Unable to write/remove SD-content - Hero, G2 Touch General

I have been trying to remove files from my SD-card by connecting my phone to my computer and remove files from the SD. So I delete the files, disconnect my phone and everything is ok but when I use AndExplorer I see that the files are still there. So I delete them with AndExplorer instead and everything is fine, but when I connect my phone to the computer again nothing has changed. I don't get any error when writing/reading to the SD but it doesn't seem to have any effect when I unmount and mount my phone again.
I have also been noticing some problems when starting the camera when it tries to "prepare sd" and save pictures wich I haven't had before. I think these problems started after my phone fell on the floor. Could it have been that the SD-card ejected it self and got corrupt?
How do I solve this? Should I buy a new SD or is there a way to fix this?
I'm running VanillaEclair 2.0.1 NAS if that's any help.

Okay, I found a similar thread on androidcommunity.
I will try to format the card.


sd card reading/writing problem...

Hi guys,
i got problem with writing on my card...when i transfer directy on my card hapens that i cant open or use files, i have tryed to transfer directly on phone memory and i dont have that problem...files are working good...
anyone got solution?
Q: Is this affecting every file transferred to the SD card, or just some?
Also, have you still got your phone connected to the PC? Your HD can't read the SD card while the phone is plugged into the USB port. (not sure about bluetooth, since i don't use it) If you open the file manager you will see that the storage device disappears when the phone is plugged into the computer.
well i think i fix it man...format few times my card... with win xp , i have put 1 of new roms and problem solved for now,
otherwise i wass geting problems with diferent kind of files...pictures, mp3s...zip files, w/e and they exist on card but after i try to open, says corupted...
I got same problem.
Moreover, I can't see the µSD card when I plug it into PC !
How do we format the card with PPC ?
Edit : solution found : downloaded st.ppc420.arm.cab (storage tool), and suceeded formating my SD card !
Now everything works again : I can use my HD like a USB key again.
well, i use card reader...and on right click u can do that, i hope your card is not dead
well i tho i solved this problem...till now ocurs again, onestly dont know whats the problem...now i got 6.5 mobile, basicly im geting this problem when i try to transfer large files and large zip files like up to 100meg.
anyone got this problem and solved?
ty in advance
Taxythingy said:
Q: Is this affecting every file transferred to the SD card, or just some?
Also, have you still got your phone connected to the PC? Your HD can't read the SD card while the phone is plugged into the USB port. (not sure about bluetooth, since i don't use it) If you open the file manager you will see that the storage device disappears when the phone is plugged into the computer.
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no im doing that propertly...removing my HD from USB then im trying to acces filez and i cant...if there is zip file...i see nothing into that folder ( even i see that is proper megabites) or if that is picture...my album says that cant read file ((

Weird Mini SD Problem - svchost

i have a weird problem with my mini sd card. Every time i format, there is always two files that come up, autorun and svchost. The text in autorun is:
action=Open folder to view files
no matter what i do, it keeps coming up. Even done a hard reset but still same problem.
Noticed those files in sd card couple days ago.
also the only thing so far i noticed it affects is that you cannot open removable device from my computer, says it cannot open it, but it opens when you go thru start->run.
anyone else have this problem and know a solution
Do you format the card with your computer? The svchost file with autorun.exe are often used by viruses on a Windows Computer. Try to scan your pc. Maybe this solves the problem.

[Q] How do you properly transfer files while booted into android?

Hi as title says I want to know how to transfer files propelry while booted into android kernel.
For example when you plug in your phone vai USB and use as card reader I can easily transfer files to and from but the problem is that when I unplug and go to view these files on phone the file system hasn't updated and I cant locate them on card.
Ive tried the unmount feature aswell as a hot reboot but nothing. Only way I can seem to do it is to power off and then boot back into android.
Is there any easier way or procedure that I need to follow?
TheATHEiST said:
Hi as title says I want to know how to transfer files propelry while booted into android kernel.
For example when you plug in your phone vai USB and use as card reader I can easily transfer files to and from but the problem is that when I unplug and go to view these files on phone the file system hasn't updated and I cant locate them on card.
Ive tried the unmount feature aswell as a hot reboot but nothing. Only way I can seem to do it is to power off and then boot back into android.
Is there any easier way or procedure that I need to follow?
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best bet is to load the files in winmo then boot into android
Dude that wasnt my question, obviously I can do that, thats not the point.
My question was the best way to transfer files while booted into android, if it possible then obviously booting into windows and back to android every time you want to move/access files isnt the "best" way and its inconvient.
I appreciate your reply but your answer was irelivant unless its the ONLY way which I doubt (well hope)
Does anybody have a solution?
As of now, the only good way to transfer files is indeed through WinMo (or with a MicroSD USB reader, with phone powered off or in WinMo). Most Android builds support USB Mass Storage, but I haven't heard of one that handles it perfectly (which isn't too surprising, considering Android runs -sort of- from the SD card).
So in short, no there is no other way at this moment that I know of.
Edit: There is a way: through WiFi! There are some applications available on the market that turn your phone into an FTP-server, I use Websharing (Lite) for this. They don't need an unmounted SD card, so they'll probably solve your problem.
StephanV said:
Edit: There is a way: through WiFi! There are some applications available on the market that turn your phone into an FTP-server, I use Websharing (Lite) for this. They don't need an unmounted SD card, so they'll probably solve your problem.
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Yeah I was thinking more of teh same route, Ive been using drop box for the moment but FTP server would be much better.
I was hoping there would be a solution to been able to access teh files that have been sent via mass storage mode but this could be just as good.
thnx for suggestion.
This is not a quickfix, but I was frustrated with the same problem last night when I was trying to locate the files that I just transferred to the phone. I noticed that unmounting, and remounting doesn't refresh the folders in the system. But I managed to find the transferred files after unmounting the sd card, and then browsing to the root sd card path instead of the mounted partition.
So, instead of mnt/sdcard/ you should look for the files in /sdcard after unmounting the card. See if that works, at least it worked for me last night.
Use droid explorer

suddenly applications on sd does not work

i did nothing new, no update, just while installing some games, pc suite got a freeze, i restarted my pc and my DHD, all applications installed on the sd card are not working, but my sd card is mounted and i can access sd card root using astro, also i tried to install some apps using astro, but installation bar progress takes forever and didnt finish, even installing from market did not start.
any suggestion on what is going here?
P.S.: i tried to unmount than mount my sdcard, and nothing changed.
this is turning very serious, plz i need help.
i did a factory reset, and i did install the stock rom from sdcard, both ways keep the problem, that i cant sync the device or mak it appear as disk drive, i can only make a internet passthrough connection, but no drive no htc sync, i did a lot of tries, debug on off, connect reconnect usb, restart device, restart pc, use another pc, i also have stock rom .6, and original kernel with latest htc sync installed.
m very frustrated now, i have no recovery, the device wont accept installing anything from pc, or from market place, installing process takes forever and do nothing, the problem is in the device not the pc, is there a way to get back my device to operate properly, please help
Is you SD card corrupted? Can you access it?
i will list it again as following:
-stock rom .6 with original kernel
-radio s off
-no recovery
-sd doesnt seems corrupted cause i can access it once with astro, and i can access it with pc suite only as disk drive
-i tried with mounted and unmounted sd card (no fix)
-i did a factory reset (no fix)
-i did install the rom from sdcard (no fix)
-i tried another pc for syncing (no fix)
-i can only make internet passthrough but no disk drive or htc sync
-in market i can press on install but nothing will happen
-in desktop htc sync, if i get luck and see it, if i browse to install an apk, it will simply freeze.
please all i need urgent help, i think something bad happened to my device
How about copying all the data from yr sd card into another card? Your current card could be faulty but stil accessible by astro.
You could also try copying everything out to your PC and then reformat the card and copying everything back.
If stil don't work then start brand new by reformatting the card and reinstalling all your apps
i will try it man for sure but just for informations:
-say i have no sdcard in the device (sdcard is unmounted) should i be able to install from market or install from pc some apk?
if yes than the problem is not in the sdcard, if no than i have hope to do it.
P.S.: how can i format the sdcard if i cant access it as disk drive?
You can format from within Android, Settings -> SD Card & Phone Storage -> Unmount first then Format.
Have you got another SD card to try with?
-i formatted the sd card, insert it in DHD (doesnt work)
-i replaced the sd card by another one (doesnt work)
-reinsert the new sd card and reboot (now problem is fixed)
-now back to the original sd card (and yes the problem is fixed)
what happened i dont know, why it's fixed i dont know, it's like a sudden problem and sudden fix, if anyone have any idea of what happened plz enlight us for future or similar issues.

problem with new memory card

i got a new 8gb card for my phone today copy all the old stuff off the old one and put the new one in but having problems with it phone wont detect it correctly just saying preparing sd card testing for errors and thats it tried a few reformats and reinstalls of the os but still the same.
does the phone detect the empty sd-card?
try to create folder or smth like that on the empty sd-card in the phone
before format sd-card and put it in phone, try to detect empty one
(maybe restart phone and let it detect from new sd-card (empty one))
then create there a folder or just copy data on it and try again (dont know what you did until now maybe you already done smth like that then i don't know too atm)
or let the phone format the new sd-card that should normally work!
-> put new sd-card in
-> let phone format it
-> reboot
-> try to access sd-card and create a folder if you want or copy data on it
got it to work fine now but every time i try to transfer a large file via usb i get a read i/o error message on the computer then the phone wont detect the card again untill i delete this file
usb debugging is disabled
file size ? and what kind of system are you using?
both a 599mb and 634mb avi files both give me this read i/o error
my phones running froyobread v023b on stock kernal
did you try same with old sd-card ? (if it has more than 1gb you can try)
if you get same error it's not the roms fault
i use froyopro and i copy 1gb file atm but i think i dont get error...
can you post the error somehow? got a camera to make a photo or smth like that? or just write what it says
here is what i get
if you search for that error there are many ppl with those problems you could try to find a way to solve it buy using google
you can also try reboot your pc and try to copy data again sometimes that solves problems
also it could be that it's a error because of the cable you connect your phone to pc
(try out old sd-card and copy files if same problem exist) it's not because of the phone
can you copy smaller files to the sd-card?
thanks it seems to be behaving now just copied a few large files and its working correctly now to fill up some my my 8gb sandisk ultra fast
your hdd can also cause i/o erros when you try copy files so just don't think if it doesn't work the sd-card is not good.
causes can be:
HDD,cable,usb port, system error,or sd-card error,or sd-card reader in phone. software from phone and so on so it's hard to find where it the problem ...
mine did this too, but a format and a reset resolved the problem

