[Q] Webcam not working - Windows 8 General

I have a dell inspiron 15r 5221 brand spanking new and the web cam quit working when ever i launch the camera app or app related to using the webcam either it says connect camera or like in skype nothing is there the is no web cam option in devicemanager and i think i need the drivers for it but cant find them anywhere dell said they were going to send someone out to fix it should i wait or try and fix it what will they do to fix it will they take apart my whole laptop dont want them to scratch it or anything like that

Jesus, punctuation man. Impossible to read that post easily.
it should appear in device manager without a driver (just with an error logo signifying no driver). Try running windows update, then installing the driver manually. You should have recieved a driver CD with your laptop and dell also have them available on support pages for their laptops.
Otherwise it may be a hardware fault. Vendor should exchange the laptop for a new one or dell may offer to open it up and fix it. They know what they are doing and shouldn't scratch it, but in my experience dell build quality is poor and scratches will be the least of your problems when the casing is falling apart (my inspiron 1525 is held together with gaffa tape).

how do i run windows update
found it

You open the charms bar. Click settings, change PC settings, windows update is near the bottom.
Now that does remind me, I have 640mb of updates to do....

Or just hit Start/WinKey and type "update" then look under Settings (the need for that last step piusses me off).

tried the update nothing happened i guess ill just wait for the dell technician to replace the webcam hope they know what there doing and don't damage it its brand spankin new

They won't damage it, its their job.
Although a scuff or 2 will eventually be the least of your concerns. 2 new motherboards, new power cable, new hard drive, hinge falling apart and a dead fan. That is my inspiron. I know 3 other inspiron owners who have also had premature hard drive failure, replacement motherboards, optical drive failure and dead displays. I am never buying a dell laptop again.

I hope that doesnt happen mines the 2013 version and i dont think it will happen! what inspiron are you using

Mine and grans are both 2008 (back when they called it the 1525). 1 friend reckons his is about 2010 (just asked on steam chat), other reckons 2011.
First motherboard failure was covered under warranty. Second was outside warranty, June 2010, repair label is still stuck to the bottom of the charger (one on laptop burnt off, towards end of lifespan I had horrific heat issues).
The fan I attribute to old age.
The hard disk died after 18 months.
The casing, damn it freaked badly. The plastic around the hinges started to show strain marks about the same time that the hard drive failed. Now its completely snapped off, the casing along the top of the screen doesn't clip together. The front edge is loose and the exposed metal on the hinge itself is visibly bent out of alignment.
5 years old. But most of the issues bar the fan happened in the second year.
Its been put to rest now. The fan only stopped working a month ago and without it I can only just make it to the login prompt before the CPU temp rises enough to trigger the auto cutoff.
Even when the fan was working, for the last 3 years I have had issues with the idle temp being over 60 celcius, i could play minecraft on tiny render for half an hour before the temp hit 85 and forced the laptop to shut down. Cooling mats didn't seem to help it much. Yes the bents were clean from dust, i have no idea why it was so hot.

My family has a 2008 and its been droped like five time never over heats and isnt falling apart it runs fine that why igot the inspiron


Damaged - this make sense

unfortunately, some two weeks ago I was unlucky enough to get my head kicked in - ie, well and truely slapped and kicked around
My o2 xda exec was in my pocket - after I woke up, and yes, I am serious, the phone needed to be reset and has been sluggish to use.
Tonight I opened the screen up - as in as normal and the screen is shafted - am I correct in thinking that this is probably due to the beating the phone received?
afaik there has been no other impact on it, and it has always been kept in a case
I guess I will be claiming on my insurance for it
sorry to hear about you getting beaten up! if you had no problems with your phone before, i would safely say that your screen is "shafted". it could be your flex cable, if you turn your screen to the side you will see a screw on a metal plate. open that up and see if there is any damage to your flex cable. if your screen is cracked...well its cracked and theres not much you can do about that except get a new screen.

AT&T powers off after drop

I have been using AT&T 8525 for about 5 months now. Dropped it in office a week back and it was on an uncarpetted surface. No external damage but it powered off. I had to try for a while to power it on but eventually it did power on.
Since this event it just powers off on its own. Right now, even minor jerks cause it to shut down. When you pull the phone out of your pocket after a while, it has already shut down!!! Took it for repair to a local cell phone repair assuming it might have some connector damage but they could not figure out the problem. They opened it, cleaned the interiors (as it had dust build up) and according to them everything appeared normal.
What would you guys recommend? It is running Schaps 4.30. I see that HTC has a repair service in US.....had anyone tried that?
Sounds like battery might be a little bit loose... Jam something in behind the battery to make sure of constant connection... You're not the first with this complaint. The battey terminals may have been bent back just enough to cause this intermittant problem, especially when it gets jolted, the battery disconnects from the teminals causing an automatic shutdown due to no power.. Just thank god you didn't break the terminals off. Sometimes can be fixed but if the break is at board level, you may as well sell it off on ebay for parts because its just about impossible to fix then.
Very smart ultramag!! Your reply made me think what I did after it fell down. At that time I did think that the battery was loose as it was running when on active syn (powered by laptop) but not when I removed the cord. I did turn the terminals a bit and it powered on after few attempts (the drop must have given the circuitry some shock to recover after sometime).
I have jammed a paper on the side of the battery opposite the battery terminal. Will report back in a day or two if it still gives any problems. That should help others with the same problem.
Also this event has taught me that invisible shield (the plastic shield that we stick on) perhaps may not be the best protection. Case is a must to absorb the shock!
ok the problem still continues despite sticking a paper on the battery side (opp the terminal). I do believe that the battery was part of the problem. Before sticking in the paper, it used to give me a Red LED for few seconds when I attempted charging and then turned to amber. Now that problem is not there....it turns to amber right away on plugging in the device.
So part of the problem is addressed but the Hermes still powers down on its own when subject to minimum shock (in your pockets and you are walking around in the office or driving a car). What do you suggest? Should I send it in to HTC? Are they good about addressing repair issues?
... and yet I think it probably is the contacts as suggested above. It may be that it's a little more than just the contacts not pressing firmly on the battery though. There have been cases where a fall has actually broken/cracked the solder joints between the contacts and the board. A trickier thing to fix unless you have some skills in that direction.
AT&T powers off after drop - HTC's take on the situation
Ok so here is HTC's evaluation of the situation.
They want to change the main board (mother-board I guess). In addition, though the phone is just 4 months old (was purchased refurb from AT&T) and has barely any scratches, they would replace the casing, the keyboard and the structure that holds the keyboard and LCD. And they would ONLY charge me $272. Isn't that ridicuously amazing??
To me it seems they can't figure out what the hell is going on, so lets just go ahead and replace a bunch of things and one of them should be a hit.
I have asked them to send the phone back. Mike, do you think the main-board could be the issue? Any recommendations of who I could try for repair.....or what I should ask the repair guy to look into to find out if the main board is the issue or not?
Only $272??? Good God! That lot would cost you around $450 if it were fixed at HTC UK!!
If the drop caused cracking internally then that may be why they want to replace the rest. if there are known defects that are not repaired, they cannot guarantee the repair and so will not do it at all if you do not agree to the whole thing.
of course, you could be right and they have no clue and simply want to replace everything and hope something gets fixed....
Don't PPCtechs also do repairs on that side of the pond?

Touchscreen not responding, backup question

Hi all,
Looks like my Sprint Vogue is flaking out on me. The touchscreen is suddenly and without warning not working at all. Everything else works (all other buttons, activesync, all functions). I'd like to do a hard reset before giving up on it, but I'd really like to sync my contacts/messages/photos/etc before doing that. So here's the problem- I use Dashwire to sync, and I'm unable to hit the "SYNC NOW" button!
Any ideas on how to switch to and activate the bottom left and bottom right menu buttons without being able to touch them? For example, the Inbox and Menu buttons on the Mail app screen, or Album/Slideshow on the Photos and Videos screen? If I can get to those I'll be able to activate the sync. Any help would be great!
There is a application called "MyMobiler" which allows you to control your phone over ip/usb/bluetooth. If i remember correctly launching the installer on your pc while your phone is connected to activesynch will install it without having to press anything.
Awesome, thank you. That did exactly what I needed it to!
Once it finishes sync'ing I'll give the reset a shot and see if the screen is really borked or not.
No problem glad i could help. If the touchscreen refuses to work you might wanna try replacing it. The part is called a digitzer and they go for 15-20 dollars online. I bought one and it wasn't difficult at all to replace.
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
bogus83 said:
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
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How would the touch screen instantly not work?
maybe someone let it fall and put it back to normal like nothing happened
and i know what u mean.I dont wanna give up my vogue. EVER,
but im 15...by the time im 30, i wont remember what vogue is.LOL.
Actually, it seems to have developed a very small air bubble in the very upper left corner. I'm pretty sure that's causing the digitizer to think there's constant pressure in that area, evidenced by the "Start" menu occasionally activating when I turn on the phone. I ordered a new digitizer anyway- the set of torx screwdrivers I'd need to open the case cost the same as a new digitizer and the screwdriver I need. I don't really understand how the air bubble formed (or even what it is contained in), but one way or another I'll resolve the problem next week.
And I just turned 26- I'm sure by the time I'm 30 I'll be sporting a Touch Pro 4 running Windows Mobile 8.5
Well, the digitizer and tools came much faster than I'd anticipated (I won the auction on eBay on Friday, paid same day, and got it in the mail today, shipped from CA to NY!). So I dove right in. It was a straightforward affair- remove the four torx screws from the back under the cover, remove the speaker, pry open the front from the mainboard, disconnect the keypad circuit board from the mainboard and the digitizer from the keypad board, push out the old digitizer, swap in the new one and hook it all back up.
Not for the faint of heart to be sure, but for someone who likes to tinker it was a lot of fun. Took maybe 15 minutes because prying the case from the mainboard was difficult. More accurately, the top plastic case is extremely thin and fragile- if you do this you'll almost definitely crack it in at least one place. If not, you'll crack it pushing the digitizer out from behind. But I'm not that worried about cosmetics, I got my Vogue second-hand off-contract, refurbished, so it wasn't exactly mint to begin with.
On the plus side, the repair worked like a charm! I tested every touch feature I could think of and as many areas of the screen as I could, it actually seemed to respond better than when I initially got the phone. The odd part is I could still see the air bubble in the old screen, and couldn't flatten it out even by squeezing on both sides of it. I wish I knew how it formed so I could prevent it from happening again, but I'll just have to be careful.
So to anyone considering this project:
If you're worried about damaging the casing and have insurance or a warranty or something like that, take it to the phone company to get it repaired.
For anyone else, the $15 bucks for the screen and three tools is a lot cheaper than buying a new phone. Plus you get the geek cred for repairing your own phone.

HP hw6515a boots up but the screen is all white! Please help w/ my 6515

I took apart one my hw6515a smartphones and gave the faceplate to my sister's boyfriend who paints at a body shop. He painted it blue to match my truck although i believe the paint he used was for a 2000 Acura. Regardless it looks awesome, however that is all it does. It boots up and you can tell that because of the sound and you can blindly make calls. However as the title of this thread reads the screen is all white from the moment you turn it on. It was working before I disassembled it. I have done computer repair for a living for the past 10 years and I thought I was careful with the motherboard and the other PCB. Anyone with experience with this please reply, thanks! Not sure if I somehow damaged the screen or I am hoping there is some little nuance I overlooked during reassembly. It was kind of a pain in the butt trying to connect the screens ZIF connector because it and the speaker wires are short and so they have to be reinserted while this case is almost all the way closed.
A little about me + if you want to by the HP smart phones: I have known of xda-developers.com for years but haven’t had the time to participate in the community up until recently. Two weeks ago I decided to try out wm65 and it it awesome! However flashlite 3.1 was working with all browsers on my original Fuze firmware and now it is not, anyway I am ranting, I need to go to the proper post for that...
I have a (3) hw6515a's. Actually I have 4 but two of them are broke and together can make 1 full phone. If someone wants to make an offer to buy them with all the goodies that originally came with them feel free! I love HTC and currently use a Fuze and a Tilt (aka Raphael) both running WM6.5 . I just sold my 8525's and have had earlier HTC's as well. OK enough confessing of my love for HTC. I have taken a picture of the blue HP using my Fuze's camera in case anyone is interested in making an offer and it is attached below. The HP is a nice lightweight smartphone with GPS built in however the 240 x 240 px screen can prevent you from using some apps the way you want although i downloaded a fix off that allows you to run apps designed for 320 x 240 px. OK I am gone, sorry for the blathering; my mind has not been working properly the last few days.
Sounds like a connection to the screen is not right.
there is only 1 connection for the monitor
That connection is a small zif connector. I have tried reconnecting it multiple times.
there is only 1 connector going to the screen
That connection is a small zif connector. I have tried reconnecting it multiple times.

Question Creality CR6-SE: Filament Stopped Feeding, HELP!

I am having an issue where the filament seems to have stopped feeding. The nozzle moves as if it's printing, but nothing is coming out. Here are a few facts laid out that hopefully can help someone steer me properly...
Replaced Extruder Parts, nothing seemed worn
Replaced Extruder Motor, still nothing
Removed Extruder cover and nothing seems to move when it should be
When I unlock the extruder and push filament by hand, it comes out fine - hotend is hot
I use the Community Firmware and when I try to "Load Filament", it doesn't feed filament through
Not sure what else could be causing it, I haven't had this problem happen ever. Any thoughts?
jgruberman said:
I am having an issue where the filament seems to have stopped feeding. The nozzle moves as if it's printing, but nothing is coming out. Here are a few facts laid out that hopefully can help someone steer me properly...
Replaced Extruder Parts, nothing seemed worn
Replaced Extruder Motor, still nothing
Removed Extruder cover and nothing seems to move when it should be
When I unlock the extruder and push filament by hand, it comes out fine - hotend is hot
I use the Community Firmware and when I try to "Load Filament", it doesn't feed filament through
Not sure what else could be causing it, I haven't had this problem happen ever. Any thoughts?
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I bought a an Ender 3 S1 pro, after less than 30 days it's basically doing this to me like yours apparently.
The printer is pretty much brand new as far as I can tell, it printed successfully about 3 times while having minor under extrusion. I adjusted the E steps based off a guide and it seemed to improve that issue.
I started a 1 day print and it failed half way, no bundle of stringy mess it simply stopped extruding plastic all together and keeped moving as if it were still printing.
Now the printer's extruder basically stops working after the first layer has been laid, It's like the motor is dying or shutting off or struggling to run somehow.
I took the whole thing apart thinking it was just jammed up at first but quickly realized the extruder was acting weird, before I took it apart the gear that spins when printing would randomly stop spinning or shake back and forth like it's stuck or grinding.
In addition to the gear seeming to be misaligned somehow the machine would loose all functionality preventing me from having it do basic movements or cancelling an extrusion test, it's like it just freezes randomly while it's in the process of extruding plastic.
I took the thing apart and nothing looks damaged what so ever, somehow the gears did get misaligned before I took it apart but I basically did nothing except replace the nozzle and adjust the tension screw and check to see if the gears rotated properly which they did.
After It was put back together I thought I fixed it however it still continued to do the same exact thing print maybe one layer then fail as the extruder just completely stops working and it still randomly freezes the whole machine if I try to test the extruder by telling it to push 100mm.
At this point I am defeated and planning to return this machine as I believe perhaps it's got a bad motor or a wire connection somewhere is faulty and I have found NO HELP with this problem so far and it's very daunting for no reason honestly.
I got the machine with a 100$ discount so this is probably what I deserve I guess. Kind of sad that this probably happens to other new users and they never get to return it or repair it for lack of experience and there's no telling if replacing anything would actually work I am dumb founded with this cause I did not expect such a simple failure with no information on it what so ever normally you would see at least one video out there explaining this.
If I don't find any information in the next day I am officially returning it and seeing if I can just get one from the manufacturer or a licensed dealer that will give me at least some level of guarantee because I think I almost just got screwed on this one even though it looks brand new.
I see lots of videos about trouble shooting printers but I think the content is lacking if this is not being addressed discovered or explained by anyone yet is it really that RARE? Because it annoys and confuses me into believing it's all my fault somehow.
Beware of sales on these things I guess with brand new ones at least.
Yesterday ran into the same problem -- ender s1 just stopped feeding the plastic in the middle of the print. Brand new printer, 1kg milage.
Checking extruder cable revealed the problem -- wire number 6 was broken. Soldered it back, guess it'll work fine until replacement arrives.
My suggestion:
1. check your extruder cable with multimeter. make sure, connection is reliable.
2. knowing the exact failed pin inspect cable visually. my defect was visible.
3. order spare cable. two cables, quality is ****.
Bad luck, bro. Hope you will find soultion.
If you have the little wheels pushing filament they have to be replaced. On my Creality they went bad in a few months but looked fine. To keep prices low they ship with really soft cheap wheels.
Check tension on the plastic piece before bowden tube the gear and wheel need to spin. If it's not thingiverse has a spacer to print small and quick if u can .05 .1 on opposite side to help the spring. The plastic arms are good for a few hours to if lucky a month buy a 10 dollar metal one with dual gears and Capricorn tubing.

