[Q] An advice for a new L7 and several questions - Optimus L3, L5, L7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys! First of all - moderators, please excuse me if I'm breaking the rules - I'm only a reader in this forum and I have never posted here a new topic, so if there is something wrong - sorry about that.
I want to buy a new replacement phone for my Samsung Galaxy Spica (i5700). I've been using this phone for 3 years now, it has bugs, lags and so on. The biggest problem with it is the battery life - barely one day with 2 hours of Wi-Fi browsing.
I don't have money to buy an expensive phone - simple as that. My budget is very tight - only 150-170 EU for a new android device. I like a lot the LG L7 model, but I have several questions:
1. Can I get 2 days of battery life with 2 hours of Wi-Fi daily (or 3G)?
2. Does it lag with ICS or JellyBean? I will barely play games, mostly browsing, viber, skype, documents, music.
3. How does the GPS perform? I mean does it work well on the road or it doesn't? My Galaxy Spica has a nice sensor, but the phone is becoming very slow for the newer Sygic and NAVIGON apps. Does L7 work well with GPS apps or not? GPS is important feature for me.
4. Can I buy a bigger battery for L7 and do I need it?
5. What accessories can you suggest me to buy with the phone? (please, not expensive ones) Do I need screen protector or silicone/plastic back case?
6. Is the problem with the apps2SD serious? Does every L7 phone have it or not? When I buy a phone how can I check out if the apps2SD is working? If it isn't, can it be fixed? And if it can be fixed, do I have to install custom ROM? Can I fix it with stock ROM?
7. Is the single core processor a big problem? What's your opinion?
I have bolded the most important questions. Please, I want to buy a new phone, but I don't know a lot of things about hardware and android. I have used 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 CyanogenMod for my Galaxy Spica and I'm not afraid of experiments, but I want the important things (apps2SD, GPS, camera, music, Wi-Fi/3G) simply to work, because with my Spica I have problems now.
Do you think that it would be a wise decision to buy L7 and stick to it untill the end of next year (2014) or to by another phone? What do you think guys?
Thank you for your considerations and for reading my looong post! Cheers to all of you!

Well, i am a half-a-year L7 user and i think this could be my opinion about this phone.
1.the batery least long, at least for me, using wifi for a couple of hours and some music with brightness at 15-20% least almost a day (literally 20-24 hours)
2.there's almost any lag lag on JB, on ICS runs fine (i've got 708g and the only rom is carrier and it's full of crap, that reduces the performance), but honestly is not any god for gamming, it only runs some gameloft games and gta III with some lag, i can't say more because i only tried this ones, it works really smooth with office and opera, it even runs flash in some pages.
3.the gps works god, ive only tried the maps apps, so i don't tell nothing about navigon, but with the gpu trick it might be runs smooth
4.the battery itself it's big, at least at my concern, it's 1700mA, and no, unlike some xperia model's, you can't change the battery to a bigger one.
5. i recomend to buy a case for the phone (the silicon one is fine) and the screen protector, if you can bought a holster clip, that would be perfect, because is stronger and it resist better the falls
6. the internal sd is 4 gb (2.7 gb really) and as i dont use heavy apps i only use the internal as apps storage and an external to save my music and photos, if you're not using heavy app (such as games like asphalt 7) the internal is fine for you
7. so far i'm kinda happy with the performance (as i say the only rom for P708g is carrier), but i've tryed the stock v10k and v20a (open europe) and it runs very well
I wish that this could help'd you, if you ask me, i will told you to bought it, specially because of the new born scene (CM10, MIUI,etc...) and the stylish desing.

Thank you for your fast and complete answer to all of my questions! Cheers!
I have one favor to ask you - if you have the time, of course, could you try the GPS in some GPS applications like Sygic, Navitel, Navigon just for me to see if there are any problems. Google maps uses internet (Wi-Fi/3G) which means that the GPS would work fine, but what about if you turn the internet off? Is it flexible and fast or not?
I would appreciate it if someone can share some GPS experience with the L7.
You said that the battery life is around 1 day? Are you sure? This isn't what I was expecting. I thought that with 2 hours daily Wi-Fi or 3G always on the phone can last up to 2 days. Do you have a lot of apps or widgets? Because I won't buy a phone that lasts 24 hours with 3G always on. It's just pointless for me, even if it is Galaxy SIII or Galaxy SIV
Another question - is it easy to find an original replacement battery for the L7?
Can you give me a link to the accessories you are referring to? Is there a car stand suitable for this phone? What does a "holster clip" mean? Sorry but I've never used to have a phone case before (dropped my galaxy spica 30-40 times, nothing happened to it, just scratches on the plastics)
I didn't quite understand what do you mean in answer 7 - "the only ROM is carrier". What does this mean?
Wish all of you a good day! I will write in this topic if some new answers arise for me :angel:


buying HTC legend

i am new in here and in all the android experience, i was thinking about buying the legend but after i saw many review i wanted to ask some ppl that acutely got the cellphone.
1. how is the battery ? i am not a game fanatic or massive user i just need for daily use and nice experience that will come with it
2. how is the external speaker of talking ?
3. how is the GPS ? i am not from us so there are apps for navigation for other countries?
4. overall experience , such as comfortability ?
5. anything else that u can add will be wonderful....
igal2k said:
1.battery lasts about a day or less with very heavy use, standard use it lasts a few days (mainly stand by check email, sms, and maybe a couple calls ie minimal use) as with all smart phones tho if your using it all the time expect about a day
2. phone audio when in calls is bad (cause phone quality is low any way), the external speaker is good tho but it does lack bass but thats not surprising. one thing that is weird is its placement when on a table the sound is dampened alot cause it sits flat at the speaker point
3. GPS works fine from what i can tell (google maps only), there are other android nav apps but i have no reason to look for one so cant really comment
4. ummm its a phone ? the top edge can be sharp so if you press really hard to your ear your not gonna be comfortable. as for pocketability its very good one of the reasons i got it was because it was smaller than others on the market (albeit not by much)
5. ive had no real issues yet with the legend except the lack of internal space but this is a downfall of android as a platform. so ill have to wait for proper root for 1.31 before i can change this.
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Thinking of purchasing, need some opinions

Hey all,
Firstly, if this thread is in the wrong place, then by all means move it. There are specific threads for Android and Wp7 questions, however this does not have to do with either of them specifically.
Anyways, I'm thinking of getting the HD2; I know it's an ageing phone but it seems to do the impossible
My reasons are
1) I'm looking for a phone to tie me over until I can afford a more "Upgrade-y" kind of upgrade, specs wise it is a downgrade from my current phone.
2) I love tinkering with phones and using the latest builds of whatever this baby runs. Unfortunately I'm no dev but maybe I'll get to it some day. Anyways, this will be more or less a toy for me, and perhaps even an educational tool.
3) I've gone through a lot of phones and I tend to get somewhat bored with them, which is why I cycle through them pretty often. The amazing HD2 runs so many things I doubt I'm going to get bored.
Anyways, I would like some user opinions on the usability of this phone. I realize that using the latest Jelly Bean build or whatnot will probably be slow and sluggish, and that's usually fine (as long as it's not slow to the point where it's unusable) but at times I will need stable roms. I'd like to know how performance is on the most stable of roms. I don't use it for games much, only texting and light web browsing, so for these simple tasks I'd expect them to be buttery smooth, but is that how it works in reality? let me know.
Also, aside from the great things I hear about the HD2, I've also heard of a freezing issue that pretty much renders the phone unusable without a hard reboot, and I hear it is due to the CPU overheating. I'm not sure if this is such a common issue but please let me know.
Finally, how does this perform with day to day functions? Screen legibility, speaker volume, responsiveness, battery life, etc...
Thanks a ton!
I had no problems using the HD2 until the digitizer died on me (common issue).. Screen legibility is great on such a huge screen, speaker volume is good, responsiveness is good, and battery life is decent. I could get through an entire day with some calls, some games, some texting and still have ~40% left. The performance is great on most roms I have tried. All AOSP/CM/etc ICS, GB, and Froyo are all very smooth. Even the sense roms ported over from newer devices are butter smooth. There are so many choices, you can practically flash a new rom every week and won't be bored by the end of the year.
Hey, thanks for the reply.
Do you know what the digitizer problem is caused by? Perhaps I can prevent it. But if I can't, would buying a new digitizer fix the problem?
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda app-developers app
No problem, the digitizer problem is caused by the digitizer flex ribbon physically wearing out over time. It only occurs because the "end call/power" button is directly on top of that flex ribbon.. You can avoid this by not using the power button at all and use an app that emulates that button to turn off your phone. Buying a new digitizer will fix the problem, but if you have never opened the HD2 before, best to pay a professional to do it since it is a pain in the arse to disassemble and assemble..
Been using an HD2 for a good while and basically I would have to think very caerfully before upgrading. It does everything I need and does most things very well indeed. If you can find one at a good s/h price I'd say go for it.
Good screen for Internet browsing,etc.
Gorilla glass so reasonably damage-resistant.
One of the best phone cameras I've used, can be tweaked even further, see hacks.
GPS and magnetic compass.
Plays music even when in standby.
NOT WM7 so you don't have to encrypt the microSD card.
Stable. Runs for weeks without crashing.
A bit large. (I keep mine in a shirt pocket, which I find works well.)
Needs charging daily if you use it a lot. (Spare batts are cheap though)
Limited RAM, therefore don't open too many apps at once.
OS WM6.5, less easy to use than Android, though plenty free apps available.
Major annoyance:
Random dialling when on phone screen, due to static or a shirtsleeve-touch. Wish I could find a way to remove that speed-dial background list which seems to be the culprit. Basically, NEVER leave the thing on the phone screen unless you are in a call.
Minor annoyance:
Badly placed volume keys. Hard to pick up without accidentally changing volume.
Not all headphones are suitable for music use. Some give very inadequate volume.
IWR said:
Been using an HD2 for a good while and basically I would have to think very caerfully before upgrading. It does everything I need and does most things very well indeed. If you can find one at a good s/h price I'd say go for it.
Good screen for Internet browsing,etc.
Gorilla glass so reasonably damage-resistant.
One of the best phone cameras I've used, can be tweaked even further, see hacks.
GPS and magnetic compass.
Plays music even when in standby.
NOT WM7 so you don't have to encrypt the microSD card.
Stable. Runs for weeks without crashing.
A bit large. (I keep mine in a shirt pocket, which I find works well.)
Needs charging daily if you use it a lot. (Spare batts are cheap though)
Limited RAM, therefore don't open too many apps at once.
OS WM6.5, less easy to use than Android, though plenty free apps available.
Major annoyance:
Random dialling when on phone screen, due to static or a shirtsleeve-touch. Wish I could find a way to remove that speed-dial background list which seems to be the culprit. Basically, NEVER leave the thing on the phone screen unless you are in a call.
Minor annoyance:
Badly placed volume keys. Hard to pick up without accidentally changing volume.
Not all headphones are suitable for music use. Some give very inadequate volume.
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Thanks for the informative response. Did you happen to have the digitizer issue that Jian had, or the overheating issue?
When you said that some headphones were unsuitable for music, was it specifically headphones with a Mic or Volume control on them? Trying to use a pair of Monster Jamz (which had volume/playback control for iPod/iPhone) didn't really give me a "full" sound without pressing on the play/pause button.
Also, all of these things were on WinMo 6.5, correct? Have you tried a WP7 or Android rom?
Had my phone since release date.yep your right, the phone is a Beast!
I cannot recall how many roms, builds, os's whatever you want to call em i have installed in the past year fews and everytime i love my phone even more .i think the only time i will get another phone is if the hardware specs outweigh the hd2 that it cannot cope will a new os ie window8 apparently
Listen, There are thousands of reviews on this website but dont read into it that much. Its all about trial and error and how you go about your own business - by all means read the threads too as common faults do occur- but every phone user is different and alot of factors have an impact ie have you got the right radio installed ,have you got the right SD card? Have you formatted the card properly ie task 29 before installing a new rom have you installed the right files etc all these issues people face are repairable but ultimately,so you will have a different experience than others.
The old windows6.5 rom were absolutely great and fun to customize
Android builds that i tried were up to scratch for everyday use , stability wise, battery life fantastic internt browsing email etc great no lag freezing
Windows7 some battery issues with certain roms and overheating i did come across at first , again if you experience this "trial and error" try another rom, im currently using pdamatejam now for 2months no looking back.. For everyday use, stability excellant, battery life over 24hours etc no lag freezing
Im dualbooting so chopping and changing inbetween android and windows 7 a feature many phones cannot offer.i love the hd2
Note..Newly release build/roms will be unstable when first , thats expected but overtime they become more stable as through feedback from this forum the little errors problems are reticfied -i always wait until these problems are eradicated but everyones different as lot ofpeople like to try new releases roms and leave feedback which is what the dev are asking for-
Another note the SD card ..this is a MASSIVE factor imho which causes many people problems ie boot loops freezing crashing.... I have been through 5different sd card from the start of the hd2 when you stop having problems you know you got the right one, but stay away from fakes Period.
Good luck
Thanks a ton guys
I've another question; Should I get the TMOUS phone for it's bigger ROM capacity? If so, how can I even tell if it has more ROM than the regular? All T-Mobile phones are like that?
DillonBladez said:
Thanks a ton guys
I've another question; Should I get the TMOUS phone for it's bigger ROM capacity? If so, how can I even tell if it has more ROM than the regular? All T-Mobile phones are like that?
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Yes all tmous have 1gb internal rom. You can tell a tmous by the red+green send+end keys, and it says T-Mobile beneath the ear piece.(and its fractionally longer) They're slightly easier to brick than regular hd2, but only in one particular way (wrong radio) so as long as you know the danger it needn't be a worry.
As for jellybean, in the days since your first post there are now several jb roms that are shaping up to be as good as any previous versions. I'm running jb with my processor UNDER clocked, and barely a hint of lag anywhere.
Thanks for the insight!
This phone really seems to live up to it's name.
What do you guys think of WP8 on the device? I think I read somewhere that it's using a different kernel or something from WP7, and that it's a pain in the ass to get it to work with new hardware that it wasn't meant for.
i got the hd2 when it came out and i'm still using it today. It's just that good.
Also, I forgot to ask; Is there a notification LED on the HD2? It seems so small that it's not really mentioned anywhere, for any phone, but it's quite useful to me.
DillonBladez said:
Also, I forgot to ask; Is there a notification LED on the HD2? It seems so small that it's not really mentioned anywhere, for any phone, but it's quite useful to me.
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Yes there is. It is on the left side of the speaker and it only has two colors: amber/orange and green.
I personally think the development effort would best be utilised on last of WP7 to make functionality superb & a few innovations to make W8 users envious.
Chasing latest OS's does not always result in real practical usable device.
friend its perefect the phone big variety of roms!
Sorry for not replying for a while,
Does the hd2 encounter some of the force close mishaps caused by lack of ram? Its only got 512mb, and I find my current phone with the same amount of ram to be doing this often. Would the wp7 Roms perform better in the stability aspects?
Thanks a ton,
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I still have an HD2 sitting w/a couple extra cells I'm not using, it's still brand new, it was never used just the box opened. I'm kinda slow answering emails but give me a shout.
I'm running the latest Jelly Bean build without overclocking and I think it runs rather smooth. At times it can pause for just a slit second but this isn't very often.
If your looking for a great phone that can do just about anything (but Sense 4) then this is the phone. Because this phone has a very high developer following it
often has new ROMs being released. This is one of the biggest reasons why I got the phone myself. I came from the HTC Touch Pro 2 so I picked this phone up
back in late 2009 early 2010. There are some great deals for the phone now that its several years old but I really feel this phone is going to last a long time to come.
htccraze said:
I'm running the latest Jelly Bean build without overclocking and I think it runs rather smooth. At times it can pause for just a slit second but this isn't very often.
If your looking for a great phone that can do just about anything (but Sense 4) then this is the phone. Because this phone has a very high developer following it
often has new ROMs being released. This is one of the biggest reasons why I got the phone myself. I came from the HTC Touch Pro 2 so I picked this phone up
back in late 2009 early 2010. There are some great deals for the phone now that its several years old but I really feel this phone is going to last a long time to come.
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I'm looking to use the phone mainly for text messaging, perhaps some facebook and light gaming.
Right now I'm choosing between the HD2 and the S II.
They both seem to have a bit of developer backing (obviously the HD2 has more), but is the S II worth the extra $150ish over the HD2?
Hmm thats hard to say. Both are great phones but personally I like HTC phones a little more. Mainly because I like HTC Sense. Samsung though is my second favorite so you really can't go wrong with either. I really like the Galaxy S II and the screen is a lot better then the HD2 as well as the camera. Some of its other specs are a little better then the HD2 but the big selling point is choice. With the HD2 if you start to get tired of Windows Mobile 6.5 (stock) you can switch to Android. Then if you ever get tired of that you can go to Windows Phone 7.5. I've bought several phones since I bought my HD2 some even that were dual core but I've always seem to end up going back to the HD2 so that should say something. I would check out some videos on youtube about both phones you're looking at to try and get an idea of what you feel you'll like best.

Galaxy Tab 2 7" owners input wanted.

Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
The only thing I wouldn't use it for would be note taking because of trying to type on the keyboard would feel to slow for me. For note taking, I'd think the Note 10.1 would be great because of the s-pen that you could use. It is really easy to flash anything custom to the tablet, just flash recovery via Odin or Heimdall, then boot into recovery and flash whatever you want. I use my tablet for web browsing and as an e-reader and it's fit my uses just fine. Also thinking of using it as a "portable" media player as well since the audio output from the small speakers is really good IMO, and it also has the same audio codec as the SGS3, WM1811, which is a really good audio processor.
amd-dude said:
Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
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go for it its an excellent tab...
No lags at all...
All your needs will satisfied in a premium touch even without rooting/overclocking the tablet...
It can be overclocked to 1.3 ghz and for rooting tutorial search the forum you will get it...
Thanks for the speedy replies guys...I'm really leaning toward this tab just because of its' priceerformance ratio
Its a great tablet for its price.
Sim supported, 3G with 14.4 Mbps speed
Good battery life (comparing to other tablets)
Light weight and looks awesome in white color
64 GB Expandable memory
USB On the go support
Some awesome games are not supported (i think it because its new developers will add support soon)
No Gorilla Glass
The Samsung galaxy is full worth the money dude I'm 24x7 online in it using 2g gprs the battery stands for more than one day and the screen on time is 5 to 7 hours depends on the usage with games and stuff that means you can continuous use upto 5 to 7 hours till drain this is he only best tab at 18k to 20 k price range with ICS and don't forget to update to 4.0.4 from 4.0.3 from the box good luck
Sent from my GT-P3100 using xda app-developers app
Well, I strongly disagree about the note taking, I use Evernote, and for note taking it has been a dream-come-true! Its optimized for our screens, and syncs to their servers for backup. Price is very good for what you get. It has a couple of things other 7" tablets dont have, such as GPS (Glonass), and an IR emitter (universal remote for your entertainment system).
This tablet has also had most of its source code released so all the devs here should, in theory, have a field day hacking at it. It also has a very decent CPU and GPU; these chips are used in many other devices aswell, so their technically should be tons of support for lots of games and apps that indulge in nicer hardware (they run smoother, sometimes).
This has become my main music device. I use bluetooth headphones and they, and my tab, support Bluetooth 3.0 and Apt-X Bluetooth lossless audio codec by CSR; listening to music is simply delightful!
Bought mine to replace a Arnova 10g2 that was just not up to the job i wonted it for which was to read E books and Comics (My father now has it now! He loves it?) as the screen was really poor! Happy with the Tab 2 once over-clocked and cyanmod flashed! Got a bit disappointed with the announcement of the Galaxy 7 until they mentioned the lack of external memory support! Still if they release a Nexus 7 with external memory! Then I think my mother might soon be the owner of a nearly new Tab 2! lol!
Good screen, plays Dead Trigger well and SD Slot! What more could you ask for?
amd-dude said:
Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
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I'm generally pretty happy with this tablet, it was supposed to be a stopgap tablet until the Nexus 7 was officially announced but once I realized that there would be no external storage (which I pretty much knew anyway) I stuck around with this.
I'm not happy with the tablet but I am content with it, if that makes sense.
It doesn't have the fastest processors/gpu, the screen isn't the greatest and the proprietary dock (makes having to buy all new accessories a pain) but as
long as you come into this tablet knowing what to expect, then it's pretty damned good. It doesn't have a huge Rom community but that also cuts down on the over saturation
from some of the more popular phones (have you seen the Galaxy sII or Desire HD forums?!? Ai yi yi) off the top of my head, I think this has a Stripped down stock Rom,
CM9, CM10 (alpha) maybe a Miui Rom which covers all the major basics as far as I'm aware.
I've been running CM9 RC2 since about 2 weeks after I bought this and I'm pretty happy and Once I wake up from this nap I'll probably be flashing CM9 stable & supercharge
I know that I didn't really productively answer your questions but I hope I gave you some perspective on the tablet.
P.S. The thing I hate and I mean hate is the limited internal memory (I think it's 4.7gb or some such) which didn't seem bad at first cuz I was planning
on buying a 32gb card for everything, but apps especially games chew into that space so damn quickly and it doesn't get saved to teh ext card instead, even though I have all my media moved to the external card, I still run into scenario's where I can't update apps because I get that dreaded notification Tablet space is low.
Dev's are working on ways to utilise ext cards for storage bbut there is nothing stable I'm willing to try yet.
I'm running CM1O and its sooooo cool.
The Tab itself is very nice to touch and use . The tab has a nice weight to it and is balanced to hold. one draw back is the placement of the speakers.... sometimes playing games the sound becomes "muffled" due to hand/control positioning. Same as charging /playing music , It is sometimes awkward to use, but not overpowering.
Cant say i have any issues with the Tab , apart from the ones that i have caused lol.
Screen quality is VERY good for a budget tablet /size, same as sound quality.
Storage could become an issue but has workarounds , but over all........ WOW.....LOVIN IT !!!11!!!
I liked it when I bought it but the Nexus 7 is far and away the better 7" tablet in my opinion with one exception. The advantage of the Samsung is the internal micro SD. If you are staying stock, and want to watch media from non cloud based sources, the Samsung is better. If you will be rooting, you can use an OTG USB cable and use micro sd cards on the 7. The 7 is better in almost every other way and has a plain JB interface without the extra bloat Samsung puts on their tablets. My guess is we may never even see an official Jelly Bean release for the Galaxy 2 given the speed at which Samsung updates their software. Of course, there are multiple JB ROM's already out for the Galaxy 2, just not stock versions.
My Galaxy 2 died last weekend. It would just go dead and then required you plug in to the computer and hold the power button for 60 seconds. As soon as the screen would shut off, the same issue occurred. I called Samsung and they were very quick to send me a shipping label to return it for repair. Within 4 days the unit was supposedly repaired with a "Software Upgrade (External Factor)" whatever that means. It should arrive back on Tuesday. Hopefully it is fixed.
Just my opinion....
amd-dude said:
Hey guys i'm not from this forum but from the galaxy ace forums.
I'm looking into buying this tab but I just want to know how good is it to live with everyday. I'll just be using it for everyday tasks, web browsing, music, movies and regular fooling around but I would also be starting my masters degree soon so I will want to to take some basic notes and that sort of thing.
I would also like to know how easy it is to root and install custom roms on it, also on average what kind of overclocks can be achieved if I ever need any extra horse power. I was also looking at the Nexus 7 but that does not have any expandable memory slot which sucks and also I think 4 cores for a 7" tab is just being wasteful .
But any way, what are your thoughts on it, I've watched and read the reviews and I know its a good tab I just a want to know how good is it a month or 2 later.
Thanks again for any input guys.
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I have no complaints. Does everything my Thrive does , i can put JB on, and have used this as a credit Card terminal. I had audio issues with a custom rom and video playback, nothing major. Only things i dont care for are the stock predictive text and that some of my tegra specific apps dont work (this having and OMAP cpu and all).
Was definitely worth the cash since it actually outperforms my Thrive for most uses and cost half as much. Thrive wins points for the full sized usb and hdmi ports though.
Thank you all for your time on replying...I think this is the tab I am gonna settle on...a good solid all rounder.
I have this (the 3G version) for a week now. So far I'm perfectly happy with the purchase. Excellent value for money.
I really like my tab 2 7.0", but....
My Pros
- TouchWiz actually has some nice apps on this device. File manager, email, pop-up apps, power toggles are nice features
- Speakers are awesome
- Expandable memory
- Works great with USB thumb drives, mouse and keyboard (with adapter)
My Cons
- Screen resolution sucks, things are blurry (like most Android tablets). Some newer devices like Nexus 7, Asus Infinity, iPad3 have HD screens
- No TV out
- TouchWiz although I think is quite nice slows it down at times. I rooted and froze a ton of unwanted apps. Not all can be to be disabled through native ICS settings
- Chrome that comes with the latest update crashes a lot. New bookmark widget is also bad. Install ICS browser+ from the market instead.
I got it yesterday, rooted and installed AOKP JB. The size feels perfectly great to me. I have not cycled the battery enough to give any input on tat. Games run awesomly well, including minecraft PE on fancy graphics. Its an awesome tab, i love it
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
The Tab27" wireless reciever is weak compared to the Nexus 7
samcory said:
The Tab27" wireless reciever is weak compared to the Nexus 7
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the wireless receiver on galaxy tab 2 7" is the worst thing on this tablet, the second is the battery life with wifi on! i got mine, i like it but......
For typing, Thumb Keyboard is the best coming from a blackberry. The split keyboard is excellent and fully customizable. The only issue is holding this in portrait mode leads to the death grip but if you are note taking and don't need a strong wifi connection you got to try it. Landscape mode resolves this also.
I am going to try a custom rom to help boost this baby up a bit.
Yea this device may start out with OK performance but it does get pretty laggy. Rooting and running a Jellybean ROM will increase performance a good amount.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Got rid of it ... sorry

I really wanted to like the Motorola Razr I. It was my first new phone after having a Samsung Galaxy S (very first one) and at the beginning I was really excited. The body felt nice and better than my old Galaxy S. Having Jelly Bean on my Galaxy S, The software on the Razr I felt like a step back. I didn't mind having Ice Cream Sandwich, because Jelly Bean was already promised for our phone, but for a reason I didn't have that nice feeling of having a new phone.
The problems I had:
- Not all apps are compatible with the Razr I, some apps I bought (like Rebuild, or Triple Town) were not working at all!
- Lags and music stuttering
- Volume too low
- GPS coordinates were all over the place, in Navigon it would constandly point me on the wrong street (this was actually the nail in the coffin)
So after all those problems occured, I found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean. Plus the community seems to be bigger.
So for me, Intel cpus are not ready for prime time yet.
RAZRi is not a phone for just... having a phone, is a phone for fiddling out, I knew very well that there where some incompatibilities, but to be honest all of my programs work so far except for 2 games and 1 emulator: Chaos Rings from Square Enix and the n64 emu. I have no stuttering in music (poweramp and folderplayer) nor any lag in the system. I have the swap internal memory for sdcard applied and I don't have to worry about space, the volume is to high for me (coming from a G1) and navigation is ok for me (RMAPS) so... the problems that you describe are quite weird.
(Please note, I bought this phone used, it was a demo phone on a store, not even with that has a flaw except for the program compatibility)
I don't have any issues with the phone.
All the apps i need to have all work with my razr i apart from flash (i dont need), bbc media player, n64 emulator and barclays app. I haven't really come across any compatibility issues.
Yeah the music stutters but it not bad my htc did that too and btw thats just a bug with the play music app. playerpro is a great alternative.
The volume is not at all low
GPS for me is amazing although the accuracy never really gets below 30 feets and the compass could be a little faster.
I love the stock android look on it even without jellybean I get bored of my one x for this and that has a bigger screen, not intel, and has jelly bean.
I don't have the problems you have, but i don't like my razr i as much as i thought, too.
Got it after my Desire HD had a partly-scattered screen, shut down time and time again when WIFI was activated, sensors were not working anymore etc.
I bought the razr i to be reliable. The stock launcher froze the widgets up to 3 times a day, had to restart it every time. Changed to Nova Launcher Prime again. Now i miss the "real" quick settings to pull down (they are apps for that, but many switches are only links (e.g. GPS). My AUX Port has a loose contact, too. When i walk, often the music stops because the razr i thinks, there are no headphones connected anymore.
A few days ago, i took out my old Desire HD. Even though it was big and can't be used single-handed, i think of buying an used HTC HD2, as i miss messing around with roms and always wanted to try out Windows Phone 7. I think i will only use it as backup device, but maybe i would sell the razr i and use the HD2 as everyday device for a few months, until i find another phone that suits me.
Anyway, wouldn't buy an S3 because i neither like the look nor quality of it.
Too bad. I don't know why you had problems with Navigon. I recently used the same software to navigate from UK to Poland and back and it worked perfectly. It even got me out of trouble when by mistake i took the wrong turn in Belgium and put me back on the right track in no time.
I love my RAZRi.
Best phone I've ever had in my view. I haven't had any of these issues mentioned at all. The navigation is fantastic and due to the RAZRi battery performance I have now sold my old SatNav unit and use the RAZRi all the time.
I'm sorry you haven't had the same experience I have had with the phone
Sent from my XT890 using xda app-developers app
I'm coming from a Droid 3 and of course miss the great keyboard. But I REALLY LOVE the Razr i! Perfect size, perfect build quality (no plastic crap!), volume is perfect, perfect signal and awesome battery life!
I am in contact with the developer of epsxe the Playstation Emulator and I am currently testing an x86 build of it, it's running absolutely great, with no framelimiter i get 150-200 fps! I love this phone, really.
Also yesterday while celebrating the new year I was absolutely happy with the camera performance, shooting several photos with flash in a few seconds is absolutely great!
Edit: If you are looking for emulators that have x86 builds have a look at Robert Broglias Emulators, they are great! https://play.google.com/store/apps/...GwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5leHBsdXNhbHBoYS5HYmFFbXUiXQ..
I'm coming from a Milestone2 and me too I'm missing the querty keyboard but this razr i is superb!
Fast, light, great shape and size!
The camera is very good too. (EDIT: If light conditions are good. Otherway it's good but not like other top smarthpones. Anyway don't expect bad pictures!)
It isn't the best phone but I guess there is no best phone! We can only find the best phone for our needs. I found mine!
"found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean."
Minus battery life, minus browsing speed, minus space in your pocket, minus premium feel.
Why didnt u buy the nexus 7 tablet it is faster and BIGGER?
I understand that people who want to play arent satisfied with a phone thats clearly not meant to play but your arguments are kinda weak. If u told us u bought an iphone for stability, eco system and/or style i wouldv said have fun with it its a great phone but i cant call that big piece of junk samsung built this time a great phone, its just big.
The apps u name arent apps but games, again: why didnt u buy a nexus7 which is an outstanding device to play with.
I cant speak for navigon but i used copilot 2weaks earlier without any problems.
"The camera is very good too.!"
Its not, its alright but its not good, i dunno a mobile phone cam that i could call good.
"- Lags and music stuttering"
I cant comment on that since i dont use that google crap app yet, maybe in a couple of months when they got it out of alpha status ill try but till then i still love my player pro.
purplet said:
"found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean."
Minus battery life, minus browsing speed, minus space in your pocket, minus premium feel.
Why didnt u buy the nexus 7 tablet it is faster and BIGGER?
I understand that people who want to play arent satisfied with a phone thats clearly not meant to play but your arguments are kinda weak. If u told us u bought an iphone for stability, eco system and/or style i wouldv said have fun with it its a great phone but i cant call that big piece of junk samsung built this time a great phone, its just big.
The apps u name arent apps but games, again: why didnt u buy a nexus7 which is an outstanding device to play with.
I cant speak for navigon but i used copilot 2weaks earlier without any problems.
"The camera is very good too.!"
Its not, its alright but its not good, i dunno a mobile phone cam that i could call good.
"- Lags and music stuttering"
I cant comment on that since i dont use that google crap app yet, maybe in a couple of months when they got it out of alpha status ill try but till then i still love my player pro.
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Well said
Indeed, well said.
Obviously, there are a few phones with good cameras but it's really sparse (my last one had a good camera, HP Pre 3; limited shooting options but the quality impressed quite a lot of people, took some stunning shots with it) and I don't really care about it either because I have my DSLR for that.
I do use the camera on the Razr i for shooting a picture here and there when I don't have my DSLR with me or just to share something I saw on Twitter (which my DSLR can't; I have no Galaxy Camera lol). And for that it does the job. Not amazing pictures but good enough.
purplet said:
"found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean."
Minus battery life, minus browsing speed, minus space in your pocket, minus premium feel.
Why didnt u buy the nexus 7 tablet it is faster and BIGGER?
I understand that people who want to play arent satisfied with a phone thats clearly not meant to play but your arguments are kinda weak. If u told us u bought an iphone for stability, eco system and/or style i wouldv said have fun with it its a great phone but i cant call that big piece of junk samsung built this time a great phone, its just big.
The apps u name arent apps but games, again: why didnt u buy a nexus7 which is an outstanding device to play with.
I cant speak for navigon but i used copilot 2weaks earlier without any problems.
"The camera is very good too.!"
Its not, its alright but its not good, i dunno a mobile phone cam that i could call good.
"- Lags and music stuttering"
I cant comment on that since i dont use that google crap app yet, maybe in a couple of months when they got it out of alpha status ill try but till then i still love my player pro.
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The reason why I didnt buy a Nexus 7 is obvious. I wanted a phone and not a tablet. The Nexus 4 on the other side would have been a good phone, if it wasn't for the small internal storage.
Anyway, regarding the stuttering. I wasn't using the Google Music App. I am using PowerAMP which was doing a fine job on the Galaxy S and again on the Galaxy S3. So it must be Razr Is fault. I also don't know why my GPS was so bad on the Razr I. If i didn't have those 2 problems, I might have kept the phone because I really wanted to like it. But those 2 problems plus the compatibility issue were deal breakers for me.
I must say, the Razr I has amazing battery life but I am also happy with the battery life of my Galaxy S3. If worse comes to worst, I could still swap the battery for a fully charged one, which is not possible with the Razr I
Anyway, I hope you guys will stay happy with your Razr I as I am happy with my S3
Just to give my opinion, after two weeks of testing.
Also note that my previous phone was an HTC Desire HD, which I miss a lot but ... the RAZR i is way better and has those advantages:
- it is fast, rom is very responsive, there is just a minor lag when opening the toggle screen for the first time (after reboot)
- battery is very good (more than 1 day with a moderate use, at least 8 hours with a lot of gaming/streaming/videos/camero with flash/web etc.)
- the size is perfect for me, SIII and similar phone are too big for me
- build quality is just awesome! sorry but many of my friends own an SIII, and the plastic quality is simply crap!
- the Moto's ROM is nearly a pure android one
- I didn't have any problem with an application (compatibility is ok, just a few app does not work: SongPop Free for example)
- the camera button is very handy
- the camera quality is ok and relatively fast (don't forget that's a phone...)
- gaming is ok (I'm not a hardcore gamer on phones )
- GPS fix is extremely fast and accurate compared to my DHD. I can even get a fix inside buildings, but accuracy is not good then, which is normal. Outside, GPS fix is done within 3-5 seconds.
- the phone speaker is good and loud enough (for a phone)
- the GSM reception is very good and stable
- the audio quality during calls is very clear
I use Poweramp without any problem, I'm an audiophile and I can tell that the audio quality is very good. But don't use the bundled earphones... very bad quality! I never noticed stuttering, neither wither Poweramp nor with Google play, and I really listen to music all the time.
Toggles from the notification are not an Android standard. HTC Sense, TouchWiz and Cyanogenmod add those buttons ! So please, don't say you miss them!
However, it's true that I miss the toggles too, and I don't like the way the Moto launcher works. To change this: Widgetsoid for notification and more widgets, and Apex/Nova for the launcher.
The big default of this phone is the lack of the usb mass storage. I'm a Linux user and the MTP protocol does not work well and is very complicated to easy integrate with your desktop. But I also use Windows 7, and absolutely no problem with this. (update: this issue may be resolved by using the PTP mode instead, I still need testing)
Now I'm waiting for the JB update and hope that the dev will follow with some amazing ROMs (update: update is coming!! )
To conclude, to me, according to the price and the build quality, this is probably the best mid-range phone (nearly high-end) of the moment.
I probably would have bought a Nexus 4 if it was not out of stock, but I really don't regret my purchase at all, this phone is awesome!
Update: I just had a freeze yesterday, neither buttons nor screen were responding. I had to 'hard reboot' by pressing both power and volume down for a few seconds to reset the phone. This is the issue I had since I bought it on the 28th of December.
50/50 with you
In one hand I expected more from this phone, in terms of software ICS 4.04 now a days is a old OS, Motorola is not taking care of the phone and this bad joke of the SD card is juts to.... ask then why you **** like this ICS.
In other hand the phone is build with very good materials better materials than the Nexus 4,is fast as the faster phone in the market performing the common task of every day is handy and has a very good camera if you know how to take pictures, not forgeting that is a phone.
So I'm happy with the phone I've tested for weeks phones like Nexus Prime, htc one x+, lumia 900 and iPhone 5 and any of them make me think that I should change my razr i, all of them have bad things and good things but in my opinion there is no a phone which could impress me in a way that the iPhone 2G did to me.
And after all, the perfect phone does not exist ...
I personally find that the RAZR i perfectly fits my needs, but it is not the perfect phone
And yes, I forgot this: the way the sdcard is mounted totally sucks !
About the update, a JB leak for a the old RAZR can be found. So, I guess that a much more recent device like the RAZR i will soon receive JB.
ciberbeb said:
Just to give my opinion, after two weeks of testing.
Also note that my previsous phone was an HTC Desire HD, which I miss a lot but ... the RAZR i is way better and has those advantages:
- it is fast, rom is very responsive, there is just a minor lag when opening the toggle screen for the first time (after reboot)
- battery is very good
- the size is perfect for me, SIII and similar phone are too big for me
- build quality is just awesome ! sorry but many of my friends own an SIII, and the plastic quality is simply crap !
- the Moto's ROM is nearly a pure android one
- I didn't have any problem with an application (compatibility is ok)
- the camera button is very handy
- the camera is ok and relatively fast
- gaming is ok (I'm not a hardcore gamer on phones )
- GPS fix is extremely fast and accurate compared to my DHD. I can even get a fix inside buildings, but accuracy is not good then, which is normal. Outside, GPS fix is done within 3-5 seconds.
- the phone speaker is good (for a phone)
- the GSM reception is very good and stable
- the audio quality during calls is very clear
I use Poweramp without any problem, I'm an audiophile and I can tell that the audio quality is very good. But don't use the bundled earphones... totally cheap ! I never noticed stuttering, neither wither Poweramp nor with Google play, and I really listen to music all the time.
Toggles from the notification are not an Android standard. HTC Sense, TouchWiz and Cyanogenmod add those buttons ! So please, don't say you miss them !
However, it's true that I miss the toggles too, and I don't like the way the Moto launcher works. To change this: Widgetsoid for notification and more widgets, and NovaLauncher for the launcher.
The big default of this phone is the lack of the usb mass storage. I'm a Linux user and the MTP protocol does not work well and is very complicated to easy integrate with your desktop. But I also use Windows 7, and absolutely no problem with this.
Now I'm waiting for the JB update and hope that the dev will follow with some amazing ROMs
To conclude, to me, according to the price and the build quality, this is probably the best mid-range phone (nearly high-end) of the moment.
I probably would have bought a Nexus 4 if it was not out of stock, but I don't regret my purchase at all.
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I had that MTP problem with Honeycomb but since ICS I don't got that problem. And I'm an Ubuntu user so also Linux. Razr i mounts fine via mass storage on Ubuntu 12.04
Vistaus said:
I had that MTP problem with Honeycomb but since ICS I don't got that problem. And I'm an Ubuntu user so also Linux. Razr i mounts fine via mass storage on Ubuntu 12.04
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I'm using Archlinux, totally up to date, I may have missed something...
Do you have the mass storage option on your RAZR i? That would be weird...
What library do you use? because the most common one, libmtp, has an opened issue for this device. The RAZR i is not yet marked as "known".
I had a strange behavior under Windows: I had to switch between MTP and PTP a few times to make it work again on my laptop. I'll try again after work

Should I buy it? (v400)

Hello guys and thanks for your amazing support and development... I have a question.. I am planning to get LG G PAD 7.0 the WiFi edition (v400).. I guess it's the best in its price in my country.. and I heard that if it came with Lollipop I am no longer able to install TWRP and Flash custom ROMs??? because this is a very important thing for me.. and in general terms.. is it good in performance and everything? thanks a lot in advance
Can someone please answer me?
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Buy the V400?
I have had the LG G Pad 7.0 for a few months now and can say that it works well. As I no longer root and do all this developer stuff I can't say much when it comes to custom ROMs, though this forum seems awfully quite.
In terms of day to day usage it works well, it has mid range specs so don't expect superb multitasking and performance, for daily activities it works great. By this I mean web browsing, viewing mail, Youtube etc... It has a dual window feature which is very nice even though its limited to stock apps like Chrome, Youtube, File Manager etc... The battery life is superb, although I only use it when I need to and I probably charge it around once a week.
I would advise you to look at other tabs as well because this released in 2014 and I don't think it will get marshmallow, if you want something fast and snappy then avoid this otherwise for light day to day use this is fine. One more thing the 8GB storage gets used up pretty quickly.
Feel free to ask if you have any other concerns.
ShinOrochiX said:
I have had the LG G Pad 7.0 for a few months now and can say that it works well. As I no longer root and do all this developer stuff I can't say much when it comes to custom ROMs, though this forum seems awfully quite.
In terms of day to day usage it works well, it has mid range specs so don't expect superb multitasking and performance, for daily activities it works great. By this I mean web browsing, viewing mail, Youtube etc... It has a dual window feature which is very nice even though its limited to stock apps like Chrome, Youtube, File Manager etc... The battery life is superb, although I only use it when I need to and I probably charge it around once a week.
I would advise you to look at other tabs as well because this released in 2014 and I don't think it will get marshmallow, if you want something fast and snappy then avoid this otherwise for light day to day use this is fine. One more thing the 8GB storage gets used up pretty quickly.
Feel free to ask if you have any other concerns.
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Thank you so much for replying
I have some questions.. Feel free to answer them whenever you want
1 - Some low price tablets have something called "Ghost touch" which means that sometimes (and in some cases many times) the screen touches by itself and it may become so annoying.. Have you ever faced this issue?
2 - do you prefer having 4.4.2 or 5.0 on this tablet? Have you tried both? And in general how is the software experience?
3 - I am a medical student and my main use if the tablet would be reading PDFs and viewing videos.. I think any tablet can handle that (I actually care about the price more than anything else for now ) .. But my biggest concern is the screen.. how is the screen in general.. Is it bright enough?
4 - you mentioned "no longer root" have you ever tried rooting it and installing a custom ROM?
Again thanks a lot.. It's very nice to finally have someone to talk to about the tablet in this forum
Kindly press thanks if I helped
Dr.TheMaster said:
Thank you so much for replying
I have some questions.. Feel free to answer them whenever you want
1 - Some low price tablets have something called "Ghost touch" which means that sometimes (and in some cases many times) the screen touches by itself and it may become so annoying.. Have you ever faced this issue?
2 - do you prefer having 4.4.2 or 5.0 on this tablet? Have you tried both? And in general how is the software experience?
3 - I am a medical student and my main use if the tablet would be reading PDFs and viewing videos.. I think any tablet can handle that (I actually care about the price more than anything else for now ) .. But my biggest concern is the screen.. how is the screen in general.. Is it bright enough?
4 - you mentioned "no longer root" have you ever tried rooting it and installing a custom ROM?
Again thanks a lot.. It's very nice to finally have someone to talk to about the tablet in this forum
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1) I have never experienced such an issue with this tablet, the screen is responsive-even with a glass screen protector.
2) I (very) briefly tried KitKat and it was more or less the same, just a slightly different themed UI. Lollipop is better, performance wise it felt the same but the material design looks nice. Again I repeat I very briefly used KK.
3) Lol I am a pharmacy student and use the tablet exactly for what you have listed, I view pdf/ebooks on there (incl the large medical physiology & chemistry ones) and also watch videos on YouTube. For the large books there is some lag e.g. when browsing to certain chapters/pages, but it can handle it just about-I use a pdf compressor to compress the pdf books to 'lighten' them. The screen is nice, good viewing angles, fairly bright (I use it on 50%), and colours are fine. This is my first tablet so I have nothing to compare it against.
4) I used to root/install roms, mods, xposed etc... back when I used Sony Xperia devices (the development was super :good, but after that I got an LG phone which had poor development and since then I sort of gave up on it as it took up a lot of time (all that flashing :silly
So if your really into development this tab will probably let you down. Plus side is that it has little features like the display can stay on when your looking at the screen (e.g. when reading), dual window, double tap to wake, clip tray (makes copy and pasting a LOT easier), QuickMemo (useful for note taking-not that I use it, pen and paper all the way :victory and so on...
My advice is that if you can get it cheap then do so otherwise if possible pay a little extra and get a more powerful tab. Down to you in the end...
Thank you very very much.. I now know everything I need about it
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Hi guys! anyone playing Vainglory using this tablet? how's the experience. I'm planning to buy this tablet for gaming purpose specially on Vainglory game. Can this tablet handle HD/Intensive games?
No, I wouldn't recommend this tablet for gaming, especially high end games. It is a mid range tab, I have never tried any intensive games but can say that it just about runs temple run, crossy road etc... Anything more would be laggy. It is a great tab for everyday usage but not for heavy gaming. Also I suggest you go for something newer, as this is likely reached end of life.
Dr.TheMaster said:
Can someone please answer me?
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I have the v410, but i know that theres a v400 tool to downgrade the firmware to the original 4.4.2 so that you can boot bump'd images (Such as TWRP Recovery...) I'll give you the links ... h t t p://aiomobilestuff.com/lg-g-pad-7-v400-stock-firmware-flashing/ (delete the spaces in http)
xmidnight_rain said:
I have the v410, but i know that theres a v400 tool to downgrade the firmware to the original 4.4.2 so that you can boot bump'd images (Such as TWRP Recovery...) I'll give you the links ... h t t p://aiomobilestuff.com/lg-g-pad-7-v400-stock-firmware-flashing/ (delete the spaces in http)
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You're basically on about LG Flash Tool 2014 don't you? It's not for V400 only, it's for most LG Devices.
Adam Myczkowski said:
You're basically on about LG Flash Tool 2014 don't you? It's not for V400 only, it's for most LG Devices.
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Yea... i used it with my g3

