Delay while transferring files with adb (music not detected immediately) - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I use LMDE and i really have no trouble using adb to transfer files, but the files that i push from my PC to the device aren't detected immediately, so, if i put some music in the device i have to wait like 10 minutes at least for the files to being accessibles.
So, my question is if there's some way to 'scan & list' all the files after i make the file transfer?
PS: This is happening with my Galaxy Nexus also, so i believe this is an adb problem.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

duqueso said:
I use LMDE and i really have no trouble using adb to transfer files, but the files that i push from my PC to the device aren't detected immediately, so, if i put some music in the device i have to wait like 10 minutes at least for the files to being accessibles.
So, my question is if there's some way to 'scan & list' all the files after i make the file transfer?
PS: This is happening with my Galaxy Nexus also, so i believe this is an adb problem.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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as for scanning maybe u can try to use filemanagers to make the device search for the music files faster

as for scanning maybe u can try to use filemanagers to make the device search for the music files faster
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Thanks for the reply, but i already tried this, and i can see the files with a file manager, but i don't know why the Music Players (Play Music and JetAudio) aren't showing the files immediately.


mp4 files won't even copy to the device?

I was trying to copy an mp4 file to the N7 but it keeps telling me I cannot copy that file type to this device? Am I doing something wrong or can you really not even copy mp4 to the storage?
mbanken said:
I was trying to copy an mp4 file to the N7 but it keeps telling me I cannot copy that file type to this device? Am I doing something wrong or can you really not even copy mp4 to the storage?
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What are you using to copy files? On Windows, using Windows Explorer, I get a message saying that my device might not be able to play the file without converting. I just click "copy anyway" and they play on the stock player just fine. (Windows is pretty stupid sometimes)
Sent from my Nexus 7
slifer315 said:
What are you using to copy files? On Windows, using Windows Explorer, I get a message saying that my device might not be able to play the file without converting. I just click "copy anyway" and they play on the stock player just fine. (Windows is pretty stupid sometimes)
Sent from my Nexus 7
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I was using Windows. I received the same message then a few minutes later it failed and said it could not copy the file to the device. I will try a different machine and a different file. I will see if that works.
Thank you for confirming they do actually work though!
See if there is a "copy anyway" button right in front of you. You're probably just reading too quickly and missing the option to ignore the warning.
Different pc and a different file worked much better this time!
I got the same message but it was a warning that my device wouldn't be able to play it. That didn't stop me from transferring it. It'll still let you transfer the file.

ES File Explorer Doesn't Delete Files Properly Sometimes

Hi all, I'm using ES File Explorer. Sometimes when I delete a file by using the Nexus 7 itself and afterwards plug it into my computer and I browse using Windows Explorer, the file that was supposedly deleted would still show up. Does anyone know why this is?
Jark89 said:
Hi all, I'm using ES File Explorer. Sometimes when I delete a file by using the Nexus 7 itself and afterwards plug it into my computer and I browse using Windows Explorer, the file that was supposedly deleted would still show up. Does anyone know why this is?
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I had a similar thing happen where I moved a bunch of files using the adb shell. The files were still accessible in the old directory in Windows, but didn't show in directory listings done on the N7.
opcow said:
I had a similar thing happen where I moved a bunch of files using the adb shell. The files were still accessible in the old directory in Windows, but didn't show in directory listings done on the N7.
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Were you also using ES File Explorer or a different app?
Because the Nexus uses MTP instead of USB Mass Storage, the Media scanner on the Nexus will need to periodically scan your device for changes in files/folders. It sucks because it will always show inconsistencies in Windows Explorer that don't match the file structure on the Nexus.
You can use the SDRescan app to force it to scan now, then Windows Explorer will correctly show files/folders you've changed.
Salty Wagyu said:
Because the Nexus uses MTP instead of USB Mass Storage, the Media scanner on the Nexus will need to periodically scan your device for changes in files/folders. It sucks because it will always show inconsistencies in Windows Explorer that don't match the file structure on the Nexus.
You can use the SDRescan app to force it to scan now, then Windows Explorer will correctly show files/folders you've changed.
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Thanks for the explanation! That clears it up for me. :good:

Windows explorer crash when transfering files to Nexus 4

I keep on having problems with transferring files to my nexus 4. Windows explorer keeps crashing for some reason. Has anyone else encountered this?
Beerad875 said:
I keep on having problems with transferring files to my nexus 4. Windows explorer keeps crashing for some reason. Has anyone else encountered this?
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Im having the same issue, i can see the device in windows 7 explorer, and right click import videos/pictues.. i can browse to folders as well but if i copy/paste to/from the nexus windows explorer crashes.. any ideas?
same here.
i found this:
This is because the Nexus 7 uses MTP and not USB Mass Storage device. How I loathe MTP.
The solution is a simple one.
Remove the extension, such as AVI or MKV
Copy the file (it will work no problem).
Once copied put the extension back on.
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zipping the files, and then using a file browser from android to unzip it seems to work too.
this article gives a small insight to the MTP.

Unable to copy Nandroid backups from phone to PC

What I usually do is make a backup of my phone and then I copy it over to my windows 7 PC for safe keeping. This has been working perfectly fine the last month and then suddenly a few days ago it has been unable to copy the entire backup. I've tried different cables, different computers, different files, so I think the problem is with my phone and the file formats that are used in backups. When I try copying the file the "" and "recovery.log" copy just fine but the problem is with the other files. The "data.ext4.win000" and "data.ext4.win001" and "" files are all unable to copy. I right-click and copy them, then when I try and paste them on my desktop nothing happens. There's no loading symbol or anything. If anybody has any ideas what might be wrong, I have no idea and this problem just recently started happening. Thanks.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
out of curiousity, have you tried copying the whole folder over instead of the individual files?
Your using twrp if its .win files right? Maybe try another version of twrp or a different recovery. Otherwise I believe there is an option to turn your backups into .tar or maybe even yaffs2
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Flash the zip in this post it will fix the permissions so that you can transfer the backup
Have you tried copy-pasting other files such as MP3 files, from your phone to the PC? It might be a little hard but you can try using adb pull command.
Edit: or you can use Airdroid if you're connected to the same WiFi as your PC.
Sent from my blazing fast Nexus 4
uchihakurtz said:
Have you tried copy-pasting other files such as MP3 files, from your phone to the PC? It might be a little hard but you can try using adb pull command.
Edit: or you can use Airdroid if you're connected to the same WiFi as your PC.
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Yes other files copy just fine. Nothing unusual just the normal loading-like screen shows up, fills the bar with green and then goes away and the file appears on my desktop.
spaceman860 said:
Flash the zip in this post it will fix the permissions so that you can transfer the backup
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I will try this and I'll get back to you, thanks!
demkantor said:
Your using twrp if its .win files right? Maybe try another version of twrp or a different recovery. Otherwise I believe there is an option to turn your backups into .tar or maybe even yaffs2
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I'm gonna try a fix that another comment suggested, but if that doesnt work then I will definetly try and use a different file format. Thank you!
simms22 said:
out of curiousity, have you tried copying the whole folder over instead of the individual files?
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yes I have and what happens is the little loading screen pops up that shows you how far along the copying process is just stops after copying the first file in the folder. It gets a little green and then just disappears without no error messages or anything.

[Q] copying flac files to phone

hey XDA,
I am not able to copy Flac audio files from my PC to the Internal Storage of my galaxy s4. When I paste the Flac files into the phone, it prompts for file format not supported, then I click 'No, just Copy' and for all files. But then it only copies the first file (If I selected multiple files) and then freezes. When I cancel the process, the first file is copied successfully.
How can i fix this?
Tunestwo said:
hey XDA,
I am not able to copy Flac audio files from my PC to the Internal Storage of my galaxy s4. When I paste the Flac files into the phone, it prompts for file format not supported, then I click 'No, just Copy' and for all files. But then it only copies the first file (If I selected multiple files) and then freezes. When I cancel the process, the first file is copied successfully.
How can i fix this?
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as for me i didn't like to copy file from my pc to my s4 using usb as it only support mtp mode and not usb mode
this only suggestion from me.if you getting continues error to copy your file through usb and you got good internet connection simply upload your file to cloud storage and download to your mobile
Zaraee said:
as for me i didn't like to copy file from my pc to my s4 using usb as it only support mtp mode and not usb mode
this only suggestion from me.if you getting continues error to copy your file through usb and you got good internet connection simply upload your file to cloud storage and download to your mobile
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But thats just ignoring the problem by doing it another way..
I want to fix it not turn around it.
Tunestwo said:
But thats just ignoring the problem by doing it another way..
I want to fix it not turn around it.
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sorry,nerver have this problem before..guess you need to wait for file to completely copy to your phone if it hang just wait until it complete
I have found out the solution today. I had the same problem on two phones, two systems, two laptops. People usually use same set of applications etc
I always used K-lite codecs to play videos on the PC. This causes the problem with copying the Flac files to the phone somehow. Uninstalling it makes it back ok.

