Autorun.inf - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

I tried to configure autorun.inf with icon but everytime i dismount SD and mount again autorun got deleted. I read it's Android function to protect against virus. But there is any fix that phone did not automatically delete that file?


SD card autostarts TOMTOM when inserted.

I have installed TomTom 5 on my SD card, all working well.
I have one irritating problem however, whenever I remove and then reinstall my SD card, it automatically launches tomtom.
I've tried to stop the auto starting with the usual registry entries for START, etc, however nothing seems to work.
Does anyone know how to stop the SD card autolaunching this app?
The problem is caused by the folder 2577 on your Storage Card. IF you delete the Tomtom cabs from this folder it will stop happening. Alternatively you could rename the 2577 folder in case you need to install the software agin away from your computer.
Is there an app in the root of the SD card called start.exe? Also, when you insert an SD card it will automatically run stuff which is present in the "2577" directory if it exists. This is responsible for installing the app initially. Try renaming 2577 to something else and see if it still happens. If it does, try renaming the start app.
That's spooky findus... maybe we should get a room?! [j/k] :lol:
Brilliant, such speedy response, and a positive result. Thanks guys, this works! Has been bugging me for months. Cheers

Undeleteable folders in SD

I have two folders in my trinity's SD that I can't delete due to system warnings like "make sure is not protected" and stuff like that. Do anyone has any idea of how to force the elimination of them? any handy soft or registry key?
my first try would be from a pc cardreader
You could try using WM5Torage, and connecting the device directly. Or put the card in any other device.
If that fails, I think the only way is to format the storage card...
Sometimes if there are corrupt files in a folder it can't be deleted, the only way (I think) is to format it (backup every thing else and copy back to card).
Some folders are created automatic by the OS (like IEcache in some ROM's), but that can be set up in the registry.

Unable to write/remove SD-content

I have been trying to remove files from my SD-card by connecting my phone to my computer and remove files from the SD. So I delete the files, disconnect my phone and everything is ok but when I use AndExplorer I see that the files are still there. So I delete them with AndExplorer instead and everything is fine, but when I connect my phone to the computer again nothing has changed. I don't get any error when writing/reading to the SD but it doesn't seem to have any effect when I unmount and mount my phone again.
I have also been noticing some problems when starting the camera when it tries to "prepare sd" and save pictures wich I haven't had before. I think these problems started after my phone fell on the floor. Could it have been that the SD-card ejected it self and got corrupt?
How do I solve this? Should I buy a new SD or is there a way to fix this?
I'm running VanillaEclair 2.0.1 NAS if that's any help.
Okay, I found a similar thread on androidcommunity.
I will try to format the card.

Android works only after first boot?

I have installed many different android versions , all are working good but when i reboot and go back to android command line says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" and and under that text "/# [52.9114021 ACR=3107 FL1256 RAAC=60" what that means ? how i can boot android many times without allways installing android again... before /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off it says mount: mounting/dev/block/loop0 on /data failed: invalid argument Failed failed to mount /data
When you start Android from SD card with Haret it creates an Android folder for cache and etc. When you reboot your phone and want to start Android again delete the Android folder from the SD card before you do it and it works fine again.
i just have one android folder and it has haret.exe and other files inside
One solution (not sure if it will work in your case - has been working perfectly for me) don't copy the files in the root - instead make a folder e.g AndroidTest and copy everything inside this folder. You have to change your startup.txt to reflect this change as followings:
set cmdline "rel_path=AndroidTest"
Now start your clrcad and haret.exe from within this folder.
OK , i found the problem ... i think , i have 32GB memory card (Sandisk) and it did not work , then i tried small 2GB (nokia) card and its working good ! 32GB has really slow writing speed but i dont know is that the problem...
i've noticed i can NEVER reboot. i'm gonna try deleting the android folder but that is kind of retarded... this seriously keeps me from playing with it.
in my experience if i try to reboot it will fsck forever on the sd card
is there a preferred method to restart the phone without corrupting the sd card ?
hi friend,
after you first reboot. if your back in winmo use your file explorer and explore your sd card. look for the folder name android and just delete.its a bug.
you are entirely correct. i tried it but didnt post back. that was the problem. i can successfully reboot android now! thank you
I tried this. I also have the gen y dualboot installed on my device. After I deleted the android folder and tried to reboot android, some where in the command line it says "cannot create android folder" then scrolls down and says rebooting in...5, 4, 3, etc. and it just restarts my phone, and doesnt load android. can someone help me?

Hide it pro files are lost

Hello there. I was trying to unhid my hidden files via app and then something went wrong and gave me an error and after that all folders were gone. Anyways I tried to copy files from sd card from its path and couldn't did it too had an unexpected eror from windows. So i created a new folder with the same which is "New Album" and restarted phone. Now i can't see files through sd card they all are gone maybe overwritten i don't know. Is there a way to recover them? I tried adb shell but i don't know those crypted files name.

