Twrp. After I've started the Twrp recovery and flashed the CM11. It seemed ok but when I rebooted the device to install the Gapps, it has gone in infinity loop.
After that, i made a mistake because i did a completely reset of the device (the total wipe) and after I've reeboted the Defy and it bricked!!!
But with the guide in this forum I un-bricked it (It isn't difficult, it's easy) and then I tried, by the same previous way, to install the CM10.
With the CM10 it works awesome (4.1.2) and the gapps didn't create any problem!
Thank you again and many thanks to all people that everyday helps each other in this forum (especially non-expertised like me!)

[Q] Stuck in custom recovery trying to flash gpe 442 via sd card

Hi, I'm stuck in philz custom recovery (cwm) after trying to flash gpe 4.4.2 onto i9505 lte(uk) I rooted and installed cwm no problem. When I booted into recovery I wiped cache, dalvik etc then selected zip file from sd card. All was well then install failed error (status 7). I made a backup using rom manager and saved it to my external sd but cwm can't find the recovery file. How do I fix this. Any help would be much appreciated
jv1982 said:
Hi, I'm stuck in philz custom recovery (cwm) after trying to flash gpe 4.4.2 onto i9505 lte(uk) I rooted and installed cwm no problem. When I booted into recovery I wiped cache, dalvik etc then selected zip file from sd card. All was well then install failed error (status 7). I made a backup using rom manager and saved it to my external sd but cwm can't find the recovery file. How do I fix this. Any help would be much appreciated
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Which Rom are you trying to flash?
I recently installed this one:
I used TWRP recovery!
jv1982 said:
Hi, I'm stuck in philz custom recovery (cwm) after trying to flash gpe 4.4.2 onto i9505 lte(uk) I rooted and installed cwm no problem. When I booted into recovery I wiped cache, dalvik etc then selected zip file from sd card. All was well then install failed error (status 7). I made a backup using rom manager and saved it to my external sd but cwm can't find the recovery file. How do I fix this. Any help would be much appreciated
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Usually status 7 is a problem with recovery-not sure which philz your using ? Try flashing this 1 & it should load ROM correctly

[Q] moded tweaked s5 rom from @g00h

have a n9005
i tried to flash the new modded rom from @g00h
but it give me an error every time .. i downloaded the same zip again
and i used different recovery
i made a full wipe
but i got the same error every time
any suggestions !

Recovery crash when flashing custom ROM

Hi everyone,
I posted this thread in general troubleshooting category and after some advice, I decided to post it in the S4 section.
I was since 3 years on custom ROM (CM and Lineage OS) and due to substratum, I had a bootloop.
My problem is quite particular, after a total clean (wipe and format cache,system,data, dalvik cache) of my device and flashing the stock ROM, custom recovery cause me some trouble.
Whatever I try (CWM touch 6 or TWPR 3.1.1), I can't flash custom ROM (Lineage OS 14.1), TWPR or CWM crash 1 second after the flash command and reboot, with disable touchscreen and even by using old navigation way and try again, same problem.
Tried also to disable file signature check but no effect.
Quick summary about what I did:
- Device: Samsung Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505)
- ROM stock used: I9505XXUHOJ2 ( the build on which is based the CF-Root file I used) and Bulgarian version due to mistake.
- I tried on these two ROM with in the two cases, no patch or Samsung ROM update made.
- Tried to install CWM by ROM Manager and ODIN (v3.09)
- TWPR installed by TWPR App using file in .img and not the second option (tar.img) for LTE Internationnal Qualcomm.
-Checked the root before last attempt with root checker and it was ok.
- Made 4 times already the clean and Stock ROM flash to clean recovery and try another way to install it (never had error after recovery install).
Actually I'm on the OJ2 Rom with update and patch delivered by Samsung with classic method.
In advance thanks for your help and I really hope it's not too serious.
By the way, sorry for my english, it's not my native language
Try flashing the stock ROM from or, don't root, use Odin 3.07 to flash the tar version of TWRP 2.8.7, try flashing a custom ROM.
Thx for the help/advice
Just to be sure, my stock ROM is actually from up but due to the patch and Samsung update I'm now on HPK2.
Here the detail of my stock ROM
(the integrated image link option made it as large as the moon so I prefer a simple link)
TWPR 2.8.7 is still efficient or another version would be better ?
If yes, I will try in the hour and I will give you news as soon as possible
EDIT: After some research, TWPR 2.8.7 jfltexx is not avaible in .tar , only .img and impossible to find it on net...
But 2.8.6 and 2.8.4 are avaible in .tar and 3.0.0 in .img.tar , which one is the best ?
I suggested 2.8.7 because Ihave used it in the past and it was very stable. Try a newer tar version. It's really just to see if the phone will take TWRP and boot it.
Whatever I try (TWRP 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 in .img.tar for jlftexx)
Odin (v3.07) do the job , my phone reboot as normal.
But when I shutdown it and lauch in recovery by manual way, got during a micro seconds the android logo of loading and intant "No commands " and I end on the stock recovery.
Edit: I will try the same method with Odin using CWM tar (never had problem with it before this day)
Same thing with CWM-v6.0.4.7-Touch-GT-I9505.tar
Android loading logo and "No command detected"
Problem solved
Well, I don't know how I made a sucess but it seems the "wild" method worked.
So here is the list of things I did in case somepne got the same trouble
Put your Zip file on SD AND Internal Memory (in case)
All the Zip files I used where on my internal storage during this procedure.
- Download mode:
uncheck Auto Reboot in Odin
flash TWRP3.0.1.0 jlftexx.img.tar with ODIN in admin mode
turn off device after flash ended
Obligation or the stock recovery will return automatically !
Lauch device in recovery mode:
If it's TWRP good news, slide to confirm modifications.
Recovery mode:
-Wipe --> Advanced Wipe--> Select Cache, Dalvik Cache, Sytem and Data (never check internal and SD storage)
I tried by mistake without wiping dalvik cache, and got no boot after 5 minutes so i made it again with all the wipe above
-Install --> Flash zip of the rom and Gapps (got an error at zip signature check on the ROM so I flashed after uncheck this option)
-Reboot --> System
Let your device launch on the new rom, set the basic parameters and after, if you want, return in recovery to flash the SU addon for root (got also zip sugnature fail so I ahd to uncheck it again)
Hoping no one will ever had the same problem but in case, I share my solution
Thanks again for help
