buying HTC legend - Legend General

i am new in here and in all the android experience, i was thinking about buying the legend but after i saw many review i wanted to ask some ppl that acutely got the cellphone.
1. how is the battery ? i am not a game fanatic or massive user i just need for daily use and nice experience that will come with it
2. how is the external speaker of talking ?
3. how is the GPS ? i am not from us so there are apps for navigation for other countries?
4. overall experience , such as comfortability ?
5. anything else that u can add will be wonderful....

igal2k said:
1.battery lasts about a day or less with very heavy use, standard use it lasts a few days (mainly stand by check email, sms, and maybe a couple calls ie minimal use) as with all smart phones tho if your using it all the time expect about a day
2. phone audio when in calls is bad (cause phone quality is low any way), the external speaker is good tho but it does lack bass but thats not surprising. one thing that is weird is its placement when on a table the sound is dampened alot cause it sits flat at the speaker point
3. GPS works fine from what i can tell (google maps only), there are other android nav apps but i have no reason to look for one so cant really comment
4. ummm its a phone ? the top edge can be sharp so if you press really hard to your ear your not gonna be comfortable. as for pocketability its very good one of the reasons i got it was because it was smaller than others on the market (albeit not by much)
5. ive had no real issues yet with the legend except the lack of internal space but this is a downfall of android as a platform. so ill have to wait for proper root for 1.31 before i can change this.
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Couple Of Questions...

Hi foks,
I'm getting my Silver Xperia this Friday (Can't wait)
Got some questions.
1. Hows the Camera?
2. Hows the flash/flashlight?
3. Hows the speaker sound?
4. How is the sound quality trough 3.5mmjack? (Or does it depend on what ear pieces you use?)
5. Hows the battery life? I'm almost 24/7 on msn 3G in some cases H and my TyTN II starts in the morning with 100% and ends in de evening 50/45%. How is this on the Xperia?
6. Hows the scroll pad?
7. Hows the panel?
8. Hows the phone in general?
9. Xperia X1, or Touch HD???
I've used the Xperia for 2 hours a while ago (Demo) and coudn't test everything cause the software wasn't correct.
Thank you.
xmoo said:
Hi foks,
I'm getting my Silver Xperia this Friday (Can't wait)
Got some questions.
1. Hows the Camera?
2. Hows the flash/flashlight?
3. Hows the speaker sound?
4. How is the sound quality trough 3.5mmjack? (Or does it depend on what ear pieces you use?)
5. Hows the battery life? I'm almost 24/7 on msn 3G in some cases H and my TyTN II starts in the morning with 100% and ends in de evening 50/45%. How is this on the Xperia?
6. Hows the scroll pad?
7. Hows the panel?
8. Hows the phone in general?
9. Xperia X1, or Touch HD???
I've used the Xperia for 2 hours a while ago (Demo) and coudn't test everything cause the software wasn't correct.
Thank you.
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Take your time and read some posts on this board. You will see that all your questions are answered in detail.
Edit: What the hell I will answer them even if I don't own one yet (but I've read many posts here).
For a 3.2 megapixel camera it is good but seems average, competing with other phones that have more megapixels.
The Flash is a LED light and as all LED lights it fails to be a proper flash. It helps a tiny bit to give some light in dark areas.
Average, some people complain it is too quiet while others are okay with it.
The sound quality is quite good from the 3.5mm jack. If you have cheap earbuds it will sound bad. With better equipment you will always have better results. That's the case for all audio devices.
Battery life is excellent considering other phones. This is a major plus for the xperia.
For scrolling it is good, though some members are annoyed if used for directions (instead of the standard direction pad) because they find its behaviour erratic. You can calibrate it for your needs, with the sensitivity options or disable it completely.
Average. Some panels are quite good, others are just gimmicks. The transition from portrait to landscape seems a bit laggy. Other than that it seems to work okay. Unfortunately panels don't run in parallel, so when you change from the Radio panel to another FM-Radio stops.
The phone is pretty good although some people question its high price. The craftsmanship is among the best. My opinion is that it is the best WinMo phone right now. When it matures it will definitely pay off its value.
Do you want a large screen (same resolution) or a hardware keyboard? If you need keyboard go for X1 if not go for HD.
Next time search please.
XavierGr said:
Take your time and read some posts on this board. You will see that all your questions are answered in detail.
Edit: What the hell I will answer them even if I don't own one yet (but I've read many posts here).
For a 3.2 megapixel camera it is good but seems average, competing with other phones that have more megapixels.
The Flash is a LED light and as all LED lights it fails to be a proper flash. It helps a tiny bit to give some light in dark areas.
Average, some people complain it is too quiet while others are okay with it.
The sound quality is quite good from the 3.5mm jack. If you have cheap earbuds it will sound bad. With better equipment you will always have better results. That's the case for all audio devices.
Battery life is excellent considering other phones. This is a major plus for the xperia.
For scrolling it is good, though some members are annoyed if used for directions (instead of the standard direction pad) because they find its behaviour erratic. You can calibrate it for your needs, with the sensitivity options or disable it completely.
Average. Some panels are quite good, others are just gimmicks. The transition from portrait to landscape seems a bit laggy. Other than that it seems to work okay. Unfortunately panels don't run in parallel, so when you change from the Radio panel to another FM-Radio stops.
The phone is pretty good although some people question its high price. The craftsmanship is among the best. My opinion is that it is the best WinMo phone right now. When it matures it will definitely pay off its value.
Do you want a large screen (same resolution) or a hardware keyboard? If you need keyboard go for X1 if not go for HD.
Next time search please.
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Foo don't know if you know me. But I'm a active member. I know how to use the search button. But all that searching and reading takes some time. And I don't have the time a.t.m.
Still thx.
1. Hows the Camera?
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I think the camera is quite good compared to my other phones. I never took a pic with the touch pro so i can't tell u if that was good or bad. The video quality is pretty decent too.
2. Hows the flash/flashlight?
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Never used the flashlight to take a pic but i would its just like any other. Pretty awful.
3. Hows the speaker sound?
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Speaker is way too low for me and the fact that the speakers are right by where u would hold the phone so ur covering the speaker when ur using it.
4. How is the sound quality trough 3.5mmjack? (Or does it depend on what ear pieces you use?)
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I'm watching a movie on it right now and the sound is pretty good i guess. I'm no expert but i also have no complaints.
5. Hows the battery life? I'm almost 24/7 on msn 3G in some cases H and my TyTN II starts in the morning with 100% and ends in de evening 50/45%. How is this on the Xperia?
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MY GOD!!! The battery is the sickest thing i've ever seen. I had WIFI, bluetooth (which keeps cutting off), screen on max brightness, Running TFL3D and streaming video and i got 4-5hrs out of the battery.
6. Hows the scroll pad?
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I like the scroll pad its a nice work around for having no directional pads on the keypad.
7. Hows the panel?
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I like the panels too. They aren't as slow as i thought they would be and its good to be able to just change ur today screen. Having TFL3D as a panel is what made it the greatest for me.
8. Hows the phone in general?
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GREATEST PHONE I'VE EVER USED!!! One of the worst keyboards but the phone is the greatest.
9. Xperia X1, or Touch HD???
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That is a personal decision. If u don't mind not having a keyboard then go touch hd otherwise i would go xperia x1 i personally wouldn't even have the touch pro in the ranking.
Bxsteez said:
I think the camera is quite good compared to my other phones. I never took a pic with the touch pro so i can't tell u if that was good or bad. The video quality is pretty decent too.
Never used the flashlight to take a pic but i would its just like any other. Pretty awful.
Speaker is way too low for me and the fact that the speakers are right by where u would hold the phone so ur covering the speaker when ur using it.
I'm watching a movie on it right now and the sound is pretty good i guess. I'm no expert but i also have no complaints.
MY GOD!!! The battery is the sickest thing i've ever seen. I had WIFI, bluetooth (which keeps cutting off), screen on max brightness, Running TFL3D and streaming video and i got 4-5hrs out of the battery.
I like the scroll pad its a nice work around for having no directional pads on the keypad.
I like the panels too. They aren't as slow as i thought they would be and its good to be able to just change ur today screen. Having TFL3D as a panel is what made it the greatest for me.
GREATEST PHONE I'VE EVER USED!!! One of the worst keyboards but the phone is the greatest.
That is a personal decision. If u don't mind not having a keyboard then go touch hd otherwise i would go xperia x1 i personally wouldn't even have the touch pro in the ranking.
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One more question tho, How's the FM receiver?
I've only used it once at my house. It had horrible reception but i live in iowa so all radio reception is horrid except npr
xmoo said:
Foo don't know if you know me. But I'm a active member. I know how to use the search button. But all that searching and reading takes some time. And I don't have the time a.t.m.
Still thx.
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Oops I missed your post count, sorry if I sounded bossy.
Xmoo, you have to give it to them they are learning to read and get others to read at last
I do know your rep so I'll chime in..
Camera is about the best I've seen on a htc device, but that doesn't say much it's okay within obvious limits, video is pretty good..
flash is htc LED flash, say no more.
speaker is tinny and weak, as expected, single tiny speaker that you can cover with your hand far too easily, this has good and bad points.
Earpiece during calls is superb, plenty loud and people sound very clear with wonderful deep roundness to it. I described it to someone yesterday as like listening to BBC Radio 4! I also get comments from people telling me how clear and loud I sound, my Dad keeps phoning me 'cos he can actually hear what I'm saying for a change.
headphone sound through included headset is superb, rich full lows and really zippy high, and that's without the audiobooster. it looks like the vodafone tweaks have boosted the lows and reduced the highs a bit.
Battery life is good after first couple of days (of playing far too much). SE appear to have done some work on tweaking this, especially standby. I left mine on without using it last night, it lost 10% in 10 hours
poor connection (constant searching), UMTS bowsing and WiFI kill it though lost about 40% in 3 hours.
I've grown to love the optical touchpad, at first I hated it, and set the sensitivity all the way down, but with use I've set the sensitivity really high and use it instead of the D-pad keys most of the time.
Panels I find are boring very quickly, the card effect is good to show off down the pub. Pretty gimmicky overall, works very well to impress p*ssheads though! TF3d works very well, for me at least and is better..
Maybe I'll install the SDK and see what you can actually do with them, potentially it looks like you could use them as a container for running today dlls I think.
Overall phone is best WM device I've tried, I was a bit cautious coming from the Athena, but I've even got used to the small size (for me at least it feels small) but that's cos the last two phones were Uni and then athena.. And I've got huge hands, so it disappears, there's once or twice I've left the house and gone back to find the phone as it's so much smaller than those two you don't notice it's there, to realise that I've got it in my pocket all along! (a bit embarrassing as I've got music playing)..
I did contemplate selling it and getting a HD, but I've really grown fond of this, if I was offered a direct swap I'd be tempted but I'm very very happy.
FM radio is okay, don't tend to listen to radio much, but it picks up all the local and national channels here.
Main drawback is that it's probably the most mainstream WM phone there's ever been, I think that's a good thing, but it does mean we've got loads of new users in here that don't really understand what XDA_Developer is about and think people are here to tell them how to use their new pocket power ;D
:edit: one more thing, and something I noticed the first time I turned it on, the Wifi is the best I've ever used. I was picking up a signal from my router at the end of the drive, that's better than my laptops Sparklan a/b/g/n
I'm getting about 3 times more routers picked up travelling through built up areas than I ever did with the athena.
fards said:
Xmoo, you have to give it to them they are learning to read and get others to read at last
I do know your rep so I'll chime in..
Camera is about the best I've seen on a htc device, but that doesn't say much it's okay within obvious limits, video is pretty good..
flash is htc LED flash, say no more.
speaker is tinny and weak, as expected, single tiny speaker that you can cover with your hand far too easily, this has good and bad points.
Earpiece during calls is superb, plenty loud and people sound very clear with wonderful deep roundness to it. I described it to someone yesterday as like listening to BBC Radio 4! I also get comments from people telling me how clear and loud I sound, my Dad keeps phoning me 'cos he can actually hear what I'm saying for a change.
headphone sound through included headset is superb, rich full lows and really zippy high, and that's without the audiobooster. it looks like the vodafone tweaks have boosted the lows and reduced the highs a bit.
Battery life is good after first couple of days (of playing far too much). SE appear to have done some work on tweaking this, especially standby. I left mine on without using it last night, it lost 10% in 10 hours
poor connection (constant searching), UMTS bowsing and WiFI kill it though lost about 40% in 3 hours.
I've grown to love the optical touchpad, at first I hated it, and set the sensitivity all the way down, but with use I've set the sensitivity really high and use it instead of the D-pad keys most of the time.
Panels I find are boring very quickly, the card effect is good to show off down the pub. Pretty gimmicky overall, works very well to impress p*ssheads though! TF3d works very well, for me at least and is better..
Maybe I'll install the SDK and see what you can actually do with them, potentially it looks like you could use them as a container for running today dlls I think.
Overall phone is best WM device I've tried, I was a bit cautious coming from the Athena, but I've even got used to the small size (for me at least it feels small) but that's cos the last two phones were Uni and then athena.. And I've got huge hands, so it disappears, there's once or twice I've left the house and gone back to find the phone as it's so much smaller than those two you don't notice it's there, to realise that I've got it in my pocket all along! (a bit embarrassing as I've got music playing)..
I did contemplate selling it and getting a HD, but I've really grown fond of this, if I was offered a direct swap I'd be tempted but I'm very very happy.
FM radio is okay, don't tend to listen to radio much, but it picks up all the local and national channels here.
Main drawback is that it's probably the most mainstream WM phone there's ever been, I think that's a good thing, but it does mean we've got loads of new users in here that don't really understand what XDA_Developer is about and think people are here to tell them how to use their new pocket power ;D
:edit: one more thing, and something I noticed the first time I turned it on, the Wifi is the best I've ever used. I was picking up a signal from my router at the end of the drive, that's better than my laptops Sparklan a/b/g/n
I'm getting about 3 times more routers picked up travelling through built up areas than I ever did with the athena.
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Very Very thx, this was very usefull.
Another thing, i've seen a option to download panels. Is that for $ or for free?
Another thing, i've seen a option to download panels. Is that for $ or for free?
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Free... for now.
Insaneboy said:
Free... for now.
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fards said:
Main drawback is that it's probably the most mainstream WM phone there's ever been, I think that's a good thing, but it does mean we've got loads of new users in here that don't really understand what XDA_Developer is about and think people are here to tell them how to use their new pocket power ;D
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Couldn't agree more.

Finally, what could have been better on the HD2?

I am a true lover of my HD2, but even if I find this device almost perfect I feel that it still has some parts that shall have been better.
That is why I am opening this topic. This post is not aimed at listing the HD2 problems, but rather evoke the ways to make our device even better, from the users' point of view, based on our experience.
So please, tell me what is your own point of view after several months of use.
For me, here are the items I find should have been better:
- Soft Reset 'red button' under the metal back cover: this is definitely so ridiculous. What did the HTC guys have in mind when they decided this?
- Camera: compared to other devices (e.g. Blackberry Bold) the quality of the camera on the HD2 is definitely very low. Especially if the light conditions are not perfect. I realized that I have now abandonned the idea to use my HD2 camera to take some pictures inside a home, or in the evening.
Why not a Carl Zeiss lens, and also a separate shutter button?
- Loudspeaker: the quality of the loudspeaker is low. I compared it with other devices and the one of the HD2 is not satisfying. A better one would make louspeaker phoneconversations better. Also, it's almost impossible to use the HD2 loudspeaker to listen to some music on a daily basis. It will just give you a headache, whereas with other phones it's really a pleasure to listen to you mp3s with the loudspeaker on.
- Some Manilla Menu could be improved: did you also notice that it is so difficult to exit from the Message Tab. You have to click on 'Back' before you can close the Message Tab. The same way, in the Comm Manager Tab when you click on 'Done' you would expect it would close the tab. But it doesn't. The UI shall definitely be more simple and intuitive. The same for the Ebook reader tab.
- Bugs on the FM Radio never solved: I know that some other users also reported this bug. Sometimes the FM Radio crashes. The radio skips, then the application crashes. More generally the radio reception is bad. I am shocked that ROM after ROM HTC was not in a position to solve these issues eventually.
- Battery life: this one is a big disappointment, probably the major one. On my HD2 battery lasts maximum 1 day and a half... But most of the time it lasts less than 1 day. I remember the old times when the battery life of my mobile phones could exceed 3 or 4 days. Of course smartphones are more complex and need a lot of resources. But it's the manufacturers' role to adapt the battery capacity to the device needs. Less than one day of battery life is not acceptable. 2 full days would be a minimum.
- Absence of decent internal Memory Storage (e.g. 32 Gb): I think it would be high time the manufacturers like HTC include a decent 32 Gb memory storage. It would avoid spend a lot of money on various SD cards. We would have a huge memory space that could be completed with a small SD card (2 or 4 Gb would then be enough). WHEN WILL HTC PROPOSE THIS ON ALL ITS TOP DEVICES ?
- The HTC Audio Player is so bad: I know that some people like it, but in my opinion the embedded audio player is crap. It takes too long to load, the library organization is a mess. It even includes my IGO audio files! Why HTC could not work hand in hand with great developers such as Kinoma or Corecodec?
- Lack of HTC applications : I know this is mainly due to WM 6.5. This OS is not so sexy anymore and developers prefere to focus on Android and IPhone. That is why I also think HTC should work hand in hand with soft developers to provide great HTC applications. For instance Sony with Southend: the best games on WM 6.5 have been created (Xtrakt, Experiment 13...).
Conclusion: finally I realize the HD2 is not a real multimedia smartphone as it has been introduced. On the contrary, Radio, Audio Player, Camera and Loudspeaker are almost the worst parts of the device. And many competitors do better. Therefore the HD2 is probably a great professional phone, but not a multimedia one.... Unfortunately...
But hey, don't misunderstand me. I really love my HD2.
Just hope all the issues listed above will be solved with the HD3
My experience with:
Camera: it doesn't take pictures like a digicam can, but its one of the better camera phones I have used from a smartphone. Its okay at best for me, but I don't really expect much from cam phones. Also have you tried any tweaks?
Loudspeaker: Don't really use it when playing Music. Like the camera, I don't really expect much from speakers of any phone.
Manilla Menus: I'm not really sure how you want to close Messaging Tab and Comm Manager Tab. Thats just one press. Do you mean you want it to go directly to Home page when you press "X" at the top right or Back button?
Internal Memory: Yes it would be much better if we can have more. But I think it would also cost us more if say the HD2 had 64gb internal mem.
Audio Player: Okay for me. Try 3rd party music players.
Edit: Yes, I also love my HD2
I agree with OP. The only bad issue that really bother me is the Audio Player: why the hell there's not any kind of SEARCH function? HTC failed hard here.
arturobandini said:
- Loudspeaker: the quality of the loudspeaker is low. I compared it with other devices and the one of the HD2 is not satisfying. Almost impossible to use the HD2 loudspeaker to listen to some music on a daily basis. It will just give you a headache, whereas with other phones it's really a pleasure to listen to you mp3s with the loudspeaker on.
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I'm glad that you can't use the loudspeaker to listen to music. There's a special place in hell reserved for people who do that.
Yes Audio and Video player of the HD2 for me is a big let down.
Audioplayer crashes and won't play any of your music if you happen to load in just 1 file that it don't like.
Videoplayer also sucks almost all files need to be converted to play nicely on the HD2 player (video/audio out of sync). No RMVB support.
Camera and Loudspeaker I dont have any complains, they work OK for me.
I would have to disagree with the HD2 cameras quality being low. I managed to take some pretty good pictures with it. While dark or light outside
I also would have to to disagree with the loudspeaker with the music. I came from a blackberry 9700 and a storm 2 and both of their loud speakers distort when turned all the way up. thankfully when someone calls, the ringtones sound crisp on the hd2
but the rest of the stuff i agree with you guys
I wish the text messaging is better then what is now
i love the hd2 too, although it gets annoying at times. i have to admit, i was going to buy the nexus one instead of the hd2, but the hd2's hardware is sexy. cant help it. XP
anyway what bothers me about it:
1.) camera. it does seem a bit grainy, ive seen phones with better 5mp cameras.
2.) wm6.5. the os is snappy, but at random times, i would be forced to take out the battery cause (either sense or windows mobile) freezes up. using the chuckyrom.
3.) loudspeaker, idk maybe its just the mp3s i choose but volume is low even on high. not really a problem since i leave it on vibrate.
4.) horrible battery life. i use my phone a lot. i have my emails/calendars synced to it. let me just say i couldnt last a day without having to plug it into charger (using 3g). i made a test actually, i left around 2pm today to go to the beach, so i turned 3g off and pretty much left it in my backpack. a few hours later (around 10pm) it had around 65% battery left, so that was a shocker.
5.) music player. too slow for my tastes. im an ipod user so u can say my ipod spoiled me.
but still even with these problems, im happy with my sexy hd2. i'd go for the evo but i cant go cdma yet since i travel a lot so i need gsm phones.
- Absence of decent internal Memory Storage (e.g. 32 Gb): I think it would be high time the manufacturers like HTC include a decent 32 Gb memory storage. It would avoid spend a lot of money on various SD cards. We would have a huge memory space that could be completed with a small SD card (2 or 4 Gb would then be enough). WHEN WILL HTC PROPOSE THIS ON ALL ITS TOP DEVICES ?
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Can only agree on THAT.
For the rest: the HD2 is already perfect as a WM-device could be. Always mind: most restrictions are caused by WM, BUT: XDA-dev. overcome almost ALL probs (like I have no probs anymore since netdrg-TCMPM runs on my HD2).
For batt-life and loudspeaker: it´s just a question of simple physics: the more powerful the circuits/processor/speaker etc. the more battery-power is consumed. For heavy use we have the extended batt.
Camera: we do have a small pc in our hands and not a camera that also works as a little pc. Camera is a little gadget I take but it definitely was/is not the reason to buy a PDA. For very good photos I have my digicam.
Last but not least: of course You can always use even better components for assembly but are we willing then still to pay the price ? (Yeah, for me I would ! Now! But what if get unemployed next year ? )
I made a guy build me my Sony Vaio TT91 according to my wishes (SSD´s etc.) but had to pay double the prize of the serial-Vaio TT
Real life means: HTC has to calculate and research the compromise of customer needs, parts available and affordability at a given time (beginning 2009) to issue a new device (HD2) by end of 2009, but unfortunately by the middle of 2010 new cheaper and better parts would be available at the same cost.
That is living at the edge of technology at a given time. So we will see the HD3, HD4 or whatsoever, we will see micro pcs from HTC with flexible screens, LED-projectors and sound projectors integrated, we will see HDs with full voice-steering based on quantum-chipsets and laser diodes, we will see HDs transferring the screen-contents into eye-lenses running on batteries that are smaller than a finger nail lasting almost forever...........
k20a1 said:
I would have to disagree with the HD2 cameras quality being low. I managed to take some pretty good pictures with it. While dark or light outside
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Really ? It seems to me that other phones have a better camera than my HD2. I tried a lot of different settings.
For instance, a friend of mine made a video with his Bold 9700 of a live concert at night (worst conditions ever: dark, lot of sudden flash lights, etc...) and I was really amazed by the quality of his video.
To revert to the general specifications, I think that the manufaturer who will propose a Windows Phone already including 32 Gb of memory + minimum 2 days of battery life will do a major hit.
Running out of storage, or having my HD2 turn off at the end of the afternoon is something I hate.
All the smartphones currently proposed on the market are basically the same. But they all miss MEMORY / Long BATTERY LIFE.
Which manufacturer will finally decide to make the difference? I hope it will be HTC.
I have never liked the idea of have a large amount of memory in a phone, it makes it expensive and you can't just take it with you when you upgrade, i prefer a memory stick tbh.
NitrousB said:
I have never liked the idea of have a large amount of memory in a phone, it makes it expensive and you can't just take it with you when you upgrade, i prefer a memory stick tbh.
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But we can also expect that the costs will considerably decrease once the 32 gb are included in all devices.
Also, memory is so expensive because manufacturer like Sandisk or Kingston has to hold 32 Gb of memory in such small microSD cards. It makes no sense.
Regarding the upgrade, you are right. But you will have the possibility to transfer all your files to your new phone via your PC.
All the points mentioned before are not so important to me, in general I am very happy with the HD2 except for the GSM HD2 has a poor gsm reception. tried different radio roms but it does not really make a difference. When I am away for work I am using another phone, which was not the idea when I bought the HTC...
Did you try Radio ?
It's the one I'm using in France (Orange network) with my Miri ROM, and it works perfectly.
So far the best Radio I've tried.
What shouldn't change:
1. the form factor.
2. integrated multi-touchscreen, 3g, WiFi, Bluetooth, G-sensor, Compas, GPS module, speaker.
3. great gps module. No complaints so far with regards to function and reception
4. Hardware buttons.
5. Replacable battery.
What should change:
1.Wacom active digitizer technology added to the current capacative screen
2. A better, prefereably stereo speaker for better speakerphone conversations.
3. A manual configurable secondary microphone on the back for better speakerphone conversations
4. Better and more creative use of the G-sensor for tool applications.
5. Missing a seperate camera shutter button for taking pictures. The button on the screen is bad ergonomics and often causes blurry images because of the pressing of the button on the screen. Focus is lost and the camera moves while taking the snapshot.
6.increased battery capacity. 1300 mAh for a smarphone like the HD2 is a joke.
7. a camera with a carl zeiss lens.
8. the dual LED flash is fine, but in my currrent experience with the HD2 too close to the lens.
9. a protected cover for the audio and microusb port
10. make mini usb the standard. My experience with microusb thus far, is that it is a niche connection. A lot of other productions, even accessories of the HD2 still have mini usb plugs. The also feel much sturdier, and I've got a lot of them at home.
11. Major software creativity for the HD2 that work. There are currtenly several good programs out there. Unfortunately, many work with great ideas seperately. If some would combine creative ideas, I believe you would have a more complete, functional and great product for consumer use.
12. That someone could make an easy program to make your own software using building blocks. I have some ideas, but are ever put on hold due to the complex nature of writing code and debugging, of which I know a little but have no further experience of.
I think, though that if inking could be revived, the phone would be more complete. I'm thinking about the microsoft courier idea put into the HD2 (with a proper pen stylus and not a pogo or dagi stylus).
arturobandini said:
Did you try Radio ?
It's the one I'm using in France (Orange network) with my Miri ROM, and it works perfectly.
So far the best Radio I've tried.
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I am running radio rom home its ok, phone works ok and the battery lasts about 3.5 to 4 days but abroad its changing/searching networks all the time and drains my battery in 1.5 days...I can compare the reception with an another phone at the same places and the HD2 just has a weak gsm...Its a shame that my iPhone beats the HD2 if it comes to reception quality...
With regards to people's comments about the on-screen camera button, did you know that you can hold down the on-screen shutter button and the camera will refocus and then take a shot? I find it much more stable that just tapping the button. With that in mind, I've never felt the need for a dedicated camera button on the phone. I agree that, the camera quality is not amazing, and even though I have a decent camera for taking shots, I have felt a bit disappointed with the image quality of the HD2 in comparison to my X1.
The speakerphone could also do with improvement - although I never use it for music, there is a lot of distortion during calls, even when quiet.
I agree that battery life is not fantastic (my X1 used to last several days), but then again, with such a beautiful screen and powerful hardware what do you expect? The EVO 4G needs to be recharged every day and so do the Nexus One and the Desire (just done a quick google). I can live with that.
I don't like the placement of the audio connectors at the bottom. Would have preferred it at the top to make it easier to use in my car!
I think that's all my gripes hardware-wise - I love the form factor and so far the performance of the phone has been great.
With regards to software, there are lots of enhacements that could be made, but I'll just wait for Windows Phone 7 or jump to Android. It's a shame that I'm in the UK because otherwise I would have definitely gone with the EVO 4G - same great hardware but Android - that's the perfect phone! At least until we see how WP7 is like...
I love my HD2. It is a great communications device. Internet browsing, Exchange Support and the gorgeous screen are the things I love most. I have Pocket Player installed for listening to music, which is really great. Video Playback could've been better but with the right encoding, watching films is a great experience. Battery life isnt that bad and I always get through the day. As with any Windows Mobile device, it needs customization but if someone gives the device the time it deserves, the HD2 is a great phone. (but not for the average consumer)
amrbekhit said:
... I agree that, the camera quality is not amazing, and even though I have a decent camera for taking shots, I have felt a bit disappointed with the image quality of the HD2 in comparison to my X1...
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Bizarre! The camera on my X1 was awful, as a result I hardly ever used it. It was very laggy, photos were grainy even in good light and often blurred.
In contrast, the camera on my HD2 produces really good photos, with little lag, quickly and of decent quality.
Guys, you should use Windows Media Player 11 (the one that comes with Windows 7) to sync your music. I use that, have like 9 GB of music on my HD2 and it's blazing fast, doesn't take ANY time to load.
Actually I like the music player because of its ability to create playlists and it has pretty much everything you need.
I don't know which Radio ROM I have, but I don't experience the problems you and I (with an earlier ROM) had anymore.
You list some other valid points though.

Going to buy an HD2, some questions

I really wanted to go for an Android device, but since none of them is GSM and has a screen this big, I'm going for the HD2.
Just a few questions:
1. Is the glass screen prone to cracking? Even on gentle drops?
2. How oversensitive is the touchscreen? Can I type as fast as I do on my Nokia E90?
3. Does it have a tendency to corrupt 16GB microSD cards? I've seen some threads around it.
4. How stable is it for daily life usage?
5. Does it work with a bluetooth keyboard?
6. Can you hook up a PS3 bluetooth controller and play FPSce on it?
Edit, some more questions:
7. Does it have audio/video lag while playing reasonable quality videos? REALLY worried about this one...
8. How's the camera and video recording?
Thanks to whoever can answer these.
1. There have been different reports. Some say they've broken theirs on gentle drops, others have had some big drops with no damage. I find the HD2 to be a good solid build. Best advice is get a good case and be careful.
2. There are tweaks if you find the screen to be oversensitive and a variety of good keyboard solutions and other suggestions right in these forums. I was using a hardware keyboard on my previous device so it took me a little time to adjust. Now, I'm quite happy with my typing speed even with the stock keyboard.
3. I formatted a 16mb card and inserted it into my HD2 on day one. I have absolutely no problems to report.
4. My HD2 is very stable. I rarely have to do a soft reset even with heavy use. Again, there are utilities like CleanRam that help keep you stable without soft resetting.
5. Yes, but check the accessories threads, I don't which ones work best.
6. I'll leave that one for someone else as I'm not much of a gamer.
hd2 is a very good hardware(big screen, cute looking etc) but has WM OS (worst on the planet). in my opinion go to android phone. HTC EVO4g or Desire dunno but i can say only that the WM sux badly.
and yes its stable if u dont do anything except carrying the phone in pocket and just talk a bit....otherwise will wake up in a nightmare !
hackm0d said:
I really wanted to go for an Android device, but since none of them is GSM and has a screen this big, I'm going for the HD2.
Just a few questions:
1. Is the glass screen prone to cracking? Even on gentle drops?
2. How oversensitive is the touchscreen? Can I type as fast as I do on my Nokia E90?
3. Does it have a tendency to corrupt 16GB microSD cards? I've seen some threads around it.
4. How stable is it for daily life usage?
5. Does it work with a bluetooth keyboard?
6. Can you hook up a PS3 bluetooth controller and play FPSce on it?
Thanks to whoever can answer these.
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1. No more than any other screen imo, mine's ben dropped a couple of times onto hard surfaces and it's absolutely fine
2. Can't compare it to the Nokia, but certain aspects are more sensitive than the iphone, but you get used to it after about 30s. You can always change the sensitivity if you're daring enough to tweak the registry
3. I've got a 16GB MicroSD card and touchwood it's been fine. I've got a San Disk one, so maybe if you buy cheaper alternatives it won't like them?
4. It will crash on you/freeze on you fairly regularly, which can be a little frustrating at times.
5 Don't know
6. Don't know, doubt it.
For reason 4, and for the lack of apps I have been contemplating swapping my HD2. It's a shame really, as it's almost worth keeping for the home screen alone. It still amazes me when I switch the phone on and there's this gorgeous home screen with weather animation. I don't think there's a phone that comes close (maybe the EVO 4 but that's not available in the UK). The desire has the same idea, but imo doesn't pull it off anywhere near as well.
My choices at the moment are, stick with the HD2 and put up with the frustrations of it crashing, and generally not being as 'polished' as other phones (eg iphone, desire), get the HTC desire and try not to think about the home screen of the HD2, wait to see what the iphone 4G is going to be like, which is likely to be announced in 3 days time (7th June).
If you want something that works straight out of the box and has plenty of apps, consider the iphone or HTC Desire (although this is android and might not support GSM, which I didn't realise). IF you want a phone that works well with a few tweaks, and has a home screen to die for and you can live without apps (there are some, but really not that great compared to the other markets) then get the HD2. Apparantly though the Desire has a much more vibrant screen which makes photos etc much better than the HD2, and if that's true it must look great as I think the screen on the HD2 is amazing, and much better than the iphone 3G(s). I'm sure the screen on the iphone 4G will be pretty impressive though
karaern said:
hd2 is a very good hardware(big screen, cute looking etc) but has WM OS (worst on the planet). in my opinion go to android phone. HTC EVO4g or Desire dunno but i can say only that the WM sux badly.
and yes its stable if u dont do anything except carrying the phone in pocket and just talk a bit....otherwise will wake up in a nightmare !
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a typical answer of a WM hater. Sorry i do not agree
the stock roms are not the best, but when you use one of the cooked roms, there are many around, the phone is a pleasure to use, stable and does what it should do. even under heavy usage. A lot of people here on the forum are heavy users and if it was as bad as you describe they would not stay on WM.
hackm0d said:
I really wanted to go for an Android device, but since none of them is GSM and has a screen this big, I'm going for the HD2.
Just a few questions:
1. Is the glass screen prone to cracking? Even on gentle drops?
2. How oversensitive is the touchscreen? Can I type as fast as I do on my Nokia E90?
3. Does it have a tendency to corrupt 16GB microSD cards? I've seen some threads around it.
4. How stable is it for daily life usage?
5. Does it work with a bluetooth keyboard?
6. Can you hook up a PS3 bluetooth controller and play FPSce on it?
Thanks to whoever can answer these.
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6. Yes you can
1. Is the glass screen prone to cracking? Even on gentle drops?
I've dropped mine 3 times, twice off the end of the bed onto hardwood floor and once from chest hight onto a shop floor. No dents, no marks, no cracks. But of course with it having such a large glass screen you'd do well to try your best not to drop it.
2. How oversensitive is the touchscreen? Can I type as fast as I do on my Nokia E90?
Using something like SlideIT or Swype I dare say you could type a lot faster, and there are lots of tweaks to change the sensitivity of the screen to suit your needs.
3. Does it have a tendency to corrupt 16GB microSD cards? I've seen some threads around it.
I've pulled mine in and out numerous times and it's been fine and dandy. If you buy a cheap non branded card you might be looking for trouble, I'm not too sure on it though.
4. How stable is it for daily life usage?
With EnergyROM, it's awesome.
5. Does it work with a bluetooth keyboard?
I use my Mini Dinovo from time to time so that's a big ten-four.
6. Can you hook up a PS3 bluetooth controller and play FPSce on it?
Tada, CobaltController!
karaern said:
hd2 is a very good hardware(big screen, cute looking etc) but has WM OS (worst on the planet). in my opinion go to android phone. HTC EVO4g or Desire dunno but i can say only that the WM sux badly.
and yes its stable if u dont do anything except carrying the phone in pocket and just talk a bit....otherwise will wake up in a nightmare !
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whatever dude....
snerkler said:
You can always change the sensitivity if you're daring enough to tweak the registry
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Your talking about the sensitivity with the do you tweak it?
karaern said:
hd2 is a very good hardware(big screen, cute looking etc) but has WM OS (worst on the planet). in my opinion go to android phone. HTC EVO4g or Desire dunno but i can say only that the WM sux badly.
and yes its stable if u dont do anything except carrying the phone in pocket and just talk a bit....otherwise will wake up in a nightmare !
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? ermmmm.... nope.....
1 - Ive dropped mine, only a small drop though but its fine, I also managed to smash it into a fridge screen first and it didnt break, i was very lucky though! I dont advise smashing your phone against a fridge.
2 -The screen is very sensitive but bsb tweaks will solve that problem straight away....
3 - I dont use a 16gb card but the number of threads compared to the amount of people that must use these cards suggests its not a big issue....
4 - I've found it too be pretty damn stable, few hiccups here and there....
5 - Yes
6 - Yes (just dont ask me how) it can be done though.....
Get it, you'll love it.....
karaern said:
hd2 is a very good hardware(big screen, cute looking etc) but has WM OS (worst on the planet). in my opinion go to android phone. HTC EVO4g or Desire dunno but i can say only that the WM sux badly.
and yes its stable if u dont do anything except carrying the phone in pocket and just talk a bit....otherwise will wake up in a nightmare !
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I totally disagree with this. I'm using the phone let's say on nearly heavy usage and using for a week and never had to do a softreset. I'm using many apps and games and no problem with them, just remember to use task manager when finishing with apps.
Many know the fact that for example on your pc by using clean windows your pc is fast and stable, but after installing third party apps it becomes messy. so try to use good apps and your safe from freezing.
Ps. I'm previous user of android and I had many force closes with apps.
best regards. Gjizaqin
Stu1973 said:
Your talking about the sensitivity with the do you tweak it?
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For keypad/typing sensitvity use tweak #91 from the hints and tips and change the number to what suits you best (tiral and error)
For overall sensitivity use BSB tweaks.
One of the best tweaks for me was #35 from the link above regarding the clickable links in opera without having to zoom in. I actually changed the value to 2 though
gjizaqin said:
. I'm using the phone let's say on nearly heavy usage and using for a week and never had to do a softreset. I'm using many apps and games and no problem with them, just remember to use task manager when finishing with apps.
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You must be one of the lucky ones. I have to use soft reset at least once/week, and I have very few apps/games on my phone, and the ones I do have are very reputable. I even had problems before I installed these. I have done a few tweaks that have stabilised it quite a bit, but it's still not great.
Initially after coming from Android, I found this phone limiting in terms of apps. Also the Google environment is pretty slick.
However, there is nothing that I've wanted to do with this phone that I haven't been able to do: streaming music, gtalk, facebook integration, the list is long.
Some apps are not quite as elegant, but overall I've been pleased with this phone. Sometimes it needs a reset to get back up to speed, but so did my android device. This phone boots so fast, its not an issue for me.
The battery life is awesome. Lasts longer than my Magic did. Everything is so fast with the 1ghz processor. All I have to do is play around with my old phone for a bit to appreciate just how much faster everything is.
One of the pleasant surprises I've had is just how seamlessly it works with my Windows 7 PC. It's like they were made for each other. I forgot about that with Android. The Sense overlay is nice, and once you get to playing with other ROMs, it's hard to get bored.
Now that the EVO is out and the reviews, I'm still happy I bit the bullet with the HD2 and don't feel the need to trade it.
P.S. This thing has mobile hotspot too, and it works great!
first let me start by saying durability is no problem. the guys at tmobile hooked me up with a gel skin included so that soaks up a lot of jarring and dropping. second i have literally taken knives razors and screwdrivers to my screen trying to scratch it and the closest i get is friction smudging that justwipes away. like i said durability no issue. I've had my hd2 since march and I'm in love. it made me drop Verizon. some hd2 downfalls? its a big smudge magnet carry some windex and a rag lol or spend at bucks on smudge covers. i think the coolest feature of hd2 is the auto light detection when i step outside my phone auto adjusts so i can see
Thank you so much everyone, for the replies. But personally, I'm only avoiding Android and Maemo because of (a) the screen size, and (b) the presence of Linux in anything makes my uneasy. Windows Mobile is a lot more homely device for me and I love experimenting with the amazing hardware the HD2 would provide...
Just a few more questions:
7. When you play videos, is there audio/video lag? How bad is it? REALLY worried about this one...
8. How good is the web browser? I want something usable for heavy websites and forum posting.
9. How's the camera and video recording performance?
Thanks in advance, if I get a good response to these, I'm getting the device for sure.
1. Is the glass screen prone to cracking? Even on gentle drops?
Seems pretty study, have dropped mine a couple of times on a hard floor with no problem (only had it a week as well )
2. How oversensitive is the touchscreen? Can I type as fast as I do on my Nokia E90?
Stock ROM might be awful, if you are used to a resistive screen you may get a shock initially but you soon get used to it, get the screen sensitivity fix and the zoomer app and all your troubles will dissipate.
3. Does it have a tendency to corrupt 16GB microSD cards? I've seen some threads around it.
Haven t got one but I haven't seen much about this, I cannot see why it would.
4. How stable is it for daily life usage?
Stick to the more popular ROMS and you will have very few problems, I found the stock very stable, perfectly so to be honest but I wanted more icandy, cookie tab for instance.
5. Does it work with a bluetooth keyboard?
Apparently so but you will have to search XDa to find out which ones
6. Can you hook up a PS3 bluetooth controller and play FPSce on it?
I have seen someone do this on Youtube but I am not sure how this was done, theoretically it should work.
7. When you play videos, is there audio/video lag? How bad is it? REALLY worried about this one...
aha, there has been a lot of talk about this. I came form a Touch HD and the video performace was dreadful. I mainly play hdtv rips of around 700 meg and dvd rips of the same size, none of these played well with my touch Hd but theu play beautifully with my HD2. I am using coreplayer for most video and TCPMP for my Ac3 encoded stuff (if direct drawer doesnt work try GDI with full zoom enabled, leave everything else be, works a treat.
8. How good is the web browser? I want something usable for heavy websites and forum posting.
Slow, all phones are slow at web browsing, we are a long way from getting decent web performance on a phone, that being said with the huge screen it is much better than just about any other phone I have tried.
9. How's the camera and video recording performance?
Surprisingly good I think, then again I am again comparing this to my Touch HD which wasn't great. The Flash is a little harsh at times but daylight pic and vids are really pretty decent for a sub 720p camera.
It should be noted though that this is a tweakers phone, you may find yourself twiddling and tweaking for a long while before you have it how you want it. For me this is exactly what I want from a gadget though, a reason why I would touch a symbian or Iphone with me cats knob.
7 -
8 - The web browsing is superb! You wanna be able to use forums? I'm posting this from my HD2 so I guess it works.
9 -
2. You should try SlideIT and the new Resco beta 6 keyboard; they both work great.
4. Nothing wrong with the stock ROM I use (1.66), but no annoying add ons by my phone company, just a plain 1.66 ROM.
Thanks alot for your feedback.
Just one more thing, how's this compared to the Droid Incredible and the Nexus One?

[Q] Some questions before buying a X10...

I have been reading a ton of reviews on the X10, and am thinking about getting one. However, I have some questions about it that can only seemed to be answered by everyday users and not tech blog critics, and was wondering if you can help me sort out some doubts. Especially when the 2.1 Update just come out and the critics haven't properly reviewed it yet.
- How is the battery life? Several places on the internet says the battery life is horrible. I am secretly hoping that there are also people who love the battery life that just haven't given it a shout yet. I don't mind charging it once per day, but can it survive through at least 4 hours of music playing, about 50 texts, 1 hour of call with 3G turned on at all times for one day?
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength? Would you still be able to hear it ring in a busy citycenter?
- Is TimeScape THAT useful? Do you use it, or do you use the native messaging app?
- Keyboard - GSMArena says the 2.1 update helped a lot. Your thoughts?
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? What would you have gotten instead?
I know I sounded annoying - please give in just any input. Thanks a lot in advanced!
I work for a cellular company, and really use the Internet a lot on 3G/HSPA. And I have 9GB of music playing nonstop. The battery lasts about 5-7 hours. I always have a spare battery available to last the day.
The ring/buzz is not very loud. I often have missed calls.
Timescape is more usable with 2.1.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I have been using the X10 since April 26th and I think it is a great device with one fairly major flaw. The in-call volume is ridiculously low even at maximum level. It has been reported to SE since release and has not improved at all over the course of two software updates. It's my belief that the hardware is inadequate to raise the volume and users will be forced to live with it.
- How is the battery life? Several places on the internet says the battery life is horrible. I am secretly hoping that there are also people who love the battery life that just haven't given it a shout yet. I don't mind charging it once per day, but can it survive through at least 4 hours of music playing, about 50 texts, 1 hour of call with 3G turned on at all times for one day?
Battery life was abysmal to start, improved on R2 firmaware and has improved again on the 2.1 update.
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength? Would you still be able to hear it ring in a busy citycenter?
Ringer volume is adequate, even in busy places. I do not use vibrate unless I'm in a meeting and it is useful enough to alert me.
- Is TimeScape THAT useful? Do you use it, or do you use the native messaging app?
I do not use Timescape at all. I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter so it is essentially useless unless you like eye candy. I suppose if you are very socially inclined through these services that it would be benficial.
- Keyboard - GSMArena says the 2.1 update helped a lot. Your thoughts?
Keyboard has improved with the latest update and I find it to be on par with the better on-screen keyboards.
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? What would you have gotten instead?
I do not regret purchasing an X10. I'm happy with it. It is excellent for browsing and both audio and video capture and playback. The camera is outstanding as long as it is not dusk or later. The phone has good signal strength and call quality. The in-call volume is the only problem.
Thank you for your comments!
Regarding in-call volume - could this be solved with a headset/pair of earphones? I'd imagine that I would most probably use it as my primary music player anyway.
yes you can solve it by using headsets as I always use them for music playing and receiving phone calls
My battery life last minimum 13 hours with constant use ( beautiful weather live wallpaper ) with facebook and twitter updating every 1 hour.
I do use timescape and I found it very useful, the only downside of it that it uses the browser to open comments or status, it would be better if it uses integrated application or 3rd party apps to open the notifications.
the ringtone volume is not the best in crowded places as you will miss some calls eventually.
And no I do not regret buying it because I am enjoying it
Ok i dont know whats wrong with the people above but they should check their ears and handsets. First my battery lasts 2 days with medium use and a whole day with heavy use. Any smartphone with this kind of capabilities wont last any longer (iphone, galaxy s, desire hd.. etc) . The loudnes of internal speaker was fine on 1.6 and now with 2.1 is great. The external speaker good enough and a lot better than some brand new devices like the desire hd wich speaker is terrible. The phone itself is great, dont beleive this reviewers as they dont take time to play with the devices and they just test everything stock and untouched. The x10 is the best smartphone phone ive had and ive had quite a few some of woch are galaxy s and still have an iphone 4 wich my wife uses. Let me tell u from build quality, good looks, stability and usfulnes to modding, customising and having fun.. this phone delivers. Its just solid. I have looked for many other options and i just cant find anything that matches my needs better than this. For example the galaxy s is cheap built very light and ugly and really unstable had it for a week and its gone. Iphone is just simple and boring with no customatisation whatsoever, small screen and everyone has it. Htc devices have bad cameras and bad audio quality witch i cant cope with. The new dhd for example has a really bad loudspeaker and a really ****ty 8mp camera also battery life is half that of the x10. The x10 is unique device and my strong points that i look in a phone are : works good as a phone, has a big bright screen thats easy to read, fast and responsive, stable, good camera, good audio quality internal and external, good battery life, a lot of customatisation options to make it look and work as i want it to, sd card, removable battery, flash light (very useful), notification led (very very useful). The x10 gives me all this and more. There is many many x10 users that are very very happy with their handsets and i think you will find that out soon . Personaly the best experiance ive had with a phone. Hope this helps.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Nankov said:
Ok i dont know whats wrong with the people above but they should check their ears and handsets. First my battery lasts 2 days with medium use and a whole day with heavy use.
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Basically, it all depend on your usage... some have 4 days battery life while other 7 hours of battery life..
if you use your phone to update your social life every X hours, have direct push emails to your phone, live wallpaper that connects to your internet every 1 minute to check weather forecast. listen to music for 2 hours a day, play games for another two hours. Then you'll get the 13 hours I'm talking about..
Medium usage can take me up to 3 days but I am a heavy user so I don't think that I will cut-off anything just to save battery time
In the end it depends on how are you going to use your X10.... butt keep in mind that comparing to other android devices, X10 has the better battery life
The battery lasts me a day and usually have around 30-40% remaining before I go to bed. About 15 hours of usage. I listen to songs on it for about 30 minutes each day, 30 minutes ebook reading, 30-60 minute angry birds, a few texts, and some random playing around with it just for the sake of it, I feel like it is a bit improved since 1.6, about 15% more.
Ring is pretty loud, although I still have some missed calls because I keep decreasing the ring volume by accident.
In-Call volume has been a bit improved after 2.1, I can now hear the other person at a skytrain station, could still be louder tho.
Timescape takes too long to start up, I really never use it.
As for keyboard, there are tons of alternatives on the market, so I don't think that will be a problem at all.
Finally, I would probably get a WP7 phone if I hadn't got my x10, WP7 feels quite sexy IMO. But the x10 is still much more impressive than the n900 i traded. ( missing the built in FM transmitter though )
good luck
- How is the battery life?
I got about that sorta useage but i dont use headphones, i play the music over bluetooth to my sterio in my car and in the office. and i get 18 to 20 hours out of it.
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength?
The ring tone is a bit quiet but still prety good. you just have to find the right ringtone, or tweek yours till it's right. (theres Apps for that ) i herd my phone in the machine shop at work so i'd say it's loud enough.
- Is TimeScape THAT useful? Do you use it, or do you use the native messaging app?
Timescape is prety cool, i like how you can put all the post from all your social and SMS in cronological order. I dont use the native Messenging App nemore I use Handcent to make and read my messeges. Timescape is just to slow.
- Keyboard -
I like the new keyboard heap better, i'm still using it since i got the update. and prob will keep using it i think.
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? What would you have gotten instead?
Was loooking at a Samsung Galaxy but went for the X10 instead, Now my GF has the Galaxy i'm glad i went for the X10. it looks good, (doesn't look like a Iphone ) it's fast, and works.
- How is the battery life?
I play music, lots of texts and moderate calling... there has been maybe one day since I've bought it that it died before I got home to charge it, but that was at about two in the morning. If I dropped the music and kept my eye on the use, easily go two days. I have no problems with it..I don't have to be careful or not do what I want to do, and it'll still last at least the day
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength?
It's fairly loud, but the vibrate is great too....very rare that I don't know I get a text or call
- Is TimeScape THAT useful?
Pretty nice looking, but I don't use it. I think its just a fad, I'm kinda curious now as to how many people use it
- Keyboard -
New keyboard is nice, but you can download all sorts of things to get what you need
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? Not at all, I love this phone
Battery life depends on the apps you run, how much you use wifi, gps, etc. It's a decent battery that can easily be run down with heavy use. But that's not the battery's fault. Think of it as a car battery that has to run extra lights, high power stereo system, in-car DVD... Get the picture?
Ringtone and vibrate are fine. In-call volume is the problem that has yet to be corrected.
I don't use Timescape or Mediascape. There are many other good alternatives to them.
As other users have said, you have a load of keyboards to choose from, no problem there.
The X10 came late to Android 2.1 but it's a fine phone in general. There still are kinks that need to be ironed out but in my mind it's the best looking Android phone out there.
If I were to get another phone it would have to be its successor, the x12/Anzu which should arrive sometime in 2011. Maybe that's something you want to consider.
Wow... I'm surprised. Not a single bad review here... much different from what I've been reading elsewhere on tech blogs.
I was talking to a sales rep in a local electronics store, and he was trying to get me to buy the Desire HD. Honestly, it is giant, but I don't know if I am wiling to spend that much more money.
Alright then, I think I'm sold. Galaxy S isn't an option according to reviews and its bad quality. Others are just too out of price range. I'm coming X10!
If you can try to borrow an X10 & make a call in a noisy environment, so that you're sure you can live with the audio level. Go through some of the other threads & see what people are complaining about, & decide if it's something that matters to you.
Actually, only people who never used it, hates it. That's the downside of being beautiful. You have detractors. I don't find any problem with in call volume at all. I always have two phones with me, but at noisy environment both will be the same on whatever volume level it is. My solution, go inside or plug in the headset. I'm planning to buy a SE MW600 Bluetooth headset anyway, so this part will be a moot point soon, plus the benefit of having an FM radio...
Go inside is not a solution, & not everyone wants to wear a BT headset all the time. What if you forget to bring your headset with you?
To say that people who dislike the X10 have never used one is wrong. The advice I gave is sound, you can never go wrong trying something before you buy.
To be honest. I just not only like my x10. But I really love it. Although there are some relly annoying bugs like in call volume, battery performance, virtual keyboard problem. Use bluetooth is not a solution because it will decrease the power easily.
But x10 is good phone. Trust me. If you don't like x10, it means you don't like android. This is all about OS. All about Android. All about smart phone. A phone with so many features. Just find, install. And may be tweak.
Gunawan-GN Multimedia-X10i
I know this won't go down well but here is a summary of my experiences.
I was really excited about the x10, I pre ordered it and owned it for about 6 months. I cannot in good conscience advise that you buy one. Having recently (last week) upgraded to a desire HD i realise just how poor the x10 was in so many respects. The only thing it really excels in is looks. When I bought it it was not a terrible choice, but it has only slipped further behind in my opinion. Despite the LONG awaited 2.1 update the software is still poorly implemented. SE have proven to be unreliable.
There are too many good (better) alternatives available at the same price that you should really look at them.
Hope this helped...
JamesBarnes said:
I know this won't go down well but here is a summary of my experiences.
I was really excited about the x10, I pre ordered it and owned it for about 6 months. I cannot in good conscience advise that you buy one. Having recently (last week) upgraded to a desire HD i realise just how poor the x10 was in so many respects. The only thing it really excels in is looks. When I bought it it was not a terrible choice, but it has only slipped further behind in my opinion. Despite the LONG awaited 2.1 update the software is still poorly implemented. SE have proven to be unreliable.
There are too many good (better) alternatives available at the same price that you should really look at them.
Hope this helped...
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Sorry but can you please explain poor? I mean what is better in the DHD than the X10? Camera, Audio quality, Speakerphone, Battery life, Build quality? or is it just smoother because of 2.2 and you think its so great?
Nankov said:
Sorry but can you please explain poor? I mean what is better in the DHD than the X10? Camera, Audio quality, Speakerphone, Battery life, Build quality? or is it just smoother because of 2.2 and you think its so great?
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Im pretty sure its because of 2.2 which in fact is being worked on for our phones as we speak, and also because of the sense ui which i think is ubber s***. To the OP, the desire hd is garbage with battery and camera quality and tbh as a long time htc customer with devices owned such as the tilt 2 and touch pro and the desire(for a month) the camera can never be as good as x10s and also battery is outstanding on my x10 it all depends on how you configure your device its your decision mate, u can get the x10 now or wait for the x12 either way sony makes quality built phones im not trying to sound like a fanboy here, i like htc and sony equally, like people said, try it out, people who hate it, never tried it!
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
Sure i can go into a little more detail...
Firstly, yes the DesireHD is fast, REALLY fast but i dont think that on its own if a fair comparison, its a newer phone.
Firstly, battery... the x10 battery is quite poor, not awful, but not great. If you use the phones features fully it will not last a day. That isnt too unusual when it comes to smart phones, but saying it has a good battery is wrong in my opinion.
The camera, part of the reason i bought the phone was the camera, and it really is not that great. The app takes a long time to open which is a real pain for "in the moment" shots and the results are below average in poor light. Not having a flash is a HUGE problem in my opinion. The camera application is hopeless too.
Timescape and Mediascape have some nice features but need to be faster. Overall though i like them.
The touchscreen, multi-touch issues aside, the actual touchscreen is quite poor. It really struggles with accuracy near the edges (more than most) and often gets "stuck" on. (I have had 3 x10 handsets, so not an isolated issue)
Sony made a lot of customisations, most of which sucked. The looked pretty (sort of) but impeded functionality and slowed things down. They have gotten slightly better in that regard but still...
As for HTC sense, i think its very good indeed. The sense launcher is not at all to my tastes, i use ADW, but the modifications HTC have made to the rest of the UI are actually helpful. Often just little things like the "magnifier" for moving the cursor in the text etc but it all adds up.
If the x10 were half the price i wouldnt have an issue, but its expensive for what it is.
To me, after 6 months of daily use, it seems obvious that this was SE's first attempt at an android smartphone, I would wait till they have had more practice or go with a manufacturer that has a better track record... Samsung, Motorola, HTC etc
Ultimately though, its a personal thing, you may fall in love with it!

Got rid of it ... sorry

I really wanted to like the Motorola Razr I. It was my first new phone after having a Samsung Galaxy S (very first one) and at the beginning I was really excited. The body felt nice and better than my old Galaxy S. Having Jelly Bean on my Galaxy S, The software on the Razr I felt like a step back. I didn't mind having Ice Cream Sandwich, because Jelly Bean was already promised for our phone, but for a reason I didn't have that nice feeling of having a new phone.
The problems I had:
- Not all apps are compatible with the Razr I, some apps I bought (like Rebuild, or Triple Town) were not working at all!
- Lags and music stuttering
- Volume too low
- GPS coordinates were all over the place, in Navigon it would constandly point me on the wrong street (this was actually the nail in the coffin)
So after all those problems occured, I found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean. Plus the community seems to be bigger.
So for me, Intel cpus are not ready for prime time yet.
RAZRi is not a phone for just... having a phone, is a phone for fiddling out, I knew very well that there where some incompatibilities, but to be honest all of my programs work so far except for 2 games and 1 emulator: Chaos Rings from Square Enix and the n64 emu. I have no stuttering in music (poweramp and folderplayer) nor any lag in the system. I have the swap internal memory for sdcard applied and I don't have to worry about space, the volume is to high for me (coming from a G1) and navigation is ok for me (RMAPS) so... the problems that you describe are quite weird.
(Please note, I bought this phone used, it was a demo phone on a store, not even with that has a flaw except for the program compatibility)
I don't have any issues with the phone.
All the apps i need to have all work with my razr i apart from flash (i dont need), bbc media player, n64 emulator and barclays app. I haven't really come across any compatibility issues.
Yeah the music stutters but it not bad my htc did that too and btw thats just a bug with the play music app. playerpro is a great alternative.
The volume is not at all low
GPS for me is amazing although the accuracy never really gets below 30 feets and the compass could be a little faster.
I love the stock android look on it even without jellybean I get bored of my one x for this and that has a bigger screen, not intel, and has jelly bean.
I don't have the problems you have, but i don't like my razr i as much as i thought, too.
Got it after my Desire HD had a partly-scattered screen, shut down time and time again when WIFI was activated, sensors were not working anymore etc.
I bought the razr i to be reliable. The stock launcher froze the widgets up to 3 times a day, had to restart it every time. Changed to Nova Launcher Prime again. Now i miss the "real" quick settings to pull down (they are apps for that, but many switches are only links (e.g. GPS). My AUX Port has a loose contact, too. When i walk, often the music stops because the razr i thinks, there are no headphones connected anymore.
A few days ago, i took out my old Desire HD. Even though it was big and can't be used single-handed, i think of buying an used HTC HD2, as i miss messing around with roms and always wanted to try out Windows Phone 7. I think i will only use it as backup device, but maybe i would sell the razr i and use the HD2 as everyday device for a few months, until i find another phone that suits me.
Anyway, wouldn't buy an S3 because i neither like the look nor quality of it.
Too bad. I don't know why you had problems with Navigon. I recently used the same software to navigate from UK to Poland and back and it worked perfectly. It even got me out of trouble when by mistake i took the wrong turn in Belgium and put me back on the right track in no time.
I love my RAZRi.
Best phone I've ever had in my view. I haven't had any of these issues mentioned at all. The navigation is fantastic and due to the RAZRi battery performance I have now sold my old SatNav unit and use the RAZRi all the time.
I'm sorry you haven't had the same experience I have had with the phone
Sent from my XT890 using xda app-developers app
I'm coming from a Droid 3 and of course miss the great keyboard. But I REALLY LOVE the Razr i! Perfect size, perfect build quality (no plastic crap!), volume is perfect, perfect signal and awesome battery life!
I am in contact with the developer of epsxe the Playstation Emulator and I am currently testing an x86 build of it, it's running absolutely great, with no framelimiter i get 150-200 fps! I love this phone, really.
Also yesterday while celebrating the new year I was absolutely happy with the camera performance, shooting several photos with flash in a few seconds is absolutely great!
Edit: If you are looking for emulators that have x86 builds have a look at Robert Broglias Emulators, they are great!
I'm coming from a Milestone2 and me too I'm missing the querty keyboard but this razr i is superb!
Fast, light, great shape and size!
The camera is very good too. (EDIT: If light conditions are good. Otherway it's good but not like other top smarthpones. Anyway don't expect bad pictures!)
It isn't the best phone but I guess there is no best phone! We can only find the best phone for our needs. I found mine!
"found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean."
Minus battery life, minus browsing speed, minus space in your pocket, minus premium feel.
Why didnt u buy the nexus 7 tablet it is faster and BIGGER?
I understand that people who want to play arent satisfied with a phone thats clearly not meant to play but your arguments are kinda weak. If u told us u bought an iphone for stability, eco system and/or style i wouldv said have fun with it its a great phone but i cant call that big piece of junk samsung built this time a great phone, its just big.
The apps u name arent apps but games, again: why didnt u buy a nexus7 which is an outstanding device to play with.
I cant speak for navigon but i used copilot 2weaks earlier without any problems.
"The camera is very good too.!"
Its not, its alright but its not good, i dunno a mobile phone cam that i could call good.
"- Lags and music stuttering"
I cant comment on that since i dont use that google crap app yet, maybe in a couple of months when they got it out of alpha status ill try but till then i still love my player pro.
purplet said:
"found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean."
Minus battery life, minus browsing speed, minus space in your pocket, minus premium feel.
Why didnt u buy the nexus 7 tablet it is faster and BIGGER?
I understand that people who want to play arent satisfied with a phone thats clearly not meant to play but your arguments are kinda weak. If u told us u bought an iphone for stability, eco system and/or style i wouldv said have fun with it its a great phone but i cant call that big piece of junk samsung built this time a great phone, its just big.
The apps u name arent apps but games, again: why didnt u buy a nexus7 which is an outstanding device to play with.
I cant speak for navigon but i used copilot 2weaks earlier without any problems.
"The camera is very good too.!"
Its not, its alright but its not good, i dunno a mobile phone cam that i could call good.
"- Lags and music stuttering"
I cant comment on that since i dont use that google crap app yet, maybe in a couple of months when they got it out of alpha status ill try but till then i still love my player pro.
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Well said
Indeed, well said.
Obviously, there are a few phones with good cameras but it's really sparse (my last one had a good camera, HP Pre 3; limited shooting options but the quality impressed quite a lot of people, took some stunning shots with it) and I don't really care about it either because I have my DSLR for that.
I do use the camera on the Razr i for shooting a picture here and there when I don't have my DSLR with me or just to share something I saw on Twitter (which my DSLR can't; I have no Galaxy Camera lol). And for that it does the job. Not amazing pictures but good enough.
purplet said:
"found a nice deal on a Galaxy S 3 and gave my Razr I back and never looked back. Everything from the above list works and as a plus I have a bigger screen and Jelly Bean."
Minus battery life, minus browsing speed, minus space in your pocket, minus premium feel.
Why didnt u buy the nexus 7 tablet it is faster and BIGGER?
I understand that people who want to play arent satisfied with a phone thats clearly not meant to play but your arguments are kinda weak. If u told us u bought an iphone for stability, eco system and/or style i wouldv said have fun with it its a great phone but i cant call that big piece of junk samsung built this time a great phone, its just big.
The apps u name arent apps but games, again: why didnt u buy a nexus7 which is an outstanding device to play with.
I cant speak for navigon but i used copilot 2weaks earlier without any problems.
"The camera is very good too.!"
Its not, its alright but its not good, i dunno a mobile phone cam that i could call good.
"- Lags and music stuttering"
I cant comment on that since i dont use that google crap app yet, maybe in a couple of months when they got it out of alpha status ill try but till then i still love my player pro.
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The reason why I didnt buy a Nexus 7 is obvious. I wanted a phone and not a tablet. The Nexus 4 on the other side would have been a good phone, if it wasn't for the small internal storage.
Anyway, regarding the stuttering. I wasn't using the Google Music App. I am using PowerAMP which was doing a fine job on the Galaxy S and again on the Galaxy S3. So it must be Razr Is fault. I also don't know why my GPS was so bad on the Razr I. If i didn't have those 2 problems, I might have kept the phone because I really wanted to like it. But those 2 problems plus the compatibility issue were deal breakers for me.
I must say, the Razr I has amazing battery life but I am also happy with the battery life of my Galaxy S3. If worse comes to worst, I could still swap the battery for a fully charged one, which is not possible with the Razr I
Anyway, I hope you guys will stay happy with your Razr I as I am happy with my S3
Just to give my opinion, after two weeks of testing.
Also note that my previous phone was an HTC Desire HD, which I miss a lot but ... the RAZR i is way better and has those advantages:
- it is fast, rom is very responsive, there is just a minor lag when opening the toggle screen for the first time (after reboot)
- battery is very good (more than 1 day with a moderate use, at least 8 hours with a lot of gaming/streaming/videos/camero with flash/web etc.)
- the size is perfect for me, SIII and similar phone are too big for me
- build quality is just awesome! sorry but many of my friends own an SIII, and the plastic quality is simply crap!
- the Moto's ROM is nearly a pure android one
- I didn't have any problem with an application (compatibility is ok, just a few app does not work: SongPop Free for example)
- the camera button is very handy
- the camera quality is ok and relatively fast (don't forget that's a phone...)
- gaming is ok (I'm not a hardcore gamer on phones )
- GPS fix is extremely fast and accurate compared to my DHD. I can even get a fix inside buildings, but accuracy is not good then, which is normal. Outside, GPS fix is done within 3-5 seconds.
- the phone speaker is good and loud enough (for a phone)
- the GSM reception is very good and stable
- the audio quality during calls is very clear
I use Poweramp without any problem, I'm an audiophile and I can tell that the audio quality is very good. But don't use the bundled earphones... very bad quality! I never noticed stuttering, neither wither Poweramp nor with Google play, and I really listen to music all the time.
Toggles from the notification are not an Android standard. HTC Sense, TouchWiz and Cyanogenmod add those buttons ! So please, don't say you miss them!
However, it's true that I miss the toggles too, and I don't like the way the Moto launcher works. To change this: Widgetsoid for notification and more widgets, and Apex/Nova for the launcher.
The big default of this phone is the lack of the usb mass storage. I'm a Linux user and the MTP protocol does not work well and is very complicated to easy integrate with your desktop. But I also use Windows 7, and absolutely no problem with this. (update: this issue may be resolved by using the PTP mode instead, I still need testing)
Now I'm waiting for the JB update and hope that the dev will follow with some amazing ROMs (update: update is coming!! )
To conclude, to me, according to the price and the build quality, this is probably the best mid-range phone (nearly high-end) of the moment.
I probably would have bought a Nexus 4 if it was not out of stock, but I really don't regret my purchase at all, this phone is awesome!
Update: I just had a freeze yesterday, neither buttons nor screen were responding. I had to 'hard reboot' by pressing both power and volume down for a few seconds to reset the phone. This is the issue I had since I bought it on the 28th of December.
50/50 with you
In one hand I expected more from this phone, in terms of software ICS 4.04 now a days is a old OS, Motorola is not taking care of the phone and this bad joke of the SD card is juts to.... ask then why you **** like this ICS.
In other hand the phone is build with very good materials better materials than the Nexus 4,is fast as the faster phone in the market performing the common task of every day is handy and has a very good camera if you know how to take pictures, not forgeting that is a phone.
So I'm happy with the phone I've tested for weeks phones like Nexus Prime, htc one x+, lumia 900 and iPhone 5 and any of them make me think that I should change my razr i, all of them have bad things and good things but in my opinion there is no a phone which could impress me in a way that the iPhone 2G did to me.
And after all, the perfect phone does not exist ...
I personally find that the RAZR i perfectly fits my needs, but it is not the perfect phone
And yes, I forgot this: the way the sdcard is mounted totally sucks !
About the update, a JB leak for a the old RAZR can be found. So, I guess that a much more recent device like the RAZR i will soon receive JB.
ciberbeb said:
Just to give my opinion, after two weeks of testing.
Also note that my previsous phone was an HTC Desire HD, which I miss a lot but ... the RAZR i is way better and has those advantages:
- it is fast, rom is very responsive, there is just a minor lag when opening the toggle screen for the first time (after reboot)
- battery is very good
- the size is perfect for me, SIII and similar phone are too big for me
- build quality is just awesome ! sorry but many of my friends own an SIII, and the plastic quality is simply crap !
- the Moto's ROM is nearly a pure android one
- I didn't have any problem with an application (compatibility is ok)
- the camera button is very handy
- the camera is ok and relatively fast
- gaming is ok (I'm not a hardcore gamer on phones )
- GPS fix is extremely fast and accurate compared to my DHD. I can even get a fix inside buildings, but accuracy is not good then, which is normal. Outside, GPS fix is done within 3-5 seconds.
- the phone speaker is good (for a phone)
- the GSM reception is very good and stable
- the audio quality during calls is very clear
I use Poweramp without any problem, I'm an audiophile and I can tell that the audio quality is very good. But don't use the bundled earphones... totally cheap ! I never noticed stuttering, neither wither Poweramp nor with Google play, and I really listen to music all the time.
Toggles from the notification are not an Android standard. HTC Sense, TouchWiz and Cyanogenmod add those buttons ! So please, don't say you miss them !
However, it's true that I miss the toggles too, and I don't like the way the Moto launcher works. To change this: Widgetsoid for notification and more widgets, and NovaLauncher for the launcher.
The big default of this phone is the lack of the usb mass storage. I'm a Linux user and the MTP protocol does not work well and is very complicated to easy integrate with your desktop. But I also use Windows 7, and absolutely no problem with this.
Now I'm waiting for the JB update and hope that the dev will follow with some amazing ROMs
To conclude, to me, according to the price and the build quality, this is probably the best mid-range phone (nearly high-end) of the moment.
I probably would have bought a Nexus 4 if it was not out of stock, but I don't regret my purchase at all.
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I had that MTP problem with Honeycomb but since ICS I don't got that problem. And I'm an Ubuntu user so also Linux. Razr i mounts fine via mass storage on Ubuntu 12.04
Vistaus said:
I had that MTP problem with Honeycomb but since ICS I don't got that problem. And I'm an Ubuntu user so also Linux. Razr i mounts fine via mass storage on Ubuntu 12.04
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I'm using Archlinux, totally up to date, I may have missed something...
Do you have the mass storage option on your RAZR i? That would be weird...
What library do you use? because the most common one, libmtp, has an opened issue for this device. The RAZR i is not yet marked as "known".
I had a strange behavior under Windows: I had to switch between MTP and PTP a few times to make it work again on my laptop. I'll try again after work

