Epsxe/Fpse Battery drain - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So actually I am a big fan of ps one games and I can't resist to not play ps1 games on my phone.
Well I am worrying about there battery drain here.
After playing a game on my epsxe and fpse(about 35 minutes) I go from 100% down to 69%
Is it normal? or not?
(also my phone heats up after this amount of time)

Most likely you need to change CPU settings, including voltage.
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south-east infrig
Ace42 said:
Most likely you need to change CPU settings, including voltage.
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I am on stock android(rooted)
Can you recommend me a good Rom-Kernel combo ?
Cause this is my first android experince, and I am not sure what the best rom is for a beginner like me is .
I also do not want to damage my phone by tweeking with the cpu and voltage settings.
Should I wait maybe for stable roms? Cause I see alot of nightlies roms.
Also I am not familiar with the term "milestone rom"
Thanks in advance.

Any of the custom kernels should last a bit longer than stock. I use IntersectRaven's kernel. I have fpse but haven't gotten around to putting any iso's on here yet so I'm sorry I can't give any report. You could also try lowering the brightness while you play, and turning off data or just enabling airplane mode if you don't mind not being able top receive calls or texts while you play.
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You can stick with stock ROM rooted but you can under clock it. The emulator doesn't need a lot of power, I use yo use it on my 600mhz phone so it should be fine with the nexus. Also stock rooted is the most stable.
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Or keep the phone plugged charging while playing, this phone is a battery hog, i mean am not trying to generalize, but seems like some people try to multitask all day long on a mobile device with no removable battery, i mean really, think about a gadget trying to process console games, web, content, gps, screen activity, all at the same time, come on people at the end this is a phone not an alienwarelike or multitasking wireless gaming console
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Okitche very
Thanks for the replies guys !
Should I use SetCpu in order to under clock it?
Also I heard many positive things about the franco kernel, is it worth giving a shot?

sonikk4ever said:
Thanks for the replies guys !
Should I use SetCpu in order to under clock it?
Also I heard many positive things about the franco kernel, is it worth giving a shot?
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I haven't tried it personally but, you should still give it a shot. And setcpu is fine.
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Most custom kernels lag more than the stock kernel.
If you want to go the custom kernel route for (at the moment) better battery life, go either CyanogenMod(the one included in their ROM) or Franco.


Safe setting for setcpu

I just updated to ics via ota and rooted my note. No custom Roms loaded.
I would like to tweak my phone for better battery life. Installed setcpu.
Anyone can share what's your stable setting?
Thanks in advance
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Not sure what setcpu will give you for better battery life. Your not running an custom kernel to allow UV. The only thing you can do is set a screen of profile(I don't suggest this) or under clock it.
What's the normal cpu level?
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Base on overnight status, I am running on 88% on 200mhz. Phone not sleeping at all.
Guys, or can u suggested a stable custom rom ? The reason why i am not on custom rom is because i am not sure which os more stable. I didn't want to end up flashing my phone every other day. I just wanted better battery life, and probably some mod to quicken the charging process. I use my phone mainly for whatsapp, email, foruming. Not really into games.
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sorry I'm very late but I will suggest a couple Roms. Steel Droid, cyanogenmod, miui, ultimate Droid, sourcery,
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ahhoe said:
Base on overnight status, I am running on 88% on 200mhz. Phone not sleeping at all.
Guys, or can u suggested a stable custom rom ? The reason why i am not on custom rom is because i am not sure which os more stable. I didn't want to end up flashing my phone every other day. I just wanted better battery life, and probably some mod to quicken the charging process. I use my phone mainly for whatsapp, email, foruming. Not really into games.
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Asylum is solid.

Battery help

I'm looking to gain some battery life and the main thing I don't want to give up is smoothness and fluidity. I'm getting about 12-18 hours with maybe 2-2.5 screen on time. I know that's not just god awful, but I was thinking that this phone should be better considering its vanilla android.
Any suggestions on things maybe I could try. I dont use a big assortment of apps.
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Try a custom kernel. There are a lot of great ones here. Don't ask which one is the best for battery life or performance because everyone will give you a subjective answer or bash at you. (Just kidding) Try them one at a time for a day or two and make your choice.
A great application I recommend would be "Greenify". You need root for the app. Check it out.
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Turn off auto brightness and manually dim your screen as far as you can. Turn off things you're not using (Wifi, gps, bluetooth) until you need them. Don't let apps auto sync unless you really need real time updates from them.
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joho5 said:
I'm looking to gain some battery life and the main thing I don't want to give up is smoothness and fluidity. I'm getting about 12-18 hours with maybe 2-2.5 screen on time. I know that's not just god awful, but I was thinking that this phone should be better considering its vanilla android.
Any suggestions on things maybe I could try. I dont use a big assortment of apps.
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Not to sound rude but there are 100's of threads asking the same question with ton's of good replies, you could always try searching and giving some of the suggestions a try :victory:
VoiD_Dweller said:
Not to sound rude but there are 100's of threads asking the same question with ton's of good replies, you could always try searching and giving some of the suggestions a try :victory:
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Yes there are and it won't be the last. Lol.
I know how you feel brotha.
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Rasbean + Trinity
Battery life combination is to root -> install rasbean jelly by rascarlo, the install morfic's trinity kernel -> keep brightness always at 50% or less, and battery life will e around 15 hours that with 4 hour actual usage... But ofcourse as time progresses and you install thousands of apps that require your internet and push notification they will eat battery, for those apps life facebook and nonesense use greenify the app it trully helps

Any options out there for battery tweaks?

I did a few searches and wasn't really able to pull up much in the way of battery tweaks, what's everyone doing in terms of this? I'm currently running stock rom, all I did was fully update after getting the phone from Sprint and then rooted and proceeded to install twrp using goomanager. I'm coming from the Galaxy S2 running calks GB build, so I'm used to 3 days of battery with heavy usage! I know this phone won't be able to achieve that right out of the gate with the current level of development going on, but I'm sure I can optimize it some how. I'd consider going to a custom ROM and kernel..flashing seems similar to the S2 but I'm nervous!
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There's this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiam.snapdragon.app
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I've never heard good things about those kinds of apps...maybe because they didn't get along well with custom tweaks? Do they work well with stock setups?
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GiantJay said:
There's this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiam.snapdragon.app
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Tried it... and if anything I got LESS battery life because it runs in the background constantly.
@vadyr56 Download KT SGS4 Kernel, I'd also recommend to download GSam Battery Monitor and see if you have anything running in the background a little too much!
I get phenomenal battery life with no tweaks stock rooted. I turn off most things since I don't use them and thats about it.
GiantJay said:
I get phenomenal battery life with no tweaks stock rooted. I turn off most things since I don't use them and thats about it.
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I have everything turned on (Google Now, all Samsung Goodies like Gestures, S-Voice Voice commands, etc.) and still manage to get a day and a half with like 3-5 hrs of on screen time.

[Q] Should i undervolt my awesome nexus 4???

HI i bought it 2days ago night and rooted yesterday battery life is INCRIDBLE at least SOOO MUCH BETTER THAn my old s4 DD btw do ur ecommend me to do it? as its factory clock at a factory voltage hmm... why didnt google do it at first?? is it risky
oh and i dont like to flash custom kernel(( can i do it whitout a kenrel???:|||
czoz kernel fast charge and stuff make me worri and i lvoe stuck many things!!!
As long as I know you can't undervolt without a custom kernel.
An why would you want to undervolt if your battery is already amazing ?
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failly said:
As long as I know you can't undervolt without a custom kernel.
An why would you want to undervolt if your battery is already amazing ?
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well always mroe abttery great u right i will jsut try to see if i get battery problems in outside coz here no stress if battery low i jsut connect to power btw i always carried the cable and power whit me everywhere on s4
kamranhaghighi said:
well always mroe abttery great u right i will jsut try to see if i get battery problems in outside coz here no stress if battery low i jsut connect to power btw i always carried the cable and power whit me everywhere on s4
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See, no problem!
And if you need more battery in the future you can always flash a custom kernel and undervolt!
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failly said:
See, no problem!
And if you need more battery in the future you can always flash a custom kernel and undervolt!
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ok ty no risks? and no downsides of a custom kernel? if i wanted to do
kamranhaghighi said:
ok ty no risks? and no downsides of a custom kernel? if i wanted to do
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I don't know, just make sure to read the instructions. I don't have a custom kernel installed so I don't really know!
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The risk of undervolting is not giving it enough power and setting that on boot so you end up not being able to get into android. Meaning you would have to flash a stock kernel with fastboot.
You only risk damage to the hardware if you overclock. That raises the operating temperature of the cpu, and thus could shorten the overall lifespan.
The risk to running a custom kernel is the same risk of running any experimental software: there could be bugs.
And of course the factory clock speed is set at the factory voltage... it just came from the factory....
And asking why Google doesn't include the option is akin to asking why it isn't rooted outta the box
xD ok i will probably do if i had then but i just dont wonna lose that awesome nexus feeling and stuff! anyway ur profile pic gave me a heart attack seems not gonna make it bad
I don't see much difference in battery life but I definitely feel a difference in heat which imo is important. I dont find myself worrying about anything happening to my n4 anymore because they're so cheap now a days that I can just buy another one or wait for the 13 version.
My phone rarely goes over 100°f
Sent by flying midget

Gs4 hot?

I just got a gs4 and am coming from the gs3. Does this phone run hot normally? Seemed warm on stock and hotter once I tried to install the freegs4 ROM. Even shut down twice.
Edit: flashed a different ROM and kernel and am all good.
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Yeah I noticed when flashing certain Roms and setting it up, it gets very hot that it shuts itself off.
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Always a kernel man not the rom
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bonebeatz1234 said:
Always a kernel man not the rom
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Not true on my part. I've flashed stock deodexed MF9 rom with Stock MF9, Agats, and Ktoonz kernel. All resulted in the phone heating up and shutting down on its own.
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daniel4653 said:
Not true on my part. I've flashed stock deodexed MF9 rom with Stock MF9, Agats, and Ktoonz kernel. All resulted in the phone heating up and shutting down on its own.
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You might want to take it to sprint in that case, only time it gets semi hot is when im using wifi hotspot and making a call at same time on my part
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So I have tried 4 different ROMs and 3 different kernels and the heat issue keeps happening. Right now I was using the latest Venum ROM and the ktoonz kernel and the phone shut off due to the heat. Stupid phone, I just got it on Sunday. Never had this issue on my epic or e4gt or gs3.
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dante32278 said:
So I have tried 4 different ROMs and 3 different kernels and the heat issue keeps happening. Right now I was using the latest Venum ROM and the ktoonz kernel and the phone shut off due to the heat. Stupid phone, I just got it on Sunday. Never had this issue on my epic or e4gt or gs3.
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are you overclocking or undervolting on ktoonz? when does it got hot? whats running in the background?
xxaddictedxx said:
are you overclocking or undervolting on ktoonz? when does it got hot? whats running in the background?
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The only kernel adjustments were to the governor and scheduler (using smartass and sio, no alterations to either). I just tried using the rescan media disabler apk to see if maybe my media was causing the phone to run hot. It seemed to be the only thing going in the background.
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dante32278 said:
The only kernel adjustments were to the governor and scheduler (using smartass and sio, no alterations to either). I just tried using the rescan media disabler apk to see if maybe my media was causing the phone to run hot. It seemed to be the only thing going in the background.
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is it heating up during usage,charging,sitting there......? have you actually physically looked at the battery to make sure its not cracked or swollen?
xxaddictedxx said:
is it heating up during usage,charging,sitting there......? have you actually physically looked at the battery to make sure its not cracked or swollen?
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Usually the heat starts when I am using the phone, which is usually browsing the internet or reading up on sports news. Screen off or charging I have been OK so far. As far as the battery, it appears to be in good physical condition. I also have 2 OEM batteries by Anker that experience the same issue. So far so good, though - been using the phone moderately since the last shut down earlier today and it seems ok at this moment.
dante32278 said:
Usually the heat starts when I am using the phone, which is usually browsing the internet or reading up on sports news. Screen off or charging I have been OK so far. As far as the battery, it appears to be in good physical condition. I also have 2 OEM batteries by Anker that experience the same issue. So far so good, though - been using the phone moderately since the last shut down earlier today and it seems ok at this moment.
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if it heats up really bad again try underclocking a step and see if that helps.....phone might be getting hot because your chip is poorly coated and the higher frequiencies are heating it up enough to shut the device down. you may have to underclock by one or 2 steps to ensure its not a consistent issue.....worth a shot anyways. unless you do high graphic gaming and multitask with 8 apps at once your really dont need the higher clock speeds anyways.
xxaddictedxx said:
if it heats up really bad again try underclocking a step and see if that helps.....phone might be getting hot because your chip is poorly coated and the higher frequiencies are heating it up enough to shut the device down. you may have to underclock by one or 2 steps to ensure its not a consistent issue.....worth a shot anyways. unless you do high graphic gaming and multitask with 8 apps at once your really dont need the higher clock speeds anyways.
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Good idea, hopefully I won't need to! Appreciate the feedback.
If you just got this phone Friday then I would return to stock, run triangle away and exchange it. What you describe isn't normal, why take a chance and get stuck with a bad phone when you are within the exchange window.
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Try the stock kernel and rom and if it still get hot take it back. Try stock kernel it works man the others just cause me trouble.
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Thanks all. I loaded up the latest Sac ROM and ktoonz kernwl, but disabled media scanner. No more hot issues. I guess it running like crazy in the background caused the battery to commit suicide.
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Seriously guys, your S4 doesn't heat up at all???
I'm back to 100% stock everything (kernel, rom) and running this for a couple weeks. I've completed several factory resets and whatnot as well through those weeks. I know my install was clean as could be.
Now, my phone gets hot at seemingly random times. sometimes playing games, for sure while navigating with GPS and sometimes when its just sitting there. I monitor things with Better Battery Stats and keep an eye on the CPU Spy. I'm achieving deep sleep most often. Some of this is caused by the god awful Sprint service here and the constant search for signal, but I was hoping that this wouldn't get as hot as the S3.
so, should I seek a refurb from Sprint? I have the insurance. I am just afraid that a refurb would do me no better.
My biggest gripes are heating up occasionally, WiFi disconnect issues. I hope 4.3 can help some of these.
