Vodaphone signal drops was fine on t mobile - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

hd2 tried ICS and currently running cyanogenmod nexus hd - jellybean 1.3a Have signal loss with both roms when n vodaphone uk network.
Phone can be sat on the table one second full strong signal , the next a complete loss of signal to the point cannot dial a number:crying:
This phone works fine with same mods with a t mobile sim. Aeroplane mode on and off helps and already tried setting to just 2g.
Is there something obvious I need to do as I think these phones were originallyy from t mobile so radio setting ????
I assume the official rom update at htc for vodaphone will just put it back to Windows 6.5 which I dont really want.


XDA Exec Problems; Signal & Today Screen

I have an O2 XDA Exec with the latest ROM version, on an Orange Pay Monthly SIM.
Anyway, im having two annoying problems with it;
Firstly, every now and then, if you have a few programs open and close them all, it wont go back to the Today page!! It will just keep the image of the last application on the screen! Today wont even come up if you goto Start > Today. Everything else works fine though, can open any programs etc from the Start Menu :?:
Secondly, the phone signal is rubbish!!! My old SPV C600 had no problems with signal (also running WM5), this one has low signal/looses signal all the time! And after a while it will just stop searching for signal, so i have to go to settings and tell it to search again!!! I constatly have errors trying to send messages due to no signal, and cant make calls due to no signal!! Also i dont recieve texts alot aswell! Which is un-acceptable from a device that is meant to be a "mobile phone" :roll:
Any ideas to solve?! Please help me!!
MattyPW said:
I have an O2 XDA Exec with the latest ROM version, on an Orange Pay Monthly SIM.
Secondly, the phone signal is rubbish!!! My old SPV C600 had no problems with signal (also running WM5), this one has low signal/looses signal all the time! And after a while it will just stop searching for signal, so i have to go to settings and tell it to search again!!! I constatly have errors trying to send messages due to no signal, and cant make calls due to no signal!! Also i dont recieve texts alot aswell! Which is un-acceptable from a device that is meant to be a "mobile phone" :roll:
Any ideas to solve?! Please help me!!
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Hey Matt
what are your ROM versions? especially interesting in this case would be the Radio version. I think people round here have mentioned that different Radio versions have different signal reception levels.
I am using the O2 XDA 1.30 version with stock radio 1.00.09 and basically the reception's fine. There have been some comparisons on this forum as to different radio versions strengths and weaknesses.
Hi very similar to me, I switched off the 3G usage so it only uses 2G and everything was perfect again.
Now I only use 3G as and when I need it.
The problem as I see it, is that if there is a 3G signal, which in Orange's case appears to be nearly all the time the phone sticks with 3G even thought the signal strength isnt good enough fo voice, but is good enough for data (mainly because you tend not to be walking around) because of this the switching between 2G and 3G doesnt take place, hence no calls
Since swtiching of 3G my phone operations have been perfect.
I switched my Radio ROM from 1.03 (Orange Default) to 1.09 and noticed an improvement. Where I had no signal, it would flick between a signal with no bars and 1 bar with the 1.09 ROM.
I switched my Radio ROM from 1.03 (Orange Default) to 1.09 and noticed an improvement. Where I had no signal, it would flick between a signal with no bars and 1 bar with the 1.09 ROM.
As soon as i got the XDA i upgraded it to the latest O2 Rom, which has 1.09 Radio Rom... so i dont have anything to compare to!!
Any more suggestions?
turn off 3G if you dont need it.
send it back, you may have a loose connection.
are you saying a bad connection 100% of the time? ie you never have full bars?
Ok i'll try turning the 3G off (seeing as my SIM doesnt have 3G capability anyway! lol) How do i go about doing that?!
I do get full signal in places yes, its just the signal is utter crap on this phone compared to all of my past ones! Compared to an SPV C500 & C600 its rubbish!
start - settings - phone - band
change to your standard not auto. probably gsm rather than cdma.
do you get a bad reception with4 bars?
either way, I must say I have no problem with phone, but acknowledge many report poor phone performance.

GPRS EDGE stability

Hi All, I have been reading the forum with great interest and trying to amass information so hopefully I can avoid sounding like a numpty when I ask a question, here goes;
I have an X1 on O2 UK and an unlocked Touch HD and both seem to have the same difficulty sustaining an EDGE data connection.
At work for example the phone is showing 2 bars of EDGE, as soon as I start using the phone even if its not data related the data symbol changes to G so assumedly my data speed drops, I dont know because I've never got the phone to sustain EDGE long enough to see if its any faster.
Can this be fixed with a particular ROM or does no one else experience it? Network is O2 UK.
Also I read on another thread you can only change your radio on a Pre-release X1i, is this true and what does it mean exactly? sorry, probably a newbie question.
Changing your radio means updating the Radio ROM version that looks after GSM, Bluetooth, wifi and FM... basically anything received or transmitted by radio. If you go use one of the official SE update ROMS from this thread...
... then your Radio ROM will be updated along with all the other ROM and OS files on your phone.
I have a similar problem with O2 and my X1. I may be lucky to get a H (HSDPA connection) for a couple of seconds, but the phone drops and attempts to reconnect the phone completely, GSM, GPRS and 3G. It also has trouble staying locked onto O2. I have a dual SIM adapter and my Orange SIM can go a whole day without dropping while the O2 one will drop 4-5 times a day.
I'm tempted to call up O2 and request a new SIM as my O2 SIM is getting quite old (about 5 years now). I'm wondering if these new specifications require updated SIMs.
Don't believe everything the bars/icon says! My X1i shows EDGE, but when surfing changes to 3G or sometimes H for a few seconds while actually downloading stuff. The H doesn't stay on to save battery, but everythings fast. (download something to test the speed, e.g. SPB Wireless shows 760kbit/s)

[Q] Please Please Help me on the bad reception issues

sorry if I'm posting this again
but please I'm about to rip my precious hd2 to pieces because of the reception issues
see it happens like this
I'm standing INSIDE my home
watching the signal
as it goes from full to half to none to service un available
all of this happens while I'm standing watching my phones signal dangles
and I cant make calls longer than one minute and then the call is dropped
that is also while inside my home
when standing outside
the reception is most of the times fine
but the call quality is below average
there is drop outs and weird sounds
I tried different radios (2.10 and 2.12 and 2.15(stock))
I tried different ROMS (windows 6.5 and 7 and android)
I never dropped the phone
maybe the only thing I did was removing the battery from the phone alot because I was trying to flash android when I first got my phone
please Admins and Experts in this great forum
help me cuz I'm about to go crazy
my phone is a T-Mobile HD2 with a yellow reset button
current ROM : Rafdroid HD2
Current Radio : 2.15
Current state : Hunting for network and draining off the battery
thanks in advance
What was it like on original ROM !
you could try a T-Mobile Radio & matching rilphone.dll or flash newest t-mobile ROM complete with radio & test to see if firmware issue or hardware.
Is reception in/near your home known to be a bit weak ?
Aint the rilphone.dll a windows based file? If so how would that have an affect on android? Im also having a signal drop issue
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Well rilphone.dll is used in conjuction with the radio firmware, when in android it will not use the rilphone.dll so could cause issues for some users pending on network ect ect !
You are using droid ROM with Radio package designed for WM,just my thoughts.
thanks for replying
can you please post the links to a stock t-mobile rom and radio and a compatible rilphone.dll?
but I didn't have the chance to test it under the original win mo
but the reception was fine when I first bought it and I was using a non primary sim card in it
so I didn't really notice
but I travelled to another country
and started using it along with another sim from the same carrier in a nokia phone
the nokia gives full 3G coverage
while the HD2 is hunting for the signal
so any thoughts ??
I thought Android ROMs are known to have issues with 3G !? check thread of your ROM as may have info on this.
Have a look in HD2 wicki if you want stock ROM.
I use my HD2 worldwide, Thailand, Singapore, China, Japan, England, USA on Energy ROM (Dinik version) & radio 2.12.50 & reception works normally with 3G available when using SIM on 3G capable networks.
Android is still a bit buggy for some users & to be honest Android does not seem worth the hassle to me as a good WM6.5.x build set up well is far better.
thanks Mister B for the advice
I flashed the latest version of the stock WinMo on my device and it seems like nothing happened
still the buggy reception issues
seems like the antenna inside the device is not sensitive enough to receive proper signal because when I go to the roof of my house the signal is fine
but when I stay inside signal drops and comes back almost regularly
I just cant belive that this is a hardware problem
because since I got my phone I never dropped it
maybe the only thing I did was removing the battery while the phone was on a lot of times....
??? im so confused ???
I would like to add another thing
when I put my fingers on the bottom right corner of the device ( right behind the on off key ) the reception works flawlessly
and as soon as I remove my fingers it goes back the way it was
so this is a hardware problem right?
What was the ROM number & what radio was included in ROM ?
If you have warranty or insurance you could try getting a replacement.
Looking like it could be antena related !
that's the rom installed for now
and I don't have insurance or warranty
I double checked that with htc care
I'm really really sad about this
when i first got it i think it was working fine and i was flashing a bunch of different roms. then like a switch when i installed one random rom "core cell android nand" it had really bad reception.
it doesn't matter what i cant fix it, install or flash, i have crappy reception. i have put different sim cards where the "original phone had good reception" and still no change. i put my sim card in another phone and it has a good signal. i also tested it in a another hd2 and it 1whorked fine.
cant send it in, i bought it off of somebody.

[Q] Help with Blade mobile network not working

I've been given an Orange San Francisco by my boss to fix for him. At the time he claimed it was bricked but its not as bad as first thought.
His initial problem was that the phone was unable to connect to the mobile network, despite having: a sim inserted, mobile tower in range, APNs configured correctly.
I have got a clean Gen 2 Cyanogen Mod 7.0.3 flashed with no problems. The APN settings are correct according to the Cyanogen APN list but it still doesn't connect to mobile networks.
I myself am a Desire man and so I have little real knowledge of the Blade. If it was a Desire I would try reflashing a radio rom but I'm not sure of the Blade equivalent.
Can anyone suggest what I should do next?
Well the Blade is not much different to the Desire so it would be quiet simular to setup.
I also have an HD2 and a Blade and the configuration is the same.
What I would do in your case is to take your working sim and place it in the Blade and set it up as the Desire. That way you would rule out if it is a phone issue or a provider issue.
Gen 2 is the latest radio.
Try update to a newer nightly e.g. N104. 7.0 is quite outdated and buggy.
Seems that its definitely a phone problem. I have set it up to accept my sim card and it is unable to connect to a network. Can't even search for an operator. In the About > Phone section it states the Signal Strength is -113 dBm 0asu so I think the radio itself is not functioning properly. Any hints how I could flash a fresh radio rom? It currently has Gen 2, should I switch back to Gen 1
Hmm, my dBM is -79 and 17 ASU.
Have you tried it on other ROM's though?
Yeah you could downgrade to Gen 1 again via a TPT.

[Q] 2G doesnt work but 3G work's fine, why?

Ever since landing in delhi my phone is not able to catch 2G network properly at most 1 bar...i was using vodafone then switched to airtel, same result! i tried 3G network which works just fine but the speed is very bad, i feel like im using 2G...The problem is 2G doesnt work i tried stock, cm7, cm7.2 but no joy! It was working fine in Bangalore. I also tried baseband switcher and selected India on it but no help at all... When i put the sim in my nokia 7210 i get full network but not on my defy! :crying:
seems to be a hardware problem...
PLZ HELP ME if you can!
Motorola Defy
red lens
cm10 24sept MB526
HF5X battery
abhirulz94 said:
Ever since landing in delhi my phone is not able to catch 2G network properly at most 1 bar...i was using vodafone then switched to airtel, same result! i tried 3G network which works just fine but the speed is very bad, i feel like im using 2G...The problem is 2G doesnt work i tried stock, cm7, cm7.2 but no joy! It was working fine in Bangalore. I also tried baseband switcher and selected India on it but no help at all... When i put the sim in my nokia 7210 i get full network but not on my defy! :crying:
seems to be a hardware problem...
PLZ HELP ME if you can!
Motorola Defy
red lens
cm10 24sept MB526
HF5X battery
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try with baseband 4.1 ..and configure your location..
try with baseband 4.1 ..and configure your location..
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tried...didnt work!:crying:
You have your phone on proper network switch? (just incase you overlooked :angel
I have same issue with BSNL, it just doesnt work on 2G mode, no network but my airtel sim works without issues on 3G n 2G.
I am on CM9 GB kernel + SOC Defy.
abhirulz94 said:
Ever since landing in delhi my phone is not able to catch 2G network properly at most 1 bar...i was using vodafone then switched to airtel, same result! i tried 3G network which works just fine but the speed is very bad, i feel like im using 2G...The problem is 2G doesnt work i tried stock, cm7, cm7.2 but no joy! It was working fine in Bangalore. I also tried baseband switcher and selected India on it but no help at all... When i put the sim in my nokia 7210 i get full network but not on my defy! :crying:
seems to be a hardware problem...
PLZ HELP ME if you can!
Motorola Defy
red lens
cm10 24sept MB526
HF5X battery
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Hi, It looks like the problem I have and which is location dependent but for me 2G works better than 3G. It seems that the Defy or CM10 is not working good in circumstances were it switches from one network technique to another. Reboots I have:
Reboot after switching automatically Wifi on with Easy Profiles. Effectively it then shuts down 2G/3G because Wifi is switched on.
At my work where we have indoor coverage with 2G antenna's. Much less reboots there if I put the phone on 2G only.
Some reboots I can't explain
I log my reboots with reboot logger from the play store. Pictures in Play store are not English but app is in English. Handy app!
I did play with several basebands but in the end the default baseband for my location worked best (3.4.2-145 Central Europe). More frequent reboots with others or the went info flightmode spontaneous.
No solution but you could play with the following settings:
Settings - In Wireless & Networks: More - Mobile neworks:
National data roaming
GSM//UMTS Network preference
Use only 2G networks
I did not find a combination which ends rebooting once in a while (a little less than one time a day on average).
Running CM10 20120924, Defy+
[Q] DefyPlus Root successful(?) 2g-GPRS messed up-Please Help
@Mods: If this thread is not placed appropriately kind move/merge as appropriate. I did try to search for this peculiar problem but was not successful. Thank you.
Hello everyone,
Today I pulled the trigger and rooted my Defy Plus inspite of all the misgivings I had about my ability to carry it off successfully. And in hindsight my misgivings seem to be very justified.
The details of my device are:
Build # 4.5.1-134_DFP-231 & Android ver 2.3.6
SBF : 45.0.2310.MB526.AsiaRetail.en.03
The rooting guide I followed was as per http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1542956
Recommended SBF's were downloaded and the method outlined followed
The long and short of it is:
*Most likely the rooting has been successful - How do I know? Well I installed a screenshot application from Google which needs a rooted device and it said my device is rooted and it worked successfully.
* The problem? The problem is, my primary objective to root the phone was to enable some call recording app or the other to work and if that did not work go for WIUI GB or ICS custom ROM which if I understand correctly is configured to allow call recording. My data usage is minimal at best restricted to some emails , work related browsing when I am away from my office. For this I use a 2g connection and that suffices. However after the rooting if the network is set for 2g the device does not list my service provider, even if I do a manual search for service provider. The very same phone works flawlessly if I opt for automatic network selection and it defaults to 3g which I do not want due to cost implications.
Now is there a way to resolve this issue without rooting a custom rom? Or do I need to flash a custom Rom that to extricate myself from this mess? Or do I need to go back to factory settings using SBF the device is shipped with?
Thanks in advance for any help
Success - Baseband reset for India
I was facing the same issue , after rooting my phone as indicated in my earlier post.
Subsequent to that I installed WIUI Rom - the stable version - from here, and used the inbuilt Baseband utility to reset baseband for India. Issue resolved.

