Mic sometimes doesn't work - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

Recently people calling me or I calling them complain that they here nothing or very bad sound. Using the stock 2.3.5 rom.
I've tried calling other phones in the house but never verified the problem myself.
Is this a known issue..?

I think its not common. You can try to flash a custom rom...


Quiet In-Call Voice

I have been getting complained at a lot for the last few months that when in a phone call the other person can hardly hear me and sometimes words are broken up. I have full signal strength. I am with Cingular/AT&T and have used multiple roms to see if this would fix it, I've tried every WinMo6 rom, and I have even tried the stock WinMo5 2.25 rom. I've also tried multiple radios on each of the rom's, 2.19.11, 2.25.11, 2.40.11, 2.47.11, 2.61.11. I've gotten the most luck with 2.25.11, but people still have great difficulty hearing me, using speaker phone doesn't help either. Anyone know what I should do?
I have the same problem and would like to fix it.

I cant hear you

I have had my HD2 for 2 months now I often have problems calling someone as they cant hear me (I can hear them fine) I reboot the device and I can call them and they can hear me fine. This often happens if I run another PGM and then close it and make a call, sometimes after I reboot and make an call and then make another cal the second call wont work.
I contacted HTC and the said hard reset as I knew they would do a rom upgrade I decided to wait rather than go through set up again. I upgraded from 1.48 to 1.66 on the weekend and still have the problem although I must admit it does not happen as much.
There was a similar problem with Samsung Intrepid but could not find a fix for this does any one have any ideas..
I have the exact same problem, i dont know what caused it.
wierd and annoying at the same time.
i just hope it doesnt happen to often.
i have the same problem , i can hear them , they cant hear me and honestly sayin i dont run any programs besides those which came with htc .
i have the same problem, apperently when i make a call people say that they cant hear me or if they do that i tend to break up or sound low like a "robot"...but i can hear them just fine....
i am on att running official 1.66 rom...
by the way what company are u guys on? att or tmobile if any of the 2...
im with t-mobile uk , and just about 5mins ago , phoned my gf talked with her for a while then her voice cracked and changed to a "robot" version so hanged up phoned her again and then it was fine , well i dont want to moan , but htc got to do something with so many bugs
used to happen all the time on my old phone, i think its a network issue...
in the first week that I had the phone, I also had some problems, but now I haven't had one for over a month.
with my previous phone I had it also, so I don't mind (and it could be a network problem indeed)
Network issue?
so if its a network issue then what does that mean for those that it still keeps happening too?...
in other words a rom upgrade wouldnt do it justice?...
Same problem here. It happened randomly a few times.
im on o2 germany and i get that thing with the robot voice too.
its wierd
Network problem unllikley
I used the phone here in Australia and had this issue went to Vietnam and had the exact problem I dont think it is a network problem. The robot voice are you using the external speaker as I have had several complaints and when I turn it of they can hear me perfectly...
Same problem here. Is not network related. I am on Vodafone RO. I`m not using Sense UI and still have same problem. If you change to speaker during call and microphone again is start working for that phone call. All the clues point to HTC software. Please confirm if someone of you have this problem but it doesn't use any auto call recording software.
well i havent had the issue with the speaker phone or rather i havent spoken to anyone through the speaker phone yet...
guess ill give it a shot and ill switch to the regular mic during the call to see if the person can hear me better...
i hope this isnt a hardware issue, better yet i hope the next rom fixes this up...
paying so much money for a phone that cant even do what a flip phone could do?
Yeap me too. Voda UK....
I un-installed some games and other apps and the problem has now gone. Think it must be something to do with 3rd party software.
It coincided with the whole phone being laggy and unresponsive so i have now flashed to a later rom and phone is like new!!!
what rom did you change too? official or is it a cooked rom?....
i tried the switching from speaker then to the mic and again i have the other person still saying that they cant hear me...
this is very frustrating....
sasukeanime said:
what rom did you change too? official or is it a cooked rom?....
i tried the switching from speaker then to the mic and again i have the other person still saying that they cant hear me...
this is very frustrating....
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I don`t remember what ROM I had at the time but yes it was cooked.
Now i changed and i stop Resco Audio Recorder from recording my calls.
This is definitely a software problem. The "robotic voice" is a proof of processor overloading from some messed up processes. First culpits in my opinion areSense UI or some HTC code or Resco Audio Recorder.
Now I am on SPB Shell instead of Sense and Resco off.
"I don`t remember what ROM I had at the time but yes it was cooked.
Now i changed and i stop Resco Audio Recorder from recording my calls.
This is definitely a software problem. The "robotic voice" is a proof of processor overloading from some messed up processes. First culpits in my opinion areSense UI or some HTC code or Resco Audio Recorder.
Now I am on SPB Shell instead of Sense and Resco off. "
so with the spb shell is it working now? i mean do u still get the messed up calling on the other line where the person constantly says "i cant hear you" lol
besides that i actually switched off Sense UI and actually hard reset my phone and made a call but the problem still persist...
has anybody tried changing the sim card? i mean i went over to att today and i got a new sim card when i made a call i still had sense UI on and it worked flawlessly but then i put my old sim card in and then i switched back to the new one (had to import the contacts) and it messed everything up the problem came right back...
Also there seems to be such few people with this problem? maybe we got faulty phones?....
Damn, this phone is crap!!!!!!!
No one can here me again soft reset hasn't helped.
This problem is a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mine is working fine now (in this moment anyway).
My actual ROM Leo lite v2.1WWE (30.1.2010)

Great reception, but no incoming calls/texts

I have this problem for long time.
I have great reception at my office and home, and I do not hold the phone all the time, so its not death grip thing.
Many people complained that I did not answer the phone....
I would, if it rings..... My phone is always charged and out of blue, I got few voice mails. I tried make a phone call, my vibrant says calling and call ended.
I had to reboot my phone and its fine again.
I called CS many times and changed my phone twice. I still have this problem.
I tried almost all roms and modems, and I still have this damn problem.
I have been with t-mobile when they were voice stream, never had this problem until I got vibrant.
If anyone know any solution about this, please let me know.
I hate to leave t-mobile, but I think I have to if I do not find solution for this.
how often do you flash things? i had very similar issues that resulted from something getting corrupted. i odin'd to stock and reflashed and havent had issues since, tho i never tried flashing an alternative modem. I would give that a shot but chances are that odin will be your best bet.
peekapoo said:
I have this problem for long time.
I have great reception at my office and home, and I do not hold the phone all the time, so its not death grip thing.
Many people complained that I did not answer the phone....
I would, if it rings..... My phone is always charged and out of blue, I got few voice mails. I tried make a phone call, my vibrant says calling and call ended.
I had to reboot my phone and its fine again.
I called CS many times and changed my phone twice. I still have this problem.
I tried almost all roms and modems, and I still have this damn problem.
I have been with t-mobile when they were voice stream, never had this problem until I got vibrant.
If anyone know any solution about this, please let me know.
I hate to leave t-mobile, but I think I have to if I do not find solution for this.
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I have this exact same problem, I'm fact I was going to post here just now
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I used to have that same problem when I was on stock rom. Haven't had that since I rooted and flashed to bionix v by tw.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yes, I did odined back to stock, and reflashed. I still have that issue.
try a differnt modem
Pls post more infos:
Rom, Kernel, Modem? Apps?
I tried many, if not all modems and roms, so I can't provide specific rom or modems.
I've tried all modems kb5, ka6, ka7 no luck. I've tried bionix trigger stock toxic and sgs2 clone rom and still see the issue
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I have the same problem. on bionix v1.3.1 modem kb1.
I generally have the problem in lower reception areas, but others phones i have don't have the problem. You'd think a great phone like the vibrant would be able to handle lower bar reception...

[Q] Voice call - cannot hear person calling and they can't hear me

I recently installed CM 10.1 on a Defy+.
For some reason - if I call someone (or they call me) - they cannot hear me, and I cannot hear them. Even if I put on the loudspeaker I still cannot hear them.
Phone is working normal apart from that, speaker seems to work fine so not convinced it is a hardware issue.
Only happened after flashing the ROM. It *was* working for some time. Any ideas what could have caused this? From reading about CM on other phones, people recommend flashing different kernels. Any ideas which kernel to flash?
Ok looks like this is an issue with BlueTooth being on. I turned it off and it worked fine.
Seems to be an issue with all CM 10.x that I was unaware of. I flashed this ROM on my wifes Defy+ to improve the speed and reliabilty of her phone. Needless to say she is not happy.
Maybe I should have flashed 7.2??
sterankin said:
Ok looks like this is an issue with BlueTooth being on. I turned it off and it worked fine.
Seems to be an issue with all CM 10.x that I was unaware of. I flashed this ROM on my wifes Defy+ to improve the speed and reliabilty of her phone. Needless to say she is not happy.
Maybe I should have flashed 7.2??
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I guess 7.2 is good and stable enough for a non power user. That bug is known and it's not yet fixed.
Like @hotdog125 said, it's a known bug, and happens sometimes even when bluetooth is not used at all. I never use bluetooth and it happens to me quite often; rebooting your phone fixes the problem.

An Odyssey to make a Sprint GS4 work properly

Hi and greetings from Greece,
I've got a big problem with an unlocked Sprint SG4 NG2 , I've tried numerous ROMs and I cannot get it to work properly with networks in Greece.
When I first got it, it worked like a charm with its stock ROM but a few weeks later it was losing the sound and mic, with restarting it fixed that issue but needed many restarts per day.
So I flashed it with an excellent Russian MIUI ROM to find sound was also going off and on randomly...
I then flashed it with a few ROMs of JDC Team and later on a few CM ROMS to find the same sound and mic issue, while almost in every ROM at first it worked like a charm.
Now it is on CM12.1. At first I couldn't get incoming calls, but everything else worked fine including the sound and mic, tested it for a few days no issues on the sound, I was thinking I will definitely solve this problem finally!
I finally applied the fix from the no incoming calls thread but now again its losing the sound, usually in the morning and noon, not at night (weird!).
Is there anything I can do to make it work? Does anyone has experience with this issue on a NG2? Will if I flashed it with another radio solve this problem?
Please reply here or pm me! Thanks alot!

