[Q] copying flac files to phone - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hey XDA,
I am not able to copy Flac audio files from my PC to the Internal Storage of my galaxy s4. When I paste the Flac files into the phone, it prompts for file format not supported, then I click 'No, just Copy' and for all files. But then it only copies the first file (If I selected multiple files) and then freezes. When I cancel the process, the first file is copied successfully.
How can i fix this?

Tunestwo said:
hey XDA,
I am not able to copy Flac audio files from my PC to the Internal Storage of my galaxy s4. When I paste the Flac files into the phone, it prompts for file format not supported, then I click 'No, just Copy' and for all files. But then it only copies the first file (If I selected multiple files) and then freezes. When I cancel the process, the first file is copied successfully.
How can i fix this?
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as for me i didn't like to copy file from my pc to my s4 using usb as it only support mtp mode and not usb mode
this only suggestion from me.if you getting continues error to copy your file through usb and you got good internet connection simply upload your file to cloud storage and download to your mobile

Zaraee said:
as for me i didn't like to copy file from my pc to my s4 using usb as it only support mtp mode and not usb mode
this only suggestion from me.if you getting continues error to copy your file through usb and you got good internet connection simply upload your file to cloud storage and download to your mobile
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But thats just ignoring the problem by doing it another way..
I want to fix it not turn around it.

Tunestwo said:
But thats just ignoring the problem by doing it another way..
I want to fix it not turn around it.
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sorry,nerver have this problem before..guess you need to wait for file to completely copy to your phone if it hang just wait until it complete

I have found out the solution today. I had the same problem on two phones, two systems, two laptops. People usually use same set of applications etc
I always used K-lite codecs to play videos on the PC. This causes the problem with copying the Flac files to the phone somehow. Uninstalling it makes it back ok.


[Q] Problem: Sony NWZ-E453 with acer iconia a500

Hello, I have an mp3 player sony nwz-e453, it seems to work as an mtp device. When I connect it to iconia, it is visible under mnt/ section and i can transfer/delete files.
But still there is a constant problem of freezing of a process of transfer on the third-forth file. Then the process of transfer stops and i have to replug my player to make it visible again. Then the situation repeats.
Are you using a file manager to transfer the files? If it is giving you troubles have you tried another file manager instead? There are dozens of file managers on the Android Market.
hardslog said:
Are you using a file manager to transfer the files? If it is giving you troubles have you tried another file manager instead? There are dozens of file managers on the Android Market.
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Yes, I have tried total commander, astro, es, root explorer. Now I turned the auto mount off and mounted the mp3 player manually from the terminal as i wanted to check all the automount options. You see when I copy files one by one or from the terminal where the speed is lower, everything is ok. It looks like some buffer is overflowed. It seems like it's time to write a script for a successive copying of files. Any help?

mp4 files won't even copy to the device?

I was trying to copy an mp4 file to the N7 but it keeps telling me I cannot copy that file type to this device? Am I doing something wrong or can you really not even copy mp4 to the storage?
mbanken said:
I was trying to copy an mp4 file to the N7 but it keeps telling me I cannot copy that file type to this device? Am I doing something wrong or can you really not even copy mp4 to the storage?
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What are you using to copy files? On Windows, using Windows Explorer, I get a message saying that my device might not be able to play the file without converting. I just click "copy anyway" and they play on the stock player just fine. (Windows is pretty stupid sometimes)
Sent from my Nexus 7
slifer315 said:
What are you using to copy files? On Windows, using Windows Explorer, I get a message saying that my device might not be able to play the file without converting. I just click "copy anyway" and they play on the stock player just fine. (Windows is pretty stupid sometimes)
Sent from my Nexus 7
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I was using Windows. I received the same message then a few minutes later it failed and said it could not copy the file to the device. I will try a different machine and a different file. I will see if that works.
Thank you for confirming they do actually work though!
See if there is a "copy anyway" button right in front of you. You're probably just reading too quickly and missing the option to ignore the warning.
Different pc and a different file worked much better this time!
I got the same message but it was a warning that my device wouldn't be able to play it. That didn't stop me from transferring it. It'll still let you transfer the file.

Cannot copy item error message

All of a sudden, I can't copy files to Nexus 7. Windows 7 64 says device has either stopped responding or is disconnected....which tells me nothing. I see others have posted this topic for this tablet but there are no replies. Tablet is rooted, running LiquidSmooth Beta 2 and seems fine. Same USB cable and I can see internal folder and files from Windows, but cannot perform normal file transfers. Where do I start looking for issue?
eduardo_b said:
All of a sudden, I can't copy files to Nexus 7. Windows 7 64 says device has either stopped responding or is disconnected....which tells me nothing. I see others have posted this topic for this tablet but there are no replies. Tablet is rooted, running LiquidSmooth Beta 2 and seems fine. Same USB cable and I can see internal folder and files from Windows, but cannot perform normal file transfers. Where do I start looking for issue?
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MTP or whatever its called sucks. But that usually either means that your device doesn't support that file format, the files are too big, or you actually disconnected your device. Try a different USB port, and give us a bit more info on what you are trying to copy.
drake90001 said:
MTP or whatever its called sucks. But that usually either means that your device doesn't support that file format, the files are too big, or you actually disconnected your device. Try a different USB port, and give us a bit more info on what you are trying to copy.
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Trying to copy a 7MB zip file. I looked at settings -- MTP is checked and there's 12.79GB available out of 13.24GB. Weirdly, I thought I'd try a file that was completely different, so I just copied a text file (2K) and it went fine. Now what's that about?
I usually use WinRAR to create zip files, but some on xda recommend 7-zip (changing file extension to zip) for stuff like boot animation files. Is that the problem??
I had the same thing happen... I tried an 11mb zip file, no luck. Text file or image worked fine... I'm guessing I'll just have to use something like AirDroid to transfer any file. This is disappointing that Google has done this. My older Android phones, I could copy any file I please.
jaminroe said:
I had the same thing happen... I tried an 11mb zip file, no luck. Text file or image worked fine... I'm guessing I'll just have to use something like AirDroid to transfer any file. This is disappointing that Google has done this. My older Android phones, I could copy any file I please.
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Well, one thing I finally discovered is that zip renamed from 7z may be an issue...the system probably checks the file header (I assume) against extension to see if there's a match. Possibly to catch exe files with zip extensions that may be viruses.
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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Just had the same problem. This worked! So the problem looks to be that the device can't handle certain files by themselves.
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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yeah this worked for me too... strange b/c i can copy files w/o issue to my sisters N4 but on mine i have to do this method
inerhead, you sir are a genius! Thank you
eduardo_b said:
Well, one thing I finally discovered is that zip renamed from 7z may be an issue...the system probably checks the file header (I assume) against extension to see if there's a match. Possibly to catch exe files with zip extensions that may be viruses.
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after reading your post i just removed the .zip and copied it to the device when it was on the device i just renamed the file and added the .zip thanks man really helpful
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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Thank you very much sir!
Now why the hell did this start happening with zips?
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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working exactly perfect!! Thanks my friend..

can't find folder/filers from pc?

Hi, I downloaded a big iso file (say file x) on my nexus 4. weird thing is I can't see the file from my pc when I connect my phone to my pc. I can see the folders on my phone but can't see the folder (say folder f1) that contains the file..
Even more weird thing is when I moved some file in the f1 to a folder (say f2) using Astro file manager that can be seen from my pc. I can see the file in f2 on my phone, but it's not on my pc.
Then I renamed a file (file y) in f2 in Astro. Both fy and f2 can be seen on my pc. But on my pc I can't see the name of y changed.
In short what kind of changes I made to my files on my phone, nothing happens on my pc. I have unplugged the cable and repluggd it but the situation is still the same.
Also, I can create folder/file from pc and they can be seen from my phone.
thotwielder said:
Hi, I downloaded a big iso file (say file x) on my nexus 4. weird thing is I can't see the file from my pc when I connect my phone to my pc. I can see the folders on my phone but can't see the folder (say folder f1) that contains the file..
Even more weird thing is when I moved some file in the f1 to a folder (say f2) using Astro file manager that can be seen from my pc. I can see the file in f2 on my phone, but it's not on my pc.
Then I renamed a file (file y) in f2 in Astro. Both fy and f2 can be seen on my pc. But on my pc I can't see the name of y changed.
In short what kind of changes I made to my files on my phone, nothing happens on my pc. I have unplugged the cable and repluggd it but the situation is still the same.
Also, I can create folder/file from pc and they can be seen from my phone.
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All right, it's suddenly just fine. No idea why.
Was going to say it could be due to the horrible MTP that Android now uses instead of Mass Storage.
MTP Limits large files from being transferred to and from the device.
(and only shows some folders, usually the basic Music, Downloads, Pictures, etc - and folders that were created on the device via the computer)
But since it just showed up, I have no clue...
I have no problems with MTP, all my folders and files show up on my pc. Can also transfer large video files without a problem. The size limitation by the way is 4GB.
Sometimes you may have to reboot the phone to be able to see the files. Works for me. After download some files I can't see them immediately, have to reboot phone then plug in and files will be there.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
kzoodroid said:
I have no problems with MTP, all my folders and files show up on my pc. Can also transfer large video files without a problem. The size limitation by the way is 4GB.
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I've had trouble with MTP, unable to write certain files... So I have to Zip them, copy them over, then unzip them from within Android. And I made some Backups of my Apex Settings and such, before uninstalling the app, when I plugged the N4 into my computer the location where Apex saved the file did not show.. Once I finally just saved them to my Google Drive from the phone, I was unable to copy them back over to the N4 (hence the reason for needing to ZIP them) - Also I recreated the Apex settings folder myself via Windows Explorer in the Android Folder of the n4 but Apex was unable to find it. When I clicked Backup within Apex, it normally will inform you of an overwrite if backup files already exist, but this did not happen.
I have the basic folders appear in Windows Explorer (Alarms, Android, DCIM, Downloads, Movies, Music, Notifications, Pictures, Podcast, and Ringtones) ... The Android Folder (where Apex saves its backups) would only display a few select folders (those related to media) so the Apex Backup folder is not visible in Windows Explorer...
Anyhow, I'm certainly not a fan of MTP... but will read the article you posted and maybe it will help/change my view

Help me!!!! Op5 cannot receive files via usb

hello i cannot have files sent to op5! I can copy from it but cannot copy within it or send files to it. This is huge problem, happened 3 hours ago! I cannot receive even in recovery! Tried multiple computers already.
Did you select file transfer?
Pwnycorn said:
Did you select file transfer?
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JhinCuatro said:
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Don't think anyone is going to want to help you when you start your messages with things like "did you not read"
Anyway, I'm no expert and you probably already tried these things but:
- try reflashing twrp
- try a different usb port and cable
- try restarting both your phone and computer
- try using a different computer
What kind of files are you trying to transfer and how large are they? I believe there is a 4GB size limit on files you can transfer via USB with Android's file transfer protocol. If that's not your problem you might want to try a different USB port and if that doesn't work a different cable.
Either the file is to large or your cable is jacked. Change the cable and use ADB push instead of MTP

