mp4 files won't even copy to the device? - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was trying to copy an mp4 file to the N7 but it keeps telling me I cannot copy that file type to this device? Am I doing something wrong or can you really not even copy mp4 to the storage?

mbanken said:
I was trying to copy an mp4 file to the N7 but it keeps telling me I cannot copy that file type to this device? Am I doing something wrong or can you really not even copy mp4 to the storage?
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What are you using to copy files? On Windows, using Windows Explorer, I get a message saying that my device might not be able to play the file without converting. I just click "copy anyway" and they play on the stock player just fine. (Windows is pretty stupid sometimes)
Sent from my Nexus 7

slifer315 said:
What are you using to copy files? On Windows, using Windows Explorer, I get a message saying that my device might not be able to play the file without converting. I just click "copy anyway" and they play on the stock player just fine. (Windows is pretty stupid sometimes)
Sent from my Nexus 7
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I was using Windows. I received the same message then a few minutes later it failed and said it could not copy the file to the device. I will try a different machine and a different file. I will see if that works.
Thank you for confirming they do actually work though!

See if there is a "copy anyway" button right in front of you. You're probably just reading too quickly and missing the option to ignore the warning.

Different pc and a different file worked much better this time!

I got the same message but it was a warning that my device wouldn't be able to play it. That didn't stop me from transferring it. It'll still let you transfer the file.


[App]Official Moto Video Player

This is the official motorola video player
Download to device and install (may not download with xoom itself so dl using a PC and transfer to Xoom storage)
If install fails for any reason:
Place in system / app using root explorer or adb
then restsrt device
I got it from my moto atrix for whatever reason its not installed on the xoom
Powerful player and works with upnplay for streaming 720p content from ur home network unlike rock player or vplayer (slow and audio video sync issues)
i tried installing real player manually too but its resolution is off doesn't do full screen.
Doesn't install on any of my devices.
Sent from my GT-P1000
It wont install u need to push it with adb or use root explorer as OP.says
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Hotfile is being a real pain. could you put it on a better dump site? I'd love to try this. Does 720p high profile work?
i doubt that but i didnt try. Its just a MUCH better stock player that will play alot that the 'movies' app won't. Such as dlna over ur network for example (flvs, mp4s)
ive re-upped it.
Link not working for me
Copied to system/app, restarted, no icon.
Any ideas?
it won't show as a icon but when trying to play a movie itll pop up as a choice
SS2006 said:
This is the official motorola video player
Powerful player and works with upnplay for streaming 720p content from ur home network unlike rock player or vplayer (slow and audio video sync issues)
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Tried installing using the directions posted, no luck. Could you give a little more info on install/use please?
johnpwu said:
Tried installing using the directions posted, no luck. Could you give a little more info on install/use please?
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1) download file on your pc (it wouldn't work when I downloaded straight on my xoom)
2) move the file over to your "sdcard"
3) open Root Explorer (make sure you are rooted)
4) move the file on your sd card over to /system/app (make sure /system/app is in r/w mode)
The end.
I would love to try this, but root explorer force closes on me everytime i attempt to open it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
robbiev80 said:
1) download file on your pc (it wouldn't work when I downloaded straight on my xoom)
2) move the file over to your "sdcard"
3) open Root Explorer (make sure you are rooted)
4) move the file on your sd card over to /system/app (make sure /system/app is in r/w mode)
The end.
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mirror please, or
robbiev80 said:
1) download file on your pc (it wouldn't work when I downloaded straight on my xoom)
2) move the file over to your "sdcard"
3) open Root Explorer (make sure you are rooted)
4) move the file on your sd card over to /system/app (make sure /system/app is in r/w mode)
The end.
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Thanks for the reply. This is exactly what I did the first time. I did it again, and didn't have any problems (again). Maybe what I'm missing is how to actually play videos with this player? When I open a video file, I don't have a new listing/app option. I'm also very interesting in the streaming features the OP mentioned.
johnpwu said:
Thanks for the reply. This is exactly what I did the first time. I did it again, and didn't have any problems (again). Maybe what I'm missing is how to actually play videos with this player? When I open a video file, I don't have a new listing/app option. I'm also very interesting in the streaming features the OP mentioned.
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Most likely you have already defined one of your Multimedia apps as default player. Go to Settings>Applications and find your video players. One of them will have the "Launch by default" set. If you clear that you should be able to see the list of choices again when playing a video file.
funnycreature said:
Most likely you have already defined one of your Multimedia apps as default player. Go to Settings>Applications and find your video players. One of them will have the "Launch by default" set. If you clear that you should be able to see the list of choices again when playing a video file.
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Sorry, I should have explained more fully. It's not that I don't get the list of apps with which I can play a video, it's that there isn't a new app in the list-- I have no way to select this new player
Not to put a damper on anyone's enthusiasm around here, but has it occurred to anyone that maybe it won't work quite right because this apk was designed for a different OS version, OS skin, different hardware (though same Tegra 2 SOC), etc?
I Signed the APK now you can install it, at least it worked for me. OP if you want to download this and repost it I will delete this file after. Thanks for posting.
Any reports on how the signed APK behaves/works?

Cannot copy item error message

All of a sudden, I can't copy files to Nexus 7. Windows 7 64 says device has either stopped responding or is disconnected....which tells me nothing. I see others have posted this topic for this tablet but there are no replies. Tablet is rooted, running LiquidSmooth Beta 2 and seems fine. Same USB cable and I can see internal folder and files from Windows, but cannot perform normal file transfers. Where do I start looking for issue?
eduardo_b said:
All of a sudden, I can't copy files to Nexus 7. Windows 7 64 says device has either stopped responding or is disconnected....which tells me nothing. I see others have posted this topic for this tablet but there are no replies. Tablet is rooted, running LiquidSmooth Beta 2 and seems fine. Same USB cable and I can see internal folder and files from Windows, but cannot perform normal file transfers. Where do I start looking for issue?
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MTP or whatever its called sucks. But that usually either means that your device doesn't support that file format, the files are too big, or you actually disconnected your device. Try a different USB port, and give us a bit more info on what you are trying to copy.
drake90001 said:
MTP or whatever its called sucks. But that usually either means that your device doesn't support that file format, the files are too big, or you actually disconnected your device. Try a different USB port, and give us a bit more info on what you are trying to copy.
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Trying to copy a 7MB zip file. I looked at settings -- MTP is checked and there's 12.79GB available out of 13.24GB. Weirdly, I thought I'd try a file that was completely different, so I just copied a text file (2K) and it went fine. Now what's that about?
I usually use WinRAR to create zip files, but some on xda recommend 7-zip (changing file extension to zip) for stuff like boot animation files. Is that the problem??
I had the same thing happen... I tried an 11mb zip file, no luck. Text file or image worked fine... I'm guessing I'll just have to use something like AirDroid to transfer any file. This is disappointing that Google has done this. My older Android phones, I could copy any file I please.
jaminroe said:
I had the same thing happen... I tried an 11mb zip file, no luck. Text file or image worked fine... I'm guessing I'll just have to use something like AirDroid to transfer any file. This is disappointing that Google has done this. My older Android phones, I could copy any file I please.
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Well, one thing I finally discovered is that zip renamed from 7z may be an issue...the system probably checks the file header (I assume) against extension to see if there's a match. Possibly to catch exe files with zip extensions that may be viruses.
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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Just had the same problem. This worked! So the problem looks to be that the device can't handle certain files by themselves.
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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yeah this worked for me too... strange b/c i can copy files w/o issue to my sisters N4 but on mine i have to do this method
inerhead, you sir are a genius! Thank you
eduardo_b said:
Well, one thing I finally discovered is that zip renamed from 7z may be an issue...the system probably checks the file header (I assume) against extension to see if there's a match. Possibly to catch exe files with zip extensions that may be viruses.
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after reading your post i just removed the .zip and copied it to the device when it was on the device i just renamed the file and added the .zip thanks man really helpful
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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Thank you very much sir!
Now why the hell did this start happening with zips?
inerhead said:
Just put the files you want to copy inside a folder, then copy the folder. works for me on Nexus 4
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working exactly perfect!! Thanks my friend..

Delay while transferring files with adb (music not detected immediately)

I use LMDE and i really have no trouble using adb to transfer files, but the files that i push from my PC to the device aren't detected immediately, so, if i put some music in the device i have to wait like 10 minutes at least for the files to being accessibles.
So, my question is if there's some way to 'scan & list' all the files after i make the file transfer?
PS: This is happening with my Galaxy Nexus also, so i believe this is an adb problem.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
duqueso said:
I use LMDE and i really have no trouble using adb to transfer files, but the files that i push from my PC to the device aren't detected immediately, so, if i put some music in the device i have to wait like 10 minutes at least for the files to being accessibles.
So, my question is if there's some way to 'scan & list' all the files after i make the file transfer?
PS: This is happening with my Galaxy Nexus also, so i believe this is an adb problem.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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as for scanning maybe u can try to use filemanagers to make the device search for the music files faster
as for scanning maybe u can try to use filemanagers to make the device search for the music files faster
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Thanks for the reply, but i already tried this, and i can see the files with a file manager, but i don't know why the Music Players (Play Music and JetAudio) aren't showing the files immediately.

Windows explorer crash when transfering files to Nexus 4

I keep on having problems with transferring files to my nexus 4. Windows explorer keeps crashing for some reason. Has anyone else encountered this?
Beerad875 said:
I keep on having problems with transferring files to my nexus 4. Windows explorer keeps crashing for some reason. Has anyone else encountered this?
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Im having the same issue, i can see the device in windows 7 explorer, and right click import videos/pictues.. i can browse to folders as well but if i copy/paste to/from the nexus windows explorer crashes.. any ideas?
same here.
i found this:
This is because the Nexus 7 uses MTP and not USB Mass Storage device. How I loathe MTP.
The solution is a simple one.
Remove the extension, such as AVI or MKV
Copy the file (it will work no problem).
Once copied put the extension back on.
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zipping the files, and then using a file browser from android to unzip it seems to work too.
this article gives a small insight to the MTP.

[Q] copying flac files to phone

hey XDA,
I am not able to copy Flac audio files from my PC to the Internal Storage of my galaxy s4. When I paste the Flac files into the phone, it prompts for file format not supported, then I click 'No, just Copy' and for all files. But then it only copies the first file (If I selected multiple files) and then freezes. When I cancel the process, the first file is copied successfully.
How can i fix this?
Tunestwo said:
hey XDA,
I am not able to copy Flac audio files from my PC to the Internal Storage of my galaxy s4. When I paste the Flac files into the phone, it prompts for file format not supported, then I click 'No, just Copy' and for all files. But then it only copies the first file (If I selected multiple files) and then freezes. When I cancel the process, the first file is copied successfully.
How can i fix this?
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as for me i didn't like to copy file from my pc to my s4 using usb as it only support mtp mode and not usb mode
this only suggestion from me.if you getting continues error to copy your file through usb and you got good internet connection simply upload your file to cloud storage and download to your mobile
Zaraee said:
as for me i didn't like to copy file from my pc to my s4 using usb as it only support mtp mode and not usb mode
this only suggestion from me.if you getting continues error to copy your file through usb and you got good internet connection simply upload your file to cloud storage and download to your mobile
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But thats just ignoring the problem by doing it another way..
I want to fix it not turn around it.
Tunestwo said:
But thats just ignoring the problem by doing it another way..
I want to fix it not turn around it.
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sorry,nerver have this problem before..guess you need to wait for file to completely copy to your phone if it hang just wait until it complete
I have found out the solution today. I had the same problem on two phones, two systems, two laptops. People usually use same set of applications etc
I always used K-lite codecs to play videos on the PC. This causes the problem with copying the Flac files to the phone somehow. Uninstalling it makes it back ok.

