This is camera from Android 4.2 Jelly Bean to ICS.
It works on Aurora last u21.
Camera and Video
How to install:
Boot to recovery
Wipe cache and dalvik
Install zip from sdcard
Please comment, give feedback, suggestions or merely thanks!!
Video recording is working ?
How to install:
Boot to recovery
Wipe data, cache and dalvik
Format system
Install zip from sdcard
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You should not tell anybody format system when your package just had an .apk and some libs file
hung.ngomanh said:
Video recording is working ?
Yes tested by me.
You should not tell anybody format system when your package just had an .apk and some libs file
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You're absolute right. My mistake thanks
dark_vader said:
You're absolute right. My mistake thanks
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I think it's just need to wipe cache and davik only, no wipe data
How to install:
Boot to recovery
Wipe data, cache and dalvik
Install zip from sdcard
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Oh, C'MON!!! Dzo himself included it in some update between u9 and u16, but then it was deleted due to a lot of bugs in it.
You guys just like the Apple during the last 6 months: you are trying to make old **** look like shiny innovation.
this camera is 100000 times worst than the stock ics, just try for yourself, focus a landscape with sunlight & try to focus the sun, you'll see the diference
Good job good job
U8800 forum runner
Photo Sphere is not working
How to remove the flashed .zip because my ROM is in a bootloop. I dont want to lose my DATA!!
j911kr said:
How to remove the flashed .zip because my ROM is in a bootloop. I dont want to lose my DATA!!
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If you have back up data... just restore data via cmw
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fahrulridwan03 said:
If you have back up data... just restore data via cmw
Sent from my u8800 using xda app-developers app
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Thank god i had made a backup. Restored it and voila!
You da man!
j911kr said:
Thank god i had made a backup. Restored it and voila!
You da man!
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Sent from my u8800 using xda app-developers app
Thanks! It works.
Hey guys, I rooted my i9020T running 2.3.4, build GRJ22 last week, I want to install this rom
I want to know what all will I have to do to install it, please help
Gaurav.Stallion said:
Hey guys, I rooted my i9020T running 2.3.4, build GRJ22 last week, I want to install this rom
I want to know what all will I have to do to install it, please help
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You basically need to:
- Download clockworkmod recovery and the ROM
- Copy the ROM to the phone
- Reboot to bootloader
- Flash clockworkmod recovery
- Reboot to recovery
- Make a Nandroid backup
- Wipe cache, data and dalvik cache
- Apply the update
- Reboot
Step by step instructions can be found elsewhere in the forum.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Graham19 said:
You basically need to:
- Download clockworkmod recovery and the ROM
- Copy the ROM to the phone
- Reboot to bootloader
- Flash clockworkmod recovery
- Reboot to recovery
- Make a Nandroid backup
- Wipe cache, data and dalvik cache
- Apply the update
- Reboot
Step by step instructions can be found elsewhere in the forum.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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Okay, I know about the wipe cache and wipe data, but what is dalvik data? How do I wipe that?
and one more thing, what exactly is a Nandroid Baclup?
Sent from my Awesome Nexus S
Gaurav.Stallion said:
Okay, I know about the wipe cache and wipe data, but what is dalvik data? How do I wipe that?
and one more thing, what exactly is a Nandroid Baclup?
Sent from my Awesome Nexus S
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Dalvik is the android Java virtual machine. A cache is made of your current programs to speed things up. Best to clear to let your new ROM build a new version.
Nandroid does a complete system backup. It means if things go wrong, you can restore to a working state. This is done through recovery.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Graham19 said:
Dalvik is the android Java virtual machine. A cache is made of your current programs to speed things up. Best to clear to let your new ROM build a new version.
Nandroid does a complete system backup. It means if things go wrong, you can restore to a working state. This is done through recovery.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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How do i wipe the dalvik cache? And how do i do a nandroid backup?
Gaurav.Stallion said:
How do i wipe the dalvik cache? And how do i do a nandroid backup?
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Graham19 said:
- Flash clockworkmod.
- Reboot to recovery
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The exact location depends on the recovery version you're using, but in, nandroid is under Backup & Restore, and wipe-dalvik is under Wipe.
Do I have to use xrecovery for xperia x10i? Or is this only for restoring stock/earlier roms. Sorry if it a noon thing to say, I jus wanna make sure I dont soft brick my phone.
Sent from my X10i
laneyofdeath said:
Do I have to use xrecovery for xperia x10i? Or is this only for restoring stock/earlier roms. Sorry if it a noon thing to say, I jus wanna make sure I dont soft brick my phone.
Sent from my X10i
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Huh? This is the Nexus S forum.
Maximilian Mary said:
The exact location depends on the recovery version you're using, but in, nandroid is under Backup & Restore, and wipe-dalvik is under Wipe.
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Okie, so after I back up and wipe, i choose install zip from sd card right?
Do apologise
Sent from my X10i
Gaurav.Stallion said:
Okie, so after I back up and wipe, i choose install zip from sd card right?
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Making a nandroid backup is completely optional. You don't have to, but it does give you a good opportunity to go back in time.
You want to wipe: Factory/Data/Dalvik before flashing a new ROM. Otherwise problems will occur.
Gaurav.Stallion said:
How do i wipe the dalvik cache? And how do i do a nandroid backup?
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Dalvik Cache is under ' advance' in clockwork.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
zephiK said:
Making a nandroid backup is completely optional. You don't have to, but it does give you a good opportunity to go back in time.
You want to wipe: Factory/Data/Dalvik before flashing a new ROM. Otherwise problems will occur.
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I backed up, I'm downloading the rom right now, so after I wipe the data/cache/dalvik, I install zip from SD card right?
Sent from my Awesome Nexus S
Gaurav.Stallion said:
I backed up, I'm downloading the rom right now, so after I wipe the data/cache/dalvik, I install zip from SD card right?
Sent from my Awesome Nexus S
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zephiK said:
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Okie! Thanks mate
Sent from my Awesome Nexus S
I flashed this rom
can anyone tell me how to change icons of the apps in the app drawer?
Hey, when I flash a new ROM, do I need to go back to the stock ROM? I'm on Jellyblast and want to go to Evo-x. thanks!
And wiping data and cache removes bloatwares, right?
pochic1996 said:
Hey, when I flash a new ROM, do I need to go back to the stock ROM? I'm on Jellyblast and want to go to Evo-x. thanks!
And wiping data and cache removes bloatwares, right?
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yes i suppose since there will be modified system files.
and wiping data/cache means formatting the /data and /cache partitions, removing bloatwares is different
Well you can try not to go back in stock. The important thing is you should flash the firmware where the rom is based from.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
CrazeXDA said:
Well you can try not to go back in stock. The important thing is you should flash the firmware where the rom is based from.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
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yup , he is right and if you will try wipe all of it data, cache, dalvik cache and battery stats .. i have try that .. and it works ..
Can I flash final Hyperion from miniRom touchwiz and stock kernel? thanks..
Yes just wipe system data cache in cwm
mount system data cache
Flash zip
Flash ril fix if you loose IMEI
marcussmith2626 said:
Yes just wipe system data cache in cwm
mount system data cache
Flash zip
Flash ril fix if you loose IMEI
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no wipe dalvik cache and battery stats, sir?
AhmadLamela said:
no wipe dalvik cache and battery stats, sir?
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Optional no harm in doing it
marcussmith2626 said:
Optional no harm in doing it
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ok, I try it now. btw thanks sir :good:
Success! Thanks @marcussmith2626
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Anyone help me please... i flash the hyperion 9 Gm build... but i stuck at start up screen 'Samsung galaxy y gt s5360' ... i wait for 20minute at that start up screen... nothing previous rom is hyperion 8 final gm build with hell lock kernel...
#Sorry for bad english
EpullSalvatrucha said:
Anyone help me please... i flash the hyperion 9 Gm build... but i stuck at start up screen 'Samsung galaxy y gt s5360' ... i wait for 20minute at that start up screen... nothing previous rom is hyperion 8 final gm build with hell lock kernel...
#Sorry for bad english
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have u wipe data/cache .
Sent from xda-app using smartphone
EpullSalvatrucha said:
Anyone help me please... i flash the hyperion 9 Gm build... but i stuck at start up screen 'Samsung galaxy y gt s5360' ... i wait for 20minute at that start up screen... nothing previous rom is hyperion 8 final gm build with hell lock kernel...
#Sorry for bad english
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Make a full wipe :
Go to mounts and storage :
Format system,data,cache
mount them
Wipe data and cache
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
mohamedrashad said:
Make a full wipe :
Go to mounts and storage :
Format system,data,cache
mount them
Wipe data and cache
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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He/She was right
Sent From My Samsung Galaxy Y s5360
Just flash via odin and flash the rom again
make full wipe
I have make full wipe... but the result still same... flash via odin first? better i use other rom... this hyperion9 is so complicated... btw i dont have pc to flash odin...
Lemon_Lime`s said:
have u wipe data/cache .
Sent from xda-app using smartphone
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alredy done it... not working...
EpullSalvatrucha said:
alredy done it... not working...
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To flash stock based rom is very easy just:
Go to Cwm
Wipe everything
Mount everything
Flash the rom file
Wipe everything again
No no no
Only dont flash the patch u will boot up
myaservip said:
No no no
Only dont flash the patch u will boot up
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Sorry sir... I dont understand... can you explain more and leave me the download link...
EpullSalvatrucha said:
Sorry sir... I dont understand... can you explain more and leave me the download link...
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Basically you should always flash a custom ROM on a stock one,
so flash a stock samsung ROM (make sure there is no secured bootloader etc...)
then wipe and install, i always do that :good:
Have you mounted /system?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
shyamSGY said:
Have you mounted /system?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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yes... but still not working... stuck at samsung galaxy y gts5360 screen... seem that hyperion9 very complicated than other rom...
ok here how i install hyperion9:-
reboot to recovery(cwm)
mount system/data/cache
wipe dalvik cache
wipe baterystat
wipe data
wipe cache
install zip from sdcard
Help please... i want try how hyperion9...
EpullSalvatrucha said:
yes... but still not working... stuck at samsung galaxy y gts5360 screen... seem that hyperion9 very complicated than other rom...
ok here how i install hyperion9:-
reboot to recovery(cwm)
mount system/data/cache
wipe dalvik cache
wipe baterystat
wipe data
wipe cache
install zip from sdcard
Help please... i want try how hyperion9...
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if you followed your instructions the rom wont boot
you need to mount system data cache after you have wiped system data cache so it should be the following
wipe data
wipe system
wipe cache
mount data
mount system
mount cache
install zip from sd
select rom zip
I mean the patch provided by carl dont flash it
Hyperion 9 stuck
myaservip said:
I mean the patch provided by carl dont flash it
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I had the same issue with the first version, restored previous version,hyperion 7.x, waited installed hyperion 9 dev 3. This one installed ok, boots normally, only imei isnt showing.
Greets Peter
PBakker said:
I had the same issue with the first version, restored previous version,hyperion 7.x, waited installed hyperion 9 dev 3. This one installed ok, boots normally, only imei isnt showing.
Greets Peter
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Maybe you can use hyperion ril fix...
myaservip said:
I mean the patch provided by carl dont flash it
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Yes... i not flash the patch... but its still not working...
marcussmith2626 said:
if you followed your instructions the rom wont boot
you need to mount system data cache after you have wiped system data cache so it should be the following
wipe data
wipe system
wipe cache
mount data
mount system
mount cache
install zip from sd
select rom zip
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Wipe system? where can i find it? if wipe system is format system, i do it... but not working...
EpullSalvatrucha said:
Wipe system? where can i find it? if wipe system is format system, i do it... but not working...
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you still need to mount system data cache after you have formatted it
you also need to be on a stock based kernel
9 time out of 10 if its not booting its due to user error
The only other thing that would stop it booting is an incompatible baseband but I assume you are on a recent one and therefore should have no problems
Hi, Please help
I always got this error when i flashing every custom rom with TWRP, even though i follow the tutorial from the custom rom thread.
i'm using TWRP 3.2.1-2 from mohancm, and the log is in attachment.
You need to format your data
Did you wipe System, Cache, Data and/or Internal storage before flashing?
Afisall_James said:
You need to format your data
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SmallTarzan said:
Did you wipe System, Cache, Data and/or Internal storage before flashing?
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yes of course i wipe system, data, and dalvik. Only internal i didn't wipe
rasputine said:
yes of course i wipe system, data, and dalvik. Only internal i didn't wipe
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Yeah, you need to wipe your internal storage
Afisall_James said:
Yeah, you need to wipe your internal storage
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wow it works, thanks
Afisall_James said:
Yeah, you need to wipe your internal storage
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Doesn't work in my case
Please help
Mohit# said:
Doesn't work in my case
Please help
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Try format data
Afisall_James said:
Try format data
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I tried but it doesn't work
change your twrp if you are coming from nougat then use deadman recovery or use oreo recovery
farokhan478 said:
change your twrp if you are coming from nougat then use deadman recovery or use oreo recovery
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I'm on Oreo
And using twrp
rasputine said:
Hi, Please help
I always got this error when i flashing every custom rom with TWRP, even though i follow the tutorial from the custom rom thread.
i'm using TWRP 3.2.1-2 from mohancm, and the log is in attachment.
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Follow this
-First and the foremost point, remove any kind of security/screen locks. Remove all the fingerprints & set the lock screen lock to none.
- Flash latest Stock Oreo build, along with it's firmware.
- Download latest build & gapps.
- Boot into latest TWRP.
- Wipe system, cache & data.
- Flash the ROM & TWRP installer.
- Reboot and ENJOY
Sent from my tissot using XDA Labs
Mohit# said:
I'm on Oreo
And using twrp
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what i do : ignore the error
seriously, just do the step.
i forgot to switch slot, thats why i cant boot or flash gapps
Mohit# said:
I'm on Oreo
And using twrp
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Click to collapse use this one dont flash it just boot into twrp and flash