[Q] Cheap charging dock from DX? (Galaxy Nexus model?) - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

What up!
I was thinking about getting a charging dock for my Nexus 4 for my desk, and I don't feel like paying a lot of money for it as I have the charging orb on its way soon. I was thinking about getting a cheap one from DealExtreme, but they have none for the Nexus 4.
So do you think we could fit our device into a dock for the Galaxy Nexus, or maybe a flat one like the Note dock?
I was thinking this one: http://dx.com/p/portable-charging-d...e-for-samsung-galaxy-nexus-i9250-black-116667
Otherwise there is a lot of other docks here, what do you think?
Have you used any other docks with our device?

interesting... I would like to know too ^^

Exactly, I don't think the two phones has the same dimensions around the corners though, so I'm not sure if it would fit
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No one tried something similar?
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has anyone tried these docks with a case? the infuse dock is perfect if it could only fit with my case on.

I have the Galaxy Nexus dock and the Nexus 4 doesn't fit. Its too wide :/


Thinking of selling my n1

What's Nexus One worth? 2nd (extended) battery and back, two docking stations, sleeve and so on. Perfect, never dropped, used about 4-5 months. Want to buy a gtab instead. Oh, it's the T mobile version.
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What are the four contact points on the bottom

left side of the N7 for? I assume they are for charging, but I wasn't aware there was any kind of dock that would use these available for the N7. Thanks.
Those are for NFC.
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 7
They're not for NFC and will indeed be used for docks - most likely carrying power and sound.
RockNrolling said:
Those are for NFC.
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RockNrolling said:
Those are for NFC.
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Uhhhh... No. NFC receiver is on the back under where it says "Nexus".
The pogo pins on the side are for a future dock accessory, similar to the Galaxy Nexus.
Before I even saw this I thought it would be for a dock.
The pogos pins are designed for a dock that should let you plug speaker and a charger
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[Q] A good car holder for the Nexus

I'm looking for a good car mount for my device. I need to be able to attach it the the AC vent and to rotate it 360 degrees.
After searching a lot I found:
I found many others of course, but they are cheap and they don't seem to be good quality. For example, this:
I want your opinion, do you think anyone of them is good?
Also, I know of clingo:
This basically holds your phone with some kind magnet (don't think its really a magnet, don't know what it is), but I'm afraid it will somehow ruin the back of my phone (even though I put a case on, I'm very very fanatic about my Nexus. Very).
Is there anyone here who has ever tried it and can give me an opinion?
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I am totaly happy with my brodit holder.It is a car specifc car mount which combines with a device specific clip. I bought the mount once and now I am with my 3rd device changing only the clip and its perfect.
What do you mean changing the clip? And can this holder hold the Nexus even when it has a case? I'm using the rinkge fusion.
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The holder has two components. One, the holder, attaches to the car, different models for different cars or even the place in your car you want to mount it.And the other, the clip, is specific to the device you have, i.e different devices different clips. So if you change your device you just have to buy a new clip not the whole set.
And No saddly but no, you can't use the Nexus 4 or any other device while in a case.
i use this one:
i don't use my CD player because i use my aux in from my phone
plus, when i had a window-mount for my nexus s, on very hot or very cold days it would fall off the window... and i'm not willing to see my nexus 4 fall off the window and explode on impact
Strra can I use it with a case on the nexus?
that's very important to me
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I just bought the item I posted in the OP:
Is it possible I would have problems with this if the Nexus is in a case?
Try this one. It's very solid and easy to use.
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TheeWolf said:
Strra can I use it with a case on the nexus?
that's very important to me
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yeah, it's plenty big enough to hold the nexus with a case. i use it with my bumper with no issues. i believe it says it's even big enough to hold a note2 with a case, if that gives you any idea

Is the Nexus 4 the best Nexus to date

Why or why not, please explain.
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This is my first nexus device so I can't really answer your question but I know the nexus 4 blows all the android devices on ATT out of the water.
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I like this phone more than my gnex except for not having a removable battery. It's much faster than both of my last 2 phones.
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Yeah, I am perfectly happy with the Nexus 4 as well.
Initially didnt intend to upgrade from the Galaxy Nexus, but then that one died a painful, painful death on a Bar Counter.
Couldn't be happier, it feels extremely solid and is fast as hell. With the custom kernels out there you get the battery to get you through the day, I dont need anything else.
I have had the Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus and now the N4. Hands down it is a better device. It feels like a premium device, rock solid with no squeaks etc.
You can keep holding out for better devices, but then you will never buy one! Bigger and better phones are always around the corner.
Besides, the differences now are so small, it really doesn't make sense to wait.
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yeah definetely.
had the Galaxy Nexus, and altough I really liked, it doesnt feel like the N4.. and once you have the N4. the GN with that plastic back starts to look like a cheap cell
Im using my gnex while my N4 is charging and yes the N4 feels superior than my gnex, way faster too... The N4 is the best Nexus to date!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Best device I've used.
-Sent from Marino's Nexus 4-
I miss the curved screen on my GNex. Otherwise I'm very happy to have made the upgrade. There isn't anything I have thrown at this phone which it can't handle.
I have owned all of the Nexi except the Nexus S.
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I ask because this is the only nexus I've owned and I think I'll only replace it with another nexus. I came from a galaxy s 4g so yes my nexus is much faster, I like the feel of the custom roms the utility of the phone.
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Best for me and I always prefer the latest Nexus!
I have actually owned the original Nexus One, Nexus S, and the Galaxy Nexus, and now the Nexus 4.
My top 2 choices would have to be the HTC One, but the N4 is the best with the Nexus S being 4th place.
I've had every nexus phone and it's my personal favorite and objectively the best all around Nexus device.
I do miss the car dock for the Nexus One though, who do we have to kill to get an inductive charging bluetooth car dock for the N4?
I've owned the nexus one, galaxy nexus and now the N4.
N4 gives me the same feel as the nexus one did when I first go it. Mainly "WOW. THIS IS AMAZING." Something that the GN couldn't do. Perhaps it's my samsung hatred.
But yeah, the N4 is by far the best nexus i've ever had.
Yeah it is. But Nexus One blew my mind when it came out. So to me its the best
This being my 3rd Nexus of course it is :good::good::good::good::good::good:

Looking for a desktop charging dock/cradle with OEM bumper

Does anyone know of any desktop charging dock/cradle that will accommodate a Nexus 4 with the official bumper on it?
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dblhelixsf said:
Does anyone know of any desktop charging dock/cradle that will accommodate a Nexus 4 with the official bumper on it?
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Technically, the LG charging orb functions with the official bumper, but in my experience my N4 slides off the orb with or without the bumper on it after working fine out of the box for about the first week. This is without a screen protector on the glass back.
I think what you might be looking for is the upcoming TYLT VU charger. It doesn't rely on friction to hold the device at an angle, and the bumper isn't going to interfere with the wireless charging circuitry.
That looks awesome. I'm looking for a more immediate solution. I might just have to go the DIY route using a plain ol' stand and micro USB charger.
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