MS promised Windows 8 will be updated (end of) 2013 - Windows 8 General

Now the release date in 2013 and the name Blue are official:

Blimey! Looks like MS is gonna charge for Win Code Blue after all! Happy days ahead!
"Reller said the Windows team will share pricing, packaging, and go-to-market details about Blue in the next couple of weeks."


android 2.1 not going to be called flan

Next Android version will be called Froyo,
says Erick Tseng
By Vladislav Savov posted Jan 16th 2010 7:10PM
Breaking News
Proving once again that those who don't watch The Engadget Show are always going to be one step behind those who do, our latest star guest Erick Tseng has dropped a dollop of exclusive wisdom on us: Android's next big iteration will be known as Froyo. That's short for "frozen yogurt" and fits right in line with the zany naming scheme that has delivered us Cupcakes, Donuts, and Eclairs so far. If you had your money on Flan being next in that alphabetical order, sorry to disappoint. No additional info could be squeezed out of the Google man at present -- such as how much further along Froyo will be from Android 2.1 (technically considered part of Eclair) or when we might expect the upgrade -- but we've got a name and that should be plenty to get us started on another wonderful journey of soothsaying and speculation.
2.1 is actually part of Eclair - as noted in the article.
Froyo looks to be whatever number Google wants to trot out next, whether that be 2.5, or 3.0.

Offical DVP manago release on the 20th
Good news Dell Venue Pro users! Mango is coming officially on the Dell Venue Pro.
Dell has insisted, much like other Microsoft OEMs, that the Mango OS will be pushed out to current devices on September 20. Usually, Dell has a pretty good track record of releasing updates on Tuesdays (Nodo, firmware, Microsoft Security update). Combined with the other musings about Windows Phone Mango updates coming in mid September , the rumored release date gains some face validity. But to be safe, put the release date in the rumor folder because delays do happen
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i wonder if there will be anything different from the RTM? better auto settings for the camera i hope
Do you have to revert back to nodo or can you update from mango beta 2
I guess there will be new version of EM, as new version of firmware will be on the 7720.68 update.
See the picture from the link below:
Then we may have to figure out the registry and those dlls again.......
According to the Japanese media, typing in other languages, other than those 5, on the keypad should be supported.
Good news Dell Venue Pro users! Mango is coming officially on the Dell Venue Pro.
Dell has insisted, much like other Microsoft OEMs, that the Mango OS will be pushed out to current devices on September 20. Usually, Dell has a pretty good track record of releasing updates on Tuesdays (Nodo, firmware, Microsoft Security update). Combined with the other musings about Windows Phone Mango updates coming in mid September , the rumored release date gains some face validity. But to be safe, put the release date in the rumor folder because delays do happen
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I don't really get this article. In typical headline-grabbing style WMPU position this article it as fact, without providing any offical source or quote, but then go on to caveat it up to the hilt to cover their back. And typically this has been re-quoted all over the web without so much as a question. Yet up to this point many were saying that existing DVPs wouldn't get an official update. Where is the evidence that Dell have insisted this is true or official? Is it something the rep said in the video?
that post makes it pretty clear that dell is going to do an update.
phone from dell with mango and new firmware.
True, but that's a "brand new" phone. But still doesn't answer why WMPU (and everyone else who jumped on their bandwagon) are treating it as indisputable fact when, as far as I can see, in typical blog style, they've not backed it up with any source or quote.
Still, I guess we've not long to wait and find out!
Probably because the author knows people at Dell:
I'd guess Dell probably aren't allowed to announce a date until Microsoft officially launches Mango. There is a huge Microsoft conference happening at the moment ( Would be very surprised if Mango was not 'launched' officially during the conference.
20th September is the first Tuesday after the conference ends, so it's a plausible date.
Ah, that explains it then. Apologies all round for being such a sceptic!
Thanks - although I have no idea if the author has heard a whisper from Dell or is just taking an educated guess.
magicsquid said:
Thanks - although I have no idea if the author has heard a whisper from Dell or is just taking an educated guess.
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column A and column B
yes it was rumored from a mutual contact that the dvp update would be next week. But I also know that whenever dates are given with dell, well...there are delays...(last f/w update for instance was delayed by a week as was the security update, and for that matter nodo was delayed so so many times).
I suggested to readers that delays do happen, like with any software/firmware update due to carrier testing or microsoft. With the previous f/w update, dell had the intent of releasing it the same week as reported, but in this case Microsoft waited to do a dual update (hd7 and venue pro updating) which is at their discretion.
Whether or not Microsoft will do that again is anyone's guess. That's why I recommended that
1. It is a rumored release date (but the contact is extremely reliable with his info given)
2. delays happen
Nothing major if it does happen. This is dell afterall...they have a record with wasn't super sensational to suggest that...
domineus said:
column A and column B
yes it was rumored from a mutual contact that the dvp update would be next week. But I also know that whenever dates are given with dell, well...there are delays...(last f/w update for instance was delayed by a week as was the security update, and for that matter nodo was delayed so so many times).
I suggested to readers that delays do happen, like with any software/firmware update due to carrier testing or microsoft. With the previous f/w update, dell had the intent of releasing it the same week as reported, but in this case Microsoft waited to do a dual update (hd7 and venue pro updating) which is at their discretion.
Whether or not Microsoft will do that again is anyone's guess. That's why I recommended that
1. It is a rumored release date (but the contact is extremely reliable with his info given)
2. delays happen
Nothing major if it does happen. This is dell afterall...they have a record with wasn't super sensational to suggest that...
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I would 'suggest' the only sure date for the mango release is whenyou see 'update complete' on your device. Until then, blah blah blah.
The circumstances for the release of mango is different than with Seven and NoDo.
With seven, it was all about timing. Small market release upfront, followed by reaction plan and response.
Nodo was an updat, nothing more.
Mango is a new device focused release. Its step 2 in the MS mobile plan.It released to Operators several weeks ago. What was released back in july is what youll see next week. Anything new since the RTM will be this years nodo. Historically, new OS's have rarely updated near launch date, the focus instead on the new device release. If MS/Dell have said the 20th, then hoorah for them. But i do not recall seeing anything official from them....excluding that twitter guy.
From someone who has the mango rtm already, but no longer uses the vp as my primary device, i can say i will not move back to the device as my primary device. Its slow and bulky compared to many of the android devices. I do however hold great hope for windows phone and will buy a new device when i see 4g, dual core, and wifi integrated calling. I believe windows phone is better than android. It just doesnt have all the cookies yet.
With the number of contacts i have at ms, i 'suspect' the release will be within the next 2weeks. But i said that back in June, and nothing has changed.
alodar1 said:
I would 'suggest' the only sure date for the mango release is when you see 'update complete' on your device. Until then, blah blah blah.
If MS/Dell have said the 20th, then hoorah for them.
But i do not recall seeing anything official from them....excluding that twitter guy.
With the number of contacts i have at ms, i 'suspect' the release will be within the next 2weeks. But i said that back in June, and nothing has changed.
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That was my point and why I took issue with wording of the article. A prime site like WMPU should be very careful of giving the impression that they have seen an official statement committing to a date when all they have is rumour and hearsay (no matter how trusted the source).
Also, won't Dell (and other OEMs) need to build and test their proprietary hardware drivers (e.g. for the compass) before they roll the upgrade out to their devices? Or will have these been completed and submitted back to MS in time for the 'launch'?
Ineedtoys said:
That was my point and why I took issue with wording of the article. A prime site like WMPU should be very careful of giving the impression that they have seen an official statement committing to a date when all they have is rumour and hearsay (no matter how trusted the source).
Also, won't Dell (and other OEMs) need to build and test their proprietary hardware drivers (e.g. for the compass) before they roll the upgrade out to their devices? Or will have these been completed and submitted back to MS in time for the 'launch'?
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i can vouch for the information. The person gave me a unit to personally test and write about. I'm pretty sure that's enough to vouch for their reputation.
But realistically, mobile sites are dicy on rumor mill, but that doesn't stop reporting at all. And sadly on more than one occasion, several sites haven't fact checked a rumor before it ran out of commotion (anyone remember the initial HD3 specs fiasco?)
I can understand your skepticism, but that's also why I indicated that delays happen and things get pushed back. Realistically anytime there is a date given by any dev, oem, or company, it always never EVER delivers on that promised date.
But it is news that many want to know about. And the source is extremely RELIABLE and about as official it is going to get regarding dell's restructuring of their mobile division.
You don't have to trust the date, in fact I suggest not to do so. But given the indication that mango is coming in that timeframe (middle of september) clarifies the position that the rumored release date gains more credibility. Also, since TMO gets a bevy of updates on Tuesday for windows phone camp (nodo, security, firmware), Tuesday at least is a relatively big day for tmo as far as pushing out updates are concerned.
That was the point of the article. Seriously no need to overanalyze it, it will make you old and gray =P
Ineedtoys said:
That was my point and why I took issue with wording of the article. A prime site like WMPU should be very careful of giving the impression that they have seen an official statement committing to a date when all they have is rumour and hearsay (no matter how trusted the source).
Also, won't Dell (and other OEMs) need to build and test their proprietary hardware drivers (e.g. for the compass) before they roll the upgrade out to their devices? Or will have these been completed and submitted back to MS in time for the 'launch'?
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Agreeing with dom on this. Youll get old and gray reading digital papparrazzi. Know that the first time dell saw mango was NOT at the rtm date. They've had the bits for several months. They were test partners along with the other OEMs for several months. Fijal bits have been in their hands for 6-8 weeks and they have been privvy to prelim builds for several weeks before that. Test modes and package delivery have been their focus for several weeks now since changes to the packages must go through ms, not dell. Dell cannot add anything post handoff.
There is no question the release is soon. My only question is where it will fall in relationship to the new device release. If its before the release, then soon is soon. If its after, then soon could bè fall...and that lsts until december
alodar1 said:
Agreeing with dom on this. Youll get old and gray reading digital papparrazzi. Know that the first time dell saw mango was NOT at the rtm date. They've had the bits for several months. They were test partners along with the other OEMs for several months. Fijal bits have been in their hands for 6-8 weeks and they have been privvy to prelim builds for several weeks before that. Test modes and package delivery have been their focus for several weeks now since changes to the packages must go through ms, not dell. Dell cannot add anything post handoff.
There is no question the release is soon. My only question is where it will fall in relationship to the new device release. If its before the release, then soon is soon. If its after, then soon could bè fall...and that lsts until december
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I wouldn't expect a new dell wp7 device any time soon =(
Hey Dom and everyone,
I just thought that I would chime in a little with this one. The rumored date of September 20 was the latest officially announced date given to OEMs (Dell in this case) from Microsoft at the time this article was written. Joe Belfiore of Microsoft has obviously gone on record as saying that Mango will now officially happen in the fall, meaning on or after September 23. Dell has finished their part of Mango and Microsoft is again stuck holding the ball in their court. Let's just hope history repeats itself on this one. Announced date + 1 week = Actual Date???? I will keep my ears pressed to the walls for this one and update if I hear anything new.
The "other" part of this rumor came true, please look at this thread title (Just received a replacement DVP and it's got Mango on it!!)
Dell was ready to ship some of their devices 1 week after the article was written. They ship device overnight and the thread was created on September 13.
jessej said:
Hey Dom and everyone,
I just thought that I would chime in a little with this one. The rumored date of September 20 was the latest officially announced date given to OEMs (Dell in this case) from Microsoft at the time this article was written. Joe Belfiore of Microsoft has obviously gone on record as saying that Mango will now officially happen in the fall, meaning on or after September 23. Dell has finished their part of Mango and Microsoft is again stuck holding the ball in their court. Let's just hope history repeats itself on this one. Announced date + 1 week = Actual Date???? I will keep my ears pressed to the walls for this one and update if I hear anything new.
The "other" part of this rumor came true, please look at this thread title (Just received a replacement DVP and it's got Mango on it!!)
Dell was ready to ship some of their devices 1 week after the article was written. They ship device overnight and the thread was created on September 13.
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same thing happened with the tmo update microsoft delayed it for a week for no earthly reason
domineus said:
same thing happened with the tmo update microsoft delayed it for a week for no earthly reason
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for no earthly reason that you know of....
---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------
domineus said:
I wouldn't expect a new dell wp7 device any time soon =(
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I didn't mean a new VP, I meant new mango devices in general......rarely are new OS's first distributed as an upgrade to existing devices. Usually new devices get it first...
alodar1 said:
for no earthly reason that you know of....
---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------
I didn't mean a new VP, I meant new mango devices in general......rarely are new OS's first distributed as an upgrade to existing devices. Usually new devices get it first...
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In the US at least only at&t has announced new hardware and they have committed to a fast update rollout so it would seem there shouldnt really be a delay due to new hardware.
its the 20th! cant wait if this is true!

Speculation that Google might release Android 5.0 (jellybean)

Even tho ICS is mostly in the beta stage for the EVO 4G,Android 5.0 might be pushed out in the summer to beat windows to the punch on the realese of windows 8 for tablets so soon we might get some new goodies for Evo 4g and other devices.
Not likely, though Google execs implied that it could be rolling out in the fall.
"After Android 4 comes 5, and we haven't announced the timing yet, which we're still sorting out," Lockheimer said in an interview with Computerworld on Monday. "There's a lot of engineering work still behind it -- and there's also the question of how to time it.
"In general," he added. "the Android release cadence is one major release a year with some maintenance releases that are substantial still."
That statement would imply a fall 2012 release of Android 5.0, given that Android 4.0 was released last November, he acknowledged.
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Summer would be cool though
Google will most likely try to get 5.0 out close to the time win8 and the iphoney 5 are released to compete with them im thinking probably early to mid summer since last year we had 2 releases gb at beginning of year and ICS towards the end 5.0 was actually put into development shortly after ICS was but is apparently alot more complex than any previous builds and may even be capable of running on other platforms such as home computers similar to win8
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
While they might complete android 5.0 early they wont release it till other phones with windows and Ios put out their new software just to keep the market competitive, as cool as it would be to get it early! But we just are getting ics, so we can wait for the latest greatest!

Microsoft to Release Windows 8 This October

Windows 8 launch will be exactly three years after the Windows 7 launch. Janelle Poole, Director of Windows Public Relations was quoted saying “every three years” which adds more to the authencity of this report. One other fact that support Windows 8 October release is that Microsoft would surely love to target Christmas shoppers with their new Windows 8.
Read Full Here Windows 8 To Be Released This October, Development to End in Summer
I swear Windows 7 was released yesterday!
To be honest, after listening and reading all about this for the last few years, I really don't think you can be certain about timing. It seems Microsoft could be late with this one, they said they wanted it out before the new school/college season but will they really?

First Ubuntu phones in October 2013

Looks like Mark Shuttleworth said in an interview that the first Ubuntu phone will be available in October 2013.
And he is still claiming that the GNex image will be out in February.
No details on the devices themselves, and only vague references to where.
Then we are waiting...
I am really excited on this phones!
The trailers for the phone were very promising..

