Hello everyone.
I've been searching the forums and have yet to find a solution (at least one that I can perform).
Any way, I have a Softbank X01HT which is a re-branded HTC Hermes.
I purchased the phone in September 2007 from a shop in Hong Kong. I live in the UK and have been using my phone happily for the past 5 months. My phone was blacklisted bout 2 days ago and despite having kept the original box and receipt from the store as a proof of purchase, it seems there is nothing my network (T-Mobile) is able or willing to do.
Is there anything I can do to legally lift this Blacklist of my phone? If not does anyone know how to change the IMEI.
At the moment, I feel very upset about all this because I have bought this phone legitimately and have been using it for 5 months, and NOW... someone can just blacklist my phone?
I have read that there is a solution by using 'Wizard Service Tool' but I need to do something like change it's SPL to 1.1.1. Does anyone know where to obtain the SPL 1.1.1 and how to install it?
Thank you for much in advance and please please please spare me from comments like 'ITS ILLEGAL'. I realize that by UK law it is a crime punishable by 5 years imprisonment. However I have a genuine phone that was purchased legally and I have everything to go with it! If changing the IMEI of a phone that I own to an IMEI of another phone I own is illegal.. well.. thats just stupid.
dont know of any way to change the imei but
you could try to contact the police and ask their advice
being that it's usualy them who have the stolen phone's
imei's reported to and who have them blocked
i would likely have some advice
screen rotation icon for imate jasjar
after having my imate jasjar upgraded to wm-6, i lost 2 things, my video calling and the screen rotation icon. does anyone here in the xda family have a link that will restore my screen rotation icon back
Isnt that a bit off-topic harrio?
Thanks for the advice Rudegar but I have already contacted the police. They can find no record of a stolen phone with that IMEI and they even reffered me to the Mobile Crime Unit, who dont have any idea about the number being blacklisted. They recomended I talk to my network who said they cannot/will not do anything.
it would make sense to be that there would be some higher place to take it
to make sure that no phone company blacklisted phones of people who simunlocked and
left the company for the compatitions
maybe thats a thing to look into
first step would prob be to try another network sim to make sure that it's a general blacklist
Yeh I have tried. It seems to be blacklisted on most netwokrs but works on Orange.. strange? The funny thing is I bought the phone without a contract already unlocked in Hong Kong so there would be no reason for the network to even blacklist it.
In Australia, we have a "Telecommunications Ombudsman" who we can escalate matters to after exhausting options with our phone company.
Is there something like that for you?
It does sound unfair - good luck with it.
Contact the Citizens Advice Beaurau. There must be something you can do.
If all else fails get the police/mobile unit to give you some kind of written confirmation on headed letter paper that there is no ban on your number.
Send t-mobile a friendly worded but grievence stating email about there having banned your phone for an undescernable reason. State in it the dates and times of your previous calls.
Then get your hands on a legal 'Cease and Desist' letter template from somewhere and send something like this:
Dear Sir,
I am contacting your company (Herafter refered to as 'You') on behalf of *your name* (Hereafter refered to as 'The Client') to inform you that Your blacklisting of The Client's phone is unlawful. This letter calls for you to immediately cease and descist from all such unlawful actions.
Blah blah blah
You'll find templates and guidance for drawing them up on the net. Works much better if you can find the name of some applicable law to drop in.
Make sure you don't specifically state that legal proceedings will definately follow. State that if they fail to comply then legal actions 'may' follow and that their case will be refered to the business ohmbudsman, trading standards, and your local MP.
I should state right off the bat that I'm not a lawyer - I'm a medic. But I have found that cease and desist letters are sufficient to make most organisations instantly start behaving themselves.
Don't forget the 'Without Prejudice' statement - I believe it means something along the lines of you do not wish anything said in the email to harm your rights to compensation etc....It's a very lawyerly phrase anyway so it's always good to chuck in the mix.
You should be able to find guidelines/templates for cease and descist letters on the net
Good Luck!
Citizens Advice Beaurau? Never heard of them. Are they a British organization?
Just to clarify, here is what I've done.
Contacted my provider T-Mobile. Provided them with Receipt of purchase and a box. They did nothing.
Contacted the police. They have no record of a phone being stolen with my IMEI number. They recomended contacting my provider T-Mobile.
Contacted the mobile crime unit in the UK. They said that that I would have to take it to my provider also as only the mobile phone companies in the UK can unblacklist.
Anything else I can do?
Does T-Mobile UK have shops like in Germany (called "T-Point")?
The people there were always friendly to me and helpful.
I would walk down your nearest high street, find a T-Mobile shop, walk in with all your evidence and don't leave until they have sorted it. It is essential that you are polite but firm.
One thing that puzzles me; you live in the UK but have never heard of the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)? Strange.
wacky.banana said:
I would walk down your nearest high street, find a T-Mobile shop, walk in with all your evidence and don't leave until they have sorted it. It is essential that you are polite but firm.
One thing that puzzles me; you live in the UK but have never heard of the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)? Strange.
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I have a hypothesis... it is only a hypothesis so please don't take offense. It can be tested, but maybe not easily. Here it is. You have been scammed, your hermes is not genuine it is a device that failed QC and was discarded by HTC. Your vendor in HK is dishonest. Contact HTC somehow and ask them about the IMEI, explain your situation and find out if they know anything. They should have a record of every phone they manufactured and may be able to tell you whether yours was sent to a retailer or to the garbage bin.
If I'm right at least you'll know for sure what's wrong.
If I'm wrong... well you know that too and maybe you can advance the ball a bit.
Good luck
Ive already been to a T-Mobile shop. Not helpful at all. I beleive Ive almost exhausted all legal options in the UK at least. I think there are only 3 more options.
1: Contact my supplier and ask for help/replacement.
2: Give up on my phone and let it be lost at my expense.
3: Hack/spoof the IMEI.
I think you'll find that T-Mobile don't have to help you as you purchased the phone from an indipendant supplier unless of course it was them who locked it, you are well within your rights to demand a copy of your account information under the Data Protection Act, this could include your account managent info which may identify whether they locked the IMEI or not. I guess the other option is to try and locate who exactly locked the IMEI, not even sure where to start unless you can find a very helpfuls service engineer at T-Mobile.
As said above, contact HTC, they may be able to help, but your first port of call should be the guy who sold you the device.
The shop I bought from.. im fairly sure is quite reputable. It has been arround for a while and is in in the Wan Chai Computer center. I will of course ask but I do not for a moment believe that they sold me a dodgy phone. And it certainly wasnt defective. It was in perfect condition and everything worked. Besides, there are hundreds of legit shops in HK selling the exact same phone. I just bought it from them cuz they had it in Black.
IMEI Barring.
The Flaw Is In The IMEI Blocking Procedure.
I Used To Work For Vodafone And All That Is Required To Bar A Handset, Is An E-Mail Containing The IMEI Only.
Unblocking A Phone However Is A Very Difficult Procedure. The IMEI Ban Database Is Shared Between All Countries Of The EU. Because Of This Most "Stolen" Phones Are Shipped To The Middle East And HK CH JP etc Who Dont Use This Database.
That Said And Done Tho They Should Know The Reason For The IMEI Ban And If Its Because Somebody Reported That IMEI As A Stolen One They Could Check Your Account And See That Your Account Has Been Using That IMEI for The Last 5 Months. And Therefore Couldnt Possibly Be The Stolen One As The IMEI Has Only Been In The Database A Short While.
Its TOO EASY To Make A Typo And Blacklist A Non Stolen Phone.
Prime Example. Your Phones Broke And Gone In For Repair, You Borrow Your Friends Expensive XDA For 2 Weeks While Your Phone Is Repaired, You Give Your Friend His XDA Back and Then Your Newly Repaired Phone Gets Stolen, You Report Your Phone As Stolen And When They Check The System Your Friends IMEI Is The Last One You Were Using On The Account, Employee Doesnt Check Propperly (Copies And Pastes Your Friends IMEI Into A Blacklist Email) And Your Friends XDA Gets Banned.
It Could Prove Quite A Pain To Resolve This Issue..... But...
Call Your Customer Support Desk For Your Mobile Network.
Ask For A TEAM LEADER/MANAGER ( They Can Do Anything For A Customer To Keep Them Happy, Their Privaledges Exceed Those Of Normal Staff And They Can Sort Problems Beyond The Means Of Your Average Callcentre Staff)
If A Problem Gets Escalated To A TEAM LEADER/MANAGER It MUST Be Dealt With. (Company Policy)
They Might Offer For A Team Leader To Call You Back As Their Usually Busy, Althought Your 100% Guaranteed To Get A Callback By A Team Leader As Long As They Werent Jus Fobbin You Off.
I Wish You The Best Of Luck Sorting Out This Mess.
Hey OllieD,
Sound very in depth. Ive already spent hours with T-Mobile with no luck.. but will Vodafone help me out? At least tell me who blacklisted me.
As for this database, is it only Europe wide? Or is is World wide? And if it is EU wide.. are you 100% sure?
Just to clarify to people reading, I am using a SOFTBANK, (Japanese Brand) purchased in Hong Kong, and have been using it since September.
If it is an EU database and not a world wide one, I will need to find out who blacklisted it and contact them.
Thanks very much!
Since you are using Softbank, so it should not be blacklist as it should not be used in EU before. please check carefully your IMEI on the phone label match your IMEI inside the ROM, I think the shop clone a English rom to your phone before selling to you (original Softbank should be Japanese rom) and this clone the IMEI also which IMEI reported as blacklisted. (they clone the rom because of sim locked and change English, what they called it is hard-modify not soft-modify)
I stayed HK and I had 2 phones with same situation (label IMEI were difference to the ROM) but still can be used in China and HK, 5 more phones buy from another shop without problem.
The shops you buy the phone with the phone came from the same dealer, so no luck to change, only some shops you can trust.
clean imei
Randvegeta said:
Hello everyone.
I've been searching the forums and have yet to find a solution (at least one that I can perform).
Any way, I have a Softbank X01HT which is a re-branded HTC Hermes.
I purchased the phone in September 2007 from a shop in Hong Kong. I live in the UK and have been using my phone happily for the past 5 months. My phone was blacklisted bout 2 days ago and despite having kept the original box and receipt from the store as a proof of purchase, it seems there is nothing my network (T-Mobile) is able or willing to do.
Is there anything I can do to legally lift this Blacklist of my phone? If not does anyone know how to change the IMEI.
At the moment, I feel very upset about all this because I have bought this phone legitimately and have been using it for 5 months, and NOW... someone can just blacklist my phone?
I have read that there is a solution by using 'Wizard Service Tool' but I need to do something like change it's SPL to 1.1.1. Does anyone know where to obtain the SPL 1.1.1 and how to install it?
Thank you for much in advance and please please please spare me from comments like 'ITS ILLEGAL'. I realize that by UK law it is a crime punishable by 5 years imprisonment. However I have a genuine phone that was purchased legally and I have everything to go with it! If changing the IMEI of a phone that I own to an IMEI of another phone I own is illegal.. well.. thats just stupid.
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I clean them.
I've bought my HTC Hero a few days ago.
I've any fix with my GPS (gmaps, copilotlive, GPS Test).
I don't understand why
Any ideas ??
Best regards
Sorry i dont understand the question.
Are you saying thos apps dont work on the hero?
or that the GPS doesn locate you?
Im guessing there is a stock rom and everything is factory on it?
If so and the GPS doesnt work. Try standing outside. On a clear day to see if it will locate you in google maps. If it doesnt then i think you may have a defective unit. If its new it should definately be under the HTC warranty
I mean the gps don't locate me with google maps or copilot in outside locations
Sounds like you have a faulty unit then. register it online ith HTC support and send it back stating what is wrong, youl get a new one within a couple of days.
i've explained my problem to the customer service, but they don't want to send me a new phone. I've send it to a reparation center...I don't undestand why they don't want to give me a new one
you should ask them why they don't send a new one, not us...
do you have an answer from the customer service that you can paste here?
sry dbl post
You can try updating to a different radio version, I know that when I just updated to, it gave me bad hspa signals and gps does not fix as fast.
I recommend using for your device, gave me the best for gps fixes since I was able to lock in under 5 seconds at my Han Ah Reum (korean food market with industrial architecture and concrete, which is difficult to even get cellphone signals at times).
Any Fix with Hero's GPS / Very bad HTC customer service
Thanks everybody for your answer.
kendong2 : I'm a french customer, and my english is not so good. I'll try to translate the answer : the want me send my phone to a reparation center. But i cant stay several days/week without my phone. Any explication why they don't want to change.
I've asked to explain my pb to a responsible, they told me he will call me back but any call since several hours.
I'm very very disapointed by the htc customer service.
princedwi : I don't want to break the warranty.
I've already purchased an htc hero pink to my wife with the same firmware, same operator, and any pb with the gps
norbert80 said:
I've already purchased an htc hero pink to my wife with the same firmware, same operator, and any pb with the gps
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I don't know about France, but in the UK it is the responsibility of person who sold you the goods to make good on any warranty. In addition, since the GPS has never worked, again in the UK you'd be perfectly within you rights to ask for a replacement or a refund because the good were faulty at point of sale.
I would have though that France would've had similar, if not stronger, consumer protection laws, and I assume that you didn't buy your phone direct from HTC, so why don't you go back to the seller?
i am surprised.. you can not take it back to the place you purchased it... and have them replace it with a new one.
it is only a few days old..right?
foxmeister said:
I don't know about France, but in the UK it is the responsibility of person who sold you the goods to make good on any warranty. In addition, since the GPS has never worked, again in the UK you'd be perfectly within you rights to ask for a replacement or a refund because the good were faulty at point of sale.
I would have though that France would've had similar, if not stronger, consumer protection laws, and I assume that you didn't buy your phone direct from HTC, so why don't you go back to the seller?
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Same in France and in any EU contry...European Union countrys have a minimum warranty policy of 15 days to get a new device and 2 year warranty on products above 50€.
Countrys can decide to have better warranty laws but never less then this.
I recently noticed my HTC had white spots showing when browising on a white background which was annoying me. I have looked after my phone and it's unmarked but thought well its under warranty so might as well get it sorted. Phoned HTC and advised them of the problem. They said no worres we will pick it up tomorrow from your work and it will take 10 days to sort out. Got an email today saying the repair is not under warranty either pay £198 for a replacement board, pay £20 to ship back or let them scrap it??? WTF! So I had to pay £20 to get my phone back and really wished I hadn't bothered now. Just hoping it is still working as it was fine apart from the small fault at the start. Has anyone else had any bad experiences?? I might write a letter of complaint to them.
T Mobile replaced two HD2's for me, I didn't even purchase them from T Mobile. I guess you should go with the TMOUS next time.
HTC warranty means help yourself for 20£
evereste said:
T Mobile replaced two HD2's for me, I didn't even purchase them from T Mobile. I guess you should go with the TMOUS next time.
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Check my tread any help drop PM!
and another HTC user
Spendy said:
I recently noticed my HTC had white spots showing when browising on a white background which was annoying me. I have looked after my phone and it's unmarked but thought well its under warranty so might as well get it sorted. Phoned HTC and advised them of the problem. They said no worres we will pick it up tomorrow from your work and it will take 10 days to sort out. Got an email today saying the repair is not under warranty either pay £198 for a replacement board, pay £20 to ship back or let them scrap it??? WTF! So I had to pay £20 to get my phone back and really wished I hadn't bothered now. Just hoping it is still working as it was fine apart from the small fault at the start. Has anyone else had any bad experiences?? I might write a letter of complaint to them.
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I have send my HD2 5time to warranty never had to pay 20£!
But It already cost me a lot of time=money.
They do awful swap old one for refurbrished one.
Refurbrished means not a FACTORY build one but UK hand made JUNK!
It has been 3 time serviced and 2times swap!In 3 months
AND FOR MORE FUN its going again for swap!
3repeirs 3swap good job HTC good JOB.
but maybe who don't want to have kind of new mob every week
The whole swapping process has 2 targets:
- Faster service for you
- Reduce cost for HTC
Repairing a device with tiny little formats of virtually all parts can take time and needs quite some test procedures after the work is done. Once finished, fixed devices go into the swapping pool. Or get scrapped, if not repairable at reasonable cost.
tictac0566 said:
The whole swapping process has 2 targets:
- Faster service for you
- Reduce cost for HTC
Repairing a device with tiny little formats of virtually all parts can take time and needs quite some test procedures after the work is done. Once finished, fixed devices go into the swapping pool. Or get scrapped, if not repairable at reasonable cost.
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You sounds like one from HTC
1ST swapping is NICE if is swap for new factory made product not a refubrished one from HTC made by hand!
2ND My HD2 was 3times repaired and 2times sw.
ques witch of these procedures were longer . . . swapping!
So maybe in different country but not in UK-London
UK-swap means Phone built up by somebody in UK by hand!!!-nothing to do with HTC from TW-boxed brend new
No, I am not HTC, but I´ve got many years of experience with other manufacturers.
Imagine you are this manufacturer. Refurbishing is a logical solution. Repair work is done by human beings. You cannot trash all defective devices, that would be too expensive. Fixing broken units, or assembling working ones with parts from broken ones is definitely cheaper. And trust me, according to years of experience, it definitely works in most cases. And finally, please remember that after 2 failed attempts of fixing the same (or at least "your") device, you get the right or should try to claim a new unit instead of a fixed one - it´s European law.
And yes, most manufacturers do not run their own service centers, usually service is done by third party companies. Any reasonable manufacturer will tightly control the quality of a) the freshly made devices and b) the repaired devices. At the end, an angry customer is usually much more expensive than a happy customer. Try to see it from this end.
All this apart, it is obvious that most recently, the number of bricked devices has grown dramatically. Maybe there are too many strange errors due to flashing Android stuff, which come with bad drivers etc, and the service centers are kind of overwhelmed with too much work, who knows.
If I was HTC, I would also watch carefully what is going on - and I think they do. They can easily see also here at xda that recent growth of "bricked device" threads. I cannot blame them for being careful, honestly spoken. It is simply a professional attitude.
HTC Romania
I just (yesterday) got my HD2 back from the repair service.
It had to go there 3 times. 2 times for the digitizer problem, and the 3rd time for the fact that the Sdcard reader was not functioning anymore.
It took them a month or 2 to repair everything, but it's working again. Service sucks? Nope, not really. I did not buy the phone here in Romania, but since it's an HTC one, the HTC warranty applies everywhere in Europe.
I can't say HTC sucks in their warranty cases.
tictac0566 said:
No, I am not HTC, but I´ve got many years of experience with other manufacturers.
Imagine you are this manufacturer. Refurbishing is a logical solution. Repair work is done by human beings. You cannot trash all defective devices, that would be too expensive. Fixing broken units, or assembling working ones with parts from broken ones is definitely cheaper. And trust me, according to years of experience, it definitely works in most cases. And finally, please remember that after 2 failed attempts of fixing the same (or at least "your") device, you get the right or should try to claim a new unit instead of a fixed one - it´s European law.
And yes, most manufacturers do not run their own service centers, usually service is done by third party companies. Any reasonable manufacturer will tightly control the quality of a) the freshly made devices and b) the repaired devices. At the end, an angry customer is usually much more expensive than a happy customer. Try to see it from this end.
All this apart, it is obvious that most recently, the number of bricked devices has grown dramatically. Maybe there are too many strange errors due to flashing Android stuff, which come with bad drivers etc, and the service centers are kind of overwhelmed with too much work, who knows.
If I was HTC, I would also watch carefully what is going on - and I think they do. They can easily see also here at xda that recent growth of "bricked device" threads. I cannot blame them for being careful, honestly spoken. It is simply a professional attitude.
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Yep I did ask for NEW after 3 times feiled in MiltoneK
Yep Problem is NEW is not new BUT Made by HAND - refurbished- from new parts - 2 times 2 times rubbish
Yep I have never ever flash to A or W7 or Ubu
I my mind to the cheapest way in my case was to accept Brend NEW from FACTORY only witch is the way they don't do!
COST me and HTC more than I've paid!!!
6 x UPS from and to my house, work, phone calls.
There is someone wrong and it's not me with my hands
100% unsuccessful in 5 cases! 6 awaiting next week
The annoying after sales experience that i had concerning HTC, has to do with a phone that i purchased by a Greek shop about 6 months ago, which, as i found out, is of Portuguese (or Spanish) origin. The phone is now in need of service but HTC claims that they provide service only for phones that have been sold by them within Greece, so they refuse to receive my phone. Instead they tell me to send it to Spain (obviously the transfer costs should be provided by me).
Its really kind of awkward to not provide local service since their Warranty states that 'if you have purchased the Product in a member state of European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland or Turkey and HTC originally intended the Product for sale in one of these countries, this Limited Warranty is valid and enforceable in all of these above listed countries'. Yet, they seem to ignore this paragraph of their Warranty.
Its really kind of awkward for a multinational company like HTC refuses to provide service for their phones irrespectively of the location (at least within the European union boundaries).
I used to be a big fan of HTC, and i have spend a lot of money over the last years buying premium phones (for premium money of course). I expected to have serious after sales support for the money given, and above all as promised within their Warranty for European citizens.
Up till now i have received irrational excuses by them, thus making me officially complaining to any consumer organizations i know. i really look forward to see the outcome.
European law is crystal clear: "Warranty" is the responsibility of the seller - not the manufacturer. It lasts 2 years. One of the major reasons this rule was created is the free trade zone of Europe - means, if your seller bought the device from a Spanish trader, it does not touch you.
The "guarantee" from the manufacturer, however, is a whole different story, as it is not mandatory (in comparison to the seller warranty). HTC gives this "limited warranty" based on their own regulations, and usually, it lasts only 12 months.
In the sum, you can claim manufacturer warranty according to what you quoted, but in case they "refuse" for whatever reason (maybe they have a distributor in Greece?), your seller is still responsible, please keep this in mind - at least as long as you bought from a EU country seller.
tictac0566 said:
European law is crystal clear: "Warranty" is the responsibility of the seller - not the manufacturer. It lasts 2 years. One of the major reasons this rule was created is the free trade zone of Europe - means, if your seller bought the device from a Spanish trader, it does not touch you.
The "guarantee" from the manufacturer, however, is a whole different story, as it is not mandatory (in comparison to the seller warranty). HTC gives this "limited warranty" based on their own regulations, and usually, it lasts only 12 months.
In the sum, you can claim manufacturer warranty according to what you quoted, but in case they "refuse" for whatever reason (maybe they have a distributor in Greece?), your seller is still responsible, please keep this in mind - at least as long as you bought from a EU country seller.
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HTC will give 24 months warranty in Europe.
copy/past from their website
This Limited Warranty shall last for twenty-four (24) months from the
date of original purchase for mobile devices, and twelve (12) months
for accessories (whether included in the mobile device sales package
or sold separately) other than the media on which any software is
provided, CD-ROM, memory card (“Warranty Period”).
The warranty thing is a bit dodgy in Europe. Some manufacturers only sell online (Dell) and they used to state the 1 year warranty as you said.
Fortunately and good for the customers there have been several cases where the judge said that manufacturers should not put the stress on stores for paying the legal warranty stuff after the first year of purchase.
That is also the reason why some European car manufacturers promote their 2 year warranty in ads now (funny because they just have to provide that).
Had the same problem with my HD2 (whiter spots on the screen) and it was fixed under warranty(it did take like 2 weeks). However, for such an expensive phone, I'd expect a better treatment.
For example, when my MX Revolution mouse had problems with rubber band on scroll (and the store refused to take it for repair, as they did not think it was a big problem), I contacted the manufacturer. They just asked me to destroy it and send photos. 3 days later I got brand new one shipped by DHL. I wish HTC warranty was like that...
tomksoft said:
Had the same problem with my HD2 (whiter spots on the screen) and it was fixed under warranty(it did take like 2 weeks). However, for such an expensive phone, I'd expect a better treatment.
For example, when my MX Revolution mouse had problems with rubber band on scroll (and the store refused to take it for repair, as they did not think it was a big problem), I contacted the manufacturer. They just asked me to destroy it and send photos. 3 days later I got brand new one shipped by DHL. I wish HTC warranty was like that...
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I agree on that one.
They should at least have swap stock and provide well tested refurbished phones if it is clearly a hardware warranty issue.
That would speed up things dramatically.
For the 2X LG phone they have a VIP service in the Benelux. If it is determined that it is a hardware issue over the phone a new one will be delivered to you within 24 hours in the first year.
I concider my HD2 to be non functional since the periode of March the 20 - 25th.
My experience with HTC and their warranty 'service' Dynafix is ... well no words for this.
The device was produced in March 2010 so this one certainly falls under EU warranty laws which are very strict.
If I do not get a decent answer from them this week they will be faced with EU law for sure.
After spending more than 2000€ on their phones in 3 years time it is time to move on to another manufacturer.
lukesan said:
After spending more than 2000€ on their phones in 3 years time it is time to move on to another manufacturer.
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Don´t expect much better services... unfortunately, most manufacturers have outsourced their warranty and repair services.
But, all this depends, of course, on where you live. Each country organization seems to be different (I know services in like 12 different countries so far).
Many users make many different experiences, I myself had quite some issues with Samsung (especially poor where I live at the moment), LG (even worse) or SonyEricsson. The only really good service I received was... from Apple (they do have different authorized service companies, one of them is outstandingly well).
With HTC, however, never had any issues at all. I was lucky, the hardware never failed. And for the software, we´re here at xda anyway, no?
I know that they are both liable (in a different manner). Nevertheless the one who will actually do the service will be an authorized service center of HTC. Thus, as far as i am concerned, i know that i can give the phone to seller where he will send it to spain (because, as mentioned, the Greek distributor will not accept it ), and hopefully i will have it back in a month or two from now.
The question still remains ... why shouldnt i get service as per HTC's warranty in greece? Why should i go through all that hassle so as to get my phone hopefully repaired in about 1 month from now?
I really would expect from the manufacturer who has a big share in the European market, to provide the appropriate service for devices that cost more than 500 euros.
its the same kind of service one would expect when buying electronics, cars, appliances from known brands in Europe (to have local service).
I might ask for much, but i quess when i pay premium money for any kind of appliance, electronics, mobile phones, or even cars i expect premium service (especially when the manufacturer guarantees it)
The EU proposal about warranty was done in '99 and all the EU countries should have implemented this in a timespan of 3 years.
Here you can find the webpage.
Read it properly and use it in the best way to gain your right as a consumer.
The store needs to take of warranty even if it is imported, that is not your issue.
If the store still exists and refuses to cooperate I would inform the ministry of economic affairs in Greece since it is their task to comply and to make shops (no matter how big or small) follow those rules.
So you tried to email HTC about this and they told you to send it to Spain?
Did you afterwards contact them and tell them that was not the warranty statement that is on their website?
I've learned numerous things over the years I've dealt with warranty cases and that is to always note down everything like name, time and date, even record it if you can.
Good luck and keep us informed!
thank you for your reply (and the article).
I have all the mails/communication with HTC. I have repeatedly told them that they violate the paragraph at the warranty that states 'if you have purchased the Product in a member state of European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland or Turkey and HTC originally intended the Product for sale in one of these countries, this Limited Warranty is valid and enforceable in all of these above listed couries .
They have constantly given me answers bypassing the aforementioned paragraph.
I know that this has happened to other consumers as well (at least here in Greece).
I have informed three different consumer organisations here in greece and i am waiting for their feeddback.
i will keep you posted on the 'official' outcome ....
Yes. HTC's service is pathetic
I experienced it many times. The service people are so dumb they don't even understand the problem at all. I called them once to solve an issue. I explained the problem .They said "Sir, You need to format your phone". I said "I already did it 10 times". Then he said " You need to do it again".
This is the reason I wanted to buy a Samsung. I am not sure of their service but my friend told me its good. What do you guys think?
Another thing that I came accros checking their warranty conditions and statements (
It mainly seems to be focused on the UK and not the complete EU.
I cannot find the conditions in other languages.
It is NOT allowed to let people sign a paper (which includes the paper you have to give to the courier and that you agree with everything ...!) in a language that is natively not spoken in your country.
Seems that HTC violates EU laws with this one as well.
According to the status page mine has been swapped for another HD2.
First of all I do not agree to that if it is a second hand one since mine was in absolute new condition and I told them to only change the mainboard and nothing else.
I have purchased a sgs4
after a couple of hours i rebooted it and it went in download mode
it couldnt reboot normally
so i took it to the vendor
the vendor with kies reinstalled the os
then he gave me back the phone
after 2/3 hours the phone went again in download mode
i went back to the vendor asking for a new phone
i was told that samsung will repair it but wont change it
so now i have bought the phone...who is in assitance and i have to leave for holidays without my phone
ill need to buy another smartphone for the time being
ill sue the vendor and samsung for the above
no rom custom was installed
The conclusion is to not buy Samsung Galaxy s4 which is completely unstable and bugged
and not buy samsung in general anymore since their guarantee terms are illegal according to italian law
lorekarf said:
The conclusion is to not buy Samsung Galaxy s4 which is completely unstable and bugged
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How can you say that after millions of phones sold which work perfectly fine including mine?!
Guarantee is completely different story and depends on the store/retailer, manufacturer and many other terms.
CyberT3 said:
How can you say that after millions of phones sold which work perfectly fine including mine?!
Guarantee is completely different story and depends on the store/retailer, manufacturer and many other terms.
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and what if you were in my shoes? what if your perfectly working sgs4 would have broke down a few hours after purchase?
i need to wait for my new phone to get fixed
so i need to purchase another phone for the wait time
should i buy another sgs 4
or should i go for another brand.....
Of course I would be angry but you always must consider that the phone can be faulty. I had similar experience after my iPhone 4 home button broke and first time I took it to be fixed they told me that the button is ok But second time I got a new phone. You just have to be persistent.
I'll follow your advice. I was upset. I had all samsung since the galaxy note and always been very happy. I'll wait on my old phone
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
sue samsung :S
This is not about a poor Samsung device but POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE FROM THE RETAILER.
lorekarf said:
I have purchased a sgs4
after a couple of hours i rebooted it and it went in download mode
it couldnt reboot normally
so i took it to the vendor
the vendor with kies reinstalled the os
then he gave me back the phone
after 2/3 hours the phone went again in download mode
i went back to the vendor asking for a new phone
i was told that samsung will repair it but wont change it
so now i have bought the phone...who is in assitance and i have to leave for holidays without my phone
ill need to buy another smartphone for the time being
ill sue the vendor and samsung for the above
no rom custom was installed
The conclusion is to not buy Samsung Galaxy s4 which is completely unstable and bugged
and not buy samsung in general anymore since their guarantee terms are illegal according to italian law
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You legal case would never see the light of day.
You drew the wrong conclusions too early... and your body of evidence is fraught with too many untested variables.
The fact is... the store you bought it from is the problem.
In other places the phone would have been changed immediately.
The manager and staff for that particular store are being dim witted, pedantic and stubborn.
1. How does re flashing a phone going into download mode SOLVE the problem ? That technician was dim.
2. It is clearly a hardware fault that the store should swap you a new phone... and then they can repair the faulty phone and sell it again.
This store policy is fishy.
This store wants you to stand the loss of time because it is under warranty.
So they are being unreasonable asking you to wait as a BRAND NEW CUSTOMER for warranty to be applied to BRAND NEW DEVICE ?
That is a load of bollocks and you were probably intimidated by them ... cause I would make a stink.
As it stands right now :
1. I would wait on the device and also find out who is the manager for the store and their connection to Samsung (retailer/authorized).
Chances are they are an merely an independent company that is only an authorized distributor of the device.
2. Write down my case with the CUSTOMER SERVICE complaint in your country... if you have one just in case the device is returned and is still faulty.
In many cases I have seen Samsung gets a bad rep from sh*tty retailers.
It is well known that some retailers are less reliable when it comes to warranty problems. Usually they're the ones with lower prices. I bought my i9505 in Romania, at a retail store with good reputation, with a 30 days refund no questions asked, but, of course, the price was a bit higher than what other sellers asked for the same product.
Did I had any problems during the 30 days? No. So i kept the phone and I'm a happy customer.
Now, if you buy online, in Europe, there should be a 10 days refund no questions asked. Other than that, one can only wait for the repair, in case you didn't buy an express service together with your phone.
Legally, you're entitled to sue anybody, but these things take a lot of time.
I suggest people should be more careful on refund/replace/warranty rules of the seller. No one can protect you but yourself.
Sue samsung?! Good luck with that idea ahaha
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
It would appear you have a Note 2 as a backup phone?
I'd hardly be angry about having to use one of those for a few days ... they are great phones.
Sent from my GT-I9505
Hi guys,
I want to share with you my experience with the post-selling service of this web, as is quite famous sending overseas and they have really good prices & stuff. But when you have a problem after buying, the scenario changes...
I wanted the 32GB LTE version, and this was the only place to buy the tablet two weeks ago (I´m living in Hong Kong and it was not released yet here). So after checking everywhere, this was a good option as they´re from Singapore.
I called before placing the order to be sure about the stock, and everything looked fine. Just a couple of days of delay but nothing serious. So I went ahead and I placed the order and paid.
As they told me by phone, instead of 2 days from my payment, the shipping was going to take a little bit more than what they said in the web, but just 2 or 3 days more. Not a big deal, at the end I wanted that model so I agreed.
After near one week without news, I contact them asking for my tablet, as they told me that I would receive in less than one week, but was not the case. Stock problems and these things and they could not be sure when the tablet would be shipped... Then I explained them that I already called to confirm just that scenario, to avoid this kind of problems. So I asked my money back if the tablet would delay more than one week more. Surprisingly, they received more in that moment and they were going to send it me to me. Great I thought!
Then, when I open the packet, the first thing I saw was that the seal was broken... Ok I thought, if everything is fine no problem...But Just I opened the box and I found some dust inside and some signs that the tablet was already used. (Again, no problem if everything is fine). But was not. The tablet had a damage in the top side of the frame (see attached pic).
So I contacted them, explaining the problem and that I was disposed to pay the shipping costs back, but that I wanted my money back, as the tablet was already released in HK. But for my surprise, they reply me that was not possible and they were going to send the tablet to the Samsung service to check, and then they would decide
Is my fault to be impatient and not wait for the release in the place I´m living, but come on! Is a new product and very expensive!I have to wait the samsung´s survey? what they are going to send me back? who knows....
Just I wanted to share my experience for those buyers that want to get this version (difficult to find in USA & Europe) to consider the problems that can occur. In my case, I live in HK, so quite close and cheap to send back (but from Europe would be quite pricey and slow). The funny think I told them is why you send this item (already opened) with the damage! is clear that the costumer will claim!. But no reply ...
Good luck, and sorry for my english.
Yup I had one that had a bulge in the top left corner..seems that Samsung still has lingering manufacturing defects..the only one I had a problem with was the one I ordered from my local shops and were great...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium