[q] flash player install? - Nexus 10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can someone please tell me if it is actually possible to get flash player installed on the nexus 10 without rooting...I've gone through many threads and articles which show ways of doing it and none of them actually work.
Get really bored of reading through all these different threads then it not working. Can someone please tell me if there is a way to get this working.....
Thanks in advance

jvanassen said:
Can someone please tell me if it is actually possible to get flash player installed on the nexus 10 without rooting...I've gone through many threads and articles which show ways of doing it and none of them actually work.
Get really bored of reading through all these different threads then it not working. Can someone please tell me if there is a way to get this working.....
Thanks in advance
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Many web sites offer a download of the Flash apk file. Just download it and install. Note that not all browsers support flash. Some that do include Dolphin,Boat,Ocean to name a few.

buffalo_guy said:
Many web sites offer a download of the Flash apk file. Just download it and install. Note that not all browsers support flash. Some that do include Dolphin,Boat,Ocean to name a few.
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I have Dolphin HD installed and couldn't get Flash to run. Is there something that needs to be done? Went into settings and I keep getting the flash disabled due to incompatibility message. This is on a stock N10, no root or unlock.


Get the flash apk from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1774336
In my own limited, unscientific experience, Tint browser works best with flash on Nexus 10. Get it here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.tint&hl=en

Dude ocean browser ftw!!!! Now wield great on the nexus

Try the Boat browser which supports flash, password manager, speed dialer and full screen mode.


[Q] Desktop Flash

So is there any success getting a version of flash that reports itself as a non-mobile version? I found some versions that work on Froyo based systems, but none that seems to work on the Honeycomb based ones... Any suggestions?
There are a couple of threads in the Xoom forums about this. They have an edited flash apk that will play hulu videos that you may want to try.
ya' nothin working for me either, tried the xoom method, no go
Yup, thx. Before I even posted I had tried the Xoom one. Thought it would be similar enough... I tried a few other methods suggested for other phones/devices, but none seem to work for the iconia... Anyone got anything?

[Read before posting a Thread]General Q n A for Galaxy 3. Ask your problems here.

I have made this thread exclusively for Q and A on Galaxy 3. If you have some doubts, questions or need some help just mention it in this thread. I think this will be better than posting a new thread in the Development Section or General Section and you shall also get more attention if most of you co-operate to visit and share your questions and solve others problems.
Hope this Thread will be used for asking questions and searching answers.
So how many of you think this is the right thing. If you support me kindly start asking your questions (if any) here from the moment.
Good job, we missed this in general section i think
I'm looking for CSC file (I5800NEE) some time but no success. Where can I get it?
patseb said:
I'm looking for CSC file (I5800NEE) some time but no success. Where can I get it?
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Did you try samfirmware?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Yes but that file isn't in stock rom package. On samfimware forum nobody answer so I asked here.
how to install cyanogen mod for samsung galaxy 3
i have rooted my phone yesterday. i want to install cyanogen mod. i tried installing by going into recovery mode but failed. can u give me the detailed procedure for installing the cyanogen mod in my samsung galaxy 3 i 5801?
akkidasvikranth said:
i have rooted my phone yesterday. i want to install cyanogen mod. i tried installing by going into recovery mode but failed. can u give me the detailed procedure for installing the cyanogen mod in my samsung galaxy 3 i 5801?
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Please see that Cyanogen Mod is currently in Alpha stage and some modules are not working.
If you want to install it any way for testing purpose follow the link below then you download the ZIP File. After download completes extract the zip to obtain a TAR file. Fire up ODIN and Select the OPS as you and Flash as one package with the TAR image. After phone flashes up and boot. Wipe Data and Cache from the Recovery and reboot. You would be able to use CM7 Alpha5 Fix1.
Please See- You cant install CM7 without flashing and also see that you have a backup of your whole phone. Use titanium backup from market.
CM7 Download link- http://www.multiupload.com/Y3GTH2QN56
If you dont know how to flash please inform i will help you with the links.
If your problem is still not solved. Kindly quote my answer and tell me.
patseb said:
Yes but that file isn't in stock rom package. On samfimware forum nobody answer so I asked here.
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I think it is not available on Samfirmware. I think we have to obtain from ROM Image of XXJPS.
I will help you out after searching.
I have one more problem with G3. It's vibration is very soft/gentle.
My old Samsung SGH-E900 had vibration like PlayStation's controller (very strong).
I know that using more battery but I want more power in vibration. Is it possible?
Vibration pattern doesn't help me.
Sorry for my poor english
android.aimad said:
Please see that Cyanogen Mod is currently in Alpha stage and some modules are not working.
If you want to install it any way for testing purpose follow the link below then you download the ZIP File. After download completes extract the zip to obtain a TAR file. Fire up ODIN and Select the OPS as you and Flash as one package with the TAR image. After phone flashes up and boot. Wipe Data and Cache from the Recovery and reboot. You would be able to use CM7 Alpha5 Fix1.
Please See- You cant install CM7 without flashing and also see that you have a backup of your whole phone. Use titanium backup from market.
CM7 Download link- http://www.multiupload.com/Y3GTH2QN56
If you dont know how to flash please inform i will help you with the links.
If your problem is still not solved. Kindly quote my answer and tell me.
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thankyou. done it successfully...
akkidasvikranth said:
thankyou. done it successfully...
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you are welcome.. And thank you too. You save one thread and still got your problem solved. Isnt that great?
HI everybody...i have data2sd activate on my galaxy 3 (kyrillos v7) and i want to know how can i move Widgets to the ``true`` internal memory...cuz every time when i connect my phone with my pc my widgets disapear...and i need to reactivate again...Anyone know how to solve my problem?
ghiurtuv said:
HI everybody...i have data2sd activate on my galaxy 3 (kyrillos v7) and i want to know how can i move Widgets to the ``true`` internal memory...cuz every time when i connect my phone with my pc my widgets disapear...and i need to reactivate again...Anyone know how to solve my problem?
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You can t until you disable data2sd. And how do your widgets disappear?? The app or the widget will be in SD-ext partition. Which is not detected by windows.
i think is a launcher problem i will try something right now..i `ll tell you if it`s works
edit: problem solved i was on go launcher ex and i put him to internal right now..(ext)
can anyone tell what is busybox and what its function...?
i find the busybox in market too..
hadi_xman said:
can anyone tell what is busybox and what its function...?
i find the busybox in market too..
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Quote Wikipedia, "BusyBox provides several stripped-down Unix tools in a single executable. It runs on top of the Linux kernel just as does Gnu/Linux. It is ideally suited to run in embedded devices. It has been self-dubbed "The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux".".
Basically it is a tool which allows you to perform certain functions.
Eg : - Changing permissions.
camera issue in cyanogen mod
i have installed cyanogen mod alpha 5 fix1 in my samsung galaxy 3 i5801 but there is a camera issue. when i open the camera app a white screen appears instead of the video and also the video player showing black screen.can anyone fix this?
akkidasvikranth said:
i have installed cyanogen mod alpha 5 fix1 in my samsung galaxy 3 i5801 but there is a camera issue. when i open the camera app a white screen appears instead of the video and also the video player showing black screen.can anyone fix this?
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Well Cyanogen Mod is still in alpha stage as the title suggests. And the camera driver is still not functional. It will be fuctional in the final build.
patseb said:
I have one more problem with G3. It's vibration is very soft/gentle.
My old Samsung SGH-E900 had vibration like PlayStation's controller (very strong).
I know that using more battery but I want more power in vibration. Is it possible?
Vibration pattern doesn't help me.
Sorry for my poor english
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Ye somewhere in setting you can increase it but dunno exact were
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
patseb said:
Yes but that file isn't in stock rom package. On samfimware forum nobody answer so I asked here.
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Its included in XXJPS
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App

Flash in stock browser?

Anu chance of getting flash videos to play in stock browser??.
I know ANDROID 4+ doesn't support flash and I know I'll have to download and install adobe flash player from the web(which I already did) it still doesn't play.
Btw, I also own HTC One and it plays flash in stock player out of the box so was wondering what's different
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
I don't think so. I've only managed to get it working in Firefox so far.
sa.guly10 said:
Anu chance of getting flash videos to play in stock browser??.
I know ANDROID 4+ doesn't support flash and I know I'll have to download and install adobe flash player from the web(which I already did) it still doesn't play.
Btw, I also own HTC One and it plays flash in stock player out of the box so was wondering what's different
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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Found this in another forum post:
"Flash won't work with the built-in Webkit browser. After side-loading, no Flash love and there's no option to enable Flash in browser settings (unusual since the standard Webkit browser usually works with Flash Player and has that option)."
I've also read in other threads that Jelly Bean on the S4 does not have flash support at all for the stock browser. It also doesn't have a permanent desktop mode, open new tabs in background and a plethora of other features they left out. The S3 stock browser was far superior, not sure why they decided to remove all the features that are actually useful on the S4.
The stock browser as well as Google's Chrome browser no longer support Flash as Adobe released a statement in late 2011 that they will no longer be providing any support to the mobile platform. This means no stability updates as well as no security updates. However, Firefox for android still supports Flash playback and I've found that most Flash content is supported. Full screen is hit or miss but otherwise you should find solace there.
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There's a tutorial on how to get it working in one of the sections Here, you need root but it works.
kylecore said:
There's a tutorial on how to get it working in one of the sections Here, you need root but it works.
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There are several threads that discuss getting flash to work on a different browser but I have yet to see anything remotely resembling a possibility of flash working in the stock browser. Unless you can provide a link to this so called tutorial, I believe you may have mistaken it for one of these:
sa.guly10 said:
Anu chance of getting flash videos to play in stock browser??.
I know ANDROID 4+ doesn't support flash and I know I'll have to download and install adobe flash player from the web(which I already did) it still doesn't play.
Btw, I also own HTC One and it plays flash in stock player out of the box so was wondering what's different
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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Solariis said:
There are several threads that discuss getting flash to work on a different browser but I have yet to see anything remotely resembling a possibility of flash working in the stock browser. Unless you can provide a link to this so called tutorial, I believe you may have mistaken it for one of these:
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I'm not mistaken, i quick look in the themes and apps section and you'll find a thread titled
" [GUIDE] AOSP browser with Flash support "
The link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2262556
** Extra Note : Requires Root **
kylecore said:
I'm not mistaken, i quick look in the themes and apps section and you'll find a thread titled
" [GUIDE] AOSP browser with Flash support "
The link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2262556
** Extra Note : Requires Root **
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I stand corrected. Would have never thought to look in that section, sorry.
Solariis said:
I stand corrected. Would have never thought to look in that section, sorry.
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Its all good, give it a shot and see how it works!

Flash player

Has anyone managed to get flash player working on the 10.1 yet? Is it even compatible with the atom chip?
sniper-joe said:
Has anyone managed to get flash player working on the 10.1 yet? Is it even compatible with the atom chip?
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So far I know Adobe stopped support for flash player in Android 4.0 so that's the last version that really had full flash but you can always download flash browsers like puffin: )
iamcray said:
So far I know Adobe stopped support for flash player in Android 4.0 so that's the last version that really had full flash but you can always download flash browsers like puffin: )
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I have tried many browsers that say they support Flash, but none work so far. I'll give puffin a go.
Dolphin and puffin are the only ones,puffin does it straight on install, dolphin has to be setup to use flash
You just go to adobe's website and you have to search but the last flash player for android is 11.1. They have it there I'm their archives. It works great in all my browsers. Even with the messages site put up to upgrade flash player, the content still works.
I have tried for several months to get flash working on my 10.1. Amazon Prime Instant to be specific. I have not yet been successful. I have tried every browser and several versions of flash. If anyone has been able to watch AP on their 10. 1, please report back on how you did it. Stock, boat, dolphin, puffin, skyfire, flash fox browsers do not work! (yes, I go into the settings and set it to desktop mode and enable the flash).
Flash Support pulled from rom
dev-host - http://d-h.st/users/moonbutt74/?fld_id=38723#files
this is not a flashable zip.
moonbutt74 said:
dev-host - http://d-h.st/users/moonbutt74/?fld_id=38723#files
this is not a flashable zip.
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Well, I tried this one too. No luck.
Then you are doing something wrong or you do not have the correct device.
A display of simple manners would be appreciated.
These are the flash support files for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1.
moonbutt74 said:
Then you are doing something wrong or you do not have the correct device.
A display of simple manners would be appreciated.
These are the flash support files for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1.
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I apologize my comment came across as rude. Not intended to be so. I am able to play some flash files on my tablet (which is a Tab 3 10.1) but not able to get Amazon Prime videos to work.
What happens when you try to play a video?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
it is my misunderstanding
Forgive me, I spoke in haste. I offer no excuses, I have wronged you and I offer my sincerest apologies.
I would like to try and continue to work out the flash issue if you are willing.
okay so after some reading, the general feel on this is amazon is intentionally breaking the service to non-amazon devices,
there might be something in this http://www.teleread.com/android/watching-amazon-instant-video-on-android-kitkat-devices/ This article was published on Jan 2 2014
Thanks for kind offers of help. First let me say that my husband has a Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 and I have flash working on this tablet for him, so I know how it works to set it up. He watches Amazon Prime videos on this tablet. In my searching I came across the comment that because of the processor of the Tab 3 10.1, streaming video from Amazon will never work (I looked at so many sites and can't remember where it was).
I am using the flash apk provided by moonbutt74.
Here are the different browsers I used and the results - I went into every browser and made sure to set it to desktop mode and enabled flash.
Boat Browser: got a prompt to install Adobe Flash (yes, flash is installed!)
Stock Browser: got a prompt to watch the video on compatible devices, such as Kindle Fire
Firefox Browser: another prompt for compatible devices
Dolphin Browser: compatible device prompt
Puffin Browser came the closest. After selecting the video, the video would load, then the screen would go dark. No video. (This is the paid version of Puffin).
Photon Browser gave the same results as Puffin.
After trying all this, I went into recovery and cleared cache and dalvik. Tried again. Same results. So I am pretty much resigned to no Amazon Prime on this tablet.

Phone rings when called but unable to answer

Hopefully this is the correct forum, if not please let me know.
I have tried a couple custom stock XT1575 ROMs. Everything installs great except when my phone is called, the dialer
won't open. I hear my phone ring or vibrate depending on what it is using, just nothing comes up to allow me to answer
it. The latest custom stock ROM I installed today is moto_x_pure_edition_custom_stock_x1575_mphs24.107-58-1_v1-odexed.
Has this happened to anyone else, is it a known problem with the custom stock ROMs? Any help is appreciated. I can't
use the phone so it's just sitting in a corner.
Have you tried puretrue rom . I have flashed 3 roms 2 custom stock Rom and one nexus rom.But never faced this issue . Maybe clean install will help you.
azzammalik said:
Have you tried puretrue rom . I have flashed 3 roms 2 custom stock Rom and one nexus rom.But never faced this issue . Maybe clean install will help you.
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Every time I've installed the ROM, everything was wiped first, including the install I did earlier today.
I've tried a few other ROMs from here, didn't quite like them (not sure if the one you mentioned is one I tried) so wanted to use the custom default Motorola ROM which I liked. They are rooted and have super user. If you know the link to that ROM you mentioned, I don't mind looking into it. Thanks
Go to Settings > Apps > Gear icon > Default Apps > Select 'Telephone' for Phone
Can't believe this is still a thing! This is an old *ss small issue which has been discussed over and over again!
Now with this Help thread open I hope people will learn!
ban.codrut said:
Can't believe this is still a thing! This is an old *ss small issue which has been discussed over and over again!
Now with this Help thread open I hope people will learn!
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Yes, I understand it's been around a while. I've searched for answers and all the suggestions have not made a difference for me. I have also searched a little on here using different terms but could not find anything either. If you know the answer, can you assist? I understand you may have seen this a few times but not everyone has, like me. I just want to know the fix, is that so bad?
davidrocher said:
Go to Settings > Apps > Gear icon > Default Apps > Select 'Telephone' for Phone
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I've already attempted that, didn't help. Tried a new dialer app, didn't make a difference either. Made sure it was the default and that notifications were on for the app also. Thanks
michont said:
Yes, I understand it's been around a while. I've searched for answers and all the suggestions have not made a difference for me. I have also searched a little on here using different terms but could not find anything either. If you know the answer, can you assist? I understand you may have seen this a few times but not everyone has, like me. I just want to know the fix, is that so bad?
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Your described issue seems just the usual "no default phone app selected" , which solution is to just set one. If something else is going on I can't help, I've never encountered other root issues to this (not by experience not by reading). Sorry!
But we could go through this and try troubleshooting.
You are using a custom stock so probably already got root permission.
1) Install logcat or matlog
2) start recording and call your phone right away using a second phone while leaving the screen on
(try upping the screen time to 5 minutes let's say, this way there is no loginfo we are not interested in there beside the call intent)
3) After that, hangup and stop recording the log then share a link to the file here (file ! Don't paste in pls)
Let's hope there is a debug warning or error which will tell us what's actually going on!
On the other side of thing, you do have a XT1575 right ? Or you are using XT1575 Ron on XT1572 ? Not a biggie but quit relevant for modem file!
In the morning I'll give it a look, now I'm heading to bed (2AM here)
michont said:
Every time I've installed the ROM, everything was wiped first, including the install I did earlier today.
I've tried a few other ROMs from here, didn't quite like them (not sure if the one you mentioned is one I tried) so wanted to use the custom default Motorola ROM which I liked. They are rooted and have super user. If you know the link to that ROM you mentioned, I don't mind looking into it. Thanks
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Hope you have already solved this problem. But if you are still facing same issue then this is perfect rom if you want to stay close to stock.
ban.codrut said:
Your described issue seems just the usual "no default phone app selected" , which solution is to just set one. If something else is going on I can't help, I've never encountered other root issues to this (not by experience not by reading). Sorry!
But we could go through this and try troubleshooting.
You are using a custom stock so probably already got root permission.
1) Install logcat or matlog
2) start recording and call your phone right away using a second phone while leaving the screen on
(try upping the screen time to 5 minutes let's say, this way there is no loginfo we are not interested in there beside the call intent)
3) After that, hangup and stop recording the log then share a link to the file here (file ! Don't paste in pls)
Let's hope there is a debug warning or error which will tell us what's actually going on!
On the other side of thing, you do have a XT1575 right ? Or you are using XT1575 Ron on XT1572 ? Not a biggie but quit relevant for modem file!
In the morning I'll give it a look, now I'm heading to bed (2AM here)
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Thanks, just got home from work myself. I am using the XT1575. The default phone app is chosen. I'll see what I can
do about the logging suggestions you mentioned. I may not get to that today as I have a few things to do before
heading into work.
azzammalik said:
Hope you have already solved this problem. But if you are still facing same issue then this is perfect rom if you want to stay close to stock.
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Thank you, I'll download now.
Thanks for the assist all of you. I decided to install the TruPureXMM-2.9 ROM and so far I'm liking it. It has a few quirks but the dialer works
from the get go which is the main thing. Those ROMs from the other Moto style installs must have something inherently wrong designed
in them not to work right from the start.
